#the mdl comments will be safe for me
iguessitsjustme · 7 months
Listen. Do I know it's a bad idea to go into the MDL comments? Yes. Do I do it anyway? Of course I do. I'm nosy. I want to see what disasters are happening in there.
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dangermousie · 1 year
MDL commenters who are, of course, hating FL for her utterly reasonable and heartbreaking to her decisions which try to protect her family and make sure ML is safe at the same time while she is in a really awful situation:
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MDL commenters who hope s2 switches FL to that bounty hunter lady:
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Jang Hyun if he does fall for that bounty hunter girl:
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I am not checking s2 unless the spoilers sound satisfactory to me.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Hello Luta,
I realize you don't know me and this is coming kind of out of nowhere but I saw you were interested in watching Hit Bite Love but were waiting for a few more episodes to drop before seeing it.
As someone who has both greatly enjoyed your D/s comments (and general reviews) and sympathized with all you've been through and who has watched the first two episodes of Hit Bite Love, I felt like giving a bit of a heads up in case no one else had. I understand you make your own, informed decisions but the MDL synopsis for the show is pretty inaccurate when it comes to Shogun (Shokun's) story and the trailer only partially clears things up.
What I mean is, the storyline following Shogun has SA and coercion. The SA occurs in ep. 2 starting at the 4:30 mark of the 4/5 section of the show on YT. Thankfully very brief but the trailer/synopsis gives no hint that this will happen.
As for the coercion, that involves the new love interest, Matteo. Now, the show is jumping around in the timeline a lot and there might be scenes in the upcoming episodes that show how Shogun comes to agree to Matteo's deal but the way ep 2 ended, Matteo is basically saying the only way available for Shogun to achieve a personal dream is to become Matteo's playmate.
As the MDL synopsis makes it sound like Shogun starts dating Matteo for social status and the trailer shows Shogun only voicing complaint about the pain play only after they're already dating, I don't feel like adequate information had been given to fully understand the story one is signing up to watching.
And after 2 episodes, Shogun still looks like a kicked puppy and he is such a sweet cinnamon roll that he really doesn't deserve it.
Hey fellow friend,
I'm not familiar with you, no, but I appreciate anyone looking out for my well-being. I do have severe issues if I'm surprised by SA, it's a huge trigger, so thank you very much for the heads-up.
I'm actually watching the first one right now. So perfect timing. There is no way I can skip this because I've fallen madly in love with Burger and King, but thanks to you, I'm going to get a buddy watcher. @notfreetoday were you planning on watching this show at all? Are any of my @coconuts-mafia planning on watching?
Hey, fellow SA if you'd like me to post trigger warnings like I did for LITA, let me know. I like to live as much of a normal life as I can and enjoy the things I would like to. But thank you for giving me the opportunity to do it safely. 💜💜💜
Love, Luta
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pharawee · 2 years
okay so i was reading your theory about chains of heart and i just gotta share mine.
din is still alive. i think it's obvious at this point that he is because he managed to survive the fall from the cliff, we saw that in episode two (about twenty minutes in) where he and ken were laying in the river bank and din was begging ken to live for him. i don't think he died after that, though. he somehow survived, the body they found in the forrest wasn't him, and he got plastic surgery to not look like himself so he could continue on surviving. so who is he then? none other than talu/lue, the leather glove wearing weirdo basically stalking ken. and he can't tell ken either because he's afraid word would get out - ken might tell his friends or his family, it'd likely get back to din's parents and since they're "close" with the chief (idk if they gave him another name, the man with the scar and altered eye) whom we just saw was the one who shot din, it'd obviously get back to him as well so din wouldn't be safe still being alive - or maybe din is afraid ken wouldn't accept him as he now looks/is so he's gotta adapt to this whole new persona to survive and he's got no other choice but to start over with ken.
it's the way that "lue" looks at ken, like they already have history and he's already in love with him. his willingness to protect and save ken, a supposed basic stranger. like sure, you can be a good guy, but who would really jump in a fight with a bunch of dudes to save some random guy in the middle of an alley unless you know them personally like din knows ken? "lue" saw his way in and snatched it so damn fast. now that he's wormed his way back into ken's life, there's no way he's going to leave him and that's why he "coincidentally" keeps showing up whenever ken needs help.
it's also strange that he's always wearing clothes that cover his entire body and those leather gloves... in thailand where it's hot as heck. someone explain that to me please, there's gotta be a reason why he has to hide his body.
Hi 💜 and also: yay, someone to talk chains of heart with!
I agree with your whole theory. I think it's becoming pretty obvious that Lue and Din (and Tee? idk if you agree with me there) are the same person (and S P O I L E R someone else has confirmed it as canon in the novel / S P O I L E R).
How Lue doesn't just die under the turtle neck, suit jacket and gloves is anyone's guess. They're not even in North Thailand, I think. But yeah, it must be because of the scars. People in the mdl comments are complaining that no one ever commented on it but the first time Lue and Ken shake hands Ken definitely looks at him funny and then decides to leave it uncommented (which tbh is the polite thing to do).
But yeah, it's the way Lue looks at Ken. There's so much yearning and sadness and love there. And Ken must see it too and he's probably confused about why he reacts to this stranger at all, but he's too loyal to Din to even consider it.
But. I'm not even sure Din/Lue wanted to reveal himself to Ken - at least not that soon. He was totally already watching (over) Ken from afar but he had to intervene in the street fight in ep 1 to make sure Ken was safe. And I guess then he just went with the flow because he couldn't stay away (cue to the many many stares~).
I'm still not sure why he had to explode three random street thugs to do all that but ok 🤣
And I'm also reasonably sure that Ken will be devastated once he finds out. No way this revelation will go over well.
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shoceted · 2 years
i reeeeeeally don't want to be frustrated by other people not enjoying a thing i like lmao but good god seeing people hate on yanase for... so many things? after this past episode, on viki and on r/boyslove and mdl... and i just truly wonder, like, have these people never experienced impostor syndrome or creative burnout? does that not happen to other people? can anyone else see this or am i just weird????? (under the cut i have a lot of words and feelings about yanase jun you can read them, or don't)
i'm almost reminded of some reactions to cherimaho post episode like... 6-ish? there were all these comments about how adachi doesn't deserve kurosawa and the like — and it was just like... like he has anxiety. have you ever had anxiety. sometimes it makes it hard to accept compliments, let alone love! and similarly — you can be yanase jun, gifted, award-winning, world famous, probably has a wikipedia page, incredibly handsome and successful... and still think you're not good enough. anyone can feel those things. you can have all that and still think lowly of yourself. you can have none of that and still be burnt out and in the throes of self loathing.
him going back to vancouver is literally the opposite of cowardly. he's taking a huge risk here — he could stay in japan, comfortable, doing mediocre work on smaller jobs, safe, not creatively fulfilled at all but safe. or he goes to vancouver and does the dangerous thing — doing bigger jobs and having more opportunities, maybe to fail, but maybe to succeed, too. the yanase of this episode isn't taking risks or doing anything brave and he sure as hell isn't standing up for himself as an artist.
but kaneda is. he's the one who's explaining to benji all the reasons that the temple cgi has to be wood & asking yanase if he can help w/ the market cgi because he knows yanase doesn't actually want to compromise quality for time. and yanase used to be willing to fight like kaneda is, but he's so disillusioned by the industry (how different does this hit btw w/ the news of how marvel's vfx artists are treated?) at this point in the episode that, while it would be brave to fight, yanase doesn't think it's worth it.
but by going to vancouver — yanase has a chance to at least stop being cowardly, and maybe he'll even find his passion again too. kaneda is brave (heh heh get it. because kamen rider. anyway), so yanase is going to try to be brave too — even if it means being away from the person he loves and cares about so much for a year. like that's gonna hurt him like hell. i do not doubt that it is going to hurt him like hell. but overcoming that hurt so that he can be someone he thinks is worthy to be by kaneda's side is just such an act of love that i truly don't get why other people don't see it.
full disclosure as to maybe why i feel so angry about people not understanding this: i have an ex who, when i broke up with them, told me that you don't have to run away to grow. (i was pretty much in yanase's position — burnt out, self-hating, not feeling worthy of their affection, extremely creatively stifled.) and i mean, sometimes, that's true; sometimes running away is the worst thing you can do. but it's pretty damn clear that in the environment of max pictures in japan, yanase jun is being stepped on. if he wants to change and be someone he deems worthy of kaneda yuki, he needs a place where he can grow. so that's where he's headed.
so yeah in conclusion i would literally die for yanase jun, everything he's done in this god damn show makes perfect sense and i am truly tired of pretending otherwise! if you don't like sepakoi it's fine it's whatever just. please. please think a little bit about why characters act the way they do use your brain cells i know you got em, r/boyslove/viki/mdl users. please.
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kexing · 2 years
Everyday I thank universe for helping me find your blog and amazing space you've created for all te te besties 💖 I remember dark ages of actually reading people's comments on mdl...🤡 but now I know better and watch only things mutuals put on my dash 🙏 (I've started plus & minus ofc and I'm dying bc of cliffhanger now askfhdhd)
Sorry for longer ask just wanted to join appreciation train bc you definitely deserve it!! 💖
JO BELOVED HI!!! and every day i thank the universe for your beautiful art and wonderful companionship!!!!
thank you so much for contributing to my little space!!! you definitely make it better!!!
PLEASE DON’T GET NEAR THE MDL COMMENT SECTION EVER AGAIN!!!!! it’s just the worst place possible. we need to protect ourselves!!!! yes, that’s right!!! our circle is small but at least it’s safe!!!
OMG PLUS & MINUS WHAT WAS THAT CLIFFHANGER??? i i swear to GOD if ze shou makes a joke about the kiss, i’m literally kicking him in the head!!!! li gong has been through enough!!! omg i can’t wait for next episode. it’s the only thing keeping me interested right now and mostly because i’m projecting akktheo onto them 🙃🙃🙃
nooo don’t worry! the longer the message the better alkdkskdkskd thank you SO much!!! i can’t imagine going through these rough enchanté-less days without you 🥺❤️💙
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
wow okay this episode was all a flashback except for the last scene and i have so many things to say!!!!!
first of all, tay’s range and skill? that’s some king shit yall. also this character somehow feels more natural than pete since tay is a bit like shin (easily fooled, loves art) so i am loving that!! also shin laughs in this drama and i looooove tay’s laugh (he has the cutest laugh ever ;-;) so i’m soft half of the time he’s on screen i’m just bisexual like that
second, the episode starting with a glimpse of shin’s dad being a shitty bitch and with shin’s coming out was so bold like damn other bls would put that scene towards the end of the episode but no 3wbf said we don’t feed into that making coming out the biggest deal of the show and i’m here for it!!!! although shin’s dad giving him a whole GUN to defend himself against the person who punched him for being gay (i wonder who since it doesn’t seem like his friends other than nammon’s character know he’s gay) was a bit yikes,, chile anyways..
third, i’m glad we got a whole episode with background info because shin and neo knowing each other and shin having a crush on him was a big ??? because hello wtf how can these two meet when their worlds are completely different????? but now we know shin is an artist and the first time he saw him was at an art class thingy and neo was Naked for most of the time (and may i say, looking at shin) and shin was like I Am Not Looking Respectfully. also it explains why neo didn’t know shit about shin’s family hhh
fourth, the whole story with ken (i just looked up the name on mdl because i didn’t remember lmao) and shin omg!! poor baby got rejected and then found out ken had a whole boyfriend???? that’s a plot twist if i do say so myself!!!!
okay i’m too lazy and too dumb to keep counting so shin and neo’s night together!!!!!! now i understand why the neighbour recognised shin omg why didn’t i connect the dots when they first show us the polaroid on his wallet!!!!!! i feel stupid for not realising earlier but also that was such a sweet night even though p’ja deserves jail time,,, first episode without someone dying that’s refreshing kshsjk some of the comments from the last part of the episode and basically about this night they spent together that can express my thoughts on it are these:
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and also i really agreed with this comment:
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i really liked the fact that their story started like that and then they never saw each other again (leaving poor shin with a crush on neo the size of a truck) until the bathroom scene where they hide in a stall blah blah yall know what happens because it’s something that is so rare in thai and non thai mlm stories. most times these writers play safe in the sense that they mostly put the couples in a basic setting (university) and with the usual falling in love at first sight (shin only finds him hot from how i interpreted that scene and the whole i can’t look i won’t look thing) and pining until the other outta nowhere likes him back and then they have a few hardships (but nothing really serious, because mlm relationships aren’t taken seriously in asian media lol) and then happily ever after. i like the fact that shin only seems to start getting a real interest on neo after a while into their night together. (yes, he finds him hot and attractive, but it’s different after neo tells him he’ll wait for him to explain who ken was and what happened.) the fact that they laughed after their kiss makes you remember that these two are basically strangers who have known each other for a few hours, have basically trespassed to an abandoned gym and are suddenly kissing and being one of the other’s first kiss.
god this is so long already and i have to sleep but i just have to say that i am Loving this drama (if it isn’t obvious already) and i had to control myself to not speak on the teaser and not watch ep6 because that would make this post extra long and it would also mean the drama would end sooner than i’d like to,,
okay that’s all from me byE
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jernahorizon · 7 years
Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me: PSA FAQ
1. Where did you watch this show?
I watched it on YouTube on the official TenCent (or Teng Xun) Channel and other Chinese drama sites for several reasons.
- I can understand Chinese so the problem of “raws” is not a problem for me - Somehow other Chinese sites ended up uploading the last few episodes faster than the YouTube releases (probably because of Tencent’s subscriber early preview option) --> Yes, I have already completed the show (S1+S2)
SEASON 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX26aiIvX5oWv-JZEEI6zWTUK0MULOtl
SEASON 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX26aiIvX5oomrxI-59MznAY1NwsKDdN
Literally the links above have a CC option for ENGLISH with 100% (pretty decent but still not necessarily professional) FAN-PROVIDED SUBS.
To my knowledge Season 1 should be completely subbed and now can be found on other drama sites or DailyMotion as discussed in communities like MyDramaList and more. I’m sure you can just Google it by now.
As aforemnetioned, ALL SUBS are probably FAN-PROVIDED out of the willingness and goodwill of the subbers’ hearts (even including some people around me). The fact that Season 1 was subbed consecutively by 1 particular user in quick fashion was already ASTOUNDING to me. At the rate of all the wonderful and kind effort of the subbers, it’s seriously only a matter of time before it is subbed.
Please. Be. Patient.
4. Can you (whoever in Chinese-speaking community) please help sub it?!?  PLEASE PLEASE I WANT TO WATCH IT. I WILL THANK YOU A LOT FOR IT. / Where else can I watch for Eng subs for Episode X?
I had also seriously considered this endeavour precisely because I wanted to share my love for this drama when the CC option for this show JUST RELEASED. Yet ironically, being asked to sub it simply because I had watched it and understood the raws (amongst other dialogue) actually put off my own motivation to sub it. Because subbers are probably doing it more out of their own desire rather than the “need to be thanked by you” yet YOUR request somehow sounds to like making others obligated to sub it for you. Especially with no consideration whatsoever given to the lives of the subbers being possibly busy and not being paid for their efforts in any other way.
In any case, referring back to Q3, I’m already amazed at how the fanbase already managed to sub the eps SO QUICKLY such that I didn’t even have to contribute much subs. The official YT links (ABOVE) are also honestly probably the fastest way that MORE people can contibute to the subbing all at once. So it’s seriously your best bet at getting subs the quickest. I have no idea where the other posts have been getting theirs in any case.
Conclusion: please refer to the SAME LINKS from Q1. And please be patient. 
Further Clarifications:
5. So wtf is this show about? What tropes does it have? Is it like X (another drama)?
There are seriously many places you can easily find out this information. Such as this MDL page with also the SAME YouTube official links mentioned in Q1.
Despite its currently increasing popularity, this originated as a pretty OBSCURE WEB-RELEASED CHINESE (not Taiwanese) DRAMA based on a webnovel of the same title (which I have not read). So its standards in terms of its mostly young and new cast, production quality and even filming style MUST BE GIVEN some SLACK.
To put it simply. my friends and I can safely say, it has A LOT OF typical shoujo-manga style romance tropes and can be said to be a combo of Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) + Itazura na Kiss and a bit of Fated to Love You (TW version) even. Whatever else dramas comparison I may not have watched, and I’m pretty sure the above SUPER classic dramas may have already covered it.
In any case, my thoughts about this show, specifically for Season 1 have been aptly summarised in this review over here (http://mydramalist.com/profile/jernahorizon/review/28153) OR on posted here on Tumblr which other reviews also seem to cover similar points (as far as I know). 
6. Is there a Season 3? I heard there was a possibility of Season 3?!
So far, at the time of posting, after stalking the relevant Weibo official accounts of the drama, there seems to be TALKS of Season 3, based on S1 and S2′s director’s post comments which HINTED at this. The director responded that he would not be free to direct S3 in any case due to schedule clashes.
HOWEVER, there doesn’t seem to be any confirmation on ANY OTHER information per say as to the CASTING (whether the leads will remain the same) OR when it will be filmed (which is unlikely to be ongoing because Xing Fair the female lead is currently filming something else it seems).
And honestly after finishing Season 2 and I’m actually GLAD that I don’t think S3 is technically needed. (Though I’m also not sure where the story stands now in the canon novel since I have not read it.)
There are serious time-variability to the accuracy of these answers, such that such questions hopefully no longer need to be addressed. These responses are as far as possible based on accurate information at the time of posting. 
If it wasn’t obvious enough, I’ve been giffing this show on Tumblr and plan on continuing in which would also include a huge ass rambling of my thoughts on the finale which I have watched (as explained from Q1 already).
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cassandradodds · 8 years
NSAIDs Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack, Study Suggests
Ibuprofen, Other Common Painkillers May be Associated with Heart Risk
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are commonly used as over-the-counter painkillers. A new study, published in the March 2017 issue of the European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, found that these medications may be associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Researchers found that taking drug such as ibuprofen may be associated with a 31 percent increased risk.
The personal injury attorneys at Parker Waichman LLP have decades of experience representing clients in drug injury litigation. The firm continues to offer free legal consultations to individuals with questions about filing a drug injury lawsuit.
Professor Gunnar H. Gislason, professor of cardiology at Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Denmark, authored the study. “Allowing these drugs to be purchased without a prescription, and without any advice or restrictions, sends a message to the public that they must be safe,” he commented in a Mar. 15, 2017 news release. “Previous studies have shown that NSAIDs are related to increased cardiovascular risk which is a concern because they are widely used.”
The Danish study analyzed data from nearly 30,000 patients who suffered a heart attack outside of the hospital from 2000 and 2010. Authors gathered data using the Danish Cardiac Arrest Registry. The researchers also analyzed NSAID prescriptions filled at Danish pharmacies since 1995.
Time reports that Advil (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen) are over-the-counter drugs in the United States; in Denmark, however, the only NSAID available OTC is ibuprofen. The study found that ibuprofen and diclofenac were the most commonly used NSAIDs among patients with heart attacks.
The study found that diclofenac and prescription-strength ibuprofen were associated with a 50 percent and 31 percent increased risk of cardiac arrest, respectively.
“The findings are a stark reminder that NSAIDs are not harmless,” said Professor Gislason, according to the release. “Diclofenac and ibuprofen, both commonly used drugs, were associated with significantly increased risk of cardiac arrest. NSAIDs should be used with caution and for a valid indication. They should probably be avoided in patients with cardiovascular disease or many cardiovascular risk factors.”
The researcher says that these medications should be taken with caution, as they are not without risks. He notes that just because a drug is available OTC, does not necessarily mean it is safe for every patient. “The current message being sent to the public about NSAIDs is wrong. If you can buy these drugs in a convenience store then you probably think ‘they must be safe for me’. Our study adds to the evidence about the adverse cardiovascular effects of NSAIDs and confirms that they should be taken seriously, and used only after consulting a healthcare professional,” he said.
“I don’t think these drugs should be sold in supermarkets or petrol stations where there is no professional advice on how to use them. Over-the-counter NSAIDs should only be available at pharmacies, in limited quantities, and in low doses.”
In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strengthened the label on non-aspirin NSAIDs to warn about the risk of heart attack and stroke. Prior to the update, the warning on NSAIDs (aside from aspirin) disclosed a risk of stroke and heart attack. The updated warning says that patients may be subject to an increased risk as early as the first weeks of use. The risk may be higher with increasing duration or higher dosage.
Other Studies Examine NSAID Adverse Events
Parker Waichman notes that other studies have assessed potential adverse events associated with the use of NSAIDs. For example, a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that use of NSAIDs may be associated with an increased risk of dying from Type 1 endometrial cancer.
Researchers analyzed data from over 4,000 patients and found that regularly taking NSAIDs was linked to a 66 percent increased risk of dying from Type 1 endometrial cancers.
“There is a increasing evidence that chronic inflammation is involved in endometrial cancer and progression and recent data suggests that inhibition of inflammation through NSAID use plays a role,” said co-lead author Theodore Brasky, PhD, according to the release. “This study identifies a clear association that merits additional research to help us fully understand the biologic mechanisms behind this phenomenon. Our finding was surprising because it goes against previous studies that suggest NSAIDs can be used to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of developing or dying from certain cancers, like colorectal cancer.”
Another article, published in American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Advanced Critical Care, found that Tylenol (acetaminophen) was the drug most commonly associated with cases of drug-induced liver injury. Tylenol was linked to 46 percent of acute liver failure cases, the article said. According to the authors, patients may take more Tylenol than necessary because it is available OTC. Additionally, patients may not realize that acetaminophen is also present in other OTC drugs that combine different medications.
“The liver helps remove toxins, which makes it especially vulnerable to injury from either short-term intake above recommended levels or long-term usage that allows toxins to build up,” said author Angela Collins-Yoder, RN, PhD, CCNS, ACNS-BC, clinical professor, University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing, Tuscaloosa, and critical care nurse specialist, Sacred Heart Pensacola Hospital, Pensacola, Florida. “Recognizing the clinical signs and symptoms is crucial to prompt treatment and effective patient care.”
In terms of litigation, a multidistrict litigation (MDL) has been established for Tylenol liver failure lawsuits. Plaintiffs allege that Tylenol caused liver failure and that McNeil-PPC and parent company Johnson & Johnson failed to warn of the risks.
Filing a Drug Injury Lawsuit
Parker Waichman is a national personal injury law firm that represents clients in drug and medical device injury lawsuits. Our goal is to ensure patient safety and hold manufacturers liable in situations where they failed to warn patients and physicians about the risks associated with a drug or medical device. Misrepresenting the safety of a medical product puts patients at risk. If you or someone you know suffered a drug or medical device injury and want to learn more about filing a personal injury lawsuit, contact our firm today by filling out our online form or calling 1-800-YOURLAWYER (1-800-968-7529).
from Parker Waichman http://www.yourlawyer.com/blog/nsaids-linked-increased-risk-heart-attack-study-suggests/
from WordPress https://parkerwaichman.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/nsaids-linked-to-increased-risk-of-heart-attack-study-suggests/
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parkerwaichmanlaw · 8 years
NSAIDs Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack, Study Suggests
Ibuprofen, Other Common Painkillers May be Associated with Heart Risk
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are commonly used as over-the-counter painkillers. A new study, published in the March 2017 issue of the European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, found that these medications may be associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Researchers found that taking drug such as ibuprofen may be associated with a 31 percent increased risk.
The personal injury attorneys at Parker Waichman LLP have decades of experience representing clients in drug injury litigation. The firm continues to offer free legal consultations to individuals with questions about filing a drug injury lawsuit.
Professor Gunnar H. Gislason, professor of cardiology at Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Denmark, authored the study. “Allowing these drugs to be purchased without a prescription, and without any advice or restrictions, sends a message to the public that they must be safe,” he commented in a Mar. 15, 2017 news release. “Previous studies have shown that NSAIDs are related to increased cardiovascular risk which is a concern because they are widely used.”
The Danish study analyzed data from nearly 30,000 patients who suffered a heart attack outside of the hospital from 2000 and 2010. Authors gathered data using the Danish Cardiac Arrest Registry. The researchers also analyzed NSAID prescriptions filled at Danish pharmacies since 1995.
Time reports that Advil (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen) are over-the-counter drugs in the United States; in Denmark, however, the only NSAID available OTC is ibuprofen. The study found that ibuprofen and diclofenac were the most commonly used NSAIDs among patients with heart attacks.
The study found that diclofenac and prescription-strength ibuprofen were associated with a 50 percent and 31 percent increased risk of cardiac arrest, respectively.
“The findings are a stark reminder that NSAIDs are not harmless,” said Professor Gislason, according to the release. “Diclofenac and ibuprofen, both commonly used drugs, were associated with significantly increased risk of cardiac arrest. NSAIDs should be used with caution and for a valid indication. They should probably be avoided in patients with cardiovascular disease or many cardiovascular risk factors.”
The researcher says that these medications should be taken with caution, as they are not without risks. He notes that just because a drug is available OTC, does not necessarily mean it is safe for every patient. “The current message being sent to the public about NSAIDs is wrong. If you can buy these drugs in a convenience store then you probably think ‘they must be safe for me’. Our study adds to the evidence about the adverse cardiovascular effects of NSAIDs and confirms that they should be taken seriously, and used only after consulting a healthcare professional,” he said.
“I don’t think these drugs should be sold in supermarkets or petrol stations where there is no professional advice on how to use them. Over-the-counter NSAIDs should only be available at pharmacies, in limited quantities, and in low doses.”
In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strengthened the label on non-aspirin NSAIDs to warn about the risk of heart attack and stroke. Prior to the update, the warning on NSAIDs (aside from aspirin) disclosed a risk of stroke and heart attack. The updated warning says that patients may be subject to an increased risk as early as the first weeks of use. The risk may be higher with increasing duration or higher dosage.
Other Studies Examine NSAID Adverse Events
Parker Waichman notes that other studies have assessed potential adverse events associated with the use of NSAIDs. For example, a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that use of NSAIDs may be associated with an increased risk of dying from Type 1 endometrial cancer.
Researchers analyzed data from over 4,000 patients and found that regularly taking NSAIDs was linked to a 66 percent increased risk of dying from Type 1 endometrial cancers.
“There is a increasing evidence that chronic inflammation is involved in endometrial cancer and progression and recent data suggests that inhibition of inflammation through NSAID use plays a role,” said co-lead author Theodore Brasky, PhD, according to the release. “This study identifies a clear association that merits additional research to help us fully understand the biologic mechanisms behind this phenomenon. Our finding was surprising because it goes against previous studies that suggest NSAIDs can be used to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of developing or dying from certain cancers, like colorectal cancer.”
Another article, published in American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Advanced Critical Care, found that Tylenol (acetaminophen) was the drug most commonly associated with cases of drug-induced liver injury. Tylenol was linked to 46 percent of acute liver failure cases, the article said. According to the authors, patients may take more Tylenol than necessary because it is available OTC. Additionally, patients may not realize that acetaminophen is also present in other OTC drugs that combine different medications.
“The liver helps remove toxins, which makes it especially vulnerable to injury from either short-term intake above recommended levels or long-term usage that allows toxins to build up,” said author Angela Collins-Yoder, RN, PhD, CCNS, ACNS-BC, clinical professor, University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing, Tuscaloosa, and critical care nurse specialist, Sacred Heart Pensacola Hospital, Pensacola, Florida. “Recognizing the clinical signs and symptoms is crucial to prompt treatment and effective patient care.”
In terms of litigation, a multidistrict litigation (MDL) has been established for Tylenol liver failure lawsuits. Plaintiffs allege that Tylenol caused liver failure and that McNeil-PPC and parent company Johnson & Johnson failed to warn of the risks.
Filing a Drug Injury Lawsuit
Parker Waichman is a national personal injury law firm that represents clients in drug and medical device injury lawsuits. Our goal is to ensure patient safety and hold manufacturers liable in situations where they failed to warn patients and physicians about the risks associated with a drug or medical device. Misrepresenting the safety of a medical product puts patients at risk. If you or someone you know suffered a drug or medical device injury and want to learn more about filing a personal injury lawsuit, contact our firm today by filling out our online form or calling 1-800-YOURLAWYER (1-800-968-7529).
from Parker Waichman http://www.yourlawyer.com/blog/nsaids-linked-increased-risk-heart-attack-study-suggests/
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