#i feel bad
occudo · 5 months
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Safehouse sketches
I wanted to make this post more clean, and I thought, didn't I make a similar spread already? Lo and behold, I did. In May. And now, without looking, I drew almost the same stuff. What is it like to have long-term memory? Anyway, I hope you like more cake
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cinamun · 3 months
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panoffrying · 3 months
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I suddenly really had the urge to draw sun and moon so here y'all go lol.
ALSO, the art pose template thing, I found it on Pinterest already reposted by someone else and I made an effort to search for the og artist, but I had no luck. here's the template THIS IS NOT MINE
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washeduprockstr · 4 months
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sharksandjays · 1 year
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Really these four make me emotional. Remember they were still teenagers/young adults all the way through at least season 7. This song was made for them. Also yes, I'm aware the eyepatch is on the wrong eye for Jay. Leave me alone.
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addsalwayssick · 3 months
when a guy keeps harassing me to go on a date but not in a james potter way but in a snape way 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁
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swiftmitsu · 1 month
What is moss favorite food?
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epiclamer · 7 months
Why haven't you posted in so lonnnggg! 🤕😭
Thanks for reminding me that I'm actually supposed to post here.
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Various weapons of sorts hit the metal table and Hero had to admit the sound startled them more than they had expected. The supervillain halted, raising an eyebrow at the hero's reaction before they continued spreading out their arsenal.
"First time?" Hero nearly had a heart attack when they heard the other speak. They were already fighting the urge to throw up all over their own lap, the last thing they needed was casual conversation with their kidnapper.
Hero gulped, struggling to swallow the acid burning their throat. "Y-yeah."
The supervillain nodded somewhat affectionately (surprisingly enough) and kept up with their work, ignoring the hero further.
Maybe it was a stupid idea, but their brain couldn't come up with anything else to calm their nerves, and Hero was pretty sure one more minute in this tension filled room was going to kill them before Supervillain could get a chance. "Is it... bad?"
That seemed to catch the supervillain's attention.
"Is what bad? The interrogation? The anticipation? The torture?"
Supervillain's eyes felt like a spotlight that pinned Hero to the spot. They were starting to wonder if attempting to ease their worries with chitchat was really worth it.
Again it felt hard to swallow, "T-the last one." but the hero managed.
The criminal shrugged, but a hint of a smile crossed their face. "Depends on whether you talk or not."
That wasn't very reassuring.
Considering that the hero wasn't planning on spilling everything about their agency to their enemy, they had a feeling tonight was going to be long.
Supervillain sighed, seeing the hero and their crushed spirits. “Think of it like a right of passage. Everyone who works in this field experiences it once if they don’t die first. So just be glad you’ve made it this far.”
Hero had sweat through their suit by now, they couldn’t stop shaking, the bonds holding them down had started ripping their skin and their mouth was dryer than the desert. Watching the supervillain choose their demise was awfully unnerving.
“This one will do.” Supervillain held up a small pairing knife, catching a glint off the light hanging from the ceiling. Smirking just slightly at the hero, the supervillain stepped forward. “Are you ready?”
“Go easy on me?” Hero’s voice wavered dangerously close to a whimper, which Supervillain seemed to enjoy.
“I can’t ensure anything.” They were only a foot away by now. “But, if you’re a good little hero, I promise to leave you in one piece for your team to find.”
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
Hi, this is for @litlpawz i’m just asking off my main :] Could I request a fox plushie themed moodboard with a paci, no deco is prefered, masc lean? Tysm!!
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
pav x hobie x gayatri content, cause I feel like this, I'm bored, I'm just putting down my thoughts as they come, this is gonna be super unorganized and random.
when they take naps together, it's typically hobie in the middle with either on top of or next to him, and it's honestly just one big pile. when they go to sleep at night, gayatri's in the middle, little spoon to pav's big spoon, with hobie big spooning the two of them from the other side, cause he's long enough. is kinda like this, (99, pav and gayatri facing the same way, and hobie facing the other way wrapped around them.
gayatri and hobie wear silver, pav wears gold.
gayatri = stars, hobie = eclipse, pav = sun
hobie isn't the jealous or possessive type (he is, casually, won't cause a scene about it and knows when he's being irrational about it), he's just protective (you keep telling yourself that bub). in short, he's defiantly a bit touchy in public, like in the way that he always has an arm over pav and gayatri's shoulders, likes when they where his clothes, kinda lurks behind them a bit. pav is a little clueless to it, he just thinks hobie likes being near them, which he does, but gayatri who is also a bit possessive over her boys, assures him that everythings fine. pav rarely gets jealous, but, when he does, particularly at hobie's shows where everyone wants a piece of him, or within his community where everyone's got little crushes on gayatri (cause who wouldn't?) its bad (within the bounds of not being toxic of course), he's quite aggressive, cause those are his partners thank you very much.
the boys chug their respect women juice and are like lovesick puppies for gayatri. like, they don't fall into icky stereotypical trope of "ones dominant and controlling of the other two" or the hierarchy trope, but if anyone had to be the designated "in control" person of the throuple, it would be her, if that makes sense. in all honesty, its just the boys being willing to do anything and everything for her, and trying to beat each other in a playful competition of who can be more of a gentleman, that just makes it seem like she's calling the shots. she plays into them, but its clear to all of them that they're all equal and equally in control of the dynamic.
only time hobie will use labels is when he's talking about his partners.
gayatri likes late night dates, just watching the stars or watching a movie, the night time has always felt like it her time, so she likes to share it with her boys.
hobie is a lovesick fool and rights songs about the two. he also just makes them little crafty things, cause he no doubt knows how to sew, so anything from clothing, little plushes, or patches, etc. cause he likes giving gifts, hates capitalism, so he makes them himself.
pavs love language is words and parallel play, like he just likes to sit and talk and talk and talk, but in such a nice way that even the least talkative of people enjoy his company.
serving their communities is also their idea of a good time, from anything like helping out at community kitchens, feeding strays, to just spending the day with family helping out.
I know hobies a family favorite, he's respectful and kids love him, so he's always welcome around pav and gayatri's family.
gayatri knows they're both spidermen and that hobies from a completely different dimension, it was really hard to hide from her.
its hard to keep secrets from her in general, the boy swear she has a spidey sense, cause even stuff like planning dates or gifts is impossible to keep under wraps, and they've tried so hard.
pav is the most "traditional" lover, playing into every trope known to man, from red roses, to fancy restaurant dates.
gayatri's not super "traditional" but doesn't mind swooning her lovers/being swooned over; hand made gifts/food, love letters, poetry, etc. she likes things that come directly from the heart. this also includes quality time where she can do her boys' mehndi or makeup, spending time cuddled up together, gossiping, cooking (I know she's a food girl, but not your typical sweet tooth person, she's more a fan of savoury things), etc.
hobie, is surprisingly kinda, in a way, "traditional" when it comes to romance; he's a very proper and respectful gentleman while also remaining very punk and against the system/binary/etc., so he takes them both out dancing, gets them both flowers and jewelry, offers his arm(s) to them when they're walking together, pulls out their chair and opens doors for them, etc. some people are shocked that he doesn't have an "odd" idea of romance, but pav and gayatri aren't at all, cause he does do other things, like take them to punk concerts, teaches them to mosh, make them part of his "band" in one way or another (honestly they're just there, looking pretty or something, they much prefer to watch), gets them into punk music, etc. he just likes the softer, more main stream ideas of romance, sue him, he hates consistency, maybe mainstream isn't all bad all the time.
they will stockpile jokes just so they can tell each other them at the end of the day. thy
hobies the best listner of all times, he just looks at them with those heavy, love dazed eyes, and plays with their hair or their hands, or just watches their expressions change, cause he's just so down bad its not even funny.
they're all the type to do the whole; points out a feature "I love this" points out another feature "and this" points out a feature the other is insecure about "and especially this" type thing.
hobie and gayatri love horror movies, and while pav is easily jumpscared, he can sit through them, he just gets annoyed by cliches, to the point that he will rage quit a movie and leave the two of them to finish it, though he does have a weakspot for slashers that play into the cliches and have some level of comedy, he enjoys those. (I hate the, "pav would be terrified of horror movies" thing, I just can't see it, he would just get mad when white people are constantly doing something stupid)
gayatri has made it a rule that even if they get checked out at the HQ's medbay, they need to come see her and get looked over/patched up after missions.
both pav and hobie are aware of the danger she's in a their lover while both of them are spiderman, and are always a little on edge, cause they know she could be either of their canon events.
thats all I got for now, but I love these three, so there will most certainly be more at some point.
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luimagines · 1 year
I’m back again :)
Reader finds bunny Legend in the forest, I don’t know what he’s doing there or why he’s a bunny — brain cells are for history homework tonight, but they decide to attempt to befriend the cute pink rabbit. Legend just lets them (because he has a crush and doesn’t wanna admit that he likes them petting him).
Reader notices he’s slightly injured, small cut on the paw, it is bleeding a bit though, and very gently picks him up and takes him to camp. Because obviously the little bunny needs at least some bandages, can’t have it getting infected now can we?
And Legend is dying of embarrassment and maybe gets picked on later by Sky and Twilight.
- Glitter ✨
Bun bun. Let's gooooo!!!!
Content under the cut!
You weren’t intending on find anything in particular when you told the group that you were going to break off for a moment.
Between wanting some space and deciding to look around the area seem like a good idea at the time. You could defend yourself well and Wolfie hadn’t come back yet but Twilight did, and he said the place was clear. You could only assume that Wolfie was just hunting for a moment and will be back when he’s had his fill once more.
You were still on guard even when you just wanted to relax. The rustling in the bushes nearly got you to hack the poor plant in half before a something jumped out from it.
You paused.
The little creature didn’t seem to notice you. He rubbed his paws and rubbed his face and it was the cutest thing you swore you ever saw. You put your weapon away and watched the little bunny. Strange though, he was pink... and clothed.
“Aww.” The sound left you before you could stop it.
The bunny froze and looked up at you. You froze as well and stared back.
His little mouth opened. You crouched down and held your hand out. You never had such luck with bunnies but he looked so soft and sweet. You wondered if you could get him to come to you.
Hesitantly, he did!
He crawled forward and sniffed your hand. You tried to remain calm and confident. You didn’t want to scare his off now. Gently and slowly, you moved your fingers out. You managed to get a gentle sweep across his forehead before he placed his little bunny face into the palm of your hand.
You grinned and got onto to your knees to meet his height. “Oh aren’t you the sweetest little thing!”
You continued to pet him now that you’re sure that you’ve gotten permission. Enjoying your time with the soft fur, you tried to get closer. With enough patience, even if you’re not sure how you managed it, you got the bunny into your arms and begin to run your hands along his body.
“Oh I think I love you.” You coo. “Won’t you come home with me? You can live at my house where I’ll take good care of you and love on you every moment I can.”
You giggle and experiment with his paws. Surprisingly, he lets you grab them. Gently, of course. Until you brush over the pads on his front paw and he jerks. You freeze and apologize instantly.
But that’s a cause for concern.
“Sorry, buddy. Let me just get a look at this, ok?” You whisper, trying to keep the poor thing calm. You can feel his heart beating radically against your chest. He’s scared. Poor thing. He must think you’re going to hurt him.
You whine and pick up the paw, careful not to touch the same spot as before. You see it just he rips it back to himself. A small cut, blooming with red that nearly goes hidden against the pink fur that surrounds it.
You gasp. “Oh you’re hurt! Ohh...Oh no... Ok, buddy. Let’s see if we can fix you up.”
You carry him in your arms and stand. Trying to keep him as calm and comfortable as possible, you don’t look up to see the faces of the boys around you as you regroup with them.
“What happened?” Wind asks as you begin to rifle through the medical bag. “Where did you find him?”
“I ran into him while I was exploring.” You explain, taking out the gauze and disinfectant with one hand as you speak. “He has a cut on his paw. I’m going to take care of it the best I can. Rabbits can have a lot of things go wrong so I want to give him his best chance.”
The rabbit squirms a bit in your hold but you hold on tighter. “I know buddy, I know. You won’t like this. But I’ll be fast and then you can go on your merry way just like before.”
“Can I pet it?” Wind asks quietly.
You pause and hum. “Maybe not. I don’t want to make things too stressful for little guy. He’s surprisingly well behaved though. the rabbits back home would have never let me do this. So I want to be quick.”
“And what do we have here?” Time says to your left, having also come back from wherever he went to.
“A bunny.” You reply as you dab the little spot on his paw. As expected, the bunny squirms in your hold but doesn’t actively try to leave. Weird, you think. But maybe he knows you’re trying to help him.
Something clicks in your head then. “Time, can I keep him?”
Twilight, who was watching this entire time, starts choking on his drink. He starts to laugh but it only send the liquid flying through his nose. It looks painful and he reacts as such.
Time looks at you, ignoring his descendent. He crosses and his arms and raises an eyebrow. He looks amused. “I don’t think so.”
“Please?” You ask again. “Please? Please? I’ll look after him! look at how cute he is! How can you say no that that face!”
The rabbit for his part bends his ears back and pins them down. He tries to burrow down into the side of your arm where it would successfully hide his face from the view of others.
“Wild has Wolfie!” You try to defend before Time can respond to your earlier pleas. “How is that any different?”
“Wolfie can come and go as he pleases.” Twilight smirks, more amused than you think is necessary for this. “Can this bunny do that? I don’t think that’s what you’re asking.”
“Stay out of this Twilight. I’m not asking you.” You stick your tongue out and glare at him. You turn on your best puppy eyes and look at Time. “He’s hurt too! We can let an innocent creature go out while he’s hurt! It could get worse!”
Sky snorts and you turn to him but he’s not looking at you. Weird, you think again. That’s a strange reaction.
Before anyone else can talk, the rabbit leaps from your arms and dashes away into the woods. You cry out and jump to your feet but he’s gone before you can take a step. “Twilight, I blame you.”
“Wha- What did I do!?”
“I don’t know but it’s your fault.” You stomp your feet.
Time laughs and pats your shoulders. “It’s ok. I doubt he would have been able to stay for long regardless.”
You pout but have to agree with him on the basic fundamentals. Sky gets up as well and walks calmly into the forest in the direction of the bunny. 
“I’ll be back.” He says, taking the Master Sword with him. Twilight follows and Time allows it.
You huff and puff and really are just trying to deal with your disappointment in anyway that doesn’t actually end in tears. It’s dumb and you know it but you think you fell in love with he little guy despite only being near him for ten minutes tops.
“Hey guys...” Legend comes back. He had left before you did and he’s all red in the face now. He raises his hand in greeting and you gasp.
He has a slice down his palm. Another person injured today.
“Legend!” You cry out and run to him. “What one earth happened? Does it hurt? Come here! Before it gets infected.”
You pull him over and down, not to dissimilar to how you yourself were sitting on seconds prior. Legend’s face gets a bit pinker but you blame it on the fact that he caught red handed. Literally.
You just thank the stars that you already had to tools out.
“Honestly Legend, what are we going to do with you?” You sighs and shake your head. Twilight and Sky come back to the camp with knowing smirks.
Legend elects to ignore them while you’re too focused on making sure his hand in properly bandaged. You may not have been able to help the bunny but you can certainly help your friend. 
Besides you’d take Legend over the rabbit any day. He’s cuter.
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1134soup · 1 year
i always preferred the mystery-adventure based geronimo stilton books over the "bad shit happens to the rodents gazette" books but like sometimes theyre pretty good and ive noticed is that in most of them he's just crying half the time and its kinda silly like these are three separate books where he almost loses the rodents gazette, bro is just always crying i feel bad
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idkhowtoname · 3 months
Oh hey guys you remember the spooky critters I did before
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I ain't adding an insane amount of tags
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I think it's fucked up that Shiva drank halahala to save the world and we ... keep giving him more poisonous things to eat like. It's not like he has a taste for it. Just because he did it that one time shouldn't mean he has to keep on doing it. Give Shiva nice flowers and sweets in bhog pls.
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Mary: I think I want to die
Marlene: Aren't we all Mary? Aren't we all wanting to die
Lily: Yeah I think that's a thing
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Parallel that I'd rather never see.
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