#solo stans
keeperoftinyarmy · 1 year
I’m about to cleanse my SM because apparently I follow a whole lot of JM solos.
People wishing for Jimin to leave Hybe. Are they for real? He’s not leaving. He loves Bangtan and they have really good contracts. What other company would be better for him?
Then the people calling JK an obsessed copycat and wanting him away from Jimin. Just wow. As if Jimin wouldn’t have spoken up if he didn’t like that Seven styling looked so much like Face. As if JK and Jimin aren’t close and talking all the time about their work. Logically speaking they probably planned for a tie between their projects…it’s too much to be lazy styling or coincidence.
In no way would Jimin be happy that people are trashing JK or trying to sabotage his debut in his name. Jimin would never ever want that. It’s not some shipper fantasy that Jimin is in NYC. Jikook are bonded and support each other. Tearing down Kookie is like the worst way to show your love for Jimin.
I’m Jimin biased and wished for more Jimin hype/promotion in the US as well. I’m disappointed but I’ve always thought …when all the solos were announced…was that JK would be the one they’d try to make their golden ticket. It makes the most sense from a business standpoint…the lead singer…sellout king…arguably the most popular member and he sounds great singing in English. That’s a stockholders dream.
So if regular me sitting in the US thought of that…then you know the members did…and agreed with it. Jungkook has tons of mass appeal. And Hybe wants to create music for the masses. Jimin who is quite popular in his own right, threw them a curveball with the global success of his album. (Especially since Jimin mainly did promos in Korea…world domination wasn’t the plan for him. And I strongly believe he was aware of the plan.) Jungkook is their weapon they planned to use to push further into the west. I’m sure it was all plotted out and Jimin wasn’t supposed to be the one vying to be a US household name…they couldn’t have him “beat JK to the punch”. It sucks but it’s business.
And Jungkook doesn’t do things he doesn’t want to do, so he’s up for this challenge. If it’s true his album will be all English…then again I firmly believe he wants to do it. (And doing an English album is not selling out…they’ve done all Japanese albums…it’s no different imo)
I personally love Seven. It’s Jungkook’s child star breakout moment. He’s showing the world he’s grown now and I’m glad he did it. And beyond that the song is a great dance song that follows in the age old tradition of boy band singers getting raw in their solos (maybe I’ll do a post on that later).
I’m fully supporting JK…like I did for all the members. They all deserve success.
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akookminsupporter · 3 months
Four years in the fandom and almost the same amount of time with this blog have taught me to identify Solos or haters pretending to be fans of the group or a particular member, so don’t waste your time. What you think is ‘constructive criticism’ or your opinion is obviously just hate and envy. so again, don’t waste my time.
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pokerface-9597 · 6 months
Quick question and bare in mind I myself, I am also shipper a die hard jikook shipper since 2016.
But I have a question why do jikookers hate pjms so much and describe them like some sort of villains when they are just a dedicated group of people who go hard for jimin. Like right now they are the ones carrying jimin on charts on the US. So why are they hated so much because every post I've seen from a fellow jikooker about pjms is just how horrible they are.
But the same energy is not returned to jjks. Who are constantly throwing jimin under the bus picking on him and dragging him. I'm not saying pjms are innocent and they don't drag jungkook but 90% of the time jjks are the ones that start any type of nonsense and pjms just be giving the same energy back.
So why is it that pjms are the hated ones. It's okay to say you don't like solos but why are you deluding yourself into believing that solos are useless when pjms are carrying jimin's streams right now like it or not they are the ones carrying jimin right and have been carrying him since the second chapter began.
Again why are pjms hated by most of us jikookers but not jjks is it because you guys are also jjks at heart because a lot of y'all are jungkook biased so it wouldn't be surprising.
But I'm not insinuating anything I'm just asking because this has been something I've been asking myself for a very long and has been afraid to voice it out because I don't want to be dragged or anything. But can someone balance me real quick
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bpp im a different anon, but i have some major follow up asks pls. im seeing a lot of narratives and im confused. what do you say to the view that jimin is the most successful soloist in bts and taekook's popularity mainly because of their shippers and visuals not their ability as musicians. it seems true when you see jimin's songs are most streamed. jimin's songs are always most successful, he focuses on music while taekook get clout for their looks mostly. people also join the fandom for jimin. he's the biggest stan attractor. i think big hit is marketing bts using jimin to push other members. people notice jimin first then look at other bts members. jungkook is most favored promoted in bts even though jimin is more talented in things like dancing based on critics reviews. you can't deny it. in addition the other anon you didn't address their point about the weverse article bpp. i would really love to see your reply to why big hit discredits jimin's success in weverse. i want to support jikook fully but my heart bleeds for jimin. im ot7 and love all seven members but it's so clear the company doesn't give him the marketing and support he deserves while they give other members everything.
Ask 2: bpp sorry i forgot to add the way jimin attracts people and men highly. his androgenous look is power. he has real star power and shocked everybody with his billboard win using a korean song!! jimin has the air of royalty so he attracts high end brands, jungkook is like boy next door so big hit market him to common brands like calvin klein. its not wrong to say it. my question is, why doesnt jimin push himself? why does he just accept the mistreatment? he said so many things in his album and now it just feels empty? its like he doesn't want to be a solo star. does big hit not see the power and support he has? does jimin not see it? should we be louder as jimin fans? the way taekook fans are loud? why does the fandom not support them equally? im so confused bpp.
Sigh. Y'all, that fandom implosion I keep talking about? It's coming.
Anyone who thinks Jimin fans aren't 'loud', hasn't been to Korea, was probably in a coma when Jimin got #1 on the Billboard Hot100, or probably just doesn't have a Twitter account.
You know, I've known for a while that the closer we get to Jungkook and Taehyung's solo debuts, the more I'll see asks like this in my inbox.
I'm in a shipping space after all, and everyone knows many shippers think like solo stans of their chosen duo. It just can't be helped. It's inevitable because being extremely biased on one member or pairing, you're bound to develop a peculiar type of tunnel vision. It's why shipping spaces get so toxic so quickly - shippers are only one logical argument removed from solo stans and so often occupy spaces directly adjacent to solo stan spaces. In my opinion.
I mean, it's literally FESTA. BTS's 10th year anniversary, but because of the fights, arguments, and narratives happening in akgae spaces for the last couple of days, my inbox has seen about 5 asks about how Jimin is hated by HYBE, how Jungkook is a special golden goose at the expense of Jimin, how everyone in BTS leeches off Jimin, and how he's actually the most successful and most talented, la di la di la da... just in the last 24 hours or so.
In a way, I don't mind it because I know where it comes from. If you're in a space where you see someone you love constantly dehumanized, slutshamed, all his achievements ridiculed and made to seem bought and worthless, people already anticipating his records broken by the next solo release when you feel his solo debut was inadequate, etc, it's not hard to see how the kneejerk reaction to this is to magnify what you believe to be his worth. It's true also that Jimin has faced specific handicaps not seen for other members, deals with a potent mix of prejudices, and is exceptionally talented in performing, acting, and the way he expresses music in dance and vocal tone. He stands out and many people get into BTS because of him.
The thing is, in a group like BTS, it's impossible to do this without disrespecting and putting down the other members, because they are all very talented and are excellent performers, have all made sacrifices and compromises for the team - most of which we'll never know, and have all contributed equally to the success that is BTS.
If you're actually paying attention to all seven members, to what they say to and about each other and their team, this would be obvious. For another Anon who saw D-DAY concerts and asked me if BTS concerts is how you become OT7. I never answered that question, but Anon if you're reading this, the answer is no. The way you become OT7 is actually listening to what they say, putting aside your preconceived notions about what a band should look like (the breakout star and frontman model), and keeping your eyes open and your wits about you.
Just as I said in my post on Jimin's contributions to BTS about how people who downplay him think about 'contribution' in a very narrow way that's centered on what resonates most with them, so too is this view applied to other members' contributions to the team that don't center on dancing, singing, and acts of kindness or sacrifice captured on camera.
Obviously. Well, in my opinion at least.
Also, the comments about Jungkook in this ask frankly make my skin crawl.
I'm not surprised to see it, but I find it no less gross all the same. Then there's the way I'm seeing yet again how Jimin's stans simply do not rate this man. Like, yes Jimin's FACE promo was rushed, but it's clear the man has been working since then? In what world does it look like the sentiments he communicated in Set Me Free Pt 2 feel empty? Because he's not on a tour? Angel Pt 1 is out and Pt 2 is OTW, and he's clearly still working on his projects (as is Namjoon btw) which will come later this year, but I suppose these don't count for you.
It's kinda weird to leave a space where rapline akgaes grumble about how Namgiseok all got less than 10 seconds each on Take Two - a song they wrote, how they've been getting less and less lines in BTS's songs in recent years, how the company pushes the maknae line even though people got into BTS for how good the music, production, songwriting is and blah blah blah.
Then log on here and have the plain surreal experience to see anyone say Tae and JK are popular more because of their ship and are somehow less musicians than Jimin. Like, 'Still With You' Jungkook and 'constantly coming online to share the song I made and deleted' Taehyung aren't musicians? It sounds just as ridiculous as when I hear taekookers say Jimin is mostly popular because of jikook. This is just not a claim that makes sense any way you look at it.
But again, that's just what solo stans do. They genuinely believe their chosen member is simply better than everyone else, and that his company and his team are the reason that member isn't seeing success the way solo stans envision it. They make their lists and have their reasons. And for a lot of groups, that view is actually very true. But for BTS, they simply would not have reached the levels they have, if this were true for them. There's too many eyes on them, their fans too involved, and the members too outspoken, to allow themselves be taken for a ride for 10 bloody years. In Chapter 2 it's expected that different members will see various levels of success for various reasons. One reason I say an implosion is coming, because many of those reasons have become interwoven and tainted with the narratives I listed above. The impulse to root for our favourites is very human, and few things propel people better than a sense of injustice or slight, and so it's easy to see how many will latch onto these narratives in Chapter 2, regardless of what the facts actually are.
Anyway, I've rambled. Neither of us have all the information on what BigHit has done or is doing, nor what the boys' plans are. The only people who know are the members, and so I mind my business, respect their choices, and do what I like.
And Anon, you're right I didn't address the Weverse article in my initial reply. I actually reached out to that 'Anon' right after with a reply, and will copy-paste what I told her, here:
"I just realized I forgot to respond to the point you made about the Weverse article and Jimin. It was written by a well know music critic in Korea, sometimes Weverse articles are written by critics or media commentators well known in Korea, I suspect to drive up local readership. Having writers who don’t always have a glowing opinion on Hybe and its artists, also give the impression the magazine is more credible (though I think this is nonsense). That Weverse article is actually something I reported to the company. Less because of Jimin to be fair, and more because the article was racist. The racist/tone-deaf sentiments in the article are unfortunately common in Korea and I’ve seen it first hand, but Hybe is a global company and has to develop the racial sensitivity that meets basic international norms. IMO. And so I wrote a brief email and left it at that."
I could talk more about the parallel between the racist Weverse article and what it shows for HYBE's corporate structure relative to what the members actually do, believe, impact, or say, but I've rambled and I'm tired. I hope most of what I said made sense to you Anon. Chances are I'll ignore any follow up asks because nobody really changes their mind on the internet, and I've got a backlog of asks to respond to.
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i keep telling myself to quit checking up on KM spaces cause there’s literally nothing but bickering and going out of the way to find things to be mad at but I keep ending up coming back 😓 it’s so hard, I still think about them a lot and I generally enjoy doing so! They make me happy to think about, genuinely. it’s been a force of habit for so long but the vibe with no new content (I try and avoid military updates but they waft into my view every so often and I’m glad they seem to be doing ok at least) is just so nasty it’s just like can’t everyone just relax and be happy knowing they’re together??? Obviously I am the problem here and I need to stop but it’s a struggle….do I need to just go completely cold turkey on bangtan? 😂 is that what you did when you took a long break? It’s not like I don’t have hobbies and a job and stuff, but for a long time they’ve occupied a special nice place where I just think of them and generally enjoy reading people’s thoughts about them, but over the past year especially w the solo stuff it’s just gotten kinda rancid
Hello, anon
I understand you completely. If something has become part of your daily routine, on top of other activities and interests, it's normal to get the urge to check up on it. Cold turkey might not help because it increases the chances of going back to it. I'm going through the same thing nowadays. I'm aware that right now, there's barely any point in keeping up with that part of my interests online. KM have enlisted and despite seeing some military updates, I'm not excitedly/anxiously looking forward to it. Like you, I think it's nice to see that they appear fine, but personally I could live without those updates as well. Consequently, I barely discuss it even on my blog, I don't find it necessary.
Most likely, the upcoming show will be the only relevant content that makes me still keep an eye on them right now and that's because the announcement might drop at any time. By not knowing exactly when, it's enough to keep at least a part of the fandom waiting and participating online. Not a bad strategy, but a frustrating one for us.
Likewise, by still checking up tumblr/twitter, I'm also exposing myself to daily fights, endless debates on relationship dynamics and so on. I find it pointless and I'd say a sign of boredom if this wasn't the modus operandi of the fandom anyway.
I made a vague comment recently, but it is terribly annoying having to read left and right troll anons baiting bloggers who then are bringing receipts to demonstrate that KM are close. Really? We're still doing that in 2024? People are talking in circles to demonstrate something that doesn't need more proving. Twitter is worse because they fight like idiots under the guise of defending. The knights in shining armour fighting for the princesses.
As to solo stans, I don't have an issue with the idea of only liking an artist and that's it. If only that would be the full definition. Anyone acting like not only a fanatic, but writing like some miserable 4chan user is someone I really can't stand. It's slowly becoming standard stan behavior and I see this in other fandoms as well, including those of western artists. It's nasty and embarassing.
When I took a break, I unfollowed almost all KM and JM focused accounts. The ones remaining I muted so I had to go to my following list and check each individually if I wanted to see what was up. My point was to not have any of that on my timeline. I think it worked for a while. Now I'm back to how it was before and I don't know how that happened. I should make some changes again.
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Stuff like this truly upsets me and gets me going because why the hell would you feel the need to compare two people?!?!!
How does Jungkook’s amazing achievement tarnish or harms Jimin’s amazing achievement?!?! If you feel the need to compare two people who are not even competing against each other then you have some deep rooted insecurities that YOU need to deal with.
This is just sad and pathetic, get some help, for everyone’s sake. Please.
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
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jimin doesnt deserve this, he doesnt deserve this at all, im so fucking tired of all the relentless hate towards him when he hasnt even done anything wrong.
solos are fucking disgusting, yk i tried to give these bitches a chance but it really looks like theres no "good solos" yall are all miserable antis and i hope you know wtv member that you're solo stanning would choose armys and the other members over your dumb ass.
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I have a personal conflkct with solo stans, mostly of them directly or indirectly are akgae or act like akgae, some of them are elitis who pretends to be superior over other members, some of them are too focus on numbers and use it as a way to menospreciate other member succes and others live to compare every single promotion, results and reaction.
It's just so annoying.
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irishhorse-blog · 2 years
I made the mistake of taking a quick look at the bird app. What a hateful cesspool of a place.
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rafesbbyy · 10 months
Not all solo stans hate the other members. Most solos just love one member and his music and they don't care about others. And this is their right lol
Idk how long you've been into Kpop, but most solo stans are toxic 😭 Like there's no changing that. But, I do understand people who only like certain members of some groups and are completely respectful to the rest. There are kpop groups in which I'm only into one member, but I also don't hate the rest. That's a different kind of solo stan, unfortunately, most solo stans are toxic and do not respect the full group.
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jeonginshaelmoni · 1 year
No Shit Sherlock
I saw a Haechan- solo Stan on YouTube just now. This comment is from four months ago.
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This makes me so mad and if you happen to be a any member solo Stan get off this blog right now. I'm serious.
Any submissions sent to argue against this post will be deleted. I will respond if it's a compliment to 7Dream. But if you're a solo Stan, for example, I will delete the inbox.
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akookminsupporter · 3 months
I decided to read the comments on the post BigHit made on Instagram about Jimin and Jungkook's show, and can someone explain to me why I read a comment from what I understand to be a solo stan, asking why no one is upset that one of “our favs” announced a project in the middle of album promotions and… now I wonder, is being dumb a prerequisite for being a solo stan? Also, the subgroup live in denial, but it’s quite severe. And the fear, because it is fear, that many have about Jikook and what they might do says a lot, even if they don’t realise it.
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hyunjining · 23 days
skz loves to clown on each other but as soon as it’s time to say something heartfelt about their members they pull out the sappiest lines you’ve ever heard…. and that’s on true friendship
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I've noticed that PJMs REALLY hate jikook and jkkrs, I've literally even seen some of them parrot taekook narratives and rhetoric about Jungkook not liking Jimin and such (which is crazy to me, why would they ever believe anything tkkrs of all people have to say about something related to JM!). Even though JJK1 was just announced, I've seen a whole portion of them raging about jkkrs suddenly today. They're also saying most of them are JK biased, but I'm pretty confident the majority of jkkrs are JM biased actually, and I thought that was well known. Do you think there's a specific reason it's like this? I feel like a lot of KTHs and JJKs are tkkrs, or at least have gotten along with them. But it's definitely not the same with PJMs and jkkrs.
Hi Anon,
Just as a general rule, I'm incapable of taking solo stans of any member seriously. There are some groups in k-pop where it makes sense to be a solo stan. But for a group like BTS, to be a solo stan is an automatic failed IQ and EQ test, in my opinion. And PJMs are no exception.
So, I kinda don't want to waste any time on this ask given the subject is PJMs / solo stans, but you sent this ask a while ago and I'm in a mood... I'll take a gander at it.
Why do PJMs hate Jungkook, jikook, and jokers?
The self-inserts who recognize that Jungkook is a real and constant presence in Jimin's life, and likely will always be. Jungkook is a person who many times occupies the space many imagine a spouse or significant other would take with Jimin. A lot of people in the fandom see this, including PJMs, and for the solo stans who love Jimin a little too much, Jungkook's very existence is a thorn in their side.
The psychos with zero sense of boundaries who have deluded themselves into thinking they get a say in determining what is best for Jimin. Some PJMs don't think Jungkook is a good friend to Jimin, much less a good spouse/partner. They find him inadequate of being paired with their god, Jimin, by their personal arbitrary standards. JK doesn't shower Jimin with enough attention, affection, deference, reverence, etc, by their own standards. They hold every slight or minor disagreement jikook have ever had, against Jungkook in perpetuity, because how dare he act like a teenage boy talking back to Jimin (or whatever) when he should be glad the mighty Jimin breathed in his direction?
The overprotective mother hens who feel powerless to hold Jimin antis responsible in their stan environments, so they transfer the blame to Jungkook. Some JJKs suffer from the above two mental ailments plaguing PJMs, and are objectively disgusting towards Jimin. Of course none of that is Jungkook's fault, but some PJMs choose to blame him for their behaviour anyway. This faction of solo stans (and shippers) who act like this are so pathetic, I won't waste any more time getting into it.
Jikookers get heat from PJMs because they celebrate a relationship that most PJMs view through the lens of the above three points. Jokers are automatically bad for wanting Jimin in a relationship that is obviously bad (see above), and what's worse is jokers don't really support Jimin enough (based on the standards set by solo stans...).
Some shippers (and jikookers) are vile fetishizers, and are legitimately hated by anyone with half a working brain, at least, and so like a broken clock that's right twice a day, PJMs sometimes sniff out the jikookers who honestly belong in a jail cell. Here, I say the hate is justified. But again, that's more the exception to the rule.
In terms of bias splits with jikookers, what I've observed is most are double biased with Jimin and Jungkook. Taekookers however swing more fully to being majority Tae-biased, and the fall out from the Taennie reveal more or less confirms that for me. The JJKs who get along with KTHs are able to do that better than with PJMs, because I doubt any of them see Taehyung as real competition to Jungkook. To be blunt. Jimin has always pulled in significant attention for his unusual tone and feather-light vocals, his dancing ability is peerless, and his personality endears him to everyone who comes across BTS. Jimin reigned supreme in Korea and internationally in terms of popularity since debut, and in the last 5 years, has shared this more with Jungkook, and to a lesser degree with Taehyung. With Tae, it's only since 2017 I saw an uptick in his popularity within the fandom and outside it, and his Chinese fanbase since 2018 has been a big reason for this, actively working to match his status with Jimin and Jungkook. But even then, at least in Korea, Jungkook's only real competition in BTS is Jimin, and so his solo stans have a harder time getting along with PJMs, than with KTHs. This isn't something I usually pay attention to because I'm not nearly as sensitive to it as solo stans are, but I've got eyes and can see.
With a group like BTS, there are certain people who are guaranteed to always be angry and/or miserable for as long as the group is active - and yes BTS as a group is still active in Chapter 2. These types of people include homophobes; the mantis who believe they know how to manage BTS better than BigHit; people who don't like ARMY or don't like BTS mentioning ARMY; and solo stans of every variety; among others. Anyone with any of these inclinations is bound to either stop following BTS and k-pop completely, or will end up as a full blown anti who spirals further into degeneracy.
I'd ignore them if I were you, though in Chapter 2 I can understand why this could be difficult to do.
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Idc that jm solos don't like jk that's regular everyone can hate each other and it's none of my business but I do hate their unprompted constant vile hatred but that's because I like seeing their jm stuff and it turns into a landmine wondering if your gonna stumble upon some truly nasty shit in the process jjks are no risk cause they could all die and I wouldn't gaf. Obviously the shit they did the other day is way more serious than what's going on today but that doesn't mean we can't talk about today either pjms looking more mad that jk won something than that jm lost because karmys refused to vote for him and instead of a even somewhat productive conversation the entire thing has been diverted because they'd rather be assholes to jk than advocate for jm. They both could've won there's no need to talk abt jk at all. His solos were never gonna vote for jm jms were never gonna vote for him the entire blame can neatly be placed on armys who any other time everyone loves calling out but the one time it's useful and you can yell I told you so about that army50sum acc they wanna call jk every name in the book
Yes, I completely agree with that. The energy is usually misdirected so many times because they don't look at the situation logically. It's the emotional response there, not the rational part of their brain. Pair that with some deep hate and there you have it.
I also get what you mean about the stan accounts. I can't follow any discourse-oriented pjm account (especially on tumblr) because it is most likely either a landmine or their agenda is clear from the beginning and it's not suitable for me. As for jjks, I don't even go there cause they're crazies. The only way I have the opportunity of reading more in-depth thoughts from both fan perspectives is here on my blog through the questions sent because it allows me to filter them as well.
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superbat-love · 3 months
Officer: So let me get this straight. You two were fighting on the streets because of a…fan war?
Clark: He started it! He was tearing down all my ‘Batman is the #1 Superhero’ banners! As the president of the official Batman fanclub, I had to do something!
Bruce: Your hero is a miserable weirdo who skulks around in caves like a rabid flying rat. How can someone like that be the #1 Superhero? Obviously, it should be a good role model like Superman. Besides, you protested against the final round of the annual popularity poll and tried to get our votes invalidated, didn’t you? This is payback.
Clark: Because it’s rigged! Batman was clearly leading the poll until a million votes for Superman appeared out of nowhere. I bet you bought those votes, you rich crook! And don’t call Batman a weirdo, he’s just misunderstood! He’s a hundred times braver than Superman!
Officer: Listen, gentlemen, can't we resolve this peacefully? After all, these two superheroes are on the same team — the Justice League. You should be showing support for both of them!
Bruce: You’re delusional. The Superman fan events were a massive success nationwide, clearly demonstrating his popularity. Where's your evidence that I was buying votes, Mr Investigative Journalist? Even you can't deny it: Superman, the visual king, inspires the masses more than that ugly, sad excuse of a gargoyle you call a hero.
Clark: Ugly?! [holds up a life size standee of Batman] You call someone with this chiseled jawline and these sculpted pecs ugly?
Bruce: [punches a hole through the standee]
Clark: Ahh! How dare you hit Batman! [lunges at Bruce]
Officer: Hey! Hey! Calm down!
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