#tfp x platonic reader
in1-nutshell · 2 days
Can i Request Tfp Breakdown having a daughter, a youngling who is the opposite of him. She likes to fight, but with swords.
She is the niece of Bulkhead and Wheeljack, and Jackie is her fav uncle. One day, she had to fought with Bulkhead, but because of their story, she spared him. Starscream saw and told Megatron. Megs saw this as traitor behavior and decided to destroy her. BD with the help of his partner KO, the other dad of the kid, managed to get her to autobot territory. They hugged her and told her that everything would be okay. And then she passed out because of KO. The couple called the bots and told them about the situation and agreed to take her in.
(I love the daughters with opposite personality, Ironbolt is currently my Fav 🩷)
Another daughter to add to the list!
I will be figuring out a name for her and putting it on the Buddy name list when I do!
Hope you enjoy!
Breakdown with a daughter with the opposite personality
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Angst, Cybertronian reader
Buddy had known Breakdown since she was a sparkling.
Her parents were good friends with him and Bulkhead, after having worked in the same construction team for a couple of years.
Neither parent was able to stay at home with the sparkling, so she often came to the construction sites.
The bots didn’t mind the new cute face playing in their little play pin away from anything dangerous.
One thing the bots found out was that the sparkling could be incredibly fussy if things weren’t according to plan.
Breakdown looks at a slightly uncomfortable Bulkhead. Breakdown: “Bulk? You, okay? You look like a turbo fox’s gnawing on your pede.” Bulkhead: “I’m okay. It’s just…” Bulkhead motioned behind him. Breakdown looked behind him. Buddy was clutching the sides of her play pin with a glare that would make any bot say sorry. Bulkhead: “It started when I accidentally put her coloring pads in the other corner by her energon formula.” Breakdown: “Wait doesn’t she usually have the pads—” Bulkhead: “On the other side, I know now!” Both mechs look at the sparkling. She was still glaring at them. Breakdown and Bulkhead feel an uncomfortable shiver down their backstruts. Breakdown: “How long has she been staring at you?” Bulkhead: “We’re on hour 2… I don’t know how long she can do this for…”
But the sparkling did have a softer side for her parents and those she deemed worthy of being in her presence.
Nonetheless, the crew loved that little grumpy sparkling.
It was the highlight of their day if they caught a glimpse of the little thing playing with her makeshift toys.
The Accident happened a year before Megatron marched out of the Senate.
There was an explosion inside one of the sites.
It was the one where Buddy and their parents were.
As soon as Breakdown and Bulkhead heard about it, they quickly made their way to the hospital where the patients were recovering.
Buddy’s parents were the closest to the explosion.
Most likely terminated in an instant.
Buddy was lucky enough to make it out with minor scrapes and cuts.
Breakdown was the one who went to get Buddy.
Breakdown enters the room slightly panicked. Breakdown: “Buddy! Buddy are you—” Breakdown stops talking seeing the cherry red framed doctor. The doctor looked at him curiously. Breakdown: “Umm…” Buddy’s helm pops from the doctor’s side. Buddy: “Breakdown!” The sparkling jumps from the med slab and runs straight for Breakdown’s opened arms, burying her face into his chassis. Breakdown sighs in relief. Breakdown: “Thanks for taking care of her.” The doctor huffs. Knockout: “That’s Doctor to you.” He looks a bit more at the mech before smiling. Knockout: “But I guess you can call me Knockout, sweet rims.” Breakdown exe has stopped working.
Buddy didn’t let go of him for a couple of hours, she did go to Bulkhead from time to time, but mainly latched onto Breakdown.
He and Bulkhead step up to the plate to raise Buddy.
Tears up when Buddy starts calling him ‘dad’.
Does pull Buddy aside and tells her about what happened to her actual parents.
Breakdown finishes telling Buddy the story. Buddy looks at him confused. Buddy: “Do you not like it when I call you ‘Dad’?” Breakdown: “Its not that I don’t like it. I don’t deserve that title, Buddy.” Buddy puts her servos on her hips and looks at him with a stern look on her face. Buddy: “I’m still going to call you Dad. You raised me, took me in, and you care for me. If I’m not wrong, isn’t what a parent does?” Breakdown: “Well there’s more stuff but that is the gist.” Buddy: “Then you’re my dad. I don’t care if you’re not biological or that stuff—wait are you crying?” Breakdown with tears in his optics: “N-nope.”
Breakdown is not crying
Nope he is not
Buddy nearly gives Bulkhead whiplash when he hears her call him Uncle.
Breakdown just tells him to go with it.
War breaks out.
The three of them join the Autobot side.
They end up in the Wrecker’s unit.
Breakdown makes it clear to Buddy that she is not going to go out on the field until she is older.
Buddy just nods and helps with the cleaning and restocking.
Something that she is surprisingly good at.
Enter Wheeljack.
Breakdown doesn’t know how his sparkling, a grumpy grump ended up befriending, arguably one of the most chaotic Wrecker’s.
Buddy is running alongside Wheeljack across the base. Breakdown notices Buddy has something in her servos. Breakdown: “Buddy what do you have in your servos?” Buddy, still running raises both her servos displaying twin swords in them. Buddy: “Swords!” Breakdown and Bulkhead start running after her. Breakdown: “Buddy no!” Bulkhead: “Jackie why!?” Wheeljack: “Have you seen her cut things with them? She’s a natural!” Breakdown: “I will break your swords and shove them up your—” Buddy glancing back giving him a quick glare: “Dad! We don’t swear!”
As the war drew on longer, Breakdown started seeing more and more of what the Decepticon’s stood for.
He kept his thoughts to himself until he saw a familiar coat of cherry red sprinting across the battlefield.
He began to see Knockout in secret after that day.
Often asked Bulkhead, Wheeljack or another trusted Wrecker to watch over Buddy.
Buddy was worried about her father’s sudden disappearances, but never voiced it.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack had enough on their plates, so, instead she organized the inventory to get her processor off of things.
The inventory never looked so clean and organized.
Finally, the day came.
Breakdown told her that they both were going to join the Decepticon’s.
Buddy blinks looking at him. Breakdown: “Well, what do you think?” CLANK! Breakdown: "OW! Buddy!” Buddy had thrown a lugnut in between his optics. Buddy stood up looking at him with fury in her optics. Buddy: “Direct me what debris hit you in the helm from the bombing so I can beat it to oblivion for you TO EVEN CONSIDER DEFECTING!” Buddy clenches her servos. Buddy: “What are you even thinking!? No, you’re not!” Breakdown: “Buddy calm down—” Buddy: “You have no RIGHT TO TELL ME TO CALM DOWN AFTER TELLING THIS SCRAP!”
They both tried talking but Buddy was not having it.
Buddy fell asleep angry after that argument… something Breakdown was counting on.
His sparkling was notorious for being a heavy sleeper.
Breakdown ended up taking a sleeping Buddy across enemy lines and asked to join.
Buddy went to sleep an Autobot and woke up with a Decepticon badge on her shoulder.
She hated the Nemesis.
She didn’t talk to Breakdown for a long time after receiving the same work she was doing with the Wrecker’s.
She came around eventually.
It was a slow process, rebuilding their trust, but they made it work.
Meeting Knockout was when everything clicked.
Was part of her angry?
Was part of her understanding?
Also, yes.
Buddy and Knockout are in the medbay waiting for Breakdown to come in. Buddy: “… You really love him, don’t you?” Knockout is a bit surprised from the question but remains composed. Knockout: “He’s the least bad out of the bunch here.” Buddy: “You didn’t answer the question, Doctor.” Knockout: “… I do.” Buddy gives a weary smile. Buddy: “You make him happy… I’m happy that he has someone else, but…” Buddy points both her swords at the doctor. Buddy: “I swear I will hunt you down if you break his spark. You WILL BEG for mercy when I’m through with you.” Breakdown enters as Buddy swiftly puts her swords back, acting like nothing happened. Breakdown: “Hey! Everything okay?” Knockout nods a bit scared from the sudden threat. Buddy smiles: “Just giving Knockout here a talk, nothing much.”
Knockout never thought a youngling would make him feel more nervous than Megatron walking into his medbay.
Speaking of other Decepticon’s, Buddy hated almost every single one of them.
Starscream and Megatron were at the top of her list.
The youngling knew well enough not to make her new superiors angry… but that didn’t stop her from making some inconveniences.
Starscream: “You! Where are the new missiles!” Buddy: “Nothing is new here Starscream.” Starscream: “That is Commander Starscream to you.” Buddy does a mock bow. Buddy: “Well, Commander Starscream, we don’t have anymore right now. You used the last ones trying to offline Megatron again.” Starscream: “I demand you make more!” Buddy gives him a deadpan look. Buddy: “Yes, I’ll do that when I get everything else in the storage rooms fixed.” Starscream: “And how long will that take!” Buddy: “Given you blew up part of it, consider it a ‘long time’ until we get the necessary material to fix the breach.” Starscream threw his servos in the air and stomped away. Buddy smirked a bit looking at the nearby box with said missiles, safely tucked away and out of sight.
Timeskip to Earth…
Buddy recently begun to scout for the Con’s.
She was out with some of the Vechicon’s and Starscream as her ‘supervisor’, but she knew for a fact he was using this as an excuse to complain about Megatron and talk about what a great leader he would be.
Even though there was proof what happened the last time he was left leader.
They get ambushed by the Autobots.
Buddy is deflecting all blasts with her swords.
Eventually she is forced to battle Bulkhead.
She really didn’t want to, but his raised wrecking ball said otherwise.
Buddy sees an opening and manages to knock Bulkhead down, pointing her sword straight at his neckcables. Bulkhead just stares at the sword and then at her. She blinks as her steady servo suddenly starts shaking. Bulkhead: “Well, are you going to do it Con?” She quickly backs off, almost dropping her swords and looks at the ground. Bulkhead, confused gets up not sure what to do. Bulkhead: “Umm… what—” Buddy: “Go.” Bulkhead: “What?” Buddy: “Just go Bulkhead.” Bulkhead just looks at her confused. Buddy: “Are your audials rusty? Go!”
Bulkhead gives one last glance before transforming and racing to the groundbrigde.
Unaware that Starscream had seen the exchange.
Back at the Nemesis…
Starscream immediately goes to Megatron and tells what he had seen.
Now, normal Megatron would have asked Buddy himself for her side of the story given how his Second in Command tended to paint some stories.
Too bad Starscream chose the moment when Megatron had placed more Dark energon in his chassis.
Dark energon Megatron immediately understands this as an act of treason and must be terminated.
He excuses Starscream and calls in Breakdown.
Breakdown comes in a bit nervous but doesn’t show it.
Megatron tells him to take Buddy out of the Nemesis and terminate her for her treason.
Breakdown takes a step back immediately asking why.
Megatron glares at him asking if he wants to join her.
Breakdown just slightly bows and leaves.
Just before Megatron demanded proof when he was done with her.
Breakdown quickly tells the news to Knockout.
Both of them fear for Buddy.
Breakdown wants to break something.
Knockout literally knocks some sense into him saying that that wasn’t going to help Buddy.
Both come up with a plan.
Buddy in the meantime was having inner turmoil.
This had been the first time in years that she had seen Bulkhead.
It brought up too many painful memories.
She snapped out of her thoughts when Breakdown called her asking if she wanted to go out with him and Knockout for a drive.
Buddy a bit surprised agrees.
Breakdown catches Megatron out of the corner of his optic before they enter the groundbridge.
Through the whole drive, they talked about anything and everything.
In it, Buddy confessed to letting Bulkhead go, she couldn’t do him in after all this time.
She quietly asks if they are both disappointed in her.
They tell her no.
That answer was good enough for her.
Buddy did however start to notice that they were entering an area notorious for Autobot sightings.
But it was also Knockout’s favorite place to race.
Best not to think too hard.
They transformed in a slightly wooded area. Buddy looks around. Buddy: “Isn’t this a bit too close to Autobot territory? I get that its nice, but we could get caught—” Breakdown cuts her off by bringing her into a tight hug. Buddy is a bit surprised but hugs back. Buddy: “Hey, is everything okay? You don’t usually do this out in the open.” Breakdown looks at his sparkling, his little one. Breakdown: “I just love ya kid.” Buddy looks a bit flustered and hugs a bit tighter. Buddy: “Love you too Dad.” Breakdown lets out a shaky sigh. Breakdown: “Everything’s going to be okay.” Buddy looks at him confused. Buddy: “What do you mean—AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!”
Knockout used his electric staff, knocking her out cold.
Breakdown just held her limp frame as Knockout grabbed a scalpel and quickly removed it from her shoulder, drawing a bit of energon on the badge.
Enough proof for Megatron.
Breakdown sent out an old Autobot S.O.S while Knockout patched up the bleeding shoulder.
It took a couple of minutes before a groundbrigde came out.
It was Bulkhead and Ratchet.
Bulkhead stood in front of Ratchet and ready to attack Breakdown when he noticed Buddy in his arms.
Bulkhead: “Breakdown? What in the Pits is this.” Breakdown: “Thanks to Buddy having a soft spark, you got away.” Bulkhead: “And?” Breakdown: “Starscream saw it. He reported back to Megatron that she let you go on purpose.” Bulkhead and Ratchet both tensed hearing the Second in Commands name. Breakdown looked down sadly at his youngling. Breakdown: “…Megatron gave me orders to terminate her—” Bulkhead: “Hold up! You called us here to watch you offline your own sparkling!?” Ratchet: “Bulkhead wait, I think he has more to say.” Breakdown: “ Obvoiusly there is no way I’m terminating my own child Bulk.” Ratchet: “See.” Breakdown: “That’s why I’m giving her to you.” Bulkhead and Ratchet: “What?!” Breakdown: “Buddy was never Con material. I should have never taken her to the other side and now termination looming over her helm… she’ll be safer with you Bots.” Bulkhead: “What do you mean taken her? I thought you both—” Breakdown chuckles humorlessly. Breakdown: “The day I told her about going to the Con’s, she tried talking and knocking some sense back into my processor. I took her across the line when she was sleeping, nearly cost my entire relationship with her. Bulkhead, this is my last chance to make it up to her, give her a fighting chance to live for a cause she can fight for.” Ratchet looks angrily at the Ex-Wrecker. Bulkhead is quiet for a couple of seconds. Bulkhead: “…Pass her over.” Breakdown hesitates a bit before gently placing Buddy into Bulkhead’s arms. Breakdown nods at the two bots before turning to Knockout and start to head out. Bulkhead: “Breakdown.” Breakdown stops. Breakdown: “Yeah?” Bulkhead: “Anything else I should know about her?” Breakdown: “She’s still the same grump Bulkhead… but do watch out for her swords.” With that Breakdown and Knockout transformed and raced out of the area.
Breakdown refused to look back, because if he did, he wouldn’t be able to go back to the Nemesis.
This was for the best.
Ratchet was making sure the wound on Buddy’s shoulder was properly addressed while Bulkhead looked closely at the youngling in his arms.
She wasn’t the little sparkling he remembered chasing Wheeljack around with her swords.
Buddy had grown.
She had hit a grow spurt during her time with the cons, easily a helm shorter than him.
As the three bots walked into the groundbrigde, Bulkhead was thinking on a way to explain this situation to the rest of the team.
…This was going to be fun…
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cyberrose2001 · 1 month
Hi! Sorry if this has been done before (in that case ignore lol), but can you plz do TFA or TFP Prime and Ratchet reacting to Gen Z slang? Tysm!
TFP Prime and Ratchet react to reader using Gen Z slang
oh man this was a joy to write. thank you for requesting and i hope that i don't come off as too cringe
Warnings: Small mention of alcohol (high-grade), human reader, sfw
Word count: 475
"Man, doesn't Megatron just give you the ick?"
The two oldest mechs of Team Prime pause their intellectual conversation and turn to you, both staring perplexedly at you.
Casually leaning against the rail with your head resting on a hand, you stare back at them with a shit-eating grin on your face.
"It's giving... delulu with a side of obsessed."
"I beg your pardon?" Ratchet tilts his helm at you. Optimus follows suit, raising an eyebrow at your sudden commentary.
"Kind of cringe if you think about it," Your smile only widens, "Like bro, it's been millions of years; give it a rest and take the L."
The two mechs glance at each other in silent telepathic communication, hoping that the other has even the slimmest idea of what those words mean. Ick? Cringe? Take the L?
The flabergasted look on their faces as they turn to look at you causes a supressed laugh to catch at your throat.
"What the frag does that mean?" Ratchet pinches his optic ridge, clearly annoyed that he's even choosing to entertain you, "Why should Megatron be handed a letter of the english alphabet?"
"I believe it is what the kids call..." Optimus flicks his optics over to your concerningly reddened face, "Humour."
You're so close to loosing the plot it's not even funny. If you we're to try and explain, you would surley keel over and die before even muttering a word. Keeping your swave and casual stance against the rail, you make eye contact with Optimus.
"Periodt." You let a titter slip your lips when you hear the loud, maniacle laugher of the kids from behind the couch.
You can almost hear the cogs turning in Optimus' processor as he looks to Ratchet for assistance, but the medic offers no help as he glares daggers at you from behind his pinched digits.
"You say 'Periodt', but what does that mean?!" Ratchet's bubbling annoyance explodes into frustration as he looks towards Primus for an answer.
"Oop, Ratchet is in his salty era."
"My WHAT?" Ratchet whips back to face you, and the look on his face is the final straw for you as you keel over and burst into a furious howl, almost whacking your head on the rail as you grip on for dear life.
Optimus watches as Ratchet throws his servos in the air in a wave of surrender and removes himself, presumably to cry over a glass of high grade while babbling about his disdain for the human race. The Prime turns to you with a slight ammused expression at your laughter.
"Would it be correct to say that Ratchet has also... taken the L?"
You die, you die right where you stand. The kids joining you as your body clatters against the rails to the ground and howl in fit of unrestrained belly laughter.
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How about someone who was recently turned into a Cybertronian and Team Prime tended to and comforted them? They have a lot of adjusting to do! 👀
TW: A bit of implied disassociation because, holy shit, suddenly you're a giant metal robot and that's kinda hard to wrap your newly non-organic brain around.
((Knock Out is here because there is not enough Autobot!Knock Out and I love him.))
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Team Prime comforting Reader, who just got turned into a Cybertronian, would include...
Optimus reassures you from the first moment that you have a safe home with Team Prime, should you choose to stay with them. Of course, you do. He makes sure you have the time and space to adjust and be comfortable with your new body before jumping into anything. He's just there if you need him, which some days is more helpful than everyone's else's efforts to offer unsolicited advice right off the bat.
Bumblebee helps you adjust to having wheels by challenging you to races that double as training whenever possible. He is almost certainly going easy on you, but nobody ever tells you as much.
Bulkhead is the first to realize that maybe you just really need a damn hug right now, if only because he's not very good with words. He hugs you and reassured you that it will be okay, and you're amazed how warm and fuzzy you feel afterwards, even though you're fairly sure your new body doesn't actually feel such minute temperature changes.
Ratchet tries to be "comforting" by explaining how your new body works... in detail that goes way, WAY over your head. But eventually, you get him talking about Cybertron's history and culture, and realize that your two species aren't all that different after all, which helps more than an anatomy lesson ever could.
Smokescreen is quick to remind you that you don't have to go back to your boring human school/job/house/whatever. Depending on how much you liked/disliked your old life, this is either incredibly helpful or incredibly irritating. If you get upset with him though, he's quick to apologize, and it's hard not to be comforted by that well-meaning smile and a servo patting your shoulder.
Arcee might somehow be even more protective of you than she is of the humans - she knows what happens when bots overestimate how much they can handle, and she figures that's really easy to do when you go from being a tiny, fragile human to a giant robot. Sometimes it's hard to hear her remind you that you're still mortal, but she means well. "Okay Mom, I get it."
Wheeljack, like Bulkhead, isn't very good with words, but he's also not very good with affection. What he can do, however, is listen. He's there the first time you get frustrated with the rest of the Team - not because they truly did anything wrong, but because being cramped into a tiny base with people you've just met will irritate anyone - and he never breathes a word of what you vented to the others. The Wreckers had their spats too - he knows you'll all be cool at the end of the day.
Oh Primus help Ultra Magnus he doesn't have a comforting servo in his body, but at least he's honest about that. In fact, he's the best bot to go to when you're ready to have things less sugarcoated.
Knock Out doesn't understand what the fuss is about - why would anyone ever want to be a squishy, gross organic when they could be Cybertronian? Humans couldn't turn into cars, for one, and couldn't be polished. He gives you a fresh coat of paint and polish and tells you how much better you look now - it does help, in a way. Being able to pick out new paint makes you feel a little more like your new body is really your body.
But honestly? Your biggest comfort might just be Jack, Miko, and Raf, if only because they will remind you any time you so much as frown just how cool being a giant robot is. And then you remember, yeah, it is pretty cool, actually.
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bots-and-cons · 3 months
Oooh if requests are still open can I request one autobot either Optimus, Ratchet, or Ultra Magnus and one Decepticon either Soundwave or Dreadwing. Which ever you feel like writing for how they would react to their human charge (romantic or platonic) asking them to take care of their pet tortoise Shelldon when they die because African spurred tortoises can live 100-250 years. Thx ^-^
A/N: You actually sent this request twice, but I just deleted the other one. You can interpret this as platonic or romantic, I didn’t really write it specifically for either one
•You’ve had the tortoise since you were a kid and it’s very dear to you
•You know it’s going to probably live much, much longer than you and you don’t want it to go to some stranger or someone who won’t take care of it well
•You’ve shown Ratchet pictures of your tortoise, but you can’t really bring it to the base since it doesn’t really like being in the car
•It took you a while to gather your courage to ask him if he would take care of it, since he’s also going to far outlive you
•It’s a bit of a weird feeling to be surrounded by creatures who live so much longer than you
•His first thought is that you’re going to die in like the next week and you just haven’t told him you’re going to die of some illness
•You assure him that that's not the case
•Ratchet is a bit hesitant to promise anything, because how would he know how to take care of it?
•You promise to teach him and he sort of reluctantly agrees
•He actually finds that he quite likes Shelldon, it’s so calm and it gives him the sense that there’s no hurry with anything, sort of a serene feeling
•Ratchet likes feeding it lettuce and other greens that it likes and the occasional fruit such as apple slices
•He eventually pledges he will take care of Shelldon after you die, but he’s hoping that doesn’t happen for a long while
•When you do pass away, Ratchet actually takes really good care of the tortoise and it’s a nice reminder of you
•Soundwave quite likes earth animals and he finds a lot of them quite fascinating
•When you mentioned you had a tortoise, he did some research so he could ask you more about it
•He actually finds the name “Shelldon” to be pretty funny (he loves puns)
•You show him pictures of your tortoise and he shows you pictures of tortoises in hats and stuff like that
•After that you want to make a couple of hats for Shelldon and show Soundwave pictures too
•You’ve brought Shelldon to the Nemesis once, but it didn’t seem to like it, probably the whole flying thing or something
•The tortoise also bonks Soundwave’s foot because it’s such a dark color (if you know this video)
•When you ask him if he would take care of Shelldon when you die, he’s pretty surprised
•He of course asks if you’ve been diagnosed with something or if you’re dying
•You just chuckle and tell him no, but you know he’s also going to fat outlive you, and Shelldon too and you would like someone you know to take care of it
•Soundwave considers it for a moment, and eventually tells you yes
•He’s honored you would ask him that and that you’d trust him to take care of your pet
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
TFP reacting to you coming to the base with an injury (more specifically a leg injury)
Authors note: I may or may not have fell through my porch (stop laughing how dare you) and injured my leg rly bad, i am in pain lol and this is how im coping
Optimus Prime/Ratchet:
Optimus was working and discussing something with Ratchet when they saw you hobbling towards the stairs like some elderly person
Immediately asked what was wrong and if you're alright
You nod and wave it off as nothing, but your hesitation to walk up the stairs said otherwise
Once they realize something's up with your leg, Ratchet quickly goes into medic-mode and Optimus wants to know what happened, how it happened, and if your ok
Now you have two old bots asking a billion questions at once
After you've sat down on the bottoms steps and reassure them you're alright, you explain what happened
Both of them are like :0
Ratchet goes into medic-mode AGAIN, grumbling something along the lines of "how have humans survived this long" and "cannot believe humans use wood for architecture when it's such a safety hazard"
Optimus is calmer now knowing that you're ok, but still watches as Ratchet makes sure you're 100% not dying
Eventually they settle down, and lift you up very carefully to the couch area where you can rest
Don't you even THINK about touching those stairs.
Freaks out for a second
You calm him down, explaining that it was just your leg that went through and all you got were a few splinters and some nasty scratches
He'll do whatever he can to make you feel better
Video games? Absolutely !! TV? Yes ! Taking you on a drive? Yesyes
Figures that if he keeps you busy (but off your leg), it'll distract you from the pain
and it works, but you do eventually need to rest and he'll be there if you need help with anything
"You what"
Kind of the same reaction as bumblebee but 10x calmer (at least on the outside)
On the inside she's worried bc you just told her you hurt your leg, yet you're WALKING still (wouldn't even call it walking, more like shakily limping around)
Arcee's not gonna baby you but she is gonna make sure you're ok throughout the day
Which means she's probably gonna stick by you a lot more
You don't mind it though, the two of you chat and chill most of the time
If she has to go on a mission while you're still recovering, she'll put you on the couch in the base and says if you even think about moving she'll fuck up your other leg (not really ofc but her "arcee-ness" tone makes you listen anyways)
Sweet bot i love him so much <33
You explain what happened in great detail and if cybertronians could get queasy, he would most definitely be
If Miko was there she would be all ears though LMAO
"Was there a lot of blood???!!!" "MIKO!"
Ofc asks if you're ok and how long it'll take until you get better
Probably'll ask Ratchet or June if he can do anything to help, and June says to make sure you change your bandages every few hours, and put medicine on so there's no risk of infection
Bulkhead states that humans need to be wrapped up in what the kids called "bubble-wrap" 24/7
Ratchet agrees
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to say AMAZING job on that platonic yandere autobot post- yandere posts with the kids in them always put a pit in my stomach but I can admit you wrote it really well!
Though that makes me wonder what would happen with others that are either new and don't have a 'sparkling' or ones that have already been there (Ratchet and Optimus) who technically don't have a sparkling of their own? Like I know it's unlikely but I can't stop imagining smokescreen or wheeljack randomly snatching a human in their mid 20s and going "this is my kid" and no one fighting them on it
Aaaa thank you so much!! With Wheeljack I can see him and Bulkhead being like omg twinsies!! when they realize they both took in a 'human sparkling'. I hope you like these ^^
I think if it's a situation where the 'sparkling' isn't taken care of by the whole team, Ratchet would be the most overprotective of his human sparkling. Like, you're not going anywhere without him there. You're not leaving the base even. You're lucky if he trusts the others to take care of you, or else he may just lock you in his resting quarters while he's away.
It's not that he means to punish you. You have to understand. He's just… Terrified. He loves you so much and it's terrifying. He can't lose another one. Please. He can't lose another child. It'll break him. Please, please, just understand. He loves you too much to let you be hurt again.
And it's not all bad! He loves to pick you up and hold you in his arms, pressed against his chassis. It's one thing he misses most about losing his little ones… He also enjoys playing games with you or indulging in interests and projects. He loves nothing more than to see a smile on your face and know how much you and your passions mean to him. Though, he has the tendency to go a bit overboard.
If he's delusional enough, he may believe you're somehow his child or grandchildren reincarnated. He'll tell you the memories he has of Cybertron with his family to try to jog your memory.
Despite his unconditional love for you, Ratchet is a grumpy old mech and has a tendency to be stern when need be - and even if not. He may raise his voice at times, but is quick to apologize and swoop you up into his arms.
Optimus' affection is more reserved than Ratchet's, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less! His adoration is usually expressed through praise and words of encouragement. I imagine The Matrix would try to curb this increasingly possessive parental attachment toward you, but perhaps Optimus can simply… Bend the rules just a bit?
It's only natural to see you as a sparkling, is it not? You were significantly younger and smaller than him and he'd taken on a protective role toward you, if anything, it'd be odd if he didn't see you as one. And it was his duty to protect the lives of humanity, especially against the Decepticons. He was doing this because he must. He must keep you safe. You're so small. So fragile. So young.
If he must keep constant communication with you to assure your safety, so be it. If he must disrupt your daily life to protect you from Decepticon attacks, he will do it gladly. And it hurts him to do so, but if locking you within the base is what stops Optimus from losing you, it is the price he is willing to pay. 
At some point, something glitches. Why should he be remorseful for his actions? You were family, after all. His sparkling. And he would do anything to keep you safe.
This glitch in his Matrix may also extend to Bumblebee, but perhaps less so because Bee is much less fragile than you. Optimus would love if the two of you began bonding. Not just to cement you as family, but it means another set of optics on you, as well.
Love the idea of Wheeljack either randomly being like "my baby now" with you without realizing Bulk was doing the same, so when they both go to show their kids off they get so hype because !!! Same wavelength! OR Jackie seeing Bulkhead getting his own Sparkling and being like 'hell yeah this planet has free kids' and zooming off to get his own.
Jackie would try to be as fun a caretaker as possible. Would love to joke around with you, play games, let you climb on him or sit on his shoulders. Also likes to tease you, usually about how small you are compared to him.  What? It's cute!
But, his patience can wear rather thin if you keep begging him to let you throwing tantrums, and while his punishments aren't physical in nature, they can be rather cruel.
For instance, if you're so insistent that he let you go, surely you wouldn't mind him driving you out into the desert and leaving you there, right? I mean, its basically the equivalent of what he'd be doing if he abandoned you when Cons and other dangers are everywhere on this planet! He'll drive out a couple miles before circling back and asking, rather smugly, if you got everything out of your system and were ready to come back to him.
Also! Two dads for the price of one! When he knows he's gonna be going down some dangerous roads and needs someone to watch after you, Bulkhead is the mech for the job!
I feel like Smokescreen would be more of an older sibling figure! No less protective of you than the others, but more of a different dynamic.
For instance, he really, really wants to impress you. He'll go out of his way to do tricks if it means your eyes are on him and smiling up at him. He loves to know you're happy and being the one to make you smile. He hopes you can look up to uim the same way he looks up to Optimus!
And for that, he's also hit very hard at any sign of conflict or disappointment from you. He doesn't really like the idea of punishments. You're far younger than him, you don't know what you're saying. You're confused and upset and so you're lashing out. It's okay, Smokescreen understands. If he ever does feel like you're purposefully trying to hurt him, he'll simply give you the silent treatment.
He loves scooping you into gentle hugs or holds, carrying you around the base. Also loves taking you out for car rides and just talking together.
And if any Decepticons even think about laying a claw on you, he'll make them wish they never existed <3
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passportclown · 8 months
Starscream x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence and threats, but nothing actually detailed or described in depth.
You and Starscream, just spending time together in a Forest.
Takes place during Season 2 of TFP
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My kofi if you feel like donating!
Brush it Back
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It has been a while since you first ran into Starscream. He's rude and loud. An overall foul individual. You normally wouldn't bother with such a person. Except.. he's also a giant supposedly alien robot.
Obviously, you kept coming back, if only to look at him.
You're pretty sure he was going to kill you the first time, but in a pathetic attempt to protect your life, you complimented him.
He liked it... you think.
He doesn't like you, you assume. Sometimes it seems like he does. But.. then he'll call you some sort of expletive in an alien language. So you're not too sure. But he doesn't kill you, at least.
Currently, you're sat on a large tree root as you watch him pace. He vents his troubles to you. Whenever you meet up, you can barely get a word in.
He doesn't touch you. He thinks you're sticky, squishy, or… something like that?
At times he switches to different languages to better express himself. You have no idea what he's saying, but it doesn't really matter. You feel like a therapy animal or something. Maybe that's what you are to him?
"Are you even listening, human?!" He flares up, his voice growing particularly nasally as he yells. That's another thing about him, he can speak totally ASMR worthy at times. But other times.. he sounds like this.
"Well?" He taps his pede, shaking the ground and causing you to feel slightly intimidated.
"I'm listening, I promise. You just switched to another language.. again.. so I couldn't keep up." You try to sound placating, so he doesn't throw a fit.
It seems to work because he just huffs and looks off to the side.
There's a few minutes of no movement and awkward silence, but then.. he bends down. You're not sure why at first, but then you see his large servo reaching for you. You yelp and quickly back up. "What are you doing?" You exclaim, unsure if you've upset him or not.
"Oh relax, pitiful mammal. Just hold still." He doesn't grab you, he just reaches for your bangs and flips them back with one of his long and sharp claws. When your bangs flop back in your face, he scowls.
It would've been sweet, or friendly if he weren't giant and scary at times. Sometimes he's funny, but he's still.. him. And rude.
"Why must these strands defy me.." He mutters to himself. You pretend to not hear it. Because the way he refers to your hair 'defying him' is.. absolutely hilarious.
"I can brush it back, next time." You offer, but his scowl just deepens.
"Don't seek to cater to me like some organic youngling!" He flares up, but then he slackens slightly. "That's not the point, fleshbag." He grumbles, almost a growl.
It makes you wonder if he just wanted to play with your hair. But you don't ask. You just sit and watch as he stands back up and wiped imaginary dust off of himself.
"You better not leave, got that human?" He sneers.
You're not sure if he cares or not. Maybe he's just lonely and desperate. But you nod, and that seems to be good enough for him.
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porkcracker · 6 months
I just wanna say I really liked your Optimus father figure headcannons and Ratchet grandpa figure headcannons! It was really nice!
I was wondering if you can do a oneshot of those headcannons with a Non-binary reader? I think it'd be really wholesome and nice to see ^^
I was staring at this ask for a very long time and man I wish I had time to answer it quicker, because it hits some buttons. I'm happy you liked my headcanons btw. Still being probably months late, I still hope you enjoy this.
Dad!Optimus & Grandpa!Ratchet & NB!Reader It had been in no way your fault, but nonetheless you still found yourself shrinking into yourself as Optimus looked at you with a disappointed look in his bright blue optics. As the oldest of the humans on base, you had taken to watching over the three younger ones. Which as a result lead to you being equally in trouble, when they got in trouble and like in moments like this had broken something. You had been busy with yourself for a few minutes, so there was no clear way to say who had started it, but by the time yells and screams had drawn your attention they were running around the base, chasing each other with water guns.
To a degree you could understand them, the summer was hot, and even the base could grow uncomfortably warm at the height of the day, but to use water guns? Around a lot of technology? An exasperated sigh had left you, and you had to move to stop them, yelling after them. Alas, too late, an over enthusiastic shot from Miko had missed its intended target of Raf and instead hit Ratchets workstation. You watched with bated breath hoping it would do no damage, relaxing as it seemed to be fine and turning to the equally frozen kids, when there was a crackling noise and just as you turned back around the previously lit display darkened.
As the Bots returned, the children and their guardians were quickly sent on their way to bring said children home, which left you alone with Optimus and Ratchet. Ratchet had not left his damaged station since returning, attempting to fix the damage. Optimus on the other hand had turned to you. Which was what had led to this moment. The big bot wasn't angry, but the disappointment in his optics was far more disheartening in your opinion. Disappointing Optimus never sat right with you at all, not that you had been at this point very often before. No, rather, you were far more commonly sitting on his shoulder and conversing with him.
"(Y/N), I'm very glad that you watch the younger ones when you're alone at base, but if you need help than please do tell me. I would not want you to be overwhelmed by watching three other humans by yourself. I am quite sure, leaving one of the others at base to help you, would be manageable.", his voice was as gentle as always and perhaps the fact that he was seemingly more concerned for you than the damaged equipment and even considered leaving someone at base was worse. With the Deceptions being more experienced fighters and having no qualms, leaving someone to watch would be impractical. While usual Ratchet was at base, he was ready to leave base when necessary, so to stop that would be impractical.
Still you nodded and watched, still hunched into yourself, as Optimus joined Ratchet to look at the damage from the equipment. Coming to a decision, the next day, when the Bots and the kids left base, you made your way towards the workstation and had a closer look at the damage. It was quickly clear why such technically minimal water damage made this much trouble. The cables were sized for humans and while it must have been hard to connect when building the station it had no casing then and no it did, making it even harder for big cybertronian hands to work half hidden small human cables.
It didn't take long to get a torch and a few tools from your back, something you carried with you just in case, since you had started to get along better with Ratchet, often listening to his stories and grumbled life advice. Once back at the workstation, you turned the torch on and climbed into the casing of the workstation and working along the few small cables that needed to be fixed. Fixated on your work, it only registered that Optimus and Ratchet had come over, both not out with the others, when they began to talk, or well you assumed began to talk as you hadn't registered it before.
"It's almost amusing to watch you, how do the humans say it, mother hen them.", the sentence made you slow in your work with curiosity, wondering if they were talking about the other kids, your curiosity mirrored by the confused tone of Optimus. "What do you mean, old friend?" "Hah, it's obvious. (Y/N), you talk like you're their creator.", the way Ratchet said it was not judgemental, rather it seemed genuinely amusing. "I-", Optimus began, but was cut almost off immediately by a yelp. Both bots snapped their helms around, looking around, pinpointing the origin just as you crawled out of the casing of the workstation, your finger bleeding where you had slipped at the answer of the medic.
Before you could even fully get over the hem of the workstation, Ratchet scooped you up and walked off with words of chiding for injuring yourself. As much as Optimus had been caught off-guard by the words of his old friend, reflecting on them proofed them true. But alas, at least he was not the only one, he mused quietly as he watched said old friend fret over your cut with a rare care in his optics.
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skelswritingcorner · 6 months
Explaining an Organic Phenomena (TFP fic)
I bring forth ANOTHER reader character/Buddy who has endometriosis! This is closer to my own experiences with my still undiagnosed condition, though. I use Buddy in this story, but that's because I still need to finalize this Buddy's name.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: Mentioned self harm, mentions of hospital visits, menstrual pain
Story below the cut!
You didn’t expect to end up being involved with an alien’s war, let alone that three of your classmates already knew about them, but you got involved anyway. While you rarely interact with them, preferring to hole yourself up in a small corner to work on assignments, they often pull you into shenanigans anyway. Especially Miko.
The Autobots, as they call themselves, don’t know much about you other than what Jack told them. And he doesn’t know much about you. Most he knows is that at least once a month you end up leaving class early, because it’s the class you have with him that you usually end up leaving for the day, and for the following three days you’re miserable. Jack doesn’t know why either, and you plan on keeping it that way. The only people who get to know about your endometriosis are your family and your doctors.
Well, you at least try. You’ve known them for about two months now, none of them raised an eye at the once-a-monthly absence. Yet. It’s either going to be Ratchet, Optimus, or Smokescreen who will voice any concerns if this happens long enough. Smokescreen, as he’s your Autobot companion assigned to you by Optimus Prime, and Ratchet as he’s a medic.
This is the second period you’ve had since you unwillingly joined them (you blame Miko for this, but also Jack since he’s your neighbor). It was your usual routine during the first day of your period: try to ignore the pain long enough in school, eventually go to the nurse after the pain gets too much for you to focus, then end up being picked up by your mom and brought home.
It was in your class with Miko when you ended up being picked up by your mom. You wrote down something on an index card, giving it to her as you left. She knew what was going on, Miko was the only person outside your immediate family who knew about your condition from you. As you shuffled through to the main entrance, you did see Jack, but ignored him. He was turned away anyway, and you weren’t in the mood to get his attention.
“Where is Buddy? I thought she usually comes with all of you.” Optimus asked. Miko scratched the back of her head before grabbing an index card and showing it to him.
His optics scanned the writing, “I have to leave early, my cramps are getting too much. Tell everyone not to worry about me (especially Ratchet and Smokescreen), I should be there tomorrow.” he read out loud.
“Oh, on the contrary!” Ratchet rebutted, “This happened last month too! And Jack said this happens every single month! Clearly, something’s wrong if this has been happening for years.”
“Well, the only way to confirm if anything’s wrong is to visit her. None of us know where she lives, though.” Raf stated.
“Actually,” Jack countered, “Buddy’s house is right next to mine. Our moms know each other quite well. I don’t think she wants visitors, though. Last time I visited while she was experiencing this she threw something at me, and it hurt.”
Smokescreen entered the room, tilting his head at the lack of his human companion. “Where’s Buddy? I thought she was going to be here.”
“Not here right now,” Miko replied, “she left school early too, needed her mom to pick her up. Girl stuff. I don’t have permission to tell you.”
Smokescreen tilted his head, then turned to Arcee. “Do you know what Miko’s talking about?”
“No, I do not.”
“Then I’m going to find her.” Smokescreen started to walk away, but was stopped by Optimus.
“Smokescreen,” Optimus explained, “I know that you’re concerned for Buddy. However, as Jack is her neighbor, it would draw less suspicion from the Decepticons if he goes to visit her. Jack, do you have Buddy’s contact information?”
“Even better,” Jack pulled out his phone, “I have her mom’s number. Well, I do have Buddy’s number too, but I don’t think she’s going to answer.”
“Excellent. Arcee, go with Jack. Smokescreen, please remain on base, but maintain communications with Arcee.” Optimus ordered. Arcee nodded, and Jack went to grab some of his things before leaving with Arcee.
“Actually, Jackie made a mass displacement machine in case we need to go somewhere that requires someone small.” Bulkhead said, “Arcee might be our smallest member aside from the humans, but I don’t think she can fit through the door of the garage.”
“Absolutely NOT! I believe that would be dangerous. Has Wheeljack even tested it?!” Ratchet turned to Bulkhead, gritting his teeth.
“I’m down to testing it.” Arcee walked to Bulkhead, “Do you know how to operate it?”
“Arcee!” Ratchet exclaimed, “If you really want to do this, I’m going to supervise this.”
This was not a good day. The cramps were especially bad, so all you could do was writhe in pain on your bed, unable to get anything of substance done. Are the Autobots getting suspicious of this now? The Decepticons? Honestly, the thought of Knockout finding you in this state, hell, even Megatron, made shivers go down your spine. It’s a shame too, you wanted to work on that dress for your project. The one that transforms from a vague black silhouette to a bleeding crimson. Too bad that you’re in pain. Mom went out to do some errands, so she won’t be home for a while. And dad? He doesn’t tell you anything about his work, but you know that it has something to do with the alien robots. Why else would the Decepticons kidnap you the day you were released from the psych ward, before you could even cut off the hospital bracelet? Interrogating you about things you don’t know about?
Who’s texting you right now? Grabbing your phone, you checked to see who messaged you. It was Jack. Of course it would be him, he’s your neighbor! The message said something you wished you didn’t read: ‘Everyone’s worried about you, Arcee and I are coming to your house. Ratchet’s worried too. Don’t throw a textbook at me like last time.’
You wanted to punch Jack so hard right now. Also, it was not a textbook you threw, it was a book about the history of fashion. Get it right, Darby. Angrily typing on your phone, you sent out a message: ‘I’M FINE.’ You then put your phone on the nightstand, curling into the comfort of your blankets.
It should take Jack and Arcee half an hour to get to your house, if they’re coming from the Autobot base. Hopefully, you can just tell them not to worry and leave quickly. They shouldn’t worry about you. Well, June did warn them about your mental health not being the best given what happened over the summer, but the point stands. As long as you’re not alone with your thoughts for too long, you’ll be alright.
There’s a sound that you now know is the ground bridge, and another notification sounded on your phone. So they went the easy route. You grabbed your phone, seeing two dreaded words, ‘We’re here’. God dammit. A door opened, most likely the garage door.
It’s Jack’s voice that you first heard, “Buddy, where are you? Who am I kidding, you’re going to be in your room.” as he spoke, his voice got closer. “Coming in!” and he opened the door. Whoop-de-doo.
“Are you in there?” he asked. You popped your head out of your blanket pile, preparing a plushie to throw at him if he says anything stupid.
“Your room has a lot of… black.” Arcee said, peeking from the hallway. Honestly? She’s right. Nearly everything in your room is black and pastel purple.
Wait. How is she in your house? She’s three times Jack’s size, how did she get in through the door? Wait, she looks smaller than usual…
“Why is Arcee in here?” you asked, biting back a whimper.
“Oh. Wheeljack made some kind of mass displacement machine and needed someone to test it. Smokescreen tried to have himself test it to see you, but Optimus has him on base for now.”
Right. That totally makes sense. Not weird at all.
“He’s worried about you, you know? If it weren’t for Optimus telling him he couldn’t, Smokescreen would be speeding to get to you.”
That’s weird. You thought he hated you. Smokescreen was always belligerent and grumpy when with you, mostly because you insisted on being in control so he wouldn’t break the speed limit and possibly commit involuntary manslaughter. He despised your personality.
“I think he only does that because I was assigned his human partner. I doubt that he’s actually worried for me.” you grumbled, returning to your blanket burrito with the plushie ready to throw.
“Ratchet is also worried, you know? He is a doctor and a-”
You threw the plushie at Jack, full force. Arcee didn’t even try to catch it, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly. Even when mass displaced, she’d have to crouch to get in.
“Hey! What was that for?” Jack caught the plushie in his hands.
“Well,” Arcee laughed, “Buddy’s up now.”
She’s being sarcastic. You’re still laying on your side, dammit!
Arcee walked into the room, speaking after she knelt in front of you, “Anyway, are you alright? I’m pretty sure Ratchet wants an explanation as to what’s going on, since this is the second time since you’ve joined us that this happened.”
Ough. Eugh. This is going to be difficult. How do you explain menstruation to a robot? They don’t have those parts, at least you think. “Uh,” you winced, not out of pain but out of awkwardness, “It’s very complicated and requires a lesson in human anatomy. June would probably explain it better than I can right now.”
“She’s at work right now, though.” Jack countered. Oh. Right. Hospital stuff.
“...I’ll grab my drawing pad. Just give me a moment to draw some stuff to help explain it.” you got out of your very comfortable blankets, going to your desk to grab your drawing pad, a pen, and a few markers. After finding a blank page, you got to work drawing a basic diagram.
Once you finished drawing, you turned the drawing pad to the two visitors. You pointed the pen to the first drawing; a very badly drawn uterus with a face, “This,” you tapped the drawing, “is the uterus. To the sides are the ovaries, which is where microscopic eggs are held. Every month, usually one egg is released. Before this, a lining grows inside the uterus to prepare for a human baby.”
“An… egg?” Arcee tilted her head.
“Not like the ones you see at the store, those are specifically evolved to grow a baby outside of the mother. These have no shell.”
You shifted your impromptu pointer. If you had your finger ring on, you would be using that to point, “The egg, however, needs to be fertilized in order for a baby to form. This is usually done through… certain acts of pleasure. However, there are treatments in case you can’t get pregnant that way.”
Jack nodded, nonverbally imploring you to continue.
“But this isn’t about how babies are made or grown, this is specifically about what happens when you don’t get pregnant.” You moved the pen to point to another crudely drawn uterus, now with an angry expression and blood coming out from the bottom. “When you don’t get pregnant, then the lining sheds, basically it’s like bleeding. You can’t hold it in, it’s gonna flow whether you want it to or not. This takes several days, and usually causes mild discomfort. This usually starts when reaching teenage years, but I was eleven years old when I first got mine.”
“Wait, you were eleven when that happened?!” Jack’s eyes widened. You just rolled your eyes to continue.
“Sometimes, though, the lining can grow on the outside of the uterus, and end up on other parts of the body,” you tapped the pen on another sketch, with a mess of lines representing the intestines with blobs of red on them, “most often the highest it goes is the intestines, but it can go all the way to the brain. This is called endometriosis, and it causes incredibly painful cramps. I had this confirmed over the summer, after that incident.” you chuckled, “Didn’t even have the chance to get lunch after being discharged before the Decepticons took me.”
“I’m… sorry.” Arcee frowned.
“There’s nothing to apologize for.” you replied.
“It’s not an apology, Buddy, it’s a show of sympathy. I can’t imagine how that feels.” Right. People say sorry sometimes to show sympathy. Something you never got the grasp of. Saying sorry is meant for apologies, is it not?
“Well, I did stab myself to distract from the pain my cramps caused.” you laughed.
Why are Jack and Arcee staring at you like that? They look like they saw a flayed corpse.
Oh. Right. They weren’t told why you were in the hospital. At least June is complying with HIPAA.
“That’s why you were in the hospital?! You stabbed yourself?!” Jack went closer to you, still shocked.
“In two places. And no, I’m not showing the scars. They still look nasty.” It is true though, the stitches might be gone but the scars are still healing. Besides, one of those scars is on your stomach. You’re not showing that to anyone except for medical professionals, or someone you trust enough. The only person that applies is mom.
“Well, at least we now know what’s going on. Is it alright if we tell the others?” Arcee asked.
“Go ahead. Miko already knows, by the way. She even taught me how to pronounce it in Japanese. While there is an actual Japanese word, they just use the loan word.” you answered, “Also, be careful when telling Raf. He’s the youngest of us, I’m sure he’ll be full of questions. I… don’t want him trying to learn more than he should at his age.”
You’ve always felt protective of Rafael. Maybe it’s because deep down you always wanted to feel like a big sister to someone. Another part of you thinks you’re trying to subconsciously manipulate him into your father’s cause. Regardless of why that is, the moment you ended up in cahoots with the Autobots you’ve taken up the role of an older sibling to him. You did your best to not be overbearing or authoritarian, but you tried to help explain certain things to him. He might be a genius, but he’s still the age of a middle schooler. As long as he doesn’t end up behaving like Jack or Miko, he should be okay.
“I assume that you want to stay here, and not go to base.” Jack scratched the back of his head.
You nodded, “I’ll see if I can go tomorrow, depending on how I feel. See y’all tomorrow. Also, don’t tell anyone else the fact that I stabbed myself being why I was in the hospital.”
“I promise. See you tomorrow, Buddy.” Arcee waved, and the both of them left.
After the ground bridge noise was made, you put the drawing stuff away and returned to your blanket burrito after taking some painkillers. Talking with both of them distracted you from the cramps for a good while, surprisingly enough. That’s an achievement.
“Are you saying that this is caused by a regular human bodily function going wrong?!” Ratchet clenched his hands, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“As far as Buddy said, yes.” Arcee confirmed.
“Yikes,” Miko winced, “I thought my cramps were annoying at best. I can’t imagine what level of cramps she experiences every month.”
“That’s why Buddy’s not here right now?” Smokescreen asked Arcee, who nodded.
Smokescreen sulked in a corner, “Why didn’t she tell me? I’m her partner! And she never said anything about this to me!”
“Buddy might have decided not to tell you since it might make you worry. That, and it’s hard to find a comparison for a Cybertronian lifeform for what she experiences. Even I struggle to wrap my head around it.” Optimus said.
“This could be disastrous.” Arcee replied, “Combined with who her father likely is, we might need to keep a close eye on Buddy. Even more than before. Ratchet, have you ever scanned her?”
Ratchet nodded, “Back when we first found her, yes. Is there something you want me to check?”
Jack piped up, “She said she has two scars, they’re very recent. Did those come up on your scans?”
After some typing, a figure that looked like Buddy showed up on the screen. Two points of trauma, one on her right lower arm’s interior, and one on her midsection. Ratchet nodded, “I was wondering what those were. How did that happen?”
“Not allowed to tell you,” Jack said, “it’s a bit… personal to her. It’s probably best if she tells you herself. I’m not breaking her trust.”
“It’s that bad, huh?” Ratchet sighed, “Very well. I’ll ask Buddy when she’s no longer in pain.”
“Hopefully she’ll be okay tomorrow. She might not feel comfortable coming to base tomorrow. Besides,” Miko cradled her cheeks in her fists while leaning against the railing, “she told me that she’s working on that dress! You know, the one she’s making that has a lot of red… for her sewing class?” The looks of confusion from the others proved that they had no idea what Miko was talking about.
“Nevermind.” Miko grumbled, walking to the couch and sitting next to Rafael. Next time Buddy goes on base, she’s gonna have so much to explain.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
(TFP) Soundwave finding out a human reader is following him out of curiosity.
(TFP) Soundwave with a Human Reader that’s been following him because curiosity got the cat (human):
{You first noticed Soundwave- and he noticed you- during the years that Megatron is gone. You were out for a peaceful walk, when you stumbled across the mech, and attempted to hide.}
{You weren’t sure if he ever actually saw you, he seemed busy with something. You also aren’t sure if you’ll see him again—but you do. For whatever reason, he seems to be in the forest that you walk through a lot—so you decide to watch and follow him.}
{You’re just really curious, you just want to see what he’s doing, and what he is- because you’ve never seen a robot like him before, but you feel too nervous to actually go up and talk to him.}
{Unknowingly to you, Soundwave has noticed you a couple of times- although he doesn’t care all that much. He knows you aren’t an ‘autobot pet’ though, and he’s just more focused on finding/looking for certain things in this forest.}
{He’s surprised though, when one day, you finally approach him (cautiously), and introduce yourself, while also offering to help him look for whatever he’s been trying to get for a while. In response, Soundwave gives you a voice-clip of Megs saying his name.}
{You’re actually really good with tech and other similar things, Soundwave discovers. So after you help him a bit, the silent mech comes to a decision.}
{When Megatron eventually returns, he never expected for Soundwave to just have a human with him- a useful one, at that.}
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Tfp Old British bot buddy that talks in old British slang and no one understands them they also have a baby predacon following them around buddy doesn't know where the baby predacon came from they just appeared one day and buddy has just kept the sparkling predacon
Don't mind Buddy, just collecting children nothing to see.
Hope you enjoy!
Old British Bot Buddy with a Predacon sparkling
SFW, Platonic, Slight Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy has a locomotive alt mode and Old.
As in, they went to the same medical school Ratchet went to when they were younger type old.
When the war started, they sided with the Autobots and became the head medical officer in charge of the new sparks that came.
Soon when no more new sparks came from the Well, Buddy changed professions into Energon scouter and relic collector.
They had arrived much earlier to Earth to scout the planet for any Cybertronian relics.
The bot did find some relics around but made the decision to keep them hidden and just log in where they were hidden.
It would have made them a big target if they brought every single relic with them.
But the best thing they found was the sparkling… not that they would ever say it out loud though.
It was a Predacon sparkling.
They had been walking around the English countryside, or what was left of it.
It had been bombed and contaminated because of one of those human wars going on.
They heard chirping and whirling from behind some boulders.
Buddy carefully approaching the boulder. Buddy: “Hello?” CCCHHHHRRRIIIIIPPPPP! Buddy jumps and makes a small ‘TOOT! Buddy takes out their blaster: “I’m warning you! You better leg it before—" Out popped the sparkling from his hiding place. Buddy lowers their weapon. The little sparkling waddles up to them. Buddy moves away from the sparkling: “No, no, get! Off with you! I don’t need no sparkling slowing—” The sparkling leaps onto their shoulders, curls around their shoulders and quietly purrs as they drift off to sleep. Buddy: “—me down… Sod it. Curse ma bleedin spark.”
Buddy eventually grew to love the sparkling as their own.
Even giving the sparkling a name.
They named him Beany.
It would be another couple of years before Buddy would receive any message from the Autobots.
Once they did receive word, they were sent a groundbridge and entered the base.
To say the team was shocked to see Buddy with what humans would call ‘antique’ alt mode and a Predacon sparkling was an understatement.
They made it clear that Beany and they were a package deal if anyone made any objections to the pair
It takes the team a while to get used to Buddy’s accent and phrases.
Buddy does download the more modern version of their accent (they had grown rather fond of the accent.
But every now and then their original download would appear, mainly when they’d get angry, frustrated or needed to say something and didn’t want the others to understand.
Buddy and Smokescreen hobbling back to the groundbrigde. Buddy: “Ah great! Thanks a lot Smokescreen! The whole plans been botched now!” Smokescreen: “To be fair my plan—” Buddy holding a digit out: “If we’d followed your daft plan we would have been squashed!” Beany chirping. Smokescreen: “You aren’t supposed to agree with them!” Buddy scratching Beany’s chin: “Two against one, now shut your mush. We’ve got to report back to Prime.”
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Buddy trying to approach Beany, who has something strange in his mouth.
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buckysmith · 2 years
Hello! I wanted to request a fluff with Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout! I thought maybe it would be cute if the decepticons reacted to their human being a caring loving mother figure that they probably never had.
Telling the bots to be careful and give them loving hugs whenever the person enters a room (well tries to hug but you get it)
They always give the decepticons head pats whenever the human can and praises them for their work in a soothing way. Just them being treated with the love they deserved for all this time!
Extra (you dont have to): if some mechs get fed up with the human and tries to get rid of them and the human gets taking out the ship and back to earth. Oh goodness when the decepticons find out that their human is missing òwó. Also I know I didnt add a lot of characters, only three. But if you feel like it you can add whoever you want!
Howdy! I love your request so much I had to do it right away but I don’t think I did it justice so I’m truly sorry for that! I hope you like it anyways.
The decepticons reacting to their human being a caring loving mother figure
Includes: Megatron, Soundwave and Knockout
Warnings: maybe a slightest bit of angst and low self esteem
Mostly fluff
I wrote it in a platonic way
- at first he would be very very stiff about you showing him that kind of love and he would probably try to stop you.
- He wouldn't want the other Decepticons to see him as weak because a human cares for him and also, he would worry that you're only doing it to find a weak spot to hurt him. To many people betrayed him already to trust so easily.
- He isn’t used to kind words or innocent touches, so to have someone like you, it would drive him nuts especially because you are human.
- He wouldn’t say he loves your words of affection, your smile and your look in your eyes when you compliment him, when you praise him, when you hug him or when you just cuddle with him, but in fact he does.
- Although he can’t really understand why you’re doing this, why you’re being all that nice to him, cause he sees himself as monster and he knows besides you everybody does that too.
- Whenever he’s feeling down or he’s scared he comes to you, wanting you to pet his head and telling him how proud you are.
- You’re always there when he leaves the ship no matter the time, no matter the reason for him to leave, telling him to be careful.
- Every time he would pick you up, raising you up to his faceplate and promising you to come back alive and healthy.
- The moment he’s back on the nemesis, you’re there to welcome him back and asking him if he’s okay.
- The way you cares for him would warm his ice cold heart everytime
- Your definitely the person he trusts the most and means the most to him.
- He would do anything to keep you save and healthy, no matter the cost
- Every bot on the nemesis would know that Megatron and you, a human, are very close and that he became soft over the time, or at least, he became soft around you and some of them would hate you for that.
- So some of the bot would plan to snatch you away while megatron is away doing god knows what
- He immediately knows something is clearly wrong when you’re not there to welcome him
- The first thing he does is to look in your room and surprise, you’re not there.
- after that he contacts soundwave to find you, and after soundwave tells him there’s no “human” signal on the nemesis he’s scared shitless
- He knows your not able to get off the nemesis on your own, and he knows since you’re an allay of the decepticons it would be pretty dangerous too to go back to earth without him.
- The only ones who are authorized to take care of you are Soundwave, Shockwave and Knockout so if neither has take you to earth he knows someone took you.
- With soundwaves help he would find the traitors pretty quick
- He would do anything to get you back and the moments he finds you and the bot who took you, he sees red.
-After that you both would comfort each other and believe me when I’m saying something like that would never ever happen again
- Same as Megatron he would be stiff about that kind of affection at first.
- He would ask himself a lot of questions, like, why are you so nice to him, why all those hugs and loving word’s. He wouldn’t understand you the slightest bit.
- You’re a human, why do you care for him? He’s just a bot, nothing else.
- He would get attached to it pretty fast though
- most of the time he’s on the nemesis, doing nothing but work, so to have you, praising him, cuddling him and petting his head after his duty’s are fulfilled, means everything to him
- He knows your mothering him and he’s done some research on why you’re doing this and if every human does that.
- He absolutely adores it that you care for him, that you ask him how he’s doing, that you hug him when he’s stressed and that you ask him to be careful when it happens that he has to leave the nemesis
- He doesn’t care if some other bot thinks he’s weak, he knows he is not and he also thinks that you’re not weak like some others say. In his optics you’re the strongest and most caring human that exists.
- You’re a role model for him, even though he’s so much older than you and knows like everything, cause even if he’s a huge war criminal who could easily crush you, you never feared him nor did you ever insult him.
-He likes to give you head pats too, just to show you without using his words that you mean everything to him
-because you mean so much to him, one of his little cassettes would always be by your side and would protect you.
- As mentioned he rarely leaves the nemesis and if he does, one of his little cassettes watches over you
- So the moment his cassette sends a sos signal to him, he’s on his way to you
- Whoever the bot is that tries to steal you from him, his end is near
- Soundwave would be on his ass the moment he’s leaving the nemesis with you
- Give him lots of love, attention and praise cause he would need that after multiple spark attacks
- He's the one who would be the quickest to accept this new found affection
- Your praise, your kind words, the sweet pats on his head, the innocent hugs and the love you’re showing him would mean so much to him
- You’re his rock, his family, you mean everything to him and he’s willing to show you that you’re his family
- Not like the others, he wouldn’t ask himself why you’re so nice to him, he would simply accept and enjoy it. Way to many years filled with betray and war that he’s letting his chance of having someone like you in his life go
- He would ask you for physical affection all the time, like head pats or a hug cause his kind is just like the humans, it needs that kind of affection.
- He purr’s (only if you’re alone with him)
- Every time he leaves the nemesis you’re there to say goodbye to him, to wish him luck and to tell him to care of himself.
- You’re the only reasons he likes to go back to the nemesis, cause he knows you’re there waiting for him
- To welcome him, to tell him he did a good job, to be there for him.
- He loves street racings and even though he knows your worried about him, he likes to go out and attend street races (mostly because every time he comes home, you’re waiting for him. Asking him if he was okay and giving him affection)
- So to come back to the nemesis and it seems you’re nowhere to be found he would be panicking.
- He knows a lot of the other bot doesn’t like humans so he would immediately try to find you (together with breakdown)
- In the end he would ask soundwave to help him to find you and together they would find you somewhere in the desert.
- After you’re back on the nemesis he would need a lot affection and words, cause he’s sure he had over ten spark attacks while you were nowhere to be found.
I’m sorry that the Knockout one is so short 🙏
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Hii there! If you have the time, can I please request hcs or scenario of Knockout and reader being absolute chaotic bff's. Like they may both be a total pain in everyone's aft but KO and reader are also surprisingly efficient when together so it's hard to get mad at them (I hope my rambling is easy to understand 😅)
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((Do I have to say "Spoilers for Predicons Rising" in 2023? Probably now but i'm nothing if not paranoid, lol.))
Being chaotic besties with Knock Out would include...
- Megatron finally recruits another medic and- OH SWEET PRIMUS THERE'S TWO OF THEM OH NO
- Seriously, you get along like a house on fire and might one day actually set a house on fire. The leader of the Decepticons realizes he made a mistake the moment you actually giggle at one of Knock Out's snarky comments... but what can he do? It's not like he has a long list of medics he can just call up and have come all the way to Earth. He was lucky to run across another medic at all, so the resists the daily temptation to (literally) throw one of you off the Nemesis.
- Starscream is also absolutely devastated by this development. Now he has two idiots trying to suggest he upgrade his weapons, his look, his face... at this point, he's pretty sure both you and Knock Out are resisting the urge to just gesture to all of him when he comes in for a checkup.
- Of course, you can't be friends with Knock Out and not also be friends with Breakdown (who is very much alive and nothing bad will ever happen to him shut up). He also likes you immediately, if only because you clearly drive Starscream up the wall just by existing, and another medic means more of his friends, the Vehicons, are getting patched up in short order.
- (Okay but real talk, in some crazy AU where Breakdown gets horribly murdered, which totally did not happen in canon, having someone supportive who treats him with genuine friendship and respect by his side might have made him finally question his allegiance just a bit sooner? It's amazing what happens when a seeker who screams at you constantly is not your only source of companionship on a proverbially sinking ship. Whether it's sooner or not, you follow him to the autobots, and now your chaotic dynamic is their problem. Ratchet will never emotionally recover from this.)
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bots-and-cons · 5 months
Howdy again! Is it possible you could do the same prompt l asked last time (reader dies and turns cybertronian) but with Autobots instead of cons? Thank you so much!!!!
A/N: If someone’s interested in the decepticon version you can find that here. Ratchet has morals, hence no human experimentation on the autobots’ part
•You were taken by the decepticons and experimented on 
•Ever since the whole thing with Silas, Knockout and Shockwave were both interested in if they could repeat the experiment
•It was mostly Shockwave though, Knockout thought what happened to Breakdown was absolutely disgusting, but he also wanted to know how it was done, so repeating the experiment on you was a chance for that
•So, they did their experiment, constructing you a body from vehicon parts and putting the necessary parts from you into it
•Anyway, the cons returned you to the autobots in a rather cruel manner, basically Megatron just tossed you at their feet saying something like “I believe this is your pet”
•Ratchet worked for days to make sure you would survive in your new body, but he had a lot of trouble, because he didn’t know how much at all about human anatomy or biology
•Shockwave and Knockout had already done most of the work for him though, so he just had to finish the job and make sure you would continue to stay alive
•When you woke up, you were very confused, and scared too
•Your head was all foggy, you couldn’t remember much of anything, certainly not how you’d come to be this way
•It took a couple of days for you to be even able to move your arms or legs, and being able to stand and walk took much longer
•Ratchet was there to look after you the whole time, someone had to be, because you were pretty confused most of the time
•You had a lot of gaps and holes in your memory, you knew things like your name and you knew the autobots were friendly or at least not a threat to you, but you didn’t know who they were or what they were like
•You also didn’t remember anything about how you’d been made into this thing you now were
•You knew you used to be human, but it felt like it had been a dream
•Optimus was of course furious that the decepticons had done this to you, but he kept it under control, so hardly anyone noticed
•Except for Ratchet of course, he was also horrified by what had been done to you and he honestly just tried not to think about it most of the time, because you were still alive
•Arcee was probably the most visibly furious about the whole thing, she even ranted a little about how this was the last straw, etc etc
•Bee was also seething, but his anger was more mixed with this overwhelming sadness and confusion, he had seen the decepticons committing countless atrocities, but this was undoubtedly among the worst
•The whole team had a very hard time understanding how the decepticons could do this, you were no threat to them
•They were all furious, but they tried to keep a lid on it, some managed that better than others, because they wanted to aid in your recovery
•Your recovery was very slow, but they all tried to be there for you as best as they could
•You had to learn to control your new body, and all that came with being a pseudo-cybertronian
•Ratchet kept scanning you constantly for the first three months, at least twice a day, more if something unusual happened
•You had a very hard time mentally for a long while, because of getting used to your new body, never being able to see your family/friends again, and the fact that you had been dead
•Even though you didn’t exactly remember how you had been experimented on, the whole thing still plagued you in your nightmares
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
Arcee as your big sister
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Content: Cybertronian!Reader, Gender Neutral reader, (and obviously younger than Arcee, so pre-teen/teen age)
She definitely gives off "cool big sis" vibes
Back on Cybertron, you two would hang out as much as possible and go out on rides, race each other, etc.
Of course, you both grew up with a war raging on your planet, so she wasn't always able to be there, but she sure as hell tried
You guys escaped from Cybertron and became apart of team Prime
Would absolutely, 100%, without a DOUBT, sacrifice her life for you
She's got your back, if anyone bullied or hurt you, they would have to deal with Arcee later
She also gives great advice
Calls you nicknames like "kiddo" or something stupid like "squid" (I'm just going off what I call my little brother lmao)
Calls you the nicknames even more if you find it annoying lol, she teases you a lot but not to the point where she'd actually hurt you
And if she did she'll feel bad and take you on a ride or something later
You think she's super badass (she is) and as you get older, she teaches you more and more moves
Yes she'll try to always be there to protect you, but she makes sure you know how to defend yourself and fight too
Optimus and Ratchet are kinda like parental figures to you, with Bumblebee as a brother, and Bulkhead as a "cool uncle"
They always tell you how similar you and Arcee are, even if you don't look alike
You probably hang out with Bumblebee and the humans the most, since they're closer to your age
Arcee's younger sibling = Team Prime's younger sibling
I don't wanna get too angsty (lmao me when I lie), but you were close with Tailgate and Cliffjumper, so their deaths hit hard for you
One thing she's terrified about is Arachnid getting to you. She's lost so many people, she just can't lose you too :(
Might go a little harder on training sometimes because of that, but its only because she loves you and wants to make sure you know how to keep yourself safe
Tagging @not-ordinary-robot ! <3
Note: I take requests btw, just make sure to read the rules on my pinned post! <33
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porkcracker · 2 years
Optimus father figure headcanons and maybe grandpa ratchet headcanons with reader (platonic)
Hellow there, peak prompt. Since there isn't really any continuity specified I decided to go with some basic headcanons. Enjoy reading.
Optimus Prime/Ratchet & GN!Reader
Optimus Prime
Optimus is already such a dad
He's the father figure of basically everyone younger than him
But while he cares about his Autobots, he doesn't really see any of them as his children
Now you on the other hand, that's a whole different story
It's gradually, he doesn't even notice it at first
And then one day he just stops mid-scolding for you getting yourself into danger and realizes
Oh...I'm acting like a creator
The realization is kinda flabbergasting to him
Has he been doing that for long? Have any of the others noticed?
Had YOU noticed?
After a couple minutes it gets weird and you're thinking about getting Ratchet, when he blinks, apologises and continues
You do notice he seems to be acting a bit odd
The following days Optimus pays more attention to your interactions and comes to two realizations
Yes, the others did notice
You treat him like he his your creator too
He's kinda bumbed and annoyed at himself for not noticing sooner
But also so touched and flattered that you see him of all bots that way
Also a nervous wreck, if he was protective before he is now double so
Should any Decepticon even try and threaten you or similar he won't hesitate to plant that pede in that faceplate
You're basically inofficially adopted, even I neither of you actually talk about it
Ratchet is grumpy and old
One of these things already marks him down as grandpa material
Okay so maybe he's grumpy and sometimes all the time pretty blunt
But he also cares for everyone and is supportive in his own way
To be honest neither of you notice your relationship is different than the one you have with everyone else
Someone points it out to Ratchet and he denies it immediately
He isn't seeing you as a grandcreation
Does he worry for your safety a lot? Sure
Is he quick to treat you, if you're sick or injured ? Of course
He does that for everyone
Sure, you also have long talks together as he listens and offers advice
Okay, so he gives you snacks sometimes
And who can blame him for indulging your curiosity when you ask about him or exciting stories
There is a lot of cursing as he realizes that, yep, he's treating you like his grandcreation
The realization doesn't stop him
He's definitely the kind of grandpa that spoils his grandcreation
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