#thought it was kind of weird how dick was like ''why don't you go kill hitler's mother to prevent his birth'' like girl what aslkdja
hood-ex · 2 years
Hi, dearie! Do you mind if I ask you a quick question? What are your thoughts on Booster Gold and what happened with Dick at some point of his series ( Booster Gold Vol. 2 )? 'Cuz I've always loved the fact that he took him back in time to see his parents again just because Dick needed it.
Ohhh from Booster Gold #25. Yeah, it was sweet that Michael did that favor for Dick. Only thing I was kinda confused about is the fact that young!Dick and his parents were celebrating Christmas in a house. Although, I guess it would make sense for Dick's parents to do a short-term rental during the circus's off season.
Honestly, I was kind of surprised that Dick wanted to go back in time to see his parents instead of going back in time to see Bruce. Only because Bruce's death was much more fresh in Dick's mind at that point and I can imagine him missing Bruce so much that he'd want to see him again. But! I feel like his decision to see his parents made more sense when Booster thought, We get so wrapped up in this crazy life that true happiness forever eludes us. For many, the costs are almost too much to bear. So a little reminder of who we are, of what we work for on behalf of others… well, it can help.
Because sometimes Dick needs to go back to his roots to ground himself, and I feel like seeing his parents would help him forget about all of his burdens and responsibilities for a little while, and it would also just be nice for him to be present during a simpler time in his life. Also, since it's been so long since Dick has seen his parents, I'm sure there's certain things he's forgotten about them (what they look like, what their voices sound like, etc.), so I can see that being a great opportunity for him to get a refresher. And now he can remember the last time he saw them as that Christmas moment rather than the moment his parents fell to their deaths.
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brucewaynehater101 · 19 days
I have a vent fic wip that I may or may not finish so I just need to tell someone that I am...feeling so many things all the time about the consequences of the 16th birthday but...
primarily, right now, at this moment. without Robin/Bruce, Tim thought he would lose Dick and everyone else he knew through Robin. and then a little bit later when he quit for Jack, he got radio silence for Months until he became a potential victim, and even then it was just Cass stopping in to give the message and be like "I'll watch you to keep you safe 👁️👁️ ok bye" and he had actual Proof that without Robin, he would lose everyone.
and then. Dick "you're my equal (even tho I'm drastically changing your life without your knowledge or permission), you're my closest ally (even tho you don't even have a name to go out in the field to assist me as backup), I need you (even tho, as mentioned, I made a huge decision without your input because I didn't need it because I know best actually)" Grayson.
skipping over the fact that Dick didn't even have the time to say "you're fired" or anything resembling that, when Tim lost "Robin" to Damian, he felt like he lost everything else too. it didn't matter what Dick said about "equals" or "allies" or "needing". he already had Concrete Proof that it was all false. cheap words that are easily disproven do nothing in this situation, Dichard!
(disclaimer: I love and respect Dick Grayson, I just also think Dick Stopped Existing as soon as he made Damian his Robin for the most pathetic stupid illogical risky-ass excuse he could ever give for making anyone Robin (or a vigilante in general). "because he'll kill someone again". who the fuck says that?? who thinks "oh no oh god oh fuck this kid is gonna go off the rails he's gonna kill someone, I need to Put Him In A Place Of Power Over Oblivious Innocent Untrained People Who Are Expecting A Kind And Empathetic Hero To Save Them" hUH???? ok sorry, I just wanted to rant about what Tim "losing Robin" meant)
I agree with ya. Dick Grayson is fantastic, but it seems weird that he nuked his entire relationship with Tim (a very strong one that other fans have referred to them as "The Brothers") for the new kid.
Yes, Damian is a ten year old traumatized kid who just lost the dad he didn't really have the chance to get to know. Yes, Damian needed guidance, boundaries, and compassion.
But DC spent so much time and effort building up Tim and Dick's rapport only to obliterate it once the "blood son" came in (I also love Damian. This is not hate on the kid. This is confused commentary on DC's choices). It's just a strange idea, but that's also why it hurts so much when Dick does that to Tim.
Then you tie in Tim losing Robin by Dick to Tim's experiences before? Fuck. You are so right for that.
As far as the RR run, Dick could've handled Tim believing Bruce a bit better. I don't necessarily blame him for that one. I get why he wasn't supportive in the way Tim wanted, even though I would've chosen differently for my siblings.
Dick taking Robin, though? That was fucked up. I, honest to the gods, do not see how that was a justified course of action. I can understand his perspective, but it's still not okay. At all.
There's your very adequate analysis:
Robin, for Tim, is his tie to his loved ones. He has proof (twice) that without it, he does not have access to the people he cares about and his support system.
Dick said a lot of pretty words about "equals," but his actions were precisely contradictory to his "intentions."
Tim has had Robin taken from him before or had to give it up. He chose to go back despite this. He obviously feels strongly about being Robin
Damian has not proven, at this point, to be trustworthy as a vigilante (someone in power without oversight). He has instead shown use of excessive force
This isn't even going into the way he found out. That's just an extra layer.
The way Tim has repeated lost and regained Robin (even after RR) as well as his title as Red ROBIN are, to me, a sign that he's still trying to hold on. It's my belief that he would have moved onto a new title, like his predecessors, if it hadn't constantly been an unsure role.
His start was rocky as hell due to Bruce not initially wanting it. Tim had to prove himself and put himself into the costume.
He "quit" twice before it was taken from him in a traumatic way (nothing like being instilled with the fear that the position you've held for four years can suddenly be yanked out from under you without warning)
Damian and Jason both vehemently protested to him being Robin
It would make sense if all of these factors combined to Tim's unwillingness or inability to just let Robin go, especially when we factor in his reason to be Robin. Since Bruce never really gets "better" and continually falls back into bad habits, Tim needs to maintain his task of pulling Bruce back from the edge. We could also throw Jean Paul into this to further how Tim is forced to play as the barrier between a grown adult and their desire to harm others in the name of good.
So, Tim's time as Robin is marked by consistent instability while contrasted with his inherent position as Bruce's leash and the batfam fixer. While the other Robins did have times of doubt, the predecessors of Tim did not have the pervasive role insecurity with regards to Robin.
They had their big moment at the end and some smaller moments in-between, but not quite on the continous scale of Tim. Tim had three big moments and was still sucked back into Robin when Damian quit.
To be Robin is to earn Bruce's love and the ability to be part of the Wayne family. To lose Robin is the risk of losing that (at least to the perspectives of the Robins if not 100% the reality).
I'm not sure I'm articulating this accurately. Regardless, no wonder Tim clutches the title of Robin with bleeding hands no matter how much it cuts him and costs him.
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ficretus · 2 months
Blake ships problematic things
*teams RWBY and JNRO in Vacuo cafeteria*
Jaune: So what are you up to these days?
*scroll rings*
Weiss: I have to excuse myself, SDC related business. *walks away from table*
Yang: Well I am mostly killing Grimm VB. Although I did pick up some sweet lasso skills.
Ren: That's bit odd.
Yang: I got inspired by that girl from that crossover I'm not allowed to talk about anymore due to copyright reasons. I asked Ilia for a help since she is a whip user. I guess you can say she... showed me the ropes.
*audible groaning*
Yang: As for the others. Weiss is trying to keep the company afloat, Roobs is probably doing weapon maintenance.
Ruby: My baby is not gonna clean itself.
Yang: Nora and Ren are helping refugees settle.
Nora: I also picked up an electric guitar... not as exciting as I thought.
Yang: Oscar is trying to stay alive and Blakey is back to writing.
Ren: Blake is a writer?
Blake: Not professional one, I mostly write fanfics.
Ren: What kind of fanfics do you write?
Blake: Mostly romantic ones. I usually delve in more sensual aspects of love.
Ruby: She is writing filth.
Yang: Don't be like that, lot of them are sweet. I almost cried when I read her fanfic about us.
Ren: You write fanfics about people around you?
Blake: Yeah, I wrote at least dozen fics about all of you.
Nora: *stands up* Who do you ship me with?
Ren: Nora, you can't just jump Blake like that...
Blake: Ren.
Nora: *giggles*
Ren: *groans*
Ruby: Blake, I hope you are not making me cheat on my beloved Crescent Rose.
Blake: I ship you with Oscar.
Ruby: That's... acceptable.
Oscar: YES! I mean... very interesting.
Yang: Let me guess, Weiss Cream with Vomit Boy.
Blake: No, that one makes no sense.
Jaune: Fair enough, I was obnoxious to Weiss back in Beacon.
Blake: Oh, that's not an issue. I usually ship things like that, but both of you have better partners.
Jaune: Wait, then who do you ship me with? Emerald? That girl from crossover we are legally not allowed to talk about? Cinder?!
Blake: Oh, that last one might work. Need to write few fics about it.
Yang: No offense VB, but I personally don't care who you are shipped with. But what about Weiss?
Blake: Weiss with Whitley.
Everyone: Wait, what?
Blake: There is nothing more beautiful than relationship between siblings. It's both pure and dirty at the same time.
Ruby: I might puke.
Jaune: Wait, you ship me with Saphron?!
Blake: I ship you with all of your sisters.
Jaune: What the hell Blake?! Is that why you kept asking me details about my sisters?! So you can turn it into smut fic?!
Blake: Ugh, it's not a smut fic, it's a beautiful story about people growing closer before crossing the taboo line.
Jaune: *looks at his scroll* Latest story is titled "7 inches, 7 sisters," how the hell is this respectable?!
Blake: It was a conservative estimate.
Yang: VB don't make this about accuracy of your dick size, there are more pressing matters. Do you ship me with Ruby?!
Nora: Wait, is that why you ship me with Ren? You said we were like siblings back in Beacon.
Blake: I don't ship you with Ruby anymore, I wouldn't want you to cheat on me.
Yang: Anymore?!
Ruby: Yup, here it comes. *pukes*
Ren: Look Blake, you can't ship people with their siblings, it's wrong on so many levels.
Oscar: Oz says it was normal back in the day.
Jaune: Not now Oz.
Ren: Imagine if someone wrote about you having an explicit relationship with your parents. How would you feel?
Blake: Ew, that would just be weird. Those two things are not comparable. Sexual relationship between parent and child would be gross violation of trust. Relationship between siblings is pure.
Yang: IT'S THE SAME! But because you are the single child you don't see anything wrong with it.
Weiss: *walks towards the table* What did I miss?
*five traumatic minutes later*
Ruby: *puking*
Weiss: *crying*
Ren: So Blake, what did we learn today?
Blake: Titling the story "Little brother, big problem" is highly offensive?
Ren: Go on.
Blake: Brothers don't jump their sisters whenever they have their back turned to them?
Jaune: Or in any other circumstance.
Blake: Inbreeding is not funny and "we must ensure our babies have Schnee Semblance and blue eyes" is not good reason to do it?
Yang: Or any reason for that matter.
Blake: You are right, this whole... bro x sis thing was mistake on my part. I'll no longer write stories like that. Sorry Weiss, sorry Jaune.
Ren: See, there is nothing constructive conversation can't fix.
Blake: From now on, I am shipping Jaune with Cinder...
Jaune: Sigh, tiny step forward...
Blake: And Weiss with Winter! I can already imagine it, forbidden love and neither can let it go.
Ren: This might take a while...
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allthingsfangirl101 · 8 months
The Munson Twins – Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
The Munsons were always a strange pair of twins. For one thing, they were polar opposites of each other. Eddie was into weird role-playing games. Y/N was into volleyball. Eddie is in danger of repeating his senior year. Y/N graduated early. Eddie is into rock and roll. Y/N plays the classical violin and the piano. Eddie loves black leather jackets. Y/N likes flowery sun dresses. Eddie is kind of a loner. Y/N is more popular than me.
Since Y/N graduated early, we spent our senior year in some of the same classes. That being said, we barely spoke to each other. The most we ever talked was congratulating each other after one of us won a game. All through high school, Y/N and I ran in the same social circles because of our sports so we often went to the same parties. Just because we went to the same parties doesn't mean we were friends.
Not to say I didn't wish we were friends. I've gone to most of Y/N's games and she's gone to most of mine. Whenever I looked in the stands and saw her, I became more self-conscious of my playing. I even went to her orchestra concerts. I usually sat in the back and left before anyone noticed I was there.
Throughout high school, I couldn't get Y/N Munson out of my head. It seemed like everywhere I looked, she was there. Even when I was dating Nancy, my mind often wondered to Y/N when I was alone.
When Vecna started killing teens and Eddie was blamed, my thoughts focused even more on Y/N. I wanted to talk to her about all of this, to make sure she knew her brother wasn't what the town thought, but I also didn't want her involved in any of this shit.
I had to force Y/N to the back of my mind as we tried to help Eddie. When we got stuck in the UpsideDown, I allowed my mind to go back to her, hoping she was safe back in Hawkins. We were walking to Nancy's house and I kept glancing at Eddie. If he knew that my thoughts were constantly on his twin sister, he'd kill me.
"Eddie," I said, clearing my throat as I caught up to him. "Hey, man. Um, listen I just umm. . . I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there."
"Shit," he laughed. "You saved your own ass, man. I mean that was a real Ozzy move back there."
"When you took a bite out of that bat," he tried to clarify. "Ozzy Osbourne. Black Sabbath. He bit a bat's head off on stage. You really don't know who that is?"
"No," I chuckled. "Sorry."
"Well, anyway, it was very metal, what you did, is all I'm saying."
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Henderson told me you were a badass," he continued. "Insisted on the matter, in fact."
"Wait, Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah. Shit. That kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kind of annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but I guess I got a little jealous." Eddie sighed before continuing, "I guess I couldn't handle the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents. Popular. Chicks love him. And not a douche? No way. It goes against all the laws of the universe and my own personal Munson Doctrine. Then again, that's worth shit because even my sister talks highly of you."
"Y/N talks highly of me?" I tried, and failed, not to stutter.
I looked over to see Eddie smirking at me. He leaned in a little too close and whispered, "Very highly of you."
"Okay," I said awkwardly as I used my elbow to push him away from me. I cleared my throat and rolled my shoulders back.
"All jokes aside," Eddie said, "my sister does think highly of you, dude. Whenever people would start to talk shit about you, she'd instantly stand up for you. I never understood it, but she's always talked about how people should give you a chance. She believes that there is more to you than meets the eye."
"She really thinks that?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Hell yeah," he laughed.
"I guess I always thought. . . I mean, everyone else saw me as a dick. I figured she did too."
"Nope," he teased. "She always sees the good in people. It's extremely annoying."
Eddie walked away, but my mind was going a hundred miles an hour. I thought over the few, very few, interactions I've ever had with Y/N. We walked a few more miles, the others talking amongst each other while I walked behind the group.
"Alright," Eddie sighed as he joined me. "Enough of this. You've been in your head since I mentioned Y/N. What's the. . ."
He didn't finish his thought. Instead, he turned toward me with a smirk on his face.
"Ohhhhh," he elongated. "I get it now."
He playfully pushed me before continuing to walk through the woods.
"Wait," I called out as I chased after him. "You get what?"
"Come on, Harrington," Eddie sighed. "Please tell me I don't have to be the one to point this out to you."
"Point what out?"
"You have a thing for my sister."
"What?" I scoffed. "I don't. . . Why would you. . . That's so. . . No."
"No?" Eddie teased. "You sure about that?"
"I mean. . . That would be. . . Crazy."
"No, it wouldn't," he said simply. He saw the look on my face and sighed. "Look, Harrington, as much as I may not understand it, Y/N's right. You're a good guy. You'd be an even better guy if you'd grow a pair and tell my sister how you felt about her."
"What if she doesn't feel the same?" I asked before I could realize how weird it was to have this conversation with Y/N's twin brother.
"She does."
My heart jumped into my throat at those two words. Eddie didn't say anything else. He didn't need to. He sent me a wink before jogging and catching up with the others.
"She does," I repeated under my breath. "Holy shit. She feels the same."
* * * * *
Three months later, Hawkins was barely rebuilding. After Eddie's death, there were two people I was worried about; Dustin and Y/N. Dustin was doing what he normally does - pretending to be okay so no one would worry about him. I checked in on him almost every day. He was getting better, especially since Max was improving.
Y/N, on the other hand, barely leaves her uncle's trailer. Every single one of us has tried to visit her, but her uncle keeps telling us she doesn't want any visitors. Y/N won't even talk to the kids.
"Hi, Steve," Eddie and Y/N's uncle sighed when he opened the door.
"Hi, Mr. Munson," I greeted. "Is Y/N here?"
He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Look," he sighed, "I really appreciate all you kids have been trying to do for Y/N, but I think it might be best if you give her some space."
"But. . ."
"I'm sorry, Steve," he continued. "I'll let her know you stopped by."
My heart sank as he closed the door. I couldn't get myself to move as I heard Y/N's uncle saying something to her. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I forced myself to leave. I turned around and slowly started walking back to my car. As I drove home, I racked my brain trying to figure out what I could do for Y/N.
Just when I had lost all hope, I noticed someone pulled over to the side of the road. As I got closer, I recognized the driver as Y/N. She was looking at her engine.
I didn't hesitate to pull over. I got out of my car and started walking toward her.
"Need a hand?" I called out. I instantly cringed when she jumped. "It's just me, Y/N."
"Sorry," she stuttered.
"It's okay," I tried to say lightly. "So, you need any help?"
"This stupid thing won't start," she grumbled. "And I have no idea why. Eddie usually. . ."
My heart sank when she stopped talking. One look at her and I could see the tears building.
"He usually handled the car," she forced herself to continue as she cleared her throat.
"I could take a look," I shrugged. She looked up at me, her eyes softening.
"Of course."
I walked over to the front of her car and examined the engine. The longer I stared at it, the more Y/N giggled. She was laughing at me, but I didn't care. At least she was laughing.
"You don't know anything about cars, do you, Steve?" 
"That obvious?" I chuckled as I turned toward her.
"Little bit," she said, showing me how much with her fingers. She cleared her throat and wrapped her arms around herself.
"I could still help," I said quickly.
"How?" Y/N asked, her voice softening.
"I could give you a ride," I offered.
"Steve. . ."
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "I can take you home or wherever you were on your way to."
"You don't have to," she said quickly. 
"I don't mind," I tried again.
"I can call my uncle."
"Come on, Y/N. Let me help you."
She looked up at me and held my gaze. "Are you sure?" She asked, her voice soft.
"Of course," I shrugged. I held my hand out, not entirely expecting her to take it. When she did, my heart jumped into my throat. Ignoring the circus in my stomach, I led her over to my car. She smiled as I opened the door and held it for her.
"Thanks," she said as she got in. I took a shaky breath as I walked around and got in the driver's seat. I started driving to the trailer park, my nerves jumping all over the place.
"So," I cleared my throat, "how have you been doing?"
"Fine," she shrugged, looking out the window.
"Are you. . ."
"Please don't, Steve," she cut me off. She looked over at me and I could see the tears building.
I nodded before turning my attention back to the road. We went through the rest of the drive in silence. I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't sure how to start a conversation with her. Before I would've liked, we pulled in front of her uncle's trailer.
"Thanks for driving me, Steve," she said softly.
"Y/N, wait," I said as I grabbed her hand before she could get out of my car. When she looked at me, I forgot what I was going to say.
"Steve," she said softly when I didn't continue.
"I just wanted to say," I said slowly, "if you ever need anything, the group and I are here for you."
"Thanks," she said, clearing her throat. She started to get out but realized that I was still holding her hand.
"There's something else," I forced myself to say. I looked into her eyes and gathered all the courage I could before saying, "I'm sorry about Eddie."
She turned away from me but right before she did, I could see the tears building. With the hand I wasn't holding, she covered her mouth. My heart sank when I realized she was hiding her tears.
"Y/N," I whispered. I pulled on her hand and she let me bring her into my chest. As I wrapped my arms around her, she sobbed into my chest.
"I wish we could've done something," I whispered. I pulled out of our embrace and held her shoulders as I looked deeply into her eyes. "I wasn't able to keep your brother safe, but that doesn't mean I can't keep you safe."
"Steve," she said under her breath.
"I promise, Y/N, I will always be here for you," I said. "If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, all you have to do is call me. Day or night."
"Day or night?" She teased. "That's a little creepy, Steve."
"I didn't mean it like that," I stuttered. "I just meant that if you needed me, I'd. . ."
Y/N cut me off by leaning over and pressing her lips to mine. I didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. I gently grabbed her face as our lips moved against each other. When we were both out of breath, we broke the kiss and leaned our foreheads against each other.
"You know," she whispered, "there is something you could do for me."
"Anything," I said instantly.
"I'm starving," she started. I smiled when she didn't continue.
"Y/N," I said softly. "Can I take you to dinner?"
I smirked as I leaned in and kissed her again. I felt her smile as our lips moved in sync. I broke the kiss and pressed my nose to hers.
"If it's not too much trouble," she whispered.
"Not at all."
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byfulcrums · 1 year
DC headcanons but you can tell who's my favorite
For some reason Wally cries everytime he eats chicken nuggets with the Titans
Not even Wally knows why this happens
It's only with the original Titans. No one else. They have a rule that says Wally isn't allowed to eat chicken nuggets when he's around them because they all hate to see him cry
Iris sleeptalks. Barry sometimes has full conversations that make no sense with her at four in the morning
Hal has a video that lasts 40 minutes saved on every single piece of technology he has. It's about Iris (who was asleep) and Barry (very much awake, but probably delusional) arguing about whether koalas are evil or not
Tim had a Tumblr blog where he posted photos of Batman and Robin that looked like they were taken from very close angles
Jason follows it. One time he was complaining that his favorite blog hadn't posted anything in years. When Tim asked him to show him what account it was, he panicked, tried to run away, hit his head and passed out from exhaustion
Jason is still confused about that, but no matter how much he insists, Tim refuses to give his secret away
Wally has a deep hatred for Dora the Explorer
The Young Justice once ran away to a different country for a whole month and refused to acknowledge it when they came back
Iris, Barry and Hal are all dating. Barry didn't realize it at first though (Hal didn't either)
Barry was really panicking over the fact that he seemed to be in love with his best friend when he's already married
Hal was really panicking over the fact that he was in love with his best friend who is already married
Iris thought they were all just poly. They had a very long conversation after she realized none of them knew about polyamorous relationships
Wally and Dick, even though they both have their own romantic partners, are soulmates in every universe (can be seen as romantic or platonic)
Wally once got both him and Dick (as Flash and Nightwing) banned from a cafe. Dick wasn't even there
He accidentally knocked a candle and burned the table down
But what actually got them banned was commenting to the very homophobic owner that “I don't have a major opinion on that Nightwing guy besides of the fact that he gives some really good blowjobs” (they never even fucked)
In Wally's defense, he was really unstable at the moment, and he panicked
Of course, people filmed it. And, of course, it went viral. Now all of his friends quote him on that all the time
Technically they're not banned anymore because the cafe's owner changed, but he's still too embarrassed to go so he ignores that
All speedsters are constantly vibrating, some being more obvious than others, due to the fact that being still is... really fucking difficult because of everything being slower for them
Bart's the most noticeable one. If you pay enough attention you'll notice that you can sometimes see a little bit of lightning coming out of his body
The vibrations causes them to do a low rumbling sound that isn't exactly snoring when they're sleeping. What I'm saying is that they purr
Linda was thrilled when she found out
None of the speedsters are aware of this and no one plans on telling them
One time the YJ were talking and Bart interrupted them so Tim turned around to face him and said “Cerra el orto” (shut your mouth in Spanish. The literal translation would be “shut your ass” but that sounds weird in English) in a really high pitched voice. Now the entire team quotes him on that almost everyday
Diana almost dropped a car on Bruce once and now she sometimes says stuff like “I should've let that car kill you” when he's doing something particularly stupid
The rest of the JL quotes it too. It is very common to hear the phrase “I wish Diana had dropped that car” in the Watchtower
Kori once blew up the kitchen because she thought something was climbing on her leg. It was her hair
The original Titans have a monthly meetup. It doesn't matter what kind of beef some of the members have with each other at the moment, they'll still meet. It's an unspoken rule
Hartley was Linda's best man in her and Wally's wedding
That's where him and Dick met
They now share embarassing stories about Wally. They're not really friends and they don't talk, like, at all, but they still send each other videos of Wally falling on his face almost everyday
Depression, just like ADHD, is something that almost all speedsters have, but it's almost unnoticeable because they always hide it, mostly using their superspeed to do it
Green lanterns and speedsters bond over starting to glow at the worst possible moments
Wally absolutely despises the smell of cinnamon
His parents's house smelled like that due to his mom being obssessed with adding cinnamon to every meal they ate, so it reminds him too much of the terrible childhood he had because of them
You can't really blame him for leaving social events when he smells cinnamon
Bruce has a video of Hal starting crying after Barry said “I think giraffes shouldn't be real” that he uses as blackmail sometimes
Barry's actual weakness is puns, he can't stop saying stuff like “I'll be there in a flash” and then winking like he knows something you don't. It's gonna get him in trouble someday
The YJ all have Tumblr accounts
Dick and Donna used to call each other the “Wonder Twins” so now Cassie and Tim are the Wonder Twins of their generation
The og Titans once followed Batman everywhere playing Superman by Eminem because he made Dick upset
Barry looks like he's about to cry all the time and he has no idea why
When the League revealed their identities to each other everyone was confused over why he was crying
It took him a while to convince everyone that that's just what his face looks like
He always looks like he's about to cry so when he's actually going to cry it's pretty obvious. And he hates it
When Wally and Barry first met and Wally started to talk about the Flash, he made a joke about how he always came to help “in a flash”. Now Barry repeats that joke all the time
Wally hates himself for being the reason why the ‘in a flash’ jokes started
When Barry makes a joke and Wally complains, Barry answers with “You were the one that created the joke, Wally. Live with the consequences”
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itsblasttothepast · 23 days
Why do you like Max? He was horrible to Checo, the way his family spoke about him was so awful, I can't understand how Checo fans can like this guy
Oh anon, this is a very complicated question, because like many Checo fans in 2022, I also hated Max back then.
But it will be a long, long, LONG rant, so click under if you want to enter this particular rabbit hole:
Before they were teammates, Max was just another driver in my radar (as you are asking for my PoV, which is clouded as a Checo fan), nothing to notice there except a few interaccions with Checo; I was very surprised in Turkish 2020 because I thought Max would go for blood when Checo made him spin around twice (minute 1:20 of this video). But nope, at the end they even chatted and everything (a small Chestappen seed was planted since Monza 2017 and it had been growing with these interactions).
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Anyway, when Checo became Max teammate, the contract was clear: He was there to succeed in what other teammates failed: helping Max winning the championship and take the heat of the team.
And he did, during 2021 they were working hard for that championship, and bonded really well, they seemed to get along great, share some sort of weird sense of humor and they were really nice to each other.
But in 2022, Checo thought that since he already fulfilled the requirement for 2021, he could fight for the championship in 2022. That led to straining the relationship with Max, and all that tension boiled over in Brazil. It was messy, and yes, Max was an asshole back then because they weren't fighting for the podium, and Checo needed the points. But what came after was the worst part because the declarations from both Checo and Max, and the Max's mom getting involved with the cheating thing... honestly I don't know how they managed to finish the season without killing each other.
Most Checo fans said that Max tried to make up with Checo in the 2022 Honda Racing Thanks day thing; all I noticed was Checo with the fakest smile he could put for the cameras. PR to the bone. I mean, they had Marc Márquez there to be a buffer, along with Yuki and Pierre, you could see it in the pictures:
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They had Marc there to keep Max chatty:
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You could see how far apart they were in the group picture (far apart for what they have us accustomed to):
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(they left space for Jesus)
Also Max said he would help Checo in the last race of the season, but that was just adding salt to the wound.
Checo had just renewed contract, so we thought he would get the boot because obviously RBR was keeping Max, the one expendable was (and is) Checo. For some reason, they decided instead of doing that, to try and smooth over the situation. Checo apologized for his statements to the press and said it was all good with Max, and they had couples therapy.
No, really, they hired a 'mediator' or something like that, to help them regain the camaraderie of 2021. But instead, they fell in love and got really close. However, RBR had their plan B, bringing Ricciardo as the third driver in case things didn't work out (in fact, this is why we thought Checo was out of the team for 2023, we were looking options, seeing which teams needed drivers... wild times).
So, when Max did the Brazil thing, obviously Checo fans hated him and wanted his head, I remember people not even in the F1 fandom hating him (still butthurt about the world cup and the 'no era penal' thing). I particularly thought it was a dick move, but also kind of understood where Max was coming from. He was raised for glory, totally different to Checo who practically raised himself since he was 15. Checo and Max families are also vastly different, and the culture as well. So I hated him but not really?
So during 2023 I saw Max changing and being more mature, calmer, softer sometimes. He wasn't a bad person, he just made mistakes like any human does, and the pressure people put on him was insane! To me, Checo and Max balance each other really well, which is why they could work things out. If Checo could move on and be friendly with Max, I'm sure that we, as his fans, can do the same.
I like Max because he's genuine, and he learns from his mistakes. He is a little crass when provoked, but in general he is a nice guy; I don't know if you believe the whole 'Max is faking caring' that most haters say (they imply Max hates Checo and just tolerates him because he's forced), but I do believe Max can't fake this much this long.
Anyway, as usual, I went overboard with this, sorry anon, I wanted to give you context about why I like Max, and then filled this with my ramblings.
You can dislike Max anon, that's fine, just don't be hateful or claim to know better than them. Only Checo and Max know how is their relationship, but if Checo seems okay with him, that's all good in my book.
I think I haven't rambled this long in a while 😅
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cybertron-after-dark · 5 months
You should write beast wars, can I have some silly predacon headcanons?
I should absolutely write beast wars. Silly Predacon headcanons coming up
-Megatron talks battle strategy with his rubber duck all the time. He considers it his most trusted advisor because it's never said anything stupid and never tried to kill him. Honestly, he's tempted to think of the little dude as his only real friend.
-Speaking of Megatron, the man is a WHORE for a good bath bomb. Lush addiction, 100%. He has a whole hidden stock of bath bombs, bath salts, scented oils, candles, decorative soaps, scented metal polish and flower petals specifically for spoiling himself when he feels like hes completely surrounded by idiots. Which is often. Has he ever tried to eat one of the decorative soaps that look like baked goods? It doesn't count if it's the t rex hand.
-the reason skorponok occasionally reverts into caveman speak for some episodes is the writers couldn't figure out what to do with him he knows talking like that pisses off tarantulas and he thinks his annoyance is funny even though literally nobody else is amused by the bit.
-skorponok actually kind of misses dinobot because he made his job a lot easier. Constantly pitching ideas, suggesting battle strategies, pointing out flaws in plans. He was useful, even if he seemed to hate skorponok. He doesn't really know how to be a good second in command anymore because a crucial part of the dynamic is missing and he just can't adapt.
-waspinator is perfectly capable of speaking in normal grammar and not in the third person but he's been doing it since he joined in with Megatron and at this point he thinks he's in too deep to knock it off. He thinks it makes him sound cuter because it's actually an evolution of internet uwu speak. Memes get weirdly translated from earth to Cybertron and back.
-waspinator is actually really good at baking but he'll get blasted to bits a thousand times over before he lets anyone other than terrorsaur know because none of his other coworkers deserve to try his cupcakes (and also because he doesn't want to get "promoted" to kitchen slave). Dinobot knew, but he didn't snitch. Wasp never found out that Dinobot would occasionally snag a brownie, he always thought he just counted wrong.
-Terrorsaur is not above attempting to seduce a maximal but all his flirting attempts go horribly awry. If they don't outright reject him they just have no idea what he's getting at bc Predacon flirting is usually a lot different than maximal flirting so everyone thinks he's just kind of being a dick like usual. Dinobot knows exactly what is happening and ranges anywhere from amused to disgusted by the cross-faction fling attempts. The flying weasel clearly has no principles.
-Every couple weeks or so wasp and terrorsaur will get together to watch terrible movies over a bottle of highgrade and it always devolves into bitching about megatron. They tried inviting tarantulas a few times but he'd always make things Weird by bringing in slashers with really good special effects and proceeding to gush about how tasty the gore looks.
-Tarantulas knows what just about every living species in the known galaxy tastes like, organic, mechanical and everything in between. If it's made contact with Cybertron, chances are he's he's tried their flesh (or lack thereof). If it's at all possible, he wants to find out enough about the Vok to figure out how to capture, kill and eat one.
-Tarantulas also thinks rampage is a total poser when it comes to cannibalism. He doesn't even look like he's having fun with it. Barely any torturing or teasing beforehand, only dramatic monologues about fear and anguish. Bah! Amateur...
-Blackarachnia has a trash tv addiction. She doesn't know WHY the Darksyde's datatrax has every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and like 30 TLC produced shows, but she refuses to stop watching them. Tarantulas fucking hates it. She does not care and if he complains she will turn the volume higher.
-Blackarachnia has incredibly mixed feelings on the story Cinderella. On the one hand, it gives her a degree of hope. A girl reduced to a work slave for terrible people that gets to escape and live it up with a guy that lives her? Great conceptually, but she only got to get out of it because she was a good person and nice to everyone. Blackarachnia? Not quite so disgustingly sweet. She's a bad girl through and through. And evidently bad people don't get to escape bad situations. Oh well. She can always try to fake it til she makes it.
-Inferno has always secretly hoped that when the war is over, his Queen Megatron will settle down with him and repopulate the colony together. He has wildly saccharine domestic daydreams of being with his giant beloved lizardy queen and their 3000+ kids. He has accidentally let this slip around Megatron once, who proceeded to pointedly ignore what he just said.
-Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia got Inferno to watch Drag Race but upon hearing the contestants being called queen, he took it a bit too literally and interpreted the show as the sad, underwhelming way human queens settle disputes between their colonies instead of just fighting the proper way. Lame.
-Quickstrike is so so very sad he can't play video games. He wants to play GTA and cause excessive and wanton death and destruction, but his fucked up hands cannot hold the controller. He forsakes Primus for building him the way he did. He keeps trying to get tarantulas to make him a usable controller but he gets brushed off every time.
-Quickstrike has attempted to ride inferno in his beast mode into battle. It did not end well but for about a solid 18 seconds it looked metal as hell.
-Rampage actually really likes depth charge and wants to be friends sooooo bad but he doesn't know how to handle that in a healthy way so he keeps trying to get his attention by playing up the cannibalism thing and hoping they fight again. Honestly he just kind of likes depth charge holding him, even if it's in a chokehold.
-After losing transmutate, Rampage projected a lot of his grief onto waspinator, which lead to a very strange period of time on the ship where rampage would get very cuddly and protective of wasp, who was incredibly terrified of what would happen if he shoved the crab off. Usually accompanied by Rampage being Incredibly Sad.
-every month the preds have a game night. Usually a board game or card game with Megatron's house rules. Said house rules are specifically designed to make a fight break out for his amusement. These game nights typically end with at least three people in the r-chamber and somebody missing at least one limb.
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bluepotion85 · 2 months
The Golden Ratio - Chapter 2
(The following story contains male weight gain, food play, BDSM, kidnap, encouragement, and feeder/feedee scenarios. If that's not for you, then go to church or something vanilla dude.
This takes place during and after the events of the One-Piece film GOLD. For a better experience see the film on your local streaming service.
This story is written in collaboration with @bee-wg )
For days, he remained on the wall, trying to resist the pheromones in the room. They did their job to keep him aroused through the day, the heat inside him only growing the longer he stayed in the room. 
He tries to hide it, covering himself while he eats or sees his crewmates on the projection. But the excess energy makes him restless, he wriggles against the wall, grunting through the day. He will beg me for help soon, or so I thought. Instead, he uses that extra energy to shout at me while I work.
“You wannabe singer, golden turd, marine puppet, crocodile look alike, gold fetishist!” He shouted.
“Are you this desperate for me to kill you?!” I replied.
He grinned at me between huffs of air.
“Try to kill me then, king of frauds,” 
While he tries to look tough, his body is drenched in the collected sweat of several days, with breath laborious, and his dick remaining semi-hard. He is desperate to make a move; I can tell the sad man doesn't know it’s futile.
“You know, I could kill you, but why waste a good execution here? What about a public execution at 8 pm?”
“Lunch Time! Now eat your food and shut your mouth.” 
The gold from the wall spits his body, and he tries to dash towards me, but shackles form from the floor, making him fall face-first into the golden floor.
I can’t contain my laugh as he rubs blood off his nose after that fall. “How many times will you try to do that? It's useless to try and oppose me,” I said.
“Screw you,”
“Enough chatter. I have to get back to work. You have a wall to decor, we’re both busy,”
I set the projection with his friends, and he sits on the floor to eat his food. While we watched his friends fight to make me richer, I sensed his eyes filled with rage staring at me. They are exquisite, the vitriol, the resentment, the desire for vengeance all boiling. When he realizes his efforts amount to nothing, all that anger will be turned to self hatred, to submission. 
“I can feel the floor touching me in a weird way. Can you stop that?” he said.
“Eh, what?” I replied.
“Yeah, just like in the wall. I can feel the gold moving around my back in weird places,”
“You mean your butt?”
 “Can you stop it or not?!”
“I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you are not used to being surrounded by gold,”
“Don't play dumb, it's obviously you're doing it,”
“Or cramps for being in the same positions for too long,”
“Don't just ignore me!”
“A massage will fix it,”
“Massage-? I won't let you put your dirty hands on me,” he replied.
“Back to the wall, it is.” 
”Fine, when you have your guard down, I will strike you.” he murmured. 
With a hand gesture, a table rose from the floor at the center of the room. Golden arms stretch from its sides and get ready to work. A snap of my fingers is all I need to make the gold attach Roronoa to the table. 
“Wait, I'm restrained even in this?”
“Absolutely, I don't want you to do anything stupid with my massager. Now be quiet.”
With another snap of my finger, the arms get to work. They run through his back with care. I turn around and get to work while the massage continues.
“What are you-?! Get your hand off that!”
“What's that noise? I told you to shut your mouth,”
“Tell your stupid massager not to touch my butt!”
“What's the matter? Never been massaged there?”
“Why would people get a massage there?”
“When you get a massage, you release the body's bottled-up tension, but if you ignore any area, all that tension just migrates there. All the strongest pirates know this,”
“imposible, that makes no sense.”
“What kind of pirate are you? Everybody knows this. Lots of vice admirals get them here."
"In any case, just stay quiet and let the arms do their job. It's not their fault you are a virgin broke slave who doesn't have taste or culture,”
“Quit it with the virgin thing!”
“You are a virgin! Have you ever had sex before?” 
“Those things are not relevant to my training. They are distractions from the mind,” he said confidently.
After that, he got back in position and the massage continued. I can sense every touch and movement my gold takes, so of course I can tell every movement the golden hands do on his body without watching. Every groan when they pass through his crack, the restrained whimpers as they caress his chest, but the fabulous moment is when one of the fingers enters his ass, and he wriggles on the table.
Even then, he remains in place, keeping the same image of bravado. He believes my lie so easily, he must be so ignorant of the most basic of information I can convince him of anything. I wonder how much I can push it.
It's been a week since the first time that golden perv got me on the miserable massage table. Now they have become part of our messed-up routine. 
“Lunchtime,” said the gold bastard.
For some reason, he has started to spend more time here, so all my meals are accompanied by his sickening grin. A servant brings the food for the both of us. He turns the TV on to see what’s going on with Luffy and the crew, and lastly, he snaps his fingers to summon the massage table.
I look at it and wonder how many days have passed since I got here. I lost track of time, with days starting to mesh together. 
“Come on, Roronoa, We don't have all day,” he said mockingly.
He finds entertainment in watching me try to get used to them. I can’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me struggle. At some point, he makes them continue to massage me even in the wall. In a twisted way, it gives me plenty of opportunity to adapt.
They also made my body less frustrated than in my first days here. My body still craves release, but that's beside the point.
“You heard me. Get on the table,” he said.
I get on the table, and the arms get ready to work. 
After the first massage, the gold perv came with some massage oils. I could smell the same scent of his disgusting cologne as he unscrewed the bottle.
“I don't need it,” I said, holding my breath.
He got closer to my face and said, “It's not a suggestion. You can thank me later,” 
Fucking maniac, he is so self-center he wants everything to smell like him. 
Whatever the oil is, as soon as it touches my body, I can feel it sipping into my skin. It fans the fire that started to burn inside me days ago, growing wilder as more of the oil is rubbed against my neck. I try to hold my breath, keep my head clear, and get this over with while they tend to my shoulders. They pressed against my back, loosening a nudge of tension, but also made me take a deep breath from the force. The smell of the oil saturates me in a second. The stress of staying dangling from the wall transitions into an animalistic drive. I have an itch that needs to be scratched. 
I need to get off this table, run, stretch my legs, fight anyone, something! This energy running through me is making me go insane. 
The hands move to my feet and I try to relax, letting my determination win over my body. Then they start to move up towards my legs. The more it moves, the less control I have left.
They work my thighs with vigor, the palms run their way into my inner thighs. Then their movements become slow, with the sound of my heartbeat as loud as Luffy’s snoring. Fuck, they are going to do it now. 
Just get to it! Wait, I don't look forward to something like this. 
I want it to end sooner, that's all. 
They grab my asscheeks, groping them before revealing my entrance. The hands slowly let my sweat and the oil mix around the entrance before forcing a finger inside.
A grunt escapes my mouth.
The pressure dissipates. It subsides faster with each session. It proves that I'm mastering this form of training. The golden fingers explored every inch of flesh inside me for the past few days, learning the places I store my stress. As they massage each point, I can feel the stress leave my body. In its place, the fire inside me flares even more. 
I can feel my dick hard against the table, precum flowing out of me against my will. Getting a hard-on over a massage is embarrassing; having one in front of this perv is beyond worst. But between the hands, the oil, and my longing for release, there is little work from my brain right now besides basic instinct. 
The little strength still within me is holding me in place, not rubbing my dick against the golden table. The hands continue their massage, extending deeper into me, expanding against the walls of my anus with every breath I take. 
The motion is intoxicating, and I feel climax so near but something is missing. Good, I would never cum from something like this. Then the hands launched even deeper; I had to suppress a moan. What are they doing? My balls are tight, ready to shoot at the next movement. I don't want that, but my body moves on its own, pushing against the golden arms.
Before I can make a fool of myself, the arms retreat and leave me pent up at the table. I draw air in regardless of the smell. I'm spent and yet restless. 
“You might be finally enjoying it. It took you long enough, Roronoa,” he said, standing beside the table.
“Shut up,” I reply drily.
He grabs me by the hair and pulls me up. I try to break free, but my arms turn to gold as soon as I raise them. 
“What is this then? You have made a mess of my table with that pathetic dick,”
“If I had my swords, I would cut you into pieces,” 
He threw me away and snapped his fingers. My body was instantly free from the gold bind. He gestured to the wall as my swords emerged from within it. I ran towards them without a second thought.
“Asura: Ichibugin” I yell.
My swords stayed inches away from his skin when he decided to turn me into a golden statue.
“You are either very resilient or absolutely stupid,” 
“People like you don’t understand. Shame, virtue, morals? None of that means anything in the face of power. In the face of money!” He said before kicking me across the room. 
“You think you are above anyone, all this posturing as if anyone cares? You are dirt, a decoration on my wall, nothing more! So give up and stop with these stupid stunts.”
I coughed, trying to get some air back into my lungs, but before I could, he got beside me.
“I will teach you, even with a bounty of three hundred and twenty million berries, your life is nothing to the eyes of the world,” 
The gold from the wall extends and puts my body back in the wall.
“And I will start by showing what happens when dirt like you want to act all sanctimonious here,”
Then I felt something enter my hole; it expanded as it made its way inside me.
“What are you doing-?!” 
“I'm upgrading your massages. This plug will keep you nice and accessible for your next session,” 
The gold keeps entering my body like the arms on the massage table, my mind is drowning in rage, but my dick remains hard.
“Make it stop,”
“And miss the face you are making right now? I don't think so, all that anger, that shame. It’s entertaining, and the more you resist, the more I’ll get to enjoy it,”
“You sick fuck,”
“Said the pirate leaving a pool of precum on my floor?”
How can I keep a hard-on now, of all moments? What is happening to me?
“Your friends might entertain the entire city, but you, You are my personal entertainment, pirate hunter,”
He turned around, leaving me panting on the wall. For the rest of the day, he continued to work on his desk, eyeing me whenever he felt like it. All while the gold in the wall continued to mess with my insides. The gold probe moved inside me with a constant pace, leaving my dick rock hard but never close enough to cum. 
“I'm done for the day, but before I go. I´ll grant you a last taste of heaven before going back to hell,” he said, approaching me.
I could barely listen to him. The perpetual state of arousal had clouded my senses. Even then, my glazed eyes saw him snap his fingers. The probe went overdrive at that moment, vibrating violently and sending static shocks. My inside is raw from the constant stimulation, with the vibrations massaging every inch of flesh into oblivion. The electricity travels through my body, making a spot inside my cavity jolt, the same one that has been firing arousal into my brain whenever the probe touches it. The intensity of the probe increased. I never knew my ass could feel anything at all; now, all my senses are heightened from the intensity.
I let out a yell as the shock sent me over the edge. Ropes of cum fire from my cock, staining the floor in front of me.
“Savor this moment Roronoa, 'cause you won't feel it again until you learn to do it on your own,” he said. 
He left the office, leaving me in the dark of the room. What does he mean by my own? It doesn't matter. I need to get out of here. Our crew has too many perverts for me to turn into another one.
<< First Chapter / Next Chapter > /
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goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ Your life will take a complete change of course. Tonight. ❜
❛ Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. ❜
❛ I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but we have to pull together now, don't we? ❜
❛ Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. ❜
❛ You're not who I thought you were. ❜
❛ I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. ❜
❛ Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. ❜
❛ Why, if it weren't for you, they would all still be alive today. ❜
❛ The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. ❜
❛ I don't need nor want to humiliate you, you're doing fine on your own. ❜
❛ Smart girls are only sexy until they don't wanna fuck you, and then they're competition, and then what do you do? You take them down a peg. ❜
❛ Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. ❜
❛ I assume I'm authorized to negotiate on your behalf with this individual? Unless you object right now, I assume I'm authorized to approach these negotiations from a hostile posture. ❜
❛ You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. ❜
❛ You've got to be smart. You have to realize, you can't trust people. Not you. Not anyone. ❜
❛ I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. ❜
❛ You are losing it, honey. ❜
❛ Or maybe I know what's actually happening here. Crazy as it sounds. If all this crazy bullshit is right, then maybe I know how to stop it. ❜
❛ Well, she's... she's quite dead. Isn't she? ❜
❛ Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. ❜
❛ The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. ❜
❛ All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. ❜
❛ I expect he's the kind of man you call if you, I don't know, accidentally kill a prostitute and need to dismember the corpse. ❜
❛ I like to think he killed someone. I like to think he's eaten human flesh. I like to think he took a piss on the tip-top of the world. ❜
❛ Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. ❜
❛ Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? ❜
❛ Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. ❜
❛ It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. ❜
❛ You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. ❜
❛ Why the fuck would you do that? I'm sorry. Why the fuck would you do that, sweetheart? ❜
❛ You smell like shit and you look like shit, and you're acting weird. ❜
❛ If anybody spoke to me like this, there would be repercussions! You do not get a free pass! ❜
❛ I'm afraid you're ringside for my reckoning, old friend. ❜
❛ I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? ❜
❛ I thought you only existed in the movies. ❜
❛ Words got us into this, words can get us out. ❜
❛ You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. ❜
❛ There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. ❜
❛ You're a monster, you know that? ❜
❛ I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. ❜
❛ You only ever wanted to be loved by him. You only ever wanted his approval. And it's still no fucking excuse. ❜
❛ I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. ❜
❛ I don't know you. The man I know, the man that I love could never… But you're not him. Are you? ❜
❛ But I didn't know! Did I? I didn't know who I was dealing with. ❜
❛ That candle will last you an hour or so, then, I'm afraid, you're in the dark. ❜
❛ I find most people have a threshold qualifier. Something or someone they'd be unwilling to sacrifice, no matter how sweet the deal. ❜
❛ The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. ❜
❛ You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. ❜
❛ This is the moment luck meets opportunity. ❜
❛ In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. ❜
❛ We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜
❛ But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. ❜
❛ I have no collateral. Collateral is leverage. And I won't be leveraged. ❜
❛ I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. ❜
❛ There is a lot about my job I love. But there are moments like these that bring me no joy. ❜
❛ So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. ❜
❛ It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? ❜
❛ I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. ❜
❛ It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. ❜
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aviolettrose · 6 months
So I once posted an idea about the Arkham Knight timeline, and I have another idea for it
(Triggerwarnings for mentioned SA, vomit and things you shouldn't do with it, and torture)
(It will get dark, I'm not going into detail but the stuff is still dark)
(please look out for your own safety and scroll further as soon as you get uncomfortable)
Bruce rescues Jason after locking the Joker up into Blackgate.
The Joker taunted that B's little bird doesn't scream like he used to, and Bruce just freezes and goes to Arkham where he finds Jason completely injured and unresponsive.
Bruce brings Jason to the Justice League Station (because he doesn't trust anyone else more with his son at the moment), and there he gets the needed medical attention.
Jason needs a wheelchair, he can't use his hands properly (he also has different kind of injuries), and he doesn't really talk to anyone (only to:
-Diana, because she was his childhood hero and she's the only thing that never changed in his entire life;
- Barbara, because it's his fault she is in a wheelchair she was the first person that he trusted when he moved into the manor (because she's a woman and he only trusted women back than due to trauma he got by men in Crime Alley) and it greated an special bond between them;
- Alfred because it's Alfred).
The younger members try to get him to talk but Jason looks at them empty as if he doesn't really believe that they're there with him and it freaks them out.
Jason can't really eat. After just eating either rotten food or living things (like mice), his gut can't keep normal food in (it's normal actually, when the gut gets only weird things or nothing, it needs time to accept normal food, that's why you have to eat light food at first like chicken, rice and so on).
Dick and his team (either the Titans or the young justice team, whoever you prefer, tbh) tried to eat with him once, but Jason threw up into the trashbin. He was only able to because Dick saw that something was wrong and caught on, on time, and held the bin.
(Jason had a panic attack afterward because he thought that they're going to force him to eat it, like they did)
Then Dinah tries a therapy session, but he just looks her deep in the eyes and says , "The last therapist I saw graped me. Are you going to grape me too?"
Dinah tries to gain his trust by saying stuff like, "I would never do something, you don't want to. If you want, I can talk to Diana and ask her if she can be with us as your support. Do you rather wanna talk to her instead of me? "
However Jason just replies,
"If I ask you to kill me and to finally release me from my pain, would you do it?"
And Dinah just excuses herself, and as she leaves the room, because tears threaten to come out of her eyes and she can't cry in front of a patient.
(She cries because Jason is a child, let's say about 14 or 15, he came to Arkham when he was 13, and he shouldn't ask people to k¡ll him)
(Jason also leaves the room after her because he knew that she was lying and wouldn't help him. No one wants to help him)
Clark once wanted to help him with his physiotherapy, and Jason just started to scream at him that he should leave, but Clark didn't leave, so Jason started to crush this man's mentality with question.
"Why won't you leave me alone?! Did you enjoy it so much to hear me suffer that you want an encore?"
"Did you like the way I threw the rotten food up? Or how they fed me with rats and cockroaches?"
"Did you enjoy it to hear me scream when he pulled out my nails?"
"Did you enjoy it to hear me getting waterboarded and electrocuted?"
"Did you enjoyed my screams when they graped me? I bet it get you off. Did you listened to me getting g@ng graped while you slept with your wife?"
And Clark Kent, Superman himself, started to cry, knelt down on his knees and started to apologize to Jason, (who sat in his wheelchair and just looked at him with so, so, so much hate) telling him that he hadn't heard him the whole time and that if he did he would have been the first person to show up to help.
But he wasn't the one who showed up and rescued him.
It was his dad
He doesn't know how to feel about Bruce. Yes, he rescued him, but he is also the reason he was there, but he replaced him after three months, as if he meant nothing.
Jason hates Tim.
He calls Tim pretender and taunts him every time he sees him.
"Do you really believe that you're soo much better than me?"
"It's just a question of time when he replaces you, like he did with Dickiebird and me."
"You're nothing special."
(In reality, he tries to get Tim to quit so he doesn't end up like Jason)
(And it hits Tim really hard because he admires Jason, and Tim tried to tell Jason that if he wants Robin back, he can, but Jason just scoffs because no one should be Robin. Robin died in Arkham, and that's it.)
(Here's a list of all the torture that happened, I got it sent by @caramel----comforter (<3), so please look take a look by both blogs if you've time)
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
I've had this imagine for a long time but I suck at writing and never know how to like kind of put it into words myself so I'll try and keep it short-ish 😭.
So it's based in s1 and it's Glenn's sister x Daryl (Daryl is like in his mid thirties and reader is in her mid twenties and one day she goes up to him maybe while he's in one of the trailers or in his tent (this is pre-rick grimes but during the beginning of the apocalypse when they're all in atlanta) and basically asks him if he wants to fuck cuz she knows neither of them have really had any kind of "release" (I hate the word so much but I couldn't think of another way to describe it) and he's like "are you crazy" or something like that and she says something like "way to let me down easy." But they end up sleeping together in his tent when merle is out on a hunt. And then it just kind of keeps going like that. Whenever they can get time to have sex, and know they won't get caught, they do it. And one day they're like kissing up against a tree and Glenn sees them and totally freaks out.
Dirty Secret;;
A/N: I really like this idea!! And don't worry if you can't keep them short-ish. I tend to ramble when I request stuff to people as well LMAO. Sorry if this isn't the best either. Been having a rough couple of weeks, but I still wanted to write something haha
Pairing: Daryl x Glenn's-Sister!Reader
Warnings: AFAB! Reader, She/her pronouns, PiV sex, Vaginal fingering, Oral (Male receiving)
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No matter how much he denied it. He liked you.
Daryl hardly knew anything about you. He wished that was different, but it was so hard to talk to you. Let alone look at you. Every glance he would steal from you he'd be averting his eyes the moment you looked his way. His cheeks flushed a soft pink at the mere thought of you catching him looking at you. He felt weird. Like he was creeping on you. He couldn't help it.
It seemed like with each passing day he wanted to look at you more and more. When he would come back from his hunts he was looking for you in the small group of people. Asking his brother or anyone else who wasn't Glenn where you were.
"See ya got a thing for the Asians little sister huh?" Merle would ask, and Daryl would roll his eyes in return. The last thing he needed was his older brother teasing him. "Nah, jus' makin' sure she ain't out there dead," he scoffed. Merle knew better though. That knowing smirk on his face as he watched his brother stomp away from him. He knew he wasn't just a worried civilian. He was a worried guy hoping his potential woman wasn't out there dead.
Daryl would never admit to that, though. He hated the fact that he liked you. He wasn't even sure why. Maybe it was because you smiled at him anytime he looked at you. Or when he would come back from hunts you would congratulate him for the kills and always thank him for providing you all with food. Or maybe it was just because you were so damn pretty. He swore you were an angel or something. With how your smile seemed to make his chest clench each time he was lucky enough to see it. Plus, your eyes were so mesmerizing. He just wished he had the balls to talk with you.
Little did he know, you looked at him the same way. You looked at him with an expression that he didn't seem to catch onto. He never quite held eye contact with you long enough to notice. The way that you would watch him with such sweet admiration.
"Daryl," His body froze when he heard you calling his name. Anytime you said his name he swore you said it differently than anyone in his life ever had. With such kindness, and that voice of yours that could make him do anything.
Just last week Merle was on his ass about him doing anything you asked. You had asked him if he could look for some medication on a run he was going on with Glenn. You could have asked Glenn, but you asked him. So of course, he listened and went out of his way to find them.
"That girl got ya whipped and y'ain't even stuck yer dick in 'er yet," his older brother spat, and Daryl snapped. "Don' ya ever talk 'bout 'er like that again, ya hear me? She's better than that," and Merle just smiled and laughed at his baby brother's rage. "Pathetic."
When you got to where he was standing at his tent he snapped out of his thought. Shaking his head before looking down at you with a soft gaze. He didn't say anything, though. Just simply acknowledged that you were there by looking at you.
"Do you think I could ask you something?" You questioned with a raised brow. Daryl felt his palms clam up with how close you were to him. The fact that you were going out of your way to talk to him was mind-boggling to the archer. He nodded his head reluctantly, keeping his mouth closed.
You cleared your throat, eyes darting down to the ground. He was scared, to say the least. You'd never looked so nervous around him before.
"I see the way you look at me, and uhm.." you licked your lips and he felt his heart drop while he processed your words. "I think we feel the same about each other, do you maybe wanna..." You rocked back on your heels before mustering up the courage to say what you wanted to say. "Sleep together?" You nearly squeaked out, cringing at your choice of wording. You had thought of another way to phrase it earlier, but saying it to him was a lot different than thinking it. The first words that came to mind gushed out of your mouth like an idiot.
He was flabbergasted. It wasn't often that people could leave Daryl without something snarky to say, but right now was one of those moments. You were asking to fuck around with him? You, the pretty Rhee girl with those eyes and smile that made the archer's knees wobble? That had to be a joke. Glenn had to have set you up to this. Or Merle did. That had to be it.
"Look," you spoke up, seeing the gears turning in his head. "We don't have to, I was just figuring that since the apocalypse is among us that it'd be fun." You told him and he scoffed, "Plus your brother and my brother are gone on a run! It'd be the only time we really have to." You told him with a small frown, noticing how his scowl returned to his face.
"Yer crazy," he snapped, and you felt like you could crumble to the ground. "Merle put you up to this 'in't he?" He barked, and you shook your head. "No, I don't even talk to your brother, Glenn doesn't like how he looks at me." you frowned, and when he looked up and saw how to hurt you looked, he recoiled. He hated that he made you so upset, but this couldn't actually be happening. "Ain't happening, girl," he sneered, and you didn't think you could sink any lower.
You ducked your head down when he went to push past you. "Way to let a girl down..." you pouted, and he felt guilt course his veins. You were running off before he even had the chance to run past you himself. You practically dove into your tent. Your knees were brought up to your chest after the door was zipped. Hiding away from the world as embarrassment took over. You didn't care if it was still sunny out and the heat only seemed to make you bake alive. Maybe it'd put you out of your petty misery.
Daryl on the other hand resorted to the forest where he hid for what felt like hours. With the sun setting now, and how low the sun was before. It was probably only tinkering on one, maybe two hours.
He couldn't quite gather why you would come to him with such bold words. He always took you as someone too meek and shy to say something like that. Obviously, he was wrong. That was one thing you and your brother seemed to have in common. You both spoke your mind; regretting it would be a problem for later.
It wasn't like Daryl didn't think of you that way. Hell, he hadn't slept with anyone since well before the apocalypse began. He didn't have the time, and he was tired of sleeping with people that would leave him the next morning without a goodbye. He was tired of feeling so goddamn alone.
He wanted to find you and tell you how he felt, but he didn't know how. Daryl never knew how to express his feelings. Unless it was anger, disgust, distrust, or any negative emotion. It came to him like flying came to a bird.
He thought about you that whole time out there. The look of fear on your face when you asked. How anxious you looked when he didn't respond. Most of all, how saddened you look when he basically said no. It wasn't that he didn't like you. He just didn't want to like you too much. Daryl didn't want you to use him like every other person in his life. A part of him actually wanted you to be his girlfriend. A word foreign to him, but he was so eager to try.
He hadn't even noticed when he was heading back to the camp that his feet were leading him toward your tent. Both you and Glenn chose to sleep more on the outskirts of the camp. Daryl and his brother clear on the opposite end of camp.
Carol had seen the archer wander, and a small, knowing smile crept on her face. Hopefully he'd do something to give you something to gossip over while you, her, and the other girls did laundry. They gave you the idea of confronting Daryl, after all.
"You have to be blunt with men. Tell them what you want." Lori had told you earlier that day. "Just grab him by the face and kiss him!" Amy squealed, and you had shaken your head. "That's too blunt for Daryl," they all nodded at your words. You were right. Too much physical contact and he'd run. "Just tell him you wanna have sex, guys normally go for that. You can work it out from there." Carol told you with a kind smile, and you listened to that advice.
Now you were sulking and wishing you hadn't. If you hadn't then you wouldn't be in this mess. Too afraid that if you left the safety of your tent he'd be there. Just instead of catching him staring and bashfully looking the other way. He'd be glaring and looking at you like you were some disgusting cheap whore.
Your tent shook and you almost jumped out of your skin. A small shout left your lips before asking who was out there. "Jus' me, keep it down, gon'a have everyone over here," Daryl rasped, and you felt your body grow hot with embarrassment.
You didn't know what to say, falling silent while you coiled more into yourself. Your face hiding behind your knees while you chewed on the inside of your cheek. He did the same, standing there with racing thoughts. The hell was he even supposed to say?
"Hey, look, 'm sorry," he muttered, and you almost didn't hear him. "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have thought you liked me like that, too," he felt his stomach flutter at those words. Oh, but he did like you like that. He hardly knew you and he liked you a lot more than he cared to admit. "Nah, jus' ain't used to pretty girls wantin' t'sleep with me." He admitted while scuffing his foot on the ground. Your heart lept in your chest.
"You think I'm pretty?" You asked, and he nodded. Until he realized the tent was still zipped up, meaning you couldn't see him. "Yeah, real pretty," he almost whispered.
You couldn't hide the smile that was on your face. You were glad that the tent was hiding you from his view. You were practically beaming with pride over his words. A little bit of the boldness from before sneaking back into your head.
"Did you want to come in and sit with me?" You had asked, expecting him to say no or call you crazy again after you did. Before you could overthink it too much you heard him shuffle around in front of your tent. The zipper let out a hiss as he pulled it up and around the door.
He put his crossbow inside first, crawling in after. The weapon was set to the side and off the blankets. You had even noticed that he set his boots outside beside your shoes. A small smile on your lips with how considerate he really was.
Once the man was inside and sat beside you it was quiet again. Neither of you knew what to do from here.
"That offer still up?" Daryl blurted, and the both of you were a little shocked by his words. You cleared your throat, the hunter looking over to inspect your face. You were flustered. He could tell by the way you tried to hide your face behind your hands while you rubbed at it. It made him smile at the fact that he could make you feel that way.
"Uhm, if you want to, I don't want you to pity me or anything," he chuckled softly at your rambling. "I ain't pityin' ya," he sighed, reaching out to brush his fingers along your jaw. Grabbing your attention so you would look at him. "You were right, I've been lookin' at ya same as you look at me," he told you with a lopsided smile, and you felt your stomach doing flips. He just wished he knew if you only looked at him with sexual attraction, or maybe more.
"Can I kiss ya?" he asked, and you felt your heart melt at the fact that he asked. You knew a lot of guys wouldn't ask. They'd just take what they want, but you could tell Daryl was different. It's one of the reasons you trusted him out of everyone in this small group to get some relief out of. Plus, a part of you hoped that something might stem from it.
When you nodded and told him it was okay he crawled over to you. His hand was on your jaw and he kissed you a lot differently than you imagined from the hunter. He was gentle, yet rough. A mix that you didn't expect from him. You had expected him to be all rough, nothing soft.
Once your lips were locked he was pushing you back onto the bed of blankets. His body climbed in between your thighs while he hovered over you and just kissed you for a while. You expected him to get right to business, but he took his time.
He was pretty nervous. He wasn't a virgin, he'd had sex a few times. Not enough that he knew what he was doing, though. He didn't have the charm that most guys had. He was awkward and over thought everything that he did. Plus, he hardly knew anything about peoples bodies, let alone the opposite gender.
He pulled back to lean down. Pressing a kiss to your jaw, then down to your neck. The scruff on his chin and upper lip tickling your skin. Smiling lightly at the sensation. A light giggle escaping your lips. The sound causing him to stop and look up at you. Blue eyes full of worry and curiosity.
"That tickled," you whispered, and he felt his heart flutter. He swore you were cuter than any girl he's ever met.
"Yeah?" He asked with a small smile. You only nodded back with a small snicker. Reaching out to run your hands over his chest. The action making Daryl suck his bottom lip in between his teeth.
The more you touched him the faster he wanted to get you both undressed. Though his hands were still shaky and clammy. Worried that he may end up doing the wrong thing.
His lips only kissed on your neck. He caught your skin between his teeth here or there, but nothing enough to leave a mark. The last thing he needed was Merle or your brother catching on. He knew Merle would just tease the holy hell out of the both of you. Glenn on the other hand, he was a little scared of how the younger man would react. Daryl knew best that family was important. Fuck around with the wrong family and a death wish may be in place.
His thoughts all came to a blurry stop when your legs wrapped around his waist. Pulling yourself up against him so your crotch met his own. The action pulling a moan from the both of you.
"Shit," he spat, nose nuzzling against your shoulder. "We gotta be quiet, darlin'," he gasped, and you nodded. Your head swimming with all sorts of thoughts. The fact that you were about to have sex with the man you had been eyeing for the past couple of weeks. The fact that you hadn't done this in what felt like years. And the fact that he was calling you 'darling'. You were in heaven.
"Can I?" he murmured, kissing your shoulder while tugging at the bottom of your shirt before he leant up to study your face. He couldn't get enough of your pretty eyes.
Once you gave him permission he was pulling your shirt over your head. Instinct settling into the hunter. He knew what he wanted, and knew how to get it. He just needed to know how to give you what you wanted.
"Tell me if I do anything wrong," he huffed out, to which you nodded. "You're doing great so far," you assured him with a chuckle. He didn't respond too much, though. His eyes were too fixated on your upper half. A bit of your own self-consciousness rushing through your body when he stared for a little too long.
His hands were quick to pin yours to the side when you went to cover up. Shaking his head while his eyes drug up your body to your own eyes. "Yer beautiful, none o'that." he stated, and you felt your whole body heat up with bashfulness. You wish you'd met him sooner, truthfully.
You nodded, agreeing with what he had to say. You probably agree with about anything the archer above you said. A small hum leaving your throat when he leant down to kiss your chest. He left soft butterfly kisses over your breasts. Soon leaving hungry open mouthed kisses on your mounds of skin. Licking and biting, gathering all the reactions that the hunter could spur from you.
"Like that, huh?" he growled against your skin when he began nipping on your left nipple. Flattening his tongue over the sensitive bud before he kissed over to the other side.
His mind was a bubbling mess of pleasure and nonsense. He hardly knew what he was thinking. Other than how perfect you were. He felt like he was worshipping an angel.
Daryl kissed further down to your stomach. Both of his hands removed from yours to explore. One hand rubbing and squeezing at your breast while the other reached down for your pants.
A grunt left his throat when you tugged at his locks of hair. Raising his head to look up at you. His pupils blown wide.
"Can you take your shirt off?" You nearly whispered, and he felt his heart sink. He almost said yes, but that familiar dread settled in. He didn't need you pitying him right now.
"I can't," he told you. He half expected you to question him, but you just nodded. You nodded with a smile. Reaching down to cup the side of his face with such care. "That's okay," you told him, and he swore he could have broken down into a weeping mess if it weren't for how horny he was.
He crawled back up and over you when you pulled him towards your face. The two of you sharing a look before he leaned down to lock your lips in another kiss.
His hand ran over the hem of your pants that you had changed into to sleep in. Running his calloused fingers over the soft fabric.
"Daryl," you whined against his lips. He nearly cursed in response at the sound of it. He only hummed in response. Refusing to part his lips from yours for too long. "Hurry up," you huffed.
Daryl smiled a little at this. He parted his eyes with a faint nod before pulling back from you. His hands quick at hooking under the hem of your pants and panties. Looking up at you to make sure everything that he was doing was all right. Tugging the clothing down your hips and then thighs.
You listened as he took in a sharp breath. Your eyes watching his face with caution. Making sure that he didn't look disgusted or like he was regretting to ever agreeing to do such things with you.
"Jesus," he huffed, and you shifted a little. "What?" You asked, and he shook his head while moving so he could pull your pants off the rest of the way. Tossing them aimlessly beside the both of you. "You're just a lot prettier than I imagined."
You felt your heart flutter at his words. Not only was he complimenting you, but he was also admitting to imagining what you looked like beneath your clothes. Was he thinking about you before this? Or was it only after you asked him if he wanted to fuck earlier that day?
He was quick to distract you from your thoughts again. Heat pooling in your stomach as you watched him tug his own pants down. You saw the reluctance in his movements. Your own hands reaching out to help him. Glancing up as if to ask if it was okay, and he nodded. Of course it was okay. It was more than okay, really.
The hunter pursed his lips as he watched you pull his pants down. Watching as your eyes danced over each sliver of skin that you exposed. The way that you licked and bit on your lips. Especially the way your eyes seemed to widen at the sight of him when he was finally free from his pants. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing, though. He only hoped your shocked expression was good.
"All good?" He blurted, cringing a little at his wording. He didn't entirely know what to say, though. "Daryl," he froze, waiting for you to finish. You were going to insult him, weren't you? "You're more than just all good, you're..." You pondered words, smirking as you helped him get the rest of the way out of his pants. Leaning yourself up in order to kiss his chest. "You're lovely. Words can't even express how handsome you are," you praised, and he felt his skin burn red. His heart leaping in his chest. Soft grumbles leaving his chest while you kissed over his chest. Lightly biting every so often.
His eyebrows furrowed when your fingers wrapped around his shaft. Hissing as your thumb ran over his tip. Allowing you to pull him back on top of yourself. "Shit, you feel so good," he murmured, kissing your cheek and then your lips.
Daryl brought a hand down to your own sex. His fingers running over your damp entrance. His body was buzzing with excitement. You could tell he was almost as nervous as you were, though. If not, maybe a little more.
His movements were slow and a little awkward. You let go of him in order to reach and grab his hand. Guiding and showing him what to do. Showing him where you liked to be touched the most, where your clit was, how to rub it. How to finger you. He was certain that by the end of the night he'd have you cum at least once. Or God smite him now.
He rubbed where you told him too. Watching with an intrigued gaze at how your hips bucked and rolled against just his hand. It fed his ego more than it probably should have. Smiling lightly when you began pressing frantic kisses to his neck and shoulders. The way your hips rolled, your hands pawed at his body, and most of all the way you moaned softly in his ear. It was enough to make him buck his hips against nothing.
"Daryl, please," you whimpered, and he felt his stomach do flips. There was no way you sounded so pretty. "Please what?" He drawled. His voice already deeper that before. "Fuck me," you gasped when his fingers curled into you once more.
He was shocked with how bold you were, but he wasn't going to deny what you wanted, either.
Daryl was quick to pull his hand away from your entrance. Replacing it with his throbbing dick. He wanted to watch you cum on his fingers, but that wasn't for now. Right now he needed to be inside you. He needed to feel you squeezing down on him while he fucked you into the stupid blankets below the both of you.
Once he was aligned he was looking up at you as if to ask if everything was all right. Your soft nod and 'yes' was all he needed to keep going. Pushing forward in order to slide into you.
His brows furrowed when the tip of himself was inside you. Pushing forward while huffing out breaths until he bottomed out in you. Your own face was scrunched. Reaching out in order to claw at his clothed back.
Daryl saw how uncomfortable you looked by your expressions. The man leaning down in order to pepper kisses on your lips and shoulders. "If I need'a stop, ya tell me," he grunted, and you nodded. "I'm fine," you told him, and he only nodded. He wanted you to know that if you wanted to stop at any time he wouldn't be mad. He'd stop.
Once you were comfortable enough you shifted your hips. The both of you inhaling sharply at the pleasure that shot through you both like bullets. "Shit, I might not last long," he told you, and you chuckled, nodding softly. "Feel that good?" you teased, and he let out a soft moan in response when you rolled your hips up. "Y'ain't got no idea, woman."
He started a pace that was a little slow at first. An attempt to savor the moment, but it wasn't long before the hunter was lost. His hips pulling back before snapping into you. He occupied his mouth with your own. The both of you doing your best to stay quiet. Thankful that the tent wasn't too close to any one else's since Glenn's empty tent was beside your own and then Jaques.
"Daryl," you mewled, and he nodded. "What is it?" He asked, his hand coming between the both of you to press his finger over your clit. Just like you showed him earlier.
He smirked when your back arched. You couldn't even finish your thought from earlier. Your head craned back. Leaving the hunter ample room to kiss and bite. It was hard to remind himself that he couldn't suck on your skin. A temptation that he wished no one would think anything of.
His thrusts only seemed to get rougher. The sound of skin on skin growing louder as he fucked into you. His fingers rubbing your sensitive bud a little harsher than before. Trying to get you to meet your high with him. Which was only growing closer for the archer.
"Shit," he mumbled against your skin. His free hand gripping your hip harder than before as his thrusts grew more sloppy and rugged. "God, 'm close," He hissed against your skin. To which you nodded with a choked mewl. "Me too," you cooed out, and it wasn't long before your body was coiling in on itself. The coil within your stomach snapping.
Your arms wrapped around his body. Your legs around his waist in an attempt to pull the man further inside you while you came around him. Daryl fought hard in order to not cum inside of you. It took everything not to. You just felt too good. The way that you squeezed and pulsated around him. The way your fingernails dug into his back through his shirt. And the way you whispered his name into his ear, over and over like a frantic prayer. A few more thrusts and he was pulling out of you, spilling his seed all over your stomach. He hadn't came that hard in God only knows how long.
The both of you laid there for a few moments. Daryl on his back beside you while the both of you tried to regain your strength. Both of you floating back down to earth. Slow, but sure.
"That was..." He started, searching for words. "Wow," he finished, and you giggled. Leaning over to press a kiss to his shoulder. "Think we could do it again, sometime?" You asked, and you were thankful you were looking over at the hunter. Catching his smile as he stared up at the roof of your tent. "Yeah, I'd like that."
It did happen a lot more after that, too. You were both as good as rabbits. Fucking anytime the two of you got the chance.
Daryls favorite was when you asked Dale if the both of you could take his Canoe out onto the water to "fish." Daryl did try and fish, the only thing you really fished was his dick in his pants.
He was oblivious when you offered to fish with him that morning, though. Only thinking that all you wanted to do was fish. He wasn't opposed to that thought, though. After sharing such an intimate moment with you the other night he liked the thought of spending actually quality time with you.
He wasn't exactly complaining when you slid down to your knees in front of him, either. He was telling you that you didn't have to. That if you didn't want to, he wouldn't be hurt. He never really thought he deserved head from anyone.
The moment you had your tongue on his shaft, licking up to his tip. He was a goner.
His head tipped back and his eyes fell shut with a groan. The fishing pole in the holder on the side of the boat while one hand gripped the seat and the other was tangled in your hair. With each bob of your head he fought the urge to thrust up into your throat. Not only did he not want to hurt you, but he also didn't want to move the canoe too much and tip the both of you.
"Fuck, like that," he purred, watching you through half lidded eyes. Practically melting into the seat of the boat while you gave him the best head of his life.
He thought about that morning anytime he had free time.
The both of you had quite the experience streak going on. Anytime the both of your brothers were away from camp you were in one or the others tent. Soon it wasn't even for sex. Some nights Daryl would just lay with you. Your head on his chest or vice versa. The both of you just lying in one another's presence. Some nights the both of you would swap stories. You typically did most of the talking, but he'd open up to you the more time that you both spent together.
"Daryl," you sighed as he trailed beside you. "I'll be fine out here by myself, we haven't seen any walkers this far out at all since we've been camped out here." You just wanted to go looking for anything. Whether it be a rabbit to kill and bring back to the camp, or maybe just something that was left out in the woods that could be used as something useful. You weren't exactly complaining that Daryl was acting so protective. It was nice. If it was your brother, you'd be throwing a fit and telling him to leave you be. Daryl following you like a puppy was a lot nicer. He didn't talk as much as Glenn, either.
"That's the thing, we ain't seen many up here, but we will," you frowned a little at his words. "So you're just going to follow me around like a body guard from now on?" You asked, and he shrugged. "Guess so." He told you, and you nodded with a chuckle. "Sure thing, Dixon," you sighed, reaching out to link your pinky with his. The hunter didn't argue, either. If anything it eased his anxiety more than just walking beside you. Now if he needed to he could pull you from harms way.
You slowed your pace, Daryl looking over at you with a brow raised. "Well, since we're out here." You stopped, and he turned a little to look at you a little better. "Do you think you could teach me how to work that crossbow of yours?" You asked, and he froze. It took him a moment to process what you were asking, but it wasn't long before he was smiling a little. Glancing down before looking back up at you. "You know how to shoot a gun?" He asked, and you nodded. "Glenn taught me." He nodded this time.
He led you over to a tree. Carving an 'X' with his knife before leading you so far back. "All right," he started, parting his feet so far while he held the bow in his arms. "Ya gotta make sure yer standin' right first. Gotta stand with yer feet so far apart or else yer gonna lose balance and fall on yer ass," He told you, and you nodded, watching as he brought the weapon up to aim. "Then ya just aim and shoot. Gotta just breathe." He finished before squeezing the trigger and firing. Looking up at the target where he hit a near perfect bullseye. Soon looking back over at you.
You reached your arms out for the bow that he offered to you. Smiling as you held it in your arms and struggled a little at cocking the weapon. Soon bringing it back up and into your arms. Raising it to eye level. "Like this?" You asked, and he chuckled.
You flinched a little when he put his hands on your waist. "It's okay, jus' me," He spoke when he felt your body jerk. Turning your hips a little and kicking your feet a little further apart. "Now bring the bow more here," He ordered. Moving the butt of the weapon more in the center of your shoulder. "Then just breathe," He told you, staying close while you aimed. Finally firing the weapon.
You lowered the crossbow in order to see where you fired. Daryl giving your waist a light squeeze. You peaked over your shoulder to catch the proud grin on his face before it mellowed into a softer smile. "Come on," he told you, leading you closer to the tree so the both of you could get a better look.
He whistled lightly, and you giggled. "Yer a natural," he boasted, and you rolled your eyes. "I wouldn't say that, I didn't even get a bullseye." You pouted a little, and he shrugged. "Nah, but you still hit in the x. You were close," he added in attempts to make you feel better. You did do exceptionally well for it being your first time shooting the bow.
You shrugged, looking up and over at the male with a soft smile. "Better luck next time," you told him, and he chuckled. The man was already looking at you. Your faces mere inches from each other. It wasn't long before he was turning to pull you in for a soft kiss. "Could practice some more." He told you before kissing you again. You just let out a soft laugh against his lips.
"Daryl! What if Merle or Glenn comes out here," you whisper yelled against his lips. He didn't care, though. "We're fine," he muttered, and you didn't argue anymore. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders while his hand not holding the crossbow came to pull you closer to him by your waist. "God, you're the horniest guy I've ever met," you teased him, and he chuckled. Pulling back to look over your face. "Yeah? Hard not t'be when I've got you here," He murmured, and you felt your skin grow warm.
You leaned in to give him another kiss. This time running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. Which from what you've learned in the few weeks that the two of you had been doing this. Only seemed to get him more in the moment.
"What the hell's going on?" You both jerked away from each other when you heard a shout. The color draining from your face when you saw Glenn standing behind Daryl. A large stick in his hand that he was ready to hit the archer with.
You stood there for a moment, noticing the way Daryl backed away from you both. He did his best to show and tell Glenn that he didn't want any trouble, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that Glenn didn't care what Daryl had to say.
"I made one thing fucking clear to you all and it was to not fuck with my sister and here you are! What, did you think you weren't included in that statement?" Glenn shouted, and you shoved at your brothers chest. "Leave him alone, Glenn! I'm an adult, you've got to stop treating me like I'm still eighteen!" You barked with a frown. Your brother only glancing down at you for a second before he looked back up at Daryl.
"You stay away from her," This time you shoved at Glenn's chest harder. "Glenn Rhee, shut up!" You snapped, and Glenn shook his head. "Look, I'm not letting my sister last resort to someone like him!" He snapped, and you shook your head. Daryl shifted a little uncomfortably behind the both of you. Looking down at the ground. The mix of yelling and insults thrown at him making him uncomfortable.
"Yeah? Last resort or not, I wish I met him sooner," you snarled, and Daryl peeked up at that. He was about to walk off. He was worried that you would insult him next, but he was interested now.
"The hell do you mean by that?" Glenn asked, and you felt your hands grow a little clammy with a mix of embarrassment and anger. "He treats me nice." You told your brother, and you noticed the way his brow relaxed a little. "Really nice. Better than any guy before all this ever did. He treats me like I'm someone, and not just a toy. I like him and I'm not letting you scare him off, Glenn. I'd do anything for you! You're my big brother, but Daryl's not a bad guy," you told your brother with a slight frown. Trying your best to convince your brother that Daryl wasn't using you. Or at least you hoped he wasn't.
Daryl couldn't believe that you were standing up for whatever the two of you had going on. He was shocked to hear that he treated you better than any other guy you had been with. Either you had only been with one other guy, or you had as good of luck with relationships as he did.
He was just glad that you thought whatever the two of you had going on was as nice as he thought it was. It was the nicest thing he's had in years, honestly.
"Fine." You both looked at Glenn this time. Your brother meeting Daryls eyes. His glare settling back on his face. "But if anything, and I mean anything happens to you," He looked back to you, "And I find out it's his fault," He looked up at Daryl again. "He's dead." Glenn snarled, and you nodded. Reaching out to give him a hug with a smile. "Thank you, Glenny." He nodded with a sigh, returning the hug. "Just, stay safe..." He muttered in your ear, and you nodded. Pulling from your brother before watching him wander back towards camp.
"Does that make us something?" Daryl asked, taking a step closer to you. You froze at his words. Looking over your shoulder at the male. "What?" He shrugged. "You fought for whatever we got goin' on. We more than just a dirty secret?" He asked, and you brought your lower lip between your teeth. You shrugged, reaching up to rub your jaw. "I guess," he smiled softly. He didn't say anything more. He only motioned for you to follow him back to camp.
From then on, though. You and Daryl were practically inseparable. Especially since you didn't necessarily have to hide it from Glenn anymore. Merle was another story.
Daryl was far from touchy when it came to being around the others, but he was always right there with you. Whether it be standing by you, sitting near you, lying with you at night, or watching you as you talked to someone. He was making sure the others who got too close knew that you were off the table. He considered you his now, as he was yours. Whether you liked it or not. You were stuck with him.
More so, whether Glenn liked it or not.
Taglist: @ambassadortotrilliusprime @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
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digenerate-trash · 1 year
More head cannons that I have but for non-love interests. mostly teachers and Bailey and Harper. 
Bailey used to be a normal person who cared if the orphans got hurt but over time in order to keep the younger kids safe from the town he needed to start charging the older ones rent to keep this rinky-dink shack above water eventually it became too much for him to care about every victim he sent out onto the street to make rent so he stopped. Either by dissociation or worse. now he's just a heartless asshole who protects only the kids in the youth ward and even that is hard for him to do. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. 
Harper is afraid of blood. Straight up. He’ll faint if he catches sight of it that's why he prefers needles and brainwashing no blood is involved if you do it right. He's giving some real “I never got my doctorate” energy and I don't think this town cares because he's the best they have. He's definitely jacked off over an unaware patient. Has a kink for making patients cum hands-free (it's a power thing). Almost agreed to work for Remmy for free because he got too excited about brainwashing people into mindless cow hybrids. moral compass? Whos she? 
Leighton is such a fucking freak of nature. Would not be surprised if he went from teacher’s aid to head teacher solely through blackmail and other underhanded means this dud has always been a straight-up freak. Like Kylar but instead of being obsessed with one person, his passion is corrupting innocent people and once he's done and he's gotten off it's off to the next unsuspecting victim. This dude probably doesn’t know how to use a modern cellphone though so thank god for that. 
Sirris. Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. I mean Mommy? Sorry. For real though giving milf energy. Probably really loved her dead husband to the point where she's not getting married again. (which is the real crime) but deeply cares for her kid, and even though she has no idea the extent of  Leighton’s abuse she has threatened to kill him and go to church the next day if he even breathes near her kid. Owns a sex shop purely to exploit this town's obvious sex addiction issue and is probably saving for Sydney's future as well. The only good parent I’ve seen in this game.  
River is a virgin for life. my man has never seen a pussy and is physically afraid of it. (same goes for cock but a little bit less so) has an avid believer of the church's teachings and he has a kind of friendship with Sydney but refuses to give them any special treatment because it wouldn't be fair (although Sydney is his favorite). Prob wear’s a chastity belt since he was 18 and has absolutely refused to take it off its like a security blanket now. No one is getting their filthy hands on this dick.
Doren is one of those freaks who has crushes on his students and sees nothing wrong with it, he cares about them and wants the best for his students but the power dynamic is hard to ignore for his students and even though he wants to be kind and a friend to all of them most students will avoid getting too friendly with him. He does his best to protect the students he likes best giving them snacks at lunch being extra patient with them during lessons helping them out or bumping up their grades just because they asked but if you’re a nuisance he lets you fall by the wayside because his love and care are conditional. 
Winter is heavy into costumes and BDSM but that's not a surprise super into weird sexual history and also has a huge denial/edging kink. Surprisingly the teacher she gets along best with is River. They hang out in the teacher's lounge and bitch about students. Leighton has absolutely harassed her for information on her students like which ones squirm during her unorthodox lessons but she refuses to play into his antics. When she's working at the museum she is the most content. It's her real passion but it doesn't pay the bills. Probably got hired because Leighton thought she would be an easy mark but it turns out she's a total dom and now he's afraid to fire her. 
Mason is the guy Dorent wishes he was. Students are always trying to feel him up during lesions and asking if he's single. But he really just wants to be left alone. At one point he was good enough to be on a national swim team but for one reason or another, his life fell apart and now he's burnt out and living in the worst town in Britain at the ripe age of 25. The dude probably wouldn't hurt a fly unless he had to and even then he would be crying for a week afterward. Bottom energy.
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meanbossart · 10 months
I've been really enjoying your fic and it got me curious about how your campaign went??? I got the important parts (your Durge denied Bhaal, Shadowheart spared nightsong I think, Astarion obviously didn't ascend) but what else happened? Will we ever see any of the other companions?
Thanks for enjoying the story! I can say with pretty much certainty we won't be seeing any other canonical characters from the game, Jaheira, Minsc and Halsin would have stayed behind in Baldur's Gate, as well as Wyll. My Durge killed Lae'zel early in the game and Karlach also died at the end of my campaign.
Gale's character decided to go after the crown, and while he was the staple fourth member of my party the relationship had always been uh... Tense. This was before they apparently patched out how needy he was, but frankly it made for a really interesting story since i just kind of assumed his character was kind of a creep wearing a nice-guy's face. Also, to be fair, I DID fall for his "wanna see a magic trick" line but that just kindled the fire to my theory that he's actually a fairly manipulative person (and perhaps he's unaware of it). MIND YOU PLEASE that this doesn't mean i don't like his character - honestly i feel like I got a REALLY interesting side of him in my campaign and i wouldnt have it any other way - this was a party composed of the dark urge, Astarion, Shadowheart and GALE and to have us all turn down power and glory only for the goody-two-shoes wizard of the camp to turn kinda evil and power-hungry made for a really satisfying narrative.
... Sorry i ended up rambling about Gale LOL to actually answer the rest of your question, my campaign went like this:
I made a Fighter, champion sub-class, BIG hulking drow because i thought it would be funny. Because i went in blind I started off as a confused homicidal murderer who is a liiiittle weirded out about his urges but he doesnt stress TOO much about it. Is fairly standoffish and distrusting toward all of his companions which made for a weird start. Motivated by gold, killing things, getting this worm out his head and making off-color jokes. Ends up siding with the Tieflings because i also decided that, as a very hedonistic character who thinks we should be lunatics because we want to rather than because a cult is telling us to be, my durge would profoundly hate the absolute. As a male drow he also really hated Minthara so yeah, easy choice there. As mentioned above, I also killed Lae'zel when she tried to murder-suicide everybody.
I wasn't going to fuck anyone, believe it or not, so during the tiefling party i went with Gale because it SEEMED like he just wanted to show me something neat (it ended early because i failed his checks and i guess he can't get hard unless i can cast fireball). Also, at this point even though i made mostly "good" moral choices i *was* still a dick the whole time - despite this, everyone in camp wanted to fuck me BESIDES Astarion, which was so fucking funny and devastating that I decided my Durge would, from that moment on, turn on the charm and the flattery and make it his mission to bang him. So yes, they were manipulating each other. I don't have to explain why that made for a really really fun little dynamic. Also Astarion had to tell me he was a vampire through dialogue instead of biting me and i got to say "yeah duh" which was hysterical.
I finally banged him sometime during the underdark (didn't go to the creche at all) and during Act 2 I followed the same pattern of doing mostly the Good Thing while being arrogant the whole time, I fell into a kind of chaotic-neutral/true-neutral aligment and watched my little homicidal maniac cluelessly stumble his way into a hero's journey. I had also really grown to like Shadowheart at that point after having a really negative first impression of her character and she basically became my durge's best friend. Astarion also grew on me for all the reasons we know and love and he did his confession to me sometime in late act 2. I Never met Araj (though i think i mention her in the fan story only because her interaction is interesting) so I got the dialogue that isn't prompted by her encounter. I also had to "break up" with Gale at this point which boy that sure came as a surprise to me! I also didnt break the shadow curse.
Because I didnt kill isobel (Again, my guy didnt like people telling him what to do or not to do), my little butler guy made me wanna kill Astarion. I SWEAR this happened pretty late in game, maybe even in the first night in baldur's gate which i realize is unusual. Naturally I didnt and I decided that would be the turning point where my Durge decides to not just Go With The Flow of things but actively fight his urge and pursue its root cause. He tried to be more of a good person from that point on which was kind of a clumsy effort lol
He completely antagonized the emperor immediately upon him revealing his true identity, stole the orphic hammer from Raphael's house, betrayed Gortash after setting an "alliance" with him, killed Orin (she kidnapped the orphan and killed her in front of me because i failed the check :| ) stopped Astarion from ascending and helped Shadowheart kill everyone in the house of grief, i let her make her own choice regarding her parents and she decided to kill them. I also encouraged her to not immediately align with the Selunites just because of her past.
I got Astarion the thing that helps him read the necromancy book and i cannot tell you how satifyins it was that, after giving up unspeakable power by killing Cazador, that dude and his little ghoul army basically mauled Orin and her grandad for me practically by themselves while I was down on the floor with 1 health. PROUD OF YOU BUDDY.
Gale spoke to Mystra as well at some point and i swear I NEVER encouraged that guy to take the crown for himself. It was always either "do whatever you want" or "i think thats a shitty idea." At this point my Durge was super sick of him so they had a bit of a crappy relationship which may have something to do with how things turned out.
I betrayed the emperor, released Orpheus and when he asked if any of us wanted to be a mindflayer i went "Fuck No" big time and luckily the guy just did it for me. Chaos ensues, I kill the emperor and the absolute in an epic battle that took me like a whole day. I also killed Orpheus when he asked me to. Karlach died ( :c ) and Gale told me he was gonna fuck off to get the crown. In the final Astarion dialogue I told him we would find a way to get him to walk under the sun again.... AAAAAnd thats it i think? Man this game is huge lmao i swear i wasnt trying to be long-winded.
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Round 3
Propaganda why Marinette Dupain-Cheng is insufferable:
She easily gets away with bad, stalkerish behavior, it always feels like she can ‘do no wrong’ unless the show wants us to pity her, and the show writers want us to think she is a quirky and socially awkward girl when throughout the series we see her be friends with basically everyone in Paris with many connections to high up places.
I get she has social anxiety but the way she goes about stalking Adrien is kind of the worst like she even has creep shots of him hanging in her room? That’s weird. I think Adrien’s going through enough without having to deal with the main character being his stalker lol. I know they’re (spoilers) at this point but in the beginning it was so sus
In the newest season, Marinette hides the fact that Hawkmoth was Adrien’s dad. This leads to the bastard getting a statue and honored as a hero after his death. Adrien now never gets to know the fact that his abusive and neglectful father was the one trying to kill him and is instead proud of him.
Her crush on Adrien is like a black hole for her character. Things she’s done because of it:
1) stolen property
2) ruined dates
3) humiliated other characters
4) has a chart of Adrien’s daily schedule for the next year in her room (this is stalking)
5) broke into his room and sniffed his pillow (also a crime)
6) sniffed, took the hair from, and tried to kiss what she thought was a wax statue of Adrien
7) convinced her parents to let her go to China. Why? Not because she wants to connect with her mother’s heritage, not even because she’s a budding fashion designer and Shanghai is considered a fashion hotspot. It’s because Adrien was there.
I started the show, watched one episode, and never tried again. I simply do not vibe with her.
shes annoyinng anf shes a stalker
I love fanon miraculous but by god she has got to stop obsessively stalking her crush and generally making a ton of other terrible decisions. I’d submit Adrien too but he’s more of a deuteragonist
More propaganda
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Aelin Ashryver Galathynius is insufferable:
Your basic Mary Sue. Styled as the incredibly cool best-assassin in the land at only 18, she nevertheless is constantly snuck up upon, distracted by pretty boys, and possesses not an ounce of wit. In a competition between murderers and thieves to win a place as the King's Champion, she sees a bag of chocolates on her bed that she didn't put there and immediately starts eating it and gushing about how much she adores chocolate - nevermind that they just had a trial involving poison, which several of her competitors are adept at. She's always right, and other characters exist just to tell her how awesome and beautiful and wonderful she is. And then she turns out to be a super special magical fey princess!
I generally don't believe that a Mary Sue is a bad thing, but the only thing I remember about this book was how she had been in prison for years but was super young but was also still the most super-specialest assassin. And she kept reading when she should have been training or sleeping. Like, girl, this is not final exams where you can stay up all night and then roll into class in your pajamas and still squeak out a C. It's supposed to be life and death. Her character traits didn't make her relatable, they made her a moron
Heir to a kingdom plus turquoise eyes plus best assassin in the world plus protagonist centered morality
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Dean Winchester is insufferable:
Really mean to Cas (called him a child, zero respect for him, calls him family and casts him out when the angels are looking for him), and an absolute dick to Jack (threatening to kill him CONSTANTLY)
>Was a misogynist (loved to call women skanks, bitches, hoes)
>Used gay as an insult multiple time during the show's run (idc if he's gay an homophobic, that's still insulting)
>Beat up his brother for being possessed
>Beat up his brother for losing his soul (not his brother's fault)
>Used dubious consent to get his brother possessed in a different unrelated possession incident after possession was being used (badly...this is supernatural after all) as a metaphor for SA
>Threatened to murder his brother when he was hallucinating (yay we aren't ableist)
>Locked a child up in a box
>Threatened to kill the child he locked up in a box
>Made a creepy, sexual comment about a barely-legal high school girl
>Got the woman and kid he was living with memory-wiped
misogynistic scumbag. theres also a few different times that dean finds teenagers sexy with the most recent and prominent example that i can recall being the scooby doo crossover episode in season 13 where hes super into daphne who in the version they chose for the episode is 15-16 and is interacting with her as if shes a real person cause they got magicked into the episode. he treats everyone around him like shit and the only time the narrative agrees that thats a bad thing is when he has the mark of cain put on him and hes acting no differently than he does usually its just now acknowledged that hes treating others like shit. ive been rewatching the show for shits and giggles with a friend and wow he really does not treat anyone well but i wanna focus on how he treats sam for a second cause dude's hobby seems to be ignoring what his brother wants and lying to sam about doing stuff that directly concerns him the demon blood and souless things are reasonable cause those were both Bad for sam but theyre still part of a wider pattern and the most prominent example of this being when dean tricks sam into letting gadreel possess him and actually gaslights sam about it with the whole ordeal ending when its revealed gadreel lied about who he was and while possessing sam murders a friend of theirs. his voice is just also stupid as fuck im sorry this is just petty but he just sounds like hes trying so hard to be gruff n intimidating but he just sounds like a kid pretending to be batman
Dean’s list of sins is crazy long because of how long the show ran, but the key thing for me is that post-locking Sam in the bunker (season 4 I think?), I just can’t enjoy their relationship anymore. I normally love their sibling dynamic, but Dean’s ultimate worst past-the-point-of-no-return moment for me was demonizing (pun intended) his little brother for being “addicted” to demon blood, which only happened because of a series of events that were either Dean’s or someone else’s fault, not Sam’s. I also really dislike how the fandom treats Dean like this angel (pun intended) who has done no wrong and even tries to justify the MULTIPLE times he’s beaten up and otherwise abused his little brother. Canon Dean is like the polar opposite of fanon Dean: he’s homophobic and racist (jokes about a Black man being sexually assaulted in prison), misogynistic (take a shot every time he calls a woman a slur and you’ll die of alcohol poisoning), and abusive.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Sweetly Crimson"
Inspired by @silverzoomies 'Monster Mash' (Please check out their writing- it's literally incredible)
Peter Maximoff x F!Reader
Warnings: Blood, Possibly OOC Peter
You had grown rather close to the speedster, his playful demeanor dragged you in like a magnetic force. Sure- he was a bit much at times but it was quite cute.
He doesn't know your secret though and if you were being honest- part of you considered never telling him. How would he react?
You'd certainly just die (again) if he were to freak out and leave you... You'd rather crawl into a coffin and never come out- classic vampire from movies mode activated.
Your poor speedy boy just doesn't get it- why do you never want to hang out at night time? It's like every single night you have other plans. He can't help but wonder what you're getting up to.
Curiosity killed the cat.... Well, clearly the cat wasn't fast enough, right?
You feel as though you're going to literally starve- and you just might. You have been so busy lately that you carelessly forgot you needed more packs of blood... You aren't about to go out and feed from some random person like a monster! Plus, who knows what diseases they might have... Ew. No way you're chomping on that.
Little did you know that Peter was going to be paying you a surprise visit, several thoughts running through his head at warp speed... He swears his skull is just a jar full of especially spastic bees.
This is a bad idea.
A more rational voice chimes in within Peter's mind, however he figures it's too late to turn back now... Just let's see if you're home, right? I mean... Not like you're doin' some freaky shit- right?
Without anymore thought his hand makes contact with the wood of your door, met with such an eerie silence that all he can hear is the chirping of crickets. He glances around your home and notices the faint glow of a lamp through the window...
"Hey, babe? Ya home?"
Weird... Felt like a chill just crawled up his spine.
Meanwhile you're crouched in the kitchen having hunger pains, hearing Peter's voice creates an internal battle of your own.
He can't see you like this... No... But- you're so hungry... And he always smells so sweet...
A few more knocks and you can't take it, feet carrying you before logical sense can kick in and tell you to stay away. Peter looks a bit startled when you open the door to let him in, his deep brown eyes widening slightly, silvery hair caught in the glow of the nearby street lamp. Woah, he didn't even hear your footfalls as you came to the door. Kinda creepy.
"Uh... Are ya alright? You look a bit under the weather there..."
"I'm fine. Come in."
He does not like how you're looking at him, the way your eyes keep fixating on the side of his neck, it looks like you're about to make a meal out of him... And not in the kinky way.
But- you're his friend. So, even with your concerning behavior he still decides to come in. Your house looks pretty normal, a few decorations here and there...
"Peter, I need to tell you something."
"Yeah? What is it? Don't tell me you're pregnant or somethin'."
He tries to lighten the mood with a joke, you always love his sense of humor or out place comments... Even when they sometimes don't fully make sense. However for once his joke falls flat- like totally crashed and burned.
He swallows nervously locking eyes with you, that same chill crawling up his spine again.... He could just make a break for it, y'know... But what kind of friend would he be if he ditched you like that? After coming here at night unannounced? Dick move.
"I'm a vampire."
You just went for it- deciding that ripping the band-aid off would be easier. He just kinda stands there and stares at you before laughing a bit, stuffing his hands into his pockets... It's October. Of course this is all just some silly prank to scare him!!! You probably decided to do this after he showed up at night like a weirdo.
"Very funny... Ya almost got me! I'm a little too quick for that though-"
"I'm not kidding."
"C'mon- just..."
He trails off while searching your expression and you seem completely serious... However he's just not buying it.
"Okay then... How come ya can come out during the day?"
"That's just an old tale..."
You sigh while gazing into his skeptical eyes, Peter would believe a lot of things but this just was not one of them. There's no way in hell his friend is a vampire!!! How could you hide something like that???
"Do you want me to prove it?"
This gains his interest slightly and you open your mouth, canines sharpened into obvious fangs. He leans back a bit with a baffled expression.
"Nah... No way. Those cannot be real."
You're starving and having to deal with Peter... Great. Why couldn't you have just not opened the door? Pretended to be asleep?
"Do you want me to fuckin' bite you?!?"
A long silence hangs in the air and that sweetness finds its way to your nose again, the temptation that dragged you to the door to begin with. You can't do that to him...
Saliva pools in your mouth and your pupils visibly dilate, you try to redirect your attention but he simply moves in closer.
"Ya mean it, don't you...? You're a vampire?"
There's a hesitant nod and you feel his hand gently brush against your face, guiding you to look up at him and meet his gaze, you can see there's so many questions lurking...
"Ya drink blood...? Gross."
Ah yes... Thanks, Peter. We were having a moment.
"Wow, dude."
You huff and lightly swat his hand and he chuckles a bit, he was a bit bothered at first by the fact you hadn't told him and all that but... He can kinda see why you'd keep it a secret. It's a big deal.
"I mean- come on. Suckin' on people like human juice boxes is kinda gross, babe."
"For your information I don't drink from people. I get blood bags."
That... Just raised so many more questions...
"But I ran out and I'm kinda starving..."
"Wait, wait, wait... Are ya actually askin' to take a bite outta me??? I guess if ya really need too..."
He trails off slightly and he's clearly uncertain about the whole thing, he doesn't exactly like the idea of getting drained like a big live smoothie.
"It won't be that bad... I promise..."
He smells so sweet...
You close in on him and he quickly moves out his hands, he could so easily just dart away and there would be no way for you to catch up but... He just can't do that to you. His hands hover over your sides and he prepares himself.
A slight sting meets his skin as your fangs sink into his neck... Oh crap... He should've asked if this would turn him. Wait- could you drain him dry??? Oh shit why didn't he think this through-
His mind speed runs several worse case scenarios before finally a different sensation sets in, it actually starts to feel kind of good... Your mouth latched onto his warm skin, feeling the thick liquid meet your tongue and the soft vibration of Peter's contented hum.
He tastes so much better than any other blood you've ever had, like crimson candy flowing down your throat. You're dragged back to reality though as you feel him begin to slump back against the wall, quickly you retract your fangs and pull away.
"Shit... Are you okay?"
"Yeah... Yeah. I've lost more blood than that before, don't worry bout' it."
You snort out a soft chuckle at his little grin, still a bit of concern lingers in your eyes though. He raises his hand touching the fang marks on his neck, a flicker of wonder in his eyes.
"So, did I taste good?"
"Aw, c'mon..."
{I know the ending is abrupt and not good but I tried.}
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ccrisntok · 1 year
TW// Blood, Implied Death, Suicidal thoughts/actions, Violence, Homophobia, Mentions of SA (Basically all the stuff that happens it Heathers: The Musical.)
this is really long and you kind of have to know the plot of Heathers to understand it. Major spoilers for DRDT and Heathers btw
Ayoo, I'm here with some doodles and basic story outlines based off of @another-danganronpa-fan's DRDT + Heathers au! I took some like, creative liberties I guess. Didn't really change things at all, but added a lot of things! Sorry if I messed with your au a bit too much haha. (Also this is probably not the only doodles I'll make about this au it has snatched my brain.)
I'll explain some stuff along the way.
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Xander as Veronica! (He still has his eye, its just sensitive to light and a different color). I feel like you could switch Xander and Teruko and the au would still work, but as the creator of the au explained, Xander just *barely* makes more sense as Veronica. He's more optimistic than Teruko is, and more willing to trust others. Also, David is a Heather in this au, so it makes sense that Xander would idolize them. Also also, we see canonically that Xander hates murder, but will do it if he really thinks it's necessary. I don't think he would kill people in this au on purpose though, and still feel as bad, if not worse about it than Veronica does.
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Teruko as JD: Pretty obvious. Troubled family past, prone to violence if necessary, extremely distrustful of others? i don't really know if her luck would be a factor in this au, but if it was, it would probably explain why her life is so messed up. She'd kill some bitches.
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Arturo as Heather Chandler. I feel like he's the only person in the cast who would be a big enough dick to be Heather C, and his obsession with beauty could be a factor of why he treats everyone like minions instead of people. He would probably die the same way, and for the same reasons as Heather C. Poisoned after making Xander and Teruko mad. His red ribbon... tie, thing would be the "red scrunchy" of this au.
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David as Heather Duke: Yeah. Like, I feel like he fits her to a tee. After Art dies, he takes place as the leading Heather, and becomes a total asshole (probably similar to his breakdown in cannon). Also, since Arei is Heather Mac, it would make sense for him to try and force her into suicide, since that's what he insists he does in cannon. He may give Xander some hair-clips as a show of friendship.
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Arei as Heather Mac: This one seems weird at first, but this Arei is in the middle of her redemption arch (for reasons that will be explained later). She's more snarky than cannon Mac, but also is going through a lot of mental turmoil. I'd say her sisters are still around. and her home life is pretty terrible, so she relishes in the power being a Heather gave her. Until she meets Eden, and realizes how little being powerful in high school matters.
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Eden as: Martha! I made quite a few changes to her character, because her being in love with the Ram of this au wouldn't have worked. So I made her in love with Arei. Obviously, in cannon Heathers, Veronica helps forge a love confession to make a fool out of Martha, and I feel like Xander would be pressured to do the same thing. In doing this, he could also end up outing her publicly, admittedly probably not thinking about that as a factor (can you tell this part of the au is where I'm most passionate hflkas).
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I feel like Xander wouldn't have bad intentions with outing Eden, but he still does it accidently, probably being like "THERES MORE GIRLS IN THE SEA BESTIE, FIND A BETTER ONE" in a crowed room while wasted.
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I also feel like these feelings would be ACTUALLY mutual, unlike Martha's feelings for Ram. I added this in because I just don't think Arei and Arturo would be very close, or "Ram and Kurt", but seeing Eden's recent public humiliation added to her "friends" deaths might push her over the edge. It also would give her a reason to soften up, and fit the Heather Mac role.
Also, hearing about Arei's suicide attempt could also influence to Eden's suicide attempt later, since she doesn't really care about the other people's deaths in this au.
now to my least favorites...
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...Ace as Ram, and Levi as Kurt. Hu as Mrs. Fleming makes total sense and I support that wholeheartedly, but Levi and Ace.... are kinda the only ppl who could fit the roles so 💀
I made quite a few changes to these two, the huge, major one being they don't try and SA Xander. There was no way in hell I was making them rapists, in any way shape or form. They're still pieces of shit, just not in that way (fuck Ram and Kurt in actual Heathers frfr I HATE those men oh my god JD was so based.)
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Now, Ace and Levi are most definitely still jocks, and bullies. Ace would probably more of a harasser, while Levi is the one beating people up. As mentioned in my little doodle, Ace is only popular bc he "plays sports", rides horses I guess, and is rich, and Levi hangs out with him for only those reasons. Also probably a little gay idk
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Instead of trying to SA Xander and lie about him sleeping with them, in this au Ace and Levi lie about Xander beating up Ace for no reason.
Levi is actually the one who beat up Ace, and idk, either Ace lies about it out of spite to Xander, or just doesn't remember and assumes its Xander. I'd say the remaining Heathers, Ace, Levi and Xander get super drunk in the woods or something (idk why Xander would be invited or show up but why not) and Ace said some dumb shit and got beaten up.
This gives both Teruko (for beating their asses before) AND Xander a violent rep, and Xander hates that, so he's pretty pissed. I'd say Xander would challenge them to a real fight, Teruko would bring the fake (very, very real) gun, and hilarity ensues (Ace and Levi get shot.)
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Since Xander thought this was a harmless prank, he's pretty traumatized ofc
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Then ofc, Teruko and Xander forge a suicide note. It would probably be like "oh yeah we were gay or whatever but levi beat me up so i killed him then myself."
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ofc Xander is haunted by the ghosties he murdered <3
uhhh I haven't drawn the saddest parts of the au yet so get ready for a part 2 😈😈😈 which will also prob include better refs.
this was so long omg I'm sorry. this is gonna take tons of tags djssfklafhdls
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