#whump drabble
a-living-canvas · 1 day
CW : It's about infantilization, if you don't feel comfortable please don't read it :)
Caramel Curls
It's not something one would expect from their kidnappers.
Whumpee was being swaddled, snug and tight around the blanket. They were placed inside a…crib. Eyes staring at the ceiling, or rather, at the hanging toys that were swirling around by the cold wind. 
The room was filled with stuffed toys, cute stickers and bright cheery walls. 
It almost feels like a fever dream.
Whumpee closed their eyes, thinking hardly. What did their kidnappers want from them? What's with the baby stuff? Why were they being tied like this?
It didn't make any sense to them, and their brains were starting to hurt because of it. 
Whumpee opened their eyes when they heard the door being pushed open, revealing their kidnappers. He's holding a cute teddy bear, hiding it behind his back as he walks towards Whumpee. 
"Oh, baby's already awake huh?"
Whumper didn't answer, they just stared at Whumper with a blank expression. Whumper chuckled, holding up the toy,
"Ta-da! Look what I brought for you!"
Whumper put the teddy bear in front of Whumpee's face, waving it slightly to get reactions from them. Whumpee sighed, "I hate it."
Whumper gasped dramatically. He pulled away the teddy bear and hugged it closely to his chest. "How could you! Mr. Teddy just wants to be your friend!"
Whumpee rolled their eyes. If only they weren't being wrapped up like a burrito, they would have snatched the teddy bear and thrown it across the room.
"Are you a kid?"
Whumper raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. "Of course not, baby. I'm just trying to entertain you."
"I'm not a baby. I'm a grown adult."
Whumpee said firmly. Their frowns and glares only seem to amuse Whumper further. Whumper patted their head, wanting them to behave. What a naughty baby.
"Stop it…!"
"No. You are a baby. My baby."
Whumpee sighed loudly in frustration. They didn't know what else to say to get it through Whumper's thick skull. They grumbled, feeling helpless against the situation. Whumper chuckled,
"Aww, don't look so mad. Just let daddy take care of you, hm?"
"Dad— enough, you creep! Let me go! Let me go!!!"
Whumper laughed softly, pinching Whumpee's cheek. "So feisty…"
Whumpee's on the verge of tears. They felt so frustrated, with Whumper treating them like this. They sighed, at least things couldn't get any worse than this. 
"I need to use the restroom."
Whumpee said softly, all the screaming already tired them out. Whumper gasped, suddenly remembering something. "Ah, about that…"
He walked to a cabinet, rummaging through a pile of stuff in it. Whumpee thought he was just searching for the toilet key or chains to keep them restrained all the way to the restroom but when Whumper held it out to Whumpee, their eyes widened in horror. 
Seems like they would develop a fear over a bag of diapers.
Whumper grinned, "Let's put you in this, yeah?"
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @htavin87 @heyyitsworld @risk606
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jordanstrophe · 5 months
Whumpee awakens curled in the backseat in someone's arms.
They look down, their entire torso is drenched with blood.
They start to panic, but someone holds them tightly. "Shhh, shh sh, it's okay, go back to sleep. Close your eyes." Someone grabs a blanket and covers their chest with it.
"You're going to be fine, I got you. Go back to sleep... Please."
A hand brushes over their face and closes their eyes. Whumpee finds themselves doing what the voice tells them to.
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
That’s Enough
“Stop it,” Caretaker said once the sound of knuckles thudding mutely turned to squelching. Caretaker stared at Whumpee, the sweat flying from them as they continued to punch the punching bag. “Hey. Whumpee, that’s enough.”
Whumpee didn’t listen. They just kept jabbing in the one two movement they had been doing for the half hour. Caretaker let go of the bag but Whumpee moved with it.
“Hey! Whumpee,” Caretaker hissed, stepping in front of Whumpee, hands up palms facing Whumpee. “That’s enough, you’re hurting yourself.”
Whumpee didn’t listen. Instead, they started punching Caretaker’s hands. Caretaker snapped their hand closed but Whumpee retracted their arm swiftly to their chest to punch again, their eyes distant and hard.
“Whumpee! Whumpee,” Caretaker snapped as Whumpee’s fists started coming harder on Caretaker’s palms. Caretaker stepped forward into Whumpee’s punches and reached a hand up, locking it around Whumpee’s wrist. Whumpee yanked it back but Caretaker held firm.
Only then did Whumpee seem to snap back into themselves. “Let go of me.”
“I said that’s enough, Whumpee. You’re bleeding.”
Whumpee yanked their wrist back towards them but Caretaker didn’t let go. Instead they grabbed Whumpee’s other wrist and clamped their fingers around it too, stopping Whumpee from hurting themself anymore.
Whumpee’s eyes narrowed. “Let go of me, Caretaker! I can look after myself.”
“Clearly you can’t!”
“It’s just a bit of blood!” Whumpee yelled, spit flying from their mouth in anger. “What does it matter?!”
“Blood is meant to be inside your body, Whumpee, not outside.”
“It’s my body,” Whumpee told Caretaker, yanking one of their wrists free. “I’m allowed do what I want to it so let me go.”
“I’m not gonna just stand here and watch you hurt yourself.”
Whumpee let out a crazed, humourless bark of laughter. “Oh, what?” Whumpee asked, eyes glimmering with cruelty. “You want to make me stop, huh? You gonna tie me down like Whumper did because I’m not following your orders? You want to participate like Whumper did?” Whumpee demanded, squaring up to Caretaker, taking a step forward forcing Caretaker back. Whumpee’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Or maybe you want to be the one to make me bleed.”
The question made Caretaker sick. Comparing them to Whumper when all they’ve done is try and help Whumpee? The fact that Whumpee could even make that comparison at all… It was too much. Looking after Whumpee was too much. They let go of Whumpee’s wrist and turned away, walking towards the doors of the gym.
“What? Where are you going now?”
“I told you to stop, Whumpee,” said Caretaker without turning around, pulling off their own gloves. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine. Not my problem.”
Caretaker turned and looked over their shoulder at Whumpee as they opened the door. “But I won’t stand here and watch you finish the job Whumper started. Destroy yourself, why don’t you? You’ll do it on your own.”
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withdrawingramen · 3 months
i think shame & its manifestations in whump is not talked about enough. like i love when whumpee is physically unable to tell caretaker about all they went through, not only because it is insanely distressing to relive but also because it's humiliating. 'how can someone be so cruel?' is another question, but we're also talking 'how did i let that happen to myself?' from whumpee's perspective. often times post something traumatizing whumpees develop this deep-seated feeling of hopelessness & helplessness & misguided anger which is just in sweet words not cool
because think about it, the whumpee could not stop anything from happening to them. there's always this notion of having to stand up for yourself, but whumpee didn't even get the chance to. who should you be angry at? whumper? the system? yourself?
the fact that it happened is so terribly real and if paired with the conditioning of whumper & possible victim blaming, the shame eventually turns into this twisted form of denial, where whumpee is unable to confront the fact that they were hurt so bad and it just turns into oh my god i hate that it happened to me. i want to erase that it all happened. i wish i could live just one day forgetting it all and wake up thinking what was i so stressed about? i wish i could walk past whumper and think 'who were they again'? nobody should know about this because i cant deal with it myself and i don't know what i'll do if it all goes out
yk what im talking abt?
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jump-in-the-whump · 5 months
Whumpee doesn’t really understand what is going on, everything is happening so fast and their head is pounding so bad.
“hey, can you hear me? Whumpee?” A voice calls out their name. Whumpee raises their head.
“i-i... don’t... understand....i-i...” Whumpee rasps out, before a coughing fit interrupts him. 
“shh, don't force yourself too much. I'll explain everything later, now I'm here and I just wanna help you, ok?”
Whumpee is in so much pain, it's hard to breathe. They’re so weak, they lean onto Caretaker, drowning in their quiet words and soft movements. A tear escapes Whumpee’s eye. It's been so long since they were treated like this, like a human being.
"Caretaker..... " Whumpee manages to say, with a weak, raspy voice. 
“Yeah, that's right, I am Caretaker. I am here and I won't let them hurt you anymore..." Caretaker whispers, hugging Whumpee, caressing their dirty, greasy hair.  Whumpee winces in pain and can't help but cry, the happiness and comfort are too much for them to manage.
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whumpshaped · 5 months
Could you make a pet whumpee that was trained to act, to obey, when they hear a *click*. And a Caretaker always and -by accident-, clicking a pen when he's stressed, making Whumpee comfused and scared.
tw pet whump, accidental bad caretaker, conditioning, past trauma
Whumpee perked up more and more each time, looking around for the source of the sound. It was Caretaker, but... they didn't seem to be paying any attention to them at all.
What did they want?
Whumpee was starting to tremble a little.
They didn't know what to do.
They whimpered despite themself, out of fear and frustration. They wished Caretaker had established what the clicks meant before they started clicking, like Whumper had done. Then they would've been able to just obey.
They froze when Caretaker stopped and looked up, realising their stupid voice had disturbed them. "I'm so sorry," they breathed. "I– I just don't know– I didn't know what it meant–"
"The c-clicking, I didn't know, I couldn't figure out–"
Caretaker looked at the pen in their hand like it was a snake, and promptly threw it on the desk. "Fuck. Whumpee, I'm sorry. It doesn't mean anything. I'm so sorry, I keep clicking every pen I touch. Are you okay?"
"I, I am, I just need to know, I need to know for next time– Please, I just need to know–"
Caretaker pushed their chair back and rushed over, kneeling by Whumpee to give them a hug. "Shh, it's alright. It's alright. It doesn't mean anything. You don't have to do anything. I'm so sorry it stressed you out so much."
The tension slowly drained from Whumpee's body, and they allowed themself to melt into the embrace. "Does it... does it really not mean anything?" they choked out.
"It really doesn't. I promise. You're not a dog, Whumpee. You're not being trained."
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whumpasaurus101 · 7 months
"Beg me," Whumper ordered, tracing the gun slowly up Whumpee's neck, relishing the shiver that followed, "Beg me like your life depends on it... oh wait, it does."
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generic-whumperz · 10 months
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Can’t stop, won’t stop
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a-living-canvas · 1 month
Cosmic Love
"Eat a little, please?" Caretaker pleaded, holding a spoonful of food in front of Whumpee's lips. It's been a few days since they finally rescued Whumpee from Whumper. But now their little one didn't have an appetite to eat. 
Whumpee shook their heads. Their knees pressed to their chest as they rested their chin on it. Cloudy eyes staring straight at the wall. 
Caretaker sighed, "I don't want you to get sick…just a bite, okay?"
Caretaker brought the spoon to Whumpee's mouth again, but their lips sealed shut. Setting the plate on the bedside table, they caressed Whumpee's hair gently. 
"I worry about you, Whumpee…" Caretaker cupped Whumpee's chin, turning their head to them while smiling sadly. 
A few knocks could be heard from outside. Caretaker slid off the bed gently before opening the door, their eyes lit up as they saw Team Leader on the doorway. 
"Took you long enough." Caretaker stated. Team Leader chuckled. They pulled a green shirt from the shopping bag and showed it to Whumpee. 
"Look, Whumpee. I bought you a shirt, do you like it?"
Caretaker clicked their tongue. They shook their heads in dissappointment.
"Team Leader…team leader…Whumpee doesn't like green, remember? They like blue."
Team Leader frowned, "What? No…! They like green."
"They like blue."
Whumpee watched them from afar. They couldn't help but crack out a smile and chuckled.
Caretaker and Team Leader stopped fighting. They both turned to look at Whumpee in disbelief as their chuckle changed to a full blown laughter.
"What are you guys even fighting about? It's so stupid…!" 
Caretaker immediately walked over to Whumpee and hugged them tightly, smiling as Whumpee still laughing in their embrace. 
Whumpee's laughter died down as they wrapped their arms around Caretaker, chuckling softly. "What's up with you all of a sudden?" 
Caretaker shook their head. "Nothing, Whumpee…nothing."
Prompt idea by @echoingalaxies
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jordanstrophe · 2 months
Amnesia whump:
it takes whumper weeks to "clear whumpee's head." Every day, whumpee loses more and more memories. Slowly, they go from constant defiance to a constant state of confusion.
Once whumper knows they have a blank slate, the next time whumpee wakes up, they're in a beautiful room with whumper lovingly by their bedside.
"You don't remember anything? Oh my poor darling sweetheart, I'll take such good care of you, just like I always have."
Whumpee has no reason to question this stranger;
-Unknowing it's their very brainwasher. 
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cold1dead1eyes · 9 months
i love caretakers who used to be whumpees. a caretaker that’s covered in scars, who screams themself awake at night, who sees the marks on whumpee and has to look away because it’s too familiar.
and nobody else knows. caretaker is so put together, nobody would expect it, but whumpee can tell. they see the fear in caretaker’s eyes when whumpee talks about what whumper did to them. how sometimes they flinch when they’re touched. how they wake up shaking and covered in sweat, reaching out in a panic to shove their blankets off.
still, caretaker tries to be strong for whumpee. they know how it feels to be hurt and they want to be there for them, even though they still haven't gotten over their own trauma.
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redd956 · 8 months
Characters Holding Each Other In Whump
This is my demand to see more characters holding each other in whump, but also my opportunity to go on about characters holding each other in whump.
I need more of it, it's so warm, and great when it's characters dependent and safe to one another. Or it's creepy and harrowing when it's between whumper and anything.
I need more of
Caretaker finally reaching whumpee, and pulling them to their chest. Now that they are within each other's arms Caretaker is not letting go.
Multiple whumpees who cannot see each other directly, but hear their voices and reach their hands just far enough to feel each other's touch. Maybe they're reaching out between cell bars, perhaps there's a hole in the walls of an enclosure, or an open slot to a lab. Either way, they've found a hand to hold.
A distraught whumpee crawling over to their only friend, and waiting to be pulled into someone's lap.
When a known threat (whumper) approaches and a protective character pulls another into their grasp to shield them.
Two shivering characters latched onto each other, removing as much space between themselves as possible. After all, what if someone separates them again?
Whumper holding whumpee from behind, swaying them back and forth, listening to the subtle sounds of fright.
Two words: Bridal Carry. Whumpee nuzzling their face into caretaker's chest for bonus points. For extra bonus points, latching onto to caretaker's clothing despite being carried.
Whumpee trying to escape from a whumper they've pummeled thoroughly, only for the half-conscious whumper to grab whumpee one last time. Is it a pleading? A don't go? Or just a final act of terror?
Caretaker sitting on the bed next to a whumpee, and bringing them into their grasp as they whimper.
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did this quiz
i think its about what kid of whump writer are?
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tag me if u do..
@unforgivenn @ash-reh @nuriiz134
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whumpshaped · 6 months
tw past trauma, conditioned whumpee, dehumanisation, de-conditioning (gone wrong?), manipulation
“I… I’m not sure about this. It feels kinda mean.” 
“I’m literally asking you to do it,” Whumpee said, rolling their eyes a little. Despite their attempts to seem nonchalant, though, it was very clear that they were nervous about this. “Please. I can’t live my life like– this. If I’m outside while some fucker is training his dog, I– it’s embarrassing. I need to do something about it.”
“And you think re-triggering yourself is… the way to go.”
“It’s exposure therapy. I don’t get why you’re the one being so weird about it. You’re not even the one who’s about to do the heavy lifting.”
Caretaker sighed, still uneasy about the concept. “I just don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, I don’t want to be rude, I don’t want to do any of that. I want you to be okay.”
“Well, I need this to be even remotely okay.”
Caretaker bit their lower lip as they thought about it, trying to convince themself this was fine, and they shouldn’t be making a fuss about it. Whumpee was right, they had to get over it at some point. It was just… Caretaker didn’t imagine they would be the one doing any sort of therapy. “Okay,” they said softly. “Um… then, uh, do you wanna start on the floor, or–”
“No. Come on. Tell me to– say the command.”
Fuck, this was so uncomfortable. Caretaker took a deep breath and closed their eyes. “Alright. Kneel.”
The sound of Whumpee’s knees hitting the floor followed just a few moments after. It wasn’t really a conscious reaction, from what Caretaker understood. It was instinctual. Reflex. They opened their eyes to see their friend looking at the carpet, flexing and unflexing their hands that were resting on their thighs. 
“Can you get up?” Caretaker asked gently. 
“I… Of course…” Whumpee swallowed audibly, and made no move to actually get to their feet. “I just need a moment…”
“This was a bad idea.”
“No! No, I can do this. This is so stupid. I can do this. I need you to repeat the command whenever I start getting up, though. Please.”
“I shouldn’t–”
“Can you just help me for once? Instead of coddling me endlessly? I want my fucking life back!”
Caretaker flinched a little at the yelling. “S-sorry. You’re right. Um… Go ahead, then.”
Whumpee slowly took their hands from their lap and placed them on the floor, then made an attempt at pushing themself to their feet. Caretaker hated to do this. They hated seeing their friend on their knees, they hated ordering them around like an animal. But what else was there to do? Whumpee had asked them for help.
“Kneel,” they repeated quietly. Whumpee’s resolve crumbled immediately, and they sat right back down: back straight, hands in their lap, perfect as ever. They seemed embarrassed by it. “If at any point you’d like to stop–”
“I can do this,” Whumpee insisted. “I can do this. They’re just words. Stupid words.”
They tried to get up again. Caretaker sent them back to the floor with a single word. They tried to get up. Caretaker told them to kneel. It was awful. It was so bad. Whumpee started crying after the fourth time, and Caretaker just couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’m done,” they said, tears in their eyes. “I’m not doing this to you.”
“What the fuck?” Whumpee snapped. “You said you’d help!”
“And I said I didn’t want to hurt you!” they yelled back. “You’re sobbing! I’m not doing this. I want you to get better, and I’ll pay for as many therapy sessions as I can, but I’m not doing this.” They turned around and stormed off, wiping their eyes as they went.
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
Whumper trained Whumpee to respond to hand signals. A snap means they fight whatever enemy they assign. Tapping three fingers together means they kneel. A raised hand means to go silent. If they don't respond, they get severely punished. Caretaker has a tendency to talk with their hands and accidently triggers Whumpee. They don't know the signal to return them to normal.
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echoingalaxies · 3 months
Whump drabbles, 12/100: kick.
It wasn’t the first time Whumpee had knocked the wind out of Caretaker when he went to console them during what appeared to be a vivid nightmare.
“It’s okay,” he grunted between shallow breaths, doubled over in pain, while Whumpee sobbed, apologizing profusely.
“I thought you were him…”
“I know.” Caretaker lay next to them, still holding his stomach. “Honestly, it was on me this time. Next time I’ll try not to startle you so badly.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, shush.” Caretaker opened his arms, letting Whumpee snuggle against his chest. “It’s just good to see you finally fighting back.”
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