#then i found out one of the girls w drama or whatever was the sister of MY friend
augustvandyne · 1 year
Sorry for the aggression… No one writes for her🥲
Maybe like R is Ginnys sister (different mom) but she never knew her mom bc she dropped her off at Zions w a note and a DNA test or something. Maybe she does online school bc she’s always travelling w Zion then she moves with him and goes over to see Ginny, Georgia and Austin bc Georgia was always basically her mom.
She then had her first day at school and meets Max and they both have gay panic and stutter bc yk gay.
Then later Ginny takes her to sit w her friends and Max is talking about this girl she ran into and swears she’s in love and R is just sitting next to Ginny on the end of the table waiting for her to notice she’s there. And she only notices when Ginny asks what the girl’s name was and Max is like, “CRAP! I WAS JUST RAMBLING AND NEVER ASKED HER NAME! SHE KNEW MINE BUT I WOULDN’T SHUT UP TO LEG HER SPEAK! Oh god🥲” and bangs her head on the lunch table and R is like, “My names y/n Miller btw” and Max just slowly lifts her head, and everyone is like ‘how did she not notice the person sitting right mf there! although very max’ then she’s like “I do enjoy the rambling though, it’s cute” then everyone is like ‘oh SHES the girl’ and start laughing at Max. R after saying this gets up and sees her friends from one of her classes and goes to max giving max her phone open on contacts so max can put in her number but she’s just broken. Abby snatches the phone and is like ‘sorry i think you broke her’ and outs in the number. R smirks and kisses Max’s cheek before going off with her other friends.
omg i actually love this. the aggression is very much needed! no one writes for our girl maxine.. she needs the love.
sorry this took me so long.. haha. don’t be afraid to request more. i promise not to take as long this time.
Gay Panic
When you found out you would be moving to Wellsbury for a while, you were through the roof excited.
You hadn’t seen Ginny, Georgia or Austin in a while, and you were beginning to miss your family! A few days after you’d arrived, your dad enrolled you in Wellsbury High School.
Ginny immediately introduced you to her friends. She introduced you to Abby, Norah, and a group of boys that you could care less about.
Your first class happened to be a drama class, where you met Maxine Baker. She drew you in with her vibrant colors and extroverted personality.
The teacher wanted to do an exercise to start out the class, in which the class paired up and acted out a scene of a play of their choice. Max loved the class, but she had no friends in it.
A new face had her intrigued and so she partnered with you.
You suggested Romeo and Juliet—because you can’t go wrong with it. Max stuttered and reluctantly agreed. She tried to get out that you should do the balcony scene, but it came out as a blubbering mess.
The first time you open your mouth, a similar things happen. Red tints your brown cheeks, as you make a fool of yourself.
Normally you can keep your cool around cute girls, but this girl is different. She’s confident and knows what she wants.
The two of you laugh off the stuttering and blushing Max grabs a book off the shelf so the two of you can act out the scene. You lean in close to her and can smell whatever perfume she decided to spray.
The close proximity has both of you blushing again.
Both of you mess up and stutter so much neither of you even finish the exercise before the teacher pulls everyone in to assign the work for the day.
The rest of your first morning is just as exciting. It’s followed by two other classes—art and study hall, where you meet some other girls. After study hall you follow Ginny to the cafeteria where you sit at a table filled with the same faces you saw this morning.
And Maxine.
You are surprised to see her at the table. But it makes sense. All the girls are more quiet than Max, which makes you believe she’s the leader.
Especially because she’s leading the conversation right now.
“So we are like acting the scene out, right, because I swear that our drama teacher hates me,” Max talks fast. “But anyway, we’re acting it out and I swear- I’m in love.”
“What happened to, uh, what’s her name?” Abby chews on a fry as she tries to come up with the name of the girl Max was all about the week before.
“Oh, I’m over her.”
“Already?” Norah barks out a laugh. “That was fast.”
Max glares at her.
“So this girl,” Brodie shrugs. “She hot or what?”
“Uh, gorgeous!” Max shakes her hands all around like she’s have a seizure. “She’s mixed, and kind of looks like Ginny. But she is the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. Like ever.”
“What was her name again?” Ginny rests her elbows on the table.
“Crap,” Max’s face falls. “I was rambling and stuttering and blushing so hard I forgot to ask her what her name was. I told her mine but I didn’t ask. Oh my God. I want to die now. I’m never going to speak to her again.”
As the girl bangs her head on the table, you reach your hand over Ginny and say, “I’m Y/N Miller, by the way.”
Abby’s mouth drops open and she laughs, “Max.. how did you not see her.”
Max is frozen in place. She isn’t blinking, talking, or breathing for that matter. She looks like she might cry.
“Um, are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, she does this all the time,” Ginny waves it off.
“What? Falls in love with girls she just meets?” You laugh awkwardly.
“Has gay panics,” Norah clarified.
“Ah,” You retreat your hand.
Jordan and Abby laugh at Max, whom is still frozen in place.
“Do you think if we nudge her she’ll tip over?” Abby jokes.
“Max, breathe,” Ginny places her hand on Max’s shoulder.
“Thank you for complimenting my looks,” You flash a bright smile. “And I enjoyed the rambling, it’s very cute.”
You see a few girls from your art class and get up to go say hi, stopping near Max, who then takes a deep breath and begins blinking again.
“Here,” you place your phone in her hand and she just blinks up at you. “Put your number in. Your cute. We should meet up some time.”
Abby leans across the table and puts the number in the contacts app, “I think you broke her.”
You smirk and grab your phone out of the redheads hand. You drop the phone into the back pocket of your jeans. Leaning down, you plop a kiss on Max’s cheek.
Max’s eyes widen and she waits for your to be out of earshot before grilling Ginny.
“Virginia Miller! How could you not tell me you were sisters with a hot, sapphic, greek god?!” Max starts freaking out. “What the F?! I let you date my brother and you gate-keep your beautifully gorgeous sister??”
Ginny just chuckles. “She has that effect on people.”
“You better text her,” Norah threatens. “Or I will.”
And Jordan doesn’t even protest.
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a-song-for-ages · 2 years
I mean, I've already decided that the Baratheon is gonna be the oldest of them and would be the youngest sister of Boremund Baratheon or his youngest and only daughter (I need to look at ages because I realised Boremund is older than Rhaenys even though he looks pretty young on the show so I think only daughter would be more fitting yeah)
Now anyways, this girl is gonna be a bunch of years older than Maeg - I'm thinking she'll be 20 when Rhaenyra's doing her tour
Oh fuck I just googled it and Rhaenyra's actually 19/20
So I need her to be a bit older than Rhaenyra so I think I'll make her either 21 or 23. Not 22 because I'm turning 22 and dreading it.
So this would make her... hmm, 3-5 years older than Maegelle? (Maeg's two years younger than Rhaenyra)
But anyways, this Lady Baratheon is unmarried and living at Storm's End with her father, because - she was married (when she was a bit younger), but then her husband died and he died without issue. So instead of his lands/titles going to Lady Baratheon, it went to his nephew. Now because I like drama, I'm gonna have her be married to Jerrel Bracken's Uncle - who died only a year or two back, and Lady Baratheon absolutely hates Jerrel because she knows he's to inherit whatever titles the Brackens held.
So you can imagine her face when the Blackwood and Bracken boys beat it out and the Bracken boy dies - she's just like "holy fuck did I just... curse him???" (It'd be a fun little thing if she could - curse people, but idk)
Now anyways, she's a cutie who told her father that she's already done her duty to her house married a man - and it is not her fault that he died without impregnating her. (Lady Baratheon hated her marriage and her husband - simply because he was boring and a bit boorish and very misogynistic, overlooking the fact that he married a Lady of Storm's End, whose fury he had a bad habit of tempting and whose wroth he overlooked. There's some rumours surrounding her, saying that she killed the Lord, which is why, instead of the Brackens still being somewhat allied with the Baratheons... they became a little... tense. Because I like the idea of Lady Baratheon saying/thinking crazy things and having them come true - so she must have said that he'd die without heirs since he spends more time in the training yards with his invisible enemies than he does doing his duty in the bedroom. He does spend time in the bedroom. Just... Lady Baratheon finds him to be a man incapable of pleasing his wife. So she decides to insult him for it.)
Anyways, Lady Baratheon found her husband boring and ugly and disgusting - she called him a shriveled old craven (even though he was not shriveled at all or old), because she just likes talking bad about the dead. He wasn't her person - he wasn't exciting or even romantic (as Lady Tyrell / Lannister would gush about the knights in their stories.)
I suppose Lady Baratheon and Maegelle would be the closest out of the quartet (I plan on having Lady Johanna Lannister - yes, Jason's wife - be a Lady in waiting for her, mainly because Maegelle finds herself bored, as of late, and likes the idea of having friends who she can trust and support... even though both she and Rhaenyra trusted Alicent and she betrayed them. But that's another discussion.)
Anyways, so Lady Baratheon's also the closest to Maegelle because she's the only one daring enough to go near a dragon. The other two wouldn't dare, attributing it to the lack of dragonblood they've in their veins, to which Lady Baratheon laments at her lack of a dragon, and Maegelle laughs, saying perhaps she'd get a dragon egg as a birthday gift. Of course, the other ladies think that to be cool, but Lady Baratheon only taunts, "Sorry, but only dragonriders have a right to dragon eggs," and sticks her tongue out at them like a child.
Now it is at I think Rhaenyra's Wedding that we have Daemon making a late entrance and he ends up dancing with Laena because he caught her eye but then he ends up switching with Lady Baratheon because the dance is where the partners switch or whatever. And Lady Baratheon is disappointed because she was having much fun stepping on the new heir of Lord Bracken's foot - she's - she's a menace
And now I'm crying because can yall imagine Lady B × Maeg × Aelor getting up to shit in the Dragon Pit's ?
IM DYING CAN YOU IMAGINE DAEMON ASKING HER "have you ridden a dragon before? / is this your first time dancing with a dragon?" And Lady B is just like "my first? No. My last with you? Most probably," because she's heard the rumours of how he killed his wife up in the Vale - and she's a bit hypocritical in the fact that she believes it automatically, while it enfuriates her that she is not believed when she says and swears that she didn't kill her husband. (Because honestly, if she wanted him dead then he would have died on their wedding night.)
Now Daemon isn't in love with her. Rather, he steals her as a form of rebellion (oop, no surprise there), when Viserys orders he remarries - and not a Velaryon, or someone of Targaryen blood who Daemon would find worthy... but a Hightower, so as to strengthen the bonds between Viserys and his wife - he hopes it'll appease Alicent a bit (idk man just go with it) and Rhaenyra's like "that sounds fucking stupid)
Not to mention, around this point is when Aelor gets exiled - so Daemon is pissed, Maeg is pissed, and Rhaenyra is pissed. The House of the Dragon is all pissed off at it's head - which is honestly what Otto probably wants.
So they discuss this, I think - maybe just Maeg and Daemon, because Rhaenyra's busy comforting Laenor who lost his love and also trying to come up with a plan to get Aelor back, and and and
Daemon says "there's only one thing we can do then. Rebel." And Maeg was like "??? Well we can't give Otto what he wants but we can't also rebel, that's treason!" But Daemon gives no fucks and only says "trust me, little niece," bit Maeg does not trust him, and instead steals away Lady Baratheon in the night, and he takes her to Dragonstone where... Aelor and Rhaenyra are fucking around. I'm dead I love the Targaryens they're so . Fucking . Chaotic .
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i just had the crazzziiessstttt dream
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Hi Steph! Would you happen to have any fic recs that involve John meeting the Holmes family? I always think that's such an interesting dynamic to see! Also, I think this goes without saying but I love your blog and appreciate your contributions to the fandom! Thanks!
Hey Nonny!
Ah, thank you! I’m glad you enjoy my blog!
Oooo! Yes, I love that dynamic too!! ANNNNND!!! You’re giving me the chance to make a part 2 for a REALLY OLD LIST!!! So YAY!!! I found a bunch on a text doc I haven’t posted yet, so HERE WE GO! Hope you enjoy, and as always, everyone please add your own!
See also: 
Parents & Family
Meeting the Family With a Fake Relationship
Do You Love Me? by whitchry9 (K, 641 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Family, Epic Bromance) – John asks Sherlock perhaps the most important question.
Once Upon A Time by ProfessorSquirrell (T, 908 w., 1 Ch. || Family, Snippets of Life, Romance, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Implied Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending) – There is a room in Sherlock's mind palace where nothing gets deleted. And it looks like this...
Crisis Averted by Spartangal22 (T, 2,188 w., 1 Ch. || HLV Fic, Missing Scene After Confronting Mary, Canon Compliant, Sherlock Whump / Mary Shot Sherlock, Family / Friendship, Hospitalization, Sherlock POV, Holmes Brothers) – Lying in the hospital, Sherlock receives some surprising visitors, and manages to deal with two problems he's been having lately. A missing scene from HLV about a formal introduction that was never made and a visit that was never shown.
The Only Available Transportation by blueink3 (T, 5,379 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Fluff and Angst, Insecure Sherlock, Caring John, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Birthday, Family, Misunderstandings) – It’s possibly the desperation that’s seeped into his voice despite his best intentions, or perhaps it’s just a mother’s intuition, but she knows that whatever he’s calling about is Serious, hangover be damned. “What’s happened?” she asks, tone soft and as comforting as a hot cup of tea on a cold winter’s night. “Mummy,” he begins, voice catching. “I think John may be moving out.”
On the Steadfast Approach of an Oncoming Darkness by 2bee (T, 7,772 w., 1 Ch. || Apocalypse, Minor Character Death, Sort of Parentlock) – The world is ending. Not fast, but slowly, like falling asleep with a fever.
The Name Game by ItsClydeBitches221B (K, 8,958 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Family, Platonics / Friendship, Sort-of Parentlock, John/Mary, Mary is Nice, Five and Ones, Baby Watson, Mycroft Loves Baby Watson) – The names that baby girl Watson comes up with for her extended family. Or: how everyone—Watsons, Holmes, and others alike— just learned to give up and embrace their weirdness.
The Burning of the Leaves by blueink3 (M, 15,915 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Angst, Reichenbach, Parentlock, Past Jolto, Idiot John, Sherlock’s a Mess, Puppies, Fluff, Possessive / Jealous Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, Matchmaker Sholto, Melancholic Feelings, Emotional Sherlock, Domesticity, Love Confessions in the Rain, Kissing in the Rain, Pet Names) – After the events of series 4, Major Sholto invites John and Sherlock to lunch one day. It nearly proves to be too much for their tenuous relationship as the past haunts the present, putting the future that Sherlock so desperately wants at risk.
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (E, 18,836 w., 9 Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, They’re Good Parents, Blushing Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Explicit Consent, Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Big Feelings, Crying, First Kiss, Fluff, Anxious Sherlock, Inexperienced Sherlock, Emotional Communication, Love Confessions) – Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here. Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life. His disastrous marriage had been proof of that. But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier.
Dropping the Act by jadztone (T, 27,258 w., 10 Ch. || Parentlock, Fake Relationship, Mary’s Family, Post-S4, Cuddling & Snuggling, Bed Sharing, Pining, Christmas) – Sherlock and John are quite happy living together with Rosie in Baker St. They might be even happier if they didn’t act towards each other like their love is only platonic. Mycroft brings troubling news in the form of Mary’s parents wanting to know just what their grandchild’s home life is like. The boys decide to spend Christmas pretending like they are in love in order to seem more like a "normal" family. It's easy enough to pretend when all you're doing is dropping the act.
An Acquired Taste by kinklock (E, 31,059 w., 4 Ch. || Vampires AU || Vampire Sherlock, Misunderstandings, Bat!Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour, Magical Realism, Fluff and Angst, Blood Drinking, Holmes Family, Slow Burn) – At Montague Street when Sherlock was forced to sate his body’s needs, he was at least able to wander about the flat as much as he pleased. At Baker Street, it was mini-bags in a mini-fridge and bedroom confinement.
Chaperones by MissDavis (T, 34,114 w., 7 Ch. || 11 Years Post-S4, Fake Relationship, Parentlock, Disney World, Bed / Room Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, First Kiss, Obsessive Sherlock, Insecure John) – Right. Of course. Everyone assumed they were a couple and no one would question it. John put his elbows up on the table so he could rest his head in his hands. "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie's class and you won't have to share a room with a stranger?" "Exactly." Sherlock beamed at him. "Don't worry about the cost. The Birmingham case last month paid more than enough to cover expenses for all three of us."
Where The Ghosts Have Voices by HappyJuicyfruit (M, 37,691 w., 12 Ch. || Supernatural AU || Ghosts, Magical Realism, Light Horror, Fluff and Smut, John Can See Ghosts, John Whump, Emotional Manipulation, Dark Magic, Coma, Injury Recovery, Blow Jobs, Anal, Happy Ending, John’s Past, Mr Holmes, Powerful John, Holmes Brothers, Sherlock’s Past, Past Viclock, Drug Abuse, Hair Pulling) – John has lived his whole life as an outcast. It is only when he meets Sherlock, that be realizes being a freak might not be such a bad thing, and that the curse he has lived with his whole life may be a gift after all. (TO READ)
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock's closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don't need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
The Hollow Woman by ScopesMonkey (M, 51,335 w., 22 Ch. || Post-TRF, Major Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Friendship, Family, Angst, Crime, Reunion, First Kiss / Time, Nightmares, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Jealous John, BAMF John, Angry John, Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Villain Mary, Open Ending) – Forced to return to London sooner than expected, Sherlock falls into a case too close to home. Part 1 of the Hollowverse series
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Points by lifeonmars (E, 53,791 w., 42 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || HLV Rewrite / Canon Divergence, Married Life, Pregnancy / Baby Watson, Drinking to Cope, Boxing / Fisticuffs, Clueless John, Angst, Minor Medical Drama, Tattoos, Christmas, First Kiss/Time, Eventual Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Doctor John, Sexuality Crisis, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Drugging, Blow/Hand Job, Emotional Love Making, Parenthood, Passage of Time) – What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other.
The Monument of Memory by J_Baillier (M, 79,663 w., 14 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It Fic / S4 is Canon, Angst, Family Drama, Guilt, Case Fic, John Loves Sherlock, Complicated Feelings, Mentalism / Hypnosis, Murder, Grieving John, Sherlock is a Bit Not Good, Team Work, Trust Issues, BAMF John, Psychological Trauma, Protective John, Autistic-Spectrum Sherlock, Parentlock, John POV) –  A genius traumatised by a past he's only beginning to recall. The psychopath sister that time forgot. A missing woman and a mentalist who may or may not be a murderer. And, in the middle of it all, stands John Watson.
Kintsukuroi by sussexbound (E, 91,823 w., 20 Ch. || S4 Compliant / Post-TLD, Grief / Mourning, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Therapy, Past Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Suicidal Ideation, Masturbation, Minor Character Death, Sexting, Frottage, Inexperienced Sherlock, Rimming / Anal / BJ’s, Emotional Turmoil, Finding Each Other) – “I love you.” Sherlock sees the words hit John with almost physical force. He reels back a little, jaw twitching and eyes filling. “I love you,” he repeats, a little softer, a little more gentle, as earnest as he possibly can. Because they’ve been teetering on the brink of this thing for years, and it had become painfully obvious over the last few months that they were at a tipping point. This had to happen. Now it has. Now they can see where they end up. The tears in John’s eyes spill over, and he wipes at them angrily. “Do you even know what that means?”  
The Summer Boy by khorazir (T, 94,706 w., 6 Ch. || Post S3/Post TAB/Alternate S4, Friends to Lovers, Asexual Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Flashbacks, Bullying, 1980′s Kid Sherlock, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Inexperienced Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Pining Sherlock, Case Fic, Sherlock’s Past, Awkward Conversations, Anxious Sherlock) – About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock. Part 1 of the The Summer Boy series
The Wedding Garments by cwb (E, 105,390 w., 36 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Alternate Future AU || Alternate First Meeting, Dating / Arranged Marriages, Romance, First Kiss/Time, Heavy Petting, Cuddles, POV Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn / Falling in Love / Dev. Rel., Nervous/Anxious Sherlock, Jealous/Cranky, Hiking, Vacation Homes / Honeymoon, Sherlock’s Family, Horny John/Sherlock, Patient John, Massages, Hand Jobs, Assassination Plots, Hand Jobs / Oral Sex, Case Fic, Emotional Love Making, Bath Time Fun) – This is the story of a young consulting detective who wants nothing to do with marriage and an army doctor who wants to find true love. It's 2020 post-Brexit England and the British government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through state-run agencies and date in hopes of finding love (and tax benefits). Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. Hesitant to give in to his more carnal urges because of the way they derail his mind, how will Sherlock progress toward the more intimate aspects of a relationship? The answer lies in a very special wedding gift.
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships) by ShirleyCarlton  (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending) – Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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oodlyenough · 3 years
i finished arcane here are some thoughts
things i liked:
not an original thought but the art and animation ruled... easily the best part of the show. i think if you have any passing interest in animation it's worth watching just for that
tons of the character designs are very sexy thank you video games
i took some time to settle into the cast and world building but by the end was fairly attached to and/or compelled by most of our major players. vi, cait, viktor, ekko and silco were the standouts for me. i also like sevika but wish she got more to do? what's ur deal sevika. i have questions. also you're super hot
i was prepared (thank you twitter) for vi and cait to not be the centre stage of the whole show but i do wish we'd seen more of them and had more episode with them together, to make it pay off better
i only started paying attention after i saw that "men or women?" gifset and i gotta say vi and cait... like... are they my new favourite OTP? no. did i have fun watching all of their scenes? yes
viktor is one of those obvious fan favourite characters from the second he appears on screen but i am a fan and he was a favourite
i liked silco a lot, i thought he was very compelling and i really liked his fucked up relationship with jinx. great. sometimes you're a ruthless slum kingpin and also you love your violent adopted daughter a lot
the viktor/jayce/mel storyline works sooo much better as (and is clearly... portrayed as...) a bisexual love triangle. wish the show had leaned into that instead of no homoing it with that "like a brother" line flhghg hello?? mid-seasons we were just like jayce now you're being a bad boyfriend to two people :/
everything needs more bisexual drama tho so i was here for it
the crazy dinner scene with jinx and co was fun. i liked the juxtaposition being like... not clear cut? i mean obviously silco is a terrible person in general and vi has done nothing wrong ever in her life, but to jinx specifically it was just... two family members who genuinely care about her. (and cait who does not want to marry into this family.) she instantly regrets killing silco but would've instantly regretted killing vi. you played yourself jinx
things i did not like:
it was not lost on me as a veteran of fandom that the show kind of... set mel up for failure by giving her the role it did. i mean i haven't looked at the tag yet so maybe fandom will pleasantly surprise me but uh, i doubt it, lmao
it was also not lost on me that the no-name lovesick girl who gets obliterated by viktor was also black
i thought it was out of character for vi to be pretty callous about that kid jayce killed... would street orphan vi really be that ambivalent to killing a street orphan just because he """worked for""" silco? hello...? hes like five? aren't you trying to save your terrorist sister? ??
caitlin's police outfit w the tight skirt etc sucks lmfao thank you video games
i mentioned it earlier when i was watching but most of this felt like familiar stuff remixed a little. this isn't necessarily bad, but sometimes it fell flat when a character or situation invoked something else that i like better. for eg jinx and harley quinn
heimerdinger bored me i would like to excise all of his screentime and give it to someone else. when jayce in the council meeting was like "you've been president or whatever for 500 years and shit sucks" like. yeah honestly dude !!!
is sevika dead? dislike
stray thoughts:
i couldn't decide what category to put jinx in. i didn't... like her, exactly; i found her writing and some of the performance a bit tedious. i guess i liked her function in the narrative though
i think part of it was the show's quandary over whether powder is still "alive" or not and whether vi was "responsible" or not etc... i can buy that vi feels responsible for what happened but vi truly did nothing wrong LMAO sorry she lost her temper for 20 seconds after her sister killed their whole family ...
again i don't really hold it against jinx specifically but sometimes i found the narrative a bit muddy on that when i feel uh. very clear that it was not remotely vi's fault.
jinx played the villain route of telltale batman episode 5 and was like I Can Do That
is this show queerbaiting me two times over??? i guess we'll find out in like. 2023 or whenever s2 airs
mel your mean mom is super hot
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bts-reveries · 4 years
mini me | 6
“Are you ready to see your friends?” You ask your son as you park outside of Mae’s house. She had a nice, big house. Perfect for three kids, you thought.
“Is Uncle going to be here?” Youngjae asks excitedly, looking out the window, hoping that Taehyung is inside. You turn the car off, taking off your seatbelt to hop out. You open the back door and help Youngjae off of his carseat.
“No, it’s just going to be the aunties and a few of their kids,” you tell him. He pouts a little at the fact that Taehyung wasn’t going to be here. You laugh at his expression, squishing his cheek.
“You like Uncle Cupcake that much?” You say. “What the heck did he put in those cupcakes?” He laughs at your question, holding onto the hand you were holding out as he jumps out of the car. You close the door, and lock it, then you two walk hand in hand to Mae’s front door.
“I just like Uncle Cupcake,” he says, kicking the mat. He looks up at you, “we like the same things.” You smile down at him, your heart aching slightly.
The door opens and you look up to see no one.
“Mommy!” You look down and see little Soojin at the door. “Auntie Yn and Youngjae are here!” She yells behind her. She looks up at you and smiles. “You can come inside my house!” She tells you, she looks at Youngjae and waves.
When you step in, Soojin grabs onto Youngjae’s hand. “Do you want to come play with us? Minseok oppa, Sian, and Haneul are playing in Haneul’s room right now.” Youngjae looks up at you and you nod, telling him to go. You watched as the two ran away giggling.
“Yn!” You heard, Mae greets you with a hug, pulling you into the living room where the rest of the girls were at.
“Ayyee we’re complete!” Byul exclaims, raising her arms as you walked in. You laughed, sitting down right next to her.
“So what’s the agenda today girls?” Jin says, walking up to you seven, crossing his arms.
“Eating, talking,” Mae shrugs, “we’re just getting to know Yn a little more.” She turns to you and smiles.
“Yeah, the party wasn’t long enough, we have so many stories to tell,” Sarang winks at you. You giggle at her nervously, feeling your cheeks heat up.
When you were at the party and Yuna introduced you to her friends, it was more of you seven talking about your jobs, relationships, and kids. It was basically a long conversation that jumped from one topic to another. You thought it was funny how one of the girls would talk about one thing that would remind someone about a whole different thing, which is why your conversation started from when you moved to Seoul and ended to Rina's favorite drama. The first time you all met it felt strange. A good strange. As if you met some of your long lost sisters.
“Can I join,” Jin says, already sitting down next to Mae and getting comfortable.
“No,” Rina says, making a face at Jin. His mouth drops at her, and her expression changed to a smile.
“I’m kidding. I guess you can be a part of our girls night…”
“Great, I wanna hear you girls’ side of the story,” he says, putting his arm on his wife’s shoulder.
“You were on her wishlist??” You ask Sohyun as she tells you about her love story with Yoongi.
“Yeah! And he has this whole thing about granting her all of her wishes to make her birthday memorable, so he was like, I have to take you on a date according to Hana. Us going on a date wasn’t on her list though, he made that as an excuse… but her list did have me in it because she really liked me and wanted to do everything with me,” Sohyun says, Jin laughs at her facial expression as she was nodding with her eyes closed. It kind of reminded you of how Youngjae was with Taehyung.
“Didn’t he break up with you because of another wish on the list?” Rina asks, taking a drink. Your eyes widen and you look at Sohyun.
“Hana wrote that on her wishlist too,” you say, covering your mouth. Sohyun shakes her head frantically waving her hands.
“No no no,” the girls laugh at this. “She wanted me to be her mom and Yoongi wasn’t ready for that.”
“It was this whole thing that happened before my wedding,” Yuna explains. “It ended well though, they ended up going home together after my wedding.” The girls all “oohh-ed,” teasing Sohyun. “Whatever, next caller,” Sohyun says, calling the next one to tell their story.
“Taehyung ended up having to watch Hana,” Jin mentions, unable to stop laughing. His laugh was pretty contagious and you ended up laughing as well.
“Sarangie is next,” Mae calls. Sarangs eyes widen and you can see her cheeks turning pink.
“Oh, ahhhh, so much happened,” she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “It was when Huimang and I newly moved to the same building as Hoseok--”
“Oh, I thought Huimang was Hoseok’s kid too,” you say, surprised.
“She is,” Byul says.
“It’s a crazy story,” Rina says, making Sarang turn a little more pink. “W-why are you turning so red?!”
“Don’t call me out on it!” Sarang says, covering her face. “Ahhh, let me explain.. It all started in college, my last year. I had the biggest crush on Hoseok and he was attending this party. I never go to parties, but my best friend suggest we go since it was our last chance. Hoseok got drunk and I drank too, but not as much as he did. One thing led to another and the next morning he was a total jerk to me,” she says, frowning. “I ended up finding out about Hope, Huimang, and kept it all from him, then I moved to America and yeah, 6 years later, I ended up in the same building as him. Hope followed Taehyung and his little dog, Yeontan, and ended up on Hoseok’s front door. To make it long story short,” she laughs. You were so surprised and your eyes were so big. “Next caller,” Sarang laughs, mimicking Sohyun.
“Your turn fangirl,” Jin says, he was quite enjoying the girl talk.
“Meeeeeee?” Byul says, sitting up. “Okay, so I’ve always been a fan of Namjoon’s books. And himself,” she says, smiling. You smile back at her. “I attended his book signing and kept running into him after that. We met again at Sohyun’s magical bakery actually,” she says.
“Does all love come from that bakery? I think my son found his soulmate there too,” you laugh.
“I honestly think so,” Rina says. “If I didn’t meet Jungkook when I was younger, I’m a 100% positive that I would’ve met him there.”
“24/7 Heaven, where you meet your match made in heaven,” Sohyun says. “Has a good ring to it, maybe that’ll be my shop’s motto.”
“Tell Yoongi to make it into a jingle,” Jin suggests.
“You’re right...” Sohyun responds.
“He invited me to a hangout with the entire group afterwards and we all got so close,” Byul says, continuing her story. “We started dating shortly after.”
“Wow,” you sigh out. “So does a hangout always start before you start dating,” you laugh. “I met all of you already though.”
“Are you implying something Yn?” Rina says, raising her eyebrows. It seems like your eyes were widening at everything they were saying.
“Taehyung’s the only single one,” Jin says, sipping his drink. Like the Kermit meme.
“What are you guys trying to say,” you laugh nervously.
“We’re not saying you and Taehyung should date, but,” Yuna starts.
“But that’s exactly what we’re saying,” Rina says. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Is that why you took me into your group so fast,” you say, squinting your eyes at them. Yuna quickly shakes her head.
“No of course not!” She says, you can tell that she felt bad so you quickly reassured her that she’s okay.
“No I’m kidding don’t worry,” you say, putting your hand on her arm.
“Honestly, we all actually really like you,” Mae reassures you. “You give us good vibes, you know? We dig you~”
“WE DIG YOU?” Jin repeats, looking strange and shocked at his wife. “WHO ARE YOU OLD LADY??”
“Yeah!!! And since you just moved here, you need some life long besties, you feel~” Byul says.
“And oh my gosh, we just clicked!! and our kids clicked too!” Sarang says. “We just felt it~ Your presence was exactly what we needed.” WOW your heart melted right then and there.
“Speaking of kids, I should check on those little nuggets,” Jin says, getting up to go to Haneul’s room.
“Also, if you don’t mind us asking, what happened to Youngjae’s dad?” Byul asks you carefully. You didn’t mind talking to them about it, you felt comfortable enough to let them know about your situation.
“Oh, he’s okay hahaha,” you start, looking up and thinking how to say everything. “Umm… we were in a good relationship when we were younger, but I got pregnant with Youngjae unexpectedly.”
“Ah, me too,” Rina says.
“Yeah, but my parents told us we had to get married,” you say, scratching the back of your head. “We weren’t really ready--” 
“I’m back, Haneul’s joining us-- oh-- the mood shifted,” Jin says, stopping in front of the hallway. Haneul lets go of Jin’s hand and runs straight to the girls.
“Auntie auntie~” Haneul says, asking Byul to carry him. Byul’s face lights up as she carries Haneul onto her lap.
“He never asks for me, I’m treasuring this moment,” Byul says, hugging Haneul tightly.
“I think he wants the cookie you’re holding Byul,” Jin says, pointing to the cookie in her hand that Haneul was grabbing.
“Oh, this is fake love,” she whispers.
“Anyways, fill me in please,” Jin says, sitting back with Mae.
“We’re talking about Youngjae’s dad,” Sohyun says. Jin’s mouth shapes into an ‘o’ shape.
“Yeah, I was just saying how Youngjae’s dad and I were in a good relationship but we got pregnant unexpectedly with Youngjae and my parents basically forced us to get married, we weren’t ready. When Youngjae was born, I kind of fell out of love with his dad. He didn’t really like Youngjae?? Like he felt like he couldn’t reach his dreams or whatever because he was “forced” to be a husband and a dad, you know?”
“Sounds like a butthole,” Byul says.
“He is,” you say. “We divorced when Youngjae was 2, every now and then he visits his dad and his family, but only because Youngjae’s grandma wants to keep seeing him. I don’t even know if Youngjae sees his dad honestly.”
“I can see why Youngjae loves Taehyung then,” Jin says. “He doesn’t have any dad figures in his life, or has ever experienced the kind of love Taehyung gives so freely to him.” You nod your head, agreeing.
“Him and Taehyung have a lot of things in common as well. He seems like he fits Youngjae’s dad more than his real one,” you laugh. “I don’t think my son got anything from his dad… except how he looks I guess.”
“Taehyung loves Youngjae too! He calls him his mini me and he always tells us about him whenever he comes back from a hang out with you two,” Yuna says.
“That’s so cute,” you say. “Taehyung also played with him the whole time while we were at the party. I don’t think his dad ever plays with him—-“
“Taehyungie really filled up that missing piece in Youngjae’s heart,” Sarang says.
“Ugh I know! That’s why I like spending time with him, it makes Youngjae happy,” you say.
“Does he make… you… happy?” Rina tries again. You laugh at her question.
“He makes me happy the same way you guys make me happy,” you say.
mini me
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ part six: we dig you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
pairings: artist!taehyung x singlemom!reader
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ja-lin · 3 years
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Blissful Imperfection (Pride month writing challenge day 3)
Fandom: Voltage Lovestruck Series: Sin w/ Me Characters: Vinca Wordcount: 1050 Notes: Vinca PoV on how she feels about her best friend Yvette dating someone and how she finds inner peace. Thanks to @rockchick82​ for some Vinca info and ideas! Warnings: Some swear words.
Being a professional performer in Vegas is nice and all, but the audience, the sounds, so many damn fans sharing one brain-cell. I kick my heels off and then back kick the door to my room -- my only sanctuary. 
“Fuck. Finally some peace and quiet. I swear I’ll cut the balls off the next man that tries to flirt with me at the show. Laz saved that poor soul today, but next time...next time my blades will speak.”
The ikebana flower arrangements and various potted bonsai plants comfort me. The arrangements and countless nights I’ve spent grooming these plants to perfection. I’ve always been a fan of Japanese aesthetics and I’d kill for a good cup of matcha tea to calm my soul after dealing with the crowds at the show. Especially after that gross pig of a man tried to touch me. He smelled like a mix of stale corn chips and the greasy floor of a kitchen at a fast food joint. Thinking about him makes me shudder.
I look into the mirror at my reflection in frustration, pent up anger boils at my very core. Like a volcano holding in its fiery power for eons, I erupt and scream into the mirror, “Ugh, I’m so fucking done with Thrill of Sin and Yvette flirting with some short little runt wearing a stupid tie dye jacket. The nerve of that woman! The audacity! I’ve been friends with her for longer and she goes running off into some stupid lala land date with some fangirl.”
As I cool down from venting, I have to admit the runt did have nice legs...but my legs are WAY more sexy than hers. I strike a pose, smirk and wink at my own reflection in the mirror, “Babe, it’s you, me, and myself tonight.”
Opening my cabinet, I reach for a box of Kyoto Uji matcha. There’s also a traditional matcha kit next to the box. Both were gifts given to me by a couple from Los Angeles. 
The note they gave me is still attached to the box: 
“Stole this matcha box and kit from my yakuza friend, just like I steal all his girls. XOXO”
There’s no name, no signature, just the mark of her lips in a light crimson lipstick. I feel like I could be friends with this woman. Hopefully I can run into her if I ever go to Los Angeles. Convincing Yvette to go to Los Angeles for a show shouldn’t be too hard.
After I make myself a cup of matcha, I stride over to my work table, there’s a single potted tree I’ve been working on. I’ve been grooming this tree for over ten years, but it’s still not the way I want it. It was a gift from my twin sister Onyx for my birthday. Thinking about Onyx and her horrible relationship with Dorran makes my blood boil, but I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm down.
Opening my eyes I frame my focus on what’s in front of me, I reach over to open the drawer where I keep my bonsai trimming tools. I keep all my tools organized, everything clean and lined up perfectly. 
I look at the little plant in adoration and smile, “Bby, I’m going to make you perfect. Don’t you worry, you’ll be beautiful like all the other plants in this room soon enough.”
Taking a tool I carefully trim little bits of the tree, shifting back sometimes to look at the overall shape. The trunk curves like a dragon, the foliage and tiny leaves are the dragon’s mane flowing in the wind. Little rough bits of the trunk stick out, the dragon’s claws.
Beauty in imperfection, as the Japanese call it wabi-sabi. The plant is curved, foliage heavier to one side and slightly tilted as if reaching for the heavens. Onyx always struggled to keep up with me, but she didn’t know I was constantly jealous of her happy nature. I may have been the perfect sister, but she was the happy one.
Gently holding the trunk of the plant, for a moment I wonder if I can read its feelings, “What are your secrets to inner peace, to be able to forgive someone? To let go...”
I’m constantly exposed to the neon lights, the chaotic sounds of the Vegas strip. But, with this little bonsai I get darkness, silence, nothingness. 
Suddenly, a familiar voice startles me and I wake up, back to my chaotic reality.
“Vinca, bestie. Stop talking to plants. We have demons to deal with.”
Twisting around and trying to hide by blush, I see Yvette holding a cup with black pearls in it.
I question her about the odd drink, “What the hell is that gross drink!?”
Yvette flips her hair back with her gloved hands and smirks, “I went on a wonderful little date today with my number one fan. She suggested we get one of her favorite drinks. I believe she called it boba? It’s surprisingly refreshing and chewy.”
Yvette plays with the chewy black pearl in her mouth showcasing her skilled tongue. Her lipstick is slightly faded and off and I know she likes marking what belongs to her. Yvette is greed after all.
Slightly annoyed I roll my eyes, unimpressed, “Yeah, yeah...you aren’t the only one who can tie the stem of a cherry with their tongue. Just remember at least I don’t turn plants into ash.”
Yvette rolls her eyes at me and turns to leave, “Ok whatever drama queen, just hurry the fuck up bitch, Laz is waiting in the car.”
After the click of Yvette’s heels against the marbled floor fade, I whisper to the plant, “Hard to believe Yvette found someone to date. And, no I’m not jealous. Me? Jealous? No way.”
I look at the plant, and from this angle one side of the foliage tilts lower than the other as if it’s furrowing its leafy brows at me. 
“I’m being doubted by a plant. Ok fuck it, I lied. I’m severely jealous. If I ever meet that runt I’ll make sure to put on my best bitch face and show her who’s boss.”
The bonsai plant remains silent, firmly grounded, twisting freely with its jagged branches -- peace within my chaos.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
i don't know if i'm the only one but i've often wondered exactly how hard it was to convince julian mcmahon to stick around for season five. they took his character, a feared powerful half demon and made him into the butt of the joke and the whole joke was basically ha ha look at this lovestruck fool obsessing and suicidal because he's got nothing to live with but can't die. ain't that funny? like how the fuck did the writers sell that to julian is my question
i find the entirety of season five just so goddamn insulting to cole's character. hell the fact that he got possessed by the source and this was treated as him turning evil instead of a shitty situation that got out of hand. like it wasn't bad enough he was villified for something that he wasn't even in control of half the time they couldn't even just vanquish the dude, they dragged it on and ridiculed him. i hate it here
lol. i mean. yeah. i really. like. it's like. like okay we all know cole was a fan favorite right and he & phoebe were really meant to like. be the sex appeal to the show no one else was really filling that role they were charmed's Sexy Couple tm. so like. in a sense i get the notion ab wanting to keep him around. because everyone loves him! he's bad boy! he adds this dangerous edge love balancing on a knife's point stuff like that. so like. that being said. u wanna keep him around. i just like Do Not Get how you opt to keep him around Like That. tbh. as w all things. i am blaming brad kern. i think it all really started to tank s4 (well, with mortal cole, but like) with source cole. that was bad, but i know it was part of the push to have like long form season drama character driven plots conflict between the sisters themselves it just like. sucked ass and balls imo. like i mean the fact they had to do the source as a possession just so they could get demon cole and lover cole,,, i mean it speaks to how stupid it was. the fact that u wanted cole to be a villain So Bad but the only way to do it was like. possession? sign that u should not do that like. like. like. i don't know how we're supposed to feel ab that.
and then. the vanquish. not sticking. i think like. i think they probably had the vague idea that cole having a mortal soul would not be able to be vanquished properly right? like. demons get destroyed into nothingness, but the human part of him lives, so i think they probably knew that was what they were going to do, that's what they sold to jmm and like. we sowed those seeds in the s4 finale w his ghost whispers and materialization. so i think like. they knew they wanted to Not Kill Him because he was such a fan favorite. maybe there was an intention to do a will they won't they variant of phole? and then. of course. there was the whole idea of paige cole, which, as the rumor goes, was meant to kick of in the s5 pilot, but both julian and rose shut it down. but i feel like. assuming that's true (which i 100% do assume that's true absolutely and i'm not endorsing it i don't think it would have been good or well written or whatever but like. 👀. you know?) but yeah. assuming that's true, i feel like that piece really speaks to what their designs for cole were: man meat. he was meant to be their male sex appeal and they weren't going to be picky about the narrative itself as long as he was still kicking.
but like honestly? i mean i shouldn't have to say this it's a given: it's not enough to just put your sexy man in front of a camera and call it a day like imo even a man who is not sexy can be made appealing through the power of the narrative. like, to level with you, i never really ever shipped phole nor found cole attractive at all like ever, but i can see like the fucking support beams you know i can see the infrastructure on which this whole thing can you know take on a life of its own in the earlier seasons because they very consciously put it there!! people shipped it for a reason n not just because they were two people standing next to each other on a tv screen i mean hello almost sinking a dagger in her heart but can't do it sends her away back to her sisters because he can't act out on his evil plan!! that's something!!!! that's so very something and they gave us Nothing they gave us nothing in the later seasons. and still expected it to fly. like. tbh julian was probably just like unwittingly duped like dragged along for the ride s5 which is likely why he was vanquished halfway through because i'd imagine roughly three episode in he went okay! um. what's this? guys? what's this? and then they said cole<3 you know he like knew he had to get the hell outta dodge.
anyways. if i were to resuscitate phole in s5. which like. to level w u. i wouldn’t. because they would need a lot of one-on-one screentime and we already spent so much of s4 splitting up the sisterhood in the name of phole i wouldn’t really want to continue with that per se But. if i were. this ask is getting long it’s under a cut 
something something demon of the week something something realms the point is cole is there when he very much shouldn’t be and like. he and phoebe get knocked into a different plane. so their bodies are fine and at the manor, but their minds are elsewhere and they need to solve whatever it is in order to get back. and we’ll say there’s a fuckin deadline because the girls need the power of three and right now they are sealed off from accessing it. and you know phoebe’s pretty fuckin pissed with cole because you know. he dragged her down to hell and she almost gave birth to the antichrist. actually source’s heir might be fun to keep around in this au idk. the point is phoebe’s pissed at cole and cole’s pissed at phoebe because phoebe’s pissed at him but he literally didn’t have control over himself in that era and he’s not getting the space he needs to justify himself because phoebe keeps stepping over him. but they gotta work together to get out of here. and were kinda doing enemies to lover 2.0 but like now they have History. of course we’ve gotta do a moment where cole has idk done something normal and phoebe’s so riled up that she does something rash and almost dies cole saves her like catches her bridal style or something faces inches apart breathing heavy and there’s a moment. like a we’re back in early s4 moment. which phoebe immediately breaks from and like walls going flying up but just for a moment there we see it it’s obvious: she’s still in love with cole. which then segues into an argument because like. cole wasn’t sure. right? he wasn’t sure if phoebe now just genuinely hated him. but now he knows right he knows better now so why are you acting like this? why are you taking every opportunity to shut me down to shut me out? why are you acting like you hate me when you know that’s not true right that whole thing to phoebe who gets the Classic because i do hate you. i hate you for what you did to me for what you did to my family and i hate you because i loved you so much and you destroyed me and i hate you because no matter how hard i try that love is still there and i know that for a second if i stop hating you i’m going to love you just like before and you can destroy me again and i hate myself because i’d let you because i love you. you know? big speech. big reveal. i have No Idea what piper and paige are up to right now. the point is. after this big confession we get the lull the cards are on the table what the fuck do we do now which is when cole Finally gets to opportunity to say he was actually possessed by the source and manipulated by the seer and the only thing that kept him holding on was his love for her and after she became queen of hell after he saw what the source had done to her he knew it had to end he doesn’t hold it against her for vanquishing him right this is where we exonerate all wrongs we’re just saying anything bad that has happened ever? scrub it. it’s the source’s fault. cole has no resentment against phoebe. he loves her a healthy, normal, non-possessive amount, so much so He Loves Her So Much he let her kill him and like honestly would probably do it again. idk and then they make out or something. and then they’re out of whatever plane they were in by the end of the episode. And Then we get a buddy cop episode with paige and cole where they bond and also sort through everything that happened there. slowly but surely. and then we do a real phole wedding a super small affair in the manor lowkey bc i hated their wedding episode it blowed we give them a good one. wallah <3
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mordoriscalling · 4 years
Stay or Sail Away (1/6)
Here comes part one the modern AU fake dating Geraskier fic that I talked about in this post. I’d like to post each part daily. Tagging @geraskier-trashh as requested! :D
It’s not that Jaskier has any problem finding someone, thank you very much. It’s just that he’s busy. Busy with concerts and composing, meeting fans at various events, travelling, internet dramas involving Valdo (it’s always fucking Valdo). There’s no time for a relationship, only for occasional one night stands that sometimes that leave him heartbroken because he actually manages to fall in love with someone in the span of a few hours. It’s fine, though. Heartbreak inspires him like little else.
Jaskier's never complained about lack of bed partners, when he seeks them out. He’s charming, after all. Still, the moment he hears “commitment”, he flees. It’s just not his way. Or perhaps he’s never found anyone fascinating enough to commit to; it takes a lot to keep his attention.  He wasn’t even looking for someone like that. Not until recently.
His troubles began a week ago, during a phone call with his mum. She reminded him of his father’s 65th birthday party and asked if he would bring anyone with him. This was followed by a series of questions about his love life because, as his mum put it, “you’re 35, Julian darling, and you’re always working so hard! I worry you’ll end up alone”. In order to placate her, Jaskier might’ve lied a little tiny bit about some things. As a result, because of all the twists and turns of the conversation, he made his mother believe he had a fiancé.
A fucking fiancé.
Wanda Pankratz was ecstatic, wishing to know everything about her son’s relationship, but he dodged all the further questions by saying that she would meet his love soon enough. She left it at that but, of course, told half the family about it, if the texts and calls from his sisters and aunts were anything to go by.
Hence, The Post.
It’s a bit pathetic and desperate, Jaskier can freely admit, but he has no other choice. His personal guard Zoltan almost pissed himself laughing when Jaskier asked him to pretend to be his fiancé, and not one of his friends knows anyone who would want to do this. Not even his agent Triss could help him out.
It all drove Jaskier to log on his anonymous Facebook account (he is a pretty big name in the UK; better be safe than sorry) and post in one of the big London groups.
“I need urgent help from someone who’d be willing to act as my fiancé during a family party on February the 24th. The only thing I expect is the ability to sing praises of our love and to compliment my aunts. It’ll take around 4 hours and then we end our relationship. Age from 35 to 40. It’d be great if you knew something about the sea because I intend to introduce you as a sailor who’s never home and afterwards, you die. Can anybody help?”
Since yesterday, the post has got more than a thousand reactions (mostly the laughing one and likes) and hundreds of comments. Many people tagged their friends as a joke, which is not helpful, but Jaskier still scrolls down and down, trying not to let his hope die. Nobody seems to think his request is for real and he’s received no serious offers so far. Then, one of the newest comment threads catches his attention.
Lambert Rivia:    Geralt Rivia Destiny!
                              Geralt Rivia Fuck off
                              Yennefer Vengeberg Omg 😂 Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Eskel Rivia you must see this!
                              Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Yesssss!! This is perfect! ❤️
                              Eskel Rvia Do it Geralt
                              Geralt Rivia No.
Intrigued, Jaskier decides to check out these people’s profiles. Lambert Rivia is a handsome red-haired man who wears some kind of black military suit in his profile picture. Looking at his bio, Jaskier already knows why Lambert didn’t volunteer himself – he’s in a relationship. Eskel Rivia is blond, even more handsome than Lambert despite facial scars, and also has a photo in a black suit, together with a white cap on his head. There’s no information on Eskel’s relationship status and Jaskier is intrigued indeed. Yennefer Vengeberg is a terrifyingly beautiful woman who, judging how professional her profile picture appears, must work in some serious profession. Cirilla Vengerberg-Rivia is a lovely teenage girl with white-blond hair. Jaskier reckons she’s the daughter of Yennefer and one of the Rivia guys.
He left the poor Geralt’s profile as the last to look at, but now that Jaskier has seen the rest, he checks this one too.
His jaw fucking drops.
Geralt Rivia is a ridiculously handsome man. His face seems practically unreal because, surely, people as beautiful as Geralt don’t actually exist? The man’s long white hair (which makes no sense considering his apparent age), as well as his brown-almost-golden eyes, only add to his otherwordly, stunning appearance. Double stunning in that black military suit he’s wearing in his profile picture, just like Lambert and Eskel. The suit looks familiar and Jaskier has a nagging feeling he really should know what kind of army it is. Google helps him out and he quickly puts two to two – Geralt, Eskel and Lambert serve for the Royal Navy.
He bursts out laughing.
This is too good.
He wonders what he should to about this. Now that he knows about Geralt’s existence, he can’t really miss the chance of meeting him, however slim. His gut feeling tells him not to let the opportunity slip and well, who is Jaskier not to listen?
When he’s in the middle of debating what to write to the man, his phone pings. There’s a new messenger notification... with Geralt’s name. With a racing heart, Jaskier opens the message.
FEB THE 18TH AT 06:14 PM Hey. Everyone’s telling me to message you and won’t leave me alone. Is your request for real? Please say no
Jaskier chuckles and replies:
Hi! I’m sorry they’re bothering you and I’m also sorry to say that my request is very much for real. I’d be forever grateful if you helped me 😁
To this, Geralt responds with:
They really won’t stop until I agree They think it’s so fucking funny
Jaskier purses his lips, already suspecting this isn’t likely to work out. He'll have to face his loving mum and admit that he lied to her about fucking having a fiancé. She’s going to be so disappointed. At the very prospect, bad mood overtakes him, but he still types what he hopes to be a cheerful answer.
Damn, so sorry mate I won’t push you but, again, I’d totally owe you one if you agree  ☺️
What would I get?
Jaskier tries to reason with his hope to calm the fuck down and replies:
Money, or a favour of some sort, I have many connections Could be free tickets to my concerts  Even my company for the night 😏 Just whatever you want I really need help
For a minute or two, the three dots next to Geralt’s photo disappear, and Jaskier’s hope plummets in a  dramatic fashion. Then, more messages from Geralt show up in the chat.
Free tickets seem fine My daughter loves going to concerts She’d like free tickets but I never heard of you
Jaskier starts begging any god out there that Cirilla is Geralt’s daughter. Teenagers make up a large part of his audience (which is great, actually; teenage kids are amazing these days). If she’s a fan, the free tickets are a major bargaining chip.
Well, Julian AP isn’t my stage name I don’t use it on fb
What is it? Your stage name
I’d rather not say here And you must promise me you won’t tell anyone about it too Well, anyone but your daughter
 Can you call me? It’s better to talk about this on the phone anyway
Jaskier sends Geralt his number and waits for the call. In other circumstances, he’d congratulate himself on getting a man like that to call him so easily, but he’s too anxious. His hands itch for his guitar but he doesn’t get up from his bed. He begins smoothing his hair out with his palms, praying in his mind that Geralt hasn’t changed his mind.
After the agonizing wait of six minutes, there’s an incoming call. Jaskier takes a deep breath and picks up.
“Hello,” says a gravelly baritone voice so pleasant that it sends shivers down Jaskier’s spine.
“Uhm, h-hi, Geralt,” he replies a bit breathlessly, “so, my name’s Julian Alfred Pankratz but I’m known to many as Jaskier.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Jaskier?” Geralt repeats, “the one who sings Her Sweet Kiss?”
Jaskier beams, his chest swelling with pride. “The very same.”
“Fuck,” Geralt growls, “Ciri wants to blast this song whenever we drive somewhere.”
Jaskier laughs. “She would love free tickets to my concerts, wouldn’t she?”
Geralt says no more. Jaskier has to swallow down to sop his throat from constricting. “So?” he asks, “Can you do this for me?”
The silence on the other side is deafening and Jaskier doesn’t even breathe until Geralt finally speaks up. “Fine,” he grunts, his tone indicating it’s anything but fine.
Air leaves Jaskier’s lungs in a whoosh, replaced by a flood of such sheer relief that he may as well cry. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he babbles, heady with joy, “Gosh, you’re my saviour!”
“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” Geralt grumbles.
“Not a soul, Geralt, not a soul.”
“Send me the details about when and where and let’s get this over w–”
“No, wait!” Jaskier cuts in, “My family’s very perceptive, they’ll know it’s a ruse. We should plan everything carefully.”
“You’re making me regret this,” Gerlt growls.
“I’m sorry!” Jaskier hastens to say. “Just... at least tell me a bit about yourself?”
Geralt lets out an irritated sigh. “I’m forty, serve for the Royal Navy with my brothers. Eskel’s the nice one and Lambert’s the prick. My ex-wife Yennefer works for the government.” Jaskier actually shudders at this one because he already can picture it. Yennefer seems exactly powerful like that. “We have a daughter,” Geralt goes on, his tone softening, “Ciri. She’s fourteen. We live in London but I’m away often.”
“Oh, lovely,” Jaskier says with a wide smile because, really, this man’s love for his daughter is so clear and endearing, “this is something we can start with.”
“Just make everything up about our relationship and send it to me. I’ll play along.”
“Thank you,” he breathes out, still amazed at his luck. Jaskier is almost high on the success of his ingenious scheme and his obligations are therefore non-existent, so nothing stops him from teasing Geralt. “Though, to be completely honest," he says cheekily, "you don’t strike me as the type to sing praises of our love and compliment my aunts.”
“Hmm,” Geralt replies. It doesn’t sound like a negation. “Yen says I’m not that bad if I try.”
The fondness with which he said Yennefer’s name is a cold bucket of water poured on his enthusiasm. “O-oh, ok,” he stutters out, thrown off-track, “So, uhm, would you be willing to try for me?”
For a moment, Geralt says nothing, then answers, “If you give Ciri an autograph.”
Jaskier laughs out loud. “Not a problem at all! Whatever she wants.” He pauses. “Whatever you want,” he adds more seriously.  
Geralt only hmms, in a way that Jaskier’s prone-to-romanticism mind would almost call warm. Silence falls between them but it doesn’t feel awkward somehow. “Have to go,” Geralt says.
“Okay,” Jaskier replies quietly, “Thank you again. I’ll text you, yeah?”
After Geralt hangs up, Jaskier huffs out a shaky breath. Deep down, he already knows.
This is going to mess him up.
Part 2
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
      - u n d e r n e a t h    t h e    w i l l o w    t r e e -
      Age 10 The summer breeze picks up its speed; eagerly, she jumps to her feet and brushes the grass off of her shorts before running forward. She presses the bottoms of her sneakers into the trunk of the willow tree, not listening to the calls from her sister. “You’re silly!” her sister calls, sticking out her tongue. “You’re going to hurt yourself!”
Of course she doesn’t listen, because when has she ever let people dictate what she should and shouldn’t do? Never. She’s halfway up the tree and she can feel the roughness of the thick branches digging deeper and deeper into her skin, but she wants to keep going. She’s got to get to the top.
Perhaps she should have listened to her older sister though, because suddenly the wind whips her hair into her eyes and she loses her grip, tumbling through the leaves and branches and crashing dramatically on the thick bed of grass beneath her. She wants to scream, because the truth is that the pain of the fall is almost unbearable, and her sister is already screaming in horror at the sight and immediately runs inside for their parents.
And then someone appears next to her: the boy from across the street, the one who’s always fiddling with some type of baseball playing cards on the bus with his friends. The one with the turquoise eyes and the blonde hair. The one who likes to cook with his mom. The one who always waves to her when they’re both playing in their driveways. He peers down at her with concern. “Are you okay?”
She huffs in annoyance. “Does it look like I’m okay?”
In response, he giggles. “Glad to see that the fall hasn’t affected your ability to be funny!”
And alright, she can’t help it: she laughs. And he does too. The dimple on the right side of his face is quite noticeable, she realizes.
“How come you didn’t listen to your sister?” he asks, kneeling down next to her. “She was right, you know.”
“She may have been right, but I was gonna climb that tree whether she liked it or not,” the girl announces, folding her arms across her chest. Then she winces in pain, cradling her ankle that’s already beginning to swell. She’s forcing herself to not cry, not cry, not cry. She’s about to get up when the boy places a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t try and move. Trust me. Your sister went to go get your mom and dad. I’ll stay here with you until they come, is that okay?”
She nods slowly. Then he sits down next to her and leans back against the tree. To her surprise, the tears fall down her cheeks, but the boy doesn’t say anything. Instead he smiles at her and says, “I would’ve climbed that tree, too.”
And to think: this entire time, he’s been right across the street. Why haven’t they been friends this entire time?
      Age 15 “Don’t you see!” she squeals in horror, staring at something in the mirror he can’t quite see.
He’s standing behind her with an expression filled with confusion, his hands in his pockets. The bus will be soon and we haven’t had breakfast, he wants to say, but he knows if he rushes her, she’ll lash out. So instead, he impatiently says, “Um... no?” except, it kind of comes out as a question.
The girl throws her hands up in annoyance and violently rubs a brush along her jawline, careful to cover whatever it she sees that the boy cannot. “I’m going to look like such a fool! The first day of high school, and I can hardly even cover up the disaster that is my face. Why don’t they just lock me in a dungeon and be done with it! Clearly I’m ugly enough to be kept in one, far away from society!”
The boy, who’s now speedily following his friend down the steps of her house as she makes her way begrudgingly toward her refrigerator, which she opens and stares into without saying another word.
“You’re too pretty to be locked in a dungeon,” he says suddenly, catching her by surprise. They lock eyes and for a moment, things between them become still -- weirdly still. Then he clears his throat and scoots past her to grab the milk for his cereal. “Come on, it’ll be fine. You’ve got me, haven’t you?”
“You’re supposed to say that, you’re my best friend,” the girl replies, stealing the piece of toast from the toaster oven that is most definitely meant for her sister. Then she turns back to her friend and lowers her voice a bit. Her eyelashes flutter as she asks, “Do you really mean it? That I’m too pretty for a dungeon?”
The boy stops for a moment, his mouth full of Cheerios, and he wonders if she’s able to hear the steady, drumbeat pounding of his heart. He swallows and speedily stuffs another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “Nah,” he replies jokingly, “Actually, you fit the description of ‘dungeon creature’ quite perfectly, actually.”
He supposes he deserves the giant shove from her that nearly knocks him off his stool, but the two of them laugh anyway. He stops for a moment to watch her as she turns the piece of toast over and over in her hands, as if she’s examining it for any minor flaw. He realizes now that she was probably peering into the mirror, looking for flaws of her own. He wants to tell her that she won’t find any, no matter how hard she tries to look. But maybe now isn’t the right time.
“It’ll be alright,” he says finally, grabbing her attention. She doesn’t want to start high school, and he knows it. Elementary school was so easy, wasn’t it? High school has heartbreak waiting to happen. And so he tries to be as reassuring as he can. “And if it isn’t, and the world does lock you away in a dungeon, I promise to join you down there.”
Now, the idea of being locked away in a dungeon sounds better than high school ever has.
      Age 18 She’s not sure when she started crying. Maybe it was when things had started to feel a bit off a few weeks ago, and she tried a bit too hard to get him to tell her what was wrong. Maybe it was when he started canceling dates, telling her he’d reschedule, but never did. Maybe it was when she found him with her, tucked away in a corner of a restaurant, when he’d told her that he had to work that night. But either way, she’d been crying forever over him, this stupid boy from school who lead her on and lied, and never, ever comforted her when she cried.
She finally opens her eyes for a moment to look at the world around her, hoping it won’t look as dismal and awful as she feels. But the purples of her walls are duller than usual, her bed unkempt and messy, and she can hear the rain and the wind outside whip furiously through the trees. It’s mimicking her, the weather. It’s a carbon copy of how she feels inside. And yet, through her blurry vision, the sight through her windowpane is as clear as day: the boy from across the street, jumping through puddles and pulling his hood tight over his head, and within seconds, he’s sitting himself down next to her on her bed, tentatively placing a gentle hand to her shoulder.
The two of them sit in silence; it’s been eight years since they first met, and they’ve become strangely comfortable being together in complete silence. He lets her cry. He lets her throw things at her already broken closet door. He lets her start to yell and relay the whole damn story through bouts of anger, before she starts crying again. And he lets her fall into his shoulder and cry some more, her tears staining the collar of his button down shirt.
The clouds have turned dark and the rain has subsided, and her parents are calling for the two of them that dinner is ready. He’s absolutely starving, but she doesn’t feel like eating, she says. And so he stays put on her bed, massaging gentle circles into her back and speaking in soothing tones so she won’t be able to hear the grumble of his stomach.
“He wasn’t the one, you know.” he tells her, and she finally peers up at him with tears in her eyes and a small grin painted onto her face.
She nods slowly, and her lip wobbles as she opens her mouth to speak. “I know,” she squeaks, and he can hear the future cries that have yet to escape her. “I just wanted him to love me. I just want to be loved.”
“You are,” he replies, “and you will be.”
She snorts a little, and he’s trying hard to contain his laughter. He’s always found her snorts wildly hilarious. And then an involuntary, hoarse cry escapes her once more. “When?”
She peers down at her shoes, and she doesn’t know what exactly what he’s thinking, but his eyes are speaking the words he wouldn’t dare too: not here, not now. It isn’t right. And so instead, he says,
“He’s on his way, and he’s getting here as fast as he can, alright? I promise.”
Except, he’s already here, isn’t he? At least, he hopes he is. The truth is that he realized it a long time ago, and he’s been holding it close to his heart, along with her and every single small thing about her. The way her hair falls over her shoulders, the way she scrunches her nose at the sight of fish, the nervousness in her eyes when change is on its way.
It’s up to her to realize it now.
“You’re always helping me,” she whispers, not quite certain of why he’s always there in her rearview mirror, with all the drama she brings.
He grins. “Yeah, and don’t you forget it.”
She snorts again and throws a pillow at his head, and he begins to see shades of his old friend again, his friend before the heartbreak.
One day. One day he’ll speak the words he’s just swallowed, and one day, she’ll realize it, too.
Age 26 It’s funny, the way things can unfold.
Through injuries after falling out of trees.
Through painful days of high school, when kids can be so cruel.
Through failed tests, awful jobs, and a whole bunch of firsts: a first school dance, a first kiss, a first driving lesson. A first heartbreak, a first chance encounter, a first realization.
There were boys who lied and played with her heart, and there were boys who cradled it as if it were the most precious jewel in the entire world.
It’s funny, how things should have been like this years ago.
But perhaps they needed to go through all of these things to find one another, right?
These things that were theirs: like endless ice cream sundaes after being hurt by groups of friends who were manipulative and catty, like Friday nights in with tons of movies to help ease the pain of a broken bone from a rough game of football, like countless mornings watching the sunrise, just because they could.
Like that time they tried to bake a cake from scratch and they nearly added salt instead of sugar. Or the time that they (he) backed his dad’s car into the mailbox and needed to quickly come up with a story as to what had happened. Or all those times he swallowed his feelings for her, just to be a good friend.
She wished he hadn’t done that, she told him one day, in the spot she figured it all out. Underneath the willow tree.
But he’s glad he waited, he told her. He needed her to realize it on her own, just like he did.
He’s cradled her heart in his his hands for years. Because it’s precious, even more so than a jewel. He never did quite understand why people had treated it with anything but the utmost love and care. But it doesn’t matter anymore. Not when he’s promising to cradle it for the rest of his life.
She thinks she’s yelled out ‘Yes’ before he’s even finished, but the truth is, she said yes a long time ago. She said yes when realization struck. She said yes to him years ago when she let him sit down next to her in the grass, waiting for her parents that time when she broke her ankle, underneath this same tree.
She’s swimming in his turquoise eyes, and he’s getting lost in her violet ones, just like he always has. And after moments of laughter and tears and tight embraces, she looks above her, into the branches of the trees, and teases him. “Race you to the top.”
Him, her fiance, her forever. He grins at her. “You may end up with a broken ankle.”
“Maybe,” she replies, gripping the lowest branch and digging her shoes into the trunk, and suddenly, she feels ten again. “but I think it’s worth it.” And they both think back to that day, the one when they first met.
And to think: it’s been him, the entire time, all these years. The boy from across the street.
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jeezlouiisee · 4 years
Invisible  Part 3
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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your patience you have no idea how much it means to me. This chapter doesn’t have any JJ or Pope, just the girls! I hope you enjoy!
For any new comers this pairing is JJ X READER X POPE. which is basically a love triangle right now. Don’t be afraid to ask to be added to the tag list. Thanks so much! 
This is not my gif, if it is yours please let me know so I can give you credit.
Summary:  You were always quiet and shy, until you lost your mother who always encouraged you to put yourself out there. So you do and you’ve caught the eyes of two Pogues
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Cursing, panic attack
You didn’t understand. You truly couldn’t understand.
 “W-Why didn’t you tell me? You just assumed? Assumed that I didn’t like JJ? You don’t know how I felt! How I feel now. You told him no because mom died? Don’t you think that might be the reason why I needed someone?”  You were angry, extremely angry.
 “Y/N...” Your sister sighed, taking a step towards you which caused you to take a step back. 
 “Don’t. How could you keep something like this from me? Why didn’t he tell me.. I don’t...” You started to breathe heavily,  putting a hand on your chest.
 “I can’t talk to you about this right now.” You quickly turned around and went to your room, closing and locking the door. You sat on your bed and stared at your phone. You needed to talk to someone, someone who wasn’t your sister. Yet you couldn’t get yourself to call JJ or Pope. So you settled for someone else. You put the phone to your ear and listened to it ring, over and over.
“Sarah? Can we talk? I’m kind of freaking out.” Your voice was definitely shaking. 
 “What do you mean? Freaking out about what?” She sounded a bit worried.
 “It’s a really long story but can we go somewhere to talk? Like the beach or something.” Your voice sounded a bit desperate when you asked her. 
 “Oh yeah okay sure. Give me a few.” Once you two finished the call you definitely started pacing, mumbling to yourself at what to do. When you got the text telling you Sarah was here you walked out of your room, pausing when you saw your sister. 
“Y/N talk to me.” Shelby had two bowls of ice cream out, she always tried using ice cream to cheer you up.
 “About what? The fact that you kept this huge secret from me for years? I can’t talk about it right now. Can you give me some time?” Your sister sighed, running her fingers through her hair. 
 “Okay fine. I’ll give you time. But if you’re going out I want you home by midnight got it?” She said sternly. You nodded and looked down at your phone. It was 10:15 you had an hour and  45 minutes to vent to Sarah. 
 “I’ll be back by midnight I promise.” That’s all you said before walking out and going to Sarah’s car, getting in. 
 “What’s going on Y/N?” Sarah asked, looking very confused and even a bit concerned. 
“Turns out JJ wasn’t obsessed with my sister.” You mumbled, looking down at your hands. 
 “I don’t understand.” She shook her head, frowning a bit. 
 “Look can we talk about this when we get to the beach? It’s a long story, kind of and I want to be further away from my house when I tell you.” You said, laying your head back against the headrest. Sarah simply nodded, chewing her lip a bit as she turned the car into drive and drove to the beach. During the ride she tried to get at least a little bit of what was going on but you weren’t budging. Once you got to the beach you both got out of the car and you hugged your arms closer to your chest.  You both hadn’t even gotten to the shore when you blurted out. 
“Me. It was me. He liked me. Apparently he was always talking to her about me but she kept telling him I wasn’t interested.” You let out a sigh, looking down. Sarah stopped in her tracks, eyes wide. 
 “JJ.. likes you? Has a crush on you? Are you sure? I mean, I didn’t even know that he knew you existed.” 
Ouch. “I didn’t mean it like that.” She said quickly, her face looking guilty.
 “No it’s fine really, I didn’t even know he knew I existed either. It’s just.. he’s JJ Maybank ya know? I don’t know what he sees in me but the fact that he kept pursuing me even after my sister repeatedly told him I wasn’t interested.. I just don’t know what to do.” You sighed, starting to walk again. You decide to take your sandals off so you could feel the sand under your feet. 
 “Were you? Interested I mean.” She asked, doing the same with her sandals too. 
“I have no idea, Sarah! I mean.. I didn’t really think about JJ like that until we kissed, but if I had known back then.. I would’ve thought about it.” You sighed, using her free hand to rub your face. 
 “So tell him how you feel. Or how you think you feel.” She said, shrugging a bit. 
“I don’t really know how I feel. Besides I told Pope I would go on a date with him and I’m not the type of person to cancel. Plus I don’t want cause drama between them. I’m just so confused.” You sighed, pausing to plop down onto a rock that was near you two. 
“Maybe you need a list.” She suggested, sitting down next to you. 
 “A list?” You raised an eyebrow at that. 
 “Yeah a pros and cons list to decide who you like more. Or who is more compatible.” Sarah smiled a bit, thinking it was a good suggestion. 
 “I know who I’m more compatible with Sarah.” You sighed, chewing your lip. 
“Okay let me rephrase that, just because you and Pope like some of the same things and you’re both nerdy doesn’t mean he’s good for you. With John B, I can be myself. He brings out the best parts of me. You need someone who does that for you.” You nodded slowly, looking out at the water in though. 
 “How would I come up with this list though?” You put your head in your hands. 
“Kie and I can help! Sleepover at her place I’ll text her.” She pulled out her phone. “Wait are you sure about this?” You suddenly lifted your head up to reach over to grab her phone but she moved to fast out of the way. 
 “Yes! We don’t want fighting among Pogues, even if it’s slightly entertaining.” Sarah then shoved her phone back into her pocket with a grin. 
 “She’s in, let’s go!” She grabbed your arm and was already pulling you to her car. 
 “Sarah I need to ask my sister! She said she wanted me home by midnight not a sleepover. Plus I need clothes.” You tried to get out as you were pulled to Sarah’s car. 
 “Then text her, call her, whatever,” She shrugged as she got to the drivers side of her car and got in. You sighed and got in, folding your arms. 
“Maybe if you come in and talk to her it’ll convince her? Maybe? Since we’re in a fight considering she kept this from me.” You suggested, shrugging a bit. 
“I guess I could try that. It wouldn’t hurt.” Sarah nodded, driving back to your house. You fiddled with your bracelet on your arm, the one your mom had gotten you for your 13th birthday. It was braided with blue and green thread and had a charm attached to the end string. After what seemed like an eternity of you overthinking this entire situation you finally got back to your house. You checked the time on your phone. 11:35. 
 “Okay. Let’s do this.” You sighed and got out of the car, walking to your door with Sarah in toe. 
 “We got this. It’ll be great.” She grinned widely at you as you grabbed your key from behind your  phone in your phone case and using it to unlock the door. You slowly opened the door and peaked your head inside. 
 “Shelby?” You called out hesitantly. 
 “Y/n?” Shelby ran out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around herself. She suddenly paused when she saw Sarah standing behind you. 
 “Oh hi, Sarah right?” She asked, glancing to you as she cuddled the towel closer to her body. 
 “Hi yeah. I’m really sorry to intrude in short notice but I really think a sleepover would be good for Y/N and Kiara is hosting. Plus she has that date with Pope tomorrow so we’re just trying to prep her for it.” Sarah said with a smile. Shit. You hadn’t told Shelby about the date. Her eyes suddenly went wide as her head snapped to look at you. 
 “You have a date with Pope?” She questioned, her voice a bit tight. 
 “Yes. I said yes before I found out about everything.. so I want this sleepover. I want it to help me figure stuff out. Let me branch out.” You repeated what your mom always used to say to you. You noticed it definitely caused Shelbys face to drop a bit. She ran a hand through her wet hair with a sigh. 
 “Okay fine. But please text me when you get to her house and text me in the morning when you wake up okay? I have an early shift at the Wreck so I’ll be there if you need me. Got it?” She said sternly, trying to be an authority figure but you knew she feeling extremely guilty. She walked over to you and brought you into a tight hug with one arm while the other kept her towel around her. She rested her chin on your shoulder as she whispered in your ear. 
 “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you I promise.” She said before pulling away. You nodded at her, chewing your lip a bit as you started walking to your room. Your sister walked to her room as she mumbled goodbye to you and Sarah. Sarah walked into your room behind you, looking around. 
 “Your room is nice.” She smiled, sitting on your bed. You mumbled a thanks before grabbing one of your tote bags and putting some clothes for the sleepover into it. 
 “Don’t bring anything for your date. Kiara or I will find something great for you to wear.” She grinned as she watched you pack for the sleepover. 
 “Okay sure. I’m still kind of freaking out.” You breathed, putting the bag over your shoulder. 
 “Why are you freaking out? Because of the date? Or the whole Pope and JJ both liking you thing?” Sarah asked as she stood, running her fingers through her hair. 
 “Both. I mean, I liked Pope so much but he didn’t even notice me so I decided to ignore those feelings and now they’re just there? But I have no idea if they’re platonic or not, then there’s JJ I mean look at him he’s JJ. I never in a million years would think he would like me. Sure in middle school we talked a bit here and there before the Pogues became the Pouges.” You rambled quickly, shaking your head. 
“Let’s just go so we can make the stupid list.” You grumbled as you walked out of your house with Sarah following you. 
 “Do you know who you might like more?” She asked, opening her car door before getting in. You shrugged before getting in the car too. 
 “I have no clue. I think I need to get to know them more. Probably.. well I know Pope but romantically you know?” You shrugged, looking straight ahead as Sarah started heading to Kiaras house. 
 “Well JJ isn’t really the romantic type, at least with the girls he’s been with but since he’s liked you for a while who knows.” You didn’t know why but that stung a bit. You knew he was definitely experienced but thinking about all the girls he’s been with definitely made you anxious. 
 “How many girls has he been with?” You squeaked out, your cheeks heating up from asking her that. 
 “Well before I met him I definitely knew about it his reputation but once I hung around him a lot I definitely saw that his reputation was true. So I’m not trying to freak you out but I want to say at least 30 girls? But in the span of 3 years so if he was with exactly 30 then it probably would’ve been 10 girls a year. Although I think it was more than thirty.” Sarah was definitely rambling, not trying to hurt your feelings but it definitely stung. 
 “What if I’m just a notch on his belt then? What if he doesn’t actually like me and he’s just showing me attention because he wants to sleep with me.” You frowned. It was like everything clicked. He was only interested in you so he could sleep with you. 
 “No no no.” Sarah said suddenly just as you two got to Kiaras house. She quickly put the car in park and then turned it off, facing you. 
 “You said that your sister said he liked you since you were both were 12 right? There is no way he just wanted to sleep with you when he was 12. He didn’t even start sleeping around since he was 14, at least that’s what John B said. So he’s liked you since before he started doing stuff with other girls. He probably starting sleeping around to get over you.” She said as Kiara walked out her front door. Sarah got out but you continued to stay in the car. You were freaking out, your chest was tightening up. What if he really only wanted to sleep with you? You watched as Sarah and Kie started talking but you couldn’t move. He could’ve liked you at first but then once your sister kept telling him to back off his feelings went away. He probably just saw you at the party looking all pretty and just wanted to have a good time, he’s probably doing all this because he probably knows you’re a virgin and wants to be able to brag about it. Your eyes shut closed as you gripped your bag tightly, gasping for air as tears slid down your cheeks. You started to breath even heavier the more the thoughts ran through your head. You flinched when you suddenly heard the passenger door open. 
 “Y/N?” Kiara crouched down so she was more level with you. 
 “What’s going on? Are you okay?” She asked, concerned. All you could do was shake your head, still gasping for air as you clung even tighter to your bag.
 “Hey come on talk to us.” Sarah said as she crouched next to Kie. “I think she’s having a panic attack.” She said, reaching over to pull you into a hug. At first you flinched but when the girls started to hug you tightly it caused you calm down slowly. Your breathing was getting normal. 
 “I-I’m... I’m sorry. The whole JJ thing...” You mumbled, pulling away from them. 
“I’m fine really.” They stood up to give you room to get out of the car, which you did. You still felt some remnants from your mini panic attack but you didn’t want to tell them about it just yet. “
Are you sure?” Sarah asked, frowning a bit at you. 
 “I didn’t mean to freak you out, seriously. You asked and I was just trying to be honest with you but I highly doubt that he’s using you for sex. Trust me.” Sarah looked extremely guilty, pulling you into a hug again. 
 “No trust us. I see the way JJ looks at you. He’s interested in you and not just a sexual way.” Kie said as she hugged you both. You were glad you had decided to go to that boneyard party. 
 “Okay I’m definitely feeling better. Let’s make this list and have a good time, okay?” You grinned as you pulled away. The girls grinned at you as you all walked up to Kiaras room after you closed the passenger door. You all said hi to her parents who were in the kitchen. Her house was amazing, Kie was a kook but you still weren’t expecting it. You all quickly run up to her room, once the door is open you look around her room with a huge smile. The house may not have screamed Kie but her room definitely did. 
 “Wow Kie, your room is amazing.” You said as you sat down on her desk chair. 
“Thanks Y/N it’s not that big of a deal.” She shrugged as she sat down. You nodded a little, definitely knowing it was but decided not to say anything else. 
“So where do we start?” You asked, fiddling with your fingers. 
 “Okay so pros and cons.” Sarah said eagerly with a huge grin on her face. Oh fuck. Why did you agree to this? 
taglist: @baby-pogue​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @microwaved-timmies​ @http-cherries​ @ephemeral-queen​ @queenofthebees003​ @tonyedwardstarkk​ @harrysbbby​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @jeyramarie​ @sspidermanss​ @pm-my-hubbies​ @yeehaw87​ @k-k0129​ @spiderman-2013​ @jjsjuiceboxx​
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foxydivaxx · 3 years
The Mystery of The Black Rose Chapter 1
After this, I don't think I can write any stories or anything anymore. I should just quit.
The Davis family at a glance seem to have it all. A seemingly perfect, well rounded and God-fearing family. The late Chief Gboyega Davis passed away about 18 years ago and many expected the matriarch of the family to falter over her husband's death. Yet this woman somehow managed to bounce back via her clothing line Violet Life which is reportedly worth a billion dollars.
Naturally with such success, there would be a lot of pressure on each of her three children to succeed in whatever chosen field that they set their sights on. So far, the oldest two children are doing well in their careers. Temitope, the oldest child and the only son of the family, is now a successful and highly respected doctor. Bisola who is currently married is an accountant for Savannah Bank.
All that remained at the moment is the youngest child Wuraola who is still in University studying Journalism in the hopes that she makes it as journalist someday. The girl comes across as a shy yet sweet and friendly person to be around. However, there lies a great pain in her heart. Said pain emerged one fateful day during a phone conversation with her sister Bisola.
"Wura, you are overreacting again. Mother isn't like that."
Thank goodness their mother had gone out otherwise had the woman listened in on Wura's rant, the child's situation could have gotten worse.
"Seriously Wura calm down. Also, yelling like that will not help matters. Plus mum had every right to yell at both you and Yemisi since both of you do not know what you are doing half the time!!"
Wura just sighs. Why did she even bother herself with reporting her mother to her sister who is obviously so blind and refuses to look at anyone's point of view? It is almost as though Bisola cares more about herself than anyone else and it shows.
"So you mean to tell me that I should take whatever beatings and insults that woman throws at me?" Wura asks in a cold tone.
"Wura she is your mother...."
The last born immediately hangs up on her sister and lies down on her bed. For the past couple years, she had been questioning her role in the family. As far as she is concerned, they are all chess pieces in whatever evil game their mother intends to play.
I can't believe people find that woman's behavior to be cute. That is not cute. That is pure borderline abuse. How come no one has seen through her bullshit yet?
That was about five years ago.
Five years later, the entire family had gathered at the main Davis family home to have a family dinner to celebrate the 18th anniversary of Chief Davis' passing. As per tradition, the family and their friends and various well known celebrities that they happen to know would show up at the Church for a special Thanksgiving service. The family then heads to the family home to eat together and send some time before heading off to their various homes.
"Wait, where is Wura?" The kids' aunt, Aunty Yewande asked. The rest of the family exchanged looks.
Temitope snorts. "Hmmph that girl. She is probably watching that her favorite Korean show." he says with a mocking tone and shrugs. If there was one thing the family often mocks Wura for, it is her obsession with Korean dramas and Kpop which they often found childish.
"Or she could be sleeping. At times, Wura gets tired after church services and just doses off. She did not head downstairs for lunch." Says Violeta their mother.
"I will go fetch her." Says Bisola as she raises up from her seat. She takes slow yet tentative steps as she walks up the steep stairs.
"Wura come downstairs!! Dinner is ready!!" she calls out to her sister.
No response.
No do not panic. The girl is fine. She is fine. Nothing bad had happened to her. She is perfectly fine. Bisola kept on reassuring herself as she keeps on walking until she arrives at her youngest sister's room.
Of all the Davis children, Wura has the largest room with cute pink colored walls and white furniture at the girl's request. At the corner of the room lay a collection of CDS and books messily stacked up on the shelves above Wura's study desk. It seemed that the girl hadn't cleaned up at all. Bisola sighs. Their mother is strict on cleanliness and Wura always bore the brunt of abuse for being disorganized and having poor hygiene. This naturally affected Wura at school because how can someone so disorganized and scatterbrained like her even do well at all?
Bisola pauses as she hears notices a sea of water coming out of underneath the door of Wura's bathroom.
"Jesus wept." Could Wura have left the tap open to overflow like that?
Is she in there?
She slowly walks over towards the door and opens it. The sight that greets her forces her to scream her lungs out. Right inside the bathtub was none other than a naked Wura who seemed to be completely knocked out. There were heavy cuts and bruises all over her body and beside her were tubes of prescription pills. The rest of the family get alerted by the scream and rush upstairs to see what the fuss was about.
"Bisola wh-" Temitope freezes once he sees it. His wife Amelia gasps. When Violeta joins them, she immediately passes out with Yetunde holding on to her. "Mama Tope!! Please wake up!!"
Tope immediately springs into action and gets into the bathtub and picks up his little sister's unconscious body whilst Bisola's husband Timothy pulls out his mobile phone and immediately calls the nearest hospital.
"Hello!! Y-Yes!! We have an emergency here!! Our youngest family member drowned in the bathtub!! Please send paramedics down here!!"
Meanwhile, Tope performs emergency CPR on his sister, hoping and praying that the girl wakes up. Unfortunately for him, it seemed all his efforts were in vain. He then checks her pulse and his heart sinks.
"S-She is gone guys."
"No.." Bisola muttered in total disbelief. Tope simply sighs, trying not to appear emotional as he stares down at her body, his hands shaking in rage.
"Breaking news!! The youngest daughter of the Davis family, Wuraola was found dead in the bathtub of her bedroom at around 7.30pm today. Official cause of death is still unknown." says a news reporter who had just arrived at the scene.
Paremedics soon arrive and place Wura's body onto a stretcher and head outside. "NO!! Give me back my baby!!" Violeta screams as she chases after the paramedics. "Mummy calm down." Says Bisola.
The woman slumps onto the floor and begins to weep bitterly. Tope has tears in his eyes as his brother-in law comforts him. Amelia on the other hand, just stares up at the ceiling above them, not a single tear in sight. Thank goodness the only grandson of the family was with her parents. Lord knows how they would explain about what had just happened to his favorite aunt.
The Chief Inspector of Police arrives flanked by a group of police officers.
"Ah, good evening Mr Kasali." Says Bisola.
He simply replies her with a curt nod. "Please lead us to the crime scene."
Tope wipes his tears and takes it upon himself to lead them up to the room. "This was where we found her." he says, pointing at the bathtub which was still filled with water. There were still some blood stains on the tub.
The Inspector nods to one of his men who pulls out his phone and takes a photograph of the crime scene. Another set of police officers begin to investigate the area.
"Did anyone else come into the room with her?"
"No sir. It was just her. We hadn't seen her since afternoon. I remember her saying something about wanting to take a nap because she was tired and did not even join us for lunch."
He was not saying the complete truth, that he already knows. Nevertheless, Kasali chose not to press him even further.
"Did she have a fight with anyone?"
Tope begins to think. "She did have an argument with mummy but that was over where she wanted to go for her Masters."
Pure utter lies. It hurts that he has to cover up their family's tracks here.
Kasali nods as he notes all this down. "Alright. We shall leave no stone unturned in this case. You have my word on that."
He turns around and walks over to a police officer who holds up a blood-stained razor blade and knife.
Tope's eyes widened in shock. "Holy shit!!"
His mind then flashes back to one particular day where he had just returned home after his graduation. He remembers seeing Wura holding a knife and him immediately confiscating it from her.
Wura please don't tell me you still harmed yourself.
"Very well. Pack that up. We will have to talk to others that know her in order to understand what led her death." With that, he and the other police officers leave.
Once everyone else was gone, Tope immediately walks over to his mother and grabs her by the hand.
"What the hell did you tell Wura that led to her death mother?! Tell me huh!! What did you do to her?!!"
"Ah hah!! Tope leave our mother!! Can't you see she is still upset?!"
"Shut up Bisola!! You do not help matters at all with your nonchalant attitude!!"
Bisola immediately keeps silent. He then stares at their mother who was cowering in fear. "I will not repeat myself again mum. What did you tell Wura?"
The woman gulps, fear gripping her as she meets her son's angered glance.
"W-Well.....you know that Wura is a messy person who is also a scatterbrain. She always forgets things. Today she forgot to give a special package I had wrapped for Mama Kanyin."
The boy's death glare intensifies. "So because of a stupid package, you sent her to her death."
The woman looks away.
"See? That proves my point. You and Bisola should be proud of yourselves because you have murdered my little sister!!" With that, he walks away, leaving a stunned mother and sister behind.
The boy stomps all the way down and sighs to himself as he walks towards his car and slams the door shut. Amelia had already left the vicinity to go pick up things from the supermarket. He could have done better and saved Wura from that place. From all those horrible people. But he himself was way too consumed with his own darkness, his own madness to even save his little sister.
He would not necessarily call himself the closet sibling to Wura but he still tried his best to be a big brother.
He just sits down in the driver's seat, his mind a total mess as different conflicting voices start to fight for control over him. Almost as though he were possessed. Maybe he was.
He then hears his phone buzzing which distracts him for a brief second. Reaching for his iPhone, he sees a notification about a message from an unknown number. Suspecting that it could be one of his crazy girlfriends, he checks the phone and is met by the following message:
Shine your eyes Mister man,
Your problems are not yet over,
No matter how saintly you try to be now,
Your sins are about to come crashing down on you.
Tope simply laughs it off. "Sins. What sins?" Truth be told, he is aware of what this mysterious person was talking about. However, he thinks little of such.
"Must be one of Danielle's tricks to try and get into my pants again. Stupid bitch does not know when to quit." He mutters as he starts the engine and begins to drive off to his home.
Bisola sighs as she sits down in her old bedroom. Unlike Wura's, hers was a lot more subtle with plain neutral colors. Her mother was fast asleep haven given her some medication to calm her nerves down and try to force her to sleep. So far her plan worked.
Her husband has gone off to go check on their son whilst she stays with her mother to keep watch over her. Before she could do anything else, her phone vibrates next to her on the bedside table. Fearing for the worst, she picks up the phone and checks her messages and gasps upon reading a rather vague yet scathing text.
You try to see the good in others,
Yet you refuse to acknowledge your inner darkness,
Your careless tongue and bitchy attitude caused the death of someone,
Someone that ought to be close to you,
Your other brother has problems no doubt,
But at least deep down he has a heart unlike you and that wretched witch
You call a mother,
"Who sent this?" Bisola asks. No. Wura is dead. There is no way she could have sent this even though the tone used her sounds exactly like her. Must be some friend of hers.
"Friend? Wura and friends? Pfft. Yeah right." As far as she and the rest of the family knew, Wura had little to no friends. Or so she thinks.
Meanwhile, Tope arrives at his house on Banana Island. Compared to Alakada, Banana is more of a surburban area filled to the brim with extremely wealthy individuals, mostly politicians and famous musical and movie superstars and a couple wealthy billionaires.
He packs the car and walks off to his penthouse suite that he recently bought with the new paycheck given to him by his boss Dr Roberts. Perks of being a in-demand doctor.
Once he reaches his suite, he heads straight to the living room and throws his blazer onto the couch and takes a seat on one of the chairs.
"You are back."
He looks up to see his beautiful wife who was wearing a purple silk dressing gown over her night gown. He nods. "This day has been a horrible day for me." He mutters. His wife takes a seat beside him.
"Poor Wura."
He simply nods and remains silent. Lord knows how they would fix this mess.
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unironicduncanstan · 4 years
so ,,, i used to collect littlest pet shop (mostly the 1st and 2nd gen ones bc yall i am old) and theyre long gone now but. these are some of the lps i remember playing with and giving distinct personalities growing up. most of them didnt have names at all so im just referring to them with numbers and pictures. also warning it gets pretty Dark bc weird kid culture but here we go;;;
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the first is #11 and #86. they were my absolute FAVORITES, a mother and daughter duo, a lot of their stories revolved around the kitten getting lost and the mom having to get to her, or the kitten dying and the mom having a mental breakdown. 11 mostly acted as a single mom but sometimes id cycle out different potential dads, usually the dog lps bc i did Not care abt the actual scientific lack of interspecial breeding possibilities
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#25. a basic white picket fence ass dude, really common choice as the ‘dad’ in the above situation, he also was not immune to being ‘killed off’ for angst. was also cheated on a couple times by 11 (THOSE WERE AUS THO,,, DONT CANCEL HER ITS OK TO KEEP STANNING)
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#200. she was #11s best friend, I think her name might have been hannah??? anyways if the mom and dad were killed off sometimes she’d “adopt” #86. but usually only after #86 fell into the custody of a terribly neglectful parent for a while and had to be rescued bc again, in my gay neurodivergent little brain peace was never an option
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#487. another love interest for #11, usually competed with #25 in an almost edward vs jacob type battle of cool brooding boy and average mcfamily man. he was a big fav
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#672. number #487s sister! usually either helped him get #11 like a wingman, or i’d flip the cards and make her manipulative and sabotage 11 bc she didnt think she was good enough for her brother. the personality switches id give characters were rly like. getting the bad ending in a video game,
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#44. YET ANOTHER,, LOVE INTEREST FOR THAT ONE CAT,,,, but it was one sided and he always lost. poor friend zone ass simp im sorry man idk why you deserved that 😔 i think sometimes though id pair him with #200/hannah at the end. cant get the girl date her best friend idk i was 8 my morals were not always applicable to the adult situations i created
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#14. SO I,,,, i ended up with three of these. and in the end i made them triplets that performed for the circus and were unhappy in their life of exploitation. i think sometimes they would. form a sui pact to escape their torment.
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Groovy goat / unnumbered. I remember she was spanish to me but spoke mostly english, this decision was made bc i was an extremely white american child, and she was almost always involved somehow in a story bc she was my favorite design ever. anyways she usually was a model that would give a struggling lps a ‘makeover’ like that one scene in any dramatic disney live action film ever made
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#464. another fav bc of her design omg. she was like a little sweetheart and would often play the role of ‘baby’ for any species i didnt already have designated ‘babies’ for. BUT, when i’d play with the other hamsters (we’ll get 2 them in a sec), i made them all the same age and theyd all crush on her at the same time lmao the DRAMA
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#34, #35, #36. they were brothers and in order from left to right;;; biggest brother and a leader+positive role model, then the punkish middle brother that didnt like to listen and would often get them all in trouble, then the youngest nerdy brother that was naive and soft and did w/e he was told. they stuck together thru all their antics, except when #464 was involved, then theyd have a classic ‘fighting over a girl then realizing thats ridiculous’ arc. rly loved these guys cuz i always wanted a hamster so id pretend they were real animals sometimes too loL
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#693. i got thsi in a mcdonalds happy meal but anyways she was a princess/queen/whatever and was very spoiled royalty. probably tried to behead some of the other lps idk. all she wanted was drama and money
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#112. punk boy,,, usually paired with one of the ‘popular’ girls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh my god did i government assign this dog duncan kin b4 td even existed yet
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#48, #79 #42. !! HUGE FUCKEN BITCH ALERT !! (popular girls trio lol), i think a couple times i like, aged down #11 and got rid of the kitten for a ~highschool au~ where these girls bullied her but she ofc ended up stealing the middle ones man. and then other times i just paired the middle girl with #112 in a genuine ‘opposites attract’ ship . where were u guys when i was making duncney lps a thing tbh
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#59. i love this guy but he was just an eccentric dork and mostly used for comedic effect
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#43. love interest for #59 that he goofily fawned over till he eventually got the girl at the end of every story bc i loved cliches
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#673. usually a mysterious adventurous girl from out of town that meets the mains in my story and befriends them/helps them out. also a close friend of the groovy goat character
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“Paws off diary” Bull Terrier. ok this ones weird but he came in this lil electronic diary right (you can google how it looks to see what i mean) and there was this like, plastic bubble on top that he came in and you could stick him or any other lps in there and shut it securely cuz it was a diary so i. used it as like. a prison almost where id trap lps and the other characters had to ‘save’ them like they were rescuing a princess from a tower or smth. but it was usually just this lil guy. also he was given a name but i was kinda cheating skjdfsdf it was, “Max” bc that was always his name in the commercials for the diary--
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#646 and #647, twin orphans separated at birth. did a lot of princess and the pauper esque ‘long lost siblings from different worlds’ reunion stories with these two
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#94. so this one came with a head bandage and a little medical looking case to carry them in. i used the carry case as like an ‘ambulance’ or med helicopter to put ‘sick’ pets in and carry them to the hospital, and this pet had chronic illness so they were always the roommate patient at the lps hospital.
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#10 and #142, the goldfish couldnt be taken out of the bowl if i remember correctly so. he felt sad and isolated but the seahorse was his best friend who was able to go anywhere so id stick him in the bowl with him a lot to hang out n make him feel better. solidarity
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#463. i LOVED her design, so i used her a lot as just a friend to whoever i was playing with. she was also one of the bigger birds so shes the only one i remember really utilizing as a ‘this character can literally fly’ plot device. she also might have been magic i dont remember. ik whenever i did the circus story she was always in it
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#37, #38 and #39. i lost the ‘girl’ one early on, like completely lost it and never found it again so idk what happened to it. so the story was the other two were brothers in a constant search for their long lost sister. sometimes id either have another lps be their sister or make a ‘found family’ trope out of somebody
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#331. i had two of these and they come with little hats but i lost one of the hats so. evil twin story babey the regular one was a nice old pirate guy but the one with the hat was evil and nobody could ever tell the difference
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devnicolee · 4 years
The Chosen Ones (6)
Warnings: Slow burn, angst 
Word Count: 9,150
Pairings: M’Baku x Original Character
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
A/N: This took forever... slowly realizing I am a slow writer lol also this story was only supposed to be 5 chapters. It is going to be more like 8. Someone teach me how to write shorter stories and chapters lol Enjoy!
Asha gingerly opened her eyes to the darkness of her bedroom, her deep red curtains blocking the sunlight she knew tried to shine through her window. She stretched her arms and legs slightly, grimacing at the soreness that still coursed through her bones. She closed her eyes again, focusing internally to feel her powers once again at full force. The panther inside was rested and rejuvenated... ready for a new day. After years of begging to be rid of them, it was unnerving and terrifying to have exhausted them the way she did last night. She was slowly coming to realize that even in her lifelong hate of her powers, she still relied on them to catch her if she ever fell. Last night was an example of what would happen when the safety net was not beneath her. That was enough to force the young princess on her journey to accepting her powers, even without her conversation with Bast.
She thought back to her conversation with Bast briefly but refused to let her mind spiral too far down that black hole.
It is too early to dissect that, she determined silently. She would need a cup of strong coffee… maybe Jabari rum, to process that. 
She lazily rolled over to her side, eyes still heavy and tired, deciding to fall back into the unconscious world for a bit. Quiet moments passed before she opened her eyes again, coming face to face with the slumbering giant in her bed. Her eyes widened with shock as she took in M'Baku's resting form and deep, gentle snores.
I must have been more tired than I thought last night, she thought to herself, knowing that if she had all her wits about her... she certainly would not have forgotten falling asleep with the man of her dreams under her covers.
The desire for more sleep vanished like a flash of lightning. Small flashes of the night before appeared in her mind like a movie. Him carrying her to the fire, her asking him to stay in her bed, his heavy arm pulling her close to him, the warmth of his chest, him saying he would care if she died.
I would care. 
How could three simple words carry so much weight? Perhaps because aside from her siblings, no one had ever said it about her before. She loved him... She was in love with him. And she never felt it more strongly or deeply than last night when he held her in his arms. They hadn't done anything... hadn't even shared a kiss but that was intimacy unlike anything Asha had ever experienced. Staying like this with him was far more appealing than the drama she knew waited for her outside her bedroom's vibranium-enforced walls. 
She could see it now: waking up to his soft snores in the mornings, the thumps of his strong heartbeat against her ear as she laid on his chest, his strong arms wrapped around her to keep her close and safe, his natural body heat keeping her warm. She wanted it... craved it. And she thought nothing could top waking up in his bed that morning in Jabariland? This beat that by miles.
Her fingers ran up and down his bicep, feeling the strong muscle beneath the surface that gave him his sculptured figure. His eyes opened slowly at her light touch, the warrior inside crushing the heavy sleeper he once was as a child. A smile crept across his face as he took her in for the first time that day, a sight he certainly could get used to. He decided that there would be no better way than to start his days than with this woman by his side.
"Good morning," he said, his deep voice raspy and somehow more sexier than normal to Asha. 
"Good morning," she answered back, a sly smile on her face.  A silence fell over the two for a few moments as they just laid and stared at each other. Asha looked away, the intensity in his eyes too much for her. The joy of waking up with him was slowly morphing into dread. It was unfortunate that she could so clearly articulate the feelings she had for him to herself but the moment she had the opportunity to say them to him? She clammed up and shut down. The sun was up and a new day meant they would have to talk... about their complicated feelings, what they could be to each other, what it would mean for their families, their tribes. Asha didn't even know if she was still engaged... though she figured it was a safe guess to assume that arrangement had ended. 
She knew she wanted to choose M'Baku and figured he felt the same. After all, why would he still be here if he didn’t? But still, she dreaded asking... dreaded revealing her true feelings only to be disappointed. Asha's life was a series of moments where she thought things were going well and life veered down a hill of ragged rocks. Hasani was a great example... something she thought could work out only to be sadly mistaken. She was tired of expecting smooth sailing only to be met with rough seas and disappointment. She wanted desperately to believe this would be different, but her fear was real. She didn't know which conversation she was dreading more: the one with her brother and sister or the one in front of her right now. 
"W-we should probably get up, yes? I need to talk to my brother and sister. I-I should have called them last night," Asha said quickly, stumbling over her words a bit. Ultimately, she chose her siblings, that crisis seemed less daunting than whatever was going on between them. Besides, it seemed selfish to focus on building a new life with someone after lighting her old one on fire. It was her duty to help put it out first. 
She watched a look of surprise and disappointment flash across his face as she sat up to get out of bed. But to his credit, he did not voice it. He didn't want to get around her family and lose the opportunity to finally talk about them. He knew what last night meant for her family and he felt for them. But he also knew that last night meant the end of her engagement. M'Baku was not as selfless as he hoped to be so he couldn't help but see all of this as another barrier between them falling, granting them a clearer path ahead. But as T'Challa rightfully reminded him, selfishness was not Asha's way. They would need to deal with the consequences of last night before she would ever consider their future.
"Yes. Your sister left these for you, since yours were destroyed."  
He handed her a delicate set of new beads, which she quickly slid onto her wrist as she muttered a soft thank you. They blinked purple for a few moments when they touched her wrist, resyncing themselves with her information. 
M'Baku quickly excused himself to go back to his own guest room and change his clothes, allowing Asha to do the same.  
Asha used the new set of beads Shuri left with M'Baku to send messages to her siblings, mother, and Nakia, asking the group to meet her in T'Challa's office in 15 minutes. She was desperate to see them, to talk to them. Guilt rose like bile in her throat as she contemplated what to say, the appropriate apologies and explanations she needed to give for her reckless actions. Her father always said she would be the downfall of their tribe and she always vowed to prove him wrong. She had quite spectacularly failed at that. She knew they would ask about her flying adventure and she was not quite sure on what to tell them. Would she tell them of her near brush with death, her visit to the Planes, her conversation with Bast... her desperate attempts to stay there?
No... she quickly decided. 
The rest? Maybe, Bast seemed to believe there was some quest she had to fulfill and she had no earthly idea what it could be. Perhaps the other two-thirds of the Golden Trio could help her decipher Bast's riddles. But she knew she could never tell them that she tried to choose death, that would be hard to admit and even harder for them to hear. 
Once dressed, she walked outside her room to find Alexis waiting. Her guard did not even attempt to hide her jubilation at seeing the Princess alive, well and whole as she quickly swept the girl into a tight hug. Despite her surprise, Asha returned it with equal vigor, tightly wrapping her guard and confidant in her embrace. 
"Don't ever scare us like that again," Alexis stated sternly in her ear, though there was a plea buried under Alexis' usual abrasive tone.
"Never... I promise," Asha said back. It seemed Alexis decided that her stern warning would do and let the young girl go. Asha smiled at her before the two started toward M'Baku's guest quarters. 
M'Baku emerged from his door as soon as his guard knocked to alert him of Asha's arrival, having been ready moments before. The two shared a smile but no words, having just seen each other, and continued on the journey to T'Challa's office. 
Asha tried her best to ignore the stares and hushed whispers of the palace staff they passed. She knew what it meant. Her powers were no longer a palace secret... the thing many knew of or suspected but dared not talk about. Now, she imagined the secret was free and circulating through the palace and country like air, being soaked up by person after person after person. She felt exposed, naked… particularly without her rings she completely destroyed. 
However, she was determined not to let them get to her. Where yesterday's Asha would have shrunk into the shadows and hid in her room, today's Asha forced herself to hold her head high. It was difficult, she found herself desperate to hide at moments. But every time she did, a voice whispered to her and reminded her that she was a child of Bast. If Bast would not tolerate her kneeling before her, she certainly would not accept her cowering before anyone else. 
Asha knew the true transformation into the person Bast wanted her to be... the person she was apparently meant to be would take time. One meeting with Bast, one night would not change how she felt about herself, or stop her desire to run away from who she was. She knew she was still miles away from where Bast wanted her to be and where Wakanda apparently needed her to be, but she would celebrate any small step in the right direction. 
They rounded a corner and found themselves face to face with T'Challa's unmanned office door. She didn't announce her presence, simply opening the door to find her favorite people in this world huddled around T'Challa's desk. She didn't get a word out or even cross the threshold of the office before a speeding ball crashed into her and almost knocked her off her feet. There was no need to look down and figure out who it was, only one person in her world hugged like a mini cannonball.
She wrapped her arms tightly around her sister before pulling back to hold her face in her hands. Shuri looked as though she aged years in that one night. She looked up and found similar looks of worry and exhaustion on everyone else's face, bags and worry lines that could not be hidden by their wide smiles at seeing her.
Shuri seemed reluctant to let her go but finally did, giving her brother the chance to wrap her in a bone-crushingly tight hug.
"We are glad you are ok," he said.
Just hearing his voice, the voice of her first and fiercest protector caused tears to spring up to her eyes. She hid them as best she could but she knew the dam wouldn't hold for much longer. The round-robin of hugs continued with Nakia and Okoye before Asha turned back to face her brother again.
Her right hand fidgeted with the long sleeve on her cardigan, her apprehension and nerves clearly on display. They calmed slightly at the soothing circles M'Baku rubbed into her back and his presence so close to her as she tried to overcome the tightness in her vocal chords. When she finally looked up at T'Challa again, he was shocked to see tears streaming down her face. 
"I-I am so sorry T'Challa," she whispered. "Running away like that... scaring you all like that. I-it was selfish and i-it was wrong. A-a-and I never should have provoked Elder Shani in the first place. This is all my fault, I feel horrible. I am just... please forgive me." 
"Why in Bast's name are you talking about? You can't think any of us blame you for this?" Shuri asked, her confusion painted clearly on her face.
"How could you not? After what I said to her... and fleeing like that? I mean I broke a window for Bast’s sake." Asha's eyes bounced between the two, searching for a hint of anger or disappointment, searching for the reactions she had built up in her mind. But she couldn't find any of it.
T'Challa chuckled, "You mistake us for Baba, Asha. We are not him... unreasonable and apathetic. Nothing you said to Elder Shani was untrue or wrong. It was your right to speak up as my advisor. Elder Shani made a choice and those choices are not your fault, nor are they a reflection of you. We were worried about you, of course. But we certainly do not blame you. We will have to speak about the window though," he added with a smile, winking at her.  
"Quite frankly, you did us all a favor," Shuri added, waving off Asha's concerns with her hand as she hoisted herself up slightly to sit on T’Challa’s desk. "Keeping that secret was killing you, hurting the tribe's reputation with all those lies. Now, we don't have to worry about that anymore. The laws are gone. You can set things on fire to your heart's content and no one can hold it over our heads again." 
Asha nodded slowly, "I know not everyone feels that way... where is mama?" she asked, acknowledging the absence of a key member of the Panther Tribe.
Asha tried not to feel affronted by the fact that she almost died and her own mother had not come to see about her. She knew it was long past time to accept her mother's lukewarm reception of her. She always thought of her as an ally but as she grew and analyzed her childhood, she recognized that Ramonda was merely an extension of her husband. She would never fully love Asha as a mother should. But for reasons unknown, or rather that she did not yet want to admit, she still held hope that her mother would be more to her. And she was always disappointed. 
T'Challa and Shuri could not control their immediate reaction to share a dark glare with each other. Asha appreciated their attempts to hide it and put on for her benefit. But she knew it was just that... an act.
"Mama said she would see you later. Don't worry about her. She is glad you are alright," T'Challa managed to say, though lying was never his strong suit, with a failed attempt at a reassuring smile on his face.  
"It is high time you two stop lying about things for my benefit. I know, just as well as you do, that, at best, she is begrudgingly happy about my survival," Asha snorted, eyes rolling as she settled down on the couch across from T'Challa's desk. 
"But we are not here to discuss mama... we are here to discuss the other woman who hates me. How bad is it?" Asha asked, moving on to more important matters than her mother's indifference toward her. Jitters coursed through her body as she waited to hear of the damage her stunt brought upon them. She felt M'Baku's weight settle on the couch next to her, his presence forcing some of those jitters to melt away.
M'Baku stayed silent throughout their meeting, feeling like an outsider in a family reunion. He felt assured in his presence knowing Asha indeed wanted him there. Her body gravitated toward his, leaning into his side the moment he sat down on the couch. His hand instantly found its home on her knee, her fingertips grazed his arm gently. It was so natural, he almost didn't realize it and wondered if she even noticed it herself. The intimacy of their soft, effortless touches were not lost on him or the other occupants of this office. He imagined it looked as if they had been in love for years, that was surely how it felt to him. Except, he didn't know what they were... in love, yes. In sync? Not so much.
T'Challa leaned against his wooden desk, suddenly looking older, the burdens of a king etched on his face. He rubbed his eyes like an exhausted child and folded his arms across his chest before answering,  "It is, unfortunately, as we feared. Elder Shani has launched a campaign against the Panther Tribe. She has already gathered a group of vocal anti-mutants to support her and told anyone who will listen the truth of your status and the web of lies built to hide it. If it is any consolation, it seems to us that most of the country is enraged by the lies and secrets, not your actual status."
"The River Tribe and the Jabari are firmly behind us. The Mining and Border Tribes are still on the fence, refusing to signal support either way. We believe she will use the King's Exhibition tomorrow as her moment to publicly demand another challenge," Shuri added. 
"Can she do that?" M'Baku asked.  
"Technically, yes. It hasn't been done in a century and has always failed. But the majority of the Council can demand another challenge for the throne if they have sufficient evidence against the King. If she convinces the mining and border tribes to join her, she will have her majority." 
"Our best bet is to remind the Mining and Border Tribes of the long-term implications of another challenge. If we strip T'Challa of his powers to challenge for the throne, it will be the end of the Black Panther. The last of the herbs runs through his veins," Nakia offered from her spot by the window. 
Asha's head lulled into her hands, her soft moan of exasperation muffled through her fingers. She loathed to think about it, but her father was right. The truth was out and their tribe was beginning to crumble. 
"Your engagement to Hasani has been called off, not officially. But we have no reason to uphold our end of that bargain when she did not uphold hers. It is nothing we cannot handle, Asha."
Asha nodded, slowly standing and pacing by the couch. Her fingers twisted among themselves as she walked, thinking. "Ok. So how do we stop her? What do we need to -"  
"No, there is nothing we need to do. Shuri and I had a long conversation last night and we decided that whatever comes of this, wherever this takes us... it is no longer your concern." 
Her pacing ceased, her hands fell to her sides as his words hit her. There was no malice, no intention of harm in his words... not even a hint of harshness. And yet, the words felt like a slap to the face, a slight. "T'Challa... what? What is that supposed to mean?"
He walked up to her, taking her hands in his firmly, ignoring her immediate instinct to rip them away. He saw the flickers of hurt in her eyes and needed to explain. He felt responsible for all this carnage that surrounded them. M'Baku was right. T'Challa always did the easiest thing when it came to his sister, never taking the leap that would actually free her. It was his determination as her big brother to free her, no matter the cost to him or their family. And it was time she stopped lugging around the weight of the consequences alone.
"It means that our parents laid the fate of our family... our legacy at your feet and that was unfair. Forced you to carry a weight alone that is all of ours. Your life has never been your own because of that. We will not do that any longer. As king, the fate of our family and tribe is my cross to bear. The rest of this life is yours... to experience something different, choose something different." His eyes lingered on M'Baku for a moment for he knew, even if his sister didn't yet, that life in Jabariland was that something different she needed to explore.
Asha was rarely at a loss for words but she couldn't think of anything to say. What he offered, she desperately wanted to accept. After all, it is what she always wanted. To be free of this place and all that came with it. But after her conversation with Bast, she now worried that her heart's desire was not her destiny. She was born into this family for a reason. If her destiny was to live happily in Jabariland, Bast could have put her there from the start. But no... she was here and that meant that whatever she was meant to do in this life, she couldn't turn her back on her role for good. After 15 years of believing she had to get rid of her powers to truly be in this family or that she had to leave in order to be free, she now actually saw a path in which she could have both.
She squeezed his hand before replying, "I love you both... more than anyone in this life. And I appreciate this, truly. But we are our family's present and future. So we share the burden of leading this country and its people. I can no more dissolve myself of the responsibilities that come with that than you can. I cannot leave here and pretend I do not care what happens to our family." 
"But you said you couldn't stay here anymore?" Shuri asked. 
"I did say that... before. But I don’t know how true that is now. Before I d-didn’t see a lot of choices.  I wanted so desperately to be loved and wanted in this life. I just wanted to be like you two... you both live lives that are vibrant, filled with your passions and joy... filled with hope. It always hurt to watch you both live the lives you so richly deserved while I could not. But when I got back from Jabariland, days spent watching what my life here could have been like, I realized I couldn't ignore that pain anymore. I couldn't be satisfied with a half-life anymore, which is why I took the easy way out and ran. But you two are my family and this is my home. You two are in this world so I do not have a desire to choose a different one.”
T'Challa nodded, understanding, "We just want you to find happiness, Asha. Even if it is not with us... even if it is not here." 
"The only happiness I have ever known has been with the people in this room. I can find some more happiness outside these walls and not turn my back on our family at the same time. I thought I couldn't but Bast showed me that I could, made me remember that you all are worth that. You are the reason I came back."
"'Came back?'" Shuri repeated slowly, confusion evident in her tone and on her face. "What do you mean?"  
Asha bowed her head, internally frustrated at her slip up. She thought about lying but that wasn’t them. She, Shuri and T'Challa were different. She always felt like they would never understand the depths of her sadness and pain. But they proved her wrong time and time again. They might not have understood fully but they never stopped trying, never stopped listening.
"Um... well, when I fell, I went to the Ancestral Plane." 
The air in the room became thick with tension as her words sank down upon them. T'Challa's body went rigid, his shock and anger clear in his facial expression. Tears welled up in Shuri's eyes. M'Baku leaped up from his seat, immediately tugging on her elbow to turn Asha's attention toward him.
Asha's body was tired of crying, exhausted of it, and yet the look of rage and pain in his face made her throat tight and tear ducts active again.
"You died?" he whispered, words barely above a whisper to keep the shakiness out of his voice.  
"How are you here?" Okoye asked as the only person who managed to maintain their composure, though her face did seem harder than usual. "How is this possible? No one but the Black Panther can visit the Planes and return." 
Asha scratched her head, unsure on how to explain something that she didn't fully understand herself. Scientifically, she knew what happened to her should not have been possible but what about any of this was scientific? It was all determined by Bast and she did not adhere to the rules of man. 
"I don't know. Truly. Bast said I wasn't dead but that the fall was an opportunity for her to speak with me. She did say that it was my choice of whether to stay or return here. I chose to return."
"Bast? The Bast?" T'Challa whispered. 
"Yes... The Bast... Panther Goddess of Wakanda and all that. You talked to her on your trip to the Plane yes?" Asha asked, confused as to why her brother looked more shocked than the rest of them. It was a known fact that the Black Panther visited the Ancestral Plane when they were given their powers. T'Challa visited twice, once more than any Black Panther before him. It was always Asha's assumption that the protector of Wakanda met with the Goddess that gave them those powers during that crucial visit.
"No. No, I didn't. I spoke to Baba, both times. And only Baba. I have never heard of a panther speaking directly to Bast, aside from the first Black Panther of course."
What is so special about me? Asha wondered silently to herself. 
If she was being honest, meeting Bast had not seemed like much of an honor initially to her. But Asha's anger at her was unparalleled, her frustrations having built up for years with no release. It was hard to find joy in a meeting sullied by such pain and anger. 
"So what happened??" Shuri demanded, loudly, tapping Asha on the arm to pull her out of her own head. 
"When I woke up, I thought it was just a dream. I have dreamed about the Planes since I was a child and had not realized it. She showed up. I yelled at her, demanded she let me stay in the Planes," Asha admitted sheepishly, "And then she told me that Wakanda needed me to save its future and the legacy of the Black Panther. That is it. There were a lot of words but she did not offer many tangible actions," Asha added at the end, voicing her frustration at the cryptic messages her goddess gave her. 
"Unless she told you how to make me immortal or gave you new seeds to grow more herbs, I am not sure you or anyone can save the legacy of the Black Panther. The mantle will die when I die." There was a sadness in his eyes that Asha had only seen in her own, an acknowledgement that he would indeed be the last of a centuries-long tradition. "Wakanda's only protector will be gone forever."  
"Perhaps not forever..." M'Baku whispered. Asha could almost see the light bulb in his head going off as he addressed the full group for the first time since they walked in.
Everyone's attention shifted to the Mountain King, eyes wide with skepticism. The same question oscillating in all their minds: What did a Jabari know of the Heart-Shaped Herb?  
"What do you mean?" Asha asked. 
"I have had this reoccurring dream about the heart-shaped herb since I was a child. Except, the herb was on the top of a mountain, covered in ice, in Jabariland. I would try to seize one and panthers would surround them and I would wake up. The same outcome every single time. I believed the dream was my sign to challenge for the throne. But I continued to have the dream after Challenge Day. What if it means something more?"
"I don't see how that can help us, Lord M'Baku," Shuri muttered, rolling her eyes. "Those were just dreams. You all have never found herbs in Jabariland. There are none. We have searched... There are none in the wild in all of Wakanda."
"Yes, we have yet to find herbs in Jabariland, that is true Princess. But we have not searched all of Jabariland. There is a small mountain range on the border of the Land of the Heart-Shaped Herb, land that no Jabari has set foot on in almost a century. Its forest is impenetrable. It is forbidden. Truthfully, I haven't thought about it in years until just now. Last night, King T'Challa said that your priestesses refuse to go to the Hall of Kings because they are attacked by visions and voices, yes? Our scouts used to report the same phenomenon in those mountains. Even the Chosen are not immune."
"You think there are herbs there?" Nakia said? "I don't understand why Bast would put herbs outside of Wakanda?" 
"Technically... she didn't put them outside Wakanda. We did. Old maps of Wakanda show that the land that is now the Land of the Heart-Shaped Herb stretched into the mountains. The Taifa Ngao simply thought the mountain and river's natural fortification made the easiest barriers between the territories, an easy break between the two that would not confuse anyone. But in doing so, part of the forest of herb ended up in Jabari territory. Bast said that she and Hanuman were aligned on many things... maybe it is protecting the last of the Heart-Shaped Herb?"
"This is all speculation. What proof is there to any of this? And how can we find them when the forest drives you to insanity?" 
"You cannot believe these are coincidences? These dreams are real. Think about everything that has happened... Killmonger, reuniting Jabari with Wakanda, Asha meeting with Bast? All of it had to be for a reason. This is the reason. There are herbs in Jabariland and Asha is meant to lead us to them. She is not a Jabari, she is not a Chosen... she is... something else. She may be the only person who can do this." 
Heads turned to Asha as she contemplated everything M'Baku said. She could not deny that the pieces fit together as he described them. If there were herbs left in this world, M'Baku may have just drawn them the road map directly to that garden. They owed it to Wakanda to find out the truth. And he was right… she was something else. She was A Gift. 
"Then we go. We search for it. Today," Asha declared, determination set on her face. 
"Today??" Shuri called out incredulously, laughing lightly at the absurdity of this plan. "You can't be serious? You literally died last night and now you want to go hiking? Are you on drugs??"
"Yes, I must agree with Shuri. Not because I don't believe you may be right. B-but you cannot run off into the forest off M'Baku's word and a hunch, Asha. it is not safe." 
Asha shook her head. "It is not just M'Baku's word... it is Bast's too. She said I was to build last bridges across Wakanda, T'Challa. This is it. This is what she wants me to do. The herb and the Black Panther are what stopped Wakanda from tearing itself apart centuries ago. It is the thread that has held us together for centuries. Without it, we will just tear each other apart again. Bast doesn’t want the Black Panther to die, it would be the end of her people. If the Jabari lead us to the last of the wild herbs and give us the opportunity to cultivate them once more... no Wakandan could ever deny their place in this country again. If a mutant helps us preserve the legacy of the Black Panther, no one would ever question their existence again. They would have to recognize them as Bast intended, as gifts to her people. Brother... you have done what was once thought as unimaginable: bringing mutants back into the light, bringing the Jabari back into Wakanda. The Warrior Shaman went into the wilderness to save Wakanda then. This is how we save Wakanda now." 
T'Challa stared at her intently, processing her words. He knew she was right, knew the puzzle pieces did in fact create this clear picture and path forward. However, he wished she was not the one that had to do it. 
"We need the herb before the King's Challenge tomorrow evening. This is how we will convince the Mining and Border Tribes to maintain their allegiance to the throne. Are you sure you can do this, Asha? It won’t be an easy journey alone." 
"Yes," she answered without hesitation. "And I won't be alone." 
The ramp of the Royal Talon thudded softly into the soft ground of a clearing in Jabariland, allowing Asha and M'Baku to descend into the frigid air. They looked like an odd pair, he in traditional Jabari hiking clothes. Asha, who had never done true hiking in her life, was in a borrowed pair of boots, leggings and a light jacket. A freezing Jabari day felt like a nice cool day to her. Both had backpacks filled with supplies and blankets, courtesy of Shuri who had also never hiked but seemed to think it was a week-long affair. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked M'Baku as they stepped into the soft and undisrupted snow on the ground. The Talon dropped them off at a spot already halfway up the mountain, giving them a head start. Unfortunately, the thick trees would not let them get any higher. 
"Do you want to do this?" he countered, already knowing the answer. "No one wants to walk into a forest filled with magic. But this is my duty. I will nott turn back on it." 
“How do we know that you are immune? From the creepy voices and dreams?” Asha asked, concerned for his mental health. 
“We don’t. I guess we will have to wait and find out.” 
Asha gave him a side glance. The man didn't look scared but there was such silence in him since they got on the plane and certain tension radiated off him that she was not used to. She wondered if this was how he wore fear.. This was certainly a new side of him she was experiencing.
"You said your dreams put the herb at the top of the mountain yes?" 
"Yes, we should get started. It will take us a great deal of time." 
The further they walked, the more Asha understood why people did not come here. Even without the voices and visions, which she was sure would be terrifying to the average Jabari, the trees were so thick and hunched over that they blocked out almost all of the natural sunlight along their path. It seemed as though night had fallen the moment they stepped foot out of the clearing. But so far, M'Baku's theory seemed to hold true. Asha heard nothing except the chitter chatter of forest animals, the swaying of trees, and a mixture of her and M'Baku's breathing. 
Silence followed them easily as they walked for the first stretch, neither needing to stop or fill the space with unnecessary conversation. They just walked upward, toward the garden they knew was waiting for them. Occasionally, Asha threw a glance toward M'Baku, wondering what he was thinking of, wondering if they should use this free time to finally talk. 
"It seems you were chosen in a different way, Lord M'Baku," she mused aloud as he used his knobkerrie to knock low-hanging branches from their path. 
He looked back at her, eyebrows raised in speculation. 
"How do you figure that?" 
She laughed lightly, her childlike laughter filling the quiet forest as they went. "Well, you said this journey drives everyone else insane. Yet here you are... mind clear enough to continue the journey. Why do you think that is?" 
Her question was met with silence but she could practically hear the wheels in his head churning, thinking about her words. 
"Here we are... the only two people in all of Wakanda who could make this journey? You are doing something even T'Challa could not. You are saving the legacy of Wakanda." 
"I don't serve your God though. Bast would not use me as a pawn in her plans." 
She had fallen behind him slightly, his long legs allowing him to take greater strides than her. She sped up and he slowed down slightly so they could walk side by side and better engage in conversation. 
"Bast and Hanuman are not mutually exclusive. They exist together. They are aligned in many ways. She told me so. Who says Hanuman doesn't want to protect the legacy of Wakanda too? If he didn't, why would he have urged you to fight for us against Killmonger or rejoin Wakanda? I don't think this is just Bast's plan... I don't know.I think it is their plan? " 
"You seemed to know a lot about Bast for someone who doesn't pray," M'Baku countered, not to be contentious but trying to understand. He still remembered their hike her first morning in Jabariland... she had said she was done with all that. 
Asha sighed, "I was. But I spoke to her, laid my frustrations and grievances at her feet and she listened, without judgement. She pushed me, challenged the things I always believed. I don't know. I stopped praying because I thought she stopped listening. But she never did, she just knew I was asking for the wrong things." 
Silence fell over them for a while before M'Baku responded, "You truly believe I was chosen for this?" 
A small smile settled on Asha's face. His tone, the look in his eyes was of a child wanting to be told he was good enough... worthy enough. Asha wondered if this was the great juxtaposition of their relationship - both grew up wanting what the other had and neither appreciated what they had. Neither thought they were chosen when their worthiness was so clear and evident in the other’s eyes. In reality, it seems they were destined for this task and perhaps destined for each other.
"Yes. I do. I know you have never felt like it but it is clear to me. Your dreams... your leadership in this tribe. Those are no coincidence. Hanuman and Bast could have chosen anyone to have that dream and wander this mountain and find these herbs. But they chose you. That means something." 
The weather was getting colder, the winds stronger, the higher they walked up the mountain. The loud winds forced their conversation to die off as it howled loudly around them. Even Asha was starting to feel the sharp bite of the cold weather. It was not enough for her to regret her choice of light clothing, her internal furnace just had to do a bit of extra work. 
The sun started to set, stealing the minimal light they had on the path. The darker it got, the more ominous the walk got as well. Not long after, snow started to fall on them, growing heavier by the second. 
"How much farther?" Asha asked quietly. 
"A few hours. But soon we won't be able to see anything with the snow. We should find shelter." 
Asha looked around wildly, incredulously. "Shelter? Where? We are on an uninhabited mountain, M'Baku. Where in Bast's name would we find shelter?"
"I d - sh!" M'Baku quickly silenced her and himself as he heard rustling in the trees by Asha. Asha had little time to think before he pushed her behind him and raised his knobkerrie. 
However, Asha was no damsel in distress, she was a fighter. She moved from behind him and summoned flames around her hands, though they struggled to stay alive due to the cold winds, ready to strike whatever came out of the forest at them. 
They both stared into the black abyss between the trees beside them. First there was nothing, the pair starting to let their guard down. But before they allowed themselves to relax too much, Asha let out a soft gasp. Where there was nothing but black, there were now two amber eyes staring back at them. 
M'Baku raised his weapon higher but Asha lowered hers, allowing the flames to cease and held his arm with her normal hand. She couldn't explain it but she knew this wasn't dangerous. Whatever the creature was, it would not hurt them. She took a step forward despite M'Baku's urgent whispers to not get too close. As she moved with bated breath, a paw emerged from the darkness, giving way to a full-grown panther slowly walking toward her. 
M'Baku stood stunned as Asha dropped to her knee before the Panther. This was a message from Bast... they were on the right track. 
The panther stared at her for a moment before turning and heading back through another set of trees. Asha immediately fell into step behind it. She felt her body tugged back by a strong grip and turned to find M'Baku looking more fearful than she had ever seen him. 
"Panthers can't survive up here. It shouldn’t be up here. What are you doing?" 
"I am following it. You have to trust me, M'Baku. You just have to," she begged him, eyes pleading with him to let her follow this animal. All the senses in her body yearned to go after it for she knew it was leading them exactly where they needed to go. 
M'Baku didn't understand why following a wild panther would help them, unless she desired a trip back to the Planes. But he knew his logical brain was simply trying to overpower the feeling in his gut that agreed with her: the panther knew the way. 
He let go of her arm and nodded, both quickly catching up to the panther who was waiting for them a few paces ahead. They followed it, snow heavily falling and winds whipping their faces for 10 minutes. Asha's resolve never wavered, this panther knew where it was going. 
Sure enough, minutes later, just as M'Baku was cementing his idea to demand they return to the path, the panther stopped in front of the mouth of a cave. It flopped down onto its belly, licking the snow melting on its limbs while Asha and M'Baku walked past it. It was dark and damp but it was shelter, a reprieve from the harsh winds and snow outside. 
They huddled inside, shielded from the winter elements outside. 
"This will do for the night. Do you want to make a fire? I can go get wood," M'Baku offered. 
Asha shook her head, sliding her backpack and sleeping bag she didn't think she would actually need off her shoulders. 
"The sleeping bag is insulated. It heats up according to your body temperature. And I can make heat if we need it. Are you cold?"  
M'Baku shook his head but couldn't hide the obvious judgement that clouded his eyes, knowing exactly what made the sleeping bag operate like that. 
"Sorry, I forgot you all distrust vibranium. I shouldn't have men-" 
He shook his head, silencing her. "It is fine, don't apologize. I suppose I must get used to vibranium if we are going to be a part of Wakanda." 
They both unrolled their sleeping bags next to each other before sliding in. Silence fell over them as they stared at the dark gray, damp walls of the cave, listened to nothing but their own breathing and the soft drops of water dripping onto the floor. 
Asha wondered if he felt it too, the urge to finally talk. She wondered if the spirits haunting this mountain were finally attacking her brain, for she had wanted nothing but to avoid this difficult conversation since she woke up this morning. But this felt like their time, their moment. 
Bast and Hanuman pulling the strings yet again, she thought to herself. 
There were no interruptions, no distractions. They had all night. They were in their element, in the mountains where the rest of the world fell away and they could be the best versions of themselves. 
Another stolen moment? she wondered. But she knew that wasn't it. This was the first interaction that didn't feel stolen, it felt as if it was designed for them... made for them.
Asha felt like so much of the last few weeks were destiny, her love for M'Baku included. Asha was in love with him, she wanted him and would choose him if he was still willing to have her. All signs pointed to that, after all, why else would he go on this journey with her? If this was truly Bast's plan, why waste her opportunity? Suddenly, she had no desire to go another night without being his if that was the path she was on. They... she wasted so much time already fighting for something that she didn't even truly want.
But first, she knew there was something she needed to say, apologize for. She rejected him, for good reasons at the time, but it was rejection nonetheless. And he was still here, still fighting for her and her family without any assurance that she wanted him in return. It was a selflessness she questioned whether she actually deserved. 
"Can I say something?" she inquired, her fear of broaching this subject evident in her voice. Thankfully, without a fire for light, it was pitch black so she knew he couldn't see it. Her question was met with silence but she took that as permission to press forward.
"I-I'm sorry."
He side-eyed her suspiciously in the darkness, not understanding what the woman beside him had to apologize for. 
"I am sorry for choosing him. I thought I had good reasons, thought it was the right choice. At the time, it felt, he felt, like the only choice. Yet, I still pursued something with you, knowing I couldn't choose you. That wasn't fair. I-It was selfish. And I am sorry." 
There was silence for a while. Her anxiety was at an all-time high as she waited with bated breath for him to say something, say anything back to her. She wasn't even sure what she wanted to hear. 
"I want to see you. Like that first night." 
It was a simple request, one that didn't need additional explaining. Asha's small hands curled into tight fists. Unlike that first night where she had little control over her body and her powers, she had grown since then. The flames instantly grew large enough to swirl themselves into a tight ball, vibrant oranges and yellows dancing in an invisible encasing. 
She pushed the ball out and it floated away from her, dancing gracefully through the darkness as it slowly illuminated the cave around them, bathing them in a soft glow. Her hands repeated the motion until the cave was filled with light and heat of her own making, sourced by a dozen balls of fire.
M'Baku stared up at them for a few minutes, just as mesmerized by them and her as he was the first time around. He watched them gently float through the air, their heat warming him in a way his sleeping bag never could. He looked over at her, illuminated by her own magic, looking like the goddess he knew her to be. 
"No it wasn't fair. But I also pursued you when I knew you were taken. That was equally selfish. But I do not want nor will I accept an apology. The path was rugged but it got us here. I wouldn't change it." 
"Except maybe the part where I almost died. I would happily change that," she added. She smiled at the belly laugh M'Baku let out at her words, which echoed throughout their makeshift shelter. His smile and laugh filled her soul in a way no else could ever have. 
"Yes, definitely that part. So the journey got us here. Where is here?"
"I don't know," she said honestly. "I want you. I choose you, I know that much. But everything else... what this means for us, the Jabari, Wakanda? That I don't know." 
"Why does that matter?" 
She shifted to her side, looking at his profile. 
"B-because you are the leader of your tribe, I am the princess of our country. What we do with our lives has greater implications than our happiness. You said it yourself. If our happiness had anything to do with it, we wouldn't be here. It is our duty." 
He shifted to sit up slightly, his hand reaching out to find hers, interlocking their fingers together. 
"Yes. But our lives are still our own. All the other things work out on their own. They should not stop us. They won’t stop me. I want to be with you." 
Asha smiled, "So we are really doing this? You wish to date me? A vibranium-obsessed lowlander?" she teased. 
M'Baku couldn't help but notice something else under her teasing tone, uncertainty. She still needed confirmation that he wanted her. He would give that to her every day for the rest of his days if it helped her. 
He tugged on her arm, beckoning her to join him in his over-sized sleeping bag. She slid in next to him at his prompting, warmth spreading through her in new ways as they laid skin to skin. His knuckle stroked her cheek as he stared at her for a few minutes. 
"Yes. Because I am in love with you, Asha Udaka. I have been since the moment you walked into my throne room and will be until my last breath." 
His rough thumb wiped away the tears that fell down her face. 
"I love you too," she whispered, feeling the weight of holding that in lift off her shoulders. It felt good to say it, even better to feel it freely and openly. Asha had never felt this light before... weighed down by secrets of her powers, of her family, of her love for him. In a few short weeks, she went from being crushed under the sheer weight of it to being free from them all. 
His lips quickly captured hers before she could say another word. It started out gently but soon turned desperate as the couple tried to make up for lost time, tried to cram weeks of subtle touches and looks into this moment. M'Baku quickly shifted his body weight to be on top of her, her legs instantly wrapping around his waist as they kissed. His lips made their way to her neck as his hands roamed the rest of her willing body. She let out a breathy moan as he sucked her neck and his hands massaged her thighs, inching dangerously close to her core. 
Despite her heart literally doing back flips in her body, her logical mind couldn't help but demand she pump the breaks on this lust-filled tryst in the woods. She wanted him... Bast, she wanted him more than she wanted anything in this world. He was her drug and she was officially an addict. But he would be her first and she had heard enough from Nakia and Okoye to know that the first time can come with some unpleasantness among the pleasure. It only took two days in Jabariland to know that this was not his first time. She heard the staff gossip as she moved through the Great Lodge, the Lord of Jabariland knew his way around a woman's body and had many opportunities to practice. She was somewhat embarrassed by her lack of experience compared to him. But she knew enough about him to know, if he knew, he wouldn't judge her. He would just slow things down to put her at ease and ensure she was comfortable. And she wanted that. 
"M'Baku," she breathed, pushing against his shoulders. "M'Baku, wait." It was almost painful to ask him to stop, it went against every natural urge and instinct in her body. 
He immediately stopped, his hand coming to her face to cup her cheek, his eyes instantly apologetic. He took it too far, he knew it. He had just wanted this so bad, yearned for her like no other woman in the world. But after only agreeing to date five minutes prior, he should have known she wanted to take it slow. 
"I-I am sorry, Asha. I lost my head for a minute. That was inapp-" 
She captured his lips, kissing him deeply before sucking his bottom lip and breaking it off. 
"It is not that. I enjoyed it and I want to continue. I-it is just that, I have never been with anyone before. I thought you would want to know before w-we do this." 
M'Baku sighed, the better man in him winning out as her words sunk in. Regardless of how desperately he wanted this, this was not the way. He shifted them so they were both laying on their side again. Asha looked perplexed and slightly put out, taking his abrupt ending as rejection. 
"Why did you stop? I want to." 
"I do too. But your first time... our first time together, should not be in the cold on a hard cave floor. That is not what I want for us. We have waited this long, one more day until we get back to a real bed will not kill us."
Asha sighed, partially with relief that his reasoning was not rejection. 
He chuckled before kissing her on the forehead before she settled on his chest, her own sleeping bag cold and forgotten. 
“Good night, usana. Sleep well,” he whispered. 
And she did, going to sleep truly at peace for the first time in years. 
A/N: I mean FINALLY! These two are finally free and ready to stop tiptoeing around each other. We love to see it! Thanks for reading! 
Tag list: @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee
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lesbianlenas · 4 years
here are my comprehensive thoughts on bly manor that i have been writing since midway through my watch of the show in case anyone wants 2 hear my thoughts
victoria pedretti’s voice alone makes me want to nut unironically. combo w everything else and she is literally god. knew this from hill house but now she’s blond + playing a lezzie so that amps it all up by 500.
speaking of have so much love in my heart for miss dani clayton. she just wants to help children and is so caring and kind like ok wife? her adorable fake british accent. cannot make tea or coffee. i’m going to call the FUCKING police. determined walk run. tucked in shirt. comp het + internalized homophobia. just so brave and selfless. she has it all. would marry her in half a second.
and the absolute DEDICATION of her stomping on out after flora when viola just almost choked her to death. i’m literally on my knees proposing right now.
flora is so fucking cute absolutely love her would die for her immediately. also sometimes she is creepy and i am very scared of her. duality.
did not enjoy the jump scare w edwin or edward or whatever the fuck mr hetero’s name was i don’t remember. not the car scene like when dani turns around and sees him behind her and then he goes flying back into the mansion. anyway i get he had his heart broken but do not feel good abt how he was basically trying to force dani into marriage by constantly asking her until she said yes. like of course she’s going to eventually give in even if she didn’t want to when he was clearly not going to stop and if she said no instead of pushing it off she would lose basically everyone she considered to be her family. and then when she tells him that she can’t love him romantically he’s like fuck you dani ok homophobe. perhaps i’m glad he got hit by a truck ❤️
immediately noticed smth was up w hannah from the second she wouldn’t eat and i was like oh ok so she’s a ghost. her ep was SO confusing though until the end i was like what the fuck is going on here 😩 anyway hate to be right but. fuck peter quint.
same thing w miles i was like what the FUCK is wrong w this kid and then i was like oh he’s possessed then oh he’s possessed by peter quint in like. ep 2. once again hate to be right. fuck peter quint. also prior to watching the show i rarely saw anything abt miles and i was like why does everyone only talk abt flora? now i get it.
jamie is just so fucking sexy. like the lesbian energy off of her is unreal and smth that you don’t get too often w lesbians on tv. either amelia eve is a dyke or she somehow knows exactly how to emulate them bc truly unreal. only wish is that she didn’t wear makeup but we can’t have it all can we. also cannot stop thinking of her as a mechanic every time she’s wearing that like jump suit and god that would be so fucking sexy i......anyway love her w my whole heart.
speaking of how much i love jamie....the way that she acts all tough and a little cold while she is actually the most empathetic person and somehow knows exactly what to say to anyone when they’re having a rough moment and she won’t sugar coat it either but it’s bc she cares and understands so deeply that it’s ok.....wow. wife?
wish we could’ve gotten to know rebecca more outside of just her relationship w peter. i feel like that did her a major injustice. we practically saw none of her relationship w the kids and it seemed to me like they were trying to imply in the beginning that flora had been very close w rebeccca and i feel like we didn’t see that. felt like rebecca ended up mostly being a prop for peter’s story which was unfortunate considering she was such a great character. and did NOT get why she was so hung up on him either like oh he SEES me after one convo? he was also a dick like immediately after like....once again feels like a disservice that they had her be in love w peter based off of like nothing. like all of a sudden all her ambition is gone and she just wants to b w peter? lol ok.
charlotte cheating on her husband w his brother the absolute mind. fucking hilarious. thought he was jealous at the birth scene or that flora might be his but i was like no no way he probably just has a thing for her. but she is way too attractive for her husband anyway. do not condone cheating but she’s a milf so i let it slide. also flora actually being henry’s hilarious. fucking love this drama. had me rolling. “do you love him?” [silence] LMFAO. and dom’s (got his name!) fucking smack down on henry holy shitttttt will b taking some notes for next time i’d like to turn someone suicidal on fucking god.
i know it was the best vehicle for telling the story but tbh the dream hopping got SO exhausting for me after a while. i just did not enjoy that format. i’m already not one for flashbacks even in this context bc i want to know what’s going to happen next in the main story rather than what happened to get here since i know where it’s going and i just found this to be even more confusing and a little frustrating and incredibly hard to follow. but that’s just my personal taste i wouldn’t objectively say it made the show bad or anything. i think it was also bc all of the twists were unfortunately very obvious so the long drawn out explanations were like. thank u u could’ve said this in five mins instead bc i already knew this. felt like some of the dream scenes were pointless and could’ve been replaced w some better scenes.
flashback ep w viola was ok. kate siegel is so hot obviously but. once again felt extremely extended past the point it had to be. the repition of sleep wake walk was SO annoying like thank u i got it. but i was always a lot more interested in what was happening current day than in the past so once again this was just whatever for me. but good on viola’s hot sister for taking her out have to do what u have to do u know! did enjoy viola killing her back. just thought it was funny.
and how can i even express in words how i felt abt dani and jamie’s relationship? watching the scene where they first kiss literally put me to tears and i just had a real moment w it. and just in general the way that they open up to each other is just so incredible and how jamie makes dani feel so seen that dani literally can’t resist kissing her makes me just. cant put it into words. their relationship really encapsulates what is so beautiful abt lesbianism and that means so much to me truly. will probably make a whole post abt it tomorrow.
ok so in conclusion: i wanted more present day stuff instead of flashbacks. i feel like there was a LOT more creepy shit they could have done in the house and they just. didnt. also wanted to see more of owen in general but also hannah and owen’s relationship and jamie and dani’s relationship. felt like peter and rebecca got practically more screen time than jamie and dani did despite them being the main couple. felt like character & relationships wise there was a lot left unsaid. like yes the plot was finished with a neat bow but i don’t think most of the characters were done justice in the end. and speaking of which i don’t think the sad ending was necessary. do not see a single reason as to why dani needed to die. i feel like they felt it needed a sad ending and that’s why they killed her rather than it actually making sense. like girl get an exorcist. overall the whole thing felt more like an outline for a show that needed to be fleshed out rather than an actual finished show. perhaps could have benefitted from a few more eps maybe. but also. FUCK peter quint.
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
Baker’s Dozen, Part 1
Oh my god we are at the home stretch and I am still amazed I managed to do all eight days. This is a two-parter, so the second chapter will be up tomorrow.
Day 7: First Morning @taiqrowweek
Rating: K
Words: 6,000
Summary: When a desperate escape from fans leaves Qrow seeking shelter in a nearby restaurant, he expects little of the rundown, failing business that offers him a table. One bite is all it takes to change his mind. [Actor and Chef AU]
Ao3 Link: Baker’s Dozen
Early Saturday afternoon found downtown L.A. bustling with traffic on the sidewalks and the road. Qrow found himself in the heart of Pershing Square, lying on the grass and enjoying the midday sun beaming down on him, wondering why he didn’t do this more often.
“Oh my god! Qrow Branwen?!”
His eyes shot open, seeing a small gaggle of women hurrying his way as every head within earshot turned to look right at him.
Oh right.
That was why.
He shot to his feet, yelling over his shoulder as he sprinted away, “Sorry! No autographs today!”
He thanked whatever gods might be out there that his last role forced him to stay in excellent shape, because he was easily able to outdistance his pursuers. Unfortunately, as he skirted around the foot traffic, their yells only seemed to be attracting more attention his way. He ever spotted one desperate teenager pulling a phone from her purse.
He was about to be all over Instagram, wasn’t he?
Knowing this called for every actor’s Superman disguise, Qrow pulled his sunglasses from his pocket, shoving them onto his face as he took the first alleyway he could find. Coming out on the other side, he slowed his pace to a fast walk, lowering his head to avoid further detection and slipped into the doorway of one of the businesses a few doors down before the other crowd could catch up.
He sighed, grateful for the dark atmosphere inside the building as he pulled out his phone. Alright, time to call his driver and get out of dodge.
“Table for one?” The question had him jerking around, seeing a young woman in a cowboy getup smiling his way from a little podium. Her golden hair was particularly eye catching, long and untamed in a way that reminded him of his twin sister’s. Her name tag, which was in the shape of a star, read ‘Yang’.
He took in the environment around her, noticing the array of booths and tables that made up the majority of the room, and realized he’d ducked right into a restaurant. “Uh, no sorry I uh-” He started to say, only to trail off as he actually considered it. Why the hell not? It wasn’t like he’d eaten, and it would take his driver about the same time to get there when having to slog through the weekend traffic. “I mean, yeah, just me. Can I get a booth as isolated as possible?”
“You got it!” Yang agreed, picking up one of the menus and leading him to a booth in the back. He couldn’t help but notice she even had spurs on her boots that clanked when she walked. The walls were decorated with a similar Texan flair, bull horns and deer antlers interspaced with paintings of farm homes and woodland creatures and metal lone stars. How quaint.
Despite the aesthetics though, it was obvious from the minute he sat down and the bench creaked loudly, that upkeep wasn’t a priority. Or, he reassessed as he took note of the lack of patrons despite it being the lunch hour, it probably just wasn’t in the budget. That probably wasn’t a promising sign on the quality for his upcoming meal.
“Ruby will be with you soon.” Yang said, setting the menu before him. The cover had the name ‘The Dragon’s Den’ proudly printed across it. Wait, that wasn’t southern. Did he somehow run all the way to Chinatown instead?
“Uh, thanks.” He flipped the menu, but with the lighting so low, he couldn’t read the finer script. He pulled off his sunglasses, setting them on the table before looking through his options. Despite the slightly confused name, everything within seemed pretty par for the course; roast beef, fried chicken, catfish, and a large array of barbequed meats that any Tramp off the street would gladly steal for his Lady.
“Howdy there, can I get you started w- Oh my god!”
Ah, shit.
He looked up, seeing yet another starstruck gaze aimed at him by a petite girl in a similar get up to the hostess but was a few years younger – was she even old enough to work here?
He held up his hand in a desperate attempt to ward off any screaming. “Kid, I swear to give you the best tip of your life if you keep quiet.”
His waitress pressed her notepad against her mouth, a muffled squeak escaping around it. After a moment, she took a breath, then lowered the notepad slightly to reveal a sly smile. “I’ll make sure Yang seats any customers far away from you if you promise me an autograph and a picture too.”
He snorted. What a devious little brat! He could appreciate that. “Deal.”
“Hehe, yes!” She gave a little hop before quickly composing herself, placing her pen to the page. “Alright stranger that I’ve never met and do not know the name of, what would you like to drink?”
“Don’t oversell it kid. And water’s fine.”
“Coming right up!” She scurried away. He watched her detour towards the front, dragging the blond woman to the back where they disappeared behind a set of swinging double doors.
He counted down from five in his head.
“EEEEEEEEEEEE!” Came two screams from the kitchen.
Right on cue.
“OUT! BOTH OF YOU, OUT!!” Was the next shout he heard, the tone definitely masculine.
Yang came back out first, her gaze lingering his way before she hurried away, giggling all the while. Ruby was next, setting a glass of water on his table along with a straw.
“Your drink, mon-sir.”
He laughed. “Did you mean monsieur?”
“Yeah, that one!” She giggled good-naturedly. Despite the fact she was an obvious fangirl, he found himself taking a liking to her.
“Heard a bit of yelling back there.” He gestured towards the doorway.
“Yeah, dad just thinks we’re being dumb. He doesn’t believe you’re out here.”
Dad? Well, that might explain why it seemed this rustic establishment was getting away with breaking child labor laws. “Eh, it’s probably better that way anyways.” Kids were cute; but adults fawning over him was always a little weird, especially if they were around his age.
“He wouldn’t know how to appreciate the moment anyways.”  Ruby clacked her heels together, spurs chiming when she did. “So were you ready to order or did you want a few minutes?”
He glanced down towards the menu. He wasn’t really used to food like this. Growing up, his dad would favor getting the rice cooker going rather than tend to the BBQ gathering dust outside. As for now, his career tended to call for strict dietery needs depending on what shape he needed to be in for each role – none of which ever called for anything steeped so heavily in grease and fat. “Any suggestions?”
“Ooo,” She tapped her chin with her pen thoughtfully. “Well dad just took out the kolaches a half hour ago, so those are extra good right now.”
The question was out of his mouth before he could think to fake it, “What’s a kolach?”
“Oh, it’s a Texas thing. Basically, it’s a pasty with filling. Today’s strawberry, which is my favorite.”
“Trying to sell me dessert before the main course?”
“Well yeah! That’s like the highlight of being an adult, right? When I move out, that’s how I’m gonna do it.” Ruby said proudly. “But if you want to be all traditional about it, then by far dad’s best dish is the country-fried steak.”
He knew what that dish was at least. Steak fried in batter and slathered in gravy. It sounded like a heart attack on a plate. He closed the menu decisively, handing it to her. “I’ll take your word for it.”
“Great!” She quickly wrote it down.
As the girl hurried over to go place his order, Qrow took the opportunity to look up the address and text it to An. ‘Pick me up in forty-five?’
‘Certainly sir.’ She replied.
He had just switched back to his browser, when Ruby came back, setting a small plate in front of him. The Kolach was about the size of a cookie, with a breading cooked to a nice golden brown and the bright red strawberry filling dusted over with powdered sugar.
“Here you go! The best dessert you’ll ever have.” She proclaimed.
It certainly looked good, but it wouldn’t have anything on his mother’s Ichigo Daifuku. “Maybe second greatest kiddo.”
Ruby looked about ready to defend her dessert’s honor when a call of ‘waiter’ had her drawing back. “Um, gotta go. Enjoy!”
Picking up the pastry, Qrow turned his attention back to his phone. He eyed the 2.9 rating the restaurant had on Yelp, his stomach turning with trepidation as he took his first bite. The outer crust had a nice crunch but the inner dough was fluffy and light, with a hint of butter. The sweetness also hit with less punch than he was expecting, the strawberry standing mostly on its own with only the sugar on top adding to it. Just the way he liked it.
He was right, it didn’t out beat the Daifuku… but it was pretty close.
As he polished it off, he pulled up the reviews, scanning through them.
‘Great food but the decor is just awful. Pretty sure the place hasn’t had an upgrade since the 70s.’
‘Nice staff but everyone looks like they should be operating out of a western drama.’
‘Terrible! The kid waiting on me didn’t even look fifteen. She was super clumsy too. Dropped a whole cup of BBQ right on my sweater. When I demanded to speak to the owner about it, the hostess gave me attitude about how he was too busy and called ME a blowhard! What a circus show! Never coming back!’
‘The food’s amazing, but the wait times are ridiculous. Forty-five minutes for a rack of ribs? Is there only one cook back there?’
And on they went. Complaints about the location, the confusing name, more on wait time and the staff. But, beyond a few issues on the food arriving too cold, there was nothing but stellar compliments for the taste. He lent back in his seat, hearing it give another dying groan. He watched Yang sit another table of five while Ruby bustled about to get their drinks. Eyed his crumb-dusted plate, realizing the treat was probably offered to him because someone hungry was more likely to notice the wait for the main course. What a sad state. Apparently great food but poor management and lack of funds to fix anything. The place probably wasn’t going to last another year.
Ruby was all smiles when she came back to him, clearing his dish. “So, did you like it?”
“It was excellent, just like you promised.” Qrow told her honestly. For a split second, he almost let that be the end of it all. To just have his meal and leave, forgetting all about the reviews that foreshadowed the Dragon Den’s closure and the innocent kid whose family would be facing thousands of dollars in debt.
Instead he found himself strangely invested. Perhaps it was just human curiosity or pure boredom, but whatever it was, something made him lean forward, cross his arms over the table and ask, “So Ruby, you said your dad’s the one cooking, but who runs the place?”
“He does.”
He arched a brow. “He’s the owner and the chef? And he makes his kids work here?”
She shifted on her feet. “Uh well, I only help out on weekends and maybe a weekday here or there when dad really needs me. Yang’s got it real bad tho. She has to rush from her classes at Cal State to here five times a week.”
As the suspicion niggled at the back of his mind, he almost asked, but figured the deliberate omission about the whereabouts of their mother was all the answer he needed.
“There’s no other waiters?” He asked instead.
“No, we’ve got a few part timers, just not enough for a full day. Dad keeps saying when business picks back up he’ll hire a few more and a new chef too but,” Ruby averted her gaze. “That was a year ago.”
“What happened?” He pressed.
She shook her head. “We kept losing staff and now I just think he’s too busy. He sometimes doesn’t even come home. He’ll just sleep at one of the tables and then be up for the next day.”
“He’s here every day? From open to close?”
He whistled low between his teeth, placing his palm under his chin. He’d had some rough shoots over the years, but at least he had the solace of taking breaks. “Wow. That’s awful. And I bet a teenager like you hates having to work when you’d rather be at home playing video games.”
“Oh, no. I don’t mind.” Ruby refuted, before amending shortly after, “Uh well, most times, at least. Jerky customers kind of ruin my day. But otherwise, it’s okay.”
He had a feeling it was anything but. “You sure ‘bout that?”
“Yeah. I mean, when we first moved here, this place was dad’s dream.” She waved vaguely in the air as if to encompass the little establishment. “He always loved making people happy by cooking for them. Even when I was a kid he’d tell me that the gift of a good meal is the smile on someone’s face when they eat it.” She faced him, resolute and steady. “I know it’s important to him, so if I can help him keep this place by working here every now and again, then that’s just what I’ll do.”
He studied her carefully, but nothing he could see seemed imply she was lying in any way. It was a value he could certainly respect, as he and his sister had grown up being told the importance of caring for and respecting their elders. But living in America taught him that not all families operated this way. It was surprising, but uplifting, to see it here. “That’s rather admirable of you.”
Before they could say more, a hiss of ‘Ruby!’ drew her up short, and then Yang was sidling over, an impressive stack of plates balanced precariously along her left arm. “Table 3 needs their check before they bounce on us.”
“Oh right.” She paused, just long enough to place the pastry dish on top of her sister’s already full load with an overly sweet smile.
Once his waitress had left, Qrow said, “Guess I’m distracting her.”
“I shouldn’t be surprised. You can distract half the nation.” Yang replied. “Must be awful, never having enough privacy.”
He shrugged it off, as if he hadn’t sprinted several blocks twenty minutes ago. “Comes with the business.”
“Well, I’d hate it. I get enough attention as it is.” She shifted some of the weight on her arm.
“Ah, what? You’re the total heartthrob in school or something?” He could see that. She had other assets that matched Raven’s – and he remembered how often that had the boys trailing after her like stray dogs desperate for affection.
“Or something.” She echoed vaguely. “I’m going to go check on your meal.”
It was only as she turned away, he noticed her right hand as it caught the faint light from above. The shine to the skin too bright to be natural and its immobility too revealing that the limb was anything but real.  
Or something indeed.
God, maybe he should pitch a show because this was starting to feel like a classic TV sitcom. A single dad, running a failing restaurant and just struggling to get by to provide for his two kids, one of whom was disabled and the other was sacrificing the last of her childhood. Ruby, with her boundless optimism, would be the star of course. Yang would be the sassy, fiery-tempered co-host. Their dad would be a bumbling fool with a heart of gold. It would either top the charts or fail after the first season.
Not having much else to do as he waited, he texted the inane thought off to his agent.
Your writing leaves a lot to be desired. Stick to acting Qrow. Willow ordered.
He chuckled silently, replying: Is this why you gave your daughters such icy names? Because they were born from someone so cold?
Watch your tongue Branwen or I’ll tell Tommy Wiseau you want to co-star with him.
Ouch, I’ve got freezerburn.
I’m again questioning why I work with you.
You love me. He sent an obnoxious amount of kiss emojis along with it just to really annoy her.
She sent back swords. Ah, she was the best.  
He decided to leave her alone, switching over to one of his racing game apps and immersing himself in the competition. Every now and again, he’d catch sight of the girls in the corner of his eye. Ruby taking orders and checking on customers. Yang fetching refills or cleaning up. His red Alpine racer was just passing the finish line of the second race when Ruby was coming back.
“Here you go, the best meal in the house.” She set down the dish before him. It was an excellent presentation, like it came right out of a cooking magazine. The fry-battered steak was a light, golden brown, slathered with a brownish-white, peppered gravy. A generous helping of fluffy, buttery mashed potatoes and bright yellow corn, both flecked with more pepper, completed the meal. All of it was framed by the plate with its dark blue flower trim that made the colors pop and really sold the southern charm.
“Thanks kiddo.” He said, feeling his stomach grumble.
“Enjoy!” She hesitated, adding in a small rush, “Just um, call me if you need me!”
He unrolled his utensils as she hurried away, shaking his head. She was probably hoping he’d call her every five minutes, just so she’d have more of an excuse to talk to him. Poor kid probably thought she was missing the opportunity of a lifetime. He didn’t let it bother him. After all, everyone who’s ever sat down with an interview with him knew he was a terrible conversationalist.
He cut down into the steak, finding it came apart easily and was perfectly cooked through. He dripped the bottom in the gravy, twisted it around on his fork, said a silent prayer to his arteries, and took the first bite.
Holy Mother of Mary.
The fried breading crunched nicely but the steak practically melted into his mouth, combining with the gravy and a series of spices he couldn’t even begin to name but knew it was doing something wonderful to his taste buds.
He hummed happily. It was good. It was beyond good. As he cut another piece and took another bite, finding it as delectable as the last, he still couldn’t believe it. There was just no way anything could be this delicious.
He was over three-quarters of the way through the steak by the time Ruby came to check on him.
“Sooo,” She glanced at his plate then to him, smirking, “You like it, don’t you?”
“Don’t look so smug.” Qrow replied halfheartedly, stuffing another forkful in his mouth and hearing her fading giggle.
He didn’t get it though; with food like this, the place should be packed. If people could wait in line to get his autograph for six hours, then why couldn’t they wait a measly half hour for an incredible meal?
“Hey kid.” He said when Ruby came back around again, this time to collect his empty plate.
“We still got to take your picture. Any chance I can give my compliments to the chef while we’re at it?”
“If Yang can be in it too, you got yourself a deal.”
He chuckled. Should have expected that. “You got it.”
“Eeeee!” She squealed, hopping in excitement. “Okay, okay, let’s go now!”
He obliged, finding it hard to move at first. Wow, he was stuffed. He managed to follow Ruby to the back, seeing her wave her sister over before he was led through the double doors.
Walking into the kitchen was like walking backstage on a set – wherein the stage was just a collection of pieces meant to play their positions and what was behind the curtain was where the magic truly happened to bring it all together. But instead of sound design and lights, it was sizzling grills and knives chopping down. And instead of half a dozen people rushing about, there was only one. He was mincing up an onion with a swift finesse only the best of chefs had while singing along with a cassette player that was peddling out country tunes.
“It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you nooow.”
Singing badly, Qrow thought, cringing inwardly.
“Dad, no!” Ruby cried. Not even looking their way, the man just continued on, more loudly and off-key then before.
“Oh god, please smite me.” Yang groaned as she walked in, hiding her face in her hand.
Her sister raced across the room, pulling at his sleeve, hissing insistently. “Dad, we have company.”
“Meaning I have an audience that actually appreciates my performance?” His laughter was hearty as he peered over her head. The cutting stopped immediately. “U-Uhh…” Was all he managed to splutter before looking down at his daughter. “Uh?!”
“Told you he was here.” She said in a know-it-all sort of tone.
Used to this, Qrow just cleared his throat, introducing himself even if it felt a bit arbitrary. “Qrow Branwen. A pleasure to meet you.”
The man didn’t reply straight away, still taken aback by his very presence – or perhaps, from the faint lines of panic crinkling his brow, weighing over the fact he’d just served a celebrity without actually knowing it. Whatever it was, he seemed to catch his bearings, setting down his knife and crossing the kitchen. As he introduced himself in turn, he held out his hand, “Believe me, pleasure’s all mine. Name’s Taiyang Xiao Long.”
Xiao Long? Strange, he didn’t appear to have any Chinese in him, which likely meant he was married into the surname. At least now he really understood the restaurant’s title. Qrow shook his hand, surprised by the strong grip. He could feel the calluses built onto his hands from years of using cooking utensils.
“I apologize,” Taiyang said as he pulled back. “Had I taken my daughter’s word for it, I would have offered you a meal more extravagant. Or at the very least, some good wine.”
He had to keep himself from chuckling at the way Ruby stuck out her tongue at her dad’s back. “That’s alright. If I’m being honest, that was one of the finest meals I’ve had in quite some time.”
The chef’s cheeks turned a little rosy but his smile was just like his daughter’s, toothy and bright. “That’s mighty kind of you to say.” Heh, cute. He even talked like the aesthetic.
Before they could converse more, the ringing of a timer drew Taiyang’s attention. “Ah, pardon me.” He hurried to the stove, pausing only long enough to wash his hands.
“Sooooo,” Ruby stretched out the word as she slid back over, pulling out her phone. “Picture?”
“Wait, hold on!” Yang ripped off her hat, finger-combing through her golden locks. “Does my hair look okay?”
Her sister gave her a thumb’s up. “Like a rat’s nest. So yes- Ack!” She got smacked in the face with the hat.
“Girls, don’t be bothering him like that.” Their father chastised, stirring something in a large pot.
“We’re not!” Yang claimed.
He shook his head, but it was hard to tell if it was at her or at the soup he was tasting. “Really Mr. Branwen, you don’t have to.”
Ruby looked scandalized. “What?!”
“He owes us. I kept all the other customers away from him.” His eldest explained.
His head whipped around. “That’s worse! A man shouldn’t have to pay for his privacy!” As he pulled down some spices, he continued, “What you two ought to be doing is just appreciating the moment.”
“Oh, that’s a wonderful idea dad. Now if only I had something to capture it with and keep it forever. Oh wait!” Ruby waved around her phone violently. “I DO!”
Unable to hold it in anymore, Qrow started to laugh. He was right; they would make a good sitcom. “It’s been a long time since I’ve met such interesting people.” He addressed the chef, “It’s alright, really. I did promise them.”
Taiyang opened his mouth to protest further, but another timer went off – how many did he have? – so he just said, “To each his own I suppose.” Before he turned to go check something in the oven.
Taking the opportunity for what it was, he held up his arms. “Alright, bring it in ladies.”
Ruby tossed her own hat next to Yang’s, giggling as his arm came around her shoulders. Yang was a little more uncomfortable, so he let his hand rest on her shoulder, above where he assumed her arm ended, and felt her relax almost instantly.
“Okay, 3, 2, 1!” They all smiled widely as the camera shutter clicked. They pulled away and Ruby looked it over to make sure it was good, before squealing happily. “Oh gosh it’s perfect! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“You’re – oof! – welcome.” He huffed out when she nearly tackled him with a hug. He pat her back. “Now, I believe I promised an autograph too?”
She grinned hugely. “Right, yes!” She grabbed Yang, “Come on we got to find something for him to sign!” The two hurried to a small office, and he caught Ruby saying, “He could even sign your arm!”
“You think?” Yang’s voice faded to the background, overtaken by a loud sizzling.
As Qrow came as close as he dared, Taiyang said, “Thank you for this. You really made their year.” He was stirring the onion he had minced earlier around a nice heap of melting butter in a hot pan.
“Like I said, it’s fine.” He echoed.
“Still, it’s appreciated.” The burner was flipped off and the pan taken from the heat, but the onions continued to sauté.  “‘Fraid I can’t offer you much in compensation though, beyond giving you your meal free.”
He tilted his head. “Can you afford that?”
“Really, I insist. As they say, happiness is priceless.” Was the curt reply.
Only the rich say that. He scoffed at the obvious farce – not that Taiyang noticed as he turned away to attend to something else. Subtlety by words had never been his strong suit, and it wouldn’t be in the next five minutes either. So, he cut to the chase, “Listen bud, I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know everything, but it’s pretty obvious from the state of this place to the lack of non-relative employees, that you’re not exactly in good standing.”
“An astute observation, but I don’t believe you needed to bring up all that just to make a case to pay for your meal.” He was back to chopping – this time, potatoes. Stubborn as a mule was a term invented for this guy, wasn’t it?
“It wasn’t.” Qrow assured. “It was a case to buy your restaurant.”
The knife chopped down so hard, it went right into the wood. Taiyang turned around to stare at him. A clatter to their left caught Qrow’s attention. The girls were both standing just outside of the office, the things they’d brought for him to sign now strewn across the ground.
No one spoke.
A beeping filled the air, and still no one spoke.
“Uh. Timer?” He said, awkwardly.
Taiyang seemed to blink out of whatever daze he was in. He came forward, almost aggressively enough that Qrow tried not to shrink back, but the other man only reached over his shoulder to turn off the timer, side-eyeing him as he walked away.
“Really?” Ruby’s small but hopeful voice shook the tense air.
Yang’s was more suspicious. “You do know you’re buying a failing business, right?”
He offered the duo a smile. “Won’t be failing when I’m done with it. This place just needs a bit of sprucing up. More staff. Maybe a new location-”
Slam! Went a cooking sheet on the countertop.
“No.” Taiyang said rigidly.
Unperturbed, Qrow carried on. “Alright, no new location. Kind of a bad move but I can work with that. But the name has got to-”
“Stop.” He commanded. “Do not treat me like a fool. I may not have grown up here, but I learned rather quickly that folks around here will do a lot for 15 minutes of fame. I will not allow you to do the same to my family.”
“What, dad-!” Yang started
“Can’t you just-!” Ruby spoke over her.
“Quiet, both of you!” He bellowed, before turning his back to them, grabbing some tongs to turn the racks of ribs around a bit more aggressively then needed. “The answer is no, and that’s final. Now, I will thank you kindly to take your empty offer and walk it out the door.”
When the girls started to raise protest again, Qrow was the one to silence them this time, raising a finger to his lips, before he took a few steps closer to the chef. “Believe me when I say the offer is not empty. Your daughter over there tells me how much this place meant to you when you first got it, but now you’re letting it rot under your feet. Is that really how you want it to go out?” The other man’s jaw clenched and he refused to look at him. He took that as a good sign, reaching out to place a tentative hand on his shoulder. “Let me help you and your family.”
For his efforts, a set of tongs were shoved so close to his face, they almost touched his nose.
Behind the makeshift weapon, Taiyang’s eyes bored into his own. He spoke steady and sharp, “Mr. Branwen, I will say this once and only once. I have put everything I got, my entire heart and soul, into this restaurant. It is the only thing I have for my girls and I am NOT about to gamble it away on some publicity stunt to stroke a rich man’s ego. So, you ask me to believe you? Then come back with a lawyer and a contract full of terms we both agree on, as I will settle for nothing less. Am I understood?”
The storm brewing in those blue eyes didn’t intimidate him, because this close, he could see the dark circles etching a deep exhaustion around them. The mark of a person desperate and at the end of their rope. Despite only knowing him for a few minutes, Qrow could tell that he was a good man, as well as aggravatingly hardheaded.
“Got it.” He told him, reaching into his pocket to fetch his shades. “I’ll see you in a few days then.”
As he pulled them on and turned away, he thought perhaps he heard Tai give some biting remark about how tomorrow, perhaps he’d be offered the moon. But he didn’t let it faze him. Instead, he crossed over to where the girls still stood, frozen – but unlike their father, they did nothing to hide the tentative hope on their faces.
Qrow lent down, fetching the sharpie and two sheets of paper, using a nearby counter to pen out the autographs. He even took the time to add his signature calligraphy, making the tail of the Q look like a feather. He offered each one in turn, “Ruby, Yang. Thank you for the pleasant experience.”
Yang was slow to take hers, as if she might say something. In the end she only thanked him.
Contrastingly, Ruby’s vibrancy was back, an almost nervous energy pitching her tone as she quickly offered to walk him to the door. It didn’t take him long to figure out why, as she hid her face in her treasured autograph and groaned. “I’m sorry about my dad. He’s just so, so, embarrassing!”
“He’s not so bad.” He refuted, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Against his fingertips, he felt the buzz from his phone signaling an incoming message – no doubt An letting him know she’d arrived. “He’s playing it smart. Even I don’t do a job without a contract.”
“Still, he could have been more polite.”
Her tone allowed no argument, so he didn’t bother to tell her that for him, it was actually a refreshing change of pace. He had all sorts of people tripping over themselves to fawn at his feet and, while some celebrities ate up all that attention, Qrow had certainly never been one of them. It was nice being talked to like an equal – a privilege often reserved only to his closest coworkers and manager.
There was also just something so honestly genuine about Tai. Call it simple intuition, but he knew what it took to play all sorts of characters and he could say without a doubt that the blond wouldn’t be able to fool a preschooler if he tried. He was the kind of man who hid nothing and wore his emotions right on his sleeve.
Qrow, who shuttered his behind fake smiles and sunglasses all day, could really appreciate a quality like that.
“It was really amazing to meet you.” Ruby said as she pulled open the front door for him. “Like, as in the-best-thing-to-ever-happen-to-me amazing.”
“You’re setting the standard pretty high there, considering it won’t be the last time you see me.” Qrow said, stepping outside.
Her expression lifted, her youth seeing to shine through in her eyes. “You mean, you’re really coming back? Ever after dad was, well, a total jerkwad?”
“Well, you know what they say. You feed a crow once, and it’ll come back to roost.” He pulled down his sunglasses, enough to wink at her. “See you ‘round kiddo.”
“Y-Yeah! See you! Thank you so much, Mr. Branwen!”
He was pretty sure she waved after his car long after it left the street.
Three days would pass before Qrow would return to the Dragon’s Den. Like a knight readying for battle, he stood in front of the door over an hour before opening time.
When Tai finally arrived, he almost dropped his keys in the gutter at the mere sight of him.
“Why hello thar pardner.” Qrow drawled, tipping an imaginary hat. “Fancy meeting you here.”
For a moment, he just stared blankly. But finally, a snort escaped him. “You need to do more westerns if that’s the best you got, pardner.” He stepped forward, adding more softly, “You, came back.”
He nodded. “’Fraid I don’t have the moon to offer you, but I got the next best thing.”
Taking his cue, the gentlemen standing nearby fixed up his tie and strode forward. “Mr. Xiao Long? I’m Hei Xiong. I work in property management. It’s my understanding Mr. Branwen here would like to strike a deal with you.”
“Does he now?” That same bite Qrow’d heard in the kitchen was back, the blonde’s hackles already raised. Not missing a beat, Hei ruffled through a few papers in his folder, pulling out the top one to show him. Tai read it aloud. “Claim of co-ownership?”
“Yes. Mr. Branwen is interested in becoming your business partner.” The manager supplied.
“…Does he now?” He echoed as he looked towards Qrow, but the fiery attitude he’d expelled like a shield had doused some.
“We would be happy to discuss it in more detail this morning, if you’ve available?” Hei asked.
Anticipation held Qrow’s breath and anxiety jumped his heart as he waited for the other man’s response.
For the second time, he was rewarded with another of Tai’s bright and toothy grins. “I certainly am.” He stepped past them both and opened the door to the Den. “Please come in.”
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