febfeminism · 2 days
I hate how TRAs claimed the "Gender is a social construct" quote. Gender doesn't exist, BECAUSE biological sex IS the reality. It defines us humans, not some made up genders.
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istg women from my grandmother's generation who do not even have the vocabulary to identify feminism have a better grasp of feminist thought and action than liberal feminists.
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I’m so sick of seeing shit like “terfs get raped” and variations
NObody deserves to be raped for ANY reason
Rape is the ultimate violation and as soon as you excuse raping women based on ideology it opens the door for you to be targeted based on your ideology
There is absolutely no excuse for it and if you believe there is you need to be separated from general society and kept away from women
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meldroiocht · 16 hours
99% of people on here can’t comprehend that different categories are needed for different crimes. Call female on male, male on male or female on female rape, but male on female needs to be classed and seen differently because IT IS fundamentally different. It is the oppressor assaulting the oppressed, there can be a risk of pregnancy and it is a clear sign that such a man is no more than an un-evolved, primitive animal male who views the female as his to take and do as he wishes. Why, I wonder, are majority of rapes by males? Where on earth would they get that idea from huh? Many people like to act like biology doesn’t play a role, but that’s pure naivety. Nature isn’t kind, nature has never been kind to females. Does that mean I’m saying “oh well if it’s biology then they can’t control it”? No, because they are humans, they damn well know the harm and consequences it causes and yet they still revert back to the primitive biological thinking of seeing a female as theirs to use and abuse. Rape by males against females is not inherently the same as other forms of rape.
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baabyydooll · 2 days
My favorite hobby is finding sexist and gross comments written by men who sexualize women/girls then stalk them, find their family members' accounts and tag them under the comments 😋
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desi-india · 2 days
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The belief was that trans women shouldn't be allowed to rape and kill 3 month old girls.
Gendies are really at it, huh.
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tsarinasdreams · 12 hours
Men are just genuinely socialized to be monsters. Unironically. Trying to have even one conversation with a man is a dead end street because he won't engage with YOU or anything you're saying, he'll just yell at the liberal snowflake queer lbgtqlmnopia+ blue haired feminist he's imagining in his head. The entire time he'll interrupt and talk over you because his only goal is to puke out as many quippy one liners and gotchas as possible, all the repetative lines he's heard from other men. They're never interested in legitimate, logical conversation. Their only goal is to "own the snowflake liberalz lolz". It's impossible to have a rational conversatiom because every argument they present is based on such a fundamentally uneducated or shallow view point that to even BEGIN to unpack it you'd have to address their entire world view from the bottom up.
The worst part is that so many of them cling to the most shallow, baseline understanding of any argument without reading or researching the topic at all. They'll just parrot the "gotchas" and most basic arguments that have been addressed a million times and then when you ask, they'll admit they haven't actually read into the topic at all and make a million excuses for that fact.
The entitlement to think they need or deserve to participate in ANY discussion even if they have zero idea what they're talking about is absolutely insane.
I asked a man the other day, after he commented on my post about the bear debate, if he had actually read about the debate at all, because he was repeating talking points that had been addressed a million times (i.e. "not all men" ect.). He admitted he hadn't engaged in it but "didn't feel his opinion was less important" because of that.
Like, ugh.
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bonkykog · 2 days
kOnga’s my name, bananas are my game
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garbagefem · 3 days
i think we allll need to work on moids want to smell my porn
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"wahhh some cis girls were being transphobic and mean to me waahh wahh cis women are the worst" they should have killed you
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gachafem · 27 days
from the abhorrent sex crimes in south korea, to femicide in the united kingdom, to women and girls in afghanistan losing the right to be seen and heard in public. misogyny is the most prevalent form of oppression around the world, yet, is the one that is the least taken seriously by governments and society as a whole.
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i hate male entitlement, i hate male violence, i hate male aggression, i hate male weaponised incompetence, i hate male binary thinking, i hate male militarised thinking, i hate male arrogance, i hate male possessiveness, i hate male behaviour, i hate males but above all i hate the fact that i have to interact with males regularly, even when i make every attempt not to.
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tracritical · 3 months
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meldroiocht · 2 days
Somebody make a group exclusive to actual lesbians who are actual radfems, I’m so fed up of all this “femme/butch” and heteronormative dynamic bullshit.
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edonee · 2 months
"i am a fem-aligned nonbinary person who goes by they/she/he pronouns and i am currently in a queer ethically non-monogamous relationship with my partner :)"
her boyfriend: my name's mike and i hate minorities
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desi-india · 2 days
I'm a cisgender woman, one of my best friends is a trans woman. She has saved my life multiple times. From cisgender men too.
I'll have to ask here, your upper floor in good condition? Are screws tight up there? What rubbish! You. are. vile. Absolute filth your messages are. Don't tell women to die. You don't want blood on your hands, trust me. You told this poor woman to die. You told a child to die. You convinced an anon to die. You are a monster.
You are a misogynist. You are a pure misogynist because you would treat a transgender woman normally as long as she looks pretty. Pure misogyny. What rubbish.
Get on the right path. God doesn't forgive what you are doing. If you aren't religious, then you should know that whatever energy you believe in won't be easy with you if you are hateful. Please.
You should start by stop from telling women, trans women especially, to die. That's a good place to start.
Dare you do it again.
you are a male. no cis woman is thankful to any TIM lmao.
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