#yandere tears of themis
flokali · 4 months
— Concept: Student Yandere and Professor Darling
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Warning: GN! Reader, blackmail, n/on-con, d/ub-con, age gap, student-teacher relationship, push-over reader, unfair ending, n/oncon recording, uhh ask to tag!
A/N: just a concept that plagued me for a while... hhhhhhh;; i'm so normal ab this
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Any dynamics that involve an authority figure and a subordinate, no matter how innocent they may initially seem, are doomed from the start for either or both of the parties involved. 
There’s an underlying power imbalance, someone holds the authority over the other, there is no nice way to put it, unfortunately. 
Most of the time, in fics, I see a lot of Yan professors creeping on their students, but the thought of a student Yan harassing their beloved professor has been plaguing my mind. 
I see the relationship as one that starts sweetly, you’ve noticed a certain student in your course that’s been falling behind, making mistakes that should have long been addressed, their work is always late or partially done and you’re growing slightly annoyed at them for wasting your time and misusing theirs as well, you’d offered them private tutoring when you found out it seemed to be only your course where they were turning in these less than acceptable projects. 
They reject, seemingly embarrassed that you’d even offered such a proposal. You try to calm their nerves down, you’re pretty young yourself, you only graduated a few years ago and you won’t charge them, it won't be a daily thing but they can pop in every once in a while at your office so you can review and work on assignments and such. The hesitant look on their face seems to slowly be melting off.
You continue insisting, you lay out the facts as they are; they’re a brilliant student who has been passing all other courses and extracurricular activities with flying colors, so why is that your course has become such a challenge to them? You’be seen them work and the way they behave during class, you’ve even noticed how some students go to them to try and clear up any questions and study together with them, rumors about them being easily one of the college’s star students were always going around, so it’s either that they’re making shit up and lying to their peers, which you doubt since you’ve seen their works before and after reaching out to them, or they were purposefully trying to fail your class, maybe they thought it’d be easier and decided to try it and decided from the get go not do their best – after all, it wasn’t as if all of the work they’ve handed is bad, there’s some clear understanding of what they’re doing, it’s just that they seem insistent on missing something, even if it means inconsistencies in their resume of work, the assignments that made up less percentage of the overall grade were done well enough but anything that was important was clearly half-assed. You explain your concern; you’re genuinely worried your class might hold them back from graduating with their peers, if things kept going on like this, they’d fail your class and if they did, they’d have to repeat the semester and risk graduating a year or so later.
It’s then that they pull out a card they’d been holding on to dearly for a situation such as this, a perfectly curated story meant to pull at your heartstrings and lead you into their honey sweet trap;
They start going on about a sob story about their parents’ jobs, how they were struggling financially for a while since their parents cut them partially off for choosing a college out of their town, and how they’re supposed to provide for themselves for things such as food and bills, about how their schedule is always so busy trying to balance college, their friendships, mending their relationship with their parents, and their job on top of all studying they’ve been doing, how your class had unfortunately been the least of their concerns and that they’re immensely sorry to have worried you and that they are willing to do anything to make up for their past grades. 
You can empathize with such a dilemma, being fresh out of college yourself, the memories of balancing relationships, work, and academics are still freshly etched into your mind. 
They clearly seem burned out and your heart aches seeing a student as promising as themselves dim down so drastically. You’d hate to be one class that impedes them from graduating on time, you don't want to be the lone profesor responsible for slowing down such a valuable asset to society.
You sit them down and try to offer them some advice, you were in a similar situation when you were in college yourself, you try to explain the ways you managed to survive and bypass college, going into detail about your own problems and how you were able to live through it all. They seem visibly more relaxed during the conversation, nodding along and explaining their own feelings and hardships, you both manage to sympathize with each other and come to an arrangement.
It’s completely under the table since you are worried what it might look like, but from now on until the end of this semester you’d use a more relaxed, less strict grading system for them, after all, they did have a legitimate reason for their behavior and they were willing to make up for it. That is, under the condition that they start taking tutoring classes from either yourself or a fellow classmate, they weren’t able to balance the studying schedule necessary so you’d try and manage at least one aspect of it for them to try and make their life a little bit easier.
They agree gladly, but not before asking if you could be the tutor, when you’d questioned their request they explain themselves, seemingly embarrassed for their own reasoning;
“I don’t want it to get out that I’m failing your class, professor…” The smile they wear seems genuine and shy and you nod in understanding, college students are only older teenagers, after all, most of them are still stuck in their high school mentality and you wouldn’t put it past a bunch of immature little shits to try and mess with someone who was struggling.
What you don’t know is that they’ve been planning for something like this to happen from the get go, always going out of their way to purposefully present themselves as a stupid, pathetic and incompetent student that would need their hot professor’s (your) help to pass the course.
During your first couple of sessions they work extra hard to make themselves seem as ditzy and clueless as possible, making as many mistakes and errors as humanly reasonable without getting you too annoyed at them. They even begin to dress in slightly more provocative ways, their speech seems more flirtatious, their touches linger on your shoulders for longer than necessary, but you brush it off, trying to ignore the signs, and think of it as a silly crush, opting to try to focus on helping them get through this semester with either a decent or average grade.
Their grades are getting better but with the current pace, you were afraid it wouldn’t be enough.
So, you ignore the uncomfortable, sinking feeling in your gut and suggest making your tutoring sessions more frequent - instead of once a week maybe twice or thrice if it was really necessary.
You didn’t expect them to suggest going to your place. Originally, you’d suggested either the library or a cafe, but they said they felt too embarrassed and self-conscious at the idea of their peers watching him, they claimed they’d probably make fun of them for needing help for a course they’d been taking for almost a whole semester at that point.
They insist on your place, but you reject the idea, they say it’s either there or at their place because elsewhere you both risk either staff or some of the student body seeing you both together and getting the wrong idea. The conversation goes on for hours until you’re exhausted and give in. 
They are a good person, right? Even if the thought of a student knowing where you lived made you uncomfortable, it wasn’t like they’d do anything about it… right?
You try to limit the study space to your living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen every once in a while if you notice the snacks you had brought weren’t enough, but never further than that. Your bedroom and office were completely off limits, you’d made it explicitly clear that if you caught them wandering far you’d have no choice but to kick them out and stop the tutoring, possibly even having to call the campus’ authorities if you felt they were getting too out of line – your reputation be damned. 
They also were only allowed to come over during the weekends and on specific weekdays where no one would be able to catch him entering your apartment.
They agree and promise to follow every single one of the rules you’d put in place.
But it doesn’t take long for them to start going back on their word and start “exploring” your living space, it started small – simply walking around your living room, examining framed pictures, looking over books, memorizing the placement of your trinkets and decor, making a mental note of the colors you used in the space, they make sure to remember to try and look up where you got your cushions and everything as well, they start looking into you fridge and pantry to make see what you eat, if there’s any indication of a possible food allergy; it’s all investigative work for your future together. It’s not too long before they’ve memorized your living room and are drawn to the rest of your house. They've gone to your bedroom and studied the space, taking note of the way you made your bed and how many pillows you have, they also have made a list of products you use and like, such as scents and soaps, to make sure your transition to their place is as smooth as possible. Soon, they could very well draw a floor plan of your place and recreate your home in the most basic of softwares. 
The only reason you haven’t caught up to them is because they’ve taken to spiking your drinks with sleep medication, strong enough dosages that you’ll be knocked out for a while, but not enough that you’ll realize you were drugged.
It’s during your sleeping state that the next part of their plan starts to take action. They’ll purposefully plant evidence in your home of their presence and snap pictures, suddenly their underwear is in your laundry basket, and why are you wearing their hoodies to sleep, huh? They’re meticulously planned and staged pictures that make it look like you were engaging in a romantic relationship, but it’s not enough — they need more, something more extreme. More incriminating, something that would absolutely destroy your career and reputation if it came out.
What about a picture of them going down on you? Or one with their cum all over your face? Your naked figure cuddling up to their bare chest? Some makeup to look like hickies could look realistic in pictures too, you know. Maybe them on top of you… or you on top of them? Or one where your lips are sucking their fingers like a —! Ah, the thought has them blushing! All of these photos are like their dreams come true! You look like such a perfect spouse, taking their love~ They make sure to clean up the space, but they’re growing bolder and more confident in their work.
They even have videos of themselves jacking off on top of you, but they’re always so good at making it seem like you’re awake and participating in these activities! It really does look like you’re helping them get off with your own mouth.
You’re such a naughty professor seducing your innocent, sweet student like that!
It’s sick, they’re sick and they know it fully well but they don’t care, as long as they don’t get caught – there’s no way in hell they’ll stop.
Their grades begin improving and there’s no longer any fear of them failing your class, in fact you’d go as far to say they’ve easily become one of your best students in terms of grades. Things seem to be looking up and you’re pretty proud of yourself for having had a positive impact on them, which is why you come to the conclusion they won’t be needing your tutoring anymore. 
You call them over to your office after classes, making sure to be as nice as possible. At first you were annoyed and put off by them, their initial behavior was unsettling and persistent, but after a couple of months of getting to know them you’ve grown to care for them and genuinely wish them the best, you’d pointed out how teaching them had been a joy and you’d always end the sessions feeling better than before, which is why you’d chosen to end the tutoring. You lay out the facts as they are, their grades have improved and there’s no longer any threat of them failing your class, you’d also be risking people misunderstanding the situation if it went any longer, if word came out you’d been using a different rubric to grade them until recently and that they’d been going over to your place, it would simply look bad for both of you. You’d risk getting sanctioned, possibly even losing your job if things were taken in the wrong way, and they could repeat the semester or even have their work in your class be null and having to take a new course entirely, if not even being kicked out.
There’s a minute of silence between the two of you, the air is thick and you wonder if you should have been softer in your delivery as you watch them process your words.
It takes them a while, you decide to give them the time because you have indeed noticed how they’d seem to grow ever so attached to you and they might take this a bit too personally, but you’re soon starting to grow increasingly uncomfortable as the silence continues.
You’re about to say something again, try to soften the blow with some generic encouragement about how they’ll do well regardless of you being their tutor or not, when you hear them chuckle softly under their breath.
You’re taken aback, your eyes widen in surprise and you unconsciously lean back into your chair, but that seems to have further encouraged their laughter as soon they’re covering their face with the back of their hand as they double over in laughter.
It’s strange but you decide to give them a few seconds to regain their composure, maybe this was a nervous habit? You’d heard of people who’d laugh when anxious, but you’d never seen something so theatrical.
They slowly sit back up, wiping tears from their eyes as a few chuckles escape their smiling lips. They haven’t fully calmed down but seem to be making an effort to continue the conversation nonetheless.
“Ah, professor,” your last name tumbles from their lips in a joyous manner but their eyes look icy as they stare at you, their voice feels more aggressive even if the words came out from a smile, “don’t be so ridiculous, I think things are working pretty well as they are, I have no desire to change our… relationship.” 
You’re taken by surprise, their word choice feels odd and purposeful, but you insist regardless.
“There is no relationship between us,” you state, “I am your professor, do you understand? That means that if I say your tutoring is over, it’s over; I have been going easy on you and helping you out but do not misinterpret my intentions, you are my student and that’s where our acquaintanceship ends. If you think you’ll continue needing help, I’m certain our TA will be more than glad to step up and help you out.”  
They smile as they take their phone out of their pocket and your stomach drops for a second, wondering what on earth they could have there. They slide it towards you after unlocking it, they’re carefree in their handling of the device and your nerves start to rise, a gut wrenching feeling settles in your stomach, you don’t really understand what you’re seeing at first but once you do you feel your blood run cold.
You don’t even realize they’ve walked behind your chair, too focused on the picture of your naked body cuddling up to their equally nude form. They’re smiling, tenderly caressing your bare shoulders, embracing your body in such a loving manner it looked like you were lovers. When… When did they take this? 
Your voice is shaking but they don’t answer you, instead opting to crouch beside you and show you the hundreds of incriminating pictures themselves.
They start telling you a story based on the pictures, the one they seemed to be telling you even if you knew that everything they depicted was fake, about a promiscuous professor that seduced their student, coaxed them into a relationship and took advantage of their position to influence the student into falling in love with them.
You want to tell them it won’t work, threaten to call the dean or the campus police, but they quickly clear out any confusion; “Would anyone believe a student would seduce a teacher and that it’s not the other way around?”
You know exactly what they mean; you’re the professor, you hold the authority. You had never been able to put a stop to it because you had no idea what they were doing but that didn’t matter, it was your word against theirs and they had “evidence”.
They seem proud of themselves too, telling you about all the ways they set up the rooms and photos to make sure they looked as real as possible. They’d taken their clothes and belongings over to your place in secret, made sure to apply makeup in the right places with the correct lighting, it seriously felt like an art they’d perfected.
You ask them what they could possibly want, clearly it couldn’t be only your tutoring if they were going this far. They smile and tell you they simply want a relationship with you, one that goes beyond a professor and a student; from that day onwards they wanted to be your lover.
You want to say no, but they remind you of the position you’re in; “You know, I’ve got these backed up in a bunch of places, it’d be a shame if one leaked, right, professor?” 
You feel numb as they lock the door of your office and guide you on top of your desk, you barely even register them going down on you - stripping you naked and giving you oral. From that day onward, you were a prisoner to your own student.
Everyday, they’d act like any other person taking your classes, going to college, making friends, as if when your work day ended they didn’t torment you under the guise of love. Making themselves into your lover without your consent, as if you weren’t their professor, as if they weren’t your student. They celebrate your birthday and make you celebrate theirs, you go on dates outside of town so as to not be caught, there are times you almost forget the perverse nature of your relationship - but it always comes back to haunt you. They always come back to haunt you.
They make sure not to show any of the images to anyone for as long as they’re going to the college. They need to keep an eye on you, make sure your looks and personality don’t charm any other student - they’d hate to get rid of their classmates due to your unknowing seduction. They’re so good at acting like they weren’t bending you over your kitchen counter the minute they followed you home, you’d almost believe they were only your innocent, well meaning student if they didn’t send you videos of you two fucking as extra-curriculum activities.   
They also take your courses religiously to make sure to always be in contact with you; you could never escape them, they’ll follow you home and come inside even if you try to shut the door behind you. Whenever you tried changing the lock they'd find a way to break in anyway, on campus they’d sneakily follow you everywhere and harass you. Those who notice, the few that do, think of it as cute, an innocent puppy crush that would fade by next semester. 
It’s not until they gets their diploma three years later that they releases a drive full of the videos and pictures, making sure to add dates and location, everything to prove you were fucking a student. You were a whore of a professor seducing their students.
You’re fired immediately and it’s not long until your friends and family cut contact with you for seducing a poor college student and using your power over them as leverage. Nobody wants to hire you, they’d make sure to document every single dirty detail of your relationship so as to ruin your reputation until you’d be forced to turn to the only person who didn’t turn their back on you.
You can only walk into their open arms as they suggest finally moving in together, possibly getting married, and maybe even having a couple of children now that they have graduated and received their degree.
But even through it all, they still have the audacity to call you their beloved “professor”. 
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Characters: Lisa (GI), Scaramouche (GI), Al-Haitham (GI), Kaeya (GI), Ayato (GI), Jing Yuan (HSR), Luocha (HSR), Aventurine (HSR), Vyn (TOT), Rafayel (L&DS), Ibara (ENSTARS), Eichi (ENSTARS), Yuzuru (ENSTARS), Cater (TWST), Rook (TWST), Kylar (DOL), Whitney (DOL), literally anyone you want really (TT)
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fanfic-gallery · 2 months
manger's random tots #8 [ NSFW MDNI ]
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|| cw (dead dove) : implications of stalking, spying
» manager's note: with the trending of the milkman over all my social media nowadays, i've decided not to hop on this train- but instead, write about some other type of pretty boy with a low paying profession (no, this is not a 'that's not my neigbour' fic, thank you) hope you guys enjoy...? (i had the idea him being an oc in mind but you can slap whatever character you want <3)
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the neighbourhood mailman; absolute sweetheart, can do no wrong- sometimes giving away small little treats and nick-nacks along side the letters, pulling off light tricks and pranks to gargle a laugh or two, trying to brighten people's days.
yet, most don't seem too kind about his selfless gestures; impatient and grumpy bastards telling him off, yelling at him to knock it off with his piercing bike bell and 'nice guy' act.
on days like those, the only thing that seemed to be his light at the end of the tunnel, after gurgitating hours of cycling about under pretty harsh weathers, being chased off walk-way after walk-way... was you, his last patron of each day.
you weren't one of the first few in his delivery route; yet, you barely lived far down, so why is it that you were always his last? "...don't know... your letters always seemed to be at the bottom of the pile~" is what he claims; when in truth, he just wishes to spend the rest of his late-evening chatting your ear off with fun little misadventures he had during the past week.
he felt... cherished for once in his life; not someone needing to deal with the sour attitudes of people when they're all huffy or some boy-toy, taking his acts of service as an invitation to go running their hands all over him. he loved how he could play around, joke and complain without having the need to refrain himself. he felt... alive.
so it was to no one's surprise that he developed a massive crush on you; always giving you a little extra compared to the other townsfolk. full length handwritten letters, extra savings of candy and snacks he's been distributing that day, that box of pastries you seemed to have been eyeing up for the last few days or that prize you didn't manage to win during on one of your latest trips to the arcade.
seems light-hearted enough, right? if only you knew what other little treats he placed within your regular delivery... envelopes holding typed-letters; pouring his love for you over the many, many pages... each line, each paragraph... sometimes even rambling off into tangents- tangents of what he had been dreaming to do to you since day one... since the day you noticed his pains and took upon yourself to heal him back up.
yet, these sick fantasizes, these twisted thoughts on paper- you never blamed him for it, why would you went the initials signing off the letters eerily matched the creep that lived a few houses down from yours, who always seemed to have brought themselves false hope in charming you even after you said no.
no... you would never blame the innocent, naive mailman who's barely paid enough to suffer from verbal abuse every day of his life; barely having the funds to keep a himself together; yet, still cherished the happiness of others over his own.
maybe that's why you always seemed to accept his 'lustrous' gifts, especially that medium-sized stuffed bunny he so graciously sewed for you for valentine's to rid you of your loneliness. its soft yet limp body still laying on your bed, oblivious of the shine behind its dull black spheric eyes.
"...hah... hah...~" lustful eyes smiling as his flushed features melted against the monochrome screen he's stuck himself to, body trembling with each stroke of his throbbing cock, relishing in the soft breaths as you slept, spurring more pre to drip down his plush thighs, drenching the ground beneath his cheap desk chair. "...soon... soon, my love... i'll tell you the truth..."
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lavandulawrites · 4 months
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Attack on Titan
Yandere Alphabet A, C, H and J with Jean
Polished (Yandere Levi x reader)
Bungo Stary Dogs
Yandere Alphabet A, I, N and Z with Akutagawa
Yandere Alphabet H, I, J and S with Atsushi
NSFW Alphabet with Dazai
Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs men on their first date with their darling: Chuuya and Tanizaki
A Wingless Angel (Yandere Jouno x reader)
Yandere Alphabet A, G, I and X with Jouno
Yandere Alphabet A, N, Q and X with Poe
Yandere Alphabet C, I and O with Poe
Yandere Alphabet E, H, T and W with Poe
Demon Slayer
Nothing yet
Genshin Impact
Sumeru’s Damsel In Distress (Yandere, Alhaitham, Cyno, Kaveh, Tighnari x reader)
The Grocery Trip (Yandere Alhaitam x reader)
In the Arms of A Longing Man (Yandere Childe/Ajax x reader)
Hurry Before The Dinner Gets Cold (Yandere Dottore x reader)
Yandere Alphabet with Il Dottore
Soft Jazz (Lyney x reader)
Yandere Genshin Men On Their First Date With Their Darling: Venti
Honkai Star Rail
Aventurine With a Pregnant Reader
Fleeting Promises (Yandere Aventurine x reader)
Yandere Dr. Ratio With a Smarter Darling
A Crimson Dream (Yandere Sunday x reader)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fire Escape (Yandere Choso x reader)
Devilish Creatures (Yandere Gojo x reader)
Hiding In the Closet (Yandere Nanami x reader)
Nothing yet
Moriarty the Patriot
Nothing yet
Obey me
Nothing yet
Tears of Themis
Nothing yet
The Case Study of Vanitas
Nothing yet
Multi fandom/characters drabbles
Men who love eating you out
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kiskyz · 1 year
Yandere Vyn Profile
Template made by @cinnamonest can be found here! Thank you<3
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Vyn is very aware. Like very. Very. This is thanks to his voice tapes from when he does his self-psychological checkups. He realizes throughout the recordings, his feelings are changing from just an innocent crush to something darker. He doesn’t know how to react at first. He should try to stop his condition from worsening, but he’s curious. He wonders what brought along this change, and if it’s really all that bad.
You don’t notice any behavior change when he meets you the next time, and you never notice. There is a change though. He’s very subtle. He slowly starts to use psychology techniques on you, to have you isolate yourself. The only person’s change in behavior is you.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
Vyn isn’t very likely to kidnap you unless his feelings get to the point of not wanting anyone to see you. If he eventually does kidnap you, it's after a long build-up of events. Events he didn’t predict. Despite it all, he is confident in his abilities to manipulate your mind and in turn have you under his control.
He also may kidnap you simply because he thinks it’ll be entertaining. 
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape?
It’s nearly impossible to escape from Vyn; if you do, it’s most likely a result of Vyn letting you. He knows you and your mind like the back of his hand, he can tell the minute you even start to consider it. When you first think of an escape plan, you get a certain feeling of hope and anxiety. You have this certain expression that he has grown to almost, like. He finds your escape attempts humorous. You can’t believe you can really outsmart him? The way your mind thinks of uses for so many random items has him appalled. The human mind can get incredibly creative when put into dire situations.
After you fail at your escape Vyn comes to you with a smile. A smile you absolutely despise. It makes you feel so humiliated, so condescending, you want nothing more than to rip his face apart. You can also tell how excited he gets. The whole time you're being dragged away to punishment, he has a bit of a skip and a giddy expression. Disgusting.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Do you really think you can do such a thing to a psychologist? A skillful one at that.
He may go along with it, he wants to see how you do. After he reveals that he knew what you were doing the whole time, he’ll begin to teach you how to manipulate people better. His inner professor comes in very unexpected situations. His criticism really brings you back to college.
But yeah no you’ll fail. He’ll see through all your attempts in a heartbeat.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
Vyn is relatively lenient, at least it may seem like it. He seems to have trust in you, but he truly trusts himself. He trusts his own manipulation. You don’t realize how many privileges you don’t have in reality since you're the one taking them away. The only privilege you truly have is the illusion of free choice.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
Despite his thoroughness, you will still break rules whether by accident or on purpose. His rules, or rule, are very simple. Just ask him for permission. Although you wouldn’t describe it with the word “permission” more like his suggestion. You may ask him if you should go somewhere and he’d advise you not to.
His punishments vary, but they mostly always have something to do with physical pain. He also has very creative punishments. He most likely came up with these punishments when he was bored at work. As he sits in his chair waiting for his next patient he wonders how truly effective is sensory deprivation. How can he make it even more effective? Punishments are a learning opportunity for both you and him. If you're in his home office one day, you may see a notebook on his desk filled with past punishments.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Vyn never feels threatened by “rivals.” He thinks of rivals as just idiotic people who have guts. All that said and done, he still has to drive it into them that they have no chance with you. Depending on his mood he may “gently” tell them you’re taken or give them a little psychological breakdown! He doesn’t often do the ladder because it takes a decent amount of effort but he definitely enjoys it more. Sometimes these psychological breakdowns lead to an unfortunate death.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
It’s hard to make him mad. The only way you can make him mad is to do something serious that he didn’t see coming. He always is amazed when you do something unpredictable, it reminds him of why he began to like you. Yet if this action is breaking free from his manipulation, he is furious. If you ever outsmart him on the psychological level his poker face cracks. 
There are different levels to his anger and you rarely see the worse. His anger is usually covered up unless it’s for something petty. He loses himself when he loses his temper. When he gets this mad, he excuses himself from the room to try and calm himself. He can’t trust himself in that condition.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
He views all people as beneath him whether he realizes it or not, and you are no different. He sees you as under him. You are indeed very smart, but at the end of the day, you are just an empathetic person. You sometimes are blinded by personal feelings when dealing with certain cases. He doesn’t make it a big deal though. You would never even know he thinks of you as anything below him.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? 
He is very determined whether he even knows it or not (he does.) Although he doesn’t have to try that hard to get you to love him, he does. Psychology knows a lot about love. He knows what can make someone fall for another. What he does may even be considered as PUA techniques just with a different outcome. When he eventually gets you to love him back, he wants to see how far he can push it. Maybe he can make you love him as much as he loves you.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
His knowledge of psychology is what really differentiates him from others. It’s almost a sort of cheat code in a sense. Although other yanderes may be able to manipulate their s/o, he is on another level. The chances of you even realizing what is happening are very, very low, and even if you do learn of it, he knows how to speed up the Stockholm syndrome process.
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cupcakesmoothie · 1 year
Spoilers for Marius' Mirage of You card
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AND MC????
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sxcchxrine · 1 year
psst… send in some edit requests please. they’re open… yall wanna ask sooo bad ooooohhhh
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peachgea · 2 months
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idk the actual context of these cards so i went with my imagination
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mvskedxrtist · 4 months
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Hey everybody, so I've been having a tiny bit of a thinking process about this account. I'm getting rid of MDZS, I love it I really do. But I think it's a bit too hard for me to write for plus not that many people look at it. I'll still keep my Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen fics up, I'm just changing it. So
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foxmenbetter · 1 year
Yandere Vyn x unnervingly willing reader
English isn't my first language and I probably wont be proofreading this so sorry if it really sucks...
fem reader, 13+(?), kidnaping, yandere, mention of unhealthy work enviorments, reader is NOT Rosa, alchohol usage described, feeverish kissing, longg blocks of words<3
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It was quiet, incredebly lonely and quiet. The only thing heard was slow creaking of her bed every few minutes as she tossed and turned restlessly. She could not beleive that he could do something like that, it was so unpredictable and cruel of him but with a sense of betrayal she felt a sense of relief. 'He hasn't done anything bad to me for now so why should I still be so scared? He has always been the most comforting person in my life.'
She thought. As a helper attorney of the attirney of a current highest win rate of all attornies is stresfull to say the least, she needed a break every once in a while but the work culture here is so incredebly different from where she had spent her life, here it was encoureged for her to stay later to work and keep everything in place. Of course her boss always encoureged her to leave on time but whenever he said that it went in one ear and out the other because everyone else stayed.
The ammount of times when she said she'd fix her sleep schedule is almost the same as the ammount of times she still stayed up late to play stupid mobile games she found only annoying and finished in a week of starting them. With a life as uneventful as her's her only light of the day was a young gentleman she would meet on her ride home from work from time to time. With enough time she realised it was one of her bosses aquitances and since then he has been visiting the law firm a bit more then usual and greeting everyone he knew, although he never made her fully feel as if shes the center of his attention his smile felt brighter while talking to her, he would give small trinkets to everyone but sometimes give her extra.
She felt as if he knew he was slowly making her fall in love with him more and more everyday so subtly but not too little so that her heart would weaver. Her suspicions were mainly confirmed when she found out he was a psychologist. Although she has had been at multiple psychology studies to help her improve at work, and that limited knowledge has helped her in multiple situations she felt as if she had yet to learn a lot about the study itself and shouldnt try to decipher his intentions as a deeper thing then shown so she gave up on her theory of the thing she felt only boosted her ego and completly shut the tought off.
She was reminiscing how it led to her being in such a fancy bedroom all alone, knowing she went out with some of her friends that day she thought it was a hook up of sorts but she felt no aftermath of any sorts or any kind of mark. She couldn't find her phone so her mind quickly went to the worst option, she was kidnapped, just as she started going for the door it opened and inside walked Vyn. "Oh hey you're awake? Are you feeling well?"
"Vyn..?" She said, but still couldn't recall meeting him along the way. "Just how did I end up here? Ah- also i'm-" just as she was about to say "I'm alright" a sudden headache hit her mid sentence, Vyn quickly figured out what was going on and encoureged her to lay on the bed while he got a glass of something that would help her feel better. A few minutes passed and Vyn was finally back with the medicine, he slowly guided her head up and held the glass to not make her spill anything on herself before answering her earlier question. "I brought you in after you called me drunkenly so I quickly came to pick you up and bring you home. Do you like your room?"
"My home? But this place isn't my appartment, what's going on Vyn??" She tried to get an answer out of him with the little ammount of strenght she had after resting up for a while but he wouldnt budge and quietly shushed her. "Don't you worry about anything anymore, you're going to be here for the rest of your life. Shouldn't you be happy? I sure was after hearing your drunken confession of love towards me. It made me feel so much joy!" Vyn was so overjoyed in fact he immedeatly brought her to his secret place he has been preparing for you to be the most comfortable for so many years.
When it all finally clicked in her head she remembered all the times she brought the same brand of chocolates he gave her only for them to not taste as delicious and lovable as the ones he gave her, he always messed with them to be special, 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖍𝖎𝖒. 'Have I always been this oblivious to his affections?' She thought, overcome with joy she hugged him and cried, cried so much and thanked him with not a hint of forcefullness in her voice. He knew what she was thinking and he loved the idea of her being so in love with him. Years of psychology and crime investigation payed off and brought his, oh so perfect, senior right to his hands.
All the years if praying to see her again, for her to aknowledge his entire exsistance and only be with him. Years of stalking and checking every single route she takes, becoming so currupt he would use his money to scare away anyone who would come close. Having a room specially dedicated to her and her only, full of pictures and videotapes he secretly took. A shrine to pray for her health every hour of the day. Excuses he was religious only to come and pray to god to preserve her entire exsistance. Having enough love in his heart for her he loved her during times when she thought she was the deffinition of disgusting. But he wouldn't let that slide, he would write so many positive messeges and declerations of his love his hand was getting sore writing new things every day. Hoping his wishes would get to his beautiful darling.
He was slowly going crazy over the overstimulation because of the ammont of praise he was getting from his beautiful angel. He couldnt take it any longer and started kissing her, and she always dreamed of being loved so much by him that he can't take his lips off of her. Each and every part of her face, neck and hands he kissed got hotter and hotter it was near impossible to refuse him and she wouldn't do it, not to him nono...
Unable to take not kissing him back anymore all she could do was weep from his affections. It was a wonderful sight, all she wanted to do was stay with him and relax and just be happy everyday. Activities such as doing the laundry or the dishes were more eventful when she did it with him. She couldn't wait for him to come home everyday to show him all the new things she discovered. Being able to be so at peace everyday was so nice to her. It felt like an eternal break.
The end cuz I dont know what to write anymore :)
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matcha-berry · 2 years
When the light leaves his eyes >>>>
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yukiotadako · 2 years
Hello! I'm a fellow gn writer from and I wanna start doing some writing here! I can take fem,male, and NB reader requests but if I don't get any requests it will mostly be male ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Fandoms I can write for:
Genshin impact
Jekyll & Hyde MASM
Harry potter
Spy X family
Shadows house
Tears of themis
Project sekai
One piece
Black clover
Obey me
Yandere simulator
Jujutsu kaisen
Blue lock
If you have any other fandom you want to request feel free to tell me!!
Here are the stuffs I can write.
Enemies to lovers
Same gender fics.
Once I learn more stuffs I'll try my best to start writing more genres (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) (also ill try my best for like smut and all)
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fanfic-gallery · 2 years
manager’s random thots #6 [NSFW MDNI]
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|| cw : dead dove - do not eat, mentions of manipulation, infidelity, violence, forms of assault
✎ manager's note : you guys seem to love these ‘something somthing’! yanderes a lot- a lot a lot- so here’s more to quench that thirst lolol [but for real, i loved the maternal yandere headcanons too >//<]
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✦˚ an immature frat boy who charms you every bit possible without you even realising how hard you’ve fallen till the small flutters within your stomach turned to hurricanes when the final puzzle is placed. a cliché maybe even romantic confession sequence, probably straight out of ‘your’ most beloved romcom. pinned against the lockers, ‘bully x nerd’ style or even a night by the park, walking along the almost empty side walk during a house party rave.
✦˚ once he has his clutches on you however, it could go either two ways: sweet himbo or manipulative asshat-
✦˚ the former would resemble more of a brainless jock; one that uses his body to do the talking. secretly loves clinging to your side like a giant koala, like he craves physical attention to the point of suggesting to carry you, bridal style or over the shoulder [if you’re into that ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)], at every waking moment if he views you as ‘tired’.
✦˚ would buy presents for any occasion that he sees fit from chocolate in heart shaped boxes for your one week anniversary to a whole collection of bits and bobs of your favourite things regardless of whether he has the cash to spend on anything.
✦˚ as for the later.. every day is another endless cycle of torment within your own mind. ‘am i not good enough’ or ‘i’m the problem’ are reoccurring questions that you can never make sense of. very calculative, and probably has a long written plan to drag out the process of tearing you limb from limb till you are nothing but a broken plaything that would love him and only him till death does you both part.
✦˚ infidelity is a common trait he’d use, for one it’s much easier to come by; just by sending a sly wink to the opposing sorority would have his socials flooding with messages begging him to ravish them for the night. yet it wasn’t bad enough to truly rub the salt into the wound, no.. a crafted plan would also be made to purposefully have you overhear the loud slaps of skin, engrossed moaning within the frat house’s master suit.
✦˚ two do have their similarities, example, a serious case of possessiveness. would either have an arm slung around your shoulder or a hand gripping at your waist as you both are walking. has a tendency of glaring at randos that have an eye on you, would tighten their grasp on you, sometimes even let out a low growl or heavy sigh.
✦˚ would go through extreme measures to ensure those around you know you’re his and only his. heavy PDA outdoors, straight out exhibitionism if permitted so and or the fan favourite, jewelry, displaying either his name or initials. with process involve it could end up as tattoos along anywhere visible [or maybe even a knife craving]
✦˚ violence isn’t a question. has and probably would start fights with strangers on the street either be verbal or physical and leading up to a police arrest for assault on innocent civilians. would either need your assistance for a break out from interrogation or just needs you to sit there pretty in the waiting room as he smooth talks his way out of months in custody-
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lavandulawrites · 5 months
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Feeling bored so please send in some yandere asks/requests<3
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kiskyz · 1 year
this concept has been in my mind for awhile so enjoy!
TW: general yandere stuff, non con kissing, gold digger
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“Aww~!” You grabbed the case holding a breathtakingly beautiful diamond necklace. “You shouldn’t have!”
Your boyfriend laughed, “No, no. You deserve this.”
“Babe…” You whined. “I love you so much!”
Your boyfriend, Marius Von Hagen the second son of the Von Hagen family, is a helpless romantic man with a big wallet. He bought you anything you’d show interest in, and take you to expensive places, just like the restaurant tonight. Newly opened by a prestigious chef, the cost of one person almost made you fall over but two? You couldn’t even begin to think. 
“I love you too baby~,” Marius said sickeningly sweetly to which you internally cringed.
What an idiot.
You would think that if you’re the executive president of the Pax Group, you’d be able to spot a gold digger. Yet here you are! A gold digger using said executive president for his money.
“I have something important to tell you,” You paused, “after dinner.”
He nodded, taking another bite of his steak.
You spent the dinner talking very little, unlike your usual over-the-top lovey-dovey talk. You had to think over how to approach a sensitive topic. 
Breaking up.
Despite how good he treats you, he’s been getting on your nerves lately, not to mention you don’t like doing stuff like this for over a year. It’s time you moved on to someone different.
You walked out of the restaurant and finally spoke up, “Can you just drive me home today?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Are you ok? You’ve been quiet all night and now this… Are you sick or-”
“No just… Let’s talk about it in the car, alright?” You smiled and got in the front passenger seat, Marius following suit.
As he started the car, you were lost in thought. You don’t know exactly what reaction to expect from him. 
“Ok. I-I’m sorry but…” You tried to seem as helpless and hurt as possible. “I think we need to break up.”
He was silent.
“I-I just think!” You looked out the window. “You're great but it’s just not working out.”
He pulled out of the parking lot still quiet. You shifted uncomfortably.
“Hah!” He laughed.
He fucking laughed?!
“Got sick of me?” He said in a teasing voice.
“What?” You looked away from the window at him.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t know,” He paused, “about your ulterior motives?”
Your heart dropped.
He knew.
How long has he known?
“I knew from the beginning.” His answer dumbfounded you. “How stupid do you think I am?” 
“Hah… You caught me!” You said defeated. “What do you want now? Want me to return everything you got me?” 
“How about you keep everything but stay with me!” He smiled.
“No.” You answered almost immediately. 
You wouldn’t have answered any other way, to begin with. You already decided to end things with him and what can he do? 
He laughed to himself, “That quick response saddens me.”
“Just drop me off at my house.” You looked back out the window.
The sky was dark, but the building lights made it seem bright outside. He finally pulled up to your apartment after a very awkward drive.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and he did the same.
“You can stay in the car.” You went to open the door but it was locked.
You sighed going to unlock it when a hand grabbed your wrist tightly.
“Ow! What the hell?!” He pulled your hand to his chest and you went with it.
You panicked and used your other hand to hit him, but he caught it. 
“I was fine with you using me,” You struggled in his grasp, “yet you had to go and try to ruin it.”
“Marius let me go!” You said in pain and shock.
He pulled you into a hard kiss. 
What was going on?
He bit your lip and you cried out. 
After a struggling make-out session, he finally pulled back, “Your such an idiot.”
You tried to scream but he let both your hands go and used one to cover your mouth and the other to grab your phone. You tried using your free hands to slam on the horn or anything, but he pushed you back into the passenger seat. 
“Stop struggling.” His voice was stern, unlike any voice he has ever used with you.
You nodded your head and let your body go slack.
Was he going to kill you? Was he going to get his revenge? What was he going to do?
“We’re going to go back to my house,” His voice was devoid of any emotion, “and you're going to stay there, with me.”
You looked at him in fear.
“Of course, I know no matter what I do, you’re not going to go silently and willingly.” He paused in thought. “Well sorry about this!”
You looked at him in confusion until you felt a hit on your head and everything went black.
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coolthesherry · 1 year
Yandere Marius Von Hagen x Reader (OC) - Tears of Themis Part 1
Hello everyone. This is my first time writing a lemon and a yandere character. I love our sweet boy Marius and I had this weird fantasy of mine of what it would look like. I will be publishing in multiple parts since there's a limit of words on Tumblr. Hope you all enjoy it ^^
/!\ Warning : Sexual abuse, mental abuse, swearing,gaslighting, manipulation, kidnapping, stalking, rape
"Miss, you are finally awake."
My vision is blurry. I don't know where I am.I hazily open my eyes.
[Wait. I recognize this voice.]
I almost jump and turn around. A familiar figure come into sight sitting right next to me on a satin bed.
"Marius...? Why are you here?"
My eyes are wide open. I scrutinize closely the room I am in and the person in front of me. The situation finally sinks in my head. I stare at Marius Von Hagen, the man who kidnapped me.
"That's a silly question miss. Don't tell me you forgot what happened ? I told them to not be rough with you. Let's keep it short. I brought you here y/n. So you would finally be mine."
I stare at him quietly.
[Can I take him down ? I need to escape-]
I feel a flicker on my forehead. He is pouting like a small child. I can sense some amusement and mischief in his eyes. I cannot hide the surprise and fear in my eyes. The man in front of me looks exactly like how he would usually be, playful, but this time his aura was hiding something sinister darker and much more dangerous.
"Miss, you aren't listening. What a bad girl. I was saying that you can't get out of this place without my permission. There is a password with a digital handprint lock on it. Only I can use it of course. Ah but don't worry ! There is everything for you here, miss. Feel free to look around while I'm busy."
I feel anger rising inside my head. I look furiously at him and clench my teeth. My knuckles are turning white.
"Have you gone crazy, Von Hagen ! Who do you think you are ! You think you can control me and make me yours ! I do not belong to you!"
"Oh but you will. Soon enough that is."
I stare in disbelief at the person who is my boss and was someone I considered a friend. He puts a finger beneath my chin to make sure our eyes meet.
"And I will be yours as well. Think about it, Miss. Who wouldn't want a handsome rich husband like me ? I have both money and power. You can get anything you want. Use me as much as you wish."
He gets up and walk around the room. He wears an air of condescendance and superiority.
"You are the one who spoke of mutual interest the first time we met when I wanted to hire you. This time it's the same."
"Don't fuck around with me ! It was a contract ! A proposal to get a job with mutual consent ! Kidnapping is a crime ! I don't remember agreeing to this and you will get down for this ! People will-"
"Don't be so naive, y/n. Have you forgotten who I am exactly ? I am a symbol of wealth and power. You think the law and police will protect you ? There are loopholes that I can exploit. Evidence that can be erased. With Pax as my strongest weapon, nothing can get in the way of what I want."
Another wave of uneasiness and anxiety kicks in. My throat is sore.
[How much twisted and crazy is he ? He seems serious enough to pull this shit out. Damn it. How did I end up in this bloody mess!?]
His slender figure approaches me slowly.
"You do not have any way of escaping, y/n. Just give in to your inner desires. If you want something say it. I will give the world to you. In exchange, become my wife."
"I refuse! What I want is my freedom ! I won't let you have your way, Von Hagen !"
"My, my. How feisty."
He smirked.
"But then again it's one of the reason why I love you, y/n. I will take pleasure in making you submissive to your future husband. The more you resist, the more it turns me on. And when you will be broken and full of despair,I will show you my love and affection. That way you will realize how much you need me. How much of a good person I am. And love me passionately."
"You sadist motherfucker ! You can dream. I'm not some Stockholm syndrome victim who's gonna fall in love with a smug bastard like you ! You are just a manipulative young brat !"
Laughter erupts.
"I love your honesty, y/n. It's refreshing. I have made no mistake in bringing you here. You are the woman of my dreams. My queen. A king like me needs a fitting and worthy one."
He walks up.
"Sadly I have other things to do. I would love to spend more time with you but, I am still busy making preparation to get all your belongings here. And also about our honeymoon and our wedding coming up."
[Does this man selfishness and arrogance knows no bound ?]
"You can explore this luxury room. I hope it fits your taste. If you need anything, just pick a piece of paper and write something on it. Send it to the dumb waiter over here. I know you miss me already but you know how to be patient, sweetheart. I will be back in a few hours. Until then, don't do anything naughty Miss !"
I can see his signature smile.
He's watching at me like everything is normal.
That's what makes the situation scarier.
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kissedcloud · 2 months
choose your adventure. 𝝑𝝔 not a writing blog; this is a fanfic archive only 𝝑𝝔
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cloud strife
reno sinclair
rufus shinra
zack fair
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noctis lucis caelum
gladiolus amicitia
prompto argentum
ignis scientia
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clive rosfield
joshua rosfield
barnabas tharmr
benedikta harman
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leon kennedy
ada wong
luis serra
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marius von hagen
artem wing
luke pearce
vyn richter
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bakugo katsuki
todoroki shoto
hitoshi shinso
amajiki tamaki
kirishima eijiro
yo shindo
chisaki kai
todoroki enji
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ryomen sukuna
utahime iori
fushiguro megumi
zen'in naoya
kamo choso
gojo satoru
geto suguru
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kageyama tobio
oikawa tooru
akaashi keiji
rintaro suna
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pick your poison.
fake dating
tattoo artist
last updated, 5/21/24.
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