#underwater 2019
zegalba · 9 months
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Rayan Nohra: Vera Zhong (2019)
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thechills · 8 months
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IN THE DEEP (horror and the sea for @antichrist-demoncore 🌊)
hermann melville / triangle (2009) / julia armfield / the deep house (2021) / h.p. lovecraft / underwater (2020) / mira grant / 47 meters down: uncaged (2019) / werner herzog / the deep ones
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cross-mountain · 4 months
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Some recent paintings 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
available as prints: {sharks ; koi fish}
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Crawl (2019)
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cosmicmewtwo · 1 year
i've had literally two dreams now where i'm trapped in the Oldest House and discover a sealed off, flooded section called the SUBMERGED SECTOR.... remedy please give us this cursed DLC
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loveloveguilty · 5 months
Graduated from college
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Main character line-up, ten year anniversary edition
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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Sea Change by Edward Steed
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drawnmonster · 2 years
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Yet another Merman or Mermale
My Mermay-2019 ;)))
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dndream · 1 year
Curated Spotify playlists to liven up your D&D sessions!
I have always loved playing D&D with background music that fits the location, mood, or type of combat, so I created several playlists on Spotify. This project is something I've been working on since December 2019, and something I want to share with you all! You can find the list below.
If you have suggestions for songs/tracks to include, or if you want a specific playlist that is not in this list yet, please let me know! And most of all, have fun!
Astral Plane
Schools of the Arcane
Small Battle
Big Battle
Boss Battle
Tavern Brawl
Ancient Greece
Bard songs
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vestaignis · 3 months
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Macrotritopus defilippi, широко известный как длиннорукий осьминог-лилипут или атлантический длиннорукий осьминог, является небольшим видом осьминогов, морских головоногих моллюсков отряда Octopoda.
Macrotritopus defilippi - это небольшой осьминог с относительно длинными руками и мантией длиной до 90 мм (3,5 дюйма). Как и у большинства осьминогов, цвет кожи может варьироваться. Обычно он либо однотонный, либо в крапинку и полностью соответствует цвету окружающей местности, песчаных равнин, на которых он обитает. Там, где субстрат содержит гравий или песок, крапчатый рисунок часто крупнее, на коже могут быть небольшие сосочки (мясистые выпуклости), а на руках - светлые и темные полосы. Этот осьминог также может зарываться в субстрат, не оставляя никаких визуальных следов своего местонахождения.
Личинки Macrotritopus defilippi плавают с вытянутыми лапками и, если их потревожить, взлетают с помощью реактивного двигателя, иногда достигая морского дна и ища нору, в которой можно спрятаться. Ночью они могут вести пелагический образ жизни, а днем - бентический, но, по-видимому, с возрастом становятся менее ночными. Когда взрослая особь осьминога передвигается, то делает это таким образом, что его поведение при плавании очень напоминает поведение донных камбал, обитающих в тех же водах.
Macrotritopus defilippi был обнаружен в Атлантическом океане, включая Карибское море, Средиземное море, северную часть Индийского океана и побережье Сомали.
Macrotritopus defilippi, commonly known as the long-armed midget octopus or Atlantic long-armed octopus, is a small species of octopus, marine cephalopods of the order Octopoda.
Macrotritopus defilippi is a small octopus with relatively long arms and a mantle up to 90 mm (3.5 in) long. As with most octopuses, skin color can vary. It is usually either monophonic or speckled and fully corresponds to the color of the surrounding area, the sandy plains on which it lives. Where the substrate contains gravel or sand, the speckled pattern is often larger, there may be small papillae (fleshy bulges) on the skin, and light and dark stripes on the hands. This octopus can also burrow into the substrate without leaving any visual traces of its location.
Macrotritopus defilippi larvae swim with their legs outstretched and, if disturbed, take off using a jet engine, sometimes reaching the seabed and looking for a hole in which to hide. They can lead a pelagic lifestyle at night and a benthic lifestyle during the day, but apparently they become less nocturnal with age. When an adult octopus moves, it does so in such a way that its swimming behavior is very similar to that of bottom flounders living in the same waters.
Macrotritopus defilippi has been found in the Atlantic Ocean, including the Caribbean Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the northern Indian Ocean and the coast of Somalia.
Источник://t.me/+E4YBiErj0A8wOGUy,//news.miami.edu/stories/2019/06/winners-announced-in-rosenstiel-school-underwater-photo-contest.html,//ru.pinterest.com/pin/632966922633183935/,/octonation.com/octopedia/atlantic-longarm-octopus/,//pofoto.club/17356-glubokovodnyj-osminog-57-foto.html, //en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Macrotritopus_defilippi.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack hughes x fem!singer!reader
summary: in which y/n writes a song about her ex-boyfriend, 3 years after their breakup, and it gets back to him, leading to their reconnection
notes: inspired by the song WYD Now? by Sadie Jean. ending kinda sucks, but ehh i did my best. pretty sure i lost motivation for this halfway through it, but i tried to power through.
not my gif
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*** JUNE 17TH, 2018 ***
“i bet, at this time in a few years, we’ll be painting the walls of our shared apartment.” my boyfriend’s whisper rings through my ears as i turn my head to look at him.
heat rises to my cheeks, Jack’s blue eyes gazing into mine.
“yeah?” i laugh, running a hand through his hair, still damp from the shower he took before coming over.
“mhm.” he hums in confirmation, his hand snaking up under the stolen shirt that adorns my body, gripping my waist and pulling me closer. “i’ll be playing hockey, and you’ll be a big pop star, my little songbird.”
i bury my face into his neck in attempt to hide the redness on the apples of my cheeks from the nickname.
“you gonna write songs about me?” he whispers, pressing a kiss against the side of my head.
“i already do.” i murmur, my lips brushing against his collarbone, causing him to shiver.
*** JULY 30TH, 2019 ***
“i don’t think i understand.” it feels like my head is underwater, my lungs burning for oxygen, but unable to receive it.
“we can still be friends, y/n. you can call me whenever.” Jack sits on my bed, gripping my hands in his hold. “the future is just, so far away and we don’t know what’ll happen.
“i don’t want my dreams to hold you back from achieving yours, y/n. you may not see it right now, but this just seems like the best option for now. and maybe, down the line, once we’re both at a stable place in our careers, if we’re both single, we can revisit us.”
my head is bobbing ‘yes’ but my heart is screaming ‘no!’
it’s like my brain understands where he’s coming from, that he’s being logical and that he’s doing this for the greater good of both of us; no matter what we’ve always thought, we’re still just kids, we were dreaming. but my heart isn’t getting that message. all my heart knows is that it’s being crushed into a thousand pieces and it feels pretty unsalvageable right now.
“are you okay?”
it’s my instinct to tell him ‘yes’. my instinct to not let him know how much he’s really hurting me. how much i want to scream that we’ll be fine. that i would give up my dream to be by his side while he accomplishes his. but i know that would just hurt him; because that isn’t what he wants.
he may be hurting me, but he’s doing it for all the right reasons. he doesn’t want me to push my dreams aside for his, because he wants to see me living them. he wants the best for me.
“yeah, i’m okay. i understand.”
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liked by tatemcrae and 246,517 others
y/nonthegram in your faded t-shirt
that i’ve kept this long
i still hear you laughing
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user13 NEW LYRICS??
user92 that’s what i was thinking too! seems too poetic to just be a caption
trevorzegras hey that looks familiar
tatemcrae my best friend writes the best captions
y/nonthegram MY best friend writes the best songs
tatemcrae says you!
user83 new love song? break-up song? both?
colecaufield what’s this 👀
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liked by trevorzegras and 283,752 others
y/nonthegram surprise! ‘WYD Now?’ out tonight at midnight.
wholly written in my bedroom at 2am, this song means the absolute most to me, and i hope some of you can find comfort in it like i have <3
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colecaufield so proud of you!
y/nonthegram thank you, coley ♥️
user94 since when does she know nhl players?
user63 she went to high school with some of the 2019 draft class
_alexturcotte our little melody makin’ munchkin, making moves!
y/nonthegram oh god please don’t bring back “melody makin’ munchkin”
_alexturcotte too late
y/nonthegram LEMME KISS YOUR FACE!! MWAH!!
user55 i’m so curious to hear these lyrics 😭 how am i gonna wait 8 more hours?!
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liked by y/nonthegram and 352,850 others
jackhughes 3/3
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user77 hey wait, didn’t @/y/nonthegram date Jack in high school? is the new song yesterday about him?
user55 yess! it’s gotta be!
trevorzegras dizzyyy
user91 you should go listen to y/n’s new song 👀
user02 have you heard ‘WYD Now?’ ???
user36 omg he remembered to post 3/3
colecaufield same time next summer? 🫡
subbanator 🚀
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liked by jackhughes and 227,951 others
y/nonthegram i’m so grateful for all the love on ‘WYD Now?’ these past couple days! thank you all! <3
here’s some photos @/tatemcrae took at our song celly night last night to celebrate the release of WYD Now? and greedy!
in celebration, i’ll be answering some questions in the comments!
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user74 is the song fictional? or was it inspired by someone?
y/nonthegram not fictional <3
user99 is this a single off the upcoming album? or just a normal song?
y/nonthegram the album is still being written, so i can’t confirm or deny if this is a single because i’m not sure yet if it’ll be on the track list! <3
colecaufield omg y/n please come to Montreal! i love you so much! you’re my idol!
y/nonthegram hey remember that time i bumped you with my car? i think we should do that again! i’ll stomp on the gas this time!
colecaufield omg you noticed me!!
user42 at 18, where did you imagine yourself being at this age?
y/nonthegram New Jersey <3
trevorzegras where did he set the bar?
y/nonthegram above the moon
user28 if the song isn’t fictional, then who’s it about?
user96 it’s 100% about jack hughes. if you scroll way down on her page, there’s pics of her and jack in high school, but they stop when they were 18. then he moved to new jersey and now he’s playing hockey, like the song states “you finally got the job you like”. that we’re all aware of, she didn’t have any other boyfriends in high school. she and jack seemingly dated from ages 16-18 until he left for the NHL
liked by y/nonthegram
_quinnhughes 💙
user10 this song was amazing! i really related and it made me feel so seen!
user88 big question is: has jack heard the song yet?
jackhughes call me?
user98 @/user88 if he hadn’t, i’m guessing he has now
my heart races as the notification comes through.
i wasn’t sure if he listened to my music, or if the song would get back to him. i just needed to get my feelings down on paper, and then it turned into a song, and then i liked it too much to not release it.
the night i wrote it, i had played a small show in New York, and i could’ve sworn i saw him in the back of the venue. of course, i knew it wasn’t, but it had rattled me; bringing all my feelings for him back to the forefront of my brain.
“call him.” my head snaps up to face my best friend, her eyes soft as she looks at me from the doorway.
“i-” Tate cuts me off with a shake of her head.
“don’t make excuses, y/n. call him.” she repeats, “you deserve to be happy, and from what you’ve told me, he makes you happy.”
she doesn’t stick around; instead bidding me goodbye and heading back to my guest room to give me some privacy.
i pace my bedroom, iphone clutched in my hand. his contact is pulled up, but i can’t seem to build up the nerve to call him. though, it seems i don’t have to, because my phone begins to ring instead, Jack’s photo displaying on the screen.
“hi.” i breathe out, pressing the phone to my ear.
“hi.” he repeats. “i heard your new song. i’m so proud of you, my little songbird.”
my face heats up, blood rushing to my cheeks. i haven’t heard that nickname in almost four years.
“thank you.” my words come out a whisper, still in disbelief that i’m talking to him again.
“did you mean it?” the question causes a panic to erupt in me, swarms of butterflies erupting in my nervous system.
“did i mean what, Jacky?” i need him to say it.
“what you wrote,” he clears his throat, “in the song. did you mean it all? do you still think of me? do you really wanna try again?”
laying sprawled out on my bed, i stare up at the ceiling as i speak.
“i wouldn’t have written it if it wasn’t true.”
“oh- okay. so, uh,” he stutters, but i can hear the smile on his lips, causing the same reaction upon my own face, “where are you right now?”
“um, my apartment?” my brows thread together in confusion, but he just chuckles.
“i mean like, are you living in LA? are you home in Michigan? what state?”
“oh.” i bite my lip, squeezing my eyes shut in embarrassment. “i live in New York, Jack.”
“really?” his voice is emotionally distant and seemingly hurt. “so close?”
“yeah.” i nod, although he can’t see me. “i’ve gone to a few of your games.”
“you did?”
“mhm.” i hum in confirmation. “i just- i didn’t wanna be the one to reach out and then have you think oddly of me or have you already be in a relationship or something. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you, i just didn’t wanna be seen as that clingy ex-girlfriend or anything.”
“that’s not what you are, y/n.” he sighs, “would you wanna meet up soon? catch up? i’d love to hear about your glamorous new pop star life.”
“i’d love to. although, i wouldn’t call myself a pop star, Jacky.”
“you are to me.” i blush at his words, glad he can’t see how much of a mess i am at the moment. “are you free on saturday? i have practice in the morning, but after that, maybe we could go to lunch?”
“yeah, i can do that.” i confirm.
“okay great, i’ll text you on friday to hash out details?”
“sounds great!” my cool hand rises to press against my heated face in attempt to cool myself down.
“great. i gotta go, Luke and i are going out with the guys. i’ll talk to you soon, yeah?”
“yeah. bye, Jack.” i wait for him to repeat a goodbye before hanging up, burying face in my pillow and letting out a muffled scream.
my knee bounces underneath the table of the New York City diner, my hands clasped together on the table.
Jack should be here any minute, and saying i’m nervous would be an understatement. my palms are clammy, my legs won’t stop shaking, and i’m eighty percent sure that i have no skin left on my bottom lip because i’ve chewed it all off.
the little bell above the door rings and my head snaps up to look, but it’s just a young couple with their toddler. i send a friendly smile to the tired looking mother before looking back down at my hands that won’t stop fidgeting.
i zone out, retreating back into my head and all the thoughts that have been plaguing me since we planned this meeting.
what if he doesn’t like me anymore?
what if he has a girlfriend and he’s just trying to be nice?
or worse, what if he’s just asked me here so he could tell me to leave him alone? to stop writing songs about him.
“hi.” i’m pulled out of my thoughts by Jack sliding into the booth across from me, a gentle smile on his face.
his hand snakes across the table to hold mine, and i can’t help but feel like a teenager again, back when we used to have dates like this all the time; where he would hold my hand over the table and we would laugh and joke around for hours.
“hey.” i smile back, giving his hand a small squeeze in return.
“how are you?” he questions. he brings his hand back in order to hold his menu, but his focus remains on me, not even glancing down at the menu yet.
“i’m good!” i nod. “how are you?”
“good, i’m glad. i’m good too.”
we’re interrupted by a waitress, taking a second to look over our menu’s before giving her our orders.
once she retreats, i squirm from the small talk, never having been any good at it. which Jack seems to remember.
“so, how’s the pop star life?” he smirks teasingly, and i giggle.
“not a pop star.” i remind him, shaking my head. “but it’s good. i like where i’m at right now in my career. i like having a strong fanbase but still being unknown enough that i’m not being hounded on or followed like, say, Taylor Swift.
“i’m able to just write my music and put it out, go on small tours, interact with my fans on a more personal level; it’s really nice. i don’t know if i would want it to be more than that.”
he nods in understanding, a wide grin on his face as he listens.
“i get it. and i’m really glad you’ve achieved what you wanted. i’ve always rooted for you.”
“what about you? mr. ninety-nine point season!” he blushes at my words, shaking his head and looking down at his hands, which rest on the tabletop. “how’s that?”
“it’s good! really good.” he looks back up at me, and i have to fight myself from getting lost in his eyes like i would when we were seventeen. “i love it. it’s hard, it’s a lot of work, but it’s amazing. and honestly, i’m pretty glad i’m not on a canadian team. i like that i can go out and still have a pretty normal life outside of hockey, ya know? not be stopped on the street a bunch.”
“yeah, i get it.” i tell him. “i’m so glad you’re happy though. you play great, as you always have.”
he releases a ‘thanks’ before a silence settles over us, neither of us sure what exactly to say next.
i begin to play with the paper wrapper from my straw, winding it around my finger before sliding it off and gently pulling it straight again.
“so, Cole sends me your songs.”
snap! the paper wrapper breaks in two as i look up at him.
“he does?”
“yeah. you know i don’t get on social media too much, so i don’t always know right away when you put one out, but Cole sends me all of them. just in case i miss one.” he explains.
my head bobs up and down as i try to display a level of cool, “oh.”
“that doesn’t bother you, does it?” he asks. “that i don’t always listen to them right away?”
“not at all! i didn’t really think you listened to them at all.” i confess, sinking lower into the booth. “not really your genre.”
he smiles gently, reaching forward to hold my hand tightly in his.
“y/n, you could write a children’s nursery rhyme, and i would still listen to it.”
my head tips back against the booth, joyous laughter spilling from my lips. my nose scrunches, resulting in a small snort, which cause him to laugh as well.
“you’re just saying that.” i choke out, and he shakes his head.
“no! i’m serious! i would!” Jack insists, right as the waitress arrives with our food. she sets our food in front of us, making sure we’re all set before she retreats.
a comfortable small talk takes over as we eat; discussing our friends and their accomplishments since graduation.
“you remember that time,” Jack starts through broken laughter, “that you hit Cole with your car because he said he didn’t think it would hurt?”
“yes! and i barely even tapped him, but the big baby whined that it hurt so bad, i may have crushed his NHL dreams!” my face hurts from smiling so big, but i can no longer fight it.
“and then he was fine and back to practice that afternoon! not even a bruise left on him!” he retorts.
“ever the dramatic, Cole is.” i sigh, sitting back in my seat from position slouched over the table.
“since we’re walking down memory lane, do you remember how i said that maybe down the line, we could revisit us?”
i’m sobered up now, my smile gone as i eye him. he’s playing with his bracelets, a sign of nerves from him, and i just now realize that he’s still wearing the string friendship bracelet i gave him at eighteen; just before his draft.
i swallow the lump that built in throat, nodding, “yeah.”
“you think maybe now would be a good time to do that?” he asks. “start slow; go on dates again, maybe you could come over sometime for movie night with Luke and i, come to a few more of my games, where i actually know you’re there this time. and then see where that could take us?”
butterflies swarm my stomach, my heart beating rapidly in my chest, and my teeth sink into my lower lip, biting back a smile.
“i’d love that, Jack.”
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cronch-rat · 3 months
A guide to the missing episodes - 2nd doctor
A small guide on how to experience the missing episodes so you don't have to skip them - continued.
A reminder: All stories have loose cannon recons on the internet archive. Features only visual releases (animation, recon etc...) in region code 2.
The Power of the Daleks
a recon was released onto CD-ROM in 2005
it was animated in black/white only in 2016 with a special edition version being released in 2020
original animated release featured the CD-ROM recon while 2020 release had a newer recon made for it
The Highlanders
(nothing official)
The Underwater Menace
episode 3 included with the VHS release of the missing years documentary
same episode featured on the lost in time DVD
released on DVD in 2015 with episodes 1 + 4 reconstructed
special edition released in 2023 with missing episodes animated in both colour and black/white
The Moonbase
episodes 2 + 4 featured on VHS in Cybermen-the early years
same episodes featured on the lost in time DVD
released on DVD in 2014 with episodes 1 + 3 animated in black/white only
The Macra Terror
animation released in both colour and black/white in 2019
recon made to accompany this
The Faceless Ones
episodes 1 + 3 included in the reign of terror VHS set
same episodes featured on the lost in time DVD
animation released in both colour and black/white in 2020
recon made to accompany this
Evil of the Daleks
episode 2 featured on VHS in Daleks-the early years
same episode featured on the lost in time DVD
animation released in both colour and black/white in 2021
recon made to accompany this
The Abominable Snowmen
episode 2 featured on VHS in the Troughton years
same episode featured on the lost in time DVD
animation released in both colour and black/white in 2022
recon made to accompany this
The Ice Warriors
episodes 1,4,5 + 6 released on VHS in 1998 with a CD of the audio of episodes 2 + 3. Also came with the missing years documentary
released on DVD in 2013 with missing episodes animated
The Web of Fear
episode 1 included in the reign of terror VHS set
same episode featured on the lost in time DVD
released on DVD in 2014 with a recon of episode 3
special edition released in 2021 featuring episode 3 animated in colour and black/white
Fury from the Deep
animation released in both colour and black/white in 2020
recon made to accompany this
The Wheel in Space
episodes 3 + 6 featured on VHS in cybermen-the early years
same episode featured on the lost in time DVD
recons made of episodes 1,2,4 + 5 in 2017 as exclusives to Britbox. Currently available on BBC iPlayer
The Invasion
released on VHS in 1993 with episodes 1 + 4 summarised by Nicholas Courtney
released on DVD in 2006 with missing episodes animated
The Space Pirates
episode 2 featured on VHS in the Troughton years
same episode featured in the lost in time DVD
Clips from the highlanders feature in lost in time but no episodes.
Again, if there are any errors please let me know.
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learnyouabiology · 1 year
Fun Fact: Many Frogs get through Winter... Underwater
Many people have heard of the legendary frogs that are able to freeze solid and survive the winter. (if not, I did write a whole post about it. so.)
This post is not about those frogs. Though amazing, they are the exception rather than the rule. It is much more common for frogs to overwinter in other ways!
The most common strategy to survive winter is to simply live somewhere that does not have winter!
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(you’ll notice there are more species of frog closer to the equator. this is not a coincidence. image source)
But some frogs don’t HAVE that luxury! SOME frogs have to deal with a winter that lasts close to 6 entire months! 
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(im suffering)
The majority of frogs that face this threat survive by either digging underground, or by finding a permanent body of water and just... chilling 🥶😎.
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(I will not apologise for my excellent jokes. image source)
Ice is less dense than water, which is why ice burgs exist, among other things. Water is at its densest around 4°Celcius. The 4°C sinks, which means that, in the wintertime, the unfrozen bottom of the pond will (generally) not get colder than 4°C.
Additionally, frogs are ectotherms, aka “cold-blooded”, and as their body temperature drops, so too does their metabolism. This makes it so the frogs can go a long time without food, and also allows them to get by without much oxygen. 
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(i love them. image source)
Frogs still need some oxygen, though, so it’s a good thing that frogs are able to absorb oxygen through their skin, just like most amphibians (all amphibians? i can’t think of an exception, but there are so many frog species that I don’t want to commit to a big word like “all”).
Generally, they’ll stay at the bottom of the pond, in a spot that has enough water flow to provide sufficient oxygen for the frogs’ diminished metabolic needs! They generally don’t bury themselves in the mud, though. That part of the pond is nearly devoid of oxygen, and also where the turtles are hibernating!
Here are some pictures of frogs overwinter underwater:
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(image sources, in order: mink frog, Green Frog, Bull Frog,  fire-bellied toad, marsh frog, siberian wood frog, northern Leopard Frog.)
was this an excuse to show y’all a bunch of pictures of frogs that I like? Yes. 
(also please note: second last frog is a siberian wood frog, NOT an american wood frog, and they DO overwinter underwater (Berman et al. 2019). They’re special because they can survive months with very little oxygen, or maybe even no oxygen at all! Good for them 😊)
This has been Fun Fact Friday, letting you know that when the frog gets cold, the frog goes to bed for 6 months. Honestly same.
Sources under the cut!
Berman, D. I., Bulakhova, N. A., & Meshcheryakova, E. N. (2019). The Siberian wood frog survives for months underwater without oxygen. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-7. [PDF]
Jenkins, C. N., Pimm, S. L., & Joppa, L. N. (2013). Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(28), E2602-E2610. [PDF]
How do frogs survive winter? Why don't they freeze to death? Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-frogs-survive-wint/
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
In the monster tumblrverse, would being horny about bloodfeeding be considered ableist to vampires
it was considered unilaterally vampire ableist until... about 2019, I think, then discourse about it went quiet for a few years until a mutual circle of kinky vampires got popular for their general posts and they were all of a very "you think bloodsuckers are sexy? you are correct, we are :)" disposition, so it got more socially acceptable to be horny about it. occasionally someone posts a "am I taking crazy pills? did we all forget that this is sexualizing a minority group's dietary restrictions and romanticizing very real unhealthy relationship dynamics?" take and gets the underwater screenshot treatment. some people are deeefinitely weird about how their bloodfeeding kinks make them approach and view random vampires not involved in those scenes, but none of those people ever get called out, it's pretty much only content creators on vampire onlyfans (which is an audio based platform due to the whole "can't show up in pictures or videos" thing).
the topic that does remain more contentious is humans playing vampires in visual erotica, again mostly due vampires not being visible in film. it's a fairly accepted practice in mainstream movies and tv but a lot of people feel really weird about it being done for porny purposes, you get a lot of "my life is not a sexy cosplay" vs "why are we going after erotica when people get oscars for inaccurately portrayed vampire roles all the time" loops.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Is it true some parts will be under water in 2025? I'm kinda of worried cause someone told me about it bc it was on the news
Eh, not really. Like, technically, but that's a very dramatic way to put it.
What that person told you about was probably this prediction, which says that some roads on some of the Florida Keys might be underwater by 2025.
Does that suck? Yes. But it's also pretty limited in scope.
(And by the way, that's probably not "underwater all the time." There will probably be a number of years of "the roads will be underwater at high tide specifically." I can't currently find a source on this, but that's how tides work, and the Florida Keys article does specifically mention them as a main problem.)
The areas in danger first are pretty universally small, very low islands. Actually, a dozen or so small islands have already gone underwater in the Pacific Ocean, but very importantly, none of those islands were inhabited.
They were mostly small reef islands (that is, the entire island is exposed coral reef detritus) and other uninhabited shoals. Mostly, they were so small scientists had to check old satellite images to even figure out that they disappeared. Literally, we're talking about chunks of land that are just 100 square meters/300 square feet. Again, not great, but still very limited in scope.
As this Live Science article thankfully explains, it's pretty unlikely that any countries at all will disappear before 2100.
Also, just because land is below sea level doesn't mean it will be underwater, and there are very real steps we can take to defend a lot of endangered cities/islands.
For example:
Much of the Netherlands is already below sea level, but the country isn't disappearing, because the Dutch have put a lot of work into building and maintaining coastal defenses.
Multiple surveys (including the one that found the missing islands in Micronesia) also found that not all low-lying islands are vulnerable to erosion and flooding. This is because many islands are protected by mangrove forests, lagoons, or both
Mangrove reforestation in particular is genuinely a super effective anti-flooding strategy that is being deployed pretty widely, and is expected to increase a lot in the coming years. Mangroves are effective at not only preventing short-term flooding, but also mitigating sea-level increases (in part by preventing erosion)
Some islands, esp Pacific Islands, have actually grown during the past couple decades, not shrunk. It really depends on what the island is made up of. Not all land is automatically doomed
You can read more about how sinking countries are fighting back here, and the lessons we can learn from them:
-via Time, June 13, 2019
And finally, and this is good news for reasons I'll explain in a second:
Some of the largest and wealthiest cities in the world are at the top of the danger list. (Note: the predictions at that link are based on some fairly severe warming predictions. They do NOT necessarily reflect what's going to happen or when.)
The cities that are going to be in danger the soonest (still away btw) include New York, London, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Dubai. Lots of very rich people in those cities! Who would really like to not have to move (any of their ten different homes lol)
So, flooding aside, we're going to (by necessity) get a lot better at figuring out the quickest, cheapest, most scalable, and most effective types of coastal defenses real fast.
Are rich countries going to be way more able to get strong coastal defense systems up quickly? Yes. Does that suck? Sure fucking does!! But these solutions don't all require a lot of money or tech to implement, even at a large scale, especially when it's local communities driving the effort.
And, importantly, when rich countries pour a ton of money into figuring this out, that will hugely expand our understanding of what techniques work best, why, and how best to deploy them in different situations. Unlike physical structures, that's valuable knowledge that can be shared very, very widely.
And any technology that comes out of this is going to work like solar panels and other green energy: as more people use it, it will get cheaper and cheaper. Probably really quickly.
So, all told, no one's going to be swallowed up in the next few years. We have time to work on this and a lot of people are already doing so.
Mostly, experts predict that the first wave of large-scale issues will be happening around 2050.
Three decades doesn't sound like enough time, in the face of something like this. But you know what? Responses to climate change are speeding up exponentially, and different types of responses are multiplying and magnifying each other.
We went from inventing flight to landing on the moon in just 66 years.
I wouldn't count us out of the climate change fight yet.
(...I wouldn't count on retiring to Florida either, though)
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