#then i stumbled into class
i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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moupies · 1 month
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Good morning shadowpeach nation,
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coyotecares · 1 month
1-a somehow finding out that their stoic, hardass homeroom teacher is absolutely stupid head over heels in love with their goofy, ridiculous, eccentric english teacher and subsequently reading WAY too much into how they interact in passing when they switch periods every morning
ie: in that scene where shouta takes too long to conclude class and makes mic wait, there's a slight pause in his canter before he calls hizashi "mic"-- class 1-a would be gripping their seats to bring that up in the dorms later about how aizawa-sensei probably almost accidentally called mic-sensei "pookie bear" since that's most DEFINIETLY what he calls him at home
they talk every morning when shouta is leaving the room and hizashi is walking in, and every day, class 1-a will watch for subtleties in behavior so closely that some of them don't even breathe or blink
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eightyuh · 3 months
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my firebrand guardian asura pc from guild wars 2! ✨ she's magical girl themed hehe
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antikristvs · 17 days
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Semester started again 😬📚 Bye to spending all day writing fanfiction (original fiction too, I swear), hello Dark Academia, and being hungover in Greek class 🙃
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insocat · 2 years
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nicoscheer · 5 months
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chris_bloodfilms Met my hero on a train.
This story is long so scroll if you cba reading.
It's 2005, a band explodes on MySpace. They're dressed like you and their lyrics are a mirror to your life.
Bleeding heck, who the fuck are the Arctic Monkeys?
After 19 years on repeat it's now 2024. Myself and @conor_bloodfilms are travelling back from Paris.
We arrive at Gare Du Nord and Duffy stops in his tracks. He whispers to me "I think that's Alex Turner."
"F**k off!" | immediately reply. I gaze over at a guy wearing a leather jacket with long brown hair, his face adorned with aviators. We should probably stop staring as it's getting weird, sexually and aggressively weird.
Turns out it is bloody Alex Turner, the man who's provided the soundtrack to my life! He strolls past and disappears into the Parisian platform crowd. A missed opportunity.
We board our train back to London. We look to our left and there's Alex. Sitting in his seat accompanied by a notepad. He's probably writing the next Arctic Monkeys hit "Two gawping pricks on a train". We really need to stop staring.
I tell Duffers I'm going in, he stops me. Reminds me that I'm a fully functioning adult and not to create a scene. Christ, he's right! I feel like I'm 15 years old again, someone get me a Strongbow and whack Dancing Shoes on, kin hell lad!
Eventually myself and Con engage, it's a surreal experience. Alex is polite and returns conversation in a soft friendly manner. The whole situation is just bloody lovely.
I awkwardly ask if I can take his portrait, fully aware that it could result in an awkward exchange and destroy this wonderful moment. He smiles and obliges, he's effortlessly cool, asks for direction and I take a few snaps.
We disembark the train, I felt quite emotional and that's embarrassing to admit. Maybe it was the jet lag, the caffeine and croissant overload? Or maybe it was just the rekindling of my youth.
This all might sound trivial, however, for me these portraits are deeply personal serving a reminder that life is a series of fortunate events and when fully appreciated can conjure up some pretty awesome memories.
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supercantaloupe · 1 month
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we were angels once, don't you remember?
[ID: a pencil and marker drawing of donna elvira and don giovanni from the opera don giovanni. don giovanni is a man with pale skin, long wavy hair and beard, wearing dark pants and a long sleeve shirt open to expose his torso. elvira is a pale woman with dark wavy hair, wearing a pale tank top. don giovanni is reclining on the floor with his back on elvira's lap and smiling up at her as she cradles him in her arms. the floor is covered with a white cloth sparsely strewn with pale pink flower petals.]
sketch, details, and ref under the cut ⬇
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spiritual prequel/companion piece to these: 1 2
source: 2017 festival international d’art lyric d’aix-en-provence, dir. Jean-François Sivadier
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maybege · 3 months
inspired by Abbott elementary I need a high school teacher AU in which paz is like the burly handyman or sports coach or something who’s hopelessly in love with frilly dressed English teacher!Reader 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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bluebudgie · 3 months
this might be a bit of a loaded statement coming from tangled depths enjoyer #1 but who thought the way from the respawn waypoint to the boss during the eparch meta was a good idea
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𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗅 𝖡𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗈 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟦 by @percy-and-rachel-events (late entry)🔸 "She looked like a million golden drachmas"
Remember when Percy surprisingly memorized Rachel’s phone number? Let's just say that he was also surprised when he caught himself replaying the view when Rachel looked like a million golden drachmas in his head. 
We arranged a meeting in Times Square. We found Rachel Elizabeth Dare in front of the Marriott Marquis, and she was completely painted gold. I mean, her face, her hair, her clothes—everything. She looked like she’d been touched by King Midas.
- Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy sometimes came to the front of Marriot Marquis to see Rachel, painted gold, standing still like a statue as a form of art, and collecting donations at the same time. He remembered the first time he saw her in such a state, he thought it was weird to see her in gold, she looked like a statue of a famous person or an actress. 
Then in the next summer, Rachel and Percy drove around the stretch of beach on the South Shore. On a such hot August day, Rachel wore a white blouse over her swimsuit and pulled her hair up in a ponytail. Percy had never seen her like that and he just spontaneously thought that she looked like a million golden drachmas…
Maybe he told himself it was weird to see Rachel in gold for the first time, but perhaps unconsciously he was impressed. It must’ve been so remarkable that he instantly thought of her looking like a million golden drachmas when he saw her being pretty.
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clarisinne · 2 months
do you ever plan on adding any of harvey’s heart events to the cringe fail comic
you know what, not really!! but who knows i might do some flashbacks + the hot air balloon could happen anytime before they get married so! that one is still... up in the air!!! (ba dum tss..)
i don't know look i did contemplate it, but it just feels like taking too much from the game? she does find out he's into planes after they get to 8 hearts and i was thinking of exploring it a bit, but i wanted to put my own spin on it and i haven't come up with anything yet
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luckydicekirby · 6 months
ffxii truly a game that i have never once finished a single playthrough of in less than like four years, but is simply so fuck-around-in-able that i do pull it out every couple years to play for ten hours and then not touch again for three years
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pov your classmates spend all their time playing STUMBLE GUYS instead of working on your HISTORY GROUP PROJECT so they have a shitton of WRONG ANSWERS that YOU have to fix
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chilapis · 4 months
I love posts that are like “imagine your f/o picking you up” because they’re meant to be so sweet and gentle but every time I get picked up by a friend my brain just… shuts down. Like for whatever reason my brain physically fails to compute the situation. I cannot imagine what it would be like with Ajax
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glitchdecay · 8 months
Natsuki Is So Much More Than His Ditzy Behavior: Part 2
In June of Natsuki's route in Repeat LOVE, Natsuki explains why he applied to the idol program at Saotome Gakuen despite being lauded as a genius violinist — and later violist — in his childhood.
The dialogue text is pretty long, so it'll go under the cut.
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Note: I transcribed the Japanese manually from the Switch port, but I'm only human. All translations are my own.
【来栖 翔】:「おかえり〜。じゃねぇよ、この天然スケコマシ!まったく、お前は昔から……」 【来栖 翔】:「あ…………。悪い……昔のことは、あんまり言わない方がよかったか……」 昔? 【四ノ宮那月】:「ん?……昔って?」 【来栖 翔】:「だから……ほら、あれだよ、小学校ん時のさ……ヴァイオリンのコンクール、控え室……一緒だったろ、俺と……」 【来栖 翔】:「お前、ぼけっとしてて、自分の出番も忘れてて、でも、ステージに立ったら、女子にキャーキャー言われてさ……」 【来栖 翔】:「それから……その……。すごかった……。俺なんか絶対勝てないかっこいい演奏だった……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「んーーーーー?おかしいですねぇ。記憶にありません。確かにヴァイオリンもやっていましたが」 【四ノ宮那月】:「翔ちゃんと出会っていたら絶対覚えていると思うのに……。うーーん」 【来栖 翔】:「てんめぇ、俺なんか、眼中にねぇってことかよっ」 【四ノ宮那月】:「そ、そうじゃなくて……ごめん。あの頃の記憶ってすごく曖昧で……。だから……、自分でもよくわからなくて」 【来栖 翔】:「お前がヴァイオリンやめて、ヴィオラをやり始めたって聞いた時もショックだったけど……」 【来栖 翔】:「でも、お前のヴィオラを聴いて、悔しいけど、感動した。だから、それでもいいかって思った」 【来栖 翔】:「それなのに……。なんで……。なんでそれすらやめちゃったんだよ」 【四ノ宮那月】:「それは……。それは……僕が弱いから……」 【来栖 翔】:「え…………?」 【四ノ宮那月】:「ヴィオラはとても奥深くて……。どれだけ頑張っても自分で納得のいく音は出せなくて」 【四ノ宮那月】:「でも……みんなは僕の中途半端な音を褒めてくれて。それで十分だって……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「僕がどんなに違うって言っても、誰もわかってくれなくて……。誰も僕のしたい音を教えてはくれなかった」 【四ノ宮那月】:「答えのない道をただひたすらに進むのかとそう……思ったら、すごく怖くなったんだ。その道は果てしなく長くて、遠い……」 【来栖 翔】:「……那月……」 【四ノ宮那月】:「ホントいうとね。今も怖いんだ。アイドルが歌うのを見て、すごく楽しそうで、僕もあんな風に音を楽しめたらって」 【四ノ宮那月】:「そう思って、この学校を受験したんだ。でも……。歌にも正解なんかない。自分で作っていくしかないってって気がついた」 【四ノ宮那月】:「でも……。でもね……。今、僕はひとりじゃないから」 【四ノ宮那月】:「あなたが……。そして翔ちゃんがいてくれる。誰かがそばにいて、一緒に悩んでくれる」 【四ノ宮那月】:「それがすごく嬉しくて。頑張ろうって……。頑張れるって思ったんだ。今度は答えを見つけられそうな気がするから」
Kurusu Syo: Don't "I'm back~" me, you airheaded Casanova! Jeez, you've always been like this. Syo: Ah...... Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't talk about the past. The past? Shinomiya Natsuki: Hm? The past? Syo: Like... You know, back when... we were in elementary school... At a violin competition. We were... in the same waiting room, you and me. Syo: You were spacing out and forgot your turn. But when you got on the stage, all the girls were screaming for you. Syo: And then... You... You were amazing. I thought I'd never win against your performance. Natsuki: Hmmmmmmm? That's weird. I don't remember. It's true I used to play the violin, though. Natsuki: But I'd totally remember if I met you back then. Bummer. Syo: So you didn't even pay attention to me, huh? Natsuki: That's— not what I meant... Sorry. My memories from back then were a blur... So... I don't really know myself. Syo: It was a shock to me when I found out you quit playing the violin and started playing the viola... Syo: But when I heard your viola, even though it was frustrating, I felt so moved by it. So I wondered if you were okay with that. Syo: But even then... Why... Why did you quit that too? Natsuki: That's... Because I'm weak... Syo: Huh......? Natsuki: There's so much to the viola... No matter how hard I worked, I couldn't play the way I wanted to. Natsuki: But... everyone praised my half-hearted playing. They said it was enough... Natsuki: No matter how much I said that wasn't it, no one understood me. No one could teach me how to play the way I wanted. Natsuki: When I... thought about continuing to devote myself to a path without a destination, I felt so scared. The path seems so long and endless... So far away... Syo: ... Natsuki... Natsuki: To tell the truth, I'm scared even now. When I saw idols singing and looking like they were having so much fun, I thought I could be like that too. Natsuki: That's what I thought, so I applied to this school. But... there's no right answer in this kind of music either. I've realized that I have to make it on my own. Natsuki: But... You know... I'm not alone anymore. Natsuki: 'Cause you're here... And Syo-chan, too. There's someone with me to think things through. Natsuki: It makes me so happy. When you say, "Let's do it together," I feel I can do it. Because this time, I can find the solution.
From the conversation, you can see kid!Natsuki felt lonely as a genius violinist, so he decided to move to the viola, but it didn't work either. It pained him to keep playing string instruments because things weren't working out for him.
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