#sun and moon show
ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 day
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"Jonathan...Samantha...Patrick...I'm so sorry..."
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polaris-stuff · 3 days
"Dont worry, I got you."
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old doodle of nexus and dark sun! way back when Nexus was in space
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hazard-c-horror · 19 hours
I'm not sure if anyone else has already asked this, but in your maternity chip AU, would that connection that Eclipse feels with Lunar also feel with Bloodmoon?
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Maternity Chip Eclipse Au
Finding BloodMoon
read right to left
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Things gonna get a bit complicated now that mamas found their child :)
sorry for the very long wait, I had the comic draft sitting there for days oof
but the long awaited Bloodmoon interaction is here, now I shall take a short break
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zampop2 · 3 days
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the reference:
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baa-whatever · 2 days
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Dazzle checking in on Moon and trying to cheer him up.
I think Jack plays games with her at night when she has nightmares or if she's too tired will sit with her and brush her hair and say something nice about her until she falls asleep.
She's doing the same for Moon until he feels better. Or she falls asleep. lol
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basilbots · 2 days
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So I may have gotten carried away rendering that doodle
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eddwardharrison · 2 days
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Pure fanart <3
@astrofhobia @nosleepygay
I keep accidentally procrastinating posting these <\3
(donde está my sanity is a reference to a meme…)
my spanish is VERY bad, i took 3 years to learn it and wasn’t learning it at a good pace. :( i wanted to use my knowledge a lot more while making this, but we learned a lot of nouns and not enough verbs!! It’s very hard to link full sentences together…
rambles above this lovely au because because because uhm
I have/had this deep rooted fascination with different cultures, especially with mexican traditions. Even MORE specifically, Day Of The Dead. I always loved the holiday and it’s given me a lot more to hope for when I decease!! It’s a big comfort thing?? Other than that, I’ve always just been drawn to it through every little thing I learn, and Mitclan is a part of it!! Mictlan is a part of it!! As much as I adore the culture, I am still pretty new to it and I don’t know a whole lot! So I am always willing to be educated!!
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prismsmain · 3 days
New animatic!
saw someone make an animation with this and i also wanted to, so hehe, more solar content :]
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flufffydestroyer · 1 day
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I got the idea that Moon wanted to go to the cemetery to ask them for forgiveness
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clownbastard · 1 day
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The negative star power is eating him up from the inside, but he keeps telling himself that he doesn't care. Oh well.
I'm so crazy about him it's not even funny anymore, he takes like 99% of my thoughts...
Some closeups vvv
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Quick Castor and Pollux doodle before I go to sleep
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 days
Even as an npc in Cult of the lamb he bullies you.
at least Reed/Moon is there to defend me teehee ^^
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On the topic of Eclipse, I also would love to talk about how he works best off of a reward based system.
After the stern conversation he had with Puppet, Eclipse did go ask Moonlight in a nicer manner about reviewing his killcode. It wasn’t until after Moonlight continued to push the situation that Eclipse almost turned and left.
Moonlight wasn’t in the wrong for trying to push for more polite manners from Eclipse. Asking for things like “please” is literally asking for baseline kindness and respect. The problem is, even doing that is a huge thing for Eclipse. And instead of getting a reward out of what he just did, Moonlight asked even more out of it.
Eclipse is very reward-driven. If he does something, he must get something out of it. If he does something and feels he has gained nothing, then there is no point in doing said thing in the first place. Saying “please” did earn him the right to look at Moonlight’s coding, but that reward felt smothered by the fact that, to Moonlight, please wasn’t enough.
It circles right back to Eclipse feeling like he is enough.
It’s kind of like when you do something you feel is a big achievement, something you were finally able to do after a long time of not being able to, and everyone just saying “cool” and moving on. Eclipse feels like he is putting in the effort and no one is seeing it. Even though what he is doing seem like normal everyday things other people just do, they’re huge strides for Eclipse.
Eclipse is getting better, but his progress is being slowed by the people around him. Funnily enough, even by the same people trying to help him. Part of helping someone through their trauma is learning their reward system. Figure out what they view as praise for their efforts, so you can reward them when they have made progress. It’s part of the process currently being overlooked by the others like Puppet. They want him to get better without showing him how proud they are of his effort.
“Puppet tells Eclipse she’s proud of him all the time!” Yes, but that’s not what Eclipse views as a reward. Words are very easily twisted, they have never been something Eclipse can rely on. He also can’t trust people who say they’re going to stick by his side. People have said that several times and betrayed him anyways. He won’t trust it at this point. He needs something solid.
(This is part of the reason why I think he got so easily attached to Earth. Earth is very big on rewarding people for seemingly small things. She makes the effort to actually understand how he feels about something instead of just calling him “difficult” or “stubborn”. He tells her about things he’s achieved and she is genuinely happy for him and interested in learning more. It’s where most other people fail. They invite Eclipse to do things, but it’s never what Eclipse wants. Moonlight was probably the only other one who tired to show interest in what Eclipse wanted to do before that whole relationship fell apart.)
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hazard-c-horror · 2 days
Why are the astrals afraid of Hazard? XD
(I know that they are a "parasite", but they are so scrunkly at times!)
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Don’t know, maybe they just don’t like silly boi :)
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zampop2 · 2 days
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Me to Nex:
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alexandraisyes · 1 day
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Here's something
Oh perfect I needed somewhere to put my dog
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