hemipenal-system · 2 days
terfs are incredible
> “it doesn’t matter if they consented, you’re a bad person if you get off to causing other people pain”
so you agree? you don’t actually care about consent and you just have moral standards for what people do? you don’t think their consent matters because they’re doing something you personally find gross? that’s what you’re saying there?
damn girl hows the christofascism taste
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nando161mando · 4 months
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This couldn't have happened to more deserving people
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
I need people to stop glorifying the 4B movement in Korea, from a Western (white) perspective. Stop it. If you are blissfully unaware of this (having not been on TikTok) - in theory, it makes sense. No sex with men, no dating men, no child rearing with men, and no marriage with men. But. BUT. Feminists in Korea are problematic AF. I know this from both personal experience (having been on the receiving end of their ire online) and everything I've read about them, in Korean. I see all these white TikTokers (and even some in the Korean diaspora) fawning over how "we" in the US need this and, no. If your feminism is transphobic, hates gay men, hates men in general, that's not the feminism I'd endorse. Why is Korean feminism transphobic? In 2020, Korean feminists ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNED AGAINST a woman who was accepted to Sookmyung University. An all womens' university. But she was a woman, you say. What could be their problem? According to Korean feminists, they didn't want a "man" in their space. Because she is a trans woman. This is not unusual for Korean feminists. Having lived there for 5 years, to some extent, I understand their anger against misogyny. But if you are truly against the toxic patriarchy that exists in Korea, you must also help dismantle military conscription because that is where a lot of men become radicalized, bullied, etc etc and "grow up" to be the most toxic form of men seen on this earth. But Korean feminists don't give AF about that and in fact, I've read a lot of them express that it's good for men to suffer. Guess what? That view is internalized misogyny and toxic patriarchy, too. And I don't want to hear it about the movement being so "young". Korean women have stepped up to the plate before in our history. We are capable of better than this fucking nonsense. It's a bunch of transphobic, gay hating radicals that have hijacked what was supposed to be about social justice. WOMAD (link is to the Wikipedia article, not their site) and Megalia are the two sites they stem from. It is the most toxic group of people I've ever had the displeasure to encounter online. Any form of criticism is, at best, ignored and worst - I've been "called out" for being Korean-American, and therefore, to "butt out" of "Korean issues". Amongst other bullying I've personally received. And yes, not just on forums but on public articles that I've commented on.
I know it's a catchy title and it appeals in theory but please, please do not glorify these transphobes and TERFs. They don't deserve your attention.
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tsarinasdreams · 30 days
The joke about women ruining men's happiness is such a huge projection because men literally go out of their way to shit on everything women love and make women and girls as miserable as possible
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yapoholics-anonymous · 2 months
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lorynna · 2 months
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i personally have only very rarely ever used tampons due to personal preference but I remember how friends used to tell me about how they felt it was making their cramps and overall period worse and i heard women talk about starting to use reusable cloth-pads and other alternatives and how much better it got for them - how their flow got weaker, their overall period got shorter and the pain was less
this is literally insane
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elyradpill · 1 month
a TIM raped a lesbian tiktoker who was his best friend and who's done a lot for the TRA community because she dared say she didn't like dick
That's what all trans "women" are like, MRA's who want to correctively rape lesbians into sucking their porn sticks
Don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise
Don't let them get near you
Don't let them near our woman spaces
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lilithism1848 · 21 days
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scifi0lver · 6 months
I love this so much.
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It really goes to show how the majority of people are incapable of perceiving nuance. You disagree with someone on the left and they’ll start calling you a conservative and vice versa. This ridiculous notion that you have to choose a side and stick to it is devoid of critical thinking. There’s a whole, enormous middle ground full of gray areas and nuance
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"i love gays who aren't ashamed of themselves and who are proud!!" you people start crying when a gay man likes dick and balls or a lesbian woman likes pussy idk what to tell you
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queerism1969 · 1 month
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sandwichsugarbong · 5 months
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These hands are rated E for everyone.
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tsarinasdreams · 26 days
The way men just literally aren't built for leadership and don't actually know how to lead at all.
How many men do you hear complaining that their wife "bombards them the moment they step through the door"? Like they wanted all the glory of being called the "head of the household" but didn't expect to actually have to make decisions. Wouldn't a leader take the initiative and ASK his wife what she needs from him when he gets home?
Or the number of men who get pissed and refuse to give an answer when his wife asks when he'll be home or when he'll be done playing his video games--because she's just a nag, it definitely couldn't be that she literally needs to know so she can plan her night i.e. when to have dinner ready ect.
The just genuine lack of fucking care or respect for women's time or schedules is insane. The fact that they made women reliant on them on purpose only to become agitated and resentful when those women need them to do things.
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"women, if you don't include every group in your struggle against oppression, then you are no better than the men that oppress you" bffr
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lorynna · 2 months
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inevitably you will then think back about the nights you used to lie awake in bed, butterflies in your stomach fantasizing about this new guy you met, that you hardly knew by then, imagining how he *could* be, on all the fun dates you would go, the sweet things he'd say to you and the fancy restaurant you'd visit for dinner.
you'd think about the beautiful dresses you would pick out for the occasion and didn't think you'd have to tell him what to wear or that he would maybe out of laziness just show up with jogging pants. you didn't think about all the times the dishes might pile up in the sink or the random socks lying around or eventually having to scrub off the shit stains he leaves on the toilet because he can't even manage to clean up after himself.
and he might tell you that this is just because he has gotten comfortable with you and this has nothing to do with him taking you for granted but I'm telling you that he just doesn't care.
i am tired of hearing work colleagues and friends talk about what they do for their men and laughing about it because it's so normalized that they don't second guess it. I don't wanna hear about how you have to cut up vegetables so small that you can mix it in his spaghetti sauce so he doesn't notice because he refuses to eat those and otherwise wouldn't get his necessary vitamins, i am tired of them talking about how their men fail to complete daily task and give the mental load to their girlfriends/wives and they try to talk it into something positive like: He just told me to manage his [feel free to insert anything here] and I agreed - like at least i can do it how I want it to be done and don't have to second-check after he completes the task. Like... in some kind of way I feel more relieved because when I do it myself I know it's gonna turn out the way it should! " (weaponized incompetence much?)
please learn to leave men that don't add any value to your life. leave men that refuse to make an effort and put yourself first always and don't look back. you alone are whole as a person and you don't need a partner to complete you. you will be fine. you will be better.
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elyradpill · 2 months
I love being an adult human female
I hate when woke "feminists" ask "but isn't it more reductive to reduce women to their genitalia??" no. You only think that because you hold no respect for the female anatomy.
You think female anatomy is a hole for dick. You're reducing female anatomy to the vagina when it's so much more complex.
That why TIMS can never be women even post-op
You acquire a hole.
None of the other organs and basic functions that go with it.
None of the complex machinerie that goes into making women, women.
That's why even women who can't give birth are still women, they still have the other stuff.
You don't. Cope.
And yes no real lesbian will EVER be attracted to you.
Enjoy your bisexuals really I wish all of you happiness but leave lesbians out of it.
Sincerely, a real female homosexual that loves herself, loves women, and loves her anatomy.
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