#very very happy. and so nervous i will probably puke
sentientgolfball · 1 year
Need To Bleed
I couldn’t not write about this pic
18+ MDNI
Pairing: Phantom/Swiss/Cirrus
Word count: 5877
Tags: self deprecation, mentions of puking but nothing graphic, mommy kink, sub Swiss, oral
Summary: the new guy looks like he’s about ready to pass out at the end of his first tour. Swiss and Cirrus take care of him.
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Phantom’s breathing comes in short and heavy as the sparks fall around him and the ghouls drag out the last notes of the song. He did it. He made it through the first leg of his very first tour. He felt like he was going to get sick or pass out or both. The lights and the roar of the crowd didn’t help either.
Once everything settled and the ghouls went backstage to return their instruments before final bows he tried to sneak away to find a quiet space to collapse in. His ears started ringing as he handed the techie his guitar.
Why was this happening? He thought Everything went perfectly. I should be happy! I should be excited! I’m gonna puke. He had to choke down the bile rising in his throat. He started to creep his way closer to the door to the outside when he felt someone pat him hard on the back.
“Where do you think you’re going? Stage is this way!” It was Swiss. Of course it was, he had been the most enthusiastic about breaking the ice and welcoming the new ghouls into the pack. That’s not to say the others didn’t like the new summons, but for most change is something that takes time to get used to. Swiss was not most, however. He was always eager to spend time with the two new ghouls trying to help them fit in and find their places. Phantom had been a bit wary of the multi-ghoul for the first few weeks once he had heard about his reputation from Aether, and even more so when he heard the pleasured cries of Aurora late one night when he couldn’t sleep.
It’s not that he didn’t want to do that sort of bonding with the others, he was nervous. Terrified is probably a better word to use. He was constantly reminded he was not Aether every time he did…really anything. He wasn’t as big as him, he had to crop the sleeves of the old uniform he was given. He wasn’t as gifted with his quintessence, it took him minutes to heal a cut Rain had gotten during rehearsal. He didn’t play the same, every time Dew had rolled his eyes at him when he messed up parts of songs in the months prior to the tour he felt another drop of his confidence evaporate.
So, he spent all of his time learning the songs by heart so he could do the one thing he was summoned to do. It also helped to keep his mind from wandering too far whenever he heard the pleasured sounds of his pack. It was just another thing he’d be compared to with Aether. He knew the others didn’t resent him for taking the older quintessence ghoul’s spot after he was asked to take charge of the abbey’s nursery, but he was terrified of disappointing them. He wanted to be just as great as his predecessor. He wanted the others to like him. And they did, but he was too clouded by self doubt to see how badly they wanted their newest packmate to stop hiding away and join them.
The first few days of the tour were rough for everybody, but a system was developed that helped everyone calm down. With the forced proximity of the tour bus, the other ghouls and Phantom started to become closer. He was also able to get over his aversion to Swiss after a heavy make out session to celebrate the first show that ended with cuddling instead of fucking. Besides Rain, Swiss had become closer with him compared to the other ghouls.
That’s why when he put his hand on Phantom’s back and spoke to him he had no shame in bursting into tears. Swiss quickly drew his hand back before gently turning him around to face him. With the helmets still on it was hard for Phantom to read his expression, but he could smell the concern radiating off of him. He opened his mouth to try to explain in any way but all that came out was a pathetic whine. Swiss just looked at him for a moment before pulling him into an embrace. He was never the best at comforting others, but it hurt seeing the little ghoul break down like this.
“Do you think you can get back out there for bows?” Swiss asked calmly. Phantom shook his head with another small whine. He was convinced that if he let go of Swiss now he’d fall over. He was about to say something to Phantom when another voice interrupted him.
“What’s takin’ so long boys? Oh…” Cirrus came up slowly behind the two. She sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose at the smell. She cautiously approached the pair and put a clawed hand on Phantom’s shoulder. “What’s wrong, sweet thing?” She kept her voice low and gentle as she spoke.
He shook his head. “‘S too much.” His voice came out in a high-pitched whine as he buried his face into Swiss’ chest.
“What’s too much, little bug?” Swiss asked.
“Everything,” He choked out
“Can you be more specific?” Cirrus asked, gently running her thumb over his shoulder.
He shook his head again with a whine. The two ghouls exchanged a look of concern and confusion before Cirrus spoke up.
“Hey, it's alright Phantom. It’s the last show for a month then we get a break. All we gotta do is our bows and then it's over. Can you do that for us?” She moved her hand from his shoulder to his head holding it gently.
He wanted to. So badly. He wanted to be proud of how far he’s come in only a few months, but he felt like he was untethered from his body.
“I don’t have to let go. I’ll carry you out there if you need me to. Me and Cir will be right there.” This was the most genuine that Phantom had ever heard Swiss sound. The soft rumble of his voice helped to ground the ghoul squished against his chest. He felt tears start to burn his eyes again, but he blinked them away and took a deep breath. He made it this far. He was going to go out there and take his final bow if it killed him. He felt secure with the support of Swiss and Cirrus. He could do it if not for himself at least for his packmates.
He detached himself from Swiss and nodded “Okay… Okay, let’s go.”
He smiled despite the mask covering his face. It was more for himself anyways. He was trying his best to muster up as much confidence that he had left in him. The other two still looked concerned, but they walked out there with him. They followed behind him in case they needed to catch him.
They arrived just in time for Dew to throw his last pick into the crowd and the others started to line up. The ghouls grabbed each other's hands and paused for a moment before taking their bows. Phantom then realized he made a mistake coming back out. He felt his knees give the second he stood back up. Swiss quickly scooped him up to make it look like a hug, and not that he was about ready to fall over.
“I got you, bug,” He whispered, holding him steady. Cirrus came around the other side of them and reached out to help Swiss. He gave her hand a squeeze. “I got him Cir, don’t worry.” There was a hint of laughter in his voice.
“I need out,” Phantom mumbled against his shoulder. Swiss nodded and led him offstage, keeping an arm around him. Cirrus quickly followed, wrapping her hand around the other side of him.
The two ghouls navigated expertly through the crowded backstage to the dressing room. They gently put him down on the worn sofa and took his helmet off before discarding their own.
Phantom laid his head back and closed his eyes trying to keep himself calm with deep breaths the way Aether showed him. His concentration was broken when he felt a hand on his arm. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Cirrus sitting in front of him with a rag. Swiss stood behind her tail flicking with worry.
“May I?” She looked at him with such adoration he felt himself be pulled closer to his body. He nodded and reached out to Swiss. The multi-ghoul eagerly complied and sat down next to him, careful to not touch him anywhere as to not make the overstimulation worse. Phantom, however, practically threw himself onto Swiss the moment he sat. He felt grounded by the warmth of his body and the scent of him. Once he was settled Cirrus took the rag and started to gently clean the show makeup off his face.
“I’m so proud of you for finishing the show, sweet thing,” She whispered as she ran the warm cloth over his face. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be brought back down by Cirrus’ words and the feeling of Swiss all around him. He let out a small trill as praise fell from both of their lips. After Cirrus had cleaned him, he let Swiss help him into a more comfortable outfit.
He had no idea how long they all had been in the dressing room or when they left the venue. He didn’t really come back to himself until he was told they were home. The entire ride back to the Ministry was a complete blur to him. He might’ve fallen asleep, but he wasn’t even sure about that. He blinked slowly and raised his head off of Swiss’ shoulder looking around in confusion. Cirrus laughed softly from beside him.
“You passed out the moment we stepped foot onto the bus,” She explained.
“You also drooled all over me,” Swiss teased.
“I…sorry about that, but also thank you. Both of you,” He looked at his packmates with affection, feeling a purr kick up in his chest.
“Don’t thank us yet. We still have to get you back to the den without breaking you, or Aether will kill us,” Swiss said as he started to untangle himself from Phantom and Cirrus.
Phantom stood and stretched himself with a few loud cracks that earned a shudder and a groan from Rain as he passed by.
“You gonna be able to make it back to your room okay?” Swiss asked carefully, watching him move about.
“Yeah,” He smiled, “I think I’m feeling better.”
He took a step forward towards the door of the bus and his vision went hazy. “Uh-oh,” was all he could say before he felt himself stumble backwards. Cirrus quickly caught him before he fell.
“Yeah, you’re better alright,” She said with a laugh as she hoisted him up.
“Okay, so maybe I’m not as stable as I thought.”
There was a hint of amusement in his voice. The slight wag of his tail showed that he was feeling better than before, however. Swiss cracked a wide smile as he walked over to Phantom and Cirrus before bending down and scooping him into his arms. He let out a gasp as Swiss threw him over his shoulder like he weighed nothing.
“Come on bug, let's get off this smelly bus.”
He carried Phantom to the ghoul den while Cirrus carried all of their luggage. The rest of the pack had already settled back in lounging around in the common area. They all turned to look at the three as they entered, but Swiss paid them no mind. He just kept walking past them heading straight to Phantom’s room with Cirrus following close behind. The other ghouls laughed, and shouted congratulations to him for somehow managing to get both Cirrus and Swiss into his bedroom. Cirrus just rolled her eyes at them as she closed the door behind her.
Once inside Swiss carefully laid Phantom onto his bed and curled next to him with a soft purr. He looked at Cirrus with a smile and shifted around to make room for her. She wrapped herself around the other side of Phantom allowing him to rest his head on her chest. The two twined their tails together and let them rest on his lap. He sighed deeply and melted into the feeling of the bodies pressed close to him.
“You guys don’t have to watch over me like a sick kit, ya know,” He said, speaking flatly with no malice in his voice. He felt bad for the care he was receiving, like he was more of a burden than an equal. His body betrayed him though and the other ghouls could sense it. He wanted nothing more than to continue to have his packmates close to him. That was obvious from the way his tail hadn’t stopped wagging since Swiss picked him up.
“We know,” Cirrus began, “But we want to. Let us take care of you, sweet thing.”
She began to gently scratch at his scalp with her claws. He immediately leaned into the touch. He could try to deflect all night, but he had no more excuses left in him. So, he stayed silent apart from a soft purr and let the two bigger ghouls dote on him.
After some time, the peaceful silence was broken. The muffled sounds of furniture scraping against the floor and moans drifted in from the common area. Phantom’s eyes snapped open and looked between Swiss and Cirrus whose ears were perked at the noises.
His ears dropped as he sighed, “You two should go celebrate with the others. I appreciate what you did for me, but I’m actually feeling better this time.”
They both looked down at him with soft eyes.
“Why don’t you join us, little bug?”
It was both an offer and a genuine question. Phantom bit his lip trying to think of an excuse that wouldn’t make the two ghouls worry even more. When he took too long to answer, Cirrus gently turned his head to make him look at her
“We’re not leaving unless you really want us to, but that’s not what you want, is it?” Her voice was low and silky when she spoke. She was right. Phantom didn’t want them to leave, he wanted them to stay right there with him. He wanted both of them. He wouldn’t admit that though, he couldn’t. He was convinced he would be a disappointment to both of them, or any of the other ghouls for that matter.
“Tell us what’s wrong, sweet thing,” Her voice was still soft, but firm. A command, not a request. She still held his chin in her hand.
He closed his eyes with a whine and huffed, “I’m not Aether.”
Cirrus’ eyes flicked to meet Swiss’ before looking back at him
“Of course you’re not Aether.”
“That’s the problem. I’m nothing like him. I’m not stupid. I know you’d all rather have him here.”
“We don’t expect you to be him, sweetness,” She moved her hand from his chin to hold his cheek, “We miss him, of course, but it’s also exciting having you here. We want you to be a part of this pack in your own way.”
“You’re definitely not like him, but that’s a good thing” Swiss spoke as he pulled Phantom closer to him, “You’re a hell of a better kisser.”
He laughed as Cirrus smacked him over the head.
“Really?” Phantom’s voice was quiet when he spoke. The comment brought a blush to his face and made his stomach flip. The two bigger ghouls exchanged a look and a grin before turning their attention back to Phantom. They could smell the arousal on him. Cirrus trailed her fingers down from his hair back to his chin making him look at her again. The feeling brought a shiver through him.
“So that’s what this is about. You just wanna be good for us, huh?” She grinned when Phantom nodded his head with a desperate whine.
“What was that, little bug? I didn’t quite catch that,” Swiss started to slowly drag his claws down his back to rest at his hips. He growled in satisfaction at the scent of Phantom’s arousal getting stronger.
“Yes I do… I just wanna be good. I don’t wanna disappoint any of you.”
The confession came out of his mouth so easily. The desperation in his voice made Swiss’ cock kick in his sweats. Cirrus hummed in response pulling his face closer to hers so they were only a breath apart
“Then show us,” She whispered before closing the distance.
He melted into the kiss with a pathetic whine. She bit down lightly at his bottom lip making him gasp. With his lips parted she snaked her tongue into his mouth and pressed against his. He brought a shaky hand to the back of her head, more to ground himself than anything. He felt Swiss shift beside him and let out a groan that was swallowed by Cirrus when he felt how hard the multi-ghoul already was just from watching the two.
Without breaking the kiss Cirrus hooked a leg around Phantom and moved to straddle him. She smiled with a huff when she felt his dick straining against the fabric of his lounge shorts. She tilted her head to adjust the angle to allow her to practically shove her tongue down his throat. She licked around the inside of his mouth with expertise learning the taste of him. When she was satisfied, she slowly pulled back, letting her tongue drag on his before she leaned all the way back to look at him. She used her thumb to swipe the bit of drool that collected on his lips. He whined at the loss of contact as he looked up at her with big eyes.
She shushed him as she slowly dragged her claws down his torso and under his shirt. His breath hitched when he felt her lift his shirt at a leisurely pace. He involuntarily started to thrust up against her, searching for any type of relief. She clicked her tongue and removed her hands from his body.
“Patience is a virtue pet. All good things come to those who wait. You wanna feel good, don’t you?”
He nodded his head with pleas dripping from his lips, “I’ll be good for you. Please just keep touching me. Please.”
Swiss was the one to oblige him. He picked up where Cirrus left off, dragging his claws to his chest before rolling a nipple between his fingers.
“Come on Cir, listen to him beg. Give him what he wants.”
Cirrus hissed and smacked his hand away with her tail.
“Down boy. You’ll get your turn with him when I say so.” Her voice turned stern when speaking to Swiss. She didn’t even look at him when she spoke. He growled in response but didn’t dare to disobey her. She then turned her full attention back to Phantom.
“Do you want me to continue?” Her voice was thick and sweet.
He nodded eagerly. He had to force himself to stay still under her as she took his shirt all the way off with a feather light touch.
“Will you do as I say?” Her hands were resting on her thighs as she waited for his response
“Yes– fuck– yes, I’ll do anything you want,” His voice was shaky as he spoke.
“Yes what?”
“Yes mommy.”
Cirrus let out an amused trill.
“Not what I expected, but I can work with that,” She smiled down at him as she rolled her hips forward over his clothed cock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let out a groan. She did this a few more times before turning to Swiss who was currently palming himself through his sweats.
“Don’t you think it’s a little unfair he’s the only one half naked?” She mused.
The multi-ghoul immediately understood what she was implying. He sat up and started to take Cirrus’ top off for her. He went slow with her bra, making a show of it as Phantom stared with blown out pupils and his mouth slightly open. When her bra was off, he couldn’t help but cup one into his hand with a squeeze. She grabbed Swiss’ wrist with force.
“That's twice. Break the rules again and I’ll have to tie your hands behind your back,” She smiled menacingly at him, “But you’d like that, wouldn’t you whore? Go play with yourself until you’re needed.”
He flicked his tail in faux annoyance. He was grateful she was even allowing him to touch himself, he knew she could be worse to him and he didn’t want to test that. Not yet at least. Not before Phantom was taken care of. He slid his sweats off and shoved his hand into his boxers as he watched Cirrus grab Phantom’s hands and put them on her chest.
He greedily squeezed her breasts before rolling both her nipples between his fingers. A wide smile plastered his face when he heard her breathe out a soft moan. She gently guided his hands from her tits down her torso to the tie on her pajama shorts.
“Take them off,” She softly encouraged him. Despite how badly his hands were shaking, he made quick work of the knot and started to slide them down her hips. She raised up to help him get them off of herself. Before setting back down, she hovered her hands over Phantom’s shorts tracing a finger around the waistband, silently asking permission to remove them.
“Please,” Was all he could manage to choke out.
She bit her lip with a smile as she took both his shorts and boxers off. He shuddered at the feeling of the cold air against his flushed dick. Swiss groaned from his spot on the bed at the sight. Phantom looked over and saw that he had taken himself all the way out, squeezing the head of his cock as he watched Cirrus slowly wrap her fingers around Phantom. He gasped and threw his head back into the pillow. His hips bucked slightly as she dragged her claw tips from the base to the head, before she swiped her fingers over the slit to gather the precum that was pooling. She hummed as she rubbed it between her fingers, spreading it over his whole dick.
Phantom was breathing heavily as he focused on not thrusting up and fucking into Cirrus’ hand. She squeezed at the base before running her hand up and down the shaft slowly at first, tracing a vein on the underside of his dick. His whimpers turned to moans when she started a faster pace. His tail started to twitch involuntarily as he began rhythmically rocking into Cirrus’ fist. Pre was leaking down his dick and over her hand as she continued to stroke him from root to tip.
“Mommy, please, I’m gonna—“ He was cut short by Cirrus completely letting go of him. His head snapped up to look at her with desperate confusion.
“Aw, come on, be nice to the new guy, Cir,” Swiss huffed with his hand wrapped around his dick.
She just laughed lightly at both of them, “Can’t train a new pet by giving it what it wants all the time.”
She looked at Phantom waiting to see what he’d do. He started to reach towards himself to finish the job, but she stopped him with a tsk.
“Not that… Try again sweet thing.” He paused for a moment before bringing his hands to her hips grabbing the waistband of her underwear. She gave a trill of approval and once again lifted herself off of him so he could take them off of her. She gently sat herself on his thighs once her underwear was tossed to the side. Phantom groaned at the feeling of her wet cunt against him.
“Tell me what you want, pet,.” She rolled her hips.
“I— fuck– make me cum please. I want to. I need to.”
His head was thrown back into the pillow trying to focus on anything else besides his throbbing dick.
She laughed, “I know you want that pet, try again. What else do you want?”
She continued to roll her hips over his thigh. He bit his lip trying to think.
“Close. I want you close,” He whined out. She seemed pleased with this answer stopping the roll of her hips.
“Sit up then,” She whispered.
He quickly obliged, sitting up to rest against the pillows and the headboard. Cirrus turned herself around and leaned back against his chest and reached down to guide his cock to her slit. The weight on the bed shifted when Swiss sat up to watch with hungry eyes as Phantom slowly went inside her inch by inch. She took him slowly, giving her body the chance to stretch and get comfortable with the feeling of him inside her, before she started to rock her hips. Phantom’s hands immediately gripped her hips with a bit more force than he intended as she lazily rode him.
She looked over at Swiss, noticing he was about to cum all over himself, and huffed a laugh.
“Get over here and make yourself useful.”
She used her tail to spread Phantom’s legs further apart to emphasize her request. He quickly let go of his dick and positioned himself in between the pair’s legs. Phantom tried to peek around Cirrus to see what she intended Swiss to do.
The multi-ghoul ran his hands over Phantom’s thighs before he heard a hiss from Cirrus, “I didn’t say you could use your hands now did I? You wanted to touch so badly without permission, this is what you get.”
And there it was. Of course she wouldn’t actually tie his hands around his back for breaking the rules, it would only add to Swiss’ pleasure. No, she had to find a way to break him instead.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Her tail darted forward and wrapped around the base of his dick just a bit too tightly causing him to let out a mix of a gasp and a moan, “You can only cum once both of us have finished. Better get to it.”
She smiled cruelly down at him as she started to rock her hips again on Phantom’s dick.
“Swiss fuck please. I need to cum.” He whined when he realized he wouldn’t be getting anything else from Cirrus at the moment. “Aw come on listen to him beg” she mimicked Swiss “give him what he wants.” She emphasized her words by squeezing her tail tighter around Swiss’ dick. He groaned before he put his hands behind his back and bent down so he was between the pair of legs. He held eye contact with Cirrus as he licked a trail from the base of Phantom’s cock to where the two were connected before circling around her clit. Phantom cried out at the feeling and bucked up into Cirrus causing Swiss’ nose and tongue to be dragged down her cunt. She bit her lip to stifle a moan as she laid her head back to rest on Phantom’s shoulder.
Swiss continued to circle his tongue around her clit before taking it between his lips. Phantom's hands reached forward wrapping his hands around Swiss’ horns and gently started to scratch at the base. He moaned against Cirrus’ cunt at the feeling, pulling a groan from the other two ghouls as his voice vibrated around them. He started to rut into the mattress trying to find stimulation, but it was a herculean task with how tight Cirrus’ tail was around his dick. He was only spurred by his own desire at this point. He licked at her clit again before trailing his tongue down to where the two ghouls were attached. He feverishly flicked his tongue between Cirrus’ cunt and the base of Phantom’s dick, moaning loudly when he felt the grip on his horns tighten. He could tell Phantom was getting close by the way his moans turned into soft whines and pleas. Being so desperate for his own release, Swiss trailed his tongue down lower and licked at Phantom’s balls. That combined with the way Cirrus was still lazily rolling around him sent the quintessence ghoul over the edge with a lascivious moan. His cock kicked inside of her as his orgasm crashed into him. Swiss quickly trailed his tongue back to where the two ghouls were connected and licked at where his cum was spilling out of her.
Swiss dragged his tongue around her folds before circling around her clit once more. He continued to suck and lick at it while Phantom rocked deeper into her pressing kisses of gratitude into her neck. She couldn’t stifle her moans at the feeling of the two working in unison in an attempt to satisfy her. She snaked a hand around the back of Phantom’s head and held him close to her. Her thighs squeezed around Swiss’ head as she came around Phantom who was still buried inside of her. Swiss continued to roll his tongue over her clit to drag her orgasm out.
When her thighs stopped shaking she slowly released her tail from Swiss’ dick and pulled him to look at her by the chin. He grinned and licked her slick off his face. She peeled herself off of Phantom and bit her lip at the feeling of his cum dripping out of her when she stood. He watched it slide down her leg with hazy eyes. His head was too fuzzy with pleasure to even fully comprehend that it was his.
She gently cupped Phantom’s face in his hand and gave him a chaste kiss. “Be a good boy and take care of him while I get cleaned up, okay?” She didn’t wait for a response as she bent to gather her discarded clothes and headed to the bathroom right outside of Phantom’s room. He wasted no time crawling over to Swiss. He looked at him with blown out eyes waiting for him to tell him what to do. Swiss ran a finger over his lips tugging slightly at them. That’s all Phantom needed. He pushed his lips against the head of his dick letting it slip into his mouth. He hollowed out his cheeks when he felt Swiss grab a fistful of hair, letting him use the other to satisfy himself. Phantom pressed his tongue to the bottom of his dick as Swiss used the grip he had to make him bob his head. “Shit just like that little bug.” He hissed when he felt Phantom cup his balls, mimicking what Swiss had done earlier for him. He pushed him down until he gagged. The muscles contracting around Swiss threw him over the edge. He shot his load against the back of Phantom’s throat as a mix of curses and praises tumbled from his lips. He tried to swallow as much as he could, but he couldn’t breathe anymore. He pulled off Swiss quickly with an obscene pop and started coughing. The multi-ghoul gave him a few firm pats on the back with an affectionate laugh.
When he finally stopped coughing Swiss swiped his thumb over his cheek catching the tears that had fallen when he choked. He got up and dug through Phantom’s stuff before he pulled out a small towel from his dresser. He used it to clean both of them off before tossing it into the laundry basket. Phantom was still too hazy to protest or help with the clean up, but Swiss didn’t mind. He just carefully helped Phantom back into his clothes for a second time that night and pulled him tight against his chest once he laid back down on the bed. He peppered the quintessence ghoul with kisses muttering praises in between.
The two ghouls looked up when they heard the door open. Phantom’s face lit up seeing how Cirrus looked at them in adoration.
She walked over to the bed and curled in next to them giving both of them a kiss “So good for me, both of you.” She wrapped an arm around Phantom’s waist and tangled her tail with Swiss’. The little ghoul started to feel the weight of the day catch up to him again, but this time he didn’t feel like he was going to fall into the void. He felt safe and content with the feeling of his packmates around him along with the sound of their purrs. He was about ready to drift to sleep when he heard Swiss break the peaceful silence
“So…was that your first blowjob? Hey!” Cirrus smacked him over the head the moment the question came out.
“Damn it Swiss have a little bit of shame…but was it?”
Phantom’s face flushed a deep shade of purple, his eyes open wide. He tried to stammer out a response, but the longer the question hung in the air the more embarrassed he got. He groaned and covered his face with his hands when the other two started to laugh at his reaction.
“That’s all I needed to know” Swiss smiled and planted a loving kiss on the side of his head “next time I’ll give you a better demonstration.” He couldn’t help the way his tail wagged at the idea of a next time. He wasn’t a disappointment to them, and for once he didn’t feel like he was being compared to Aether. Cirrus pulled him closer with a soft hum and whispered her goodnight against his ear before closing her eyes. It wasn’t long before the other two followed suit, sleeping peacefully through the rest of the night.
The next morning Phantom walked into the kitchen area of the ghoul den only to be met with a smug looking Dewdrop. Part of him considered turning right back around and burying himself back into the cuddle pile. The other part of him was curious to see what Dew had to say to him. So, he stood there in the doorway waiting for him to speak.
Dew just smiled, took a long sip of his coffee and walked past him but not before patting him on the shoulder.
“Oh one thing” he turned back towards Phantom “next time there’s a fucking party, don’t hog the two best ghouls.” He then left the kitchen with a laugh as Phantom stared at him slack jawed floundering to come up with some type of response. He sighed and gave up when Dew was out of sight turning back towards the kitchen. It was then that he saw Rain sitting at the table sipping from a mug.
He jumped, “How long have you been there!”
“Long enough” he smiled “glad to see you’re starting to get along with the others. ”
Phantom paused for a moment processing the words before smiling back at Rain. He was right. The other ghouls had been patient with him, and now he finally started to feel like he was a real member of the pack. He couldn’t wait to spend more time getting to know them.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Running through my brain
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader (+older sister Regina)
Warnings: some coarse language, fluff, mention of a family member’s passing & divorce.
First date! Read part one here / part three
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s IG)
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“Remind me…is she picking you up or do I have to drop you off?” Regina asks, knowingly. Wanting to poke fun at you and see you get flustered at the thought of Janis.
“She’s picking me up, stop that.”
“Getting to see you so happy? Never stopping this.” Regina chuckles over her words.
“I’m nervous.”
“And that’s fine!” Regina assured, “As long as you don’t puke on her.”
You looked at her absolutely horrified at the possibility, it did happen once in first grade for an entirely different reason— but it happened, you’d puked in class due to nerves or stress, or both.
“Okay, okay. I’ll shut up.” Regina threw her hands up in mock surrender. “Just have fun today, okay. It’s pretty clear to me she feels the same way or is at least interested in getting to know you better. You have plenty of time.”
You exhaled a breath you didn’t even realise you’d been holding, “Guess so, thanks, Reg.”
At this moment, you got a text from Janis saying that she’d arrived so you gave Regina a quick hug goodbye and left the house. “Hi!” Janis exclaimed while you walked closer to her car.
“Hey.” You replied, smiling slightly while you opened the door and got into the front seat with her. The drive was silent for awhile, but Janis didn’t seem to mind that you weren’t talking. While she was comfortable with it, you felt that the lack of a conversation was tense.
“So…have you decided what we should have for lunch yet?” You decided to break the silence.
“Well, there’s this new Mexican place at the mall. Along the promenade…heard it’s pretty good. You wanna try?”
You knew which establishment she was referring to. You saw it two weeks ago when you were at the mall with Regina. There was a bit of a line, so you guys didn’t get to try it then since the hunger got the best of you both and you decided to go somewhere else without a wait time.
“Okay, though there was a bit of a line when I passed by that place two weeks ago. So hopefully the hype’s died down a bit.”
Janis nods, “We’ll go check it out, if the line’s still too long we’ll eat somewhere else.”
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“Oh, you didn’t tell—”
Janis says, biting back a laugh, “Oh, no, I don’t have to tell him everything. He’s already annoying you now, imagine what it would be like if I had told him? He would probably have shown up just to see how things are going.”
You chuckled, “He’s um…very supportive.”
“More like annoying. I need some peace and quiet sometimes…the last thing I need while spending time with you is his excited yapping.” Janis continues.
You heart skipped a beat hearing her say those words, gripping tightly onto your fork, you ate another mouthful of the food while your eyes stayed focused on her as she spoke.
“As if I don’t have enough worries running through my brain thinking about how to talk to you without seeming like a weirdo.” She murmurs. You could barely hear any of what she’d just said.
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” She brushes it off, “Not important.”
“Oh.” You exhaled, reaching for your drink. “Okay.”
“So…where do you wanna go after this?” She asked, back to her previous excitement in tone.
“Uh, probably just walk around here for a bit?”
“Sounds good.” Janis shrugs, checking her phone that just buzzed in her hand, “Did…your sister just follow me on Instagram?”
You took a peek at the screen, “Oh, yeah. That’s her.”
“Why? Does she not trust me? I mean— of course, but come on!” She bursts into a bit of laughter at the end. You couldn’t help it but laugh as well, “I dunno. I never really know what she’s thinking anyway. She seems to keep all her problems to herself and still has to help me with mine.”
Janis sighs softly, “I uh, I heard about your mom and dad getting divorced. And I’m sorry, that’s got to be really difficult.”
Woah, now. The conversations took a very non-lighthearted turn. “Um…” You began, “It- it was. But now after some time, I’ve just became a very angry person honestly. They were both at fault, though to me, my Dad was worse. But our relationship with mom is still pretty bad. After our Dad left, she literally just left me under Regina’s care most of the time while she’s off somewhere to ‘clear her mind’.”
“I shouldn’t have talked about that, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head, “I’m not sad, I’m just angry honestly. I don’t have a problem talking about it.”
Janis nodded solemnly, “Well, for me, my Mom died when I was in second grade. Along with my baby sister. She went to the hospital to have my sister and she just never came home. I couldn’t understand, but I knew she was gone and I was crying for like, days.”
“What are we doing? We came out to have a good time and now we’re making ourselves upset.” Janis breathes out heavily, you saw her gulp, looking up to fan the forming tears away.
‘Don’t cry, y/n.’
‘Don’t cry.’
‘Don’t cry. You can’t cry.’
Your memory of her Mom was so vague because of how young you were, and you and Regina were rarely at her place too. Janis always came over to yours. You felt bad for not being able to remember much, if at all. But more so because she was crying.
“I’m okay.” She looked at you, noticing how worried you looked. “y/n.” She chuckles, “I’m fine, I’ll always miss her and I’ll always get a little teary eyed, because she’s my Mom, but— I promise you, I’m okay.”
She reaches out to put her hand on yours, giving it a squeeze. “Look at me. I’m good, okay?”
“Okay.” You muttered, squeezing her hand back. She smiles, making you do the same thing.
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“You wanna go on the ferris wheel?” She asks.
“The—” You looked up, pointing at it.
“Yeah.” Janis nodded eagerly, “Come on, it’ll be fun. I’m right here with you, you’ll be fine.”
Heights. You had a fear of heights.
Yet, you pushed that aside and trusted that you would be okay as long as she was with you. And that you would keep your eyes anywhere but look outside. You really liked her that much, huh.
She breaks into a little smile when she caught you staring at her, but right now it was more of you being scared shitless about looking outside and possibly downwards. “Having fun there?” She teased.
“No.” You admitted, “Not really. I may have a fear of heights,”
“Damn.” She says, beside you, “And you chose to come on here instead of rejecting the idea?”
“I dunno, I’m stupid.” You stared at the floor. Then you feel her arm go around your waist, “Well…I don’t think you’re stupid. I think it was pretty sweet that you chose to face your fear. And so brave.”
You eased up a little bit feeling her touch. “You don’t have to lie to me, you know?”
“I’m not lying.” She says, earnest.
You only shrug, leaning onto her more now. “You’re okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I don’t want your sister to kill me, you know?”
You giggled, resting your head on her shoulder as you recalled what happened so far today. She doesn’t move away, so you two stayed like that for a good part of the ride back down to the ground.
After the ferris wheel, you dragged her to go play a game. And though she was reluctant at first, she eventually gave in and just played the game so she could win you a prize. You told her it was fine after three failed rounds, but then she just got so determined to win you something that she said she didn’t want to leave until she had one of those stuffed animals in her hands.
“Janis, it’s okay! Let’s just go get something to eat.” You spoke over the commotion.
“Nope! You want something, you’re gonna get something.” She disagrees.
Twenty dollars later, Janis left satisfied, handing the plush over to you. “Now we can go grab a snack.”
“Alright then.” You say, impressed, “Thanks, Jan.”
“You’re welcome.” She grins, arm finding its way over your shoulders.
Does this mean anything? Should I tell her I like her? Is it too soon? Is she doing this because she feels the same way? Or is this just a friend thing?
Those thoughts came back to irritate you again, you shook your head as though to get rid of them while you walked towards a food stall with Janis. You two got deep fried oreos to share, then sat down at a bench to rest your feet. It was quite crowded, so you guys were lucky a group of people just finished their food and left the bench.
“Are you okay?” Janis asks, mouth filled with the snack, “Tired?”
“A little. But yeah, I’m alright.”
“Eh, we’ll get going after this. You want anything else?” She chuckles over her words. You could feel her still watching you closely.
You guys have been out almost all day.
“Hey. What’s on your bucket list?”
“Never really had one, to be honest. I mean, the only thing I’ve really been wanting to do was to go back home. Like— to Hawai’i. I haven’t been able to go back there, not because me and my Dad can’t afford it, fortunately. But because I cannot muster up enough courage to go back to where I lost— you know what? Never mind I don’t want to bring that up again and upset us both. I don’t want to end the night on such a heavy note.”
“You don’t have to say it. I get it, and I hope one day, you’ll be able to go back there and see your home again because I get how it feels to have a home and not be able to go home to it, not being to go home to it and have it feel like home, but something else so…painful.”
“You’re so sweet.” Janis smiles to herself, handing you a fork with a fried oreo on it. You took it from her silently. “What about you? What’s on your bucket list?”
“To visit all the Disney parks in the world? I don’t know, okay? It just sounds so trivial after what you told me.” You tried not to laugh at yourself.
“Hey, it’s your bucket list.” She points out, “Don’t feel bad about it.”
Tossing the takeout box into a trash can, Janis walks back to her car with. She unlocks the doors with her keys and you got in, buckling up and holding the slightly oversized Squishmallow on your lap. You nodded off for a part of the drive, and when she was just a few minutes away from your house, you woke up.
Again, you could feel eyes on you. So you turned your head and snuck a glance at her. She didn’t even look away, “Hey.”
You gave her a sleepy smile and nodded off again while hugging the toy in your lap. She laughs to herself, “Very comfy, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” You mumbled.
Janis had to wake you up after pulling up to the front of your house. “Come on!” She tugs on your arm dramatically, “Your bed’s right upstairs~”
You woke up and sulked.
“Don’t act cute with me.” She pursed her lips together to hide the smile. “Come on, go up, go to bed.”
“Can you spend the night?” You asked without thinking twice.
“No, I don’t think Regina would like that.”
“I would like that.” You got out of the car.
“I’ll come by tomorrow?” She suggests.
You gave in, “Okay.”
“Okay.” She confirmed, engulfing you in a hug before you fully left the front yard. “Good night, silly.”
“Silly.” You giggled to yourself, hugging her back.
“Wow, you really need to get some sleep.” She mumbles, “Okay, sleep tight. I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.”
“Bye, Jan.” You told her happily, turning around and walking up the porch, unlocking the front door.
“How was your date?” You hear Regina the second you stepped inside the house. Cady was beside her.
“Great.” You answered with no hesitation, too tired to even have a filter on your words. With that, you went right upstairs to your room to wash up and got dressed in pajamas for bed. Plopping face down onto the very comfortable Squishmallow, you were just about to go fall asleep once again when your phone went off.
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Janis decides to take the leap and make a little bit of a move, though now a little more anxious than she liked to be while awaiting a response from you.
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She had expected you to be asleep already so when she saw the typing indicator pop up, her sleepiness went away immediately. You on the other hand, was feeling as calm as you could be. But absolutely bursting with excitement and joy. Perhaps you just needed to be sleepy enough to let your guard down and stop worrying. Chuckling to yourself, you typed a reply for her and sent it.
The typing indicator disappears from Janis’ screen and then, this pops up for her.
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Part 2!!
(Peep the contact name changes😗)
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crushculture03 · 1 year
Tour Baby!
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Summary : You find out you’re pregnant while on tour with the band
Pairing : Matty healy x afab!reader
Warnings : Emetophobia , pregnancy, fluff, swearing, anxiety.
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You had been on tour with your boyfriend’s band, the 1975, for about 5 months now, it had so far been one of the greatest experiences you’ve ever had.
Lately things haven’t been so great, for the past week you had barely been able to get out of bed, all you could do was sleep, throw up and occasionally eat a few crackers. You thought it was a stomach bug at first, probably something you caught while in the crowd at a show, but when your period didn’t show up like it usually did, you knew it could only mean one thing.
That morning you woke up at 7am, an everyday occurrence for you as that was always the time whatever was inside of you got angry and decided it was time for you to spill your guts. You quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, quickly emptying your guts into the porcelain bowl. You knew you had to do something about this, waking up at 7am to puke your guts out isn’t a normal occurrence. You quickly dialed the number of the only person you knew would be up at this time, “Hey y/n!” Carlys cheery voice spoke through your phone. “Hey um are you free right now?” you whisper, trying not to wake matty, who surprisingly slept through the whole thing, “Yeah, is everything ok?” she asked, concern evident in her voice. “Kind of, I just need your help with something” you say, “Of course, I’ll meet you down in the lobby right now” Carly said, before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.
You quickly rushed out of the bathroom, making sure to be quiet while you grabbed your coat and wallet, once you had everything, you quickly headed to the lobby. You spotted Carly instantly and ran to her, “Hey Y/n! You ok? You look pale whats wrong?” she asked, “i-i well i think i may be pregnant” you mumble out, your stomach instantly turning at the words, “Oh um wow thats crazy” she says, a smile appearing on her face. “Yeah, I just need to take a test, I was wondering if you could come with me to get one? I’m nervous to go alone” you say, as you nervously twist your hands together. “Of course! And hey it’ll be ok I promise” she says, and pulls you into a comforting hug, “thank you carly” you whisper as you squeeze her a bit tighter.
You and Carly had returned from the store after buying about 5 tests, trying to get the most accurate results possible. “Ok so basically, and i know this sounds weird but just pee in the cup and dip each one in it and then we wait” she says, as she hands you a paper cup, you take it with shaky hands and slowly close the bathroom door.
You quickly follow Carlys steps, now waiting in silence as time passes by agonizingly slow, on the other side of the door you can hear carly and adams son laughing, and realize that could be you and matty very soon. But before you could spiral into your thoughts, you hear the alarm on your phone go off signaling that the test were done.
With shaky hands you quickly flipped the first one over, your jaw dropped as you read “Positive”, then you decided to flip the next, then the next, then the next, until it was the last one, all of them displaying signs of being positive for pregnancy. Tears started to form in your eyes as you took the information in, you didn’t know what to think, on one hand you were extremely happy, but on the other hand you couldn’t help but worry that this would throw a wrench into mattys career.
You slowly walked out of the bathroom, making your way into the bedroom where Adam and carly were reading their son a book, you smiled at how cute the young family was, and thought how that could be you and matty soon. Carly spotted you from the corner of her eye, instantly looking up at you ; “Soo” she asks, “i’m pregnant” you mumble out, not wanting to look up at her. “Y/N! Thats amazing! Congratulations” carly said, popping up from the bed and engulfing you in a hug, adam got up as well to hug you. “Thank you guys. You um you don’t think matty will be upset right?” you ask the dreaded question, “Of course he won’t, one he loves you and two for the past month he hasn’t stopped talking about wanting a kid. He’s going to be absolutely thrilled Y/N trust me” Adam says, quickly reassuring you. “You’re right, It’s just crazy you know? Like we wanted kids in the future, but looks like the universe had other plans” you chuckle, as you place your hand on your stomach. “It’s funny how that happens” carly jokes, “Well I should probably go tell him, what a way to wake up someone right?” you giggle, before hugging both of the Hanns goodbye and heading back to your room.
When you walk in you see Matty propped up against the headboard mindlessly scrolling through his phone like he does every morning. His head turns towards the direction of the door as he hears it close, “Baby!” he calls out, “Hey matty” you say, quickly walking up to sit by him in bed. “Everything ok? I woke up and you weren’t here” he asks, gently grabbing your hand and rubbing soothing circles with his thumb on it. “Yeah, I’m good I promise” you say, sending him a weak smile, but its no use lying to him, he can easily read it on your face that you’re far from ok. “Baby i know somethings up, what is it” he asks, now pulling you onto his lap, tucking your head into the crook of his neck as he rubs his hands up and down your back, trying to soothe you.
“I- well, fuck it” you whisper, pulling the test from your hoodie pocket to show matty. You see his eyes go wide as he recognizes the piece of pastic in your hand, “You-you’re pregnant?” he asks, “yeah” was all you could muster up. You see a wide grin form on mattys face as he instantly tackles you in a hug, “Holy shit baby! This is amazing, oh my god we’re having a baby” he yells as he cups your face in his hands and smashes his lips to yours. You couldn’t help but cry tears of joy, seeing his reaction made all the worries and doubts go away.
“We’re having a baby” you whisper, pulling away from the kiss, “Darling I’m so fucking happy!” he says, immediately placing another kiss on your cheek. “Me too, but matty this doesn’t ruin your career right? I feel bad, you’re on this tour for atleast 3 more months and I don’t want this to ruin anything” you mumble.
He takes your face in his hands once more, “Baby listen to me, this is not going to ruin a damn thing, i would end this tour right now if I could so we could spend the next months as just the two of us preparing for our baby” he states, you nod your head in response and lean up to kiss him. One of his hands slowly make its way to your stomach, “I love you and this baby so much” he whispers, “We love you too” you say back, the dopey smiles never leaving either of your faces.
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i dont know if this will be odd but i hope its understandable! could i request if the bachelorettes found out their wife has gotten pregnant, maybe after tries w artificial insemination? i dont know if it makes sense feel free to ignore and i know you kostly do for bachelors ><
I love the bachelorettes I just feel like I do a bad job writing for them 🥲 I will try though! Also I’m so excited for when Julie and cam update us on the numbers today pls someone understand who I’m talking about because these TikTok lesbians deserve the world, lemme know if y’all want the labour and birth!
She’s always wanted kids but she’s never wanted to be pregnant so when you guys decide to do artificial insemination she’s so excited
Never misses a single appointment, by your side the whole time, helps with all the shots to make sure your eggs are mature
When you guys finally get a positive pregnancy test after three failed rounds she’s so excited, sobbing happy tears
She’s holding your hair back when you puke, getting all your cravings for you, rubbing your back
Hope you don’t wanna go mining for the next nine months, or do much strenuous work at all
All but takes over the really hard farm work, she doesn’t want you to push yourself to hard
Has a whole nursery theme picked out already, loves buying baby clothes and toys and books
She’s so excited to have a little family with you 💜
She’s thrilled when you bring up starting a family, she loves kids and would love to have her own
After lots of discussion and saving up making sure the farm has steady income you come to the conclusion that you would carry your first child and she would carry your second
Y’all get really lucky and only have to go through one round before you get pregnant, she’s there every step of the way to support you
She gets a little nervous about all the needles you have to take but she helps you with them regardless
Loves cooking healthy meals for you while your pregnant
Sews you some very cute maternity clothes, absolutely cry’s a little while she does because that’s her baby in your tummy!!
Lots of purples and blues in your baby’s wardrobe, tons of stuffed animals in a cute gem theme toybox
She’s always got a hand on your bump when your snuggling so she can feel the movements
Similar to Abigail she’s always wanted at-least one kid but does not want to be pregnant, labour does not appeal to her
She’s thrilled when you tell her you want to carry the baby though
It takes two rounds for y’all to get pregnant, she’s thrilled to see those two lines on that test
Holding out her actual excitement until you get the blood test done at Harvey’s clinic though
Try’s not to cry when it’s confirmed that your pregnant but literally can’t help it, she’s emotional
Constantly taking pictures of you throughout, wants to make a photo album of how beautiful you look while carrying her child
Holds your hair back for you when you puke, comforts you when you get sad that none of your clothes fit anymore
“Awe sweetheart your carrying our child, your growing a whole life, that’s more then worth your jeans not fitting right. Your still as beautiful as ever and we’ll get you some real cute maternity wear”
Holds true to that promise, she loves shopping and absolutely loved buying a whole new wardrobe for her lovely wife (and so many baby clothes as well, cannot stop herself Theyer just so tiny and cute)
Loves feeling the baby move, cries at basically every appointment because you get to hear the heartbeat
Has the ultrasound images on the fridge and in her little photo album
She’s probably the one who brought up the idea of having children
You both want to be pregnant at some point so you decide you’ll go first and then a year later she’ll have the second child
It took a while to get pregnant for y’all, around five rounds total, she’s been your rock just has you have been hers throughout
So excited and then extremely nervous
Constantly hovering, making sure your not overdoing it on the farm, making sure your eating proper meals and good nutritional food
Will one hundred percent go out at three am in search of that one limited edition berry flavour ice cream you woke up and decided you absolutely needed
Loves baby shopping with you, probably has way to many onesies put in the cart, along with toys
Will make little teddy bear carvings to put on the bookshelves in your baby’s bedroom
Loves being the big spoon at night so she can wrap her arms around your growing tummy and cradle both you and your unborn child
Knows so much about pregnancy and ivf or insemination
Does not want to be pregnant but is thrilled that you want to be
Another lucky situation where you only had to go through one round before you became pregnant
Tells you all the fun facts about pregnancy that you may not know and may not want to know
Holds your hair back for you and puts a cold cloth against your forehead when you having morning sickness
Constantly going to the saloon to get whatever meal your craving from there
Tells you all the fun facts about baby’s growth week to week
Has one of those pregnancy Calendars that tells you things like “week 15 baby is the size of a cabbage”
She also doesn’t let you overdo it on the farm, lots of little breaks through the day
Constantly asking Harvey about what she can do to be more supportive
Asks her mom for advice as well, probably buys you the biggest pregnancy pillow she can find
She loves kids, and she loves teaching them too as seen with jas and Vincent so she’s thrilled when you tell her you want to start a family with her
You guys decide you’ll carry the baby and after a few rounds you fall pregnant
She’s very excited but also very nervous, she’s never really had a good example for a parent
She asks robin and Jody a lot of questions about being a parent
Does her best to support you while your pregnant, she feels bad every time you throw up, rubs your back soothingly and helps you wash your face and brush your teeth after
Tried to cook once but almost set the kitchen on fire so quickly gave that up, you teach her a few simple meals (that are mostly cold dishes)
Loves to shop for the baby, being finally financially stable she doesn’t feel as bad spending a bit extra on the tiny human your growing
Also goes to the saloon to pick up whatever your craving
Has a lot of anxiety about weather or not she’ll be a good mom but you assure her you wouldn’t want a baby with anyone else
Jas and Vincent are honorary big siblings to this tiny human and are very excited for when the baby is born, Vincent asked you to name the baby after him and was very sad when you very politely declined
Sonogram pictures are all over the fridge, she loves looking at them
Panics when you start crying for no reason, pregnancy hormones are a bitch
Asks Harvey so many questions but he’s very patient and will listen and explain as much as he can
She sobbed the first time she felt the baby move
You also sobbed
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rubbathetum · 3 months
hey so uhhhh
I made a weirdo freaky script and I don't know if anyone will ever voice it. But I thought I minus well post it here for all my freaks to enjoy. POV: you are demon sex club host and an angel boi comes in to eat too much, fuck and puke. Stuffing and emeto abound, enjoy!
"..." implies demon is talking, its a one sided script.
[reader standing outside club, muffled music]
(whispering, nervous) Ok, this has to be the right place... right?
Oh lord, what am I even doing here... I should just-
No! No, not now, we went all the way to Hell for this.
We- I, can’t waste this chance.
[reader enters club, music gets louder and there’s people chatting, door swinging open and closing]
(sharp inhale) Here goes nothing...
[listener walks to the front desk, bell ring sfx]
Excuse me, m’am!
I-I’m here for an appointment, its under-
Ah... It probably wasn’t, too hard to guess it was me, was it?
Was it my name?
Or wait, it’s the wings, isn’t it? Yeah, probably aren’t a lot of angels down here, huh?
W-Well y’know, what isn’t an angel doing down here, right?
I just... heard of your establishment from a few friends and the services here caught my interest.
Well of course I can’t find anything like this in heaven, I can’t imagine anything like it would be permitted up there. It’s far too-
Well, sinful is surely one word most would use.
Now then... uhm, will I have to wait for my match to get here? Is there somewhere I should go?
Oh, I uh- you’re my match?
No no no, that’s not a problem at all!
Quite the opposite in fact! You’re a v-very gorgeous woman, I-I’m honored to spend this night with you.
Y-Yes, I’m ready. Please,lead the way.
[reader is lead to to a room, insert footsteps if you want or just skip to being there]
Oh my, what a beautiful room! You have quite a knack for ambiance, miss. These candles really tie it all together!
Do you mind if I take a seat?
Thank you.
[reader takes a seat on the bed]
Ooo, comfy! You know it is quite difficult to get a good bed in Heaven. Not to say it’s impossible mind you, but we tend to only ‘take what we need’ so to speak.
A place to sleep is a need, but a bed so nice as this is a luxury!
I’ve never... oh! Forgive me, miss! I have a tendency to ramble, I do hope I don’t bore you tonight.
It’d be inconsiderate of me.
Oh you are too kind, miss. But I know I shouldn’t be spending my time here lecturing you about bedding.
We have other activities to get to tonight, do we not?
But before we get into things...
I saw on the poster my friend gave me, you succubi have quite powerful magic, yes?
Especially when it comes to... fulfilling fantasies.
Well its uh- it’s just a bit hard for me to explain exactly. I’ve never had the opportunity to be so... open.
I-I suppose this probably wouldn’t be the most bizarre thing you’ve ever heard, no.
I’m sure you’ve had plenty of odd requests, so I’m not sure why exactly I’m so nervous.
(chuckles) Well, if you’re really sure you’d have no qualms hearing me out.
So, you probably already know that I don’t usually get the chance to indulge myself in much of anything at all.
It’s not befitting of an angel to give into worldly pleasures.
But despite that there’s this very... hedonistic fantasy that I keep coming back to, it’s always lingering in the back of my head.
Sometimes... sometimes I wish I could be treated like gods of old. Which I guess isn’t very befitting of someone like myself either.
I am nowhere near worthy of such decadence, but I can’t help but yearn for it.
I-I want to feast and drink far beyond my heart's content, until I can't hold down another bite! And to make love with whoever I wish, for as long as I wish!
I just think it’d be nice to let go, to give into a mindless pursuit of pleasure, just for a day.
Do you think that we could do something like that? I-It’s fine if no, I’d be happy just-
[sfx: magic sfx insert a poof or something. Reader has been magic-d into a new (skimpier) outfit. That, and now there’s a bunch of food n shit.]
Oh, that was a lot faster than I was expecting. I didn’t know dark magic was so... instantaneous!
I think the clothes you picked out for me are lovely, miss! A-A bit more see-through than I was expecting, but still lovely!
And all this food- Are we sharing this meal?
Well I don’t know if I could finish all of it, I think this is more food than I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Oh really now? I suppose if such a gorgeous woman would be willing to help me in my pursuits, it’d be foolish of me to refuse her~
Now where to begin...
You bring up a fine point, miss, cake does sound quite good.
I think I’ll have a few pieces before the main course, in fact.
Oooo~ And hand fed to me by a beautiful acolyte no less, how kind of you.
[fast forward to later in the night, reader has eaten a lot, has also drank a shit ton of wine. Everything is just now starting to hit him, and it’s just as arousing as it is nauseating.]
(drunk, kinda slurred speech, can lessen over time) Miiiiss- (hic) Miss, can we take a break really quick?
Mmmm no, I‘m having lots of fun, miss, food’s really good. Its just like... ‘m kinda- (reader audibly heaves, but manages to swallow it back) I’m really full, miss...
Nooo, I’m fine I promise, I can keep goin! Innn fact, I feel better than fine, f-feel really good actually.
Mmm, I feel all hot now. It's kinda strange, cause I feel like I‘m gonna be sick... but I’m also really fuckin horny.
Miss, will you help me out a lil, please~?
[sfx: kissing noises, clothes ruffling. Listener n Reader makeout sesh while listener rubs at reader’s cock through his clothes. This goes on for a few secs before they pull back]
(panting, breathless and whiny) Nghh, please don’t tease me miss... c’mon, I’ve been really good.
‘M so- (burp) I feel so fuckin sick, please help me. Please make it better, please~
[listener begins to trail kisses alll the way down from his neck to his cock, he’s moaning and squirming around the entire time.]
Misss, you’re going too slow! I want- I need your lips on my cock.
I can’t keep going on like this, go lower, go faster-
[sfx: blowjob sounds]
(whimpering, moaning, y’know what it is) Oh yes~
Thank you, m-my faithful follower, you’re s-so good to me.
God- shit your mouth feels amazing.
[blowjob continues, keep going for however long you want. Feel free to adlib a little or include some more queasy sounds if you’re based ;) ]
I-I can’t- if you keep wrapping your tongue around me like that, I won’t last much longer.
Keep going keep going, I want- mmmm- want you take it all. I want all of me inside you when I cum.
Yes, just like that.
I can feel your throat clenching around me, I...
I’m close, almost there, almost-
[listener suddenly pulls herself off reader’s cock]
Huh wha- why’d you stop?
Cum inside? But I was already gonna- oh, I see what you mean. I’d love to~
Hm, what now?
Another piece of cake? I dunno about that, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to keep everything else down...
Well, maybe I could... if you’ll help distract me while I eat.
Of course, Miss, I’ll eat every bite. Just please let me inside you, I need to cum so bad, please.
[listener stradles reader’s lap, starts rubbing against his cock]
(whimpers) you won’t even put it in till I start eating, you’re so (hic) mean...
Nooo, I’ll do it I’ll do it, just- (deep breath in and out) be patient with me, ok?
[reader takes the first bite, swallow sfx if you’d like, its a challenge to get it down. Luckily though, listener takes the plunge on his cock]
Oh god, your pussy’s so warm...
Mm, you’re really wet too... I didn’t know you’d like seeing me in this state so much~
I’m getting back to eating, don’t worry.
Just, if you don’t stop I won’t stop, ok?
Ok, then lets get back to it.
[back to fuckin and eating, this goes on for a while. Reader takes bite after bite, slowly going farther and farther beyond capacity, until finally his stomach’s finally had enough. He launches upwards and puts a hand over his mouth as he heaves, the last bite he tried to swallow being sent right back up between the two of them. Splatter sfx.]
S-shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to! I- (swallow) I don’t think I’m done yet...
No, I... I don’t wanna stop. But if you do, I-
Mmm but I’ll make a m-mess...
Then... then put your hands to good use n’ help me
Can’t eat anymore, can’t keep it down either…
Help me get it up, miss.
[reader puts listener’s hands on his stomach]
I’m way too full… you can feel it, right?
Mmph, be careful miss, it hurts…
Press down on it, but be gentle.
Trust me, it’s not gonna take a lot of pressure to get me to puke right now.
Now then, will you keep riding me, please~
[back into action, fuckin and moaning and whining, now with added heaving! Once again, goes on for a bit, with reader slowly getting further and further to the edge. But now also on the verge of climax.]
Ugh- I’m gonna be sick, I-I’m gonna cum.
I- (gag) sorry-
[orgasm and also puking kind of a lot. More vom sfx, or just like liquid sfx]
(exhausted, shaky) I’m… I’m done now.
Feels lots better.
Thank you for your services, miss.
Yeah, a bath sounds really nice.
[flash forward to bath scene, reader and listener enjoying a good bath together, running water sfx]
Hey uh, thanks for everything tonight, I had a lot of fun.
Do you think maybe… we could do this again sometime?
Only if you’d like to, of course.
Oh, well I’m glad I could show you a good time, miss.
Maybe I could be a regular customer, given I get enough free time to come and visit.
(chuckle) well consider me excited, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fun ideas for next time.
Oh yeah, I can get your back, just a moment.
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envyangelic · 9 months
꩜˚₊‧⁺⋆♱⋆☠︎︎ CHANGES ☠︎︎⋆♱⋆⁺‧₊ ˚ ꩜
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part iii of the CHANGES series
MAYBE THIS TIME WONT BE SO BAD. Maybe this time would be different. You’d hope this school would be different. Middle school was rough very rough. You tried to fit in with the other girls and their trendy outfits. But you just couldn’t, boys didn’t look at you and to be honest nobody really knew who you were. So when your dad broke the news about his new job you were pretty happy.
Your older brother on the other hand wasn’t so happy. He aruged about it before finally shrugging it off and dealing with it. He had all his friends at his old school so moving was like a death sentence for his last year of high school. He was finally graduating this year, he already had a lot of his life planned out. He wanted to join the marines when he turned 18 this year.
You and him were as close as siblings could be. Arguing then getting along. You were going into high school at the time and he was gonna be going out of it.
The new school was JHS, some rich high school with a winning football team and three floors. You were so nervous, the whole night before you planned picking out the cutest out and the best hair to match with it. Hoping someone would notice you. You wanted this year to be different.
The day of you wore what you pre planned. Imaging the scenario of everyone wanting to know who that was, who you were! But it didn’t happen the way, you sat by yourself on the stuffy bus. Pushed around in the hallways because you didn’t know where any of the classes were. You sat alone at lunch envying everyone laughing with their tables.
It crushed you, the last period you didn’t try to smile at everyone or anything. You sat alone in the back, at an empty two seat desk. Your eyes tearing up you knew highschool would be the same as middle, alone again.
“Hi is this seat taken?” A feminine voice causes you to perk up and wipe your tears.
“It’s not. I’m new, sorry.” You explained shifting in your chair as she takes a seat next to you. “It’s all okay, you’re new? I really like your hair it’s beautiful.” She cheekily compliments. She was very pretty, a compliment like that from a girl like her made your cheeks light up.
She had the most smooth dark brown skin and long silky black hair that curled at the ends.
“Thanks! You’re really pretty too!” You blurt out while your face flushed. The girl smiles “I’m Cassacina, but all my friends call me Cassi.” She told you her nickname! You grin in your mind “I’m Y/N!”
Maybe this new school would be different. It was gonna be completely different.l
The woman hands you the card, she pays her tab and leaves. You wave her out as the bell above the door rings. The guy takes a sip of his beer. You stand behind the counter beginning to clean up the bar before the door bursts and a loud “friend” of yours walks in.
It’s Rosaline, she prances in with her brown hair curled in a red party dress that fits tightly around her waist.
“Pez! My girl, just who I wanted to see!” Her heels tap againist the floor as she takes a seat on the one of the wooden island’s stool. You shrug “What can I pour you?” You ask she pops her glossy lips.
“My usual shots, duh.” You turn around picking up a shot gloss to pour her favorite alcohol, you pour a tear of alcohol into the small glass and fill the rest with water. She won’t tell the difference. Rosaline already looks intoxicated and knowing her she was probably sent home from the local club. You doze away in your thoughts of how she was kicked out. Too much yelling? Or too much puking?
“Hey you! Whatcha drinkin’?” You hear Rosaline yell over to the man drinking. You spin around hoping she doesn’t make any uncomfortable remarks to random man. A few seconds pass before he speaks up in a musky low voice. “Beer.” She drunkly smiles thinking of something else to say.
You quickly grab her attention before she can. “Alright, you get one shot and I’m calling a cab for you.” Rosaline starts to pout. Pressing her face againist the wood islands table in an attempt for you to feel bad for her. You don’t.
“Nooo! I could get a ride home.” She subtly motions towards the beer guy behind her and then takes her shot winking at you. “No, no. Not happening, that’s how you get kidnapped Rosaline.” Shutting down her idea. You start to pick up the phone dialing a Uber. She whines in protest but you don’t listen calling her a Uber.
”Sorry sir.” You yell over to the man who still sips on his beer. He raises his hand in the universal way of saying ‘it’s fine’. Rosaline lays her head on the bar island again as you get a notification from the Uber. You usher her out to the Uber and pay the Uber fine even though you really didn’t have so much money to spare.
You walk back inside and get back to trying to close the bar. The moment you walk back in you’re filled with an uneased tension. You try to ignore the fact it’s just you and this random guy in there. You start to regret letting Elijah go home..
Shrugging it off, you began to sweep the floor and then you start to wipe down the counter as the man stands up. “Ready to pay for your tab?” You put down the sweep and as you make your way to the register preparing it for a transaction.
He creeps up to the bar as your eyes are trained onto the register. It happens in slow motion, you look up from the register into the random’s blue eyes. That familar pair of dull lifeless cruel eyes.. Your chest squeezes itself as if your lungs are gasping like you’re underwater. Your breathing starts to stagger as you realize who is infront of you.
The black around his half lidded eyes, the pale blue eyes, it’s him he takes one finger and pulls down the black surgical mask that covered the mouth of his dreadful face revealing the carved smile. Your eyes widen, your heart starts to beat so fast the world around you becomes so quiet it’s loud ringing in your ears.
“You remember me, doll face? Yeah, yeah you fucking remember me.” He hisses out, your mind screams ‘RUN’, you twist around on your heel and sprint towards the wooden door leading to the back. Your hand pulls onto it whipping it open.
You spin back around catching a glimpse of him advancing, you slam the door shut right in his face. A muffled groan escapes from the other side. The cold rain hits your face as you hold it shut.
Your body falters as your mind tries to think of what to do next. As you hear the door knob behind you turn, your feet dig into the pebble ground and you dash yourself forward.
You spin around the corner seeing your car just feet away. Sweat beads trickle down your forehead, your car is so close.. SLAM
A hand shoves you forwards causing your feet to skid across the wet pebble pavement.
You fall forward right on your face. You don’t have to time recover, you push your body up but a foot forces you back to the ground, your face colliding with the rocks again.
“You think you can run again? Not fucking today.” The man grabs your shoulder and flips over. You swing your arms at him but that causes him to grab a fistful of your hair and slam it onto the ground. The feeling of warm blood heats the back of your head.
Disoriented, he grabs your face and forces you to look at him. “Stop fucking running!” He lifts something up a knife. You let out a yelp but he clasps a hand on your mouth. You shake your head violently, he loses his grip for a second. “Fuck you!” You spit out. His face flushes with anger and his brows furrow.
His hand reaches behind him disappearing for a moment before he wields something in front of your face. A knife.
Your eyes widen as the sharp object nears your throat, you screech out jumbled words and pleas feeling it sit against your throat forcing you to look at him straight in the eyes.
You swallow your pride, your hope and your failed attempts of escaping. Completely paralyzed in fear of the knife that lays a few inches into being fully submerged into your throat. Is this what it’s like to die? To be suffocated by your own blood when the knife punctures your life line’s jugular vein. To bleed out alone and begging in the middle of a desolate parking lot. It reminds you of something..
You’re swept away from your fuzzy thoughts. His voice fuels you. “Now you’re scared? Where’d all the spark go? I thought you’d be entertaining.” He whispers close to your face.
You didn’t want to be entertaining. You wanted to stay alive. With both your hands pinned down and a knife close to throat. The only thing you had to left was your legs. You swiftly bring your knee up into his groin causing him to groan out in pain. His grip loosens and it makes a space between your throat his knife.
You use every bit of strength to shove him off you. You dig your hand into the pebbles and thrust yourself of the ground towards. the back door exit.
You hasten inside taking a right and ducking under the opening island counter. You hear his slow foot steps through the back door. Almost as if he’s certain he’ll catch you again.
Running out would reveal your leaving but would also lead you to your car again. You pat down your pockets for your car keys. No.. fuck! They must’ve fell out in the parking lot
The only other option is to hide, you scuttle to the farthest booth sliding under its table. You press your feet close your chest, you pant and respire.
Your heart is beating like drums, a million things run through your mind. You hear his footsteps behind the bar. “Where’d you go, sweetheart? I. Want. To. Talk” emphasizing every last word. You try to control your breath but it staggers. You clasp a hand over your mouth and nose.
”You wanna play hide and seek? We’ll fucking play hide and seek.” You could hear his wet shoes squeak on the hard wood floor. The desire to be invisible increases every second as he searches around the bar. Your ears ring, your heart is in your throat, it ends here
”You and your little friend thinks it’s fun to damage someone else’s house. HUH? What if I smeared YOUR blood all over his house. Maybe I should leave your head in his mail box. I think thats fair..” His thick voice echoes throughout room.
“Are you under here? No? What about here? Am I getter closer? Is your life flashing before eyes?” His footsteps become closer. You could almost hear his disgusting breathing.
His foot appears infront of your booth. You grip your face tighter not trying to escape a single breath. His foot steps move an inch, your heart leaps.
“Found you!” His head ducks under the table making eye contact with you. You try to kick his face it’s no use. He crouches down and swiftly grabs your foot dragging you out of the booths table. “Stop!” You yell out, your pleas become muffled. He slaps his hand across your mouth silencing your screams.
”Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” You try to squirm, flaring your arms hitting his shoulders trying to get him to release you.
Your nails dig into his arms and body but it barely does a thing because of his hoodie protecting his skin.
“Sto-stop!” Every time you yank your head away it lets loose slivers of your voice.
He tries to bring his knife down into your face but you roll your head to left side as the knife knicks your cheek leaving a small slice. You cry out in pain.
His face flashes from anger into a bone chilling smile. “Make that sound again. Show me how much you wanna live.” He whispers into your ear. You could feel his hot breath on your neck. You want to scream but your throat feels so dry.
”Stop! Please stop!” You cry out muted. He releases his hand from your mouth. “What was that? Begging, sweetheart. Are you scared?” He taunts his grip loosening the knife next to you. You could see he was pleased with the fact of you begging for your life. Scared of him.
Your eyebrows scrunch up in anger “Get off of me you fucker!” You angrily yell at him. His hands grip harder on your arms above your head. “What did you say cunt?” His other hand grabs the knife taking it out of the floor. It raises above your head.
“Get off-!” You squeeze your eyes shut and try to wiggle out of his grip. A sharp pain arises on one of your hands and you shriek in pain. He’s slicing your arm. He insanely watches as the blood trickles down your arm. “If you just shut your fucking mouth. You’re ruining it.” He groans “It’s time for you to stop fighting.”
He grabs a fist full of your hair and slams it down your head into the hardwood floor over and over again until the world becomes black and distant.
A/N ->
hi it’s the author here, the up to date changes series is all on my ao3 I’m just transferring all that to here. Also i have no idea how to link the chapters together so if anyone can explain to me how to do that it would be wonderful <333
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empress-simps · 1 year
Danger Meter [6]
》Come back《
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▪︎Pairings: Bradley "Rooster Bradshaw x Reader
▪︎Pronouns: She/Her [Fem! Reader]
▪︎Warnings: Language, Navy Inaccuracies, Person going into shock, medical inaccuracies, and mentions of throw up. THIS IS A LONG CHAPTER
▪︎Genre: Soulmate Au! Angst and Fluff
▪︎Synopsis: Your soulmate rarely seems to be out of the High risk zone according to your mark, which makes you worry.Oh well— you already know the same goes for him.
Note: This is the last part of Danger Meter! Sorry if it feels a bit rushed, I'm trying to get this series to a close before going back to class. Thank you so much for liking/reblogging/commenting/reading this series! (If I have the chance I'll probably post what happened after danger meter to Crash and Bradley)
》 Masterlist 》 Bradley's Masterlist
》 Previous
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"It's been an honor flying with you."
Maverick scanned the Naval Aviators infront of him. "Each of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission." Out of the corner of your eye you saw Hangman look at Maverick, smiling. You already knew he thinks he'll be picked for the mission.
To say you are nervous is beyond an understatement. You think you're gonna puke, pass out, and faint at the same time worrying about your friends.
"My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more." Maverick said, "Choose your two foxtrot teams." You hear Vice Admiral Simpson tell to Maverick.
"Payback and Fanboy."
"Pheonix and Bob." You slightly perked up, half of you is happy to know that they got picked and that the topgun instructor realized their potential, but the other half is scared to death for them.
"And your wingman."
You saw Rooster beside you look down, you can already tell he's not confident he'll get picked. Every second maverick was silent had you growing nervous. You can tell he's conflicted, his eyes drifting back and forth from Rooster and Hangman.
"Rooster." You felt your breath hitch as you looked beside you. Rooster slowly looked up at Maverick.
"The rest of you will stand by the carrier for any reserve role that is required. Dismissed" Warlock announced, you walked over to Pheonix and Bob, uttering out words of encouragement before running off to find Bradley.
"Rooster." You called out, he stopped and turned to look towards you. Jogging to him, you gave him a smile. "You can do it." He nods, a small smile of his own forming on his face. "Thanks for believeing in me, Crash."
"I uh.. want to give you something." You smiled nervously, Rooster's eyebrows rose up in surprise.
"What is it, Crash?" Your hands went straight to your neck as you unclasped your necklace. He never noticed the jewelry, probably because it was tucked under your shirt most of the time.
"This, I want to give it to you. My lucky charm, I like to think this necklace is the reason why I'm always safe, even if I had to eject out multiple times in my career." You chuckled, staring at the silver paper airplane shaped pendant on your palm.
Rooster shaked his head, looking at the piece of jewelry that mean so much to you."Oh no no.. I can't take it, Crash. It's yours." You smiled, "Okay then, just borrow it. You can give it back to me when you come home." He bit his lip, contemplating on wether he sould accept or not.
"I want you to be safe, Rooster. I gave Bob a plane keychain too, it keeps him safe, he said. So you know, it's legit." You laughed, Rooster let out a smile as he stared at you. Without much thought, you grabbed his hand, palms facing up as you placed your necklace in it. You rolled his finger down his palm, closing and squeezing it.
That's when you both felt it.
When you touched his hand, a warm, comforting feeling was felt through the both of your marks. You can also see the some of the light peeking through the sleeve of your uniform. You stilled, trying to calm your racing heart. Did that just happen?
Rooster felt his breath got knocked out his lungs, a warm feeling was felt in his mark then travelled to his heart, filling his chest with warmth. He can see the glow of his mark.
You're his. You're his soulmate.
"I-i'll see you around, rooster!" You yelled, taking off, you couldn't hear his scream for you to come back as you tried to let what happened earlier sink in.
Your soulmate, Bradley bradshaw.
He's about to enter the most dangerous task in his entire career. On his mind, he can only think of one thing. You. He has to get home safe.
He will come back. He has to. For you.
You can feel a flurry of emotions in you. There it is, you found out your answer. He's your soulmate. He's yours.
You only then realized the heaviness of your situation. He's assigned to be the wingman in a dangerous mission, one that has a probability of him not coming back home. You felt your knees weakening.
You willed yourself not to break down until you get to your room. You felt your knees collapsed at the hard floor as you cried.
"Crash, what's wrong?" You headr Pheonix behind the door as she knocked frantically, "N-Nothing."
"Bullshit. I'm coming in." You heard the door open and you felt Pheonix engulf you in a hug. "What's wrong?"
"M-my soulmate.. Rooster.." You hiccuped, you can feel Pheonix tense up, "When did you.."
"Just now.." Pheonix rubbed your back, mind already going to worst case scenario judging by your reaction. "Do I need to beat him up?"
"N-no.. I'm just.. scared." Her eyes softened,
"Why? Rooster's a great guy. You don't have to worry."
You shaked your head, "I-I'm scared for him.. for all of you.." You sputtered out, she frowned, knowing what you mean. "He needs to focus on the mission, he can't have this soulmate thing distracting him.. that's why I ran away." You mumbled, Pheonix sighed.
"You do realize he's gonna go insane with you running away, right?"
"I don't even know if he noticed."
"Everyone can feel it. Anyone can feel their soulmate's touch, it's an experience you can't forget."
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Rooster felt his heart break into two.
It seems like he can't move, his feet planted firmly on the ground as he watched your figure dissappear when you ran far enough.
Was he not good enough?
Did you suddenly realized you don't want him as your soulmate?
But then, why did you gave him your necklace?
He can feel himself clutching onto it, gripping onto the necklace so tight so that no one can take it away. It feels like that it's only thing that keeps him from going insane. He knows you care about him, but as what? As a friend?
He knew that you felt it too, there's no denying it. Yet, you ran away.
He can feel himself plop down in a sitting position at the ground, his hand slowly opening to reveal your necklace.
"Am I not good enough for you?" He rasped out, voice wavering as he tried to keep his emotions at bay.
Rooster didn't even bother to turn and look at him. "Not now, Hangman." He couldn't bear to see the smug look pf Hangman.
"Bradshaw, whatever you're thinking right now-"
"Stop acting like you're comforting me, Hangman. I hope your happy." He spat out venoumously as he stood up. Hangman grabbed his wrist.
"Look, knowing Crash, she's probably worrying about you and she's trying to prevent you from getting distracted-"
"What? Does she think that I'll be able to focus on the damn mission if she runs away from me?" He looks at Hangman, "I feel like I was gonna die when she ran away.." Tears sprang onto his eyes.
This is the time Jake knew that Rooster is serious about you. Sure, he felt like a dick, being an obstacle to both you and Rooster but he did that because he wants to know if Bradley is serious about you or not. So to let his fellow naval aviator know that he supports the both of them, he pushed Rooster.
"Go get your girl, Bradshaw."
Bradley looks at him, taken aback by his actions. "Whatcha waitin for?" Jake raised his eyebrows.
That's all the needed push for Rooster as he ran towards where you're staying.
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"Rooster." Pheonix opened the door, shocked that he's infront of your room. "You're not supposed to be here, you know. Male and females are not allowed to be in the opposite gender's quarters."
"I know, I know. Can I please talk to Y/n?" He pleaded. Pheonix looked at the hallways before pulling him inside and shutting the door. "She's asleep." Rooster deflated at her word. "If you want to see her, go." Mumbling 'thanks' to Pheonix, he went straight to your bed, he can hear Pheonix leave, giving him privacy.
"Y/n.." Rooster looked at your face, dried tear marks evident in your cheeks as you slept soundly. He gingerly took your hands into his as he sat down on the side of your bed.
"I know you're sleeping, but I have to say it. Give me a chance, Y/n. Give me the chance to prove myself to you, even if I have to spend the rest of my life doing that." He whispered, voice wavering as he ghosted his thumb over your knuckles.
"Once I come home from this mission, I promise to take you out, watch movies with you, take long walks on the beach, anything you'd like to do, my darling." He said, kissing your forehead.
"I'll make sure to come back home. I promise."
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The day finally came for the Uranium Mission.
Watching everyone get ready made your stomach churn, everyone knew the danger awaits the Aviators. Standing beside Hangman, you both were ordered to be on stand-by, in case the mission didn't exactly go as planned.
You saw Rooster approach the both of you, he looked at Hangman. The pair seems to have a telepathic conversation as Hangman nodded, and pursed his lips. "Give 'em hell!"
Rooster looked at you the second Hangman left. You gulped, "Roo.."
Bradley felt warmth in his chest as the nickname for him rolled of your tongue. "I just want to say-" You were cut off by the announcement saying they need the Pilots and WSO's on their aircraft.
"We'll talk. After we come back from the mission." He offered a smile, you could only send a small one back as he went and got ready.
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"Bullseye, bullseye, bullseye!"
A wide smile grew on your face as you and Hangman looked at each other, completely proud of your friends. "That's so cool." You breathed out, sitting in your jet. You heard Hangman talk to you.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Crash is falling harder and harder for Rooster." You rolled your eyes, "Shut it, Hangman."
The smile slowly fell on your lips, replacing it with a frown as you hear their status. Your heart dropped as you heard Rooster being out of flares while having two SAMs tailing behind him.
"Dagger one is hit! I repeat dagger one is hit!" You heard Pheonix yell, feeling your face go pale, you turned to look at Hangman beside you, making shre you heard it right. Judging by his facial expression, you knew what you're hearing is true.
"Dagger spares one and two request permission to launch and fly air cover." You hear Hangman request, you got ready to fly and scanned your jet quickly.
"Negative spares one and two."
You furrowed your brows and try to manage your annoyance, you can feel Hangman's frustration beside you. Then you heard a statement that shaked you to your core.
"Dagger two is hit. Dagger two is hit."
"Dagger two, come in."
"Dagger two, do you copy?" Still no response.
Rooster. You felt your hear rate pick up and your breathing became shallow.
No.. no. He promise he's come back home safe.
"This isn't happening." You mumbled, your hands shake as you gripped your flightsuit, cold sweat started to form on your forehead and hands. "No, this isn't happening." Hangman looked over to you. Noticing you slowly getting into shock.
"Crash... Crash! Dammit!" He hissed, seeing you get nauseous and spilling out the contents of your stomach. Luckily you were able to hunch over your jet as you throw up.
You can faintly hear Hangman call for a medic as you got down on your jet clumsily, kneeling and throwing up a second time on the tarmac.
Feeling light headed, you saw black spots in your vision as you dropped down. You can hear medical professionals run towards you, making you lay down as they put an oxygen mask on you. You feel the heaviness of your eyelids, you couldn't do anything as you slowly closed your eyes.
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"Shit, I promised her I'd come back safe."
Rooster whispered, blinking away tears. He can feel your necklace sitting around his neck. This is it. He thought he would've been able to hold your hand one more time, kiss, and hug you.
A single tear rolled down his face, he can already hear the missle launch from the enemy's jet. And then he heard an explosion, as well as Hangman's voice. He felt his heart leap in joy, knowing he's coming back home, to you.
After the celebration, he quickly noticed you werent there, turning to Hangman, he asked him about your whereabouts.
"She went into shock, she's in the infirmary."
Rooster dropped his helmet. He never ran so fast than he did now in his entire life. His heart hammered against his chest, he looked down at his wrist. He needs to make sure you're okay. He was more than relieved as he saw it green, slowing down, he turned the doorknob to where the nurse had told him your room was and opened it.
There you were laying down, staring at a wall. Your lifeless eyes went over to the door to see your soulmate, still completely intact and alive.
"Rooster?" You whimpered, tears springing into your eyes. As you hurriedly sat up, Rooster gently pushing you back down.
Crying, you gently cupped your hands on his cheeks. "You're alive." He smiled and closed his eyes, relishing your touch, putting his hand on top of yours. Just a few minutes ago he didn't think he would see you again.
"It's hard to get rid of me, sweetheart."
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Bradshaw." You pulled the fabric of his flightsuit and kissed him hard, loving the way your lips are pressed againt his as you can feel him smile and grab your hips, pulling you closer.
He came back home, to you. For you.
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Taglist [Closed]: @auszimbo @twsssmlmaa @looneylikesbooks @krys-orion @cornishkat
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pennyserenade · 2 years
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pairing: javier peña x named oc, javier peña x female oc rating: t (no explicit sex but language and content is 18+ regardless) tags: language, mentions of puking, a little bit of angst word count: 2k+ summary: a look at the day javier never made it to that chapel. a/n notes: this is the beginning of my new long fic, fade into you. i’ve been toying with the idea of something like this for a long, long, long time and i’m really happy to be sharing it with all of you now. i hope you enjoy this prologue! also, i know that gif is really random but i’m working with what tumblr is giving me lol. re-edited: 11/15/2023
prologue, fade into you
There is a chapel in Laredo that has seen and heard more than any other building in town, save maybe for the bar which sets not even ten minutes from it. It stands erect in the middle of the town, crafted by holy, dedicated hands many, many, many years ago. It probably stood there long before Texas even belonged to America. Many say that the entirety of Laredo had been built around it. On sunny days, it gleams brightly, like Kingdom has come and shun down on the very building itself.
Today is not Sunday; it’s a Saturday. Lorraine has always wanted her wedding on a Saturday so she could have that chapel. Her and Javi have both gone there as long as they’d been alive, as have most of the people in Laredo. Because Javier understands women to be strangely sentimental sometimes, he hadn’t questioned the importance of her wanting to get that chapel. He figured she liked the place so much because she had spent so much time there, and because he had, too.
He doesn't attend church much anymore - hasn't since his mother had passed - but because Lorraine wanted to get married there, they’d been made to go the past few months to prove they were devout. Just last Sunday, they had sat side by side in one of the pews, listening to the too long mass amongst people they'd known forever, and he had realized then what this chapel meant. She had told him after that it had been nice getting acquainted with the town again. It was words said passingly, full of earnest, heartbreaking innocence. What Lorraine didn’t know when she said that was that she had caused the beginning of the end for them both.
It feels harsh to think, but Javier knows it to be the truth. There’s this thing about Lorraine, a thing he has been pointedly trying to ignore since he got with her, and it’s that she’s made for Laredo. The unfortunate thing about him is that he’s always been trying to flee Laredo, ever since the moment he could form enough words to spell out the desire. He hasn't been dishonest with her about it, and she wasn’t entirely dishonest with him about her intentions with it, either. She had said they could move when they got the right funds to do so, if he still wanted it by the time they got there. It was just that last Sunday, when he sat next to her, he had realized that Lorraine was so made for Laredo that when that one day came, they’d stay in Laredo, no matter how he felt. He knew it to be true as it was cruel. So true, in fact, that he woke at five this morning to escape it.
It is noon now and he has put enough distance between him and Laredo that no one can talk him into coming back. He’s learned that he’s in a little town called Rockwall, and he won’t make it on time, not even if he speeds. It was infinitely important to him that he’d do that, go as far as possible and wait as long as he could to pick up a phone, so that no one, least of all Lorraine, could convince him that there’s still time.
He picks up the payphone outside of the gas station and dials the only number he has ever bothered to remember: his father’s. It rings once, twice, and then he hears it; the labored, worried breathing of his father.
“Mijo,” Chucho says on the other line, not like a question, but a statement.
“Yeah,” Javier says quietly. He takes a nervous glance around the parking lot, trying to see if anyone is listening. “Pop, listen--”
“Where are you?”
“I’m going to tell you.”
“You should be here.”
“I know but--”
“Everyone is worried sick. You’re supposed to be at the chapel in an hour.”
“I’m not--”
“Did you get drunk last night? Do you need me to come pick you up somewhere? I never heard you come in.”
“Lorraine has been calling, asking after you. I didn’t want to panic her and tell her that I couldn’t find you. I suggest--”
“I’m not going to marry her, Pop.” The words slur together, said so fast they’re hardly audible. Except Chucho must’ve heard them, because he’s no longer trying to talk over Javi anymore. “I know what I’m doing isn’t right. I know. I just can’t do it.” The silence on the other end makes Javier swallow harshly. His palms begin to sweat. He’d prepared this speech on the way over here, except none of it is coming out with as much confidence as he’d planned for it to. “I’m gonna be…I have this paper for the DEA. That’s where I’m going. That’s what I’m going to do.”
Still on the other line, his father says nothing.
“I’ll call you from the next town.”
Javier hangs the phone back on the hook, not bothering to wait for another answer. He takes another nervous glance around. The parking lot is nearly empty, except for the lone gas station attendant smoking at the edge of the property, and the lady working the counter inside. He feels so damn nervous he could puke.
He pulls his wallet out of his suit pants and walks inside the little store, the thrill of the bell above the door alerting the woman. She looks up at him, but seems unbothered by his presence.
“Can I have five dollars in nickels?” he asks her. He holds the bill up in front of her.
She raises her eyebrows. “That’s a lot of nickels.”
“I’ve got a long way to go,” he tells her. “Do you sell maps?”
“In the back.” She points her finger to a little rack. “Just over there. Where are you headed?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I think Virginia.” He lays the five dollar bill on the counter and she takes it. Opening the drawer of the cash register, she says, “And what’s there?”
“A job, I hope.”
He figures, by the slow way she moves, that her collecting that many nickels might take a bit, so he goes to where she pointed, and picks the first map on the rack. On his way back, he grabs a bag of chips and a Coke. “These too,” he tells her. “And a package of Marlboros.”
She glances up from where she’s counting individual nickels. “A bit young to be a smoker, aren’t you?’
“Twenty-three,” he offers.
She seems to think that is enough, for she says, “The reds?”
“Yeah," he nods.
She hands him a handful of nickels, which he places awkwardly into his slacks, before receiving another three full tubes of them. He puts these in his other pocket while she turns around and gets him the cigarettes from the display behind her.
“What’s the occasion?” She asks.
“The suit.”
Javier looks down at himself. “Oh. I was supposed to get married today.”
The lady stops what she’s doing and turns around. “What happened there?”
“I’m not quite sure," he says. The woman’s gaze seems to pierce through him after he says that, trying to figure him out. “She told me she was with child and she wasn’t,” he lies, to make her stop.
Her eyes grow sympathetic. “Oh, hon.”
He licks his lips, growing uncomfortable. “How much?” She looks at him quizzically. He nods to the stuff on the counter. “For all of it.”
She shakes her head. “Honey, you just take it all. It’s in the house, okay?”
He shakes his head. “No, really, it’s okay. Let me pay.”
“No, it’s on us today. Consider it your parting gift from all of Texas.” She takes on a matronly appearance now--with wide, sympathetic eyes--despite the fact that he doesn't imagine she's much older than himself. “You just be safe out there on the road.”
Too tired to fight it, Javier smiles politely. “Thank you.”
The woman raises her hand, looking at him like he's the saddest thing she's ever seen. “Bye now.”
When he goes back to his truck, he disposes of the nickels in the cup holder before opening a package of the cigarettes. He throws the map in the glove box, shuffles around various pieces of papers until he finds a lighter. Popping one of the cigarettes in his mouth and lighting it, Javier rests his head against the headrest. His shaky fingers find reserve in the activity of merely holding the stick of nicotine his father had warned him against. His entire body finds comfort in the act of inhaling the nicotine in.
He knew he’d need one of these before he made the next call.  
Javier flicks some ashes off the end of the cigarette into the ashtray before leaning down and to grab the phone book out of the floorboard on the passenger side. He flips it open on the seat and begins to search for Lorraine’s home-line and the chapel’s line. When he finds them both, he rips out the pages and stuffs them into his pockets. He finishes the cigarette before he finds the courage to go to the payphone again.
This time the lady inside is watching with her sympathetic eyes. He smiles at her, but it’s one of those half smiles that can’t ever reach his eyes.
The first number he calls is Lorraine’s home. It rings and rings and rings, just as Javier had expected it would. Lorraine’s mom has been a bit anal about the decorating for the wedding, so he’d figured she’d be at the chapel early to decorate. Lorraine’s father is working. He’s always working, being the Sheriff of the town and all. It’s a title Javier has always felt the man took with too much pride.
Javier grabs the other paper in his pocket, puts in the nickel, and dials the church’s line. It rings only once before Javier hears a high voice. The woman on the line delivers the little rehearsed message, telling him he’s called the chapel, and gives the usual spiel about hours.
When she pauses to ask what he wants, he says, “I was just wondering if Lorraine Perkins is there?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, she is,” the woman responds. Is she mad? He thinks she is?
“Is it possible I might talk to her?”
“Let me check.”
The line is quiet for a moment. Then the lady picks the phone back up. “May I ask who’s calling?”
“Javier Peña.”
“The groom,” the woman says. Javier bites at his lip.
“The groom,” he says.
“She’ll be right with you, Mr. Peña.”
He stands still, waiting. He tries to rehearse what he prepared once more, a sad little “It’s not you, it’s me” speech. The lady in the store has stopped watching him, he notices, glancing up.
“Javi,” Lorraine says. Her voice is so full of warmth, it takes the words from him. “Jav? What are you doin’, callin’ here? Not nervous are you? I told you not to get cold feet last night!”
Suddenly, he feels violently sick.
“Javi?” Lorraine asks.
“Lorraine, I can’t do it.”
She grows silent just like his father had. Then she says, laughingly, “Jav, don’t play like that. It's not very funny.”
“I’m not. I wouldn’t--”
“That’s not very fair,” is what she responds with. He forgot how quick she is, how smart. How calculated, in the way all young women are taught to be with men. He forgot about all the reasons he never fought with her, all the reasons that made him believe being her husband was the right decision. Lorraine knows exactly where she’s going before anyone else. He can image the way she’s standing now, her small frame too rigid, with the arm not holding up the phone wrapped around her. She looks like a little girl, because that’s how she gets when she’s angry or sad. Like a defeated child no one wants to tell no. He thought it’d be easier if he couldn’t see her, but it’s not.
“I know,” is what he says in response. “Listen Lorraine, I’m really sorry. I understand this is really fucked up to do to you and you don’t deserve it. I know that but--”
Lorraine hangs up the phone before he can finish. He stands, halfway between words, unsure of what to make of it.
The man who was smoking at the edge of the property now stands by the doors of the gas station. He looks at Javier knowingly. Javi knows that he’d been listening. The lady at the counter is looking again, too. An audience.
Javier hangs the phone back on the hook, his stomach churning.
“You okay, kid?” the man asks.
Before Javier can answer, he finds himself hurrying to bend over the curb, away from the phone.
“Oh fuck,” the man says.
Javier is too distracted emptying the contents of his stomach to notice the way the woman in the store is telling the man - who is now standing with one front in the door, and one foot out - how the ‘poor boy is having a really bad day, Jerry. Don’t just stand there and watch him! Help!'
That chapel stands in the middle of Laredo, with warm April sun beating against its white paint. Tomorrow the town will hold mass there, and they’ll talk about all the things that didn’t happen the day before, and all the things that did. Javier will be out of Texas. Life will go on outside of that chapel, and inside of it, just as it has for many, many, many years. A new Laredo will form and he won't be there to see it.
But Javier Peña will think of that chapel many times in the years to come.
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roosterbox · 1 year
October Almost-Drabbles 10/13: Maze
Pairing: Steddie, implied Eddie x Chrissy (for like a SINGLE line)
Word Count: 1,027. God fucking dang it.
Additional tags: modern AU, single dads, implied meet-cute, Max is a lil shit and also Eddie’s daughter, Dustin is a sweetheart and also Steve’s son, Max’s POV
Side note: I TRIED TO KEEP IT SHORT. I SWEAR I TRIED. But as you can see, I failed, so this one goes under a cut, lol. The maze aspect was just a jumping off point, so I’m sorry it doesn’t play more of a part. Most of these prompts are of a similar nature for me - inspiration, though I may go off the rails a bit in the actual execution.
Anyway, enjoy!
“Our dads are gross.”
Max looked back at the two men trailing behind her and Dustin. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she could see their expressions just fine, thank you very much. Her dad, always animated with his hands, was talking and gesturing wildly. She could see the flash of sunlight against his rings. Dustin’s dad seemed to be listening intently, smiling. And blushing. Every now and then he’d interject, probably asking a question about the story. They were both making absolutely ridiculous goo-goo eyes at each other. Ugh, disgusting. She made a gagging noise and looked away.
“Super gross,” Dustin agreed. The path split a few yards ahead, and the kids decided silently as a unit to continue together down the left side.
“Don’t get too far ahead, Dust.” The boy’s dad called out. They were following at a respectable distance; close enough to keep an eye out, but far enough to give the kids some measure of independence. Dustin slowed down a little, giving a thumbs up. His dad visibly relaxed. Max saw her dad give the other man a comforting arm squeeze. In a touch that, in her opinion, lingered a bit too long.
She scowled. “D’you think we could lose them? In the maze?”
“We shouldn't.” Dustin looked nervous. “My dad gets really worried about stuff like that. This one time, my friend Mike and I got separated from him at the mall, and he totally freaked out.” He shuddered. “Never seen my dad cry before that.”
Max shrugged. “My dad cries all the time. Shoulda seen him at the last Disney movie we watched. He cried more than me. I didn’t even cry when I got this!” She waved her arm, in a cast from wrist nearly to elbow. “But before that, before he found you, was it fun? Hanging out without him?”
“I guess,” the boy was looking at his shoes. “But I don’t think it was worth it.” He glanced back at his dad again. “He seems happy.”
The two men walked comfortably side by side. Their arms were brushing as they moved, and if Max knew anything about her dad, he was actively fighting the urge to take his new friend’s hand. Just then, to her horror, he did. The other guy looked surprised, but then… he grinned. And now it was her own dad’s turn to blush.
“Gross!” She called out.
Her dad waved her off. “Don’t mind her, Steve. Ten years old and already a little adult. I’m going gray before my time.”
Dustin’s dad laughed. “You look fine to me.”
At that, her dad raised an eyebrow. “Oh, ‘fine’ is it now?” He leaned a little closer. There was a very particular gleam in his eye. One Max recognized at a distance, though she might not have known exactly what it entailed. Whatever it was, it was probably more Disgusting Adult Stuff. If they actually kissed, she was going to puke.
Luckily, somebody must have been looking out for her, because as they rounded the next bend…”
“We’re out!” Dustin cheered, making a break for the entrance/exit of the maze. Max ran after him, missing her dad’s quietly disappointed “damnit.” The adults still walked out hand in hand though.
“Did you have a good time?” Dad asked her later, while they were getting settled in the car.
She shrugged. “It was okay, I guess.” He snorted.
“A ringing endorsement.”
Her eyebrow raised in a perfect imitation of him. “What about you? Have fun slobbering all over Dustin’s dad?”
He chose that moment to start the car. “What? Sorry, can’t hear you!” He yelled over the sputter and roar of the engine. One of these days the whole damn thing was gonna fall apart. That’s what Grandpa Wayne said whenever he took rides with them.
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. They pulled out of the maze parking lot, and began the long drive back to Hawkins. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke up.
“Say, Max… how would you feel about me inviting your new friend over for lunch sometime? Might be fun.”
“Yeah, or you could just ask his dad out on a date or whatever. Dunno why you’re using us kids as an excuse.” She saw him stiffen a bit out of the corner of her eye, but kept her gaze out the window, watching familiar passing scenery.
“What? Me and Steve? A date? Nah, come on.” He tried to play it off, but his face was too pink for her to really believe him.
“Did you at least get his number? Because I remember when you and Chrissy broke up-“
“Hey now-“
“-and that was a freaking nightmare. A solid month of nothing but gross pining.”
He gasped, indignant. “I don’t pine!”
She gave him a flat look.
“It wasn’t that bad!”
Her expression didn’t change. He sighed, resigned.
“Okay, fine, it was bad. But I can’t help it, Max - I’ve always been this way. Big feelings, you know?”
“Oh I know. ‘S why Papa tells me he’s glad I got my mom’s temperament. ‘More than two of you’d be sending me to an early grave, and not a moment too soon.’” That last bit was said in a gruff imitation of Wayne’s voice. Her impression improved every time she did it, and never failed to make her dad laugh.
“Point taken, you little menace. And to answer your question: yes. I did, in fact, get Steve’s number.”
“Gross. I bet you gave him a super cute, disgusting nickname in your contacts too.”
He coughed and focused back on the road ahead. Max smirked. Bullseye.
“Just promise me one thing? Don’t call him as soon as we get home? It was embarrassing enough to watch you guys flirt back there. At least wait until I’m asleep. Or at the skate park. Or anywhere that’s not at the trailer.”
“Deal. Easy. I’ll bet you like ten bucks I won’t even think of calling him until tomorrow!”
And Max immediately agreed, knowing that she’d be ten dollars richer by the end of the day.
He barely held out for an hour.
(The nickname was “Pretty Boy,” by the way. In a few months, it’ll get changed to “Sweetheart.” It was “Babylove” for like a day. But then Max borrowed his phone, saw it, and demanded he change it because GROSS, DAD.)
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leffee · 2 months
Sunil x Russell things
- Sunil is the only one who’s seen Russell without a shirt on since they’ve been dating for a while. (I’d like to add that whoever Russell is dating in the current time would see him without the shirt because it’s based on trust I know I’ve said it before with others)
-Russell may have a candle addiction and Sunil sort of helps him support it..
-In the beginning of their relationship Russell refused to do anything gross in front of Sunil for the longest time (examples: puke, poo, blow his nose,cut his toe nails,fart ect.
-Sunil and Russell have to survive on coffee but have such different coffee tastes and it sometimes switches so they have so many different flavors and add ins stocked constantly as well as a fancy coffee maker.
-Russell tracks Sunil when he goes out not because he doesn’t trust him but because he worries.
-They watch old movies together.
-Sunil has over time figured out Russell’s cleaning style and has worked on getting it down pat so he can help with chores the “right way.”
-They people watch in public a lot.
- Russell actually enjoys being picked up more than he says he does especially when he’s tired.
- Russell has so many pillows everywhere but Sunil doesn’t mind he has his favorites.
-Sunil hates Russell’s alarm clock with a burning passion lol
-Sunil will sometimes nuzzle Russell’s nose instead of kissing him goodbye so he doesn’t embarrass him in front of others ...Russell still blushes when it happens though.
-Sunil has given up anything marshmallow related he refuses to buy or eat anything with marshmallow in it since Russell hates them so much he just thinks of it as an allergy to make life easier when people ask.
Would you like more?
I think I might do other ships to but this one has been it lately.
Yipeee! No Vinnie this time but I think I will survive. Vinnie withdrawal is real after all.
that first one, yeah, I know. Russell does not go around without a shirt just like that so he will only do that with whomever he's dating, this time it's Sunil :)
ayo? Candle addiction? I like candles very much too, though probably not as much as he does. Sunil enables him. I just hope neither of them is a piromaniac too uh oh
yyyeah I imagine Sunil too wouldn't do something like that especially at first. But Russell especially and it would take him longer. Can I say we should normalize farting around others? Listen, if I need to fart then I need to fart, ain't nothing funny about that, it's something everyone does
oh no, both coffee addicts, ahhh just like Vinnie is with energy drinks (I miss him and sometimes still hear his voice :( ). You open their cabinet and it's just... coffee, that's it. I'm gonna imagine that the coffee maker was a gift from one of them to the other but he knew he was gonna be using it too so it was for both of them really
tracks? I wonder how he does that... like he could have Sunil's phone bugged or something but he could also just text him all the time, know what I mean? And there's also the question if Sunil is aware of it and if so if he has any thoughts about it. He could be creeped out but he could also understand given how nervous he himself is
damn, I can't believe Sunil is cheating on Vinnie and watches movies with someone else then him :(. But actually as soon as Vinnie would hear that they're watching old movies I think he'd be like "Ohhh, oh, okay, no, nope, cheat all you want." he doesn't like old movies here so it's alright
maaan, man, I heard of changing your entire personality to appease someone, but Sunil changing his cleaning style so that Russell's happy? Understandable, especially given how much Russell cares about keeping his space tidy and how he has his own rules and think they are the best ones out there
hehe, their dates just consist of sitting on a bench and observing others like 👁👁 ah yes, another satysfying date
yeah, I say, Vinnie, Minka, and Russell being the small ones are also most pickable, but while Vinnie and Minka are all happy about it Russell probably just thinks it makes him look childlish cause he "can take care of himself". Fortunately, he has a tall bf who will pick him up and carry anyway, he's used to that already
yipee pillow person! I bet he has them everywhere for comfort, at least partly. And damn, Sunil couldn't be more happy actually cause why wouldn't he want pillows everywhere? He probably gifts Russell them often because of it and once again they both use them
ahaha yeeeah, I would probably hate it too if someone else's alarm woke me up when I didn't need waking up. Sunil just wakes up all grumpy
awww nose nuzzles <3 idk Russell, I think this is still very telling. As long as he's comfortable tho
oh no, Sunil has seen Russell hate marshmallows so many times he learned to hate them too, negative reinforcements worked like a charm. I imagine Russell is very happy about that
Yes of course I'd like more :D be it those two or any other pairing, I think I can live without Vinnie every now and then. He is Sunil and Russell's third wheel anyway.
Russunil? More like Susell, of course.
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evelhak · 11 months
Old art #18: Self portrait
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Lol I found this one I had made for my DeviantArt profile in I'm guessing 2011, so I was probably 17. I was not that cute. Arina Tanemura was in my head. (Can you tell how much I had been reading Shinshi Doumei Cross, just by looking at that hair and face? Wasn't that some manga, huh. Would certainly spark... conversations these days. But even looking back, there were a few things that were quite captivating and great about it.)
Meet my whole cat gang. If you've been here a while, you already know Bell, she's the grey one. A little princess with two braincells and a bottomless stomach. Eats literally like a snake, without chewing. She's the pinnacle of self-centredness which she gets away with because she's just so dumb. Also very loud and fond of crocodile tears. Really, the complete lack of self-awareness is impressive. The way she walks through life sticking her butt and puke exactly where she pleases at any time she pleases reminds me of the people I was always kinda jealous of. The ones who can be as unapologetically annoying, shallow, selfish and boasty as they want and most people still love them. Probably because they are very pretty and perceived to be too stupid to be held accountable for their lack of consideration of others. Bell is also so pretty everyone compliments her face, her bones, her colour and the pattern of her fur. My drawing really doesn't do her much justice. Her beauty is very superficial and decreases significantly as soon as she moves or opens her mouth, because she just looks that dumb doing anything. But alas, I love her.
Then we have Aatu, the black one, who is Bell's kitten actually. Still small in this picture but he grew up looking a lot like his dad who was a neighbourhood cat and the biggest one I had ever seen. Very hairy, clearly some Norwegian forest cat in him. Aatu ran away when he was two, but I think in truth he just got hit by a car or eaten by a fox because he had zero self-preservation instinct and half a braincell. He went towards all animals and cars in oblivious curiosity as they approached him. He was attracted to the vacuum cleaner when it was on. He was literally not scared of anything. He thought he was a dog, an owl, a cow, and also human. He loved when you made him slide across the floor. He loved to be dragged around and ruffled in all ways. He didn't know how to hiss, growl or make any type of angry or dissatisfied sound. He was very, very happy. Apparently too happy and unbothered by anything to survive.
Then there's Nöpö, the big one. He died a few years ago at 17. He was our first cat. Braincell count would compare to a human. Very sensitive, very angry, dominating but also gentle, intelligent, pessimistic and depressed. The look of his build resembled that of a lot bigger wild cats, especially when he hunted. He wanted his own space, didn't enjoy people initiating touch, he would come to you instead when he wanted it. He was always like that but it got worse when Bell came into the house and was her charming self. Nöpö's nervous system clearly couldn't handle sharing his territory and had I been able to anticipate it, I wouldn't have taken Bell. Nöpö did everything with so much more care and attention. He needed time and space, he wouldn't even be able to eat with Bell, because she gulped everything down while Nöpö chewed each bite with care, and nothing would be left for him because Bell has no concept of moderation. So Nöpö would always need to be fed in a closed room. He would attack people and other cats frequently because he just had a very strong hunting instinct ever since he was born and didn't like anyone too close unless he asked for it. But he was also very cuddly when he wanted to be, and he didn't want his people to go too far away. He would come crying after me every time I went to get mail. Classic example of "Leave me alone, no wait, where are you going??" I miss that grumpy old guy.
This wasn't supposed to be about cats but there you go.
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sagegreen261 · 2 years
College Part 1
recommended song: like a G6
'Sasha no'
She tugs my arm fiercely. Jesus this woman is strong for how small she is. Guess she did grow up in the woods as a little wolf baby or whatever.
'C'mon you're so boring I need to reinvent you' She says flashing me a smile of her perfect white teeth to tell me that this is all in good nature and she's just joking around. But something within also tells me she's dead serious.
The back of her brunette ponytail swishes in my face, not that I mind, it smells quite good. It smells of saccharinely sweet lemon grass and coconut. A very deceptive scent, because, really, she's a devil.
She continues to drag me along as we move through the throng of people. Sweaty and dancing, or some doing more than dancing. Some with lips connected and bodies entwined, kissing all over each other's necks and every inch of their bodies. The music is loud, 'fly like a G6', but it's also kind of a banger. It makes me feel like I'm something I'm not, this whole place does. Not to sound annoying, but parties really aren't my type of place. They make me nervous and on edge.
Something about the whole experience makes me feel out of place. Because I am. I have little experience in this. And I'm definitely not going to blindly follow whatever Sasha says which will probably result in my puking my lungs up the next morning and her having to hold my dirty and drenched-with-my-insides-hair back.
'I'm serious Sasha, I don't think I can do this.' I let go of her grip on me.
She whips her head around, getting a full mouthful of lemongrass ponytail. Her bright smile fades a bit. I can see she feels bad for me, that she understands, and I understand that she's just trying to help but...
'You can't run from your old life forever.'
'I know I just -'
'C'mon the guys miss you! They haven't seen you in like years!'
Sasha loves to exaggerate.
'More like a handful of months.'
She giggles, ' Oh whatever, just say hi and then we can leave them and go back to Hitch and the others, 'Kay?' Seeing I'm still not convinced, she places a hand on my shoulder and her brown eyes meet mine. They are so beautiful and round, but the way she stares at me is too much like she's seeing right through my pathetic excuses. 'You'll feel better I promise, plus Armin will be there too'
I sigh, whatever. 'Alright'
She claps her hands together rapidly ' Yay!' I almost think she's going to jump up and down at this point. She resumes her tight grip on my arm, and we wind through the mass of people.
The longer she pulls me along, the deeper nausea in my stomach grows. With every step and pace, my heart beats quickly. Like a hummingbird's heartbeat as it desperately tries to escape its cage. Through the mass of people, I start to make out familiar faces. Sasha flashes me a last desperate smile, I can see she's trying hard.
'Hey guys!' She says in a perky tone, as always. And she waves her little hands from side to side. 'Mikasa's here! Long time no see right?' She directions to me.
I see the boys' faces light up with surprise in the side of my vision because I can't bear to meet their eyes.
'Hey guys..' I want to whisper it, or not say it all, but I force myself to raise my voice. Then I raise my eyes to theirs.
Jean is who I see first, he seems excited and friendly, his eyes wide and a smile plastered to his face, as he always has been really. Armin looks puzzled and quizzical, I can see the cogs turning in that big brain of his, but happy nonetheless. His eyes are alight with happiness. Same with Connie.
And there he is, Eren. My heart stops beating for a second. He looks me up and down for a mere second, or maybe only half a second, it's so quick I can't tell if he even did it. But his expression betrays nothing. His lips are stiff and his green eyes burn straight into mine, I can read the tiniest hint of surprise, but that's all I can glean from his utterly mute expression. He holds a blunt in his hands and is wearing a monochrome black and grey get-up. A grey sweatshirt with black jeans and sporty shoes. He's adorning jewelry too. Silver rings and a simple silver cross earring on his right ear. I've never thought that Eren was very religious. He looks.. different.
Jean quickly pulls me into a hug, gripping me with his rough and large hands. It feels nice and warm. 'Where you been Mikasa! We missed you.'
'Yeah!' Connie joins in. 'Where'd you run off to?! You just disappeared'
Jean pulls away.
'Don't ask so bluntly Connie, have some tact' Sasha jeers, rolling her eyes at him. These two always like to play around, I noticed. For a while, I thought they might be a couple, but I see now that they are utterly platonic. Like platonic soulmates in a way. I envy that kind of relationship.
I notice that Armin nudges Connie too, but doesn't let it be known.
'Well... I just needed some space for a little while. I'm sorry for.. not really telling you guys.'
I had this line well rehearsed. I would say that I needed some space and then apologize. I had practiced these two simple sentences in the mirror over and over, practicing different intonations, pauses, and inflections to get the very right delivery. I knew they would ask me this and in the end, it didn't come out as I wanted. More strained and weak sounding than I would've liked it to be. But oh well.
Eren takes a hit of his blunt. He doesn't seem very impressed that I'm back.
' Don't apologize it's fine.' says Sasha.
' Yeah but next time don't be a stranger, all right?' says Jean nudging me playfully.
Eren hasn't said a word yet.
I notice the silver chain hanging around his neck, laying on his perfectly tanned skin. And it leads to a large silver key. I guess things have changed but not that. He always wears that key. No idea why, he's never opened up about it strangely. But I've always wondered what emotional value it holds to him. My guess was that it was a memento from his parents. Guess I'll never know now.
' Yeah sure' I respond.
' Right so.. ' Sasha says desperately searching to fill the slightly awkward silence. 'why don't you guys catch Mikasa up on what you've been up to or something. I'm going to head back to Hitch, Kay?' What a devil. I give her a look, flashing my eyes at her to show my annoyance. Not in an overly obvious way so the boys won't pick it up, they are too dumb to pick up on girl things anyway.
' Kay' I say giving my best impression of Sash as I could, a saccharinely sweet high pitched voice. As she leaves she widens her eyes and cocks her head, giving me the look of 'talk!'.
It's awkward at first, very. I have forgotten the rhythm of how to talk with these guys or anyone at all. It's an art really, like a back-and-forth tennis match or complicated moving of tango. We keep hitting the ball to each other, but sometimes it hits the net and utterly stops. Jean's always the one to pick the ball up and get it rolling again, coming in with some stupid comment. I've always known he's a big talker, but this quality seems to have grown. I like that about him though.
But after a while, my shoulders loosen and it feels strangely normal again. They tell me what they did after high school break, lots of partying and drugs it sounds like. Sounds like fun I guess.
Jean recounts some stupid stories about him Sasha and Connie messing around. Something about a surfboard and Connie scaring Sasha pretending to be a shark? Or something. Honestly, I get a bit lost with Jean's long-winded stories. He begins telling another story about Connie's cooking skills, which are notoriously terrible, and how he nearly started a fire?
Eren says little. It's only when Connie or the others try to involve him by saying stuff like 'remember Eren?' Or 'right Eren?', I can see they are trying hard to involve him and induce a smile out of him. Like a sad toddler whom the parents are trying to cheer up. I meet his sunken eyes for the second time. They seem to have gotten greener, or bluer I should say. I never know if they are blue or green. Tonight they look green like the leaves of a vibrant tree but tomorrow they may look like the deep aqua of the sea. They are rimmed with red lines, that appear like a mess of red string circling the pearly whites of his eyes. He's high. I mean it only makes sense with the blunt threaded between his fingers.
But there's something else in his eyes. They look dead and soulless. Not in a cheesy way it just looks like there's no light in his eyes, no hope or fun or trace of the old high school Eren I once knew. Will we even talk now? Probably not. Does he even care that I'm here? That breaks my heart a little bit. But what a selfish thing for me to think.
Eren breaks our eye contact, but I'm still watching him intently.
Jean's exclamations break through my foggy thinking cloud.
' I mean isn't that incredible, I didn't think you could start a fire making cereal!'
They all start howling with laughter like a pack of dogs, well, Armin doesn't howl he's more like a timid Chihuahua. That's kind of an oxymoron.
' Wait, Mikasa, you don't have a drink? I'll go get you one." yaps the chihuahua. Maybe he's more like a Border Collie, but a small version. A border collie puppy. No that's not right. I'll find out one day, I'll look up top ten wisest dogs or something.
' Thanks, Armin.'
Jean's definitely a golden retriever boy who barks too much, and Connie's a jack russel with way too much energy. And Eren... I have no idea...
Eren's looking to the left at something directly, but I can't see, my vision is blocked by the throng of people's dancing bodies.
'I'll see you guys later' he says in a dulled voice. And moves away from our huddle of people to the side. Directly to the line of a small blonde girl who's waving so furiously at him that her hands are a blur of white skin. The question isn't what is he staring at, but who. Her hair is neatly cut and layered shortly so that it stops just touching her shoulder. She has a perfectly placed little fringe. And bright blue eyes that are staring directly at the advancing Eren. She's wearing a slinky pink sparkly dress that I think I've seen online before. That's all that I can make out from our distance.
' is... that Historia?'
'Yeah it is' says Connie staring at her intently. He's practically drooling over her.
Historia has always been a pretty popular girl. I would say nice too but she's actually a pretty fake bitch if I'm being completely honest. I've got a lot of stories about her and heard a lot too. She puts up a nice front well enough and pulls off that mask very well but really she's pretty horrible. I can see Eren's taking a liking to her. I thought he couldn't stand her the last time we spoke. He would always say that she was pretty annoying and obnoxious to me in high school.
' So...'
' Are they a couple?' Jean finishes my sentence. As Eren and Historia collide and Historia gives Eren a quick hug, standing on her tippy toes because she's so short. Then she pulls away but keeps her arms snug around his neck just staring and talking to him, looking deeply into his eyes.' No, they aren't. But I think Historia thinks they are.' Jean says raising his eyebrows as he looks toward the spectacle.
Historia starts running her hands around Eren's chiseled body, she runs her petite hands down his chest. I can't officially make it out from here, but I think she's got bright neon pink nails on, that's what I can tell from the small flashes of putrid pink cutting through the dimness of this house.
' Right... But what about -?' I say.
' Ymir? Yea they broke up.' Connie chides in. ' I think she's trying her hand at guys now.'
This surprises me a little, for how annoying Historia is, I liked her and Ymir. They brought out the good in each other. Historia was sweeter with her and I could tell they genuinely cared for one another, don't get me wrong, they were still a deadly couple together. I'm just a little taken back, I thought they would last. I wonder what happened.
Armin comes back handing me a drink. 'Did I miss much?' He yaps as I take a drink.
'Not much' Connie barks, but he chuckles. A little rosiness spreads across my cheeks.
We continue talking about random things and stories. But I can't focus on this conversation. All I want to do is stare at Eren and Historia, I want almost binoculars so I could perfectly spy on them and see every inch of what they are doing. But a part of me wants to have nothing to do with them. What if they are...?
I chance a glance over to the pair and I see the back of Historia's glossy blonde hair. There they are, making out on the couch. My heart lurches. Stop Mikasa. You're not his girlfriend. You're just an idiot. But I can't help myself.
Historia's legs are thrown over his, she's straddling him really, their lips bound to one another. Eren's grabbing the back of her neck with his veiny, large hands. I can't stand this, I'm going to throw. And it's not because of my nausea.
'Think I'm gonna go find Sasha, but it was amazing talking to you guys. I'll see you around yea?'
'Yea definitely!' barks Connie
'Of course' ruffs Jean
'See you Mikasa!' yaps Armin, waving and wagging his little tail.
Why did I ever stop talking to these guys?
I scurry to find Sasha. She's over by the beer pong table, knew I'd find her here. She's standing with a red flimsy cup like mine in her hand, chatting with Hitch and Annie.
' Sasha!' I squeal. ' You didn't tell me Historia and Ymir broke up, I looked so stupid' I squeal again. Maybe I'm a little squealing mouse. I rest my head on her shoulder with a pouty expression. Of course, I don't actually blame her. I lift the drink to my lips and take another sip. This is a little addicting, it makes me feel at ease.
Hitch giggles. ' Oh don't worry, it's only 'cause Ymir traveled after high school and they didn't think they could work long distance.'
' Yeah they called it off, I don't even know which university Ymir is at now.' Sasha joins in the conversation.
' Oh, that's a bit sad. She was kinda cool.'
'True' notes Hitch, ' but also cruel'
'That too' I concur raising my eyebrows.
We chat and talk a bit about meaningless things before it's Sasha's turn to play beer pong. She's really quite good at it. Me and Hitch start chatting and the topic of Eren is brought up again. Why is he all I can think of or talk about tonight?
' Yeah, weren't you guys like besties?'
I avert her gaze. ' That was a while ago...'
'Not really' Annie says shrugging, blunt and honest.
' I don't know he just seems really really different now, I mean he's changed so much.'
'I mean what do you expect when his parents die.' Annie states curtly.
Of course, I mean, how could I be so selfish, thinking about myself when he's like this?
We all look down, unable to find something to turn this conversation back into something friendly and enjoyable after Annie just dropped this dark subject.
It makes me think back, to where it all began.
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justmeinatree · 5 months
i got lucky and two of my classes got cancelled yesterday so i ended up with more free time than expected, and then my brain decided to actually give me inspiration for once, and that's how i churned out a chapter and a half in one day 😂
totally no rush on reading the second chapter, i'm actually kinda nervous about how people will react to it 🫣 but i'm excited to hear what you think when you do have time to read it 🫶
how do you manage the write them both so perfectly even when it's just one paragraph in the answer to an ask?? and what does a girl have to do to actually get Niall and Louis taking care of her while she's on her period? 😭 woke up feeling like i'm going to puke because the cramps are sooo bad and could use Niall cuddling them away 😂
that’s amazing !! you’ll be writing like 3 fics a day when school’s over 😂 happy for you that one of your super busy days cleared itself out a bit. that’s such a great feeling !
i read the second part !!! it’s so sweet, i just want them to get together honestly. i love how much she just wants to be around him, like in real form 😂 and that he seems to already be pretty attracted to her as well. should do a little bit of niall’s pov, i’m very curious what he thinks of this random lady that popped into his coffee shop booth 😂
looollll idk i just imagine them based on what i’ve seen of them 🤷‍♀️ in my mind, niall would be super sweet and trying to understand what you’re going through, while louis was being more practical, looking up ways to make you feel better and when he stumbles upon the idea of sex, well .. he’s just a real sucker for good sex 😂 idk really it’s just how i picture them ! they’re probably the complete opposite tbh 😂
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pinkautist · 10 months
i don't know if i've ever talk about this, but here's a story about how i spent several months letting myself be misgendered in an mmo while exploring my sexuality at 18, and how i found an amazing community during that time.
so, at 18, i was severely burnt out (my dad called it "clinically depressed" but i hadn't been diagnosed and i honestly think it was autistic burnout) and painfully lonely.
i started playing this ecchi mmo where you build up an army and make yourself strong. it was a mobile game that was targeting male players, and the player character is even explicitly male as well. your army is all girls (as is the norm in these kinds of things) and you can take the female commanders on dates. this was when i first began to suspect that i might be into women.
well, this game also had a guild feature. i joined one and, because i was friendly with the guild members and very active, quickly rose up the ranks and was put into one of the four second-in-command positions. i quickly became one of the strongest members as well. my guild members were so kind and even moved me over to where they were located so that i could be safe when i wasn't online. we enjoyed chatting in-game with each other so much that we joined a discord server and chatted outside of the game. this entire time, i never corrected any of my guildmates regarding my gender or pronouns because i felt some level of shame that i was a woman playing this ecchi game that was geared towards men.
this went on for some time, up until one day, we organized a call between us five strongest members. i don't remember why, maybe to voice chat while playing or just to hang out. i was nervous, but overall fine with it during the scheduling.
but when the actual day of the call came around, i was so nervous about the idea of outing myself that i felt like i was going to puke.
the call started.
i didn't join.
my guildmates asked me if everything was okay, and i told them that everything was fine and that i would join soon.
but when more time passed and i didn't join, the leader dmed me asking me what was up. after some consideration, i told him that i'm actually a woman and was scared of everyone finding out. he very kindly told me that everything would be fine, and if it wasn't, then he would stand up for me.
so i joined the call and everyone enthusiastically greeted me.
of course, they were all men.
i stayed quiet for a moment before nervously greeting them in return. no one minded that i was a woman, and their behavior towards me didn't change. in fact, the only thing that did change was that they began to use the correct pronouns for me, and correcting guild members who used the wrong ones. it was really nice, and i really enjoyed being able to play and chat with them.
i've since lost contact with all of them because our guild was raided while we were offline and we didn't have the resources to rebuild ourselves, but it was nice knowing them when i did. they probably don't know how much they helped me during those dark and bleak moments of my life, and i always find myself wondering where they are now. are they well? what have they been doing with themselves? i hope that they're happy.
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envelop-ing · 1 year
october 11, 2023
I'm six weeks along now! The babe is apparently the size of a sweet pea.
I told my sister the day I found out, and I told my best friend Christine today (she's so happy and excited for me, which I really needed). They're the only two people who know, and the only people I plan to tell until Christmas, when I'll share the news with my family. I probably won't share with other friends until I reach 6 months or so, possibly longer. Announcing a baby is nerve-wracking. I've thought about whether I want to share pregnancy photos online or anything like that, but I'm very torn. I've never regretted sharing less about myself on the internet, but I've regretted sharing too much countless times. I may just never mention it until the baby is had LOL.
I went over to my parents' house for my Dad's birthday, and declined wine for the first time, which I feared would raise suspicions immediately. I had an alibi, though; Rob has been abstaining for several months now, so I just said I was laying off in solidarity.
My first OB appointment will be November 1, so in three weeks.
Fatigue, of course. Not too terrible! I took a nap in the middle of the work day a few days ago, which is very unusual for me.
Cramps, every day. Oddly, no round ligament pain the past few nights, which I'd been having when turning over in bed.
A little bleeding? I had a scare while I was visiting my parents, I felt something and went to the bathroom to check and saw blood. It was brief, nothing insane. But it did scare me. We'd been intimate earlier that day, and I've read that cervical sensitivity can cause bleeding. If it happens again, I'm definitely going to move my appointment up.
Nausea, which I had a pretty bad morning of last week (no puke!), and this afternoon. I picked up some vitamin B6 to see if that helps, I'm not getting enough through my prenatal.
This may have to do with my nausea, but today, food just isn't sitting right with me and I had difficulty picking dinner because everything just sounds greasy and gross.
More vivid dreams. Actually, trouble sleeping and staying asleep. Feeling inexplicably wired and nervous at night.
Rob and I haven't quarreled at all since finding out about the babe. He's been so loving, I've felt very loving. It's wonderful! And I haven't felt any irritability, likely because I have PMDD and am no longer on a weird cycle that makes me insufferably mad half the month long.
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xinyansho · 2 years
Things that they do when your not feeling well w genshin menএ
gn reader
w Tighnari, Ayato and Kazuha
also low case implied ෆ
Probably more than likely
ooc character এ
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-ayato is the type of person to make sure your always comfortable with everything whenever he's around you,
-if you feel discomfort or even the slightest bit uncomfortable he would try his best to make sure that you feel better
"To many people...." you thought it was so crowded in this big place that you couldn't find ayato it made you feel even more nervous knowing that you couldn't make your way around the place without him by your side. Of course you had to come to this party it was very important but you didn't feel comfortable your feet hurt from all the walking you did earlier helping thoma set up you didn't think about the after effects and you could even talk to people with out losing your train of thought not could you pay attention.
You felt horrible like you couldn't hold up a good social status working your way throw the crowd you finally landed your eyes on a certain blue haired male only to find him surrounded by people too. It made you feel a little sad that he forgot about you in the mist of all these people but whose to blame he has a reputation to uphold so you couldn't blame him... But you still felt mad. You pushed your way threw the crowd not caring about the remarks people said as you did and giving you rude looks. When you finally made your way to Ayato he gave you a confused look only too see the discomfort in your face as soon as you made eye contact with him you grabbed you by your hand an put his drink down clearing his throat and said "Thank you everyone for this lovely evening but it's late and I don't want to take up anymore of your time." the crowd started to disperse and agreements soon everyone left. It was just you and ayato. He grabbed your hand tightly and took you to your bedroom holding you and saying how sorry he was because he got carried away talking to other this made you smile "You know ayato it's really cute that you always get so cuddly when your sad." you laughed a little his face Contouring into a shade of red and digging his head into your neck. He's really sweet ig.
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I feel like he becomes more clingy when your not feeling well n a lil praise
You plopped on the bed feeling cold and warm at the same time. Beidou let you come along with her on a trip but the bad weather wasn't really expected what also wasn't expected was that you would get seasick. You we're constantly throwing up and couldn't eat which made your stomach upset you couldn't do anything about it though you thought. "Hey y/n" a small whisper said as a short white haired man came inside your room he had a cup of water with him and some medicine. The short man walked over to you setting down the water and medicine at the little table and layed down next to you. Letting you take the water and medicine from him. After he took it from you and pulled you close to him as he rubbed your stomach gently he sang little affirmations of how much he liked being with you and that he's happy you decided to come on this trip with him even though your not I the best of health right now. "Your taking this so well y/n..." he said. You turned to him and gave him a look he knew what he was doing 😒 he just closed his eyes and smiled as you jumped out of bed to go puke again..... (damn not you getting seasick)
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He likes to tease you sometimes
And he's annoying n loud tooo
You literally the worst sleepever. well you wouldn't call it sleep as to how you literally couldn't fall asleep. You felt the Sun rays hitting your face as an annoying early bird opened th curtains to your room "GOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEAD!" Tighnari yelled in a loud voice. You gave him an annoyed look as you turned to the other side of your pillow covering your entire head from the sun you suddenly felt a coldness hit you as the cover we're pulled off of you too. "TIGHNARI IT'S LIKE 7 IN THE MORNING WHAT." you yelled but not too loud "it's actually 10:00Am y/n learn to read the clock please." he said as he went to your closest and found you some clothes " I was being considerate and letting you sleep in but we have stuff to do today.." you gave him a confused look "it's the weekend Tighnari what st-" he cut you off by throwing the clothes in your face "WEEEE (he cleared his throat) are going to be fixing your little sleeping problem today!" he said giving you a happy look. You gave him an annoyed look as you out your shoes on and you guys finally headed out the door (Timeskip bc I low-key don't know what to write anymore) you we're exhausted you literally had been running around Tighnari with his task all day of course collie joined you guys but that didn't change the fact that you were so tired that you felt as soon as you hit your bed you would be out like a light. And that's exactly what you did as soon as you got home not even thinking about dinner you kicked your shoes off and landed right on the bed, tighnari following right behind you and sat at the edge of the bed. "I told you that I was gonna be able to fix your sleeping problem!" he said with a smile you kicked him off the bed and he started to fake cry as you told him he had to sleep on the couch tonight. (He still ended up sleeping on the couch)
uhmmmm anyways sorry if this isn't the best this is low-key rushed I just felt the urge to write a lil Smth ykyk
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