#there was a very friendly border collie that he was feeling a bit worried about
sidetongue · 1 year
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look at hims dancy legs
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hotpinkstars · 4 months
BORDER COLLIE - boothill x reader
- you, boothill, and your daughter spend a nice morning together, allthewhile you and your husband converse about a dog.
- i don't know why i made this i just thought it would be a fun little thing idk lol. i just had to add that little bit of jazz to the end bc like yk... idk anyways i'm trynna set myself on a better posting schedule and i think im starting off strong mmm enjoy
- all fluff, tiny mention of pregnancy at the very end, pre-cyborg boothill, his daughter is still alive here and everything is normal, wc 714
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You were looking out the window, out at the vast amount of farmland you and your husband, Boothill, had decided to buy when he brought home the little girl you’re now able to call your daughter.
It was a nice, big place, suitable for animals of all kinds, and very family-friendly. You were currently watching your daughter play around with a baby goat that her father decided to bring out, a smile on all three of your faces. 
She seemed so happy, waddling around the goat, clapping her chubby little hands when the goat gave a soft little lick to her cheek. She had just learned how to walk, and had been able to say a few words for the past few months now. 
You walked out the back door, waving at Boothill before he waved his hand as a gesture to have you over by them. While you were walking over, you could hear your daughter shout “Goat! Goat! Cute goat!” While bobbing up and down with her legs and clapping her hands. It made you laugh a little bit before leaning into your husband's side. He wraps an arm around your shoulders, rubbing your arm up and down while supervising your daughter. 
“Dada!” She squealed, giggling. Boothill ruffled her hair before leaning down to give her a kiss on her forehead, making her giggle even more. “Dada and mama!”
You smiled wider than you thought you ever could have. You were so blessed to have Boothill as a husband, and such a special, precious girl as a daughter. 
“Well, we can’t really bring a goat in th’ house, n’ she seems to enjoy playin’ around with it a bunch…” Boothill said, standing next to you with his arms crossed. “What if we got a dog?”
“Really? A dog?” You looked up at him, and he nodded. “We have horses, goats, sheep, cows, and probably some reptiles living in the bushes. Do we really need more?”
He hummed. “The thing is, dogs can be domestic, hun. I got lucky this lil’ goat is so docile, good enough for her to be able to hang ‘round it without me having to worry ‘bout it taking her face off.”
“True. But we’d need a dog that can handle farmlife, not just any old dog. A boujee dog would not do very well in this type of setting. Keep that in mind.” 
He laughed before shaking his head. “Nah. I was thinkin’ more like a Border Collie or somethin’. I’d rather have one that's gonna make use of all this land.”
Your daughter came up to the both of you, lightly slapping at your legs to get your attention. You picked her up, giving Boothill a signal to go put the goat back in its respective area before meeting the two of you back inside.
A few moments later, when Boothill arrived back inside, you had lunch started, greeting him before he washed his hands and helping your daughter wash hers, too. He explained to her that she’s always to wash her hands before and after touching an ‘outside animal’ (as he calls it, so her itty bitty brain can comprehend it) otherwise she could get sick. He does the same, too. 
You set the table for lunch, putting some leftover salad and chicken on you and Boothills plates from last night. You gave your daughter some chicken too, but cut into very small squares, and strawberries instead of salad. 
The three of you sat down to eat, occasionally conversing about random things. She was too busy picking at her strawberries to notice your conversation, but you both still kept a close eye on her. 
“About the dog idea, are you sure?” You asked, your voice laced with some uncertainty. ‘I feel like we already have so much on our plate. Are you really willing to walk it every morning?”
“Well, o’course I am. I know what havin’ a dog is like, my dads always had one. I grew up around ‘em.” He takes another forkful of salad before going on. “But why’re ya so concerned? What else is stoppin’ ya from sayin’ yes?”
You smiled before laughing to yourself, leaving him temporarily confused. 
“Well, I want to hold off on the dog, because…
…I’m pregnant.”
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Puppy Love (A Light Fingers Moment In Between)
A/N: Sometimes I say words, and other people say words, and stuff happens. Part of me wants to say AU because it would be easier, but I love making things More Difficult on Purpose.  Word Count: 2333 Rating: G(eneral Audience)
You tapped Diego on the shoulder, nodding your head in the direction of the faint clatter you’d heard. 
The pair of you had popped in to stop a home invasion, but one of the perps had taken off with a priceless family heirloom, and you’d agreed to give chase. Unfortunately, he had a head start and you had lost him in the warren of a crowded parking garage. 
Diego pressed a finger to his lips and nodded, gesturing with his free hand for you to circle around while he approached from the front to draw attention.
You met his eyes for a brief moment, lower lip worrying between your teeth. You gave his arm a brief squeeze before nodding and setting off. No matter how long you’d been doing this, you worried about him when his plans worked out like this, with him picking fights so you could have the element of surprise. As you moved, quick and quiet, something felt wrong about the situation. Hesitantly, you fingered the knife that Diego had insisted you started carrying on these jobs, not pulling it out yet, but reassuring yourself that it was there and easily accessible. 
There was another scuffling sound and a soft whine, one that didn’t sound human. You picked up your pace now, running in the direction of the noises. There, huddled in the corner of the garage, caught and tugging on the corner of a dumpster, was a small, shivering dog. 
“Hi there,” you said softly, sinking low and holding your hand out as you crept closer to the frightened creature. 
You heard pounding footsteps behind you as Diego ran up, the sound making the dog yelp and try to cower more.
“Shh, shh,” you hummed, shifting to sit cross-legged in front of it, blocking it’s view of Diego, and giving you a more steady position to hold the little creature still while you unhooked it’s collar from the sharp, bent edge of the trash.
Once freed, you expected it to squirm in your arms or try to run, but instead, it stayed, pressed lightly against your leg, shivering. It was covered in so much mud you could hardly tell it was meant to be white and stank horribly (or maybe that was the bins), but you were pretty sure someone would be missing it. 
“Think you can find our bad guy on your own?” you murmured as Diego peered over your shoulder. “I don’t want to abandon this little one to its own devices.”
He couldn’t help chuckling. “Yeah, I got it. Meet you back here?”
“I’m not waiting for you by the dumpsters. I’ll meet you by the entrance.” 
After returning the expensive and hideous brooch to the family, and turning the would-be-burglars over to the cops, you and Diego made your way home, the little dog wrapped in a towel in your arms. The family hadn’t ever seen it around before, and the tag had the dog’s name, “Penny,” but no name or address of an owner.
“It’s alright Penny,” you told her as you walked. “We’ll get you cleaned up, take some nice pictures and put up flyers. I’m sure someone’s missing you and will be excited to have you home again soon.”
“Why don’t we just take it to the shelter?” Diego asked gruffly, trying to hide how cute he thought Penny was.
“Shelters are overcrowded and understaffed. They have a hard time caring for the dogs that need homes, let alone the ones that just got lost and get brought to them. Besides, I...want to make sure her family gets her back, and that’s easier to do if we make the handoff.”
Diego shook his head, slightly exasperated. “Fine. But if it takes more than a few days--”
“We’ll discuss that only if we have to.” You shifted the dog so that you would have a free hand and bopped Diego’s nose teasingly. “Don’t be a grump.”
He gaped at you. “For that, I’m not helping you wash it.”
“Of course you’re not, baby. You’re going out to buy kibble and a leash.” You smiled winningly at him.
Penny was with you for just over a week before you got a call during dinner one night. The man on the other end of the line said that he had seen your flyers and was sure that the dog you found belonged to his elderly mother. She had been worried sick when the dog slipped out, but hadn’t been able to follow it, and because of his work, he hadn’t been able to put out ‘missing’ posters. You told him you were glad he called and asked if he had evidence the dog was his or his mother’s. He told you he’d bring a picture of the two of them together, and arranged to meet you at Griddy’s Doughnuts the next morning. 
During the time she was there, Penny settled in quite well with you and Diego, excited when either of you left and came back, quite happy to sit on your laps while you watched tv or read at night, curling up at the foot of the bed when you went to sleep. She and Diego in particular, for all his protests, seemed inseparable. For all his protests at first, he seemed to enjoy all of her antics, and slipped her food off his plate when she gave him big sad eyes and he thought you weren’t paying attention. When you told him that her owner had finally called, he hid a frown behind a cough.
“Diego,” you sighed, seeing his face fall anyway. “You knew we couldn’t keep her…”
You were just as sad as he was, if you were being honest. You had never really imagined yourself a dog person, the idea of having a pet so far off your radar as to be unfathomable. But Penny had slotted into your lives like a missing piece, and as glad as you were to return her, safe and happy, to her home and the people that loved her, you and Diego loved her too.
“I know,” he said softly. “Just. It’ll be weird once she’s gone.”
You bit your lip, considering the words that bubbled up your throat before letting them fall from your tongue, nearly as impulsive as your marriage proposal.
“Ya know...we could...get a dog of our own?” you shrugged, trying to play off the idea as a casual thought.
It was hard not to be overwhelmed by the smell and sound within the shelter’s kennel area, over two dozen dogs baying, barking, and bouncing on the chain-link fencing as the pair of you were led through to an open area where you could do some meet and greets. 
Nervously you sat on the bench, fingers laced with Diego’s and running your thumb back and forth over his knuckles. 
“Hey,” he said, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Talk to me.”
You shrugged, biting your lip. “I dunno. This just feels big, suddenly. And what if we can’t find one that likes both of us, or what if we fuck it up. I’ve never...taken care of another living thing before. Not by myself.”
“You take care of me all the time,” he said, tugging you into a hug. “And you won’t be alone. We’re in this together remember?”
Your smile was watery but genuine as you returned the hug, burying your face against his neck.
“How did I ever do shit without you?” you murmured, backing away but not fully letting go.
He didn’t have a chance to respond with more than a squeeze of your joined hands as Martin returned with the first dog. 
“I thought we’d start with some one-on-one interactions with a few dogs I think would be a good fit based on what you told me, and then we’ll see who clicks and you can have some time to play with the top two or three, pick from there.”
You nodded, holding your hand, palm out, toward the black lab tugging at the leash he held. He introduced her as Sheila, and while she seemed friendly, your heart wasn’t in it. The same feeling continued through several other perfectly nice dogs, and though you were both tempted by a roly-poly border collie puppy and by a sweet but very lazy bulldog, as soon as the handler had left the room with them, you’d looked at each other and known it wasn’t right. 
“Can we...maybe, just walk through the kennels and see if something I don’t know...calls to us?” you asked hesitantly after about the eighth dog you felt no real connection with. 
“Oh!” the man looked surprised you had even suggested it and took a long moment to process the request. “Sure, we can do that.”
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Diego pulled you against his side as the pair of you followed Martin back into the kennels.
“You know we don’t have to find a dog today, right?” he asked softly, sensing your continued nerves. “If nothing here works out, we’ll keep looking.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I just…got really excited, and now I feel like we failed or something.”
“Well, we haven’t yet.”
Suddenly, you stopped short, jerking Diego along with you, so quickly that your guide didn’t even notice. Staring up at you, his black fur almost lost in shadow but for his white bib, the boxer gave you the biggest, saddest eyes you had ever seen. Crouching down, you tentatively reached your hand outward, pressing it against the chainlink.
“Hi…” you cooed as he edged forward, crawling on his belly until he could sniff and then attempt to lick your fingers from the other side. 
Diego mirrored your stance, kneeling in front of the kennel door, and by the time Martin realized you were no longer behind him and doubled back, the pair of you were enraptured and the dog was no longer cowering, instead bouncing and pawing at the fence to try and get to you, tongue lolling out of his mouth and slobbering on as much of you as he could reach. 
“Oh,” he said, sounding almost disappointed. “You met Duncan…trust me, you don’t want him.”
“What?” you asked, whipping your head around to look at the man. “Why not?”
“He was born here, runt of the litter so for a while no one wanted him. Now he’s almost two and he’s ended up back here from four homes already. Can’t figure out why, but he just doesn’t work out.”
“Well there must be something going on,” you argued. “Or else that wouldn’t be true right?”
Martin shrugged. “I guess. But it ain’t my place. I just know the poor bastard’s probably going to live his whole life in there.”
“No,” Diego said, turning to you and smiling when you gave him a brief nod. “Because we’ll take him.”
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea. And it seems cruel to give him false hope a fifth time.”
“It won’t be false. We won’t give up on him,” you insisted. “I understand wanting to protect him, and us, but please. Just...trust us.”
“You’re sure there’s not another dog you want instead?”
“No,” Diego said firmly. “We want Duncan.”
At the sound of his name from Diego’s mouth, his ears perked up and he sat down patiently, expectantly almost.  
We know a thing or two about loving the unloved, you wanted to say, this was fate you wanted to argue. But how could you even begin?
“Let’s go take care of the paperwork and...see what my boss says.”
Later that night, as you rested your head against Diego’s chest on the couch, not really watching the movie on the tv, you found yourself anxiously drumming your fingers on his knee.
“Y/N,” he said knowingly, catching and stilling your hand, rubbing his thumb soothingly over your knuckles.
“Do you think they’ll approve us?” you asked, voicing the question on both your minds.
“I don’t know. We just have to wait,” he chuckled, shaking his head as you opened your mouth to interrupt, “patiently. And see what happens. Hope it’ll work out.”
You groaned. “Why do you have to be right all the time?”
“It’s a carefully honed talent.”
Diego’s keys jingled in the doorknob and you held your breath, praying that your companion would stay quiet.
“Just another minute boy,” you muttered. 
As soon as you heard the door shut behind your husband, you let go of Duncan’s collar and he bounded over, his entire body wriggling along with his stubby tail. Diego swore, startled by the dog’s sudden appearance from around the corner, and you couldn’t help laughing as you followed, more sedately behind.
“Wha—” Diego said, kneeling to ruffle Duncan’s ears, leaning away as his lolling tongue tried to lick his newly accessible face. 
“You didn’t steal him did you?” he asked, teasing smile lighting his features.
“I am hurt and offended that you would even suggest such a thing,” you said dramatically, a hand pressed to your chest for effect. “This was completely legitimate, and Duncan is now our dog. Or technically my dog, until you go sign your copy of the adoption contract tomorrow morning.”
“That’s...we have a dog…” he breathed, shock settling over him. 
“Diego, are you crying?” you asked gently, concern overriding your amusement. 
He was silent and you moved to his side, sitting down, next to your husband and dog and wrapping an arm around each of them.
“They’re happy tears right?” you asked, feeling some of your own building as it suddenly struck you that this right here was a family, a happy family, and all your own. 
“The happiest,” he murmured, managing a quick kiss to your temple just before the moment was broken by Duncan licking a long stripe up his cheek and flopping over onto your laps for a belly rub, sending you both into a fit of laughter.
End Note: Is a studio apartment an appropriate space for a boxer? Should inexperienced owners adopt a dog that the shelter thinks is a “problem” dog? Probably not, as a rule. But individual dogs have individual needs, they’re active-lifestyle adults, we’ll assume there’s a dog park nearby, and also it’s fiction and I think it’s cute, so...
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lia-jones · 4 years
Growing Pains - Chapter Twenty Two - The Jones Family
First and foremost, thank you to my friend @muart0113​ for the amazing art to illustrate my work. This girl is incredibly talented and makes my heart sing with joy with her every work. I love you, girl! Now, scroll down for the chapter...
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It was a fantastic day. I had Victor by my side, and we were on our way to my parents’ house. I had received the highest praise from the University. Professor Williamson, that was so crude when I was defending my thesis, showered me with compliments right after, complimenting my hard work but, most of all, my vision. I had completed a milestone towards my healing, and with flying colors. It did feel as if I had healed, like the darkness in me had faded away, maybe for good, and I had found myself again. Better, I had found an improved version of myself.
I had managed to get my life back on track. I had found love and success. And to top it all off, Victor was in a very good mood as we drove in the sun, the Atlantic Ocean as our background.
“I may have to give you a raise.” He said, touching my leg. “When the other companies find out about you, I’ll have to fight for you tooth and nail.”
“Please.” I made a flat voice, but couldn’t avoid the grin. “If I’m here, it’s because of your help. Can you imagine what would have happened if you let me quit like I intended to? I might not be here now, celebrating with you.”
“I didn’t stop you from quitting, I teased you to stay.” He corrected. “You could have quit anytime, give it all up, but you didn’t. You faced the challenge.”
“Don’t think I don’t know you cherry-picked the clients I would work with.” I looked at him from the corner of my eye.
“Of course I did. But it wasn’t all for your benefit.” Victor looked at me with earnest eyes. “I merely saw a good opportunity, and yes, cherry-picked the people I enjoy and trust the most to profit from it. It wasn’t all because of you, it was also because of them. Mr. Mills’ business, for example, benefited immensely collaborating with both Guy and Xavier, increasing his sales. Xavier got excellent quality grapes at a very competitive price, and Guy now has superior fresh ingredients for his restaurant. Everything your study promises. A win-win-win situation.”
I couldn’t help but smile, not because of the praise, but because my “utopic reasoning”, as some teachers put it, made some sense after all. And the practical applications of it, that allowed these companies to grow, was the final proof.
“And I got you.” My hand leaving the wheel and reaching for his. “And you were my greatest support, Victor. If it wasn’t for you-“
“Just take the praise.” Victor sounded annoyed, but I could see the soft smile on his face. “I will not repeat myself. Just say Thank you, handsome.”
“You enjoy your new nickname, is it?”
“I don’t hate it.” Victor feigned aloofness.
“Thank you, handsome.” I offered, just letting the happiness wash over me.
A comfortable silence filled the car, and all we could hear was the hum of the motor running, and the seagulls outside, jumping on the warm sand of the beach beside us. It suddenly dawned on me where we were driving to. It was Victor’s first real interaction with my family. I started feeling nervous again, my happiness thrown to the background, as an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach again.
“Are you nervous?” Victor asked, reading into me.
“Why should I be?” I answered nonchalantly.
“I can tell you are worried.” He said, matter-of-factly. “Are you afraid they won’t like me?”
“I’m afraid you won’t like them.” I confessed. “I mean, you’ve seen them. They are caring and supportive and I love them to death, but they’re also overly expressive, and noisy… Nothing you are used to.”
“How judgmental do you think I am?” Victor frowned at me.
I didn’t answer, afraid to start an argument. Victor could be judgmental sometimes. Not that he did it on purpose, or with a mean intention, but he was quick to draw conclusions about people. It was how he navigated through the world. He categorized.
“Perhaps I’m a little nervous as well.” He offered, almost in a whisper.
“Don’t be. You made time in your very busy schedule and took a twelve-hour flight to come and see my presentation. When asked, you spoke highly of me. They already like you.” I chuckled, relieved to see the tone of the conversation shifting to a more amicable one.
“After what you’ve been through…” He hesitated for a moment. “I want them to see I’m not like that.” He confessed.
I turned the car to the side of the road, pulling the brake. Unfastening my seatbelt, I turned to Victor.
“You’re nothing like him.” I said, stroking his cheek. “Nothing at all. They will see that too, I’m sure.”
Victor ran his fingers through my curls, taking the back of my head and pulling me towards him for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to get as close as I could, despite the parking brake and gear shift between us.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since you left Loveland.” Victor whispered, his forehead touching mine.
I parked the car in front of my mother’s villa. My family had just arrived, and everyone was working to get lunch started.
“Welcome, Victor.” My mom greeted him. “Andrea will show you around while we set the table.”
“Do you need help?” Victor offered.
“No, not necessary. We have plenty of people to help. But it’s very nice of you to offer.” My mom smiled.
As we stepped inside, we were greeted by Lady, my black and white Border Collie. Well, I was greeted. Seeing Victor, a stranger in her pack’s territory, Lady positioned herself in front of him, taking a defensive stance, growling at him. Victor instinctively took a step back.
“Lady!” I called, trying to break her attack focus. “Sit! Calm down.”
Lady immediately sat, waiting for orders. I hugged Victor, and patted him on the chest. Lady was watching my behavior closely.
“He’s a friend, see?” I told her, and then turned to Victor. “You need to show her you are friendly.”
Victor gave me a confused frown but obliged, hugging me back and pecking me on the forehead. Lady was apparently pleased with the gesture, going to Victor and nudging his hand. He hesitated, but after a moment he started petting her. Her tailed wagged happily.
“Good job defending your family.” He offered, kneeling to let her come closer. “Good girl.”
I took Victor to the back of the house, where the greenhouse was located, connected to a small bright study and the kitchen. My mother’s house wasn’t as luxurious as Victor’s, but was well located near the beach, and with good access to the city, and it was incredibly spacious. We arrived at the study, where my piano was, by the door of the greenhouse, which was open at that time.
“What’s this smell?” He asked, breathing deeply the aroma.
“Lavender and lemon. From the greenhouse.”
Victor nodded in approval and then walked to my piano, looking at one of the pictures on top of the varnished wood, me playing that same piano when I was 7 years old.
“Is this you?” He asked, observing it carefully. “You were cute.”
“I still am.” I pretended to be offended.
“Debatable.” He gave me a mischievous smile, and I could tell he was relaxing a little bit.
“There you are.” I heard my mother, coming from the kitchen. “Lunch is on the table, come eat. Victor, there’s a bathroom near the kitchen, if you want to use it. Come, I’ll show you.”
Victor thanked my mother and followed her inside. I was about to go inside, when Cristina stopped me.
“Is he your boyfriend?” She whispered in Portuguese, so my father and Victor wouldn’t understand us. “He’s hot!”
“Shhhhh!” I urged her to keep quiet. “I haven’t told anyone yet. Did my mother say anything in the car?”
“No, she just commented on how nice he is. Josh is very suspicious though, he acted moody all the way here.”
“Oh God…” I whined, hiding my face with my hands.
“Hey! Snap out of it!” Cristina slapped my arm playfully. “Are you happy?” She asked, giving me a warm smile.
“Yes.” I smiled back. “Very happy.”
“Good. I got your back if things get chaotic. Don’t worry.”
“Are you ladies going to have lunch with us or are you watching your figure?” My father teased from inside.
As I entered, Victor was already sitting at the table, engaged in conversation with my brother, trying hard to blend in. There was a place next to him saved for me. My mother cooked a feast, from the usual codfish to the typical fava beans with pork. When everyone was happily eating, I tried to break the news.
“Victor, have you tried Portuguese food before?” My father asked, making conversation.
“Yes, on one occasion.” He kept it vague, not wanting to tell them I had been cooking for him. “I tried the codfish, but not this recipe. It had cream, I think. I never had the fava beans before. They’re delicious.”
“And the wine, do you like it?” My father asked again. “It’s from a winery I sometimes visit, in Alentejo. They make the finest wines.”
“Yes, Andrea told me you are an oenologist. Actually, one of our clients seems to know you. Xavier Breton, do you know him? He’s a big fan of your work.” Victor was a far cry from the moody CEO everybody was used to. If any of his employees could see him relaxed and making conversation like this, they wouldn’t believe it.
“I heard of him. He owns a winery near Paris.” My father turned to me. “How come you never told me you were working with Xavier Breton? I could’ve given you some pointers.”
“Clearly she didn’t need them, given her results. And on that subject, we should make a toast.” My mother said, raising her glass. “To our Andy and a job well done!”
We all raised our glasses and drank. I still had the glass on my lips when I heard my mom again. She spoke in a deviously calm fashion, with a smile on her lips.
“Now Victor, do tell me, what are your intentions with my daughter?”
I somehow managed to keep myself from spraying the wine I had in mouth all over the table, but I still choked a little. Victor patted me on the back, his cheeks pink, as I tried to catch my breath. Nice going, Mom.
“You had to wait for her to drink to ask, didn’t you? Couldn’t avoid the scene.” My brother spoke quietly, his head low, as he focused on his food.
“Well, I may not be the typical meddling Portuguese mother, but I do feel entitled to some drama.” My mother joked. “So, Victor, you were saying?”
“The very best.” Victor’s voice came out a little higher than usual, so he cleared his throat. “I care very much for Andrea.”
“And how long have you been dating?” Cristina asked with dreamy eyes. You’re supposed to make them stop, not ask any more questions, Cristina.
“For about three months.” Victor said, reaching for his wine. He seemed cool and casual, but his jugular pulsing fast and hard told otherwise.
“Oh, so it’s recent. That’s why Andrea kept quiet all this time.” My mother smiled at me.
My father looked at us like we were speaking Klingon, surprised at the turn of events. He was a very bright man, but was also a bit naïve sometimes, completely oblivious to subtleties. An innocent soul, as my mother called him. Suddenly, he became somber.
“Son, I do hope you know what you are doing. Our Andy has been through enough.” He declared. I could just dig a whole and die there. My father just called Victor Lee, Loveland’s mogul and CEO of LFG, son.
“I do.” Victor nodded, looking at me. “I plan on making your daughter very happy.”
“Do you know what I did to the last guy that hurt my sister?” Joshua suddenly asked, throwing Victor a threatening look.
“Josh!” Me and Cristina reprimanded in unison. Victor sipped his wine like nothing had happened.
“I do. I would’ve done the same thing. Except, I wouldn’t get caught.” He answered, matter-of-factly.
“So you know.” My mother concluded, a surprised smile on her face. Victor nodded. “Don’t worry, Josh. I don’t think he’s like Daniel at all.” She eyed Victor, like she was analyzing him. “Victor seems to be from a different breed altogether. He seems to be a man of honor.”
“He is.” I said, smiling at Victor, giggling internally when I saw him blush again.
“Well, my mother is the best judge of character at this table, perhaps of the entire city. If she approves, I do too.” Josh extended his hand for Victor to shake. Victor took it, torn between shyness and satisfaction.
“Thank you.” He answered, looking more relaxed.
“You can stop blushing now, Andrea. The awkward part is over.” My mother teased, and that made my cheeks burn even more. “Tell me, Victor, for how long do we have you in Portugal?”
“I’ll have to leave tomorrow. I have a rather busy schedule, I can’t take any more personal days.”
“Lovely. Since Victor took these days to come and support you, it’s only fair that you make the best of his time and take him to visit Lisbon, don’t you think?” My mother turned to me, smiling suggestively.
“Actually, if you don’t mind, I would like to steal your daughter for the evening. I have something planned for us.”
My mother and Cristina exchanged glances, smiling.
“I don’t see why not.” My father chimed in. “You surely have better things to do than to entertain us old farts.”
“What do you think?” Victor turned to me.
“Wait, I do actually have a say in the matter?” I joked. “I would love to.” I smiled at Victor, caressing his knee under the table. Victor’s hand left his knife, holding my hand instead.
“Next time you two come here, we have to schedule a night out.” My brother chimed in, as Cristina nodded enthusiastically. “We can go to our old pub, you could watch my band perform, we could even convince Andrea to go on stage and sing and play the piano. She used to sing in our band, you know.”
“Now, that would be something to look forward to.” Victor’s eyes widened, as his interest peaked.
“Well, we can watch your band, but I will certainly not sing. Those days are over.” I warned.
“I’ll convince her to sing, don’t worry.” My brother whispered, winking at Victor.
“No you won’t!” I argued, as everybody started presenting reasons as to why I should sing.
Lisbon was incredibly sunny and warm that afternoon, despite being February. I took Victor to visit Belém and see our famous Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Belém’s Tower, and the outstanding Padrão dos Descobrimentos. We enjoyed the sun sitting at a table near the riverbank, the Tejo River keeping us company, as we drank coffee and had some pastéis de nata, a delicacy made of puff pastry and a silky custard-like cream.
Victor hummed as he ate his last piece of the confection, taking a sip of his coffee right after.
“You were right, Portugal is a lot warmer than Loveland.” He spoke as he turned towards the river to feel the breeze. He’d already taken off his jacket and tie, keeping only his white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the first two buttons of the collar undone. “Lisbon is a beautiful city.”
“I did ask you if you wanted to stop by your hotel to change.” I raised my eyebrows at Victor. “Are you too hot?”
“I’m fine.” He assured me. “Besides, if we went to my hotel room, we wouldn’t leave at all.” Victor smiled suggestively and got up, taking his cellphone from the table. “Come, let’s take a walk. I need some help digesting all the food that I ate.”
We watched the sunset touch the river as we sat on a park bench, holding hands. Victor was relaxed, happy, soft and I loved this side of him. He leaned on me, his nose brushing mine.
“Now it’s time for your surprise. Come, let’s go to the hotel.”
Victor was staying at the famous Palácio Belmonte, located in Alfama, one of the most fashionable neighborhoods in Lisbon. It was already dark when we arrived, so I spotted the large quantity of fairy lights illuminating the suite’s terrace right away.
“Dinner will be served in 15 minutes, Sir.” A butler came to us. “Would you like to have a drink while you wait?”
“A brandy, please.” Victor answered, fully in CEO mode. “What would you like to drink?” He turned to me, his voice softening.
“Same.” The butler left and we sat at the exquisitely decorated table. The light of the candles gave Victor a dreamy look, and I started imagining myself being held in his strong arms, his mouth tasting my skin. Something inside me, down south, clenched a little.
“I love my surprise, thank you.” I said, trying to take my mind off it.
“This is not your surprise. This is just us having dinner. The surprise is after dinner.”
I spent the entire meal hanging onto the edge of my seat, although playing it extremely cool. We talked about the city, the things he loved the most, my memories of the place. As the waiters were clearing the table, Victor led me to his bedroom.
“Wait here,” He said, as he sat me on the bed.
He returned with a velvet box. Slightly larger than the ones for rings. I opened it. It was a white gold charm bracelet, which already included some charms: a small silver Eiffel Tower, a tiny bottle with sand in it, a snowflake adorned with small crystals and the letter V.
“Victor…” I whispered. It was too much.
“Give me your hand.” He gently took my wrist and secured the bracelet around it, softly touching the charms one by one. “The Eiffel Tower represents our trip to Paris and our first kiss, the sand in the bottle is actually from Dubai…”
“The snowflake represents our first Christmas together, and the V stands for… you?” I finished.
“The V stands for victory, you achieving what you have worked so hard for. The fact that it also stands for Victor is a happy coincidence. But maybe it will remind you of me when you look at it.” He smiled at me.
I wrapped my arms around Victor, and he immediately placed his hands on my waist, bringing his face closer to mine.
“I don’t need a bracelet or a charm to think of you. You’re always on my mind as it is.” I said, brushing my nose against his. “Now… Does the surprise have a part two?” I whispered seductively in his ear, which made Victor take a deep breath.
“What do you have in mind?” His low voice rumbled in his chest.
“I don’t know…” I smiled mischievously at him, my fingers running down his chest. “I have been wanting to get rid of this for a while now.” I said, tugging at his shirt.
To the point as usual, Victor kissed me passionately, as he slowly laid me on his bed.
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askdawnandvern · 4 years
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WT: Okay...welp, I guess if we're going by what I feel is appropriate to personality I'm going to ignore the fact that the Hunter brothers would probably have to be a mixed breed from their parentage and just pick a breed for each. We can say they were adopted I suppose.
For Vernon I'm thinking Golden Retriever. Loyal, very empathetic, and quite smart. Also super affectionate dogs. Although that's not entirely fair as dogs on average are pretty affectionate creatures. Out of all the dogs I've had/lived around in my life, my Golden was the best of the lot.
Yuri was also an easy pick, although I think his is more for aesthetic reasons than personality. For Yuri I went with a Doberman, complete with docked ears and tail(At his own choosing). Loud, guard dog breed, albeit not the toughest one out there, certainly looks imposing. That said, having had one myself, they can also be real sweethearts deep down. And like most guard dogs, they will go in fierce to protect those they care about.
Trenton was also chosen for aesthetic reasons, and for him I went with a Siberian Husky. Generally, Trenton is a more laid back character, but a deep thinker and a bit of a prankster. This doesn't necessarily line up with what I've seen from Husky's, but I imagine he can be a bit stubborn, like I've seen from Huskys, although not nearly as vocal.
Wade: For Wade I ironically went with a Sheepdog of all breeds. Mostly because when I picture him as a domestic, that's where my mind went. Something about the big tuft of fur growing so thick it looks like it's covering his eyes struck me as a Wade thing. I've said before Wade is usually the peacekeeper among the brothers, often to the fault of lying to try to keep arguments from cropping up. In that way, I suppose you could say he's leading his brothers around a bit.
Ulric: I was tempted to go Chihuahua for this, as they tend to be rather...stressed pooches. Trembling messes afraid of their own shadow in most cases, and rightfully so. However, in the end, I think a Greyhound is more fitting, maybe even an Italian greyhound. They are such a strange-looking breed, and I feel that it definitely encapsulates what I see in my mind. That said, while I don't know all that much about Italian greyhounds or otherwise, I'm mostly picturing that strange little Italian Greyhound owned by Youtube's Jenna Marbles when I think of Ully. Kermit. Seriously, this link compilation is like my case file for Ully's spirit breed.
Xavier: While I initially planned to go with a lab for Xavier, I decided that perhaps a Shibe Inu is a better fit. Not only in the way of the look, but the natural clean fur factor, in that it takes them a long time to actually get to needing a bath. It makes them feel naturally fastidious, which fits Xavier. They are also intelligent and stubborn, two traits I also feel line up with Xavey quite well.
Zach: First born, last on the list, German Shepard. Loveable yet loyal and fierce protectors. A favorite choice for police dogs, as well as an analog breed for a wolf willing to jump in front of a bullet.
Dorian: Alaskan Malamute. Mostly chosen to avoid picking husky for more than two of the characters listed, then again that gets shot to heck later in the list. Then again, he fits the strong and dedicated type of animal that malamutes are described as. Also, unlike huskies they are apparently fairly quiet. Just have to worry about that 'high prey drive' around his fellow meadowlanders. Lol. But seriously, size, strength, and disposition fit Dorian to a tee.
Audrey: Blonde Border Collie. No, lot the Lassie Collie. They are largely farm hand dogs, and also can be used for sheep herding ironically. Also, they are a highly intelligent and playful breed, both monikers that fit Auddey to a tee. And again, like most dogs they can be sweet and cuddly.
Now for the other wolves outside the Hunters.
Kodi: Discussing it with his partial creator, he wanted to go with Husky, and I honestly can't really argue against it. Once again, it suits Kodi's look, and it can also work in terms of his personality in the emotionally stubborn department. If a husky want's your attention or love,  they will persist until you give in. They are a very vocal breed from what I've seen.
Loupon: For Loup I picked a Samoyed. This is mostly for looks, as it's considered one of the prettier breeds of dog out there, and by Ana's standards ken was top of the pole in terms of looks and station. Also herding dog, which makes it extra ironic he hooked up with Claire.
Ana: Sharpei. Why? Well...I've had personally bad experiences with the breed. They can be very aggressive and unfriendly, at least in my experience. Not a dog for kids, or keepers of other small animals. I believe they were used for fighting dogs back in their native lands, but it's been years since I heard it and haven't fact checked. So I feel that's the perfect disposition to match up with Ana's.
Talia: lastly for Talia, I chose Saint Bernard. Mostly by virtue of picking one of the largest breeds of dogs out there to represent her. But despite thier massive size and rippling musculature, they are also very gentle, friendly dogs, which I think fits Talia to a tee, especially around Broomie.
Connor: Despite being a Coyote, I know the one who wanted me to make him was initially hoping for a German Shep. So there's an east answer.
Dom: Also a German Shepard, as a request by his creator. Although, hard to pick a more fitting breed considering the body structure and country of origin, lol.
Ideally, I would have wanted to draw all these guys out, but that would take way too much time that could be devoted to comms and writing, so instead I picked the three I thought would look best to display. So I present to you, Vernon as a Golden Retriever (Because I had too, his names in the blog.) Yuri as the Doberman, and Audrey as the Border Collie. Hope you like them. Perhaps in the future I'll draw a few more.
PS: I want to apologize for taking so long with these ones this week...I’m feeling a bit under the weather and it’s kinda slowing everything down as I try to work around it.
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seriousshit88 · 7 years
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2017 felt a bit more productive than 2016. I don’t know if I wrote more words this time around, but I feel more satisfied with my work. I have actually enjoyed rereading a few of these, and how many writers enjoy going back to read what they’ve written? I’d be interested to hear from other people about that.
I even wrote during a hurricane. With no electricity, I needed something to do to pass the time. I filled fic prompts and found out just how long a Chromebook’s battery can last (a really long time).
The vast majority of these don’t have titles. Sorry. I just really suck at titles lol. I also wrote no smut this year. I kept everything PG-13 and below. This was a conscious choice. I found it a lot easier to write when I wasn’t worried about detailing the mechanics of sex. This isn’t to say I’m never writing porn ever again. I just didn’t write any this year. There is, however, a fair amount of kissing going on in Stiles’s Jeep, so, uh, make of that what you will.
Of everything I wrote this year, I think the most surprising was the expansion (and refinement) of the Cave!Sciles AU. I want to keep writing for it, so expect more of them in 2018. :)   
I want to thank everyone who sent me a prompt, offered encouragement, sent asks--both anon and otherwise--reblogged, or liked anything I wrote in 2017. I’m glad you’re still with me on this strange trip. 
Gus took one look at the thermostat and tsked. “This thing is ancient. Do you have any idea how much it costs to upgrade central heat and air? Thousands.” - G
Raven’s Home
Raven Baxter/Chelsea Daniels
“I know you’re awake, Chelsea.” She tried her best to keep her voice level, but the amount of effort it took Raven to not yell was astronomical. Even a raucous night at the club wasn’t enough to dull the betrayal Raven felt. - G
Teen Wolf
“Oh, no. Not again,” Scott whined. Seated on the dining room floor were a border collie puppy, a two-year-old human toddler, and a trail of flour leading back to the kitchen. - G
Stiles pulled into the clinic’s parking lot and shut off the Jeep’s engine. He didn’t immediately get out, though. He couldn’t. - G
Lockdown - “This DJ sucks,” Stiles groused into his empty shot glass. He slammed it back down onto the bar and stuck a lime slice between his teeth, sucking out all of the juice before dropping the rind into the glass. He motioned to the bartender for another tequila shot. - PG-13
Once the smoke cleared in Scott’s room, Stiles just stood there. He felt a little sick. “Uh-oh,” he muttered, staring in disbelief at the sight in front of him. - PG
“How about we just send everyone a carrier pigeon and call it a day?” - G - Guest starring Draeden
He dug it out of the ground and cleaned it off as best he could. It resembled the inside of a large abalone shell. Its opalescent hue was beautiful, dazzling. Just like his Scott. This gave Stiles an idea. - PG - Part of the Cave!Sciles AU 
“Excuse me, but what do you think you’re doing?” Stiles squinted at Scott like he’d just been betrayed by the only person in the world who could actually surprise him with betrayal. - G
Scott [1:25]: hey - G - (a series of text messages between Scott and Stiles)
Stiles popped the cap off of his third Heineken and gestured at Scott with the neck of the bottle. “You’ve been holding out on me.” - G
The rushing wind roared in Scott’s ears as he sped down the mountain highway. The speedometer on his new motorcycle told him he was going a little faster than he should have been. Naturally, he leaned on the accelerator. - PG-13
Scott stopped bundling herbs for his satchel long enough to watch Stiles grab another lump of clay and start smoothing it out on the stone before him. - PG - Part of the Cave!Sciles AU
Dulcibus Veritas - “Scott! Buddy! Dude!” Stiles stopped cuddling the Jeep long enough to run up the front porch stairs and wrap Scott in a warm hug. A warm, tight hug. A warm, tight, lung-crushing hug. Stiles had obviously put on more muscle since Scott last saw him, and, well, Scott felt paradoxically looser after Stiles finally released him. Like his insides had gone from plain pretzel to warm caramel. It was nice in a way that Scott gave up trying to figure out a long time ago. - PG
For Old Time’s Sake - “Okay, okay. I’ll be straight with you. As straight as I’m capable of being,” Stiles said, cutting off the bi joke he knew Scott was gearing up to make. “I wanted to spend some time with you. Alone. Away from everyone else. I want to have you all to myself for a little while, for old time’s sake. Does that really sound so horrible?” - PG
“Once upon a time, there was a prince who lived in a castle hidden on a faraway island,” Derek murmured into the darkness. He ran his fingers through Scott’s hair, lightly massaging his scalp. They were in bed in their hotel room, both exhausted after a long day of boring seminars. Tomorrow would be more of the same. - G
Was he intimidated? Embarrassed? No, he couldn’t be, not by these people who were barely paying attention to him. Like that one kid who’d just come in holding a motorcycle helmet, earbuds in his ears, bag slung sloppily over one shoulder, scuffed Timberlands clomping on the linoleum floor. He gave Derek a friendly smile before moving past him through the lab, and…oh. - PG
This new girl was pretty in a fierce kind of way. A kind of way that made Kira’s stomach do a little flip. Huh. - PG (barely)
Kira groaned. Getting a degree in Forestry was a big deal, and Kira just wanted Malia to look nice on her own graduation day. It shouldn’t have been an impossible goal. Malia, however, could not care less. - PG - Guest starring Sciles
There’s a werewolf dating app, and Stiles thinks it’s hilarious to very sneakily download it onto Scott’s phone. - PG (more of a headcanon, but it’s a long one, and made it to almost-fic status, so it’s in the round-up)
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syrvses-blog · 7 years
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everything you could ever want to know about syrus is under the cut.
death tw, smoking tw, alochol mention
Full name: seung-jun han
Any nicknames?: syrus (please call him that), hades
Age: 27 (holla @ yo ridiculously young mob boss)
Birthday/Zodiac sign: january 7 // capricorn
Height: 6′2
Any tattoos, piercings?: no piercings, but he does have a few tattoos. the first and most prominent one reads “you will always be fond of me. i represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to admit” located on his right rib cage. this was done both because he is a nerd for classical literature and because the quote reminds him of his father, whom he never wants to become. he also has ( these ) two, in honor of cronus (eye) and his deceased best friend (rose), who died in a similar time span.
Sound: yasmin’s voice…jk jk the small sounds that echo against the walls of a silent space. a clock ticking, methodical and orderly. the scribbling of a wooden pencil, curious and erratic. the turning of a novel’s page and the certain sense of completion, of progress that comes with it. the muffled bass of club nyra hammering below his feet. the various beats of life in the dead of stillness that keeps him on task, keeps him enthralled in his work.
Color: surprise, surprise, black. but, likewise – white. in fact, his flat above club nyra is nearly completely white with tiny pops of color, such as that in the green apples that sit on the marble counters of the kitchen area. even more surprising, he’s also rather fond of warm neutrals, such as those found on his blog. in complete contrast to his flat, his actual apartment that can be found in ever changing locations across nyc is very warm, very home-y, and washed in those soft oranges and browns.
Person: may he rest in peace, cronus. though his friend found deceased years ago does come in as a close second, no one has altered his life more than harvey johnson. the first father figure in his life to ever truly love him as son, to ever truly look at him and not see a tool or a potential weapon, but as a human being. he has fought for years to preserve the work cronus has done to promote the olympians, and he will continue to work tirelessly for the man who proved to him not all is bad in the world syrus was raised in.
Memory: for his twelfth birthday, his father took him and his now deceased friend to the metropolitan museum of art. whenever the story was shared (by his friend more so than syrus, who rarely speaks of his past), his friend would always claim that the museum “broke” syrus, who had always been a more reserved, professional person. this is because in those few hours, syrus was, for one of the few times in his life, a kid. having always been a nerd and especially a nerd for things that are old, being surrounded by so much history and being able to see the influences of the history he read on the artwork made him genuinely giddy. though his friend and father certainly weren’t as enthused as he was, they entertained him by allowing him to drag them around as he rattled on about certain eras and certain paintings and possible influences. he has a particular memory of a tour guide with long, dark hair and a friendly voice joking to her clients that they should simply follow him around instead of her as their group passed him by. this whole ordeal was a complete surprise to him, seeing as he thought his father was simply taking him and his friend out to breakfast, and though he usually isn’t a fan of surprises, this one was undoubtedly appreciated.
Place: he has three. the first is the metropolitan museum of art for the reasons described earlier. the second is the new york public library. it is no secret or shock that syrus is obsessed with books and with reading, so a place stocked with millions of books is a dream come true for the man. every single time he walks in he has a moment similar to the one in beauty and the beast when the beast guides belle into the library. of his few complaints about being a mob boss, not being able to read more is definitely one of them. continuing forward, his third and final favorite place is club nyra, minutes before it opens. he has a circular couch in corner raised up a few inches that he usually does business with other club owners in, and occasionally he’ll slide into the white leather seats with some paperwork for the club before the doors allow the mass of people to flow in. in his seat in the intersection, he can view the bartender wiping down the bar in the middle back of the club one final time and the dj readying the track list in the other far end. with the dancers stretching and julian speaking to one of the various workers and the faint smell of vanilla (proven to make people happier) in the air, it truly is a priceless scene. once the doors open at 11 pm sharp, the setting isn’t ruined by the influx of people. instead, it is enhanced, for seeing the success of the club he rebuilt essentially on his own brings him a joy little else can bring.
Vice: oh, syrus and his nicotine. he knows what it’s doing to his body and he knows that he’ll probably pass due to lung cancer if he lives long enough to develop it, but the addiction doesn’t seem to care. he doesn’t drink, primarily because he genuinely doesn’t like alcohol aside from a few of the club nyra speciality drinks and he will sip on wine to seem professional. likewise, he doesn’t dabble in any other drugs, nor is he a slave to sex. his only physical vice, truly, is the packet of cigarettes in his suit jacket’s pocket. to steal madi’s (current medusa/octavia) idea of my favorite vice for syrus, since nicotine is certainly his favorite vice, i have to admit–i love how unfeeling and unempathetic syrus is in times of betrayal or when people fail to meet his expectations of perfection. in my head he truly is horrifying when in “scary syrus” mode. if a character is having a meeting with syrus and they know they’ve disappointed him, they should be prepared for the absolute coldest aura surrounding a merciless man who won’t accept excuses, regardless of how valid they are. this is my favorite vice primarily because it’s so much fun to write and fits how i originally conceived syrus to be all the time (like honestly i was going to originally use these gifs a lot tbh). but, then he sort of turned into a very formal, very intelligent CEO with a Nerd Dad part tucked under all that professionalism and distance. i still love him with all my life, but there is something so satisfying about writing syrus when he is in his pique of ruthlessness.
Been in love?: he has never been in love, nope! nor does he ever see himself being in love or getting married. to revive an old meme, my thoughts and feelings towards this are ( x ).
Done drugs?: his entire list of drug use starts and ends with his cigarettes.
Killed someone?: yes, of course. he is a mob boss, after all. he has killed 17 people and could tell you the names of all of them. names are actually quite important to syrus, seeing as he’s unusually terrible with them unless he has a reason to remember them. when he was younger, part of his training with his father was memorizing the names of everyone in the olympians. unfortunately, because syrus’ mother disappeared when he was two and he didn’t know the cause of her disappearance was something that would be so important to his beliefs until 18 years later, he never learned her name and doesn’t know it now. he also has no real way to learn her name, being that he has no contact with his family in korea and little access to the conventional methods of finding her name.
Betrayed someone’s trust?: aside from the whole “splitting from old olympus,” never.
Had their heart broken?: with the death of cronus and his friend, yes. but, in the implied sense of via the loss (whether it be through break up or through some other method) of a significant other, nope.
Lost someone?: far too many people.
❝ ┅ DO THEY...
Have any pets?: ah yes, the infamous dog megara (but her friends call her “meg”) – a border collie that he loves more than life itself. he adopted the dog when meg was quite young, probably around 1-2 years old, after his father passed away seven years ago. he absolutely adores and would happily be with her over most human beings.
Have a family they still talk to?: they’re all dead or chillin’ out in korea, so nah! the only family he would want to talk to even would be his mother, but being that she died when he was two, it would be sort of a difficult situation without a medium. perhaps he would also enjoy speaking to his extended family, seeing as he doesn’t know the name of his mother and would rather enjoy having that knowledge.
Have a best friend?: that’s…iffy territory? like, he trusts julian/dionysus quite a bit because he does manage club nyra but that’s definitely a very father/son relationship despite syrus being the younger of the two. likewise, he’s rather close with octavia/medusa and felicia/cerberus, though the former is certainly more of a working relationship and he’s sleeping with the latter despite also having a working relationship. continuing, he’s also decent friends with kit/icarus, though it’s more of an unconventional friendship. friends are quite difficult for him with his position and personality, but best friends are particularly hard to come by since that implies a certain level of trust that syrus hasn’t had with anyone since that friend.
Want to get married and/or have kids?: as mentioned earlier, syrus, at this very moment, never sees himself getting married. but, if he did find the right person (insert finger guns), he’d happily marry. he simply would never predict this for himself since he has issues with trusting people completely due to being ridiculously independent/worried about endangering those he’s close to. as for kids? oh god, though syrus is really just Dad somewhere under all that formal business talk, he is absolutely horrible with children. perhaps it is because he doesn’t quite know how to communicate with people who do not understand his language. but, i’m sure if (when) he does marry, he’ll be so enraptured with the person he’s with, he’d be more than glad to have children with them.
Want to leave?: if this question was posed not even ten years ago, syrus would have most certainly confirmed that he did want to leave and was planning on opening his own business in a place as far away as korea. but, being that he now has club nyra and a duty to protect cronus’ legacy from crumbling under the wrong hands, he could never picture himself leaving. his sense of duty to cronus and to the people who depend on him is far too strong for him to allow himself to fade away. he simply must protect his people, must protect the few things in life that keep him from falling into a state of complete roboticism.
Phone call or text? face to face conversation? yes? no? anyways, though he sees the appeal and necessity of both with texts doing well for quick updates, organizing plans, and stealth operations, he prefers to call. when in “scary syrus” mode, as i like to call it, he can be rather terse. but, with the people he actually would like to call for reasons other than business, he can become very loquacious and quite the storyteller. furthermore, he enjoys hearing people’s voices when they speak, it adds on a sense of reality to the conversation.
Wealth or loyalty? regardless of the fact that syrus is a wealthy man himself and does enjoy the comfort of wealth, at the end of the day, he’d take loyalty over wealth without second thought. he may be seen as the ultimate traitor to old olympus, but his loyalty to cronus and to the people who follow him under new olympus spans far beyond the average human and he values loyalty from others just the same. though all human life is irreplaceable to syrus, those that prove themselves loyal to a strong cause and prepared to meet the expectations required to further that cause are especially valued.
Love or lust? n…either? syrus doesn’t have feelings–only a strong moral compass. joking, joking mostly. on a serious note, though he remains largely unaware of the benefits of love and how much he would love being in love at the moment, once he does get a hold of himself – love, all the way. lust is nice and he certainly won’t complain about it, but ultimately he would much prefer to be in love than in lust. wow i’m making him sound so soft those of y’all who don’t know syrus are going to be So Surprised when you interact with him and He’s So Not Soft.
5 Friends or 100 Acquaintances? 100 acquaintances, or “contacts,” as syrus would refer to them as. 100 people for him to reach out to to help advertise a new night at club nyra or to potentially persuade into doing something for the furthering of new olympus. in syrus’ mind, friends either leave with too much information or die and shake him out of his phlegmatic state. but, if he has 100 loyal acquaintances who know him to be trustworthy, then he’s set.
Summer or winter? winter!! wow, hades, you’re so surprising. albeit that summer is arguably a more profitable time for club nyra, syrus without a doubt prefers winter. this may be because i don’t think he owns a short sleeved shirt and his typical attire is a full on suit, or it may be because he runs both of his spaces at a below average temperature and enjoys it completely. winter is the time of year when the temperature outside matches the temperature of his homes, if not is far colder (which may be better).
Wanted plots/connections:
everyone: comes to new olympus k bye
new olympus: i’d love to plot with how and why the other character came to new olympus. what did syrus offer, whether it be an actual offer such as safety or just what made him seem better over zeus? did they have a past together or something? also, syrus makes a very good trainer if you need someone to help your character learn to punch someone.
old olympus: syrus grew up in the mob, so if your character has been in the olympians for a while, then chances are they knew each other. did they work together? did they get along/not get along? was syrus just some mystical figure in the background?
titans: this is a tad harder being that the titans were in germany for so long. but, if they’re a more recent titan addition, i’d love to have some like tension-y thing with syrus if they were active members of the olympians. he’d feel a little miffed that they chose to join the titans but skipped out on new olympus.
neutral: someone could be his neighbor at wherever his apartment is now! furthermore, if they are ex-olympians, we can develop a past from there. anything with club nyra could work out too!! whether it be someone was hitting on your character drunk and syrus kicked them out or they’re just regulars at club nyra.
anyone: my son adopts your child because syrus needs a million fake kids. also possible is to play off of syrus’ dad side where syrus finds your character drunk/hurt/etc and takes care of them. alternatively, we could have our characters start a book club.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Overprotective Dogs: Why You Don’t Want One
I obtain variations of this concern all the time:
“Why isn’t my pet dog protective of me as well as my things?”
Other half or other half; “How can I make him secure me, my family and my points?”
Individuals that have a friendly or manageable canine, are commonly disappointed because they naively want a protective pet.
As well as, people with overprotective pet dogs (usually caused, by them and their actions, from circumstance one) just wish to be able to manage their pet dog as well as have friends and family over to their residence without fretting that someone will certainly be bitten.
Allow me be the first to inform you that you really don’t desire an overprotective pet! Overprotective pets are a HUGE responsibility. Ninety 5 percent aren’t rely on worthy and threaten. If the canine’s behavior is protective or too aggressive, also a veterinary behaviorist may not be able to aid. Several get identified as dangerous pet dogs after a bite as well as are by force euthanized, without an opportunity or behavior rescue or administration. This can be planet smashing for all included. Many of these pet owners love their pet dogs yet do not recognize how to take care of the problem that they have actually created.
I pity them when their caring (to them) animal is captured on a rabies post as well as taken to the shelter or perhaps shot in the street. I sympathize with the dog as well; this need to be a dreadful method to really feel regarding life. As well as, I sympathize with their sufferer, that possibly didn’t be worthy of the bite to begin with.
I comprehend, the standard belief! We live in a terrifying world packed with terrifying individuals, so people by default, desire an overprotective pet that they believe will take that bullet for them. Ninety nine percent of the individuals that come into your life and into your house or automobile are pals and family. How do you anticipate your pet to recognize the difference from unfamiliar people or uncle Andy that is coming to visit from 1,000 miles away? The majority of pet dogs especially pet dogs have horrible reasoning and deductive skills.
Most dogs who seem “overprotective” in fact feel frightened. So these canine owners knew, that aggression you are seeing, is due to the fact that he is scared of the unfamiliar people and not in fact shielding YOU. I have dealt with canines similar to this and also if a real, aggressive intruder comes into your home, these pets run for cover. But if Uncle Andy appears also a bit nervous the dog feeds off it as well as is most likely to be more certain regarding biting. Allow us agree, most of us aren’t using bite matches and ready for a brawl; the majority of people are frightened by or communicate with these dogs totally inaccurately.
Believe me on this, you want a social and friendly animal canine! You desire a pet that you do not have to fret about when the neighbor kids enter into your residence. Husbands, spouses as well as youngsters should all have the ability to come and go with whomever they want without problem. You don’t want to have to locate a boarded veterinary behaviorist in your place since your dog identifies who can and can not enter your life.
You do not desire anyone struck or little bit.
Let United States Break This Down Friendly Dogs Pet dog pets in and also of themselves are a deterrent. No matter if you have a German Shepherd, Border Collie or a Chihuahua; a family pet canine that barks will maintain people from intending to enter your house. He doesn’t have to strike or lunge or reveal coldly aggressive actions, he simply requires to bark and also notify the next-door neighbors that something is wrong in or around your residence.
Bear in mind that barking at EVERYTHING develops the opposite affect for at least your neighbors. It might maintain others at bay but it won’t notify anybody that anything is incorrect. For assist with barking issues go here. Grumbling commonly shows a lack of confidence and also is hard for others to listen to. An excellent positive bark can be quickly educated as well as controlled. Watch This I keep in mind enjoying some daytime tv and also a talk program, years back. The host was speaking with a guy that had mosted likely to jail for numerous things but robbery as well as robbery were among several on his rap sheet. He discussed; that even the barking of a lap dog would certainly maintain him from entering a house, even if he ostensibly recognized the owners were not home. His remark was, “that he would certainly simply maintain casing homes and also find one without a dog, it was most safe. He didn’t desire shocks or issues whatsoever “
That really struck house for me, although, at the time, I was just a teen. I can comprehend that even the tiniest of barks or barking would or may bring undesirable interest and it would just be simpler to move on to the next home.
And also, most of canines; even the friendly pet dogs, will bark when a person pertains to the door!
Do not think you require “Cujo” or a guy stopper or a security educated pet to keep individuals out of your residence! You just need a canine with a voice with a voice!
I am additionally of, the point of view that, most canines are actually safety. Doesn’t matter if they are Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies, or German Shepherds (in this circumstances dimension may matter a lot more as a deterrent in this situation).
Also most pleasant pet dog dogs, that ostensibly enjoy everybody as well as relatively would never ever shield you, still have safety top qualities in an emergency situation, no instructor needed. Dogs even animals are simply built in a different way than us people!
The trouble is that ninety 9 percent of the time you aren’t frightened for your life or in a horribly threatening scenario. Allow us both concur that the good news is, this is not a problem! Not being in concern for your life is an advantage! If you remain in worry for your life on a constant or constant basis you need greater than a fitness instructor you need to reevaluate your life!
Check out this article to discover the most protective
breed. But I do assume when your adrenaline spikes and also you are regards petrified, your canine senses this and also his all-natural protective qualities springtime right into action!
Thanks Rott Lover for the Photo I had my very first pet dog when I was nineteen. She was a Rottweiler, and also I know what you are assuming … she was protective. Absolutely nothing might be additionally from the truth! When she saw a human, her whole body would certainly wag in anticipation of being pet. She literally enjoyed EVERYONE. At the time, I assumed she was a little bit absurd! I was among those naïve dog owners that would have favored her to be more worried as well as critical concerning the scary individuals in the park.
Nevertheless, I remember walking her someday on leash. I lived in a fairly small town in Wyoming and usually strolled in the road. Being as I was a brand-new pet fitness instructor, she had pretty good chain manners yet was roaming near completion of the chain. As we came near walk past a parked vehicle, a guy literally leaped out from the opposite of the pickup truck, where we couldn’t see him, with his arms open as if to get me.
I assume he really did not see the 100-pound Rottweiler I had on completion of the chain. I had actually never ever when seen her act boldy till that day, as well as I never ever saw her hostile again. She barked, lunged and her hackles elevated. I was scared and she was ready to fight. My partner, at the time, barely believed my recounting the experience.
I have actually never ever seen a man fly right into his truck as well as drive away so swiftly. I can’t ensure what would certainly have happened or what his intents for me were, but I can inform you that both of our instincts stated it had not been going to be an excellent end result.
I valued her capability to evaluate my reaction as well as the circumstance and also take charge. No security training required. And also, also after that occurrence, she returned to being the happy, body-wagging pet I constantly enjoyed and also recognized. She was a confident dog. This experience had not horrified her permanently, it simply instructed her exactly how to handle a various situation and I found out to love that she adored people.
Moral of the story: if you are ever in real risk, most dogs (especially confident pets) will certainly step up without training. Fearful dogs commonly become hostile or what feels like safety pet dogs. As well as, these canines and their actions commonly intensify to the factor where you need the help of a boarded vet behaviorist.
Safety Dogs
Safety pets aren’t bad if the pet’s actions isn’t aggressive actions all of the moment and also they are incredibly confident dogs. Think authorities pet dogs. You won’t discover a timid police pet that has a long occupation. They may be controlling or aggressive of their room, but they are really positive canines.
I claim this because my pets are actually protective and security trained. They are very confident and also their aggressive behavior is managed by ME. They have an activate as well as off however most people do not have 4 days a week, numerous hrs, hundreds of dollars and also the ideal pedigree to back their pet. And also, these dogs take consistent maintenance as well as monitoring!
The problem is that it is a short trip from “protective” to “overprotective” as well as what seems like confidence is really fear. And also, for these dogs one disappointment can influence them permanently.
And also, a lot of people annoy the habits by rewarding it and instructing the pet dog to become afraid as well as hostile. Read this post from the Animal Behavior College.
Several pup owners involve me due to the fact that they are sad that their puppy isn’t barking. Again, I frequently discuss to them that this is a good idea and absolutely nothing to be bothered with. The last point they want is a barking, roaring, lunging obligation.
Barking is a habits that can be educated and also regulated. I can literally ask my canine to bark at any type of minute, but I can likewise tell her when to be silent. And, her barking is not contingent on there being an additional human in the environment. I in fact do not desire a human organization with the behavior.
Read this for help Yet, the first time these owners’puppy barks at a person or grumbles gone, individuals usually fly off of their sofa over praise and also obtain the dog or puppy a reward.
This can be very complicated for the canine or the young puppy.
Of all, he isn’t most likely to connect the behavior of growling or barking with the reward.
You believe that you are awarding “protective” actions by awarding the bark or the roar. However in all sincerity, you are most likely compensating his sensations of instability and anxiety. The very first couple of barks are frequently the outcome of an afraid feeling.
The pet dog sees the postman going through the yard and also blurts a slight * boof. He doesn’t find out about the mailman, he is a lot more alarmed that something remains in his atmosphere that he doesn’t acknowledge. By leaping up as well as rewarding him, you are in actuality compensating the nervous afraid sensation that he is really feeling inside. Eventually he will certainly comprehend that barking brings the treat but at first he is confused and bears in mind the feeling. Trust me you don’t want to compensate an anxious pet, even if he is barking at complete strangers.
Thanks Second Hand Barking for the Photo All of us want independent and also positive pets! Click below for just how to increase a certain young puppy by the AKC
Now he really feels as if he needs to fidget each time he sees the mailman and also barks, because, most often dogs associate sensations with habits. They can’t speak our language so frequently they adopt items of the puzzle and also feelings with specific encounters as well as actions. Once more, you wish to reward a confident pet dog.
This is often why spouses, or men, have far better luck in training and control than some better halves, or women. Other halves tend to be more dominant and also expect much less safety actions from their pets. Partners just often tend to be more certain in taking care of. Do not obtain me wrong; I am a positive as well as really dominant woman. In general partners, or males, often tend to enhance anxiety or anxiety less. Many females feel as if they need to be consoling the canine by stating points like “it’s okay, it’s all right” or expecting security and some hostile actions from the dog. Other halves do not have a tendency to do either, they tend to count on their own self-confidence as well as habits and also the dogs have a tendency to feed off of this instance. Spouses often tend to create more positive canines that are not extremely anxious in specific circumstances.
I remember working with a possible authorities pet dog several years earlier. The problem was that the trainer had actually obtained the German Shepherd Dog so developed prior to biting that he had started to scream rather than bark. This was absence of quality in his mind. He thought in order to be compensated with the bite that he would certainly need to yell.
Howling is the last thing we desire our police canines to do; it shows some absence of clarity and confidence. We needed to show him that in order to get the bite that he wanted he would certainly have to reduce and bark with meaningful quality. We did not desire him to lose control of himself; so we needed to reteach him. His attitude is what established the picture. Bear in mind to reward him when he is confident and showing the actions you want to see.
The Scariest Dogs on earth
I have actually operated in this organisation for a very long time! Over 25 years is a long period of time, although I dislike to admit that I am old. However I have operated in all facets of the animal care world for quite a while.
And, I have gained from collaborating with my own pet dogs and also with client canines that the # 1 canine that frightens people; is a WELL TRAINED DOG. Do on your own a support, watch this video, to see what a pet is capable of and what a confident canine looks like!
As a possible perpetrator, the large wagging pet that is pulling his proprietor down the street, barking at as well as jumping at buddies as well as complete strangers alike, is not the pet dog you need to fret about.
Dogs with years of bite work and also security training featured lots of normal obedience training.
The most frightening dog to possess is really the one that remains in heel position, with great focus as well as is paying attention to his owner’s every command.
My canines have completed in security sports. I recognize what sort of advanced obedience skills are required. These pets have to find out to stroll past the decoy in the fit and ignore him on command. They can not attack or move out of setting on their own (without some details training).
You would certainly never select either of my pets on the street as having defense training (unless you truly understood the breeds). The do not pull on leash, they don’t lunge, they do not bark; unless I regulate them to do any of those things.
They simply look courteous and also like canine good people.
Once again, a barking, lunging, jumping pet that the pet dog owner has no control over, is most likely not protection educated. It is also most likely not going to be overly “protective” in particular scenarios either, since it lacks socializing and also training.
Elevate a certain young puppy
Teach your pet dog or pup to bark on command
Work carefully on advanced obedience skills
All of these components are the dish to keep bad people from hindering you in your home and any place else you might go!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/overprotective-dogs-why-you-dont-want-one/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/overprotective-dogs-why-you-dont-want.html
0 notes
barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Overprotective Dogs: Why You Don’t Want One
I obtain variations of this concern all the time:
“Why isn’t my pet dog protective of me as well as my things?”
Other half or other half; “How can I make him secure me, my family and my points?”
Individuals that have a friendly or manageable canine, are commonly disappointed because they naively want a protective pet.
As well as, people with overprotective pet dogs (usually caused, by them and their actions, from circumstance one) just wish to be able to manage their pet dog as well as have friends and family over to their residence without fretting that someone will certainly be bitten.
Allow me be the first to inform you that you really don’t desire an overprotective pet! Overprotective pets are a HUGE responsibility. Ninety 5 percent aren’t rely on worthy and threaten. If the canine’s behavior is protective or too aggressive, also a veterinary behaviorist may not be able to aid. Several get identified as dangerous pet dogs after a bite as well as are by force euthanized, without an opportunity or behavior rescue or administration. This can be planet smashing for all included. Many of these pet owners love their pet dogs yet do not recognize how to take care of the problem that they have actually created.
I pity them when their caring (to them) animal is captured on a rabies post as well as taken to the shelter or perhaps shot in the street. I sympathize with the dog as well; this need to be a dreadful method to really feel regarding life. As well as, I sympathize with their sufferer, that possibly didn’t be worthy of the bite to begin with.
I comprehend, the standard belief! We live in a terrifying world packed with terrifying individuals, so people by default, desire an overprotective pet that they believe will take that bullet for them. Ninety nine percent of the individuals that come into your life and into your house or automobile are pals and family. How do you anticipate your pet to recognize the difference from unfamiliar people or uncle Andy that is coming to visit from 1,000 miles away? The majority of pet dogs especially pet dogs have horrible reasoning and deductive skills.
Most dogs who seem “overprotective” in fact feel frightened. So these canine owners knew, that aggression you are seeing, is due to the fact that he is scared of the unfamiliar people and not in fact shielding YOU. I have dealt with canines similar to this and also if a real, aggressive intruder comes into your home, these pets run for cover. But if Uncle Andy appears also a bit nervous the dog feeds off it as well as is most likely to be more certain regarding biting. Allow us agree, most of us aren’t using bite matches and ready for a brawl; the majority of people are frightened by or communicate with these dogs totally inaccurately.
Believe me on this, you want a social and friendly animal canine! You desire a pet that you do not have to fret about when the neighbor kids enter into your residence. Husbands, spouses as well as youngsters should all have the ability to come and go with whomever they want without problem. You don’t want to have to locate a boarded veterinary behaviorist in your place since your dog identifies who can and can not enter your life.
You do not desire anyone struck or little bit.
Let United States Break This Down Friendly Dogs Pet dog pets in and also of themselves are a deterrent. No matter if you have a German Shepherd, Border Collie or a Chihuahua; a family pet canine that barks will maintain people from intending to enter your house. He doesn’t have to strike or lunge or reveal coldly aggressive actions, he simply requires to bark and also notify the next-door neighbors that something is wrong in or around your residence.
Bear in mind that barking at EVERYTHING develops the opposite affect for at least your neighbors. It might maintain others at bay but it won’t notify anybody that anything is incorrect. For assist with barking issues go here. Grumbling commonly shows a lack of confidence and also is hard for others to listen to. An excellent positive bark can be quickly educated as well as controlled. Watch This I keep in mind enjoying some daytime tv and also a talk program, years back. The host was speaking with a guy that had mosted likely to jail for numerous things but robbery as well as robbery were among several on his rap sheet. He discussed; that even the barking of a lap dog would certainly maintain him from entering a house, even if he ostensibly recognized the owners were not home. His remark was, “that he would certainly simply maintain casing homes and also find one without a dog, it was most safe. He didn’t desire shocks or issues whatsoever “
That really struck house for me, although, at the time, I was just a teen. I can comprehend that even the tiniest of barks or barking would or may bring undesirable interest and it would just be simpler to move on to the next home.
And also, most of canines; even the friendly pet dogs, will bark when a person pertains to the door!
Do not think you require “Cujo” or a guy stopper or a security educated pet to keep individuals out of your residence! You just need a canine with a voice with a voice!
I am additionally of, the point of view that, most canines are actually safety. Doesn’t matter if they are Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies, or German Shepherds (in this circumstances dimension may matter a lot more as a deterrent in this situation).
Also most pleasant pet dog dogs, that ostensibly enjoy everybody as well as relatively would never ever shield you, still have safety top qualities in an emergency situation, no instructor needed. Dogs even animals are simply built in a different way than us people!
The trouble is that ninety 9 percent of the time you aren’t frightened for your life or in a horribly threatening scenario. Allow us both concur that the good news is, this is not a problem! Not being in concern for your life is an advantage! If you remain in worry for your life on a constant or constant basis you need greater than a fitness instructor you need to reevaluate your life! Check out this article to discover the most protective
breed. But I do assume when your adrenaline spikes and also you are regards petrified, your canine senses this and also his all-natural protective qualities springtime right into action!
Thanks Rott Lover for the Photo I had my very first pet dog when I was nineteen. She was a Rottweiler, and also I know what you are assuming … she was protective. Absolutely nothing might be additionally from the truth! When she saw a human, her whole body would certainly wag in anticipation of being pet. She literally enjoyed EVERYONE. At the time, I assumed she was a little bit absurd! I was among those naïve dog owners that would have favored her to be more worried as well as critical concerning the scary individuals in the park.
Nevertheless, I remember walking her someday on leash. I lived in a fairly small town in Wyoming and usually strolled in the road. Being as I was a brand-new pet fitness instructor, she had pretty good chain manners yet was roaming near completion of the chain. As we came near walk past a parked vehicle, a guy literally leaped out from the opposite of the pickup truck, where we couldn’t see him, with his arms open as if to get me.
I assume he really did not see the 100-pound Rottweiler I had on completion of the chain. I had actually never ever when seen her act boldy till that day, as well as I never ever saw her hostile again. She barked, lunged and her hackles elevated. I was scared and she was ready to fight. My partner, at the time, barely believed my recounting the experience.
I have actually never ever seen a man fly right into his truck as well as drive away so swiftly. I can’t ensure what would certainly have happened or what his intents for me were, but I can inform you that both of our instincts stated it had not been going to be an excellent end result.
I valued her capability to evaluate my reaction as well as the circumstance and also take charge. No security training required. And also, also after that occurrence, she returned to being the happy, body-wagging pet I constantly enjoyed and also recognized. She was a confident dog. This experience had not horrified her permanently, it simply instructed her exactly how to handle a various situation and I found out to love that she adored people.
Moral of the story: if you are ever in real risk, most dogs (especially confident pets) will certainly step up without training. Fearful dogs commonly become hostile or what feels like safety pet dogs. As well as, these canines and their actions commonly intensify to the factor where you need the help of a boarded vet behaviorist.
Safety Dogs
Safety pets aren’t bad if the pet’s actions isn’t aggressive actions all of the moment and also they are incredibly confident dogs. Think authorities pet dogs. You won’t discover a timid police pet that has a long occupation. They may be controlling or aggressive of their room, but they are really positive canines.
I claim this because my pets are actually protective and security trained. They are very confident and also their aggressive behavior is managed by ME. They have an activate as well as off however most people do not have 4 days a week, numerous hrs, hundreds of dollars and also the ideal pedigree to back their pet. And also, these dogs take consistent maintenance as well as monitoring!
The problem is that it is a short trip from “protective” to “overprotective” as well as what seems like confidence is really fear. And also, for these dogs one disappointment can influence them permanently.
And also, a lot of people annoy the habits by rewarding it and instructing the pet dog to become afraid as well as hostile. Read this post from the Animal Behavior College.
Several pup owners involve me due to the fact that they are sad that their puppy isn’t barking. Again, I frequently discuss to them that this is a good idea and absolutely nothing to be bothered with. The last point they want is a barking, roaring, lunging obligation.
Barking is a habits that can be educated and also regulated. I can literally ask my canine to bark at any type of minute, but I can likewise tell her when to be silent. And, her barking is not contingent on there being an additional human in the environment. I in fact do not desire a human organization with the behavior.
Read this for help Yet, the first time these owners’puppy barks at a person or grumbles gone, individuals usually fly off of their sofa over praise and also obtain the dog or puppy a reward.
This can be very complicated for the canine or the young puppy.
Of all, he isn’t most likely to connect the behavior of growling or barking with the reward.
You believe that you are awarding “protective” actions by awarding the bark or the roar. However in all sincerity, you are most likely compensating his sensations of instability and anxiety. The very first couple of barks are frequently the outcome of an afraid feeling.
The pet dog sees the postman going through the yard and also blurts a slight * boof. He doesn’t find out about the mailman, he is a lot more alarmed that something remains in his atmosphere that he doesn’t acknowledge. By leaping up as well as rewarding him, you are in actuality compensating the nervous afraid sensation that he is really feeling inside. Eventually he will certainly comprehend that barking brings the treat but at first he is confused and bears in mind the feeling. Trust me you don’t want to compensate an anxious pet, even if he is barking at complete strangers.
Thanks Second Hand Barking for the Photo All of us want independent and also positive pets! Click below for just how to increase a certain young puppy by the AKC
Now he really feels as if he needs to fidget each time he sees the mailman and also barks, because, most often dogs associate sensations with habits. They can’t speak our language so frequently they adopt items of the puzzle and also feelings with specific encounters as well as actions. Once more, you wish to reward a confident pet dog.
This is often why spouses, or men, have far better luck in training and control than some better halves, or women. Other halves tend to be more dominant and also expect much less safety actions from their pets. Partners just often tend to be more certain in taking care of. Do not obtain me wrong; I am a positive as well as really dominant woman. In general partners, or males, often tend to enhance anxiety or anxiety less. Many females feel as if they need to be consoling the canine by stating points like “it’s okay, it’s all right” or expecting security and some hostile actions from the dog. Other halves do not have a tendency to do either, they tend to count on their own self-confidence as well as habits and also the dogs have a tendency to feed off of this instance. Spouses often tend to create more positive canines that are not extremely anxious in specific circumstances.
I remember working with a possible authorities pet dog several years earlier. The problem was that the trainer had actually obtained the German Shepherd Dog so developed prior to biting that he had started to scream rather than bark. This was absence of quality in his mind. He thought in order to be compensated with the bite that he would certainly need to yell.
Howling is the last thing we desire our police canines to do; it shows some absence of clarity and confidence. We needed to show him that in order to get the bite that he wanted he would certainly have to reduce and bark with meaningful quality. We did not desire him to lose control of himself; so we needed to reteach him. His attitude is what established the picture. Bear in mind to reward him when he is confident and showing the actions you want to see.
The Scariest Dogs on earth
I have actually operated in this organisation for a very long time! Over 25 years is a long period of time, although I dislike to admit that I am old. However I have operated in all facets of the animal care world for quite a while.
And, I have gained from collaborating with my own pet dogs and also with client canines that the # 1 canine that frightens people; is a WELL TRAINED DOG. Do on your own a support, watch this video, to see what a pet is capable of and what a confident canine looks like!
As a possible perpetrator, the large wagging pet that is pulling his proprietor down the street, barking at as well as jumping at buddies as well as complete strangers alike, is not the pet dog you need to fret about.
Dogs with years of bite work and also security training featured lots of normal obedience training.
The most frightening dog to possess is really the one that remains in heel position, with great focus as well as is paying attention to his owner’s every command.
My canines have completed in security sports. I recognize what sort of advanced obedience skills are required. These pets have to find out to stroll past the decoy in the fit and ignore him on command. They can not attack or move out of setting on their own (without some details training).
You would certainly never select either of my pets on the street as having defense training (unless you truly understood the breeds). The do not pull on leash, they don’t lunge, they do not bark; unless I regulate them to do any of those things.
They simply look courteous and also like canine good people.
Once again, a barking, lunging, jumping pet that the pet dog owner has no control over, is most likely not protection educated. It is also most likely not going to be overly “protective” in particular scenarios either, since it lacks socializing and also training.
Elevate a certain young puppy
Teach your pet dog or pup to bark on command
Work carefully on advanced obedience skills
All of these components are the dish to keep bad people from hindering you in your home and any place else you might go!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/overprotective-dogs-why-you-dont-want-one/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/624963513696272384
0 notes
azworkingdogs · 5 years
Overprotective Dogs and Why You Don’t Want One
I get variations of this question all the time:
“Why isn’t my dog protective of me and my things?”
Husband or wife; “How can I make him protect me, my family and my things?”
People who have a friendly or docile dog, are often disappointed because they naively want a protective dog.
And, people with overprotective dogs (often caused, by them and their behaviors, from scenario one) just want to be able to manage their dog and have friends and family over to their home without worrying that someone will be bitten.
Let me be the first to tell you that you really don’t want an overprotective dog!  Overprotective dogs are a HUGE liability.  Ninety five percent aren’t trust worthy and are dangerous.  Even a veterinary behaviorist may not be able to help if the dog’s behavior is too aggressive or protective. Many get labeled as dangerous dogs after a bite and are forcibly euthanized, without a chance or behavioral rescue or management.  This can be earth shattering for all involved.  Many of these dog owners love their pet dogs but don’t know how to manage the problem that they have created.
I feel sorry for them when their loving (to them) pet is caught on a rabies pole and taken to the shelter or even shot in the street.  I feel sorry for the dog too; this must be a terrible way to feel about life.  And, I feel sorry for their victim, who probably didn’t deserve the bite in the first place.
I understand, the basic sentiment!  We live in a scary world full of scary people, so people by default, want an overprotective dog that they think will take that bullet for them.  But ninety nine percent of the people that come into your life and into your home or car are friends and family.  How do you expect your dog to know the difference from strangers or uncle Andy who is coming to visit from 1,000 miles away?  Most dogs especially pet dogs have horrible reasoning and deductive skills.
Also, most dogs who seem “overprotective” actually feel fearful.  If only these dog owners knew, that aggression you are seeing, is because he is scared of the strangers and not actually protecting YOU.  I have worked with dogs like this and if an actual, aggressive intruder comes into your home, these dogs run for cover.  But if Uncle Andy seems even a bit nervous the dog feeds off it and is likely to be more confident about biting.  Let us agree, most of us aren’t wearing bite suits and ready for a brawl; most people are intimidated by or interact with these dogs completely incorrectly.
Trust me on this, you want a social and friendly pet dog!  You want a dog that you don’t have to worry about when the neighbor children come into your home.  Husbands, wives and kids should all be able to come and go with whomever they want without concern.  You don’t want to have to find a boarded veterinary behaviorist in your location because your dog determines who can and can’t come into your life.
You do not want anyone attacked or bit.
Let Us Break This Down
Friendly Dogs
Pet dogs in and of themselves are a deterrent.
It doesn’t matter if you have a German Shepherd, Border Collie or a Chihuahua; a pet dog that barks will keep people from wanting to enter your house.  He doesn’t have to lunge or attack or show blatantly aggressive behavior, he just needs to bark and alert the neighbors that something is wrong in or around your home.
Remember that barking at EVERYTHING creates the opposite affect for at least your neighbors.  It may keep others at bay but it won’t alert anyone that anything is wrong.  For help with barking problems click here.
Growling often indicates a lack of confidence and is not easy for others to hear.  A good confident bark can be easily taught and controlled.  Watch This
I remember watching some daytime television and a talk show, years ago.  The host was interviewing a man who had gone to prison for many things but burglary and robbery were among many on his rap sheet.   He mentioned; that even the barking of a small dog would keep him from entering a house, even if he outwardly knew the owners were not home.  His remark was, “that he would just keep casing houses and find one without a dog, it was safest.  He didn’t want surprises or problems at all ”
That really hit home for me, even though, at the time, I was just a teenager.  I can understand that even the smallest of barks or barking would or might bring unwanted attention and it would simply be easier to move on to the next house.
And, the majority of dogs; even the friendly dogs, will bark when someone comes to the door!
So, don’t think you need “Cujo” or a man stopper or a protection trained dog to keep people out of your house!  You just need a dog with a voice with a voice!
I am also of, the opinion that, most dogs are actually protective.  Doesn’t matter if they are Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies, or German Shepherds (in this instance size may matter more as a deterrent in this situation).
Even most friendly pet dogs, that ostensibly love everyone and seemingly would never protect you, still have protective qualities in an emergency, no trainer needed.  Dogs even pets are just built differently than us humans!
The problem is that ninety nine percent of the time you aren’t terrified for your life or in a horribly threatening situation.  Let us both agree that thankfully, this is not a problem!  Not being in fear for your life is a good thing!  If you are in fear for your life on a constant or consistent basis you need more than a trainer you need to reevaluate your life!  Check out this article to find the most protective breed. 
But I do think when your adrenaline spikes and you are sincerely petrified, your dog senses this and his natural protective qualities spring into action!
Thanks Rott Lover for the Photo
When I was nineteen, I had my first dog.  She was a Rottweiler, and I know what you are thinking… she was protective.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  When she saw a human, her whole body would wag in anticipation of being pet.  She literally loved EVERYONE.  At the time, I thought she was a bit ridiculous!  I was one of those naïve dog owners who would have preferred her to be more discerning and concerned about the creepy people in the park.
However, I remember walking her one day on leash.  I lived in a fairly small town in Wyoming and often walked in the street.  Being as I was a new dog trainer, she had pretty decent leash manners but was wandering near the end of the leash.  As we came up to walk past a parked truck, a man literally leaped out from the other side of the pickup truck, where we couldn’t see him, with his arms open as if to grab me.
I assume he didn’t see the 100-pound Rottweiler I had on the end of the leash.  I had never once seen her act aggressively until that day, and I never saw her aggressive again.  She barked, lunged and her hackles raised.  I was scared and she was ready to fight.  My husband, at the time, hardly believed my recounting the encounter.
I have never seen a man fly into his truck and drive away so quickly.  I can’t guarantee what would have happened or what his intentions for me were, but I can tell you that both of our instincts said it wasn’t going to be a good outcome.
I appreciated her ability to assess my reaction and the situation and take charge.  No protection training needed.  And, even after that incident, she went back to being the happy, body-wagging dog I always knew and loved.  She was a confident dog.  This experience had not terrified her for life, it simply taught her how to deal with a different situation and I learned to love that she adored people.
Moral of the story:  if you are ever in true danger, most dogs (especially confident dogs) will step up without training.   Fearful dogs often turn into aggressive or what seems like protective dogs.   And, these dogs and their behaviors often escalate to the point where you need the help of a boarded veterinary behaviorist.
Protective Dogs
Protective dogs aren’t bad if the dog’s behavior isn’t aggressive behavior all of the time and they are extremely confident dogs.   Think police dogs.  You won’t find a shy police dog that has a long career.  They may be aggressive or possessive of their space, but they are very confident dogs.
I say this because my dogs are actually protective and protection trained.  They are extremely confident and their aggressive behavior is controlled by ME.  They have a switch on and off but most people do not have 4 days a week, countless hours, thousands of dollars and the perfect pedigree to back their dog.  Plus, these dogs take constant maintenance and management!
The problem is that it is a short trip from “protective” to “overprotective” and what seems like confidence is actually fear.  And, for these dogs one bad experience can affect them for life.
And, too many humans exasperate the behavior by rewarding it and teaching the dog to become aggressive and fearful.  Read this article from the Animal Behavior College.
Many puppy owners come to me because they are sad that their puppy isn’t barking.  Again, I often explain to them that this is a good thing and nothing to be worried about.  The last thing they want is a barking, growling, lunging liability.
Barking is a behavior that can be taught and controlled.  I can literally ask my dog to bark at any moment, but I can also tell her when to be quiet.  And, her barking is not contingent on there being another human in the environment.  I actually don’t want a human association with the behavior.   Read this for help
But, the first time these owners’ puppy barks at someone or growls out the window, people often fly off of their sofa over praise and get the dog or puppy a treat.
This can be very confusing for the dog or the puppy.
First of all, he isn’t likely to associate the behavior of barking or growling with the reward.
You think that you are rewarding “protective” behavior by rewarding the bark or the growl.  But in all honesty, you are probably rewarding his feelings of insecurity and fear.  The first few barks are often the result of a fearful feeling.
The dog sees the mailman walking through the yard and lets out a slight *boof.  He doesn’t know about the mailman, he is more startled that something is in his environment that he doesn’t recognize.  But by jumping up and rewarding him, you are in actuality rewarding the nervous fearful feeling that he is feeling inside .  Eventually he will understand that barking brings the treat but at first he is confused and remembers the feeling.  Trust me you don’t want to reward a nervous dog, even if he is barking at strangers.
Thanks Second Hand Barking for the Photo
We all want confident and independent dogs!  Click here for how to raise a confident puppy by the AKC
Now he feels as if he has to be nervous each time he sees the mailman and barks, because, most often dogs associate feelings with behaviors.   They can’t speak our language so often they adopt pieces of the puzzle and feelings with certain encounters and behaviors.  Again, you want to reward a confident dog.
This is often why husbands, or men, have better luck in training and control than some wives, or women.  Husbands tend to be more dominant and expect less protective behavior from their dogs.  Husbands just tend to be more confident in handling.  Don’t get me wrong; I am a very dominant and confident woman.  But in general husbands, or men, tend to reinforce fear or anxiety less.  Many women feel as if they should be consoling the dog by saying things like “it’s okay, it’s okay” or expecting protection and some aggressive behaviors from the dog.  Husbands don’t tend to do either, they tend to  rely on their own confidence and behaviors and the dogs tend to feed off of this example.  Husbands tend to create more confident dogs that are not overly anxious in certain situations.
I remember working with a potential police dog several years ago.  The problem was that the trainer had gotten the German Shepherd Dog so worked up prior to biting that he had began to scream instead of bark.  This was lack of clarity in his mind.  He thought in order to be rewarded with the bite that he would have to scream.
Screaming is the last thing we want our police dogs to do; it shows some lack of clarity and confidence.  We had to teach him that in order to get the bite that he desired he would have to slow down and bark with meaningful clarity.  We did not want him to lose control of himself; so we had to reteach him.  His mindset is what set the picture.  Remember to reward him when he is confident and showing the behaviors you want to see.
The Scariest Dogs on the Planet
I have worked in this business for a long time!  Over 25 years is a long time, although I hate to admit that I am old.  But I have worked in all facets of the animal care world for quite a while.
And, I have learned from working with my own dogs and with client dogs that the #1 dog that scares people; is a WELL TRAINED DOG.  Do yourself a favor, watch this video, to see what a dog is capable of and what a confident dog looks like!
As a potential perpetrator, the big wagging dog that is pulling his owner down the street, barking at and jumping at friends and strangers alike, is not the dog you need to worry about.
Dogs with years of bite work and protection training come with lots of regular obedience training.
The scariest dog to own is actually the one that is in heel position, with great focus and is listening to his owner’s every command.
My dogs have competed in protection sports.  I know what kind of advanced obedience skills are required.  These dogs have to learn to walk past the decoy in the suit and ignore him on command.  They can’t bite or move out of position on their own (without some specific training).
You would never pick out either of my dogs on the street as having protection training (unless you really knew the breeds).  The don’t pull on leash, they don’t lunge, they don’t bark; unless I command them to do any of those things.
They simply look polite and like canine good citizens.
Again, a barking, lunging, jumping dog that the dog owner has no control over, is likely not protection trained.  It is also probably not going to be overly “protective” in certain situations either, because it lacks socialization and training.
Raise a confident puppy
Teach your dog or puppy to bark on command
Work diligently on advanced obedience skills
All of these components are the recipe to keep bad people from interfering with you in your home and wherever else you may go!
The post Overprotective Dogs and Why You Don’t Want One appeared first on TheDogTrainingSecret.com.
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tlcrescuepa · 6 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-soaking-up-some-art/
Week-End Update: Soaking Up Some Art
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The 45th annual Yellow Springs Art Show opened on Friday night and we were happy to have spend much of the day there, soaking up some culture and meeting new friends, today. Spending the day helping make happy tails come true was a nice way for us to pay tribute to our fallen comrade in arms, Jennifer Care, who passed away from Multiple Myeloma overnight. Jenn had fostered for us and we knew that she enjoyed hearing updates of our alumni and knowing how they’d found the perfect furever families, who would love them as much as she did.
We wrapped up the day focused helping more dogs celebrate gotcha days, including Olivia & McGee who were overjoyed to be adopted together!
Also adopted this week were: Arianna (now Coraline aka Cori), Charlie Borwn, Debra, Dooney, Elsa (now June), Finn, Heidi, Hondo, Louis, Roni & Winkie!
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Arianna now Cori aka Coraline
Charlie Brown
Elsa now June
Olivia and McGee
  Finn FKA Fitty
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“He is fitting in nicely. He was very timid the first night but is getting more comfortable each day. He doesn’t seem to know how to play but that will come. He gets along with my other 2 dogs and my border collie mix got him running with her a bit today. He loves to cuddle and exploring our backyard.  He is such a love. We know he will get less timid with time and love. We adore him.”
   Flint FKA Mark (M litter from July 2017)
 “I thought you might like to see Flint celebrating his first birthday. 
We adopted Flint last July and we couldn’t love him more. Today we celebrated his first birthday with some apple and peanut butter cake and a new toy. He also received a nice birthday card from Mickey’s Pet Supplies – great toys and made in the USA treats! 
Thank you so much for letting Flint into our lives – we hope you enjoy the video! “
  Beanie (Mittens’ pup) & Remington FKA Danny
Beanie and Remington FKA Danny
“I recently adopted Beanie from TLC and before that Remington (fka Danny). They are both doing great and love each other a lot! “
        Bruno FKA Dior (Guess puppy)
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“So we are totally in love with Bruno!!”
  Cap AKA Cappuccino
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“Cappuccino is settling in very well! Her and our old dog Taz are getting along well! They are always within a few steps of each other and seem to enjoy their time together. 
We now call her Cap for training purposes but we kept her full name as Cappuccino. 
She has been to the vet twice! Once for her first checkup and another time today as moral support for her brother. She did have giardia but that’s not super surprising for pups so easy treating!
She is super smart and has mastered “sit””lay down” and “touch” in a week! Wow. “
    Kara FKA Carolina
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Kara FKA Carolina celebrated her 1-year adopt-iversary and sent us some pics
  Fenway FKA Izzy AKA Doc (Avery pup)
“Izzy is settling in very nicely, she’s making herself right at home, which is a good thing. We love her already, she’s a sweetie! We are changing her name to Fenway. I will definitely be sending updates.”
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“Odie is doing great! (yes, I am keeping the name)
He is getting plenty of exercise at the park…and is taking to his crate training well.
This Saturday we start a 6 week puppy training course in Quakertown.
Odie will be meeting with a vet at Banfield on Thursday for a general exam(free through Petsmart)…and then I am going to get a vet appointment in Allentown for his permanent vet. 
He is now done with the 3 syringes I was given for him…so I am going to set the appointment for 2 weeks and bring in a stool sample.
Odie is a huge hit around the apartment complex, and is getting much more comfortable with his surroundings.
I’ve attached some pics for you.
Thanks for everything!”
“He really is a wonderful dog. Very affectionate, but also protective. Does not like new people coming into the house. We are trying to adjust his thinking some by going to Manners classes starting tonight.  He gets along really well with our other TLC rescue dog Bree. They play all of the time and keep each other company.
As you might remember Harley is a dwarf, but he has grown into a lot of his awkwardness. His front legs are a bit shorter than his back and are bowed but that does not stop him. 
  Attached is a recent picture of him. Thank you for bring these wonderful dogs into our lives.”
  Daisy FKA Aliza
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“She is settling in great. The kids love her. We changed her name to Daisy 🙂 Our cat Tiki is not so sure about her but not hiding just checking things out. I do want to reach out to the trainer because she did chase the cat last night and I want to make sure we handle them getting used to each other properly. I need to call the vet and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I attached a couple of pics. The one in the car was the same day we picked her up she was so happy!”
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“Thank you for reaching out. Quincy, we did keep his name, is doing well. We are having a few issues here and there but I am hoping with time we can work them out.
He seems to be a very finicky eater, I can’t get him to eat on a consistent basis, but I work for a vet so we are keeping a close eye on that and his weight.
He does like to mark and has done so in the house once so far.
He is doing great with my cats, sometimes he wants to chase for fun but I am not at all worried about him with my cats. However, he is not as friendly as we think when it comes to some dogs. He picks and chooses who he wants to like. I am not too worried about that, in the perfect world they would all get along but I know this world isn’t perfect.
He is great with my kids, husband and most people. He does “question” some people when we are out for walks, but again, I think he is just trying to figure things out.
I have been working with a pet behaviorist already due to my insatiable Border Collie Charlie, but I will reach out if there is something we just can’t figure out. After all…..it takes a village, right?
Below are a couple pics of him. I will send more once my daughter, the photographer of the family, sends me them off her phone.”
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“We did decide to keep Tate’s name, and she’s doing great. Everyone who meets her loves her. It’s hard to get good pics of a black dog, but here are some.”
“Lola is doing great.  We love her and her new brother and sister do as well.  One big happy family.  Thank you so much for bringing her into our family. “
        Lenny FKA Lynard
“Lenny is doing great!  He and Bella are best friends now and Lenny turns out to be the more affectionate of the two.  He prefers to come and sit next to us on the couch or the bed but he will let us snuggle with him for a couple minutes when we choose to also.  Once he understood he had access to good quality food he is sometimes a picky eater but I think he is at a good weight now and they get plenty of exercise as the yard is large and completely fenced.  It also turns out he loved to play in the snow over the winter but doesn’t like the rain.  Thank you for following up and finding Lenny for us.  We love him so much and I know the feeling is mutual.  I will send pictures later in the spring or the summer.”
  Czech FKA Blossom
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“We did change the name. We are calling her “Czech.” Story behind that is my daughter was accepted to Northeastern University in Boston. I was more pulling for Pitt, since I saw I was losing, I said if she goes to Northeastern, I get a new dog! The name comes because her first semester will be in Prague in the Czech Republic! Strange, but true!
As far as training, she’s progressing in potty training. She is usually clean at night, I rush her out and she does her thing. She still has pee accidents at least once a day, but getting there.
My concern is her biting! I wanted her to be a companion for my other dog, but the other dog stays away from her because the pup tries to use Roxie as a chew toy!!  I’m sure she will grow out of it, but I hope it doesn’t take long. I’m sure the other chewing issues will change when Czech get her new teeth.
Besides that, we are loving her.  She’s a great pup and is becoming part of the family!  She loves sleeping on one of us!  Attached is a picture of her favorite position!!”
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“Elvis is doing great- and it felt right to keep his name. 
He’s a very good boy- learns quickly and we are certain he is happy! Thank you so much! “
  Daisy FKA Erica
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“Erica, now Daisy, is doing very well! I scheduled her vet appointment, and I’m looking into puppy training classes in the South Jersey area- there is a Bark Busters closer to us, in Deptford, and they take puppies at 5 Months. Daisy does really well in her crate, and aside from a few accidents here and there, she does pretty well with house training, too. I attached some pics. She is very affectionate (as you can see in the pic of her sleeping in my lap), and we love her already. Thank you for checking in and for all that you guys do. We really had a positive experience working with TLC. :)”
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