#the problem is i have. not nearly enough confidence to make people pay
Hey um! I think I have a payment method now. Just need to figure out pricing
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sixosix · 1 year
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itoshi sae x gn!reader
( ? ) you’re not quite sure what sae wants from you. maybe sae doesn’t, either. but you two will figure it out someday. 700 words.
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a warm gust of air blowing on your right ear startles you enough to nearly flip the table over.
thankfully, you didn’t, but you almost did, and that was enough for you to grab the fork delicately perched atop tissue paper and aim it at your assailant.
sae’s still a few inches from your ear, and when you’ve turned, you nearly kiss noses.
he quirks an eyebrow, leaning away when you splutter and jab the fork on his sleeve. the fork is dull from months of only using it to stab pastries. he remains blank-faced.
“what the hell,” you hiss, mostly embarrassed that you’ve been spacing out for so long that itoshi sae, of all people, noticed. just to be cautious, you place a hand over your ear. “why’d you do that?”
you’re not sure if you’ve been surprised badly enough that you can still feel a tingle in your ear or if it’s because sae had his mouth close to you in that particular spot.
“what are you doing here?” sae looks around, unfazed by the sight of some people looking over and squinting at this familiar face. he’s wearing a thick coat, and you’re sorely reminded of a failed attempt to make your date notice you’re feeling cold and drape his jacket over you.
note to self: don’t wear a thin top when you’re going out for a man, especially if the said man doesn’t show up in the end.
you’re shivering slightly, but your face is hot. “none of your business.”
“you got stood up.”
it’s supposed to sound like a question, you presume from the curious glint in his eye, but he phrases it like he might as well know the answers to all your problems—like he’s about to pull out a crystal ball and prattle about your constellations.
you must be making a face despite your lack of response because sae’s lips twitch into an almost smile. he pulls on the top rail of the chair in front of you and sits.
“i don’t want your pity.”
sae gestures for the waiter. “for what? i’m only hungry.”
the waitress who comes to serve you both is the same one who asked you three times if you’re going to order. she is delighted that you’re finally with someone because it seems like she pitied you waiting for someone who never came.
but sae is not like that to you. you’re something like friends, sure. you talk, text, and hang out. you have a big crush on him, but you don’t feel confident enough to start something by kissing him out of nowhere.
“he’s not—”
“i’ll pay,” sae says, and you shut right up and give him a dazzling smile. he rolls his eyes, turning back to the waitress to ask for water instead of soft drinks for him, then his gaze shifts to meet yours to wait for your order.
oh. you belatedly realize that he’s making you order first.
well, an hour waiting for a jackass was enough to have you scan the entire menu down to its extra descriptions.
“who stood you up?” sae asks after the waitress walks off, leaning against the chair.
“can you stop bringing that up?” you whine, sliding a hand over your face. eyeliner be damned, it’s not like the guy you’re supposed to be on a date with right now can see it anyway.
sae reaches out to stop you from rubbing your face, pulling it away from your face. he must find your frustrated expression amusing, based on the short chuckle that feels like he didn’t mean to let slip. he then takes off his coat and stands up to lean over and drape it around you. his warmth hits you like a truck.
you stare at his face for maybe a few minutes, a little stunned. you used to be closer to him—back when he was younger and had a brighter gleam in green eyes, never afraid to show affection, but he’s drifted off since he came back. maybe in his mind, he never left.
carefully, you lean away. not enough to startle him, because you don’t want it to stop. just… maybe not this fast. not when you’re not sure how to handle it. tomorrow, you might feel different. later, even.
right now, itoshi sae sits across you, keeping you company when someone has stood you up. the same guy who was supposed to help you move on from sae, to help call time-out from this constant push and pull. but it didn’t work.
perhaps it wasn’t made to work for the sole reason of keeping you and sae together like this.
“how was your match?” you ask instead. you’ll figure out fate’s punchline some other time.
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teaandransacking · 2 years
okay hear me out; the concept of five times… and the one time.. with lockwood and reader, where they are in a secret relationship, maybe reader could be kipps sister to give a reasons why they can’t tell anyone. and then just five times (or less idk) they were nearly caught and the one time they were?? i think that would be amazing, also i’m a sucker for forbidden romance trope so…
I love this. I hope I did it justice for you.
Words: 1400 ~ Content: angst, kissing, forbidden relationships
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clandestine meetings and longing stares
This is a public place. We’re not doing anything wrong.
It’s true. The Archives is a public place. Where people go to study.
Except that’s not what you and Lockwood are doing.
Not that you’re defiling the books here or anything. You’re just stealing a moment together.
Towards the back of the first floor, in the stacks of the Ancient History section, where hardly anyone goes, Lockwood has you pressed up against rows and rows of leatherbound books.
He’s so close that you can see tiny flecks of gold in his dark brown eyes, make out a few stray hairs on his jaw that he missed shaving this morning.
You settle your hand over his heart, feel the rhythm of it beating.
You’d like to do this in public. Hold his hand in front of everyone; claim him as yours.
There’s just one problem: Quill Kipps is your big brother, and if he found out, there’d be hell to pay.
Lockwood’s nowhere near good enough for you, he always mutters.
And isn’t Anthony’s life hard enough already? An orphan by the age of 6, and responsible for Lucy and George (not that they need taking care of) at 17, he has worries galore without adding sneaking about with you to the list.
But he loves you. You feel it in his hand at the small of your back, hear it in the timbre of his buttery smooth voice when he says your name.
“Lockwood-” you begin, but he presses a gentle finger to your lips.
“Shh. Listen.”
And sure enough, you hear it. The swish of rapiers against clothes. Other agents are here.
You spring apart, you tucking yourself around a marble pillar just in time to see your brother approach.
You’re safe. 
This time.
—- ---
The second time, it’s George who saves your bacon. He’s known for weeks; he was the first one to figure it out, because of course he was.
The three of you are in a little cafe a stone’s throw from Covent Garden, drinking tea and sharing cake. Lockwood feeds you bites from his own fork and you reciprocate, while George playfully rolls his eyes about how sickeningly domestic it is.
You’re laughing and brushing a bright pink angel cake crumb from Lockwood’s mouth when George suddenly knocks his cup of tea right into your lap, and when your gaze cuts to him he mouths: Go.
A second later, you hear your brother’s voice at the cafe counter and you disappear into the bathroom.
—- ---
The third time is a very close call.
Lockwood’s shimmied up the tree outside your window. Your heart jumps into your throat every time he does this, especially because it’s usually after dark.
When he taps on your window, you let him in right away. He’s windswept and his skin is cold from the winter air. He smells of crisp fallen leaves and earl grey tea, and you kiss the confident smile off his face.
“Lockwood,” you say when he’s safely seated on your bed. “We have to stop this.”
He tugs you close, pulling you between his legs so your back is to his front. “Don’t ask that of me. Please.”
You turn and kiss him. “No. I mean, sneaking around. Quill will have to just deal. I mean, we face terrifying Visitors on the daily, but him finding out you and I are together is worse? I don’t buy it.”
“He hates me,” Lockwood murmurs, tangling his fingers with yours. He sighs. “And maybe he’s right. You can do better.”
You twist in his arms. “You shut up right now. You’re the best person I know.” He still looks so sombre, so you add, to make him laugh, “Except George. Of course.”
“Except George,” he agrees, but his seriousness is for show now, and the little glimmer of happiness on him makes your heart soar.
He leans down for another kiss, and his mouth is delectable, and you turn fully in his embrace to line your bodies up.
You’ll never get enough of him, you think as you slide your hands into his hair, pulling him closer still. Your tongues tangle, and when he breaks the kiss you lean back so he can drop kisses down your neck.
The sound of your name from outside the door makes you go rigid.
It’s your brother.
He knocks. “Are you in there?”
“Shit!” You breathe.
You practically push Lockwood off the bed. “Hide. Hide!”
He scrambles under the bed and you stuff your quilt in behind him just as Kipps opens the door to find you reclining on bed with your over-ear headphones on.
“Would you knock?” You exclaim.
He frowns. “Sorry. I - why is your window open? Aren’t you freezing?”
The fourth time, everyone’s in the dark - literally.
You’re all working together, Lucy, Lockwood and George, and Kipps and his crew, including you. The basement of the creepy old church is silent around you. You only have the one torch, but Kipps wants to survey the space without light at first, to get the lay of the land.
By some divine providence, you’ve ended up crouching next to Lockwood, and you startle when he takes your hand, only to relax when you feel his familiar rapier-callused palm.
You don’t dare to speak, but you rest your shoulder against his. 
His fingers start to move on the flat of your palm, and you’re confused for a second until you realise that he’s tracing letters on to your skin, with full stops in between to demarcate the words.
It makes your heart swell as you imagine him saying the words, imagine his gaze holding yours, strong and sincere.
And then Bobby loses his nerve and switches his torch on, and all hell breaks loose, and the moment is lost.
The fifth time, you don’t even try to hide it.
It’s the aftermath of a huge battle. Several Type Twos. Not enough agents.
When the fog from the salt and smoke bombs clear, Lockwood’s lying on the ground a few feet away, next to your brother. You crawl over, see your brother stirring, but Lockwood isn’t.
Desperate, your heart clenching, you kneel by his prone form, cupping his face with both hands.
“Lockwood. Anthony,” you beseech softly.
Kipps sits up, but you ignore him. You settle your fingers on Lockwood’s pulse point.
It’s sluggish, but it’s there.
Relief makes you weak as Lucy, George and Bobby crowd around.
“He’s just playing-” Kipps begins.
“Shut up,” you snap. 
He recoils but says nothing else.
“Lockwood, wake up!” You plead, patting his face.
Around you, Lucy and George look stricken and pale.
You wait for what seems like an eternity, but then Lockwood lets out a little cough.
“Help me sit him up,” you tell your brother, and to his credit, he responds right away, and between you you prop Lockwood up against Kipps’ chest.
“You’d better not die,” Kipps mutters. “My sister will never be happy again.”
Your gaze flits to your brother’s face.
He rolls his eyes. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Neither you or Lockwood are as clever as you think you are.”
Lockwood’s eyes flutter open at that moment. “Good to hear that normal service has resumed, Kippy,” he groans.
You lean in and kiss his dear face. “How do you feel?”
“Like I’ve been thrown around like a ragdoll.” But he smiles, and some of that Lockwood bravado lights up his eyes. “But getting to kiss you in front of everyone just might be all I need to recover.”
You laugh and kiss him again. Kipps makes a face, but doesn’t protest.
“You don’t mind?” You ask, still cuddling in close to Lockwood.
“Hard to mind when he saved my arse literally ten minutes ago.”
“Aww,” Lockwood coughs, still weak. “Kippy and I are having a moment.”
Kipps shoves Lockwood off him. “As long as you never, ever refer to us having a moment again, we’re good.”
The whole hang of you walk home together, you and Lucy supporting Lockwood between you, and, you think:
We’ll be all right.
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lone-rhapsodist · 10 months
The past two months have been very difficult for me. For reasons beyond my understanding, I have been very depressed.
It started when, with the free time gained from the new job, I decided to start looking for a band. After only two weeks of posting ads, searching through classifieds and talking to people, I immediately stopped and started feeling more and more depressed. Something was not right.
It has happened before in my life that I put too much pressure on myself and had unrealistic expectations about things. But this time, I felt different.
I quit everything I could quit except from my job, my relationship and my work for our local Classics society. I did not make any music, or write, or game.
I spent days thinking and thinking, reading and reading, until eventually I found a good book. "The Confidence Gap", by Russ Harris. Let me tell you: over the years, I have read a lot of books that are bullshit, and a lot of books that are very emotional and inspiring but lacking in practical solutions to your problems. This is a very practical book. Very relatable, very useful. I cannot recommend it enough.
I have spent some time doing some of the work from the book -- reconnecting with my values, rethinking my goals etc. I spent a whole weekend doing just that. It's only been a week, but since I have been doing this work, I've felt a lot calmer, a lot more at peace with my life.
So much so that yesterday, when our landlord called to say that they are thinking of raising our rent by nearly £400, I was able to handle it a lot better than I thought. I mean, I didn't completely lose my shit. That's something. But I was able to keep it to myself until the evening, to avoid upsetting my partner, who had a big commitment during the day.
We are both devastated. Apparently the market value of the property has increased a lot over the past year, and this is actually the best deal that the letting agency could negotiate for us. That's what they said, at least -- I have not yet properly looked into the figures myself, but I feel like that's about right.
What a shitty situation to be in! Now we have to think about whether to move out in February, with all the difficulties it involves, or stay until July/August and pay more rent but be safe for now and have an easier move over the summer. I don't know. Having done two moves in February before, I'm more inclined towards the summer move, but we will do our research and see what's best.
It just really sucks that life must be like this… that happiness never lasts that long. Got a new job? You get depressed. Got over depression? Here's a massive rent increase. Honestly, there's no winning.
I don't know how anyone can ever, truly make it through this. All I know is that I have better tools now to deal with this than I did two months ago. And I am not one for gratitude journals, but I am grateful that I have a great job to support me through this, and a wonderful partner by my side as we try to get through this. And I'm also grateful that, with this new approach to life, despite all this mess, I have still found some time today to do some long-form writing, for the first time in two months.
I don't know what lies ahead. Clearly, the future is unpredictable. But I'm doing my best, and thinking, and doing things one at a time. And I'm happy about that.
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pollylynn · 2 years
Lookout—A Caskett One-Shot Insert for Love Me Dead (2 x 09)
This is in response to an anonymous prompt, which I've included at the end so as not to spoil. Thank you for the prompt, Anon! This is in place of a chapter of Fabrications tonight; I had a pile of other people's failures dropped on my head tonight and I just didn't make it to the dreadmill.
Title: Lookout WC: 1400
He follows her from the perfect distance. He draws close, then falls back, skirting the edge of danger, because he can. He’s confident. He uses the comparatively thin, post–rush hour crowds to his advantage. Even when she darts suddenly ahead to eat up the last few blinking milliseconds of the little, white Walk man—to beat the red Don’t Walk palm to the punch—the distance he maintains is absolutely perfect at all times. 
He has skills. No, seriously. He is impressing even himself with how good he turns out to be at maintaining a tail. He supposes that she, ironically, deserves some credit for those skills. He’s picked up a thing or two in the last eight months, despite her total unwillingness to provide him hands-on instruction with the more vitally necessary—and coincidentally exciting—aspects of police work, like wheel work during high-speed pursuits, a place in the line-up for those cool, coordinated, weapons-drawn roll-outs when they’re clearing a room a suspect might be lurking in, or anything to do with the car radio. 
The joke’s on her, though, because he’s learned a thing or two anyway. Clearly. He never loses sight of her black leather trench. He has line of sight to its skirts as they whip behind her trying to keep up with her bad-ass stride. Or he has eyes on the tangerine streetlights sweeping over its shoulders. He can tell from the sharp clack of her heels against the pavement whether she’s going to slow suddenly to avoid a collision with some clueless pedestrian or pick up the pace to perfectly time her fluid movement between the slow-moving cars that are trying and failing to escape gridlock. 
He is crushing this tail so hard that he has some headspace to contemplate how, exactly, he’s going to continue surveillance once she actually hits Sutton’s. He’s not worried about her seeing him. No, he’s practically a ninja. There’s not a doubt in his mind that he can slip through the door undetected, fade into the woodwork, get close but not too close. 
But it’s the not-too-close that could—only could, mind you—present a problem. Close enough to eavesdrop is the goal. As entertaining as it is to tail her with the greatest of ease, it’s not actually an end in itself. He needs to know why his daughter is seeking her counsel instead of his. It’s an outrage, given that he is not just an expert in clandestine pursuit, but also the coolest of cool dads. It can and will not stand, so he needs to be within eavesdropping distance. Or not necessarily.  
He’s picturing payoffs. Or maybe a drinking glass to the high back of an adjacent booth. Or if there’s a spy shop along the way, he’s pretty sure he could nip in for bug-and-receiver set up, nip back out, and still not have lost her. Or he could lip read, right? Like, how hard can that even be, given all that he has discovered just tonight about the innate skills he has for intelligence gathering?
He’s hemming and hawing. He’s on his phone surfing for spy gear, though he’s grumpily aware that realistically speaking, toys worthy of a certain British secret agent will probably have to wait for some future op. He’s weighing the pros and cons of paying off a waitress or a bus boy versus flexing his lip-reading muscles when he nearly experiences internal decapitation courtesy of someone grabbing him quite literally by the collar. 
Courtesy of her grabbing him quite literally by the collar. 
“How long are you planning to keep this up,” she hisses. She seems to think his collar belongs to her now. She makes a compelling case, having him yanked down to eye level as she does.  Despite the fact that this is no great distance, given the height of those informatively clacking heels, it’s painful. It’s almost as painful as that very first memorable ear grab on the campus of Redding Prep. 
“Beckett! What are you . . . I mean. Wow! Running into each other like . . .crazy, right?”  His ability to feign surprise is definitely not in the same league as his mad surveil and tail skills. Or maybe it’s in exactly that league, given that she has him by the collar. Still, he soldiers on. “I mean . . . crazy!”
She ignores his stammering amateur theater. He’s not sure if that’s mercy or contempt. “What is wrong with you?”
“I have a right to know!” he blurts. The declaration loses something, given the involuntary yodel that creeps into his voice. “She’s a child, and if she’s in deep to the mob for thirty large, I need to know.” 
“Just how big an idiot are you trying to be, Castle? Is there like . . a contest?” She releases his collar—finally—thrusting him away from her in a gesture of disgust. “You think your kid—the child of a millionaire—is going to come to me to solve her mob payoffs?”
“Maybe she wants to turn state’s evidence!” He makes a show of setting his shirt and overcoat to rights. “Maybe she’s worried about her loved ones’ kneecaps!” 
She’s working on an artisanally crafted look that will convey precisely how unlikely she finds this concept. He’s bracing for it when he spies a glint of red-gold hair in the not-nearly-distant-enough distance. He catches a glimpse of pale cheek. He sees her lifting on her toes and ducking around people’s shoulders trying to get a look at the interior of the cafe to see if her confidant—her practically-a-stranger confidant—is already at the meet. 
He panics. That is the explanation he will carry to his grave. And given that he’s kissing her—he is suddenly kissing Beckett—he might be carrying it to that grave in hurry. He has her by the lapels of her trench coat. As he turns their two bodies to present his back to the general area containing his daughter, a desperate part of his brain wonders if the fact that he doesn’t have his hands on her actual person will, in any way, save him. 
But the desperate part of his brain falls quiet. All parts of his brain fall quiet, because he is kissing her, and she is . . . kind of kissing him back. No. Strike that. She is completely kissing him back for the span of many Mississippis. He knows this instinctively. It's not like his quiet brain can count. But he knows it's been a lot of Mississippis before they jolt apart, shocked in equal measure. 
“She’s here.” It’s a high-quality stage whisper, facilitated, no doubt, by the fact that every part of his body is stock still, frozen with terror. “Alexis . . . she is . . . is she behind me?” 
“What?” The word is breathy. It’s ragged and she’s blinking a mile a minute. “Where?” 
“She was going to . . . see.” It’s the worst justification in the world. He wishes he hadn’t said it before the sibilant vibrates his already-vibrating lips. It invites the question of what his daughter was going to see before his super-spy move and what she very well could have seen just now. 
She has accepted the question’s invitation. Or vice versa. Whatever. She is thinking about what his daughter very well may have seen, and her eyes are wide. She claws her way past him. 
“She’s sitting down,” she says. Relief rolls right off her. “She’s on her phone.” 
“Does she look—“ 
The rest of the question is lost as she shoves at his shoulder to keep him from turning around. He wants to protest, but against all odds, he’s survived the last forty-five seconds. It’d be a shame to die now. 
“Go,” she says through her teeth. He’d like to oblige. Kind of. But she has his collar again. “Get out of here.” She’s hissing again, right in his ear this time, her front pressed into his back, and it’s difficult. “Go, Castle.” 
“I . . .” He tries not to squirm, but it’s fairly impossible. “I’m going, if you’ll . . . You’ve kind of got my . . .” 
She makes a sound. It’s a small, surprised thing, and he imagines her mouth in the shape of an O. He imagines a sudden multitude of things about her mouth as her fingers violently untangle themselves from his collar, and she is gone. 
He is rooted to the spot. He is picturing monuments right here. He kissed her. 
A/N: I know it's not quite the prompt you gave, Anon, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.
Prompt: prompt: they’re arguing and character a shuts up character b with a kiss
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anubislover · 2 years
Miscalculations and Misfits
The Big Daddy was hardly the most reputable tavern, nor the cleanest, but considering how the entirety of Joras had been damp, dreary, and full of people giving him and his crew suspicious glances, it suited Law just fine. He was a rookie pirate anyway, so the eighteen-year-old captain rarely felt any inclination to show his face in more respectable establishments. What mattered to him was that it was dry, the food was edible, the ale was strong, and there were only seven other customers, a barkeeper, a cook in the back, and a tavern maid manning the tables, so it was relatively quiet compared to most places a pirate might visit when seeking a meal not cooked in their own galley. Sure, a few people had still given questioning glares, especially since he’d walked in with a sword nearly as tall as himself and a polar bear, but for the most part the clientele seemed more interested in sharing grim stories or serenading the tavern maid with macabre folk songs. So, the quartet had ordered their food with the confidence they wouldn’t be chased out should anyone recognize the jolly roger on any of their backs.
Booted feet propped up on the creaky wooden table, Law linked his fingers behind his head as he regarded Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo. His oldest friends had uncharacteristically serious expressions on their faces, especially considering how they would usually be joking around and chatting loudly in most circumstances. Golden eyes narrowed in irritation. They hadn’t shown nearly this much resistance with any of his past recruits. Hell, the main difference between their new shipmate and the rest was the fact that he’d actually asked her to join, unlike, say, Darter who had simply declared he was trading in his serial killer career for piracy, or Crozier who had taken one look at a ship full of teens and decided they needed adult supervision.
Well, there was one other difference, he supposed, but if the guys were seriously giving him the stink-eye because a girl was joining the Heart Pirates, he might just remove their eyeballs for a bit. Ok, not Bepo’s, but only because his expression was more worried than judgmental. And it was infinitely cuter than the others, but he wouldn’t admit that, even on his death bed.
“Are you three seriously going to give me crap about the new girl?” Law finally asked, raising an eyebrow challengingly. “I wasn’t aware that ‘No Girls Allowed’ was one of my ship’s articles.”
Behind his sunglasses, Shachi rolled his eyes before sneering, “Oh, so sorry, Cap; here I thought we were looking to hire a new mechanic. Not picking up some eye candy.”
“She is our new mechanic; she’s the reason we weren’t screwed out of millions of berri for a new engine and instead just had to pay for a few new parts. She sure as fuck diagnosed the problem faster than Hikigaeru-ya ever could!”
The entire table’s expressions soured substantially at the name. All except Bepo who instead hung his head shamefully, the tips of his claws making soft clicks as they tapped together. He had nothing to be ashamed of, of course, but the polar bear Mink clearly still felt guilty. It had been three months since their former mechanic had been chained to a desolate rock in the middle of the ocean, his torso cut open to expose his organs and muscles to the hungry seabirds that flew overhead.
Cruel and unusual punishment? Yes, but the bastard had deserved it. The fucker had been smart enough to keep his racism against Minks mostly to himself for the six months he had sailed with them, but he’d belittled and tormented poor Bepo in private during his entire tenure as a Heart. And because Bepo was meek and a people-pleaser, he’d stayed quiet about it until Darter had brought up his concerns about the Mink’s increasingly depressive moods, and the captain finally made him spill the beans. No one should have had to endure that—least of all someone as good as Bepo.
Law was still kicking himself over not noticing that the now ex-mechanic had been mistreating Bepo. As much as he’d like to say anyone would have been fooled, the fact was he’d made a lot of mistakes since he and his friends had set out to sea two years ago. He’d been an angry sixteen-year-old with big plans for revenge. Even more aggressive and reckless at seventeen when he’d started making a name for himself but wasn’t seeing as much progress as he’d liked. That had unfortunately led to frustration, which led to more anger and recklessness, which had resulted in mistakes. Failures. His subordinates getting hurt both physically and emotionally. If nothing else, the realization that he’d failed to notice Bepo’s mistreatment for so long had been the wake-up call Law needed. As much as he wanted to destroy Joker and burn his empire to the ground, he had a duty to his subordinates. He’d never admit it aloud, but he loved those loyal idiots who were willing to follow him into Hell itself. He owed it to them to protect them as best he could. Starting with getting their submarine fixed and recruiting a mechanic that wasn’t a two-faced prick.
“Ok, let’s say she’s as skilled as you say. It’s true we need a mechanic, and those are in short supply. But the reason you sacked Hikigaeru wasn’t due of a lack of skill; it was because he was a massive dick to Bepo,” Penguin reminded him bluntly, crossing his arms across his chest. “You said you wouldn’t make the same mistake with his replacement.”
“I did and I’m not!” Law argued. It was true. With Hikigaeru, he’d been thinking only of the necessity of having a mechanic on board. He and the boys had managed to keep the Polar Tang running with the basic maintenance skills Wolfe had taught them, but it was vital to have someone who could actually repair a broken engine or diagnose problems. But he hadn’t considered the importance of assessing the man’s character as well as his skills. That had been a mistake, so this time, he was trusting both his brain and his gut. And they were both telling him that Ikkaku was perfect for the job and the crew.
Despite having just a secretarial job at the shipyard and being dressed in a crop top and shorts that should have guaranteed hypothermia, the girl had known her stuff. Her boss, Mr. Bowers, had told Law that the whole engine would need to be replaced—a costly job, to be sure. One any business would be thrilled to do for the amount of berri it would give them and would keep the Heart Pirates stuck on the dreary island for at least a week or two. But then Ikkaku had spoken up. Told Law that she did her own diagnostic, and the engine was easily fixed with just a few new parts that would cost him barely a tenth of what Mr. Bowers had estimated, and she could get it done herself in only four hours.
That had made quite the impression on Law. Ikkaku had risked her career to keep Law from getting swindled, standing up to an asshole boss for a guy she’d just met. He still wasn’t entirely sure why she did it; such altruism wasn’t exactly pirate-material. But she had guts, and the second she’d proven she could put her money where her mouth was and fix the engine as easily as she’d boasted, Law had already kind of staked his claim on her.
On top of that, Ikkaku had a quality that he’d realized the rest of the crew was sadly lacking—she was willing to call her superior out on his shit. As much as he loved the boys and how supportive they were, Law had come to realize that the Hearts were, at their worst, enablers. They always let him have his way. Darter cheered him on when he got sadistic and considered him an artist. Crozier was no-nonsense but firmly believed in following his captain’s orders regardless of whether they were the right ones. Malamute and Shiroiruka had been in a gang before joining him and eagerly did what their new boss told them to do. Not even his original trio of loyal misfits were willing to tell him “No” most of the time. Bepo was too meek while Penguin and Shachi still retained their fascination and hero worship from their younger years.
It figured that now, when he was actually getting his act together and found someone willing to give him some well-deserved shit, that his friends finally decided to push back. The irony annoyed him immensely.
“And yet the second she lays eyes on him, your new recruit literally shrieked in fear,” Shachi stated, bearing his pointed teeth aggressively. It was clear his defiance of his captain’s orders was solely due to his desire to protect Bepo, which Law could respect. He suspected much of it was due to guilt; he’d bullied Bepo in their youth, and even now still picked on him occasionally. Perhaps he’d seen too much of his younger self in Hikigaeru’s misbehavior. Perhaps he wished to make amends. A commendable reason, but sadly one that made him blind to the fact that Ikkaku wasn’t their enemy.
“Well, yeah! Most people are gonna be scared when coming face-to-face with a polar bear!” Law defended. Admittedly he did feel a bit guilty about that; he should have warned Ikkaku that the crew wasn’t entirely human, if only so Bepo wouldn’t feel self-conscious. He’d neglected to inform her as a joke—it was always funny to watch a newbie freak out when they were suddenly in the presence of a large bear in an orange jumpsuit. Usually, after some initial panic, they quickly realized he was basically a big teddy bear when it came to the crew. Only this time, Bepo’s skin wasn’t as thick. His wounds from Hikigaeru’s mistreatment were still too fresh. And he couldn’t have predicted that Ikkaku’s grandfather had been mauled by a polar bear in his youth and she’d grown up with nightmares from the story. Once again, he’d been reckless, though luckily his miscalculation hadn’t been too costly. Just some hurt feelings and misunderstandings that had been somewhat ironed out. Both parties had left the encounter shaken, but apologies had been exchanged, and Law was confident that his cute navigator would quickly endear himself to the new mechanic. Trauma aside, Ikkaku hadn’t seemed to care that he was a Mink, which was already a step up from Hikigaeru. In fact, she’d been quite contrite and ashamed of her reaction as Law had walked her to the edge of town after, asking him to pass on further apologies to Bepo and promises that she’d make it up to him.
Yes, Law had definitely screwed up with the introduction, but it had served to prove that he’d ultimately made the right decision with his new hire—he couldn’t remember ever hearing Hikigaeru apologize, even while the seagulls pecked out his liver. Mostly he’d just screamed, which had been quite the satisfying sound, but while Law had enjoyed it, it hadn’t really helped Bepo.
“I’m sorry,” the Mink whimpered, interrupting his train of thought.
“Ugh, you don’t need to apologize, Bepo,” he quickly amended, taking his feet off the table so he could reach across to pat his furry shoulder reassuringly. “She just wasn’t expecting to meet a bear. You’re an apex predator, remember? You’re supposed to be fuckin’ scary!”
“But I don’t want to scare my nakama,” the navigator replied, eyes watering a bit.
“And you won’t, because she’s not going to be nakama,” Shachi cut in, fists clenching. He hadn’t said two words to the new girl, but he’d already decided she didn’t belong, and nothing Law said would change his mind.
“Yeah, she is,” Law snapped, glaring at the redhead, practically daring him to keep defying his orders. It was getting more and more tempting to take him outside and beat the insolence out of him, but he refrained. Shachi standing up to him, especially in defense of Bepo, was ultimately a good thing, so he needed to solve this matter diplomatically. Or at least without physical violence. “I’m fetching her first thing tomorrow after she’s said her goodbyes and gotten her affairs in order. And even though she’s already apologized, the first thing I’ll have her do when she boards is apologize to Bepo again.”
“I’m not mad at her, Law,” the bear insisted, round ears drooping but expression a little less sad. “It’s not her fault she was scared of me. I’ll…I’ll give her some space for a few days so she can get used to everything, then maybe we could try again.”
While things weren’t going as smoothly as he’d hoped when this conversation started, at least Law seemed to be getting through to one of the trio. Considering how Bepo was the actual injured party in all this, his opinion held far more weight than the other two. Still, he’d rather have all three of them back on his side. Ikkaku didn’t need to come onto a ship full of hostility; he’d already seen her get dirty looks from her former colleagues, and he was sure he’d caught a few civilians glaring at her as they’d walked through town. He’d nearly insisted on escorting her the two miles through the moors to the lighthouse, but she’d claimed that she was safer outside of town than in.
She was a weird kid, but then again the island itself was pretty fucking weird. Joras was rather infamous among the North Blue. Stories of ancient horrors and the cultists who worshiped them were still told around the fireside to scare children. Arkham Hospital boasted incredible medical minds but also unethical practices. Lobster buoys were carved to look like grotesque human heads. The dead were cremated due to an alleged incident where corpses came back to life and wreaked havoc across the land. The birth rate of twins was unusually high, with some claiming they had psychic powers. Ten years ago, there had even been a plague that had caused the afflicted to go mad and bloodthirsty.
This island was fucked up, and Law could hardly wait to leave. Yes, places like the hospital were intriguing, but the fog was dense, the smell of fish and smog was far from appealing, and even he could say the feeling of paranoia and ennui that hung over most of the locals was extreme. It was clear Ikkaku didn’t belong here. Hell, she was the brightest, most vibrant thing he’d seen on the island, and he was looking forward to stealing her away from this place.
Now he just had to get the boys on the same page.
Turning towards his quartermaster, Law hoped Penguin would be more reasonable than Shachi. He’d always been a little bit calmer and more forward-thinking, even if his reckless streak was still a mile long. “Her completely understandable reaction to a polar bear aside, are you foreseeing any problems with my decision?” Not that it would change Law’s mind, of course, but if there was going to be a mutiny, he’d rather know what to look for so he could see it coming.
Mouth twisting in thought and irritation, Penguin replied, “Not to be sexist, but a woman aboard an all-male ship is gonna change the dynamic, Law. You’re smart enough to know that, right?”
“Lack of Y-chromosome or not, I’m expecting her to be treated the same as anyone else on the ship. Or did I recruit a bunch of brainless horndogs who only think with their dicks?”
“That’s not what I meant—”
“Good, because given how her old boss made her dress, I’m planning on giving her full permission to kick anyone that treats her like a piece of meat right in the balls. And I won’t be giving them painkillers after.”
All three boys winced. It was not an empty threat.
Clearing his throat, Penguin sought to explain himself. “I meant that having a girl around means a lot of adjustments are gonna have to be made. I doubt she’ll be comfortable bunking with any of the boys, so she’ll need her own quarters. For laundry rotation, is she going to be ok with somebody else washing her underwear and stuff? We have communal showers for fuck’s sake, Law. Even if none of us are attracted to her, it’s still going to be weird and awkward for everyone.”
“Me more than anyone else,” Law countered. Yes, he had considered the ramifications of a woman aboard the ship. He had to. He was the doctor, after all. “Don’t forget I’ll be giving her medical examinations, including some pretty female-specific ones.” Which reminded him, he’d need to brush up on birth control and pelvic exams and menstrual cycles. Luckily, he was hardly squeamish, though he could agree it would likely be a bit awkward to discuss these things with his new subordinate. But he’d meant what he’d said about her being treated the same as the rest of the crew, and that meant she’d be getting a full medical exam the moment they set out.
That did seem to mollify Penguin a little bit, as his shoulders relaxed and he sighed. “Alright, Captain. I’ll take your word for it that you’ve got everything all figured out.”
“Are you seriously gonna just roll over like that and let him win?” Shachi exclaimed.
“Hey, at least this way when it all goes to shit and Law looks like a fool, I get to rub it in his face and say ‘I told you so’ for once,” he chuckled, smirking at his captain. Yes, he still had his reservations, but if Law was really that fixated on making Ikkaku their engineer, there wasn’t really anyone who could stop him. Not even Ikkaku herself. If she’d refused his offer to join the Hearts, there was no doubt in Penguin’s mind that their next mission would involve kidnapping her before setting off for the next island.
Which, yeah, would be pretty shitty of them, but hey, they were pirates, after all. And at least their uniform was less ridiculous than what he’d first seen her in. Had Bowers really required her to dress like that? It was like he was trying to have her catch pneumonia or something. So really, this was beginning to feel more like a rescue. How unusually noble of his sadistic friend. The recent changes in Law’s habits and demeanor had not gone unnoticed by Penguin, and he was now curious to see how things would play out under this calmer, more forward-thinking Law.
Law could see the frustration lining Shachi’s face at having lost both his allies in this petty argument to his captain’s side. His own lips pursed in displeasure. It was an expression he usually saw in the midst of squabbles with Penguin; a sign the stubborn redhead wasn’t giving up the fight just yet, despite having clearly already lost.
Thankfully, before Shachi could start another argument, the tavern maid came over with their meals. She was pretty enough with a smile friendlier than most on the island, but like all servers, the sincerity of it could never be fully trusted. “Sorry it took so long, gents,” she said, setting down the heavy tray laden with plates of grilled fish, clam chowder, and steamed lobster. The cheap price for the latter had initially raised a few eyebrows, but the woman had explained that the surrounding seas in fact had an overabundance of the crustaceans, so it was rather common fare. “Had a feisty one in today’s catch. Nearly took the cook’s finger off. But I’m sure a group of strong lads like you are brave enough to brave these beasts,” she giggled, giving Law a flirtatious wink.
“If it’s already dead, I doubt much bravery’s needed,” Law said with a disinterested shrug, grabbing one of the pints of beer and a bowl of chowder, blatantly ignoring the roll that had come with it. “At least now we can shove food in Shachi’s face to shut him up.”
The redhead flipped him off in response, which Law nonchalantly returned.
“It’ll be ok, Shachi,” Bepo attempted to mollify as he eagerly tucked into a massive piece of fish. “It’s important that we have a good mechanic on the ship, and I trust Law’s judgement. And just because we had a rocky start doesn’t mean we won’t become friends. I mean, you and Penguin beat me up when we met, but we’re nakama now, right? Give her a chance.”
Both Penguin and Shachi tugged their hats over their eyes in shame while a small spike of guilt hit Law at the words. Fuck, Bepo was really too good. Yes, he was doing his best to not make another mistake that could hurt his navigator, but the fact that Bepo so easily trusted his decision despite his past fuckups proved that he really was a better friend than he rightly deserved. And he even forgave Penguin and Shachi for how they initially treated him and considered them his true companions. How was Bepo able to go through life having been hurt so often but not holding any grudges? It was a complete mystery to someone like him.
“Ya’ll hired a mechanic from around here?” the maid asked as she set out forks and spoons and knives for the table, not dissuaded by Law’s brush-off. It was her job to be charming, and there’d been plenty of gossip about the crew that had sailed in on a submarine of all things. Including an outrageous story that Mr. Bowers had gotten decapitated, but his head had still been talking and screaming even afterwards. That was odd, even by Joras’ standards. “Our docks have some of the best in the North. Even the Marines have come recruiting for bright lads to work on their new warships,” she added proudly.
Shachi quickly latched onto that little tidbit. “Hey Law, if your newbie’s so good, how come the Marines haven’t snatched her up?”
“Because she’s got taste,” he countered easily, taking a sip of chowder. Not really to his tastes, but it was hot and still better than anything he and the boys could make. Once they had their mechanic settled in, he should probably start looking for a proper cook.
“Probably took one look at those ugly Navy uniforms and said ‘Nah, man, I’d rather be a pirate and wear a badass boiler suit’,” Penguin joked, attempting to dissipate the tension. Really, this argument was getting tiresome. Law had already made it obvious he’d made his decision, and if Shachi wasn’t careful, he’d end up with worse punishment than laundry duty for insubordination. “I think you’re just worried that Ikkaku’ll wear it better than you.”
Before Shachi could deny it, there was a clatter as the tavern maid dropped one of the tankards of ale, eyes wide and jaw hanging as she stared at the young men sitting at her table.
“You…you’re pirates? Hiring the Light Keeper’s granddaughter?” the tavern maid asked. Her voice wasn’t especially loud, but apparently the horrified words had carried to the ears of every man in the building, with even the cook coming out to stare at them. The entire room went silent, full attention on the outsiders that had apparently committed some outrageous faux pas.
Law frowned and his brow furrowed in annoyance. He could tolerate being questioned by his oldest friends, but total strangers? A man could only put up with so much. If people kept bitching and moaning about his decision to take Ikkaku away, he might have to add some actual heads to the weird-ass buoys in the harbor. “Her old man is the lighthouse keeper, and yes, I’m hiring her,” he stated through clenched teeth, a vein on his jaw ticking with irritation.
“You seem surprised. Why? There something we should know?” Shachi asked, resting his chin in his palms as he leaned in intently. Finally, something to support his argument that the new girl was bad news! “Skeletons in her closet? Dark secrets she’s been keeping? Is she really an undercover Marine looking to infiltrate pirate crews?”
“Well, it’s just…”
“The girl’s cursed,” a grizzled fisherman a few tables over interrupted, turning in his seat to face the newcomers. He looked to be nearly eighty, though a life on the harsh North Blue waters easily could have aged him. “Aye, cursed since she were born. There’s a damn good reason she be named after a corpse whale, lads.”
“Oh, she’s killed someone?” Law asked, mildly amused. He had a literal serial killer in his employ, so that would hardly be enough to scare him away from making her part of his crew. Hell, if anything, he’d be impressed that she had a body count already. Made him more confident that she’d settle into pirate life easily.
“Her own twin brother. Took his life before he even left the womb.”
Four pairs of eyes blinked once. Twice. Three times in confusion. “That’s…it?”
“‘That’s it’?” the maid gasped, offended. “Twins are a sign of prosperity for a family. Her mother had already had one set, so a second would be twice as lucky. They were supposed to be a sign of great things to come. But instead, she was born and didn’t even have the grace to let her brother take his first breath! It should have been her that died!”
“Seriously?” Penguin asked, expression grim. “Unless you think a fetus could possibly have murderous intent, you people can’t possibly blame her for something like that. It’s tragic, sure, but it unfortunately happens, and it’s not anyone’s fault. Especially not the baby’s.”
“And why are you so upset that the girl lived? Shouldn’t the family just be happy one of the children is alive?” Bepo asked, already feeling sorry for Ikkaku. He understood that people with happy, comfortable lives usually didn’t set out to become pirates, but did people really believe she was a killer since the day she was born? And why was there so much emphasis being put on the fact that she was a girl?
“Blasted outsiders don’t know anything, do ya?” another man yelled, slamming his mug of beer onto the bar top with a furious thunk. This one was younger than the first, but was missing an eye and had the muscles that came from working long hours on the docks. “When a boy an’ a girl are born together, it means the lad is human, while the lass be the spawn of an Old One!”
There was a moment of dumbfounded silence before Law ran a tattooed hand over his face, torn between laughing at the absurdity and groaning in exasperation. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Well, perhaps not the stupidest, but easily the top ten in Law’s book. “Firstly, I could give a whole list of reasons why that ain’t medically possible. Second, I don’t give a shit about your eldritch horror gods, and Ikkaku being some tentacle monster’s kid sounds like something out of a bad penny dreadful.”
“Yeah,” Shachi admitted, enthusiasm fading. He didn’t approve of the new recruit, but he wasn’t going to buy into such weird slander out of defiance towards her recruitment. He’d rather have actual dirt he could use against her. In fact, he was beginning to understand why Ikkaku was so willing to sail away with a bunch of pirates. “‘Yo mama banged a tentacle god’ is a great insult, but you people can’t actually believe that shit, right?”
“And thirdly, even if any of that were true, what the fuck is the correlation between ‘eldritch baby’ and ‘dead twin brother’?” Law finished, though he did give Shachi a quick, approving smirk. Oh, he hoped the redhead used that jab against some Marine. Or maybe that Basil Hawkins guy he’d seen in the paper. The weird magician would probably be far more insulted than the average sailor. Or he’d take it as a compliment. Seemed like the kind of weird thing he’d do.
The tavern maid shifted uncomfortably while the men scoffed. “Yer all a bunch of damned fools,” the old fisherman grumbled. “The Old Ones knew her oldest brother is blessed. Knew he’ll go on to do great things an’ climb up the Navy ranks. That lad’ll finally bring honor to this island’s name, but the Old Ones don’t like that. So they planted that wretched seed in her mother’s womb an’ set her out into the world to sabotage him. Startin’ by draining the life from his youngest brother.”
“Too bad a strong, handsome, intelligent man like Ushi couldn’t be stopped by a mere cursed child,” the maid said, resting her cheek in her palm and sighing dreamily. “He’s the hero we’ve been waiting for. A future champion of justice and someone who will bring glory to Joras.”
Law snorted at her clear infatuation, though he tucked away the relevant information for later. Ikkaku had a brother in the Navy? This could be a problem. Though, from the sound of things, they weren’t close. He’d have to grill her about it once she was settled in. He had no intention of rescinding his offer over it, of course—he just needed to know if she’d need to stay out of the way should their paths cross.
Marine or not, siblings shouldn’t kill each other. It was a rule Law held true to. The idea of a pirate killing their Marine brother was not a memory he wished to relive, nor could he fathom an older brother hating his little sister.
Out of the corner of his eye, Law noticed Shachi pull out his brass knuckles and start polishing them with a napkin. Meanwhile, Penguin had begun playing with one of the dinner knives that had been provided with their meals. Bepo was still eating his fish, but his ears were perked up and swiveling around, alert for any sounds that could signal trouble. Golden eyes flicked down to where Kikoku leaned against the edge of the table, her cursed blade eager for the prospect of tasting blood.
His attention returned to the other patrons, who were muttering in agreement at the woman’s claims. The old fisherman nodded with approval, though his face was still lined with bitterness. “In the old days, even the merfolk would’ve shunned that girl. She would’ve been raised in isolation until she turned sixteen, then returned to the sea as a bride to the Great Dreamer.”
“You sure we can’t still do that?” the barkeep chuckled, though it held no mirth. “The Light Keeper’s been guarding her since she was six. Basically the same thing, living alone with a crazy old man and his dog for a decade. There’s still time, if you think drowning her will appease something.”
“Don’t think we need to, if this lot’s taking her,” the one-eyed worker noted, his attention returning to the pirates seated at the table. “Be doin’ us all a service, taking her out t’ sea with ya. Though, it’s on yer heads if the Great Dreamer claims yer ship because of it.”
A few men laughed, but the tavern maid’s face was lined with fright. “No, we can’t let them take her!” she exclaimed, grabbing the old man’s arm desperately. “Don’t you see? We can’t let her be associated with pirates! What about Ushi?”
“Ya think Ushi could be killed by a cursed pup like her?” the old man scoffed.
“She’s doesn’t have to,” the barkeep pointed out, rubbing his chin in thought. “If the Navy finds out his sister is a pirate, it could reflect badly on him. Maybe even prevent him from becoming an admiral.”
There was a murmur throughout the tavern, several men commiserating before the old man at last nodded solemnly. “Aye, yer right. The lass must’ve bewitched these fools into taking her along so she could fulfill her dark mission.”
“She hardly ‘bewitched’ me,” Law pointed out, setting down his now empty soup bowl and finally bothering to chime into this ridiculous conversation once more. “If you all hate her so much, I’ll gladly do everyone the favor of getting her the fuck away from you freaks. Call it my good deed for the century.”
His cheek only served to agitate the mob, though Law hardly cared. He didn’t owe these people or their beliefs a lick of respect. Really, this island had gone through a booming industrial revolution in the past fifty years, yet they still held onto backwards beliefs like this?
Yeah, Ikkaku was definitely better off with a gang of pirates.
“If ya take her, she could jeopardize everything,” the dock worker growled. “This island’s reputation has haunted us for too long. But that’s all gonna change! Ushi is the one who’ll banish those old ghosts and allow us t’ truly prosper.”
“You talk about getting rid of a shitty reputation, but you’re not exactly doing much to prove it wrong,” Law pointed out. “Which is it? Do you not believe in your old ways, or do you still think a girl is the spawn of some weird god? Or do you not actually believe that one but pay it lip service because you need a scapegoat so you have a reason for why your lives are so miserable?”
The atmosphere in the room grew even more tense, Law clearly having touched a nerve.
“We’ll give ya one chance,” the old man said coldly, ignoring the question. He stepped forward and drew a knife from his wool overcoat. He’d apparently taken up point as the ringleader, the rest of the small mob falling in line behind him. “You an’ yer crew sail out. Tonight. Leave the lass behind. We’ll deal with her like we shoulda done when she were first born.”
The rim of Law’s hat cast an ominous shadow as he stated, “Counteroffer; you all shut the fuck up and return to your seats. My crew and I finish up our business on the island, then we sail away. With Ikkaku, as our new mechanic.” He could hear Shachi grunt behind him, though it didn’t seem to be in disagreement; sure, he didn’t sound enthusiastic about it, but it was clear he’d accepted that, despite his complaints, Ikkaku was coming with them. “My next offer involves you fucks ending up as a pile of limbs, so you’d be smart to back down now.”
“Fools don’t know what yer dealin’ with,” the old man sneered, pointing the dagger at Law threateningly. “Cursed or not, a pirate in the family could destroy Ushi’s dream! We can’t let that happen!”
The other men in the tavern shouted in agreement and leapt to their feet. Law stood, hand outstretched and tattooed fingers flexing eagerly, when the old man’s call to battle was cut short by a red-haired blur and a loud crack as his jaw was broken by a well-placed punch to the jaw.
Apparently surprised that the pirates were choosing to fight back instead of just allowing themselves to die at the hands of an angry mob, there was a moment where the other men stood still, which was more than enough time for Penguin to throw his knife in a precise arch, the blade easily piercing the dock worker’s remaining eyeball, completely blinding him. He screamed, prompting the barkeeper to throw a pint glass at Law before attempting to run. However, the thick glass was easily batted aside by Bepo before it could even get close to his captain’s head. In fact, his massive paw hit the glass so hard it flew across the room into the cook’s face, shattering on impact and turning the flesh into a bloody mess.
Before his crew could get their hands any dirtier, Law’s Room expanded from his, filling the tavern with a blue glow. “Takt.” Everyone who wasn’t a Heart Pirate, from patron to employee, levitated in the air as if lifted by invisible marionette strings.
“You idiots made a big mistake,” he said, voice eerily calm as he looked them over, gold eyes calculating. Assessing. The surgeon preparing the first cut. As if sensing this, Bepo handed him Kikoku, the Ōdachi’s long blade gleaming as he drew her from her sheath. “I don’t care about your beliefs. I don’t care about your reputation. I don’t care your pathetic little lives. What I do care about is my crew.”
“We’ll leave you alone!” the tavern maid screamed, terrified tears streaming down her cheeks. “I promise, we don’t have any problem with you pirates! You don’t have to do this!”
“Oh, but we do. See, you didn’t just threaten us,” Law stated, gesturing to the young men standing behind him, who glared at the crowd ominously. “You threatened Ikkaku. She’s a Heart Pirate now. That puts her under my protection. And you idiots threatened her. Mistreated her. And if this Marine brother of hers has a problem with her career choice, well, he can take it up with her captain; Trafalgar Law.”
Kikoku sliced through the air a dozen times in quick succession, the sound of screams filling the room as his victims were cut to pieces, legs, arms, and heads spinning around like balloons in zero gravity. He twirled his fingers, grinning as the body parts spun around like they were caught in a tornado. As much as Law wanted to relish their cries of horror and agony, he was a practical man, so he made another cut to neatly carve out their vocal cords, dumping them into his empty chowder bowl. It wouldn’t do for the screams to draw attention to the tavern, otherwise the Hearts really would have to sail off early, assuming they didn’t massacre the whole town.
“It’s tempting to kill you,” he mused, letting the old man’s head drop into his waiting palm. Curious, he studied the mangled jaw; Shachi had landed a good punch, and he could see the indents of his brass knuckles in the skin. Maybe he should get a pair with some raised letters for added insult. Or better, the jolly roger. His Man-At-Arms deserved some custom brass knuckles as a reward for stepping up when it counted for his crew. He’d look into it later. “But honestly, I prefer leaving you all like this. You’ve got a hospital further inland, right? I’ll leave you as a fun puzzle to solve. Put your doctors’ skills to the test putting you all back together. Oh, though they’ll be missing a few key pieces.”
Dropping the head, he raised his hand once more, crooking his finger to draw the torsos towards him, lining them up like soldiers before slamming his palm against each of them. “Mes.” Out popped their hearts, neatly stored in perfect cubes, still beating rapidly with fear. “I’m taking these. Might as well make a profit while I’m here, right? These’ll go for at least what Bowers-ya tried to swindle me out of with his shitty diagnostic. Something I’ll never have to worry about again now that I’ve Ikkaku as my mechanic.”
Satisfied, Law dispelled his Room, allowing the twitching body parts to fall to the floor like hail, scattered throughout the room in a grisly scene. He had no pity for whatever poor soul would discover the carnage, nor the doctors that would likely spend days attempting to put everyone back together properly. They were all likely no better, considering how easily this lot had fallen into the mob mentality against Ikkaku.
People were scum. Not that he hadn’t known that since he was a child. The world simply seemed to delight in proving him right.
He was pulled from his thoughts by Penguin, who strolled up to him, empty potato sack in hand. “Found this in the storage room,” he explained, already scooping up the hearts on the floor like they were apples Law had shaken loose from a tree. “Figured we shouldn’t walk through town with armfuls of organs. Those tend to draw attention.”
That earned him a nod of approval. A quartermaster was in charge of managing supplies and cargo, and that included his captain’s unique way of earning berri when they weren’t raiding ships or hunting for treasure. Penguin could be an idiot sometimes, but he took his job seriously. They all did.
Law really was quite lucky to have people like them. Made the world seem a little less scummy.
“I still don’t like it,” Shachi grumbled, kicking one of the arms that was trying to crawl away so he wouldn’t have to look Law in the eye, “but I guess Ikkaku can come with us. No one deserves to be stuck in a place like this.”
“I wasn’t asking,” Law retorted, though he was glad he finally had all three of his loyal, foolish friends back on his side. And hopefully the new girl would quickly find her place among them, just as his other Hearts had.
“Heh, personally, I’m starting to think she’ll fit right in,” Penguin said, slinging the bag over his shoulder with a grin. “She’s just as much of a weirdo misfit as the rest of us. Who better for a tentacle god’s spawn to sail with than an unlicensed doctor with creepy powers, a serial killer, an artic survivalist, some former gang members, a talking polar bear, and whatever the hell Shachi is?”
The redhead punched him in the arm. “Notice you didn’t put yourself in that list of weirdo freaks.”
“That’s because I’m the only one who isn’t a weirdo freak. Which in itself makes me a weirdo freak.”
While the two bickered, Bepo walked over to Law, smiling a bit. “I’m with Penguin,” he said softly. “She belongs with us. I think once she’s settled in, we’ll get along just fine.” Yes, there had been fear in the girl’s eyes when they met, but no hatred. No disdain. And once she’d calmed down, he’d seen other things, like curiosity and that gleam he’d seen in Law’s eyes when he thought he was being cute but didn’t want to admit it. And if his captain had taken to someone so quickly, he knew Ikkaku was good people. He had faith in Law’s judgement.
“If I am wrong about her, and she mistreats you, I’m ordering you to tell me,” Law warned, though he reached out to gently scratch behind the Mink’s ear, earning him a happy growl. He refused to make the same mistake twice, especially if it hurt his crew. But his gut told him he wouldn’t have to worry this time. Shachi would no doubt be watching her like a hawk, and hopefully Bepo would be more confident coming forward with his problems. His crew was risking it all to follow him on his quest—the least he could do was ensure they were happy.
He had a sudden, amusing vision of having the Polar Tang submerge while still in sight of the island so perhaps people would believe some ocean deity really had taken her. Then, assuming she was up for it, he’d ensure she got a bounty and a decent poster that could be mailed to Joras. Make the superstitious fools believe Ikkaku had risen from the depths to continue her god’s “mission” while at the same time causing some political trouble for her Marine brother.
Chuckling to himself, he slung an arm around Shachi’s shoulder, smirking a bit when the redhead grumbled that it wasn’t fair his younger friend was now taller than him. “Let’s get back to the Tang. You and Penguin need to set up Ikkaku’s new quarters, and Bepo’s gonna help me dig up a uniform in her size. Oh, and you can also clean and polish Hikigaeru-ya’s tools so they shine like new. He won’t be needing them anymore, and they’ll make a nice welcome gift from you to her.”
Shachi rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. He knew of all the punishments his insubordination could have gotten him, this one was merely petty rather than cruel.
Satisfied, Law led Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo back out into the cold, thick fog of Joras, pausing only to flip around the sign hanging on the Big Daddy’s door from OPEN to CLOSED.
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tbh-entp · 1 year
Hi I really need ur help. I’m an entp and I already suffer from overthinking and shit (I don’t know if it’s normal for us entp to do that but yeah:)” anyways since the summer of 2020 I went through emotional abuse because I was stupid enough to stay in a toxic relationship for too long with my ex he gaslighted the shit out of me and betrayed me (it was an 8 year long friendship before it happened) . I went through a depression and I think that I was traumatized because I’ve never been this low in my life. Long story short I literally doubt every single choice I do, I feel like disorganized you know I don’t know how to come back to my normal mindset you know the confident one who don’t overthink and just has good ideas. I literally overthink everything like every single thing actions I do and thoughts I get and I don’t even know why I think I’m starting to fall into a depression again and losing myself again because of this. From a fellow entp to another If u know anything about how we work or anything about a loop or anything what dows it sound like because I don’t know shit right now I’m anywhere but in the moment and It frightenes me but I can’t do much about it. I literally overanalyze every single thing and can’t get rid of it. Every anxious thought I get is creating another to a chain where I don’t even know what the problem is. Thank u If you’ve read this far :( xxx
Hi! I'm sorry you're going through this. And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer! My inbox always has stuff in it and I don't answer nearly enough of them.
No one deserves to go through emotional abuse, and I'm happy for you that you're out of this relationship! It can be such a destabilizing thing as well to be out of a relationship as well, especially given how long it lasted.
I haven't dealt necessarily with what you did, but I have had a nice share of depression and trauma during the covid years. (I became very scared all of the time essentially... and I'm still unlearning this) I've learned some things from my experiences, though I'm certain that there are more and maybe some more fitting ones for you.
The main thing is just to be kind to yourself.
Now when I'm sad or struggling to do things, I'm just like ok, treat-yoself, it's a sleeping day. And I let it be without forcing myself to act like I'm doing better and also trying not to feel worse for not being at 100% (or even 50%) every day. Forgive yourself.
I try to give myself high-fives for even the smallest things that I accomplish. (I drove recently, and I rarely drive these days (esp in the country I live in) and I was scared, and I did it, and I'm proud!) (I sent an email that was freaking me out, and I'm proud!)
Find someone to talk to also maybe-- feel free to message me if you want. But when I was alone during covid, I got into the habit of leaving voice messages. So even talking to yourself could be helpful. Or writing also!
Pay attention to what you like and enjoy for when you're really feeling down. I have a list that I keep on my phone--sometimes I'm really blurred up and I don't remember to look at it. But sometimes I do remember to check the list, and it reminds me to put on the Great British Baking Show or Taskmaster, or maybe take care of my plants-- this really helps reground me to myself and what i enjoy purely.
If you can afford it, therapy is the thing these days. (But as someone who couldn't afford it for so long (especially because it can be hard to find the right therapist), it's very doable to make changes without it)
Also taking some time to breathe and pause and smell the air is great too. I'm crap at meditation but I do some stretches sometimes and it's good for the brain.
This is what I got! But you deserve love from both yourself and other people.
Sending all of my love xx
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jknauer · 5 months
Read this First Before You Hand the Keys to Your Company to a Bad Robot?![1] [2]:
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Two initials have permeated nearly all our recent conversations across industries worldwide as the universal solution to our most challenging problems: A. I.  Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is standing by ready in the wings to solve every problem that we have now and future problems that haven’t even been invented yet.  Leaders are simultaneously turning to A.I. to streamline their customer’s experience and remove some of those painful friction points that sometimes arise from dealing with a real person.  The problem is: most people don’t really understand what A.I. is.  The problem is: that most people don’t understand some of the fundamental limitations of A.I. to “understand” human behaviors.  The problem is: A.I. might take your customer in precisely the wrong direction toward providing that excellent customer service long recognized as a cornerstone of building customer loyalty.
Depending on when we grew up, the letters A.I may conjure a variety of images and associations.  For me, it’s Isaac Asimov’s 1950 classic “I, Robot”.  And while I am well informed enough to know that an image of a sleek metallic human-esque robot has nothing to do with today’s A.I. systems, that’s the image that I am stuck with.  And while I might like to burry my head in the sand and hope this whole A.I. thing will go away when I pull it out; I won’t, and it won’t.  A.I. is here to stay and business leaders worldwide know that too.  In fact, in many firms, A.I. has become the default for creating friction free customer experiences.  Too much trouble to pay for an item?  At Hudson and Aldi stores customers don’t have to; just walk out with anything you desire and skip the traditional check-out process entirely.  But maybe, just maybe, we should take a beat and think first before eliminating humans from the equation entirely.
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In a recent article published in Harvard Business Review, MIT Professor Renee Richardson Gosline examines why we need more, and not less friction, in the decision-making process to implement A.I. judiciously to the customer experience.  In other words: think twice before you hand the keys to the kingdom off to any old robot.  In Professor Gosline’s words “Companies should analyze where humans interact with AI and investigate where harm could occur, weigh how adding or removing friction would change the process, and test these modified systems via experimentation and multi-method analyses.”  Professor Gosline goes on to describe how friction can be a good thing; one example is the use of consumer’s personal data.  I think that all of us would prefer to take a few extra seconds to be informed of where our data will be used and be given the opportunity to provide consent; or not.  There’s also bad friction to be wary of; a case in point is the reduced utility of the WhatsApp service when customers do not consent to revised terms.  However, an astounding 65% of executives are unable to even explain how their specific A.I. models make decisions!
So, what should leaders do?  Gosline suggests a strategy of informed awareness coupled with experimentation where possible.  “When assessing the role of friction in digital transformation, positive or negative, consider the behavioral tendencies and welfare of customers”. Revisiting the example of informed consent for data sharing: yes, it adds time and friction to the customer experience, but maybe that’s “good friction” that will increase the overall customer experience and build customer loyalty.  Gosline advises that corporations experiment (and fail), in order to build confidence that ideas have been well tested and vetted. IBM experiments (a lot!) because tools for experimentation are easy to use.  Yes, digital transformation is something we all need to get used to, but Gosline advocates for “human-first digital transformation” built around respect and trust for customers.  If you have read all of this and you are still planning to hand the keys of your company over to a bad robot, at least remember to tip her well!
[1] Image sources: bad robot picture - Search Images (bing.com), i robot, Action, Mystery, Sci fi, Futuristic, Robot, Technics, 1irobot, Crime, Dystopian Wallpapers HD / Desktop and Mobile Backgrounds (wallup.net)
[2] Content for this article sourced from “Why AI Customer Journeys Need More Friction” by Professor Renee Gosline, Harvard Business Review, June 9, 2022
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theysaidhush · 1 year
okay okay. so.
I cannot for the LIFE of me, get the idea of perv!Han going absolutely feral all because you are wearing his hoodie out of my head. like, it's nothing special in your eyes-- you were just cold and wanted to feel the comfort of your boyfriend near you. however, when he came home that night, the stress from practice quickly left him and he now had a new problem to deal with. he would nearly combust when you told him you got your nails done that day-- stiletto nails so you could leave scratches all over his back to show off to his bandmates.
have a good day/night 🤭
You + Jisung's hoodie + Stiletto nails = Jisung going nuts
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Okay let me put that nice and clear for everyone, Jisung is a hoodie enthusiast and you can't tell me otherwise. Plus, he looks cute comfy and pretty in it, it's a win win.
Finally answered your ask @lieslovefantasy !!!! Thank you for putting up with me, made it extra long just for you wink wink Hope you'll like it because I'm quite proud of it... Not proofread !!
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You love Jisung's hoodie. Like, really love it. But at first it felt weird to ask him to lend it to you. You were not confident - in you or in your relationship - but the thing is that you never asked him if you could ! You were just assuming things because your mind was creating scenarios were you were being mocked and rejected by the love of your life. Ah, seriously, thoughts. Who think nowadays? It's overrated. So you never asked him. How do you expect Jisung - of all people, because for real, he might be the clues lil piece of brioche ever- to know ! He was just living his life, wearing his hoodies and going to the studio every days to do his job, simply hoping to get back to you before midnight - he's a simple person.
And one particular night, as he came back from the studio, he just froze in the entryway and shuddered. Why was he suddenly standing in the middle of the North?! Yu guessed it, it was freezing in your apartment. Not everyone can afford to pay heating system in freakin November. He might as well be outside were winter was knocking and cold was biting. And yet, he did not think twice about it - except for a "poor baby :( " - thinking that you just wanted to save energy - when in fact you were just too poor to afford it - and that you were wrapped in two or three blankets.
And you were. Sitting on the couch, hugging a bit of the blanket while watching your favorite show on tv. You were pretty, as usual, and Jisung, once again, was hit with the fact that you were his girlfriend. His girlfriend who did her best to stay awake at one in the morning in order to have a goodnight kiss. His girlfriend who cooked him dinner and put his plate and a plate cover on top of it in the microwave. His girlfriend whose beaming smile lights up the room when she sees him standing near the door, kicking his shoes and throwing his backpack somewhere near the cupboard.
And when he thought it couldn't be more perfect, that you were just enough and much more, all he needed and wanted for the rest of his life, you proved him wrong. You were so much more perfect than he thought, leaving the warmth of your blanket and wrapping him in a hug, his hoodie riding up when doing so. His hoodie. Around your frame. Wrapping you, making you look so cuddly, so cute, so tiny. So fuckable. But you were a stranger to the thoughts that were raging inside his head, thoughts of making you gag on his dick while massaging your scalp, seeing those oversized sleeve wrap around his dick, fingers peeking from inside the fabric. But he has to kiss you properly and ask you about your day before fucking you dumb! He was a good needy boyfriend who knew how to keep it in his pants when needed - was he though?
Although the way he made you sit on his laps while eating was a tell tale sign that he isn't. If you noticed his hard on you did not say a thing about it and let him eat while listening to him talk about his day with mouth full and round cheeks. He was cute, so you tried really hard to not poke at the chubby side of his pretty face. And that's when he noticed - even if you had to tell him for him to notice. Your long and sharp nails, clicking on your phone every time you were showing him a picture of the nails you wanted to do but that you did not. And he was a goner. You told him about the cute puppy that you met, the texts that you exchanged with your friend, how nice a customer was at work, how you wanted to destroy the world then become president. He did not care. Or did not hear, as a matter of fact. He was too focus on you nails, eyes never leaving your hands, obsessed with the way your fingers and nails were the only things that could be seen before his sleeves. And his mind was running wild, pictures of you naked adjusting with this new information. Thinking about how your stiletto nails - that's how you called it - would graze the tip of his dick, how it would stroke and tease his urinary meatus, run along the veins of his shaft and play with his balls. If you weren't sure about it before, now you were sure that he was hard, excited, horny.
And he actually tried to let you know that he was horny, while trying to be polite about it too. Like, back hugging you while you're doing the dishes and - scratch that, he wasn't polite about it - groping, squeezing your tits as you're telling him to stop and let you finish. But Han Jisung isn't the strongest soldier when you're dressed in his hoodie with those nails. He can't help himself but ride up his hoodie and lower your sweatpants until he can see the curve of your ass, smacking it while grinning at the shy yet indignant giggle that escape your mouth.
And then, he can't help himself but slides his hands in your pants and up and down your thighs, towards your already dripping core, while you're both cuddling on the couch, your back against his torso. He just likes how you whimper and protest, scratching his forearms in a feeble attempt to at least finish your drama. But Jisung is nice, so he'll wait. With his hand down you pantie, fingers working magic in your cunt, thumb playing with your bead. Can you blame him ? You're sitting here, pretty for him, eager to be fuck once your show is done. And when it's done ? Oh god, better be prepared for the way he's about to pound his dick into your wet and slippery cunt, nibbling at your neck as his hand is turning your head towards his so he can kiss you feverishly, while the other one is pressed flat on your stomach so you can feel him hit harder and deeper, hitting it from behind as you're both to lazy to get up from the couch. And he don't give a fuck about those reddish marks that appears on his skin, do not care if it looks like he has been scratched by a cat, because it might as well be true. You are the cutest kitten, looking so good in his hoodie, skin glistening because you're feeling hot demise the raging cold in your apartment. And at the second orgasm he swears he can feel electricity running through his veins. It does not help one bit calm him down.
Jisung could have cum thrice, slightly cry because of hypersensitivity, but he would still turn you around and put you in a mating press just so that he can fuck you properly, just so that you can leave scratches on his back. He likes the feeling of your nails gripping at his skin, likes the pain it brings to him, likes how with that, he can feel every bit of you, of your tight and warm walls sucking him dry as he's shooting loads after loads of his warm cum in your pussy. But then he has to go for another round, because that picture of his cum on his hoodie, you wrapped in it with teary eyes and red cheeks is not a want, it's a need. And he just came inside, so he'll have to work himself toward a fifth orgasm. Not that he cares.
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exploring-the-inner · 2 years
Gratitude, Guilt and Grit
Lord and savior,
Recent weeks have been pretty positive and for that, I’m so grateful! I’ve gone from 5 scheduled hours per day to 7. And thanks to Qasim’s unfortunate departure, Bryan has come on board full throttle with a pocket full of measures to make things run much more smoothly. Rather than stretching myself thin doing scheduling, chasing fill, QA, training and more… Loretta and I have help in the form of a lovely young lady named Jackie. I’m still staying late every now and then (without pay) and this really upsets my husband. But I don’t foresee the unpaid overtime being nearly as wild as it once was.
I feel quite guilty as I haven’t been as tuned into you, God. Bible study, praise and worship and our little moments like this have been few and far between. Please forgive me. I think about you all day long and love you more than my mind can comprehend. I apologize for spending my time elsewhere instead of with you. I must admit, work still drains me so much mentally I even feel physically tired after work. The weekends should be when I find time to really spend with you, but this past weekend I put family time and mental rest over you and that was not ok. I’m so sorry.
As for the third and final “G” / grit - I pray that you continue to help me prove myself as a more than capable part of my work team and not as its weakest link. I pray that Loretta isn’t bad mouthing me to Bryan or Steph. I pray that I’m not making mistake after mistake. I pray that my overall speed and precision make noticeable improvements.
I’m down on myself today because I was slow to submit one of today’s inspection forms and overlooked a crucial bedding issue on that form. The funny thing is, I nailed making sure I had the right info for the bed but got yanked by Loretta and overlooked adding the info to the form. I was in the middle doing its QA when she flew back into Zoom seeming super irritated, drilled me about a number of things in efforts to catch up (and perhaps to ever so passively imply that I was dropping the ball?) I purposely projected an upbeat, unaffected demeanor but it really did throw me. Next, Steph asked me about my Monday hours. It was a serious decision I had to make and I gave that some time and ran it by Oscar. Next, I called the partner about an issue with the Wifi box and before I knew it, Bryan was asking why the form had not been submitted and why it was taking so long. After having to publically explain myself about that, I didn’t feel right for the rest of the shift but continued to work like nothing was wrong. Then came the bedding issue was brought to my attention by the client. Wasn’t a huge thing at all, but the whole time I was praying that Bryan didn’t notice since bedding is one of the core things we cannot get wrong with the inspection. Perhaps to some, I may appear to be overreacting, but overall, I need you, Lord. Qasim knew I was great at my job. Bryan, Jackie, even Loretta. They haven’t spent enough time with me to know that I’m one of thee best that my company has to offer.
I shared with Oscar today, for no particular reason: “I am thee only black person on my POD.” Does that have any real meaning? Not truly. Besides, I’m a conservative after all so I’m definatley not one to cry racism and play the black card. But I’m my heart I know that I must work harder and be better than the rest of my colleagues to be recognized as completely capable. My mistakes MAY be weighted with heavier implications simply due to my being a minority. If I were the only white in an all black office for a black organization the same would be true. My mistakes might be more noticable and people might say, “That while girl is a problem.” I pray that will never be the case for me here. I want my superiors to have complete confidence in me. Without that, without YOU, I wouldn’t be able to help my husband pay our bills. I pray for intelligence and for near superhuman attention to detail. I pray for the ability to flawlessly and quickly execute every task that hits my eyeballs. Please let Bryan like me. Please help me to achieve a sterlingly spotless reputation. Help me to quit having to EDIT my errors out. Help me do well despite Roman and my other family duties. I know I’m going on and on but Jesus. I need you so much. *Gasp*
I heard you:
“If you need me so much, you should seek me so much, you  should study me so much and absorb me so much and I will take care of the rest." I love you so much Lord God!!
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missmentelle · 4 years
Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things
If you’ve been paying attention for the last couple of years, you might have noticed that the world has a bit of a misinformation problem. 
The problem isn’t just with the recent election conspiracies, either. The last couple of years has brought us the rise (and occasionally fall) of misinformation-based movements like:
Sandy Hook conspiracies
The MRA/incel/MGTOW movements
the birther movement
the Illuminati 
climate change denial
Holocaust denial 
COVID-19 denial 
5G panic 
But why do people believe this stuff?
It would be easy - too easy - to say that people fall for this stuff because they’re stupid. We all want to believe that smart people like us are immune from being taken in by deranged conspiracies. But it’s just not that simple. People from all walks of life are going down these rabbit holes - people with degrees and professional careers and rich lives have fallen for these theories, leaving their loved ones baffled. Decades-long relationships have splintered this year, as the number of people flocking to these conspiracies out of nowhere reaches a fever pitch. 
So why do smart people start believing some incredibly stupid things? It’s because:
Our brains are built to identify patterns. 
Our brains fucking love puzzles and patterns. This is a well-known phenomenon called apophenia, and at one point, it was probably helpful for our survival - the prehistoric human who noticed patterns in things like animal migration, plant life cycles and the movement of the stars was probably a lot more likely to survive than the human who couldn’t figure out how to use natural clues to navigate or find food. 
The problem, though, is that we can’t really turn this off. Even when we’re presented with completely random data, we’ll see patterns. We see patterns in everything, even when there’s no pattern there. This is why people see Jesus in a burnt piece of toast or get superstitious about hockey playoffs or insist on always playing at a certain slot machine - our brains look for patterns in the constant barrage of random information in our daily lives, and insist that those patterns are really there, even when they’re completely imagined. 
A lot of conspiracy theories have their roots in people making connections between things that aren’t really connected. The belief that “vaccines cause autism” was bolstered by the fact that the first recognizable symptoms of autism happen to appear at roughly the same time that children receive one of their rounds of childhood immunizations - the two things are completely unconnected, but our brains have a hard time letting go of the pattern they see there. Likewise, many people were quick to latch on to the fact that early maps of COVID infections were extremely similar to maps of 5G coverage -  the fact that there’s a reasonable explanation for this (major cities are more likely to have both high COVID cases AND 5G networks) doesn’t change the fact that our brains just really, really want to see a connection there. 
Our brains love proportionality. 
Specifically, our brains like effects to be directly proportional to their causes - in other words, we like it when big events have big causes, and small causes only lead to small events. It’s uncomfortable for us when the reverse is true. And so anytime we feel like a “big” event (celebrity death, global pandemic, your precious child is diagnosed with autism) has a small or unsatisfying cause (car accident, pandemics just sort of happen every few decades, people just get autism sometimes), we sometimes feel the need to start looking around for the bigger, more sinister, “true” cause of that event. 
Consider, for instance, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. In 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot four times by a Turkish member of a known Italian paramilitary secret society who’d recently escaped from prison - on the surface, it seems like the sort of thing conspiracy theorists salivate over, seeing how it was an actual multinational conspiracy. But they never had much interest in the assassination attempt. Why? Because the Pope didn’t die. He recovered from his injuries and went right back to Pope-ing. The event didn’t have a serious outcome, and so people are content with the idea that one extremist carried it out. The death of Princess Diana, however, has been fertile ground for conspiracy theories; even though a woman dying in a car accident is less weird than a man being shot four times by a paid political assassin, her death has attracted more conspiracy theories because it had a bigger outcome. A princess dying in a car accident doesn’t feel big enough. It’s unsatisfying. We want such a monumentous moment in history to have a bigger, more interesting cause. 
These theories prey on pre-existing fear and anger. 
Are you a terrified new parent who wants the best for their child and feels anxious about having them injected with a substance you don’t totally understand? Congrats, you’re a prime target for the anti-vaccine movement. Are you a young white male who doesn’t like seeing more and more games aimed at women and minorities, and is worried that “your” gaming culture is being stolen from you? You might have been very interested in something called Gamergate. Are you a right-wing white person who worries that “your” country and way of life is being stolen by immigrants, non-Christians and coastal liberals? You’re going to love the “all left-wingers are Satantic pedo baby-eaters” messaging of QAnon. 
Misinformation and conspiracy theories are often aimed strategically at the anxieties and fears that people are already experiencing. No one likes being told that their fears are insane or irrational; it’s not hard to see why people gravitate towards communities that say “yes, you were right all along, and everyone who told you that you were nuts to be worried about this is just a dumb sheep. We believe you, and we have evidence that you were right along, right here.” Fear is a powerful motivator, and you can make people believe and do some pretty extreme things if you just keep telling them “yes, that thing you’re afraid of is true, but also it’s way worse than you could have ever imagined.”
Real information is often complicated, hard to understand, and inherently unsatisfying. 
The information that comes from the scientific community is often very frustrating for a layperson; we want science to have hard-and-fast answers, but it doesn’t. The closest you get to a straight answer is often “it depends” or “we don’t know, but we think X might be likely”. Understanding the results of a scientific study with any confidence requires knowing about sampling practices, error types, effect sizes, confidence intervals and publishing biases. Even asking a simple question like “is X bad for my child” will usually get you a complicated, uncertain answer - in most cases, it really just depends. Not understanding complex topics makes people afraid - it makes it hard to trust that they’re being given the right information, and that they’re making the right choices. 
Conspiracy theories and misinformation, on the other hand, are often simple, and they are certain. Vaccines bad. Natural things good. 5G bad. Organic food good. The reason girls won’t date you isn’t a complex combination of your social skills, hygiene, appearance, projected values, personal circumstances, degree of extroversion, luck and life phase - girls won’t date you because feminism is bad, and if we got rid of feminism you’d have a girlfriend. The reason Donald Trump was an unpopular president wasn’t a complex combination of his public bigotry, lack of decorum, lack of qualifications, open incompetence, nepotism, corruption, loss of soft power, refusal to uphold the basic responsibilities of his position or his constant lying - they hated him because he was fighting a secret sex cult and they’re all in it. 
Instead of making you feel stupid because you’re overwhelmed with complex information, expert opinions and uncertain advice, conspiracy theories make you feel smart - smarter, in fact, than everyone who doesn’t believe in them. And that’s a powerful thing for people living in a credential-heavy world. 
Many conspiracy theories are unfalsifiable. 
It is very difficult to prove a negative. If I tell you, for instance, that there’s no such thing as a purple swan, it would be very difficult for me to actually prove that to you - I could spend the rest of my life photographing swans and looking for swans and talking to people who know a lot about swans, and yet the slim possibility would still exist that there was a purple swan out there somewhere that I just hadn’t found yet. That’s why, in most circumstances, the burden of proof lies with the person making the extraordinary claim - if you tell me that purple swans exist, we should continue to assume that they don’t until you actually produce a purple swan. 
Conspiracy theories, however, are built so that it’s nearly impossible to “prove” them wrong. Is there any proof that the world’s top-ranking politicians and celebrities are all in a giant child sex trafficking cult? No. But can you prove that they aren’t in a child sex-trafficking cult? No, not really. Even if I, again, spent the rest of my life investigating celebrities and following celebrities and talking to people who know celebrities, I still couldn’t definitely prove that this cult doesn’t exist - there’s always a chance that the specific celebrities I’ve investigated just aren’t in the cult (but other ones are!) or that they’re hiding evidence of the cult even better than we think. Lack of evidence for a conspiracy theory is always treated as more evidence for the theory - we can’t find anything because this goes even higher up than we think! They’re even more sophisticated at hiding this than we thought! People deeply entrenched in these theories don’t even realize that they are stuck in a circular loop where everything seems to prove their theory right - they just see a mountain of “evidence” for their side. 
Our brains are very attached to information that we “learned” by ourselves.
Learning accurate information is not a particularly interactive or exciting experience. An expert or reliable source just presents the information to you in its entirety, you read or watch the information, and that’s the end of it. You can look for more information or look for clarification of something, but it’s a one-way street - the information is just laid out for you, you take what you need, end of story. 
Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, almost never show their hand all at once. They drop little breadcrumbs of information that slowly lead you where they want you to go. This is why conspiracy theorists are forever telling you to “do your research” - they know that if they tell you everything at once, you won’t believe them. Instead, they want you to indoctrinate yourself slowly over time, by taking the little hints they give you and running off to find or invent evidence that matches that clue. If I tell you that celebrities often wear symbols that identify them as part of a cult and that you should “do your research” about it, you can absolutely find evidence that substantiates my claim - there are literally millions of photos of celebrities out there, and anyone who looks hard enough is guaranteed to find common shapes, poses and themes that might just mean something (they don’t - eyes and triangles are incredibly common design elements, and if I took enough pictures of you, I could also “prove” that you also clearly display symbols that signal you’re in the cult). 
The fact that you “found” the evidence on your own, however, makes it more meaningful to you. We trust ourselves, and we trust that the patterns we uncover by ourselves are true. It doesn’t feel like you’re being fed misinformation - it feels like you’ve discovered an important truth that “they” didn’t want you to find, and you’ll hang onto that for dear life. 
Older people have not learned to be media-literate in a digital world. 
Fifty years ago, not just anyone could access popular media. All of this stuff had a huge barrier to entry - if you wanted to be on TV or be in the papers or have a radio show, you had to be a professional affiliated with a major media brand. Consumers didn’t have easy access to niche communities or alternative information - your sources of information were basically your local paper, the nightly news, and your morning radio show, and they all more or less agreed on the same set of facts. For decades, if it looked official and it appeared in print, you could probably trust that it was true. 
Of course, we live in a very different world today - today, any asshole can accumulate an audience of millions, even if they have no credentials and nothing they say is actually true (like “The Food Babe”, a blogger with no credentials in medicine, nutrition, health sciences, biology or chemistry who peddles health misinformation to the 3 million people who visit her blog every month). It’s very tough for older people (and some younger people) to get their heads around the fact that it’s very easy to create an “official-looking” news source, and that they can’t necessarily trust everything they find on the internet. When you combine that with a tendency toward “clickbait headlines” that often misrepresent the information in the article, you have a generation struggling to determine who they can trust in a media landscape that doesn’t at all resemble the media landscape they once knew. 
These beliefs become a part of someone’s identity. 
A person doesn’t tell you that they believe in anti-vaxx information - they tell you that they ARE an anti-vaxxer. Likewise, people will tell you that they ARE a flat-earther, a birther, or a Gamergater. By design, these beliefs are not meant to be something you have a casual relationship with, like your opinion of pizza toppings or how much you trust local weather forecasts - they are meant to form a core part of your identity. 
And once something becomes a core part of your identity, trying to make you stop believing it becomes almost impossible. Once we’ve formed an initial impression of something, facts just don’t change our minds. If you identify as an antivaxxer and I present evidence that disproves your beliefs, in your mind, I’m not correcting inaccurate information - I am launching a very personal attack against a core part of who you are. In fact, the more evidence I present, the more you will burrow down into your antivaxx beliefs, more confident than ever that you are right. Admitting that you are wrong about something that is important to you is painful, and your brain would prefer to simply deflect conflicting information rather than subject you to that pain.
We can see this at work with something called the confirmation bias. Simply put, once we believe something, our brains hold on to all evidence that that belief is true, and ignore evidence that it’s false. If I show you 100 articles that disprove your pet theory and 3 articles that confirm it, you’ll cling to those 3 articles and forget about the rest. Even if I show you nothing but articles that disprove your theory, you’ll likely go through them and pick out any ambiguous or conflicting information as evidence for “your side”, even if the conclusion of the article shows that you are wrong - our brains simply care about feeling right more than they care about what is actually true.  
There is a strong community aspect to these theories. 
There is no one quite as supportive or as understanding as a conspiracy theorist - provided, of course, that you believe in the same conspiracy theories that they do. People who start looking into these conspiracy theories are told that they aren’t crazy, and that their fears are totally valid. They’re told that the people in their lives who doubted them were just brainwashed sheep, but that they’ve finally found a community of people who get where they’re coming from. Whenever they report back to the group with the “evidence” they’ve found or the new elaborations on the conspiracy theory that they’ve been thinking of (“what if it’s even worse than we thought??”), they are given praise for their valuable contributions. These conspiracy groups often become important parts of people’s social networks - they can spend hours every day talking with like-minded people from these communities and sharing their ideas. 
Of course, the flipside of this is that anyone who starts to doubt or move away from the conspiracy immediately loses that community and social support. People who have broken away from antivaxx and QAnon often say that the hardest part of leaving was losing the community and friendships they’d built - not necessarily giving up on the theory itself. Many people are rejected by their real-life friends and family once they start to get entrenched in conspiracy theories; the friendships they build online in the course of researching these theories often become the only social supports they have left, and losing those supports means having no one to turn to at all. This is by design - the threat of losing your community has kept people trapped in abusive religious sects and cults for as long as those things have existed. 
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livingalifeofasimp · 3 years
☘️𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓 𝕴𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖙
🎀𝕴𝖘𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖎 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖆🎀
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You got teleported into a Novel called Love or Hate, where a villianess of an influencing family gets jealous of people around Crown Prince and tries to kill everyone especially his beloved and meets unfortunate death.
𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕡𝕒𝕕 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥
Click on the link for more information, If the link doesn't work then please be kind enough to inform me, Thank you💮💮💮
🖤 𝓩𝓱𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓲
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*:・゚♛ ゚・:* On getting into the novel as Villianess and not being able to go back to your world you decided to stop going down the path of original Novel Plot but make your own and live a life in luxury away from all the characters. Your first step was to break the engagement with Crown Prince, who was surprised when he heard you say that to him, you were just so in love with him and then after being unconscious for almost a week you decided to break off the engagement.
*:・゚♛ ゚・:* Zhongli could not understand why you would do such thing and you knew he will fall in love with the Heroine when she appears, you told your father to annual it, since you understood that the affection holds no value in Crown Prince's eyes, but Zhongli wasn't able to digest this piece of information, when he tries to approach you, you run away, avoid him at any cost, he realizes how important you are to him, so he rejects your request to annual the engagement even after you nearly begged him and promises you that he will cherish you now on, leaving you thinking what went wrong.
*:・゚♛ ゚・:* You sat with pen and paper tried to sort everything out, although Crown Prince was trying to win your favor back by sending you gifts, letters and asks for your audience only to get ghosted by you, getting involved with him will give you nothing but a miserable fate, no matter how handsome the Characters are you refused to acknowledge them any further. Now it felt like Zhongli clingys to you more than anything.
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゚・:*༻*:・゚When your carriage stopped infront of your state you saw Aether was there waiting for you, he told you that he heard you were trying to annual the engagement, for a minute you forgot how fast news spread in this era, Aether had a happy glow on his face, he told you that you deserve better. At some point you knew that Aether grows distant from Villianess in Novel Plot but the case here was totally different now he invites you or comes to you uninvited.
゚・:*༻*:・゚You don't stop him tho, he became your bestfriend, he taught you horse riding, sword fighting and helped you in all those things you were interested in. Thanks to Aether your bad dancing got better, you always wondered how he never go tired dancing with you, when you step on his foot unintentionally during practices. Physical touches increases slightly, you don't doubt it since it's normal for friends to hug a second more right?
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Since there was nothing better to do, you started to put your hands on family business and was sent to pay visit to the business partner. To your surprise when you saw Diluc, he looked just like the Novel described him to be, stern, stoic and cold. His presence was intimidating but you had to win this opportunity so you confidently placed your views even when your legs were shaking under the gown you were wearing, you put your hands together and pursued him.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Diluc seemed so lonely, he had no one to worry about him, just him and his thoughts. So you decided to greet him with smile and ask about if he ate his meals properly because he skipped them for one or two days due to his loads of work, which was bad for his health, if he needed to fight with Crown Prince for Heroine then he should be healthy, so you took care of him while you were staying in his Mansion.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ At first he was wary of you but he eventually warmed up and when Diluc laughed in one of your jokes, you felt grateful to witness that because no one saw him smiling other than Heroine, he looked really beautiful. He said you were way too different than what the rumours described you to be, you were perfect. 
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✥ ۪۪۫۫◃ ✤◃ ۪۪۫۫✥ Bandits attached your Carriage, it was difficult to defeat them but with your escort and Aether's sword fighting training it became quite easy, even though you are not much of a sword fighter than Aether but you could protect yourself for once. When Crown Prince heard you were attacked he immediately assigned you his Loyal Knight who later becomes Imperial Knight respected by citizens, to which you obviously rejected but as persistent as he is you were made to accept the Knight for the time being since all the knights in your family are either afraid of you or not want to serve you and you had no fetish with working with someone who is not willing to be with you.
✥ ۪۪۫۫◃ ✤◃ ۪۪۫۫✥Xiao was very quite and skilled Knight so he was very attentive to your needs, and once caughted you, when you tripped on your gown while climbing staircase, due to which he got on his one knees and asked for your forgiveness. It left you speechless why would he do such thing? Ask for punishment instead of a thanks for saving your bones, you couldn't help but ask him, Xiao's answer made you clutch your fingers, he thought you, a noble lady would get disgusted by his touch since he is lowly born.
✥ ۪۪۫۫◃ ✤◃ ۪۪۫۫✥ You asked him to stand, Xiao is your favorite character who suffered so much and was never able to voice his love for Heroine, you holded his hands in yours, ignoring his body flinching and told him how he should not look down on himself, he is equal, everyone is equal since you all are humans and that you cherish him, he put his life to protect you. You said him all those things you wanted to when you read the Novel, not everything really but it left him blushing while you laughed walking ahead of him what a tsundere.
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☽༓✮・*˚ A handsome Mage Master kept on disturbing you, the smug looking guy who you meet in Local bars when you were out exploring about the Novel world, he helped you with your case to find out the solution to obtain the land for the project with Duke while giving you many riddles that exhausted you but seeing a worried Xiao was worth it when he says I don't care after nagging you for hours.
☽༓✮・*˚ You doubted if this guy was the one of the Male Leads who was owner of Mage tower because he was exceptional handsome, for a side Character to be so good looking is quite rare, but he debuted after the Grand ball so it couldn't be him, you debated. In Original Novel Plot they never described how he looked, but it was for sure he was popular among ladies. The guy introduced himself as Kaeya, who sometimes requests your presence in Mage tower, only VIP guest were allowed and when you asked him how he managed to get the permission he says it is one of his ways, suspicious enough.
☽༓✮・*˚ You eventually spend more time with him than required which sometimes anger Aether since your time with him reduced, of course you haven't told anything about him to anyone. To save himself, he once introduced you to the group of women flirting with him as his girlfriend. Kaeya sends his familiar in butterfly form for the most stupidest message through your window to which you react differently depending on your mood. 
"How are you my Lady?"
"Am I allowed to miss you?"
"When will you visit me?"
"Have you been using me all this time?, I am heart broken T_T Heal me!"
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❀⑅*⋆༶⋆❀⑅* Strong hand holded you securely, as you danced with him, who was wearing black laced mask in Masquerade ball organized by King for a yearly festival which you were forced you to attend by your Father and Crown Prince. One of the guys asked for you to dance with him, as per tradition one cannot reject the another requesting party, otherwise you would have been eating the food served for guests, imperial food is on another level, Zhongli sometimes tries to lure you to spend time with him by making such excuses.
❀⑅*⋆༶⋆❀⑅* The stranger pulled you even more closer saying that you are looking much more prettier than before, your first meeting but you did not recognized him or so you thought, and he told you that you are known as the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom, neighboring Kingdoms takes interest in you. You do remember the guy who helped you in fighting with Bandits both of them have the same hair color and playfulness in their voice.
❀⑅*⋆༶⋆❀⑅* When you asked him about it, if he was the guy from before to which he replied maybe, leaving you in the middle of the dance and bended in the crowd, Mysterious as Childe you thought, whoever he was, you hoped for him to not bring more problems than you already have. A groaning voice of Crown Prince from behind made you turn around questioning you why you danced with other guys than your fiance, you never thought a composed man as Zhongli would whine to you for such a small thing.
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Request: Mine (Alec Volturi x Reader)
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You had to stay clear. Heidi was bringing in the tours and Demetri was around to make sure all would run smoothly, no one being left behind. Whilst you could only smile at a few of the tourists who locked eyes with you. You figured it wouldn't hurt, they'd go one way and you'd go the other, completely clear of what would happen next. Suddenly you heard your name. 
The voice was familiar but before you could recall who it was, they stepped out of the line of tourists, walking up to you with a smile. You felt your stomach drop. It was your ex boyfriend. Heidi and Demetri both looked at him but said nothing. "Well I'll be damned, I never thought I'd see you here." Your ex smiled. "It's good to see you." You said politely. Although you found it difficult to mask your unease. "Do you work here?" He asked. "Yeah." You nodded. "How have you been?" It was clear he was determined to get a conversation to you reluctantly gave in. "I've been good. Working mostly." You smiled gesturing to the room. "How have you been?" “I've been great. Travelling with friends. Partying. You know me." He winked. You hummed in 'amusement'. 
"Well hello there." Heidi glided up to you both. Your ex looked her up and down and smirked. "Hey." "(Y/N)'s considered new around her and doesn't know anyone." Heidi smiled, pulling you into her side. She rubbed your arm slightly. Although you were uncertain if that was her way to say she had your back. "So who's your friend?" She smiled wider, showing her teeth. "Oh he isn't my-" You began but your ex interrupted. "I'm an old friend. (Y/N) and I have quite a history together." He replied sending you a teasing flirtatious smile. "This is my ex boyfriend." You finished. "Oh I see. Well, you only have a couple of minutes, the tour is about to start and you..." She lightly tapped your nose with her free arm. "...have to get back to work." She broke away but kept at a close distance. Supposedly not paying attention anymore but you knew she was keeping close for you. 
"How long have you been here?" Your ex asked. "I've been here for nearly a year now."  "Wow. No one told me you'd left. Your mum told me when I went looking for you but she had no idea where you went. She said you had just up and left." You wanted to kick yourself and groan. This wasn't going to be easy. "Why...why did you speak to my mum?" You asked. "I was looking for you. I went to your house but your mum said you had been gone for months." "Yeah, I didn't tell anyone where I was going. I needed the space and time to build a new life here. My...my life back there was pretty much ruined." Thanks to him. "Ah, yes, that wasn't my finest moment." He said quieter. "It doesn't matter now. What's done is done. The way I see it, it would have been worse if I stayed." "In my eyes, the worst thing I've ever done is what I did to you." He responded. You were certain that your ex had cheated on you. If he hadn't then it would be a matter of waiting until he did. Waiting for your heartbreak. Not to mention he wasn't exactly apologetic for the flirting with others, and generally tiptoeing the line of cheating. 
When you ended things with him, he was determined to ruin your reputation with rumours about you such as being controlling. You saw the storm he was itching to give you. So you figured if you left, you'd be rid of him and any damage he caused, as well as he'd have no choice but to pick someone else or be his own downfall thanks to that oncoming storm. 
You shrugged. "Hey...can we talk? A little more privately?" He asked softly. "I don't think I can. I really need to get back to work-" "It'll only be just a minute." He said quickly. "Alright everyone, the tour is starting, if you could all please stick together and not wander. This place is very big and who knows if we'll find you again!" Heidi's voice rang out. The last sentence received a couple of chuckles. "Enjoy the tour. It was nice to see you again." You took a step back. "Please, it's important." He said hurriedly. You didn't know how to answer.  "One moment everyone!" Heidi smiled brightly as Demetri placed a hand on her back and guided her towards the corner in hushed chatter. 
"Make it quick." You said flatly. "I've been thinking about us. How we left things and I've really missed you." You sighed. "I know- I know we had our issues but if we try we can work through them." "No. I think the past is in the past and I want to leave it there." You responded. "If you didn't care you wouldn't have left everything behind." He said. "You know, I have more reasons to leave than you making up stories about me whilst you play around with others feelings." You frowned slightly. "I don't blame you." He answered. "I don't care and I don't need your validation. You made your choices and I made mine."  "You're just not thinking straight. You left your family. They don't even know where you are." He said. "That is none of your business." You said firmly. "Would you stop acting so entitled and being overdramatic and listen to me? It's no wonder we broke up. You do this every time!" 
"Excuse me, I think that's enough now." Demetri interrupted calmly. "The tour is about to start." "Buddy... you're really not involved in this and we're having a conversation so mind your business." Your ex said through gritted teeth. Before Demetri could respond, you jumped to his defence. "Don't speak to him like that! You can speak to me like that but don't speak to him like that!" "No, he can't speak to you that way." Heidi said, sending him a pointed gaze. Her hands on her hips. Your ex looked at her. Knowing him, he wanted to snap at her like he had Demetri but as soon as his eyes landed on her, they softened and he said nothing. He wore the same look he had back then. "You know that's why I'd get to angry with you." You said softly. "You always tried to convince me that I was crazy but even now, you have a wandering eye." "What? You'd want me to blind myself? Is that what would make you happy?" He said with snark and you didn't respond. Demetri nodded to Heidi . "Are we done here?" You asked him. "No." Your ex said flatly. You sighed before turning to Heidi. She was about to speak up but you cut her off. "It's okay Heidi. I can handle this." "You make it sound like I'm the problem here." Your ex frowned. "If your colleagues didn't hover around you then perhaps we wouldn't be disagreeing right now." "It's alright, Heidi." Demetri said as he put a hand on her shoulder. "You go ahead with the group. I'll make sure he catches up." Heidi thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Very well." With a flick of her hair she moved towards the front of the group. "As I said everyone! Stay together!" She began to walk down the corridor, heading towards the throne room. 
You knew at this point your ex was just shutting down. He knew that wasn't what you meant but everything he'd say from that moment forward was out of pure spite. "You do this every time!" He said in anger. "I don't want to fight with you! I'm trying to talk to you." "There's nothing to talk about. What you and I had is over." "No, it's not." He responded quickly and confidently. "You can't do that. You can't just speak to me like we just shared a ride home." He said, stepping closer. "You and I are more than that, we always have been." "We aren't anything. I've moved on and I'm happy." You responded, standing your ground. "Moved on?" He laughed. "No. No, I don't believe that. You're still standing here and we both know that when you're done with someone that you don't give them the time of day." "I'm trying to be civil and not make a scene." He laughed again, completely convinced. "Alright. Where is my replacement then, hm? Is it him?" Your ex nodded behind him towards Demetri. "No and I don't want you meeting him." You folded your arms. "Or I won't because you're lying." Your ex smirked. "You don't have to be like this babe. We can start again. We can have that happy life together we talked about. Laugh about all of this later. You and I were solid and we can be like that again." You shook your head. "No. I already told you I'm with someone else." "And do they love you like I do?" He asked. You paused. You knew Alec loved you. He just didn't tell it or show it all the time. Not in the way your previous relationships had. Alec wasn't like other people and sometimes that had challenges but you'd take that. You'd rather someone loved you and barely told you rather than someone constantly telling you they loved you merely because they loved the idea of you and wanted to keep you around. "My guess is that he loves me more." You answered quietly. It had been a long time since you had to deal with how your ex was treating you and you couldn't help but wonder if you were losing. Your ex hummed in amusement. "You tell yourself that a lot, don't you? I can see it in your eyes. Well let me tell you babe, loving you is easy." He moved closer, his voice lowering. "I promise you, I loved you more than anyone ever has and I still do. You're hurt. I get that. I hurt you but I can fix it just as easily. Just as easily as you light up my world with that beautiful face of yours. Come on, you and me." He took your arms and you shook your head. "No." You said quickly. Demetri stepped forward but you shook your head at him. "It's fine, Demetri. I can handle this." You said hurriedly. "In fact, don't you have somewhere else to be?" Your ex sneered at Demetri behind him. His grip on you tightened. "Stop it. You're getting angry at him for no reason." You said hurriedly. "Yes, I am because this dude doesn't know when to take a hint and clear off." Your ex said sharply. Demetri's eyes narrowed on your ex before turning on his heel and briskly heading down the corridors, the same way the rest of the tourists had. 
"Come on, you and me." Your ex said quieter and softly. "We had amazing times together and we should never have ended things the way we did." "You're not listening to me. It is over." You emphasized. "No, it's not." He said simply. Before you could pull back, your ex pulled you in by your arms and kissed you. You immediately pulled your head away. "You can't do that!" You cried out. However you cry was drowned out by a very loud scream of rage. 
Alec was in front of you both in moments and looked absolutely livid. With inhuman speed he grabbed your ex, throwing him to the ground. Alec was moving so fast that you couldn't see anything but a blur. Your ex screamed in terror as Alec dragged him by the legs, down a different corridor behind you. "Alec!?" You cried out but before you could move, Demetri held you back as Felix and Jane stepped around you, heading after Alec. Demetri forcibly made you turn in the other direction. 
You thought he was taking you to the throne room but her turned a sharp corner and instead led you to the kitchen. You could only say Demetri's name, unable to form a coherent sentence. You wanted to ask him a million questions but nothing came to mind. "Your arms..." Demetri said quickly closing the gap between you to inspect your arms. You looked down to see red scratches down your fore arms. "Do these hurt?" He asked. 
Now that you were aware of them, you acknowledged the burning sensation they left but you weren't even remotely concerned about that. You were worried about Alec. "No!" You said hurriedly. "I'm more concerned about Alec. He was- where did he go? What just happened!?" Demetri didn't answer, simply staring into your eyes. "Let us deal with this, understand the situation better so I can be accurate, alright? Just, let me take you to his room and be patient.” You let him, taking a glass of water with you for Demetri's peace of mind. 
Jane turned around to see Demetri approaching. "How bad is it?" He asked. Alec's screams of rage and the sound of breaking furniture very loud despite the door being shut. "Bad." Felix responded. "The human is basically soup in there." "The humans final minutes were nothing less of excruciating." Jane smiled darkly. "Is the human in pieces?" Demetri said in somewhat horror. Not because he suddenly had a concern for humans. More so because humans are basically bags of fluid and if your ex had been even slightly ripped open, blood and everything else would utterly destroy the very old carpets, rugs and walls. Not to mention Alec was currently destroying everything in sight. "Friend, I'm going to say this as delicately as I can." Felix said to Demetri. "That human was very much alive when Alec ripped him apparent and tore out his organs. He then threw the organs all over the room and has since been stamping on every bone. That human is a puddle of mush and then rest of him is across the room." "How lovely..." Demetri trailed off. Although he wasn't surprised. This was Alec after all. "He needs to calm down soon. (Y/N) is worried about him." "They'll need to wait." Jane responded flatly. "It's been a long time since he's been this angry." Jane spoke of it like talking about the weather and not that her brother was completely destroying a room whilst creating a gruesome scene. "I'm surprised you're not in there and helping him." Felix said to Jane. "He wouldn't let me get close. He wanted the human to himself." Jane smiled proudly as she thought fondly of her brother. "That human was in just as much pain if I got to him." Felix blinked. "Alright, what's the plan?" "You and I go to (Y/N) and explain the situation, then we go and inform Aro. Jane will stay here with Alec until he calms down. Jane, do not let him go to his room afterwards, (Y/N) is in there and they can't see him like that." Demetri said and Jane nodded as Felix moved towards Demetri. 
"Okay you're telling me not to worry but now there are two of you and you won't tell me what's happening." Your eyes narrowed on the two. "It's complicated and we don't know how to explain without crossing a line." Demetri responded. "Wait, Demetri, can we even tell them? Is it our place to tell?" Felix asked. "I don't think we have much of a choice. Do you think Alec will?" Demetri turned to Felix. You looked between the two. "If you don't tell me what's going on then I will scream." You warned them. The two simply looked at you, seemingly unconvinced that you would. You inhaled a deep breath. "Wait! Wait, hold on little human!" Felix said quickly raising his arms. "We'll tell you just don't do that." Demetri said quickly. Neither of the two wanted to find out what you screaming would do when Alec is already off the rails. It could be those two next for all they knew if you did. 
Before Felix could talk, Demetri cut him off. "I'll tell them. You are awful at breaking news to anyone." Felix huffed, annoyed he couldn't but at the same time slightly offended with the lack of faith his friend had in him. Although Felix knew his friend was right. He really was the worst at that. "You know that Alec can be temperamental and is very driven by his emotions when he wants to be." Demetri began. "You also know that sometimes be can be so aggravated that he has..." Demetri trailed off. "Tantrums." Felix said flatly. Demetri sent him a pointed look. "What else can you call this? We'll be here all day if we want to look at this with rose tinted glasses. It's tantrums." Felix continued in his defence and Demetri sighed. "Just as Jane does. You know of this but haven't ever experienced it for yourself. This is one of those times. Alec has disposed of the human and is currently on a uncontrollable rampage of destruction. All we can do is wait for him to calm on his own." "Why...why has this provoked such a reaction?" You asked. "Well-" Demetri was cut off again by Felix. "Because the twins do this every time they don't get their own way or something happens they don't like... usually the first one." "Felix!" Demetri scolded him. "It's true! (Y/N) lives here, they might as well know that when the twins don't get what they want, this is what happens!" Felix said to defend himself again. "What I was going to say is," Demetri said as he narrowed his eyes on Felix in warning. "Alec is very... protective of you." "Yeah but also possessive." Felix interrupted again. "Felix, I swear-" "I'm just telling the truth!" Demetri quietly growled in slight frustration. "Alec doesn't really know how to channel his emotions and his past has very much to do with that. He can't express himself correctly and so sometimes the twins have all this pent up emotion that they don't know what to do with it and...this happens." You blinked. "I can't do anything to help him?" "Darling, there is no reasoning with Alec right now in these states. It's best you leave him be and when he's ready he'll come to you." You sighed sitting on Alec's bed. "Might I speak with you about something for a moment? Something that has caused some concern?" Demetri asked. You nodded. "What's up?" You asked quietly. Demetri moved closer to you. "The way that human spoke to you. You know that isn't okay, right?" Demetri asked. You could see concern matching in both Felix and Demetri's eyes. "No one who ever claims to love you should ever treat you like that. You know that, don't you?" You nodded slowly. "I know." You said quietly. "I couldn't make excuses for him after some time and I know that when someone treats you like that... it'll only get worse. So I left. I told myself I deserved better and that I'd never go back." "Right on." Felix smirked softly from the doorway. "Did Alec hear?" You asked. Slowly, Demetri nodded. “He heard the human doubting him, shall we say? Although he was under control. He was approaching when I left when the human kissed you, Alec lost control.” You recalled the rage filled scream that rang through your ears. That must have been Alec. "Do you think he was worried? That I'd go back?" You asked. Demetri thought about it for a moment. "I think he doubts himself. How deserving he is of you. That being said, he'd hold you to him regardless." Demetri cracked a smile and you couldn't help but giggle. That sounded like Alec. "As I said, he's protective of you. You mean everything to him and when someone disrespects you. He will take that very personally." Demetri assured you before stepping back. "Give him some time. Maybe a couple of hours. He'll calm down and come back to you." "What did he do to him? My ex?" You asked. "I think it best that you don't think about that. It's better if you don't know." Demetri responded. 
Once Demetri closed Alec's door, Felix let out a sigh of relief. "They nearly screamed when we didn't tell them. Can you imagine if Alec heard them scream right now in this state? You and I would be done for!" "Now we'll be screaming next if the twins over heard what you said about them." Demetri's eyes narrowed. "We'll both get Jane's gift for that." "It was nothing but the truth!" Felix said. Demetri sighed, walking with more purpose. "(Y/N) is with us now, they'd figure that out eventually! Demetri, don't walk away from me!" Felix strode after his friend. 
After an hour of worrying, Alec returned to his room. He stood in his open door way, staring you down. "Are you okay?" You asked before you could even think. "You shouldn't have seen that." He said lowly. "Alec..." You trailed off with worry. After a moment of staring you down, he marched towards you. 
Alec collided with you so hard that you fell back upon his bed. His lips were on yours before you knew it as he climbed further on top of you. You pulled back and hurriedly said his name before he moved back in for another kiss. "Alec! Alec!" You said hurriedly, taking his face into your hands. His eyes were a deep red, an improvement from the pitch black ones that met your gaze before but it was clear that Alec was still very much upset, even as his control was gradually returning. "Are you okay?" You asked. Alec swallowed, his stare intense. "Sweetheart, everything is okay." You said weakly, feeling tears begin to build in your throat. "You're the only one that matters." You assured him, stroking his cheek his your thumb. 
You needed him to be sure that only Alec mattered to you. Unable to stand even the thought that Alec doubted that. Alec caught sight of your arm and a quiet sound that resembled a whine escaped him. The red marks that streaked down from your elbow to your wrist. Alec began to grow irate, unable to tear his eyes from your arm as he immediately pulled back from you and your hold to grasp your arm. You knew Alec was trying to figure out if he had done that but you couldn't tell him. You didn't know if it had been Alec or your ex when Alec grabbed him with such speed, tearing him from you. 
"It's okay." You said to him softly. "I-I didn't even feel it. It was so quick and with everything going on, I didn't even realise what had happened." "Does it hurt?" Alec asked. His voice made it clear that he was grasping at every straw of control he had. All the while his voice tone was slightly higher, almost like whine he was trying to hold back. "It stings a little every now and then but it's honestly just a scratch." That Alec knew. There wasn't any bleeding or even a break of the skin. However that didn't make him any happier about the situation. He exhaled and you barely heard the small whine before Alec pulled your arm to his cold lips, pressing kisses against the scratch. "I'm more concerned about you and if you're okay." You said to him. Whilst you had been told about how angry Alec could get, this had been the first time you had ever witnessed it. Alec's gaze met yours once more. "Kiss me." He said lowly before pressing his lips against yours.  You returned the kiss, without any further questions. When he was ready and if he wanted to, he'd say what's on his mind. "Come here." You said to him quietly and he leaned back slightly, allowing you to move up to the pillows on his bed. He followed and you pulled him into your chest.  "I'm not going anywhere." You whispered as Alec's eyes fluttered shut, surrounded my your scent. One hand played with his hair, the other across his back. Alec wrapped his own arms around you sliding under your back. Every so often he'd squeeze you that little bit closer to him.
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mid-weast · 3 years
Will you keep it down? | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You and Jungkook attend the same university and have been neighbors for 3 months now. It drives you crazy that he plays loud music at 2AM, and it drives him crazy that you barely acknowledge his presence.
Pairing: Jungkook x Female!Reader; Black!Reader
Words: 2.6K
Genre: enemies to lovers, student!jungkook, student!reader, fluff, mention of smut, angst? (in the form of bickering back and forth).
Authors note: Hi hi! This is the first fic I’ve ever written so if it’s bad I’m sorry. Also it is unedited so if there's grammar / spelling mistakes I'm sorry again! Also this is catered toward the reader being Black but I hope it can be enjoyed by everyone. Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated ok love u bye!
Even though you were studying in your room, his knocks were so loud you nearly jumped out of your skin. You had expected a reaction, but not a full-on explosion.
You and Jungkook have been apartment neighbors for about three months now, and a constant problem is that he blares his music hella loud late at night. Of course he’s a music major so he listens to music a lot, but at this point you don’t care. It doesn’t even seem like he’s working on composition homework anyway, just being an asshole with no regard for his neighbors peace. Now don’t get yourself wrong, you're not just some uptight bitch who complains about everything. Well, you do have several pet peeves but over the years of going to school in Korea you’ve picked and chosen your battles very wisely. In most cases you let things slide. You wouldn’t care at all about someone playing the music loudly, but it is 2 AM, and while you’re up studying you know a lot of your other neighbors are trying to sleep.
You tiptoe toward your front door and twist the knob slowly. You only open the door wide enough to be able to see his face. It’s not that you’re scared that you’re in danger or anything, and you rarely back down from people giving you a hard time. But you were tired, wearing a big ass t- shirt and short shorts (your regular sleep attire), and it was late at night. So if anything was going to pop off you felt pretty vulnerable. Even though you’re the same age, he towers over you and you find his size kinda intimidating.
As usual, you have to crane your neck to see his face, and your view of him is limited by the narrowness in which
you opened the door.
“Can I help you, lil boy?”
From what you can see of him, right away you can tell that he is pissed. Dawning his usual attire of a black sweatshirt with the hood up, black sweats, and stomp a hoe boots, he stood extremely close to your apartment door with his arms crossed. His usually wide, puppy dog eyes are now pressed in narrow slits. His normally pouty lips are formed in a hard line, and his jaw is so clenched you could carve an ice sculpture with his jawline.
"Who the hell do you think you are? You called the cops on me? Are you INSANE???" Jungkook shouts.
Obviously he's mad, and despite the amount of times you've gone back and forth he's never raised your voice at you. The old you would have screamed back at him, but over time you've tried to respond to anger with calmness. Also, you were a little scared because this mf is kind of big.
"I already told you if you keep blaring your music at 2AM, I was going to do something about it!" You respond in a hushed whisper, slightly concerned that your elderly neighbors will be even more disturbed by the noise. "I've told you this a million times, and you barely do anything about it. If anything, it's gotten worse like you're doing it on purpose. People are trying to sleep and I'm trying to study, why is this so hard for you to understand?"
He sucks his teeth. "You're such a little snitch. And I've already told YOU that YOU can't tell me what to do."
"I know I can't...but they can," you nod toward the exit, referring to the police officers that most likely just left out that way with a tiny smirk growing on your face.
If it was possible, he clenched his jaw even harder and you think that he's going to pop a blood vessel. He pushes his way into your apartment, which sends you stumbling back and you grab the door handle to regain your balance. This causes you to close the door shut.
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're-"
He steps right up to you and leans down into your face.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, seriously??? Why are you such an annoying little brat? Just because you're a nerd with no friends who gets no play doesn't mean you can take your bitterness out on me.”
You have to laugh in his face at this point because hello??? First of all, who is he talking to? Second of all, you have told him a BUNCH of times to turn his music down late at night. You didn't think that was too much to ask. As far as you were concerned, being aware of your noise level when you live in an apartment is the universal bare minimum for being a human being.
"ME? Who do you think YOU are? Actually let me tell you. You're an entitled little rich boy who thinks he runs the world. I don't give a fuck about how popular you are on campus, how many people fall at your feet to be around you, and how many hoes you have, you cant talk to ME like that. And how are you going to try and tell me about myself when it's too much of a task for you to be a decent neighbor? I've never done anything to blatantly bother you, so why can you just.." You started to panic because usually when you raise your voice out of anger, your voice cracks and tears threaten to pool out of your eyes, but you tried to get a grip and not back down..."why can you just be nice to me so we can live in peace? Is that too hard for you???"
He looked kind of taken aback by your question. Being nice to you? It never crossed his mind. Also, you kind of had a point. When the semester started and you both moved in on the same day, you would shoot him a small, friendly smile in passing but you never seemed interested in getting to know him. He always wondered why that was. It's not that he had a problem talking with girls, since all he had to do was breathe and girls would come flocking around him, but you would flat out ignore him. Even at all the major parties at the beginning of the year and on Thursday nights when students take over the clubs in the city, you'd barely even acknowledge him. He KNEW that you had seen him too, since you would make eye contact, but you acted like he was just another guy at the club.
And he'd be lying if he said you weren't fine. You had thick thighs, a beautiful face, nice curves, and always wore outfits that hugged you in the right places. He always wondered what it would feel like to wrap his arms around your body and press it against his own. He would constantly sneak peaks of you throughout the night at the club, but something stirred in him when he saw that you were chatting up other guys. Was he...jealous? Jealous that you were so eager to pay attention to these dudes who, in his opinion, were decent looking but they were nowhere near his level, and you never even gave him a second thought? One night he even saw you leaving with a man he knew through mutual friends, and he had to physically stop himself from breaking the glass he was holding, because that guy, while objectively handsome, was nothing compared to him. Jungkook wasn't blatantly cocky, but he let his talent, charm, and looks speak for themselves. He was THEE Jeon Jungkook, and nothing ever really bothered him....except you.
Was he....interested in you? Nah, that can't be it. You were some random chick who happened to be his neighbor, who also is one of the only girls he's met that doesn't give two fucks about even having small talk with him, and that infuriated him for some reason. So the first time you came knocking on his door in an adorable pink satin pajama set with a matching bonnet complaining about his loud music, he knew the game he had to play.
He's still standing over you, centimeters away from you face, but you notice that his eyes soften a little and so does his jaw. He unclenches the fists he was holding crossed against his chest
You continue, “I don't care what you do, and I'm DEFINITELY trying to run your messy ass life. Believe me," you scoff, "you don't have enough money to pay me to do that. But when your dickhole behavior fucks with MY life is when it's a problem. And it's BEEN a problem."
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, little girl, maybe I should call you little mouse now, since now I know that you'll go squeaking to the cops now, don't fuck with me or my music again.”
Without moving your head you look him up and down with a confused expression. "Am I supposed to be scared of you? No seriously, you look like you cry during Disney movies while wearing footie pajamas, and now here you are throwing a fit because I forced you to stop bothering the entire wing with your music?"
Girl...what are you saying??? This man just barged into YOUR place, is in your face, and is strong enough to pick you up and throw you, and you’re insulting him? But you figured if he's going to be rude, you'll throw it right back because you're tired of his bullshit.
Whatever softness he was feeling for a fleeting moment immediately left, and annoyance once again washed over. He straightens up a bit and puts on that annoying confident smirk he wears when he thinks he's won arguments between you two.
"You should be nicer to me, all it will take is for me to tweet one thing about you, and you'll be the most hated person on campus."
At this point, any suspicions that you had about him annoying you on purpose were confirmed. You've concluded that this mf is a bully and you, small and shy but not one to take mess, will put him in his place to-motherfucking-night.
You take a step toward him, now crossing your arms tightly against your chest, but he doesn't even move a hair backwards.
"Clearly you need a rude awakening so here it is. I don't know what type of people you've dealt with all your life, always saying yes to you, letting you boss them around and taking whatever bullshit you dish out, but let me tell you I am not the one. Never have been and never will be. Unlike the other fools around here who cream their pants at the mention of your name, I don't care about who you are. You'll respect ME and MY peace as long as we're neighbors, you get me?"
Now y/n, you have never so boldly stood up to someone, where did that come from, babes? You've tried to not let this entitled little boy get to you this whole time, but with him standing in front of you in the middle of your apartment with that extremely annoying, yet handsome, smirk on his face, and after all the crap he's said tonight, he had you all the way fucked up.
After you said that, he just laughed and looked away. Now you’re standing there fuming and confused...was there a joke you missed? You were being dead serious!
"Something funny?" you ask, narrowing your eyes.
"Nothing, just thinking about how I want to face fuck that annoying little mouth of yours so you finally shut up.”
Your jaw almost dropped to the floor. You've never had a guy say something so blatantly rude and vulgar literally inches away from your face. But again, you weren't going to back down.
"Oh really?" Scoffing and tilting your head to the side a bit while narrowing your eyes even more, "I'd very much like to do the same. Maybe then you'll learn your place."
"Oh please, princess, you probably blanch when someone around you even mentions the word sex." He chuckles and leans down close toward your face again and cocks his head to the side, scrunching his nose and in a pouty voice said, "you're fooling no one, but keep trying, maybe you'll get there.”
You're even more annoyed than you were before, if that was even possible. But if he wanted to play this game, you might as well go there with him. It's true, you were a bit more prudent than more, but it pissed you off that he could tell. Regardless, you do know some things to say that could have him leaving with his tail between his legs.
You pouted your lips and in a babying tone said, “Aww sweetheart you have no idea. You think you're big and bad but like I said, you probably cry watching Disney movies. The same way you'd be crying, begging me to let you cum down my throat as I mercilessly toy with your cock for hours.”
Now it's his turn to go pale. Y/n, his stuck up neighbor who has barely even spared him five seconds of her time just threatened to edge him into submission? He has to pinch himself because he must be dreaming....
“Well I-“
“But I don't even think we’d make it that far, hun” you continue, “because in order to humble your egotistical, disrespectful ass, I'm gonna have to ride your face until you suffocate. And when the paramedics come and I have to explain how you died, I won't even hesitate to tell them that you were a punk ass loser who LITERALLY drowned in my pussy!”
You don’t know who this person speaking is, but it is not you. All of the pent up hostility you’ve held towards him just flooded out of you and you couldn’t stop the words from coming out. To be honest you shocked yourself, but you still stood there with your arms crossed and your face unfaltering, just waiting for him to say something smart back.
He stared at you silently, eyes wider than you’ve seen before and his mouth hung slightly open. He wasn’t expecting you to respond with so much fire, but now he wouldn’t be able to sleep until the image you painted came true. His brain said fuck it, and his lips crashed down onto yours. The kiss is sloppy but passionate, and you swore you heard him quietly whimper.
When he feels you starting to kiss back, he smirks into the kiss. Your lips are moving against each other in tandem, and all thoughts about how much you despise the prick fades away. As you uncrossed your arms and placed them on his chest, you could feel his heart beating wildly. Was he as nervous as you were this whole time? You wonder. You knew he was a player, so he was experienced. But the thought that you made him nervous gave you a tiny confidence boost. His hands slowly slide up the sides of your body to sneak behind your back, to pull you further into his chest. As much as your brain was telling you to resist him and push him away, you couldn't help but fall victim to how soft his lips felt against yours. Suddenly you feel airborne as he swiftly reaches down behind your thighs and picks you up. You instinctively gasp but he doesn’t miss a beat, simply biting your lower lip and locking your lips together again.
“Maybe we should test that scenario of yours, and if it comes true, that wouldn’t be the worst way for me to go” he says, doing that annoying but soul-crushingly handsome smirk he likes to wear as he carries you off to your bedroom.
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silversatoru · 3 years
megumi + gaslighting / iq reduction
pls mr fushiguro, undermine my intelligence every day, purposely keep me unstimulated until im ur dumb, dependent plaything ❤️
a present for you when you get off the plane <3 i took a slightly diff approach to this and i know ur degree is very much not related to science but science is all i know,, so idk,, pretend u were a bio major or something for the sake of this fic okay
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megumi + gaslighting/iq reduction
tw: nsfw 18+, f!reader, college-student!reader x professor!megumi, dark content, gaslighting, heavy manipulation, iq reduction, dumbification, slight misogyny?
wc: 1.3k
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you still remember the first day of mr. fushiguro’s class, and the way he seemed to pick on you of all people — the way he asked you to stay after class and immediately offered you a position on his team of research students. you remember questioning why he chose you instead of someone else, to which he affirmed that no one had quite the credentials that you did. and you were left wondering how he could possibly judge that on the very first day of classes.
you still remember the first time you showed up to the lab for said research group, the straps of your bag clutched nervously in your clammy palms. mr. fushiguro was a young but incredibly esteemed professor, and this was going to look great on your transcript, so you were nothing but a ball of excited jitters. and you were smart! you knew you’d be an excellent addiction to this team of students, and you were grateful for the opportunity.
or so you thought; but it quickly became apparent that you weren’t nearly as prepared as you thought you were. it seemed like everything you did was wrong — all of your experiment results were compromised, lacked accuracy, and were always rejected. it seemed like all the other students were excelling, and mr. fushiguro loved them — but he was always so frustrated with you.
if only you knew the frustration was a front. if only you realized that every experimental result you got was right, that every answer and every theory you came up with was painfully accurate. if only you knew that your struggles were entirely fabricated by mr. fushiguro and his ulterior motives.
eventually he made the recommendation that you do some remediation with him — a few one-on-one sessions to help sharpen your skills so you can contribute more to his research. so of course you said yes! because you wanted nothing more than to be helpful and you couldn’t understand what you were doing wrong.
so you attended the tutor sessions with your dark-haired professor; but they were less about learning and more about brutal criticism of your skills. mr. fushiguro berated and insulted your intelligence several times, making you falter at his words and wonder what you ever did to deserve to be involved in his research project in the first place.
“i just don’t think you’re cut out for this, ms. l/n”.
maybe you really weren’t cut out for this.
“your lack of skills has surprised me, i can’t say i’m not disappointed in your performance so far”.
you were disappointed in yourself too.
“you’ll have to put in a lot of extra work if you want to stay on the team”.
you’d do whatever it took.
you were always bright, always excelled in your science-related classes, so what was happening to you? why were you the weak link of his research group? why were you on the verge of failing his class? why was everything suddenly so hard?
you didn’t mean to break down in front of him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you choked back sobs and hid your face behind your hands. it’d been building up for a while now: your frustration, your sudden lack of self-confidence, your feelings of inadequacy; they were all overflowing. but mr. fushiguro showed you zero sympathy, staring down at you with icy eyes and not a shred of mercy. you were exactly where he wanted you, and he was about to seal the deal.
“i really expected more from you”
those were the words that broke you in half, your fear of failure becoming all to real in that moment. but his next words halted your tears and created a small shred of hope in your despair.
“but i do want to help you. my door is open to you anytime. i have practice questions and study methods that i’m happy to share with you”.
and so here you were, anxiously sitting at his kitchen table trying to solve a few problems that he’d given you to practice. but you couldn’t seem to figure them out no matter how hard you tried — brain frying as you tried and failed over and over.
but it was all exactly as it was supposed to be — the problems were never solvable in the first place — there were no right answers — they were simply meant to melt your little brain.
you came back to his house time and time again, and each study session was worse than the last. you were never able to figure anything out on your own, you always needed his help, you couldn’t do anything without him.
it was no shocker when you began to admire him, depend on him, feel like you couldn’t do any schoolwork on your own. his months of manipulation were finally paying off, you were finally a dumb little thing who had no self confidence and who was constantly begging for his help. and he was happy to provide that for you, but you were going to have to start making it worth his time — his expert help doesn’t come for free.
you’re not sure what possessed you to agree, to have his cock lodged in the back of your throat while he groaned and leaned back in his seat — but you needed his help, this was just a small price to pay. you’d bob your head and choke on his tip as it pressed into your esophagus as if your future depended on it, because at this point, it kind of did.
but the prices kept getting steeper; eventually a quick blow wasn’t enough to appease mr. fushiguro. he wanted more. if you wanted to keep his help you needed to be face down and bent over his kitchen table — and so that’s exactly what you did.
brain foggy and knees aching your sweaty fingers grasped at the smooth table top as he took you from behind. his strained cock dragged against your sopping walls, your ass nearly bruising from how hard he was fucking himself into you. whimpers and moans overflowed from your lips as your bare tits pressed into empty worksheets — the two of you had completely glossed over the “studying” portion of your night tonight, skipping right to your payment.
you could barely even think straight, your head spinning with endorphins as you cried out in response to the tip of his cock kissing against your cervix. his fingers dug into the sides of your hips, pressing little red circles into your skin from how hard he grasped at you. your were shaking, your entire body pulsing with bliss each time he thrusted up into your cunt.
he was so happy with himself, balls deep inside one of the smartest students who had ever graced his classroom. he’d taken a girl with so much potential it was sickening, and convinced her that she was worthless, reduced her to a less than average student who was desperate enough to take her professor’s cock in exchange for better grades. you were pathetic, embarrassing even, laying here on your stomach and babbling complete nonsense while he filled you up.
all it took was patience and a sprinkle of manipulation to get you like this. to make you a dumb little fuck toy who came to his house several times a week under the guise of getting help with class work.
and he’d keep this up until you could barely even think for yourself — reducing you to a brainless little pet who deserves to be stuffed with cum and nothing else.
you didn’t belong in STEM, you didn’t belong in a university in general — you belonged right here on his kitchen table, your face sitting in a puddle of your own drool.
you were stupid, or at least he convinced you that you were so much so that you actually became it.
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kurokoros · 4 years
liar liar | bakugou katsuki
Rated: M
Words: 9.4K
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
Summary: Of all the things he’s experienced working as a Pro Hero, Bakugou never expected his dick getting too big to ever be a problem, let alone one in his top ten.
Bakugou is hit with a strange quirk. You reap the benefits.
AN: This fic is 50% crack and 50% raunchy smut. I have zero explanations for this. Also big thanks to @lady-bakuhoe for ranting with me once about the fandoms weird level of hatred towards Bakugou, thus inspiring me to write something for him. I’m so sorry it was this.
Warnings: smut, language, oral sex (m receiving), dom/sub undertones, rough sex, degradation, spanking, choking, inappropriate use of quirks
Of all the things he’s experienced working as a Pro Hero, Bakugou never expected his dick getting too big to ever be a problem, let alone one in his top ten.
Kirishima glances at him out of the corner of his eye as they step into Bakugou’s office, red eyes narrowing in concern as he sees Bakugou’s gritted teeth and clenched fists. “Are you sure you’re okay, bro?” he asks, a little hesitant.
“I’m fine,” Bakugou practically snarls between his teeth. Fuck. The tingling sensation starts in his gut, heat spreading through his limbs, and he nearly swears aloud as the sensation shifts to his dick, his boxer-briefs getting uncomfortably tighter. Shit, he’s probably up to at least another inch by now. Thank god his pants are baggy.
Unfortunately, Kirishima isn’t so easily convinced. Brows furrowing, he looks Bakugou over slowly, searching for any lasting effects from their earlier scuffle with a few low rank villains. “You’ve been acting kind of… strange,” he settles on after an awkward beat of silence, “since you got hit by that quirk. You know, you probably should have gone to a—”
“I said I’m—” Bakugou cuts himself off as that tingle comes back. “I’ll be fine,” he corrects himself. The tingle goes away, and he almost groans in relief as his dick returns to its normal size. “Drop it, Kirishima.”
Kirishima holds his hands up in front of him, placating his huffy friend. “Okay, okay. I get it.” He backs off, still eyeing Bakugou warily as he pulls his phone from his pocket. He glances at the time. “Look, man, I gotta go. I have a date in twenty, and she’s gonna kill me if I’m late again.” His smile is apologetic, but exhausted.
“Whatever.” Bakugou tosses off one of his gauntlets, letting it clatter against the floor noisily. Breathing slowly through his nose, he peels off his mask as well, setting it down on his desk. It’s fine. Everything is fine. He can handle this. It’s just a really fucking annoying quirk that’ll probably go away on it’s own by the end of the day.
Another tingle stirs in his gut, and then his underwear tightens again.
Fuck. He can’t even lie to himself.
Just as casually as before, Kirishima says, “Yeah, and since I figured you shouldn’t be alone, I called you a babysitter,” as he types out a quick text on his phone. If that wasn’t bad enough, Kirishima calls out your name in a sing-song voice.
Bakugou drops his other gauntlet on his foot and whirls around. “You what?” he hisses, only half because of the pain. The sound of your name definitely doesn’t cause his heart to do something stupid like flutter in his chest. And his pants definitely don’t get snug around his crotch as he blatantly lies to himself. “Kirishima, what the fuck? Why would you call her?”
Taken aback by the outburst, Kirishima puts his phone away and shrugs. “I figured she’d make you feel better.”
“I don’t fucking want her here,” Bakugou tells him. Nothing happens in his pants. Like the bullshit quirk affecting his dick can’t decide if that’s a lie or not. Hell, Bakugou isn’t really sure either. Sure, he likes having you around, even if he’d never admit it. He likes seeing your pretty smile as you come flouncing into his office wearing one of those little skirts that make him want to bend you over his desk and—
He squeezes his eyes shut, banishing the thought before it can go any further and his pants grow any tighter from non-quirk related reasons.
On the other hand, you’re quite possibly the last person he ever wants to see him like this. Too bad the universe seems intent on fucking him over today.
“Nice to see you too, Bakugou.” 
The sound of your voice hits him like a lightning strike, still sweet despite the sarcastic inflection of your tone. Bolts of electricity shoot up his spine. In his chest, his heart pounds viciously against his ribs, and Bakugou’s shoulders tense as every one of his senses suddenly becomes a tune to you. Even from across the room, the scent of your perfume tickles at his nose—something floral or fruity that he doesn’t recognize, but it’s heavy and enticing and he tries not to shiver as it wraps around him.
He doesn’t dare turn to look at you as you take a step further into his office, determinedly staring at the wall and hoping you’ll leave with Kirishima. Yeah, un-fucking-likely.
When his silence persists, you roll your eyes and turn to Kirishima instead, the pinched expression on your face relaxing into a pleasant smile when you meet the eyes of the more friendly half of the duo. “Thanks for calling, Kiri,” you say, smoothing out your skirt.
A wide grin is the response you get. “Of course,” Kirishima says, stretching out and linking his fingers behind his head. “Figured he’d listen to you over anyone else.” He ignores the glare Bakugou sends his way, his lips twitching in amusement at the stark silence coming from the explosive blond.
You scoff. “Hardly, but I’ll try.” Casting a glance at Bakugou, you’re a little glad he seems intent on ignoring you, because it gives you the perfect opportunity to give him a slow once-over—for injuries, of course. He looks fine to you, a few superficial scrapes and bruises, but nothing severe enough for Kirishima to call you.
The tension in his shoulders is the first thing you notice. Bakugou is awkwardly hunched over himself in a way that isn’t like him at all. Usually, the Pro Hero exudes confidence that would border on cockiness if he didn’t have the skills to back it up, but right now he just looks... uncomfortable. What little of his face you can see is pinched, but not in annoyance; it’s more like pain, you realize, but then his expression melts into one of relief and you’re left baffled once again.
Before you can think too hard about it, your gaze wanders lower and you’re promptly distracted by his bare arms.
Kirishima clears his throat when you stare at Bakugou’s biceps a little too long.
“What happened anyway?” you ask, turning back to Kirishima. Your face feels warm, and by the way he grins you can tell he notices your faint blush. “You didn’t say much on the phone.”
He sobers a little as you bring the conversation back to the other Hero. The humor bleeds from his eyes, his shoulders drooping. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t have much time. We ran into a couple of villains on patrol. One of them caught Bakubro off guard and he got hit with their quirk. Wouldn’t let anyone check him out after.” He shrugs halfheartedly, looking at you apologetically. “You know how he gets.”
Don’t you ever. You’ve never met someone as stubborn as Bakugou before in your life. He can be a real pain in the ass when he wants, and you can’t blame Kirishima for his best friend being a dumbass.
You prop your hands on your hips, eyes narrowing in on Bakugou again. “How long has he been sulking?” you ask just loud enough for Bakugou to hear you.
Ruby eyes pin you with a heavy glower that would probably make anyone else piss themselves. Bakugou’s lip pulls back in a snarl, his teeth bared, and you ignore the pleasant tingle that shoots down your spine. “I’m not fucking sulking!” he snaps at you, making your eyes roll.
“Sure you aren’t.” Before he can start arguing with you, you turn back to Kirishima. “What do we know about this quirk?” 
“Nothing. Cops are questioning the guy now, but he’s not talking.” Kirishima gestures to Bakugou with his thumb. “And Ground Zero here keeps saying he’s fine.”
Across the room, Bakugou grumbles to himself under his breath, noticeably displeased with your lack of attention, but like hell he’s going to say anything about it. Jealousy is a bitter taste in the back of his mouth, and for once he can’t even pretend that’s not what it is as his glare shifts to Kirishima. Fuck, he wants you to look at him again. Pay attention to him.
The honesty is surprising to him, but he keeps his mouth shut and definitely doesn’t pout as you and Kirishima continue to chat like he isn’t even there. When it becomes clear that you aren’t going to end the conversation immediately, Bakugou huffs and turns around, glaring as he leans back against his desk, watching the two of you. His gaze skips right over Kirishima and lands on you, and he swallows back a frustrated groan when he finally gets a good look at you.
Fuck, you look good today. Unable to help himself, he’s absolutely shameless as he stares at your legs, your short skirt and high heels making them look even longer than usual. Bakugou grits his teeth as his mind drifts to those legs wrapping around his hips and yanking him closer. For once, he allows the thought to linger, lost in his own head.
“I see,” you murmur as your conversation with Kirishima comes to a close. With your lips pursed in thought, your gaze shifts back to Bakugou, only to find him already staring right back at you, watching you intently. Your pulse jumps under his piercing gaze, and it takes everything in you to break eye contact with him and smile at Kirishima instead. “I’ll take care of it. Have fun on your date, Kiri.”
Kirishima shoots you a megawatt smile and a thumbs up.“Will do! Good luck with this guy!” He pays no attention to Bakugou’s grumbling as he heads out the door, closing it quietly behind him, leaving you and Bakugou alone together in an office far away from other people.
Yeah, this should be fun.
You twist on your heels so that you’re facing Bakugou directly. Trying for a charming smile, you prop your hands on your hips. He glares at you and crosses his arms over his chest, clearly not planning on cooperating. And boy does it give you an excellent view of his muscled forearms, all tanned skin and silver scars from years of hero work. You wet your lips, suddenly thirsty. 
“Okay, Ground Zero,” you start, giddily noticing the way he puffs up at your use of his hero name, “are you going to tell me what’s wrong or do we have to do this the hard way?” Your voice lowers at the end, coming out as a husky whisper.
Bakugou’s throat bobs with a harsh swallow, and he grits his teeth against the pleasant warmth that curls in his chest. “Piss off,” he bites out, a low and dangerous edge to his voice that you easily ignore.
If you hadn’t known him for years, maybe it would be intimidating, but despite his gruff attitude and biting tone, you know he would never lay a hand on you. “Come on, Bakugou,” you try again, taking a step towards him as a small pout forms on your lips. “Please tell me? I just want to help and make you feel better.”
The breathy whine you let out paired with you wanting to make him feel better does absolutely nothing to help the situation going on in his pants.
His gaze slides to the side, avoiding your eyes as he tells you to “Just go home,” because he doesn’t want to see the disappointment there.
But you don’t back down. You can be just as stubborn as him when you want to be, and there’s no way in hell you’re leaving just so he can cling to his manly pride, or whatever it is he’s worried about. Clearly, asking nicely isn’t going to work. Honestly, you’d be more surprised if it did. “Hard way it is.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen, and his head snaps towards you just in time for you to launch yourself at him. It’s a bit difficult, between your skirt and heels, but you catch him off guard, and that helps. He tries to twist away at the last second, leaving you to cling to his back, limbs wrapping around him tightly. A surprised grunt escapes his at your sudden weight on him, but he doesn’t even stumble, letting you curl your body around him in a one-sided hug.
“Get off me, loser,” he growls at you, glaring at you over his shoulder. Despite his irritation, Bakugou makes no move to shake you off. In fact, one of his big hands latches onto your leg when you start to slip, allowing you to shift yourself for a better grip. He lets go of you just as quickly, standing stock still in the middle of the room while glaring at everything that isn’t you.
Your fingers dig into his shoulder where you’re grabbing him. “Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
This time, he does try to shake you off, and you squeal as your grip starts to slip. “I’m fine!” he snaps at you, only to wince a second later.
Ever the opportunist, you don’t think twice before hooking your leg around him and going for his knees. Bakugou swears as he loses his balance, and somehow you manage to knock him to the floor using a grappling move that he taught you. He ends up rolling in time to land on his back, cushioning your fall aa your knees press against the floor on either side of his hips, straddling him as you pin him with a firm look. Long fingers grasp at your upper thighs, his thumbs grazing the hem of your skirt, and he lets you go just as quickly, as if you’ve burned him
Bakugou looks like he’d rather be anywhere else, but, again, he makes no move to shove you away, though he definitely could.
“Oh, yeah, clearly you’re just fine,” you reply, sarcasm laid on thick. Your hands are pressed against his chest for balance as you regain your bearings, and you can feel the angry breath he takes. Bakugou is warm and solid beneath you, hips pressed snug against yours. It feels way too good, but that’s not what you need to be thinking about at this moment. “Now stop acting like a baby and tell me what’s going on.”
Looking up at you, Bakugou sighs when your fierce look doesn’t relent. He mutters something under his breath that’s too low for you to make out clearly, then grimaces. “It’s nothing,” he tells you again, a harsh edge to his voice.
You pin him with a glare. “You got hit by a strange quirk, Bakugou,” you tell him slowly, contempt dripping from every word. “That’s not nothing.” The crack in your voice on the last word is what makes him drop the sour look on his face. You wince, fingers curling tighter around his shirt, like that might keep you grounded. All the fear you felt when Kirishima called you earlier comes surging back through you, and it feels like a blow to the ribs. You stare at his chest as you continue, the words bubbling up and out before you can stop them. “I know you. You’re too damn prideful to go see a doctor and admit something is wron—and that scares me sometimes, you know? One day you could get really hurt.” Slowly, you force your eyes up, meeting his stare with your own tentative one. “Please, just tell me what’s wrong. For me?”
Bakugou’s expression softens nearly an imperceptible amount. His glare smooths out. “Fuck,” he growls under his breath, trying to ignore the violent tug on his heartstrings that comes with that pleading look in your eyes. He’s always been a sucker for you, and you damn well know it too.
But he’s not going to give in this time.
The tingle that goes straight to his crotch proves him very wrong.
You freeze above him, body locking up as something big and hard presses against your inner thigh. “Katsuki,” you say, forcing yourself not to react aside from the widening of your eyes. “Is that your…”
“Yeah,” he replies, jaw clenched. His tone is nothing short of mocking when he tacks on, “You’re sitting on my cock, sweetheart.”
Well, shit. You blink at him owlishly, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as you try to think of literally anything to say in this situation that isn’t stupid, crass, or a blatant change of subject. It’s surprisingly hard to think with his bulge pressed up against your leg like this, and you blurt the first thing that comes to mind. “Are you turned on right now?” you ask incredulously, jabbing a finger into his chest. “I swear to God, Katsuki, I’m trying to be serious here, and you—”
He cuts you off. “I’m not fucking hard.” A pair of big, rough hands latch onto your thighs to keep you from squirming over his lap. “But if you keep moving around like that, I will be.”
“You liar.” A gasp sticks in your throat as he tightens his grip on your legs. By this point, you’re pretty sure you’re blushing, but honestly, you can’t find it in you to care when you are, in fact, basically sitting on his lap. Besides, Bakugou doesn’t look that much better. “If you were that big while soft, I’m pretty sure I would have noticed by now.”
Well that catches his attention. A smug smile stretches across his face. All teeth. “You spend a lot of time looking at it, angel?” Oh, this time he’s definitely mocking you. The palms of his hands slide up your thighs until his fingertips graze the hem of your skirt where it’s hiked partway up your legs, revealing a few tantalizing inches of your bare skin.
“Oh, no, you aren’t changing the subject,” you snap at him, sitting up a little straighter. “Why the hell is your dick so big, and what the fuck is going on?”
Your questions echo awkwardly through the otherwise silent room. For a tense moment, Bakugou just glares up at you. One of his eyes twitches slightly, his lips turned down in a grimace. You don’t relent, glaring right back at him. Eventually, one of you is going to have to give in, and it’s sure as shit not going to be you this time.
“Fuck.” He squeezes his eyes shut and tilts his head back against the floor. His fingers bite into your thighs when you shift on top of him, leaning a little closer. “It’s that dumbass villain’s quirk,” he sneers, baring his teeth in a snarl as he opens his eyes again. There’s nothing that could possibly prepare you for what he says next. “When I lie my cock gets bigger.”
You almost laugh. Almost. The deathly serious look in his eyes is the only thing that keeps you from bursting into a fit of giggles. And you believe him. You probably wouldn’t if you weren’t currently straddling his lap and sitting on his abnormally large cock. But, yeah. Sure. His dick gets bigger when he lies, and somehow that makes perfect sense.
“What, like some kind of kinky lie detector?” You almost suggest Pinocchio, but you doubt he’d take that well at all. 
Predictably, he makes a face at your comparison. “Sure. Whatever.”
Again, neither of you say anything, letting an awkward silence develop between you. While Bakugou just looks all around uncomfortable with the situation, your brow is pinched in thought. Honestly, this quirk seems like some bullshit. You can’t imagine what benefit anyone would get out of making someone’s dick grow when they lie, aside from the exact situation you’re currently in. You almost feel worse for the poor sap stuck with such a bizarre quirk than the Pro Hero currently lying between your legs.
A full body shiver runs through you, and every nerve suddenly becomes highly aware of the man beneath you. Every breath he takes moves his chest beneath your hands, and you can feel the rapid beating of his heart beneath your palm. The tips of his fingers ghost against your thighs, not quite touching you, like he isn’t sure what to do with his hands anymore. And, suddenly, all you can think about are those hands grabbing you by the hips and grinding you down against him.
Unbeknownst to you, similar thoughts are wreaking havoc on Bakugou. From where you’re sitting on top of him, he has a perfect view of your legs and chest, and every time you shift, the movement goes straight to his cock. He almost hisses between his teeth as your thighs tighten around his hips, which only presses the growing bulge in his pants harder against you. His fingers twitch against your legs. It would be so easy for him to roll the two of you over, pin you beneath him, and show you exactly what you do to him. Fuck you senseless until you—
“What are you thinking right now?”
The question is like a hard slap across the face. His eyes snap from the apex of your legs to your face, caught red-handed. There’s no way for him to get out of this one without his dick giving him away or an actual slap across the face. He chooses his traitor dick. “That I want you to get the fuck off me.”
You look entirely unimpressed when his dick moves between your legs, growing larger in seconds. “Liar,” you deadpan. You drum your fingers against his chest, unintentionally matching the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “Tell me the truth and maybe I’ll move.” Nevermind that he could definitely throw you across the room one handed if he really wanted to. Frankly, you’re a little surprised he hasn’t already, given your current situation. 
Not that you want to move right now. You’re quite comfortable where you are.
Bakugou’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip. Those ruby eyes drag down your body slowly, shamelessly drinking in the sight of you sitting on top of him. An unexpected lick of run runs along your spine; your breath catches. “You look really fucking sexy right now,” he tells you, and his hands grab your thighs again.
It takes a second for you to register his confession, though you can’t say you’re that surprised. “Huh. Never pegged you as a guy who wanted someone on top.” You can work with that.
His brow furrows. “You know, you’re taking this surprisingly well.”
“I work in quirk registration for the police,” you remind him, shrugging. “This isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve come across.” Honestly, you aren’t even sure it makes the top ten, but you keep that to yourself. You get the feeling he’d take that as some kind of challenge, and you don’t need that kind of stress in your life. “How long has it been like this?”
A shrug. “Shit, I don’t know.” Bakugou shifts beneath you, craning his neck to look at the clock on the wall. “Thirty minutes, maybe. Why?”
“Effects from quirks like this typically only last an hour or two,” you explain. “Maybe twenty-four hours at most, depending on how much training the user has.” Your head cocks to the side as you give him an entirely unsubtle once-over. “It sounds like he didn’t give you and Kirishima much trouble though. I’d put your... little problem at an hour and a half maximum. You should be fine.”
There’s a wicked look in his eyes. “Nothing little about it, babe.” His palms slide up your legs, rucking up your skirt even higher on his way to grab your hips. “Hour left, huh?” A low hum rumbles through his chest. “I can work with that.”
You freeze. “Katsuki, what are you—”
“Look,” he cuts you off with an irritated sigh, “I’ve liked you for a long time, so if you want to fuck right now, that’s fine with me.” Heartbreaking honesty shines in his eyes, only partially masked by a layer of annoyance and boredom, like he doesn’t care either way. The way his fingers dig into your hips tells a different story.
Your eyes widen at his crass confession, your lips parting as you stare down at Bakugou in shock. “Are you…” you hesitate, swallowing down the sudden lump in your throat as your fingers curl against his shirt. “Are you serious?”
Bakugou glares at you, but his faint blush gives him away. “You’re the one sitting on my magic cock, you tell me.”
You sit there for a good minute, just staring at him, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as you try to think of any kind of response. Eventually, you settle on, “That is, by far, the worst declaration of love I’ve ever heard.”
If you thought he was glaring before, it has nothing on the look he levels you with now. “Who fucking said anything about loving you, dumbass?” he snaps, huffing, cheeks turning an even darker shade of pink. “Like hell I do!” He grits his teeth as his dick tingles.
“Yeah, well, your magic cock reveals your deceit,” you mock him. “You’re such an emotionally stunted pain in the ass, Katsuki!” 
He opens his mouth—probably to start yelling about something—but you lurch forward and meet his mouth in a fierce kiss before he can say anything. He grunts in surprise and squeeze your hips, but kisses you back eagerly, immediately tilting his chin for a better angle. The hands that were on your hips don’t hesitate to move. One slides up your back to fist in your hair, pulling you closer as the other drops to your ass. A hard grope makes you gasp against his lips, your fingers clenching tighter in the front of his hero suit.
Before things can get too heavy, too fast, you pull back, leaving just an inch of space between your lips. He doesn’t let you go much further. “I like you, too,” you whisper against him. He stiffens as your fingers touch his bare chest where his hero suit doesn’t cover him.
His heart is pounding just as quickly as yours, and he’d never admit it, but he swears your little confession does something funny to his chest. All of it does. The heat of your breath. The gentle weight of your body on top of his. Something about you makes him feel inexplicably soft, and he wants to hate that feeling, but he still can’t lie to himself without his cock growing two sizes. And if he’s going to stuff you full of his cock, he wants it to be all him.
At least at first.
With the hand still tangled in your hair, Bakugou yanks you back down. Your lips mold against his perfectly, the space left between you nonexistent. When he kisses you it’s all teeth and tongue, and your lips part readily beneath his demanding touch. He makes a low sound of approval in the back of his throat, slotting his lips harder against yours. Using the hand cupping the back of your head, he adjusts you above him, tilting your chin until he finds a position he likes.
The dominating way he touches you makes you keen, and your quiet whimper is smothered by his tongue delving into your mouth to taste you. Your legs tremble on either side of his hips as the hand on your ass gropes you again. By now, your skirt is hiked halfway up your waist, and if anyone were to walk in they’d get a perfect view of your ass and the damp spot forming between your thighs.
You arch into his touch at the thought, moaning as his teeth tug at your lip.
By the time you pull away, you both have kiss-swollen lips.
When Bakugou recalls what you called him a moment ago, he chuckles, deep and throaty, and it sends a thrilled shiver up your spine. “I’ll show you a real pain in the ass later, sweetheart,” he promises, squeezing your ass cheek for good measure. The squeeze is followed by a sharp slap, and you lurch forward, a startled squeal slipping out of your mouth.
You glare down at him. Well, you try to. It’s a little hard to pretend to be mad at him when his hand comes up to rub the spot where he smacked you, which only presses your hips closer to his growing bulge. Your tone is dry when you say, “I’m sure you will.” And then, because he’s already propositioned you and has his hand on your ass, you grind yourself against his dick.
“Shit,” he grunts, grabbing your hips. His fingers bite into your skin, twitching like he doesn’t know if he wants to still you or shove you down on his cock. A slow exhale hisses through his teeth. “You tryin’ to be a cock tease?”
The satisfaction that bubbles up in you only feeds the damp heat between your legs. He’s hardly touched you, but you can already feel yourself getting wet just from the thought of him filling you. You brace yourself against him, palms pressed flat against his chest. “You want me to stop?” Purposefully fluttering your eyelashes at him, you slowly work your hand lower, fingers grazing over lean muscle until you stop at his waist, pressing down on his belt.
As your eyes start to follow the path of your hand, Bakugou reaches out and grabs your chin. A warning squeeze makes you mewl expectantly. “Keep talking, baby, and I'll put that mouth to better use.” The pad of his thumb traces your bottom lip. Before he can let go, you tilt your head into his touch, teeth barely grazing his finger as you nip at him. “Such a little brat,” he sneers. 
You’re thrown off balance when he sits up. His abdominal muscles flex against your stomach as he crushes you against his chest, and your hands fly to his shoulders, desperate for something to hold onto. Bakugou kisses you again, lips hungry and demanding as they press against yours, and you give him complete control. He tilts your chin, pulls your hair, bites your lips, and every touch makes you feel hazy and warm.
Anticipation churns in your stomach. Your hands slide over his shoulders, looping around his neck. He grunts when your wrist brushes against the side of his neck, and when you card your fingers through his hair and tug, he lets out a sound that goes right to your core.
The hand on your ass gives you another sharp spank. The motion jerks your hips against his, and you grind down against the hard cock rubbing your inner thigh. His fingers knead your ass and the back of your thigh, groping and squeezing and helping your hips along as you rock languidly over his lap. Each roll of your hips has his cock dragging across your damp panties, the head kissing your clit through the layers of your clothes. You shudder, lost in the feeling.
You’re only half aware of him moving, not noticing until the hand that was in your hair slips beneath your shirt to palm your breast. An appreciative squeeze has you arching into him, hips stuttering against his. Bakugou nips at your bottom lip hard enough to make you whimper, and when he pulls away you’re sure it’s swollen and flushed from his treatment.
But he doesn’t leave you for long. You’re barely given a moment to breathe before his mouth is on your jaw, your cheek, your chin. Bakugou trails heated, open-mouthed kisses down the side of your neck, only stopping when he finds a spot that has you lurching against him, a pretty little moan falling from your mouth. He laves attention to that spot, right over your racing pulse. Teeth dig into your sensitive neck, and your breath catches in your throat as he begins to suck, intent on leaving a mark. You don’t stop him as he works a hickey just below your jaw, eyes fluttering shut at the onslaught of sensation. 
Before leaving that spot, he drags his tongue across your neck to soothe the bruise he’s left behind.
Desire curls in your chest as a thought comes to mind, and you’re too slow to stop it from spilling out. “I wanna touch you,” you choke out as his mouth trails lower. Bakugou pauses, lips hovering just shy of your throat. The heat of his breath fans your damp skin, sending little pinpricks of electricity all the way to where your hips are grinding against his. You swallow, one hand fisting in the back of his shirt as his thumb brushes against the lacy cup of your bra.
“Already are, baby,” he says, partly muffled by your neck as he ghosts his lips against you. “Grinding against my cock like a little slut. Gonna get yourself off for me just like that?” He’s hiding a smirk. It’s clear what you want by the way your hips roll against his faster, grinding down harder as teasing touches turn desperate, but he wants to hear you say it. He wants you begging for his cock before he fucks you.
He ruts against you, alternating between squeezing your breast and ass. 
“Bakugou!” You try to sound reprimanding, but his name comes out as a breathy whine. There’s no way for you to get your hand on him with the way he has you pressed flush against his chest. And he’s definitely not going to make things easy for you.
As if he knows what you’re thinking, the man beneath you laughs. “You want it that bad, you better take it yourself, sweetheart.”
Huffing, you try to put some space between your hips, but his grip is firm. Bakugou swats your ass when you try to move, and you whimper as it forces your hips harder against his. You try a second time, and he pinches your nipple through the flimsy cup of your bra. Your head falls back with a moan, giving him greater access to your throat, and he smirks as he bites down on your soft skin.
Fine. You can play this game, too.
With a sharp grind of your hips, you rub your clit against him just right. Your back arches. Your thighs tense around his hips. “Ground Zero,” comes out as a needy whine against his ear. You feel him tense beneath you, his grip faltering for just a second. That’s all you need.
The momentary distraction is all you need to slide back on his thighs, putting just enough space between your hips to grab his belt and grind the heel of your hand against the massive bulge straining against his pants. Even through his pants you can feel how thick and long he is, and your pussy clenches at the thought of him fucking you senseless.
He grunts as you palm him, squeezing gently as you trace the outline of his cock. His mouth leaves your neck with a wet pop. “Shit,” Bakugou murmurs. Soft strands of his spiky hair tickle the side of your neck as he rests his head against you, reveling in the feel of your light touches.
Your fingers brush against the back of his neck, your palm grinding against him when his hips rock forward. Strong muscles flex beneath your thighs. Bakugou’s throat bobs with a harsh swallow. 
Unable to stop yourself, you duck your head, pressing your lips against the side of his neck. It’s hard to find an angle with the bracers around his neck, and your attention turns to the front of his throat instead. Bakugou groans as you kiss him, lovebites and lipstick stains left in the wake of your mouth. He lets you kiss and nip your way down to his collarbone.
Thank god for the low cut of his shirt, you think, biting down on his chest hard enough to leave a mark. At the same time, your fingers grasp at his belt, nearly snapping the buckle in your hurry to get your hand on him. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re aware of him saying something—calling you needy or naughty, you aren’t sure which—but you don’t care as you finally get your hand in his pants and grab his dick.
“You’re so big,” you murmur, eyes widening. The tips of your fingers don’t touch as you wrap your hand around his cock, stroking him languidly from base to tip. You can’t get a good look at him from your position, but you can feel every ridge and vein of his shaft, and you bite your lip at the sheer girth of him. “Is this from the quirk?” you ask him, swirling your thumb over the tip before dragging your hand back down, giving him a firm squeeze. You lean back a little, wanting to look at him, but Bakugou lurches forward to get his mouth on you again.
He groans against your ear, pressing a harsh kiss against the side of your jaw. “All me, babe,” he tells you, smug. For once, you really can’t blame him for being cocky. “Fuck, that feels good.” 
The way your soft hand slides against his shaft wrecks havoc on his brain, and Bakugou presses another heated kiss to your neck to smother a loud moan. He’s already painfully sensitive from having you hump his lap, and your tentative touch only makes him harder. And that damn quirk didn’t help at all. After over a half hour of that bullshit cock tease, he’s just aching to bury himself in your dripping pussy.
Your thumb traces the thick vein on the side of his cock, pressing against it gently before twisting your hand. The sudden change in angle and the way you squeeze him have a low sound tearing from his chest, and then your hand is being yanked out of his pants. Bakugou’s fingers clench around your wrist in a vice grip, and you wince at the mild sting.
“Get up,” he demands, nearly growling. His fingers are digging into your ass hard enough to leave faint bruises, but you don’t care. When you hesitate, he releases you only to slap the back of your thigh. “Now.”
You pussy clenches at the pain that quickly dissolves into pleasure. “What’s wrong, Katsuki,” you can’t help but tease, hoping to get a reaction out of him, “afraid you’ll cum too fast?”
He doesn’t spank you again, though his palm does press against your reddening ass cheek in a way that speaks of a warning. “Don’t make me tell you again, baby.”
It takes another second before you shift off his lap, your legs quivering as you stand. You almost consider ignoring the command. Almost. But it doesn’t take much for you to decide you’d rather see what he has planned for you.
Your thighs rub together as Bakugou rises from the floor in one fluid motion, years of training making him silent, almost catlike. He reaches for you as soon as he’s standing, towering over you, an imposing figure. The scattering of small marks on his throat makes you grin, but the smile is wiped from your face as he grabs your chin roughly between his fingers and forces you to meet his eyes.
Ruby red and blown wide with lust, the look in his sharp gaze makes your breathing hitch. A wet crackling sound leaves your mouth as your lips part for him. His thumb grazes your bottom lip. “Such a dirty fucking mouth,” he growls.
You stumble a little as he starts walking you backwards, not touching you aside from the firm grip he has on your jaw. You go willingly, eyes on his. Excitement has your stomach flipping, a nervous flutter in your belly, and you gasp when your back hits the side of his desk, the cold wood pressing against your skin where he’s tugged at the hem of your shirt. 
Bakugou’s thumb delves past your lips, dipping into your wet mouth, and your lips wrap around him greedily. Sucking gently, your teeth press against his skin possessively, tongue laving attention to his thick digit. With his free hand, Bakugou grabs the front of your plain blouse and yanks it open, careful not to rip any of the buttons. You let your shirt fall to the floor, wriggling a little as it sticks around your elbows. He reaches up to palm your breast, humming in approval once he sees your pretty bra.
“Get on your knees, baby,” he tells you, pulling his thumb from your mouth and smearing your spit across your lips, watching them glisten. “I want to see your mouth on my cock.”
You do as you’re told, practically shaking with anticipation as you drop to your knees for him. Now that you’ve gotten a feel for his cock, you’re desperate to have him inside you. Your mouth. Your pussy. It doesn’t matter which. Any thoughts of playing coy or being a brat disappear into the back of your mind as he pins you with a harsh stare. Bakugou pets your hair, threading the soft strands through his fingers to hold you still. 
You bite your lip as his free hand drops to his waist, Bakugou shoving his pants and boxers down just low enough for his cock to spring free. The size makes you swallow. He’s bigger than you thought. Thicker. And you remember how your hand couldn’t wrap all the way around him. Your thighs clench, rubbing together as a dull ache builds between your legs.
He doesn’t waste his time. Shifting forward, he palms himself, lazily stroking his cock with his own fingers, just out of your reach. When you try to lean forward, he pulls your hair, forcing you back again. “Such a little slut,” he murmurs, allowing the head of his cock to press against your wet lips, his hips slowly rocking back and forth. Your tongue flicks out to taste him, and he groans. “There you go,” he says, brushing a few stray strands of hair away from your face before he starts pushing his cock into your mouth.
You immediately close your lips around him, bobbing your head forward as much as his tight grip will let you. Bakugou feeds you his cock, sliding into your wet mouth slowly as you start to suck, letting you adjust to just how fucking thick he really is. His girth has your jaw stretched wide, forcing you to breathe slowly through your nose. You glance up at him.
“That’s it, angel,” he groans as you bob your head again, “suck my cock.” His hips rock forward in a shallow thrust; his eyes lock on your lips, stretched obscenely around his length. Wet trails of saliva stick to his cock as you pull back to swirl your tongue around the head. 
Whimpering around him, you suck harder, swallowing around him, anything that might pull another filthy moan from his mouth. Your hands grab his thighs for balance, your fingers digging into his legs as you try to pull him closer.
You’re rewarded with a low moan rumbling from his chest. Bakugou’s eyes slip shut for a second, his head tilting back in raw pleasure. “Figures you'd be a perfect little cock sucker,” he says under his breath, almost too low for you to hear him. “I bet you want me to fuck your face, huh, baby?”
You settle for moaning instead of nodding, watching him through your eyelashes as he pants above you. 
“Fuck.” A long, hissing exhale escapes through his teeth, and his hand tightens in your hair just a little bit as he watches you work his cock. You look so fucking pretty with your mouth wrapped around him, your lips slick with saliva as you take him deeper into your mouth. There are tears beading at the corners of your eyes. “Fuck,” he says again, “you feel so good.” He grunts. “How long have you been thinkin’ about sucking my cock, babe?”
You flush under his gaze, unable to answer with your mouth full of his dick, but the answer must be clear as day on your face. You don’t know what it is he’s thinking about, but you swear his cock gets bigger in your mouth, that strange quirk making him thicker so that you’re nearly choking on him.
Bakugou holds your head still as he starts to rock his hips; he moves slowly at first, his thrusts shallow and even, but he quickly picks up speed when you whine around his cock. It isn’t long before he’s fucking your mouth, thrusts as rough as you’d expect from someone like him. His cockhead brushes against the back of your throat, his hips stuttering as he holds you like that, your lips pressed nearly against the base of his cock.
Somehow, you manage to keep your eyes on him. You force your throat to relax and swallow around him. His eyes almost roll back at the sensation, but he keeps his ruby gaze locked on you, watching how well you take him. He can only imagine how good you’re going to take his cock, too. He speeds up again, groaning as the pressure in his gut starts to build.
His cock pulls from your mouth with a wet sound, and you cough, sucking in greedy mouthfuls of air. Bakugou drags you off the floor, and your startled gasp is cut off by his hand wrapping around your throat. He doesn’t squeeze, unfortunately, just holds his palm there. The next thing you know, you’re being shoved against the nearest wall, your cheek pressed to the chilly surface as Bakugou all but rips off your skirt, leaving you in just your underwear and shoes. 
The fabric pools on the floor in a crumpled heap, and Bakugou kicks it aside in order to spread your legs from behind. You brace your hands against the wall, ass out, and he’s on you in a second.
Teasing is thrown out the window as he finally—finally—touches you. One of his hands reaches around you to grope your chest, palming your breast roughly before shoving the cup of your bra aside to tweak and pinch your nipple. You’re a panting, whining mess by the time he gets his hand between your legs. Two thick fingers drag over the crotch of your panties, and he actually laughs when he feels how wet you are. “Shit, you get that horny just from sucking my cock?”
Blearily, you nod, pressing your pussy closer to his hand. Bakugou shoves your panties to the side, fingers skimming through your wetness before rolling over your clit. You nearly sob at how good it feels to have him touch you. It’s like his hands were meant to please you, big and rough, his calloused fingers providing the perfect amount of friction. Each precise stroke of his fingers feeds the knot in your belly, keeping you right on the edge of coming undone.
“You’re gonna feel so fucking good on my cock,” he tells you removing his fingers from your clit to squeeze your ass. His cock quickly replaces his hand between your thighs, his thick length rubbing against your slick pussy, the head bumping against your clit with every stroke. Bakugou lets go of your breast; his hand slaps against the wall beside your head for balance. “Pretty cunt squeezing around me. That what you want?”
“Please. Oh, please,” you mumble. Anything to get him inside you. It almost hurts how turned on you are right now. From the corner of your eye, you see him reach for the hem of his shirt, about to pull it off. “Don’t!”
Bakugou goes absolutely still at your sharp cry. The only movement is his eyes snapping up to meet yours, flooded with concern as he checks to see if he’s hurting you.
But you whimper, trying to shove yourself back on his cock. “Don’t take it off,” you clarify breathlessly, legs quivering with the effort of holding yourself up.
The concern bleeds from his eyes, and they’re taken over by something dark and hungry instead as he realizes what you mean. He thrusts his cock between your thighs, your slick covering his cock as it drips from you. Your eyes flutter as he pressed against your clit again. “Don’t take what off?” He wants to hear you say it.
And you’re so painfully aroused that the words come spilling out of your mouth before you can stop him. “Your costume,” you choke out around a loud moan. “I want you to fuck me while you’re wearing your costume.” That’s one dirty little fantasy you’ve had for a while, maybe ever since you met him. The thought of him fucking you while he’s still in costume is almost too much, but god do you want it badly.
“That so?” he drawls. His hand drops from his shirt back to your ass cheek, groping you before spreading you from behind. He takes a step back, ignoring your whine, and whistles when he gets a good look at your dripping slit. Bakugou tugs your hips back, forcing your back to arch for him. “What a naughty little slut. You got a thing for heroes, baby?”
Just you, you think, but all you can do is moan his name. “Bakugou.”
You cry out as he slaps your ass. “No, no, no,” he repremends. “That's not what you call me.”
“Katsuki, please,” you manage to whine around a harsh swallow.
He spanks you again. “Come on, angel, you know what to say.” It takes a second for it to click, but when it does you blush. “Fuck, look how wet you are.” He chuckles as he looks at your glistening thighs. Another love tap lands on your reddening ass. “You like it when I spank you?”
“Yes,” you mewl.
He spreads your legs open wider. “Yes, what?”
You take a deep, shuddering breath, cheek pressed against the wall in front of you. “Yes, Ground Zero.” Your tongue runs across your bottom lip. “Sir,” you tack on.
“Good girl.” 
There’s no warning as he adjusts himself behind you, cock slamming into you hard enough to steal your breath. There’s no resistance, you're so wet. You pussy clenches around him, your walls sucking him in deeper. That’s all it takes for an orgasm to rip through you, the knot in your belly snapping so fast that all you can do is let out a silent scream as you slump forward against the wall.
Bakugou is equal parts shocked and amused as you try to milk his cock, and he grits his teeth as his dick twitches inside of you, almost pulling him over with you. “Fuck,” he laughs. “You cum just from me filling you up?” You whimper and nod. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” 
He presses you closer to the wall, and his arm slips beneath your knee, lifting your leg and holding you open. Your thigh burns from the stretch. His cock drags along your walls slowly before, only the tip left inside before he thrusts back into you, reaching deeper.
He picks up a steady pace, slamming into you over and over. You’re already so sensitive from your first orgasm, and little gasps and whines keep falling from your mouth with every brutal thrust as Bakugou finds your sweet spot, hitting it perfectly as he pounds you. He’s thick and hard inside you, even bigger than he was in your mouth, and your eyes widen when you realize he’s doing it on purpose. “How big can you get?” you gasp, moaning as his cock expands inside you, filling you up completely.
“As big as you fucking want me,” he snarls back, fucking you faster, hiking your leg up higher.
All you can do is hold on and take it.
You don’t know how much time passes, the only sounds are your heavy breathing and his harsh panting against your ear. Sweat drips down your back where he’s sliding over you, and his fingers bite into your thigh as he almost loses his grip. “You know whose office is on the other side of this wall?” he asks suddenly. “Answer me, baby!” A particularly harsh thrust follows the demand.
“No, Sir,” you pant.
“Fucking Deku.” He grits his teeth as that now familiar tingle goes right to his cock, but you don’t seem to notice the lie. “You think he’s in there right now? His desk is right on the other side.” You pussy squeezes around him, and Bakugou moans against the side of your neck. “I bet he can hear you in here panting like a whore as I fuck your slutty little cunt.”
Your back arches into him, the revelation reigniting the fire he lit inside you. That knot comes back, just as tight as before, and you tremble as you realize he’s going to make you cum again. “Ground Zero,” you whine.
He lets go of your thigh, but keeps your knee hooked around his elbow. His hand snakes around your hips to rub your clit, and you jerk against him. “He’s got some new intern, too. Some little high school brat.” A high-pitched, needy sound falls from your mouth. “Fuck, you sound so pretty when you moan my name.” He rolls your clit harder between his fingers, and the heat rolling from him is so sweltering that it’s hard to breathe. “Shit, you’re gonna be filling this kid’s fantasies for weeks. He’s probably gettin’ off to you right now.” His cock gets bigger inside you; his hips grind against you harder. “But your pussy’s mine, angel. Got that?”
You nod, delirious.
And, fuck, he just doesn’t stop talking. “You gonna cum?” he asks, fingers moving faster over your clit. “Gonna cum from thinking about Deku and his intern listening to me fuck you?” You shudder and gasp, shoving yourself back on his cock in a weak attempt to match his brutal pace. “That’s it, baby, cum on my fat cock. Let everyone know who’s making you feel so good. I wanna hear you scream so fucking loud that everyone in this goddamn building knows my name.”
Bakugou pinches your clit. Your eyes slam shut, body locking up as he throws you into another powerful climax. “Katsuki!” you shriek, his name ripping from your throat in a raw scream.
This time, he doesn’t hold himself back. A series of harsh thrusts drag out your orgasm until you’re sobbing, a few tears slipping out and rolling down your cheeks. His cock twitches, swelling, and he shoves inside of you as deep as he can go before cumming inside you, his thick seed filling you up and dripping down your thigh.
He doesn’t pull out, leaning his head against your shoulder as you both try and catch your breath. Bliss washes over you as he kisses your neck, mumbling a string of garbled praises against your ear.
You blush when something he said hits you full force, finally able to process it now that he’s not fucking you senseless. “Midoriya,” you gasp, trying to crane your head around to look at him.
Bakugou presses more of his weight against your back, slowly lowering your leg back to the floor. His hands grasp your hips when your legs threaten to collapse beneath you. “Bastards office is on the other wall,” he says, calming you down. “‘Sides, it’s his day off.”
Relief floods through you. “You have absolutely no filter, do you?”
He shrugs, kissing across your cheek. “I don’t see you complainin’.”
You laugh a little breathlessly. “You made me cum twice,” you remind him. “I don’t give a shit what you were saying.” You shift in his embrace, wincing as his cock moves inside you. Fuck, you’re sensitive.
He stills you. “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asks. When he sees your obviously confused look, he gives you a shallow thrust, his cock still hard inside you. “Oh, angel, we’ve still got thirty minutes, right? We’re just getting started.”
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