#sorry for ranting
You can tell by the reaction people have to Penelope asking Colin to kiss her whether they ever experienced being a wallflower/insecure fat girl at a party or not.
Because you say it's pathetic, I say it's relatable, no matter how desperate it may sound. If you've never had your insecurity eat you up from the inside (but also the outside, as Portia literally told Penelope that she was delusional for thinking she was gonna find a husband in her third season out) to the point you genuinely, wholeheartedly believe no one will ever love you unless you physically change, then obviously the scene is off to you.
But Pen literally told Colin she felt stupid for thinking she's gonna find a husband (she just started believing what the ton and her mother said) and that she knows no one would want to kiss her. And for a romance girl like her, do you think the thought of never having a kiss, never experiencing that passion, would be easy to bear? I can so relate to being the most romantic of the bunch but also being the loneliest and aching for physical and emotional romantic love.
She is so vulnerable and so real in that moment but y'all gotta bitch about it because it doesn't make sense to you. It doesn't make sense to me either because she's gorgeous, but that's the thing - no one ever told her she's gorgeous and actually meant it. And even if they did, there must be 10 more people who didn't that keep that insecurity in her, specifically her sisters and her mother.
Nicola said this one was for the wallflowers, and it truly is, so if you find scenes like this cringe, you just don't relate to the character enough to feel it and recall moments when you had the same thoughts as her.
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jad3-d · 2 months
scara: was seen by ei as too emotional and fragile to be a vessel for a gnosis, couldn’t bring himself to kill kazuha’s great grandfather due to sentiment, didn’t hesitate to erase himself to try and fix his past mistakes, is always seen surrounded by small creatures in his official arts, literally carries a little doll he made himself around as a traveling companion, etc.
a lot of people after this event, for some reason: wtf why is he suddenly being soft?
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endlessfandomverse · 1 year
i hate you ai art i hate people who blindly support it because “funny” i hate people acting like putting a prompt into a machine is the same as the artistic process i hate you ai algorithms that blatantly steal artist work i hate the devaluation of actual artist hhh i hate it
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bonefanatic · 5 months
three of simon's small habits- (no smut, just fluff with a side of military angst)
he loves sleeping on top of you. he doesn't mind when you curl up on or next to him, but his ideal sleeping position is laying on top of you with his head positioned over your heart. it reassures him that you're okay, it also alerts him if you try to move in the middle of the night (it's only a little uncomfortable).
he refuses to let you help with any of his military things. when he gets home, still half geared up, he would much rather you start running some water for him than helping him with it. you rebandaged a injury for him one time, and he almost cried. he wants to keep ghost and everything he's done away from you.
he is constantly following you when you're together, whether it be out in public or at home. in public, he stands behind you while you browse or push the buggy, occasionally playing with your hair or tugging on your belt loop when he spots something you're looking for. he stands directly behind you, never leaving. he's watching your back, even if it's subconscious half the time. he won't leave you, either. you learn that quickly. he stands diligently outside the restroom, but that's as far as he lets you get. at home, he's slightly more lax. he'll stay in the room with you and he prefers to be close, but he understands that sometimes you need space. it's a similar rule still, you don't get far. need to shower? awesome, he'll sit on the lid of the toilet and read or just listen to you hum. you also have to do this for him, but it isn't as awful as it sounds.
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kingofwinter283 · 1 year
i actually hate talisa maegyr. i think her whole plot with robb was so stupid. like in the books robb’s marriage with jeyne is this tragic situation that’s really a culmination of the stress and grief that robb has been going through and unable to truly process because he is a child trying to lead his people in a war. he gets injured and then learns that his former best friend has just betrayed him, captured his home, and killed both of his younger brothers which adds to growing list of loss in his life. his father got executed, his sisters are being held hostage, his best friend betrayed him, and now his brothers are dead. so while he’s injured and kind of being consumed by his grief, jeyne westerling is there to comfort him and they do the deed and this only makes things worse because of how robb was raised and instilled with his father’s honor, as well as seeing how jon was raised, robb feels compelled to marry jeyne to preserve HER honor which ends up being his downfall. but nooooo in the show robb falls in love with foreign beauty talisa maegyr and dies because he’s an idiot and couldn’t keep it in his pants. like don’t get me wrong i love robb’s scenes in the show richard madden call me i just think the story could have been so much better and been true to the tragedy that it is in the books.
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moeitsu · 26 days
Can minors please stop making jokes like:
"I'm younger than Hugh Jackman's kids but I'd still let him…"
"Too young to drive, but I'd ride Hugh anytime."
"I can be his controversial younger girlfriend."
Seriously, this shit isn't funny. It's cringey and more than that, it's incredibly problematic.
The sexual innuendos never seem to end. While Tumblr isn't as flooded with this stuff, Twitter and TikTok are out of control. These jokes aren't just disrespectful—they're wildly inappropriate and perpetuate a culture that blurs boundaries.
If you're a minor, and you're out here making jokes about having sex with someone more than twice your age, you are a problem.
We saw this happen last year with Pedro Pascal when The Last of Us blew up. Everyone was obsessed with him, but alongside the admiration came this tidal wave of minors making sexually explicit comments about him left and right. It wasn't just one or two offhand remarks—it was everywhere.
Look, I’m not saying you can’t be attracted to these actors. I get it. When I was younger, I had crushes on older men too. But there’s a big difference between having a crush and publicly posting sexual fantasies about a real person being intimate with a minor. Those fantasies cross into dangerous territory.
This isn’t about being a prude or policing thoughts. It's about understanding the impact of what you say online. When you make jokes like these, you’re not being “edgy” or “funny”—you’re contributing to a toxic culture that dismisses the serious issue of age-appropriate boundaries.
Would you seriously say this shit in front of Hugh? Do you really think he would find it funny?
The answer is no, and you shouldn’t say it at all. Respect the people you admire and have some respect for yourself, enough not to engage in this kind of behavior.
We can do better, and we should do better.
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fellshish · 4 months
A bad writing teacher can really mess you up even if you know they’re wrong
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assiraphales · 1 year
I think one of the reasons I’ve taken a more hands off approach to being in the good omens fandom is because I genuinely can’t stand a large majority of the discourse. and I love discourse! but so much of it is based on fanon evidence, not canon evidence, and some of it is so borderline entitled. ‘it’s not enough!!!! azira and crowley kissing isn’t enough!!!!’ sorry two canonically non-binary entities being in canonical love isn’t good enough? ‘aziraphale was acting ooc!!!! why did he choose heaven’ I am sorry u don’t have enough media literacy to see the provided evidence where he’s clearly weighed down by THOUSANDS of years of religious devotion and trauma. ‘crowley is a little meow meow who did nothing wrong’ babe look me in the eyes. he’s at fault too. azira and crowley have a messy relationship riddled with miscommunication. one attempt at sharing his feelings doesn’t fix that. ‘it’s to angsty!! they should have ended up together’ for the love of god it’s a three part arc. of course there’s going to be angst. this isn’t a fanfic. stop acting like it’s a fanfic!!
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atypeofherb9922 · 2 months
What’s with all the Sam hate? She’s only human, of course she’s made some bad decisions, just like the rest of them have. Why are people blaming her for Yasmine crashing into Johnny’s car? People say she’s the worst because she’s entitled, and at the beginning, she was a little bit, but as the series has gone on, she’s become her own person, just like everyone else who has ever been a teenager, Becasue everyone learns and grows. Yes, she hung out with Yasmine and Moon, who were kind of jerks when the show started, but they changed, and she changed, and the entire show is literally about people changing. I mean honestly, I seen people saying that Eli breaking Demetri’s arm wasn’t wrong, and then hating on Sam for being mad about Johnny and Daniel fighting after the Twitter rant, like what? What Eli did was wrong, and he knew that, and apologized, and probably did a lot of apologizing off screen, and Sam ended up apologizing to Tory for what she had done, and Tory did the same, yet people still hate Sam. I mean, she is very rich, and she does get a lot of what she wants, but some of the things that people hate on her for wanting, is just simple human necessities, like needing to take break from everything. The funny thing about it is that I’ve never seen anyone call Anthony entitled, I’m aware that he’s a minor character for quite a few seasons, but he was bossing around Daniel and Amanda for a couple episodes in the first season, and doing things like using Daniel’s money for stuff, but no one ever says he’s entitled, in fact when someone pointed it out, the people hating on Sam were just like, “Oh, well he’s a boy! That stuff doesn’t matter!”, and that’s stupid. Sam is a teenager, teenagers make mistakes, don’t hate on Sam, she doesn’t deserve hate, honestly everyone in Cobra Kai makes stupid, insane decisions that are so human, and natural, and it seems real.
And on the note of hating…
Why does everyone hate Demetri?
But also I would like to state that I don’t really really hate anyone in Cobra Kai except for Kreese, and Silver, and sometimes they are kind of cool, every character annoys me and does stuff that is just a bad idea, but I still like them all.
Anyways, goodnight, I need to go to bed, thanks for listening to my soapbox rant
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smolldust · 1 month
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something that will always piss me off is the like to reblog ratio on art posts. Like I’ll spend hours on a piece and it barely gets any reblogs in comparison to the likes. I just made an art post and it has 100 more likes that reblogs.
This is also about art that isn’t mine. I’ll see a beautiful piece of art and it’ll have like 23 reblogs and 312 likes or somethin. This is stupid
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kissthebridee · 3 months
if i ever stop talking abt this movie just know im either dead or have been hacked because oh my god. genuinely the most gorgeous movie ive ever seen.
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thekiteman · 8 months
I will never forgive writers, for what they did to him.
He deserves so much better
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He could’ve been such a great character, making him Mutagen Man was the worst decision ever.
I would’ve love to see him develop. But no they turned him into Mutagen Man, then froze his ass, and didn’t do anything with him ever again
(I haven’t finished all of 2012 even though I have the entire series)
Maybe they did do something with him, but I highly doubt it, as much as I love 2012 tmnt. they’re very guilty of having characters that you think will be more important, but they never use them.
(Cough, cough April’s mom)
Also, would’ve love to see him and Donnie become friends. because I think their friendship could’ve been fun to see.
I really loved timothy. Too bad they never unfroze his ass
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 6 months
I really want to address some shit that’s been on my mind recently. (This could be applicable to all fandoms but I’ll be taking specifically about the aftg fandom)
I really don’t like how some of you talk to people regarding shipping. Like I get not liking a ship. I myself can’t stand Andrew and Neil being shipped with Kevin. i always pictured Neil and Kevin having like a sibling dynamic and maybe Andrew thinking Kevin’s hot but nothing ever comes from it. Now I know I don’t enjoy content that contains this ship. So what do I do, I IGNORE IT. Rather than harass people for enjoying something I’m not a fan of (like some people) I just don’t interact. It’s not hard to scroll past something if you don’t like it.
I’ve seen so much shit discrediting and shit talking people who just don’t share your opinion. Like with ReneexJean, bro from the text we have it’s basically canon. Why are some people (cough cough jerjean shippers cough cough) just dismissing it so hard. Like just say you would rather read about two male characters WHO HAVEN’T TALKED EVEN ONCE ON PAGE then the border line canon straight ship. (Ik ik but tsc hasn’t been released yet im only talking about what we currently have canon wise)
No hate to jerjean I’m just using it to make a point. But I could also bring up the stuff with Thea and Kevin. They are canonically together. If you don’t like it FUCKING IGNORE IT. You don’t have to shit talk Thea because you don’t want her with Kevin. You don’t have to harass people who ship her and kevin. You can just scroll past it.
Idk why people feel the need to make everything about them but Holly shit I’m so tired of people not understanding the concept of not being an asshole over fictional people.
Don’t even get me started on how some of yall talk about Nora. Like bitch. SHES THE GOD DAMB AUTHOR. She could write anything about her characters and it doesn’t matter how much you bitch or moan that shits canon. Ignore it if you hate it that much but don’t harass her or talk down to her for literally giving us more information about the characters we love.
Some of yall are just so entitled and it makes me want to rip my hair out.
Anyway :b here’s some silly Kevin art I did in class<3
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rotgruenweiss · 4 months
i'm in denial when it comes to logan not being on the grid anymore next year, because if he isn't there anymore, i'm losing my only reason why i follow that sport.
it's weird but like f1 doesn't really excite me anymore. i mean monaco was a sick race, but almost all of the others were rather boring. and logan is like the only reason i watch because i still got hope that he'll have a good race and get points and secure his place in f1 and if thats gone, there's nothing left.
yeah, its exciting that lewis is going to ferrari next year and the possibility of kimi antonelli and ollie moving up, but it's not the same.
i already lost mick in 2022 and was lucky to fall for logan but i don't want this to repeat itself :(
rant over.
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ameiniateria · 8 months
consistently I'm a little annoyed about the rift between c!Tommy and c!Dream fans in this fandom. like I like your guy too! I think he's great! actually, I think our guys have a lot in common! I'd love to see your take on this really messy, complicated relationship!
oh wait you think c!Dream is a pure evil, completely heartless villain that exists to do nothing but torment c!Tommy, who is of course a sweet innocent uwu baby who did absolutely nothing wrong, and therefore deserves to be murdered twice, imprisoned, isolated, starved, and tortured with no control over his own autonomy (but prison was actually way better than exile, which was the worst thing that ever happened to anyone on the dsmp. obviously. because c!Tommy tried to kill himself. yeah. don't think about c!Dream walking into a wall of lava and burning himself to death multiple times because he was so incredibly desperate for human connection. that was to escape, right? c!Dream couldn't possibly feel real emotions -- that would mean he's a person that -- oh no -- deserves compassion despite the terrible things he did. oh no -- that would make him -- gasp -- a lot like c!Tommy!) and actually he deserved more than that. he was never actually punished. c!Dream always won (citation needed).
also, c!Tommy was a child. do I have to say that again. well, I will anyway. c!Tommy was a child. c!Tommy was a child. c!Tommy was a child.
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
i want to preface this by saying that i know its not anyone else's responsibility to cater to my needs, and i dont want to sound selfish, but i just wish people would use the tagging system accurately sometimes.
as yall know ive been obsessed w dc recently but the amount of batcest that appears whenever i search up anything related to the batfam is so.. aaa. i get some people enjoy it but its really not for me, and its so frustrating to see things that are clearly batcest tagged as batfam or just batman in general. especially when its explicit or nsfw content.
ive blocked so many of the batcest ship tags along w the ship itself but people keep tagging things incorrectly or just not tagging them at all. along w this, a lot of it will be clear age gap w one character being a minor while the other is a grown adult (tim and jason, literally any batfam member shipped w damian, etc) and it won't be tagged appropriately either.
i don't want to be rude or offensive or anything like that, it's just something that i've noticed lately that lowkey icks me out. it makes scrolling through the tag very uncomfortable when one minute im looking at cute family fluff and the next im looking at an image of bruce and damian making out. aaaa.
sorry for rambling yall 😭
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