#yes I was watching Musketeers again
intheconfessiondial · 8 months
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Redraw of the cape post, because that entire concept deserved better than the illustration I gave it.
460 notes · View notes
miku-bookclub · 2 years
just as the founding fathers intended
3 notes · View notes
corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Love Comes Walking In - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie didn’t want to go to prom, until he wanted to go with Chrissy. You wanted to go to prom, but not if Eddie is going to go with Chrissy. But above everything, you want Eddie to be happy.
Note: this whole thing mostly came about because I wanted to write the one scene with Dustin. You’ll know the one.
Words: 6k
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Eddie teasing you was nothing new. His lighthearted jabs about your skirt making you look preppy or having sleepy eye boogers first thing in the morning roll off your back, occasionally even making you laugh along. But when he teases you about wanting to go to prom, that gets under your skin. 
Wanting one special night to wear a pretty gown with glowing makeup and neatly styled hair didn’t sound stupid to you. To your best friend, it seemed like torture. The whole school year Eddie would rag on you about buying into the whole conformist commercialism that you thought of as a rite of passage. That makes it even worse when he suddenly changes his tune just a week before the dance. 
“You’re being ridiculous,” Jeff complains. 
Eddie rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Just because I changed my mind doesn’t mean I’m ridiculous,” he argues.
“You changed your mind because of a girl!” Gareth shouts. 
Jabbing your green beans with your plastic fork, you stay silent as the boys bicker back and forth. Part of you was also afraid to open your mouth, unsure of what would come out.
“You say that like I’d go to prom with any girl,” Eddie snaps. “I’m not saying I’m going, I’m saying I would go with Chrissy.”
The fork is clutched so hard in your hand that you think it’s going to snap in half. 
“What’s wrong with wanting to go with anyone?” Jeff asks.
Eddie waves a dismissive hand at him and wrinkles his face up in distaste, not bothering to give a verbal response. 
“Hypocrite,” you mumble under your breath.
“I am not.” Eddie stares at you and your head jerks up in surprise that he heard you. 
“Yes, you are,” you say. “You’ve made fun of me all year for wanting to go and now because you have a crush, it’s different? Bullshit.”
“I changed my mind,” Eddie reiterates. 
“Fine,” you say with a huff. It’s not worth arguing with him over. 
“Maybe you should apologize,” Dustin suggests softly.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“Come on, you have been on her ass about it all year,” Dustin says. 
“Thanks, Dustin,” you say. “But it’s fine.”
Eddie opens his mouth, but you don’t give him a chance to speak. Chair legs scraping against the floor, you push your seat back and stand up from the table. The guys all watch as you leave, dumping your tray in the trash before stalking out of the cafeteria. 
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Arguments with Eddie rarely happened. They’re so rare that neither of you know how to react when you next see each other. Are you still fighting? Has it been long enough where you both can pretend like nothing ever happened? There’s no chance to talk to one another in your shared algebra class the next day, so it wasn’t until lunch that you really came face to face. Eddie’s at the table before you, and you plop down in your usual seat next to him. 
“We cool?” Eddie asks as you’re in the middle of lifting a forkful of mac and cheese to your open mouth. 
“Uh, yeah,” you say, eyeing him over your full fork. “I guess.” 
“Good.” He slouches down in his seat, as if he can relax now that he knows you’re on good terms. “Oh shit, here I got you something.” Eddie reaches into his metal lunchbox and pulls out a Three Musketeers bar. “Band kids are selling candy, so I bought your favorite for you. Hide it before Henderson gets here or he’ll steal it.”
“Thanks,” you say with a grin. This was exactly the reason why your feelings for Eddie would never go away. Just when he pisses you off to the point where you swear you’re never going to sit with him at lunch again, he turns around and does something sweet and thoughtful without expecting anything in return. 
“Breaking news, losers,” Gareth says as he drops his tray on the table. “I have a prom date.”
“Well shit, I guess hell has frozen over,” Mike says as he and Dustin join the rest of you. 
“You’re not a senior,” Jeff points out.
“No, but my date is.” Gareth’s smirk is enough to earn an eye roll from both you and Eddie. 
“Who’s that desperate?” 
Gareth throws a French fry at you - which you dodge - before he answers. 
“Calling Kel desperate?” 
“What?” you almost screech. “How are you going with one of the sweetest girls at school?”
“I’m super cool,” he says, making the rest of you bust out in laughter. 
“But seriously,” Jeff says.
“You’re all assholes,” Gareth says before digging into his food. “At least I have a date.” 
Eddie goes to reply, but you’re afraid of what he’s going to say, so you scoop up your backpack and excuse yourself to the bathroom. Once you step out of the cafeteria, you roll out your neck and shoulders, trying not to think of Eddie back in there talking about prom with the guys. You push the girl’s bathroom door open and breathe a sigh of relief when you’re the only one in there. Dropping your bag on the floor between your feet, you lean forward on one of the sinks and look at yourself in the mirror. A few deep breaths later, you feel your body relax. It’s short lived, however, when the door squeaks open on old hinges and two cheerleaders step in. 
You feel bad for the guttural reaction you have to seeing Chrissy’s blonde ponytail swinging behind you in the mirror. She is a complete sweetheart who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but the jealous green-eyed monster rears its ugly head and your fingers dig into the cool porcelain. 
“It really sucks,” the other cheerleader says to Chrissy. You know you’ve seen her around, but you don’t know her name. Both cheerleaders park at the sinks next to you to touch up their makeup. Chrissy throws you a bright smile and a friendly wave before taking her lip gloss out and turning back towards her friend. 
“I know,” Chrissy says. “I knew we were going to break up, but I was hoping for it to be after prom. How am I supposed to find a new date in a week?”
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that,” her friend assures her.
“I don’t know,” Chrissy says with a sigh. “Everyone probably has their dates by now.”
You squeeze your eyes shut. Your pulse is raging in your ears and sweat is starting to make your hands slip against the sink. The internal debate rages inside of you. Do you let your jealousy get in the way of something that will make Eddie happy? It would throw away any shot you had of going to prom with Eddie yourself - but you know that was a long shot anyway. 
Still undecided, you take a step back from the sink, and your backpack falls over. You bend down to pick it up and the Three Musketeer bar falls out. It feels like your gaze should melt the chocolate that’s laying before you. Damn Eddie and his thoughtfulness at buying you the stupid candy. You toss it back in your bag, wincing as you prepare self-destruction. 
“Hey, Chrissy,” you say.
She turns to you with a smile, putting the top back on her lip gloss.
“Hey! What’s up?”
“I, uh, didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” you say as you slide your backpack on. You can’t manage to look her in the eyes as you speak. “But I know someone who doesn’t have a date yet.”
“You do?” She perks up in interest and the souring of your stomach almost keeps you from going further. 
“Yeah.” It sounds painful coming out of your mouth and you hope neither cheerleader notices. “Um, Eddie? Eddie Munson.”
“Really?” her friend asks. She crosses her arms over her chest and juts a hip out. You’re two seconds away from smacking the snotty look off her face when Chrissy speaks up.
“Eddie is great,” Chrissy says, looking over her shoulder at her friend before looking back at you. “Yeah, that sounds nice. Think he’ll say yes if I ask him?”
“I do.” Those two words were almost the hardest to get out. It was killing you how much of an understatement it was. 
“Okay!” The eagerness in her voice makes you want to cry. There’s no way you’ll be able to face Eddie back in there. 
“You can, um, ask him now if you want,” you say with a shrug. With a deep breath, you head towards the bathroom door. You stop halfway out the door and turn back around. “Oh, if Eddie asks,” you say, doubting he would because he’d be too consumed by the fact that his dreams were coming true, “can you just tell him I wasn’t feeling well and left?”
“No problem.” Her brow furrows in concern and she takes a step towards you. “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” It’s the biggest lie you’ve told in a while. “Cramps.” You put your hand to your lower abdomen and Chrissy gives you a sympathetic nod.
“Feel better!”
Without answering her, you walk out of the bathroom and down the hall, to the school exit. As soon as you slide into your car, the tears start. They start pouring so heavily and your hands shake so badly that you can’t put your key in the ignition. Momentarily giving up, you drop the keys in your lap and drop your head down to the steering wheel. 
Giving yourself enough time to get the worst of it out, you pull back and use your sleeves to wipe down your face. With a deep breath, you close your eyes and try to center yourself. After a few breaths in and out, in and out, you’re able to get the keys in the ignition on the first try. You pull your car out of the parking lot and head towards your house. The conversation you had with Chrissy keeps going through your head and you can’t keep from picturing the euphoric look that will be on Eddie’s face when she asks him. The saving grace you’re holding on to is the fact that Chrissy immediately defended Eddie to her friend. There aren’t many people in the school who would do that. 
Luckily, no one is home when you get to your house and you’re able to go inside and sulk in peace in your bed. More tears leak out as you hug your pillow to your chest. You must end up falling asleep because the persistent ringing of your doorbell jolts you awake sometime later. Heart racing from the adrenaline, you pull yourself out of bed and drag yourself to the front door. 
Eddie’s standing on the other side and it’s the first time his smile has ever broken your heart. 
“You are the best!” He swoops into your house and wraps you up in his arms. “Oh shit, sorry. I forgot, Chrissy said you’re having some girl pains.”
“They’re better now that I’ve rested,” you say. “And you don’t have to thank me. Just doing what a good friend would do, right?”
“The best friend in the world!” He takes your head in his hands and presses a loud smacking kiss to your forehead. His happiness is infectious and despite your foul mood, a small smile curls on your mouth. 
“Now,” he says, taking both of his hands in yours. “We have to find a date for you.”
“Oh.” Your face drops and you shake your head. “I’m not going to go.”
It hadn’t occurred to you that Eddie would still be thinking about how you wanted to attend prom. The idea of his own perfect date should’ve been occupying his whole brain, but damn Eddie and his thoughtfulness. 
“What?” Eddie immediately frowns and it tugs at your heart. It tempts you to tell him you’ll go, but the mental image of Eddie dressed up and dancing with a flawless-as-usual Chrissy makes you bite your tongue. 
“You were right before,” you tell him. “It’s dumb and there’s shitty music. Plus, the dresses are way too expensive.” The dress you planned on wearing was already in your closet, but Eddie didn’t need to know that. 
“Are you sure?” Eddie dips his head down to meet your eyes. He raises an eyebrow at you questioningly. 
“Yeah,” you tell him. 
“I’m going to miss you there,” he says, and you almost slip up and laugh out loud at his statement. 
“Oh please, you’ll be having way too much fun to notice I’m not there.” 
“Like that could happen,” Eddie says with a skeptical look. 
You don’t bother arguing with him, even though you know he’s wrong. 
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On your way to the cafeteria the next day, you can’t bring yourself to walk in. You know if you do then you’re just going to be hearing about plans for prom and you don’t trust yourself not to break down in tears in front of everyone. There was no way you could avoid the guys entirely until prom, but you couldn’t face them today. Eddie doesn’t want to be with you. He wants to be with Chrissy. And you have to make yourself seem okay with that somehow. Just not today. 
There’s a vending machine on the way to the gym, so you pick up a bag of crackers and a bottle of coke. The gymnasium is empty, so you take a seat on the bottom row of bleachers and start to eat your sad little lunch. It’s easy to let your mind wander, so you try to redirect it away from where it wants to go. Usual calming fantasies revolve around Eddie in some way, but that’s out of the question right now. 
Your mind can’t stray far from Eddie though, so you let your mind divulge in a little dark fantasy as you eat. What would happen if you just ran away? What would happen if you just threw some clothes in a bag and bolted? You would never actually do it, but imagining Eddie being sad over you leaving brings you a sick sort of comfort. Because he would miss you. You know he loves you, it’s just not in the same way that you wish. 
As you crumble up your wrapper in your hand, the gym door opens and a familiar hat over tousled curls walks in. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even look at you, as he walks your way with his hands in his pockets. Sneakers squeak across the shiny floor and come to a sudden halt as he stops in front of you. 
Dustin dips his chin down and raises his eyes to look at you. He takes one hand out of his pocket and holds it out to you.
“Yes?” you ask, looking between his eyes and his hand. 
“I know what you did for Eddie,” he says. “We all know. Except for him, he’s an idiot. But it really was a nice thing to do. I never could’ve done it.”
“Thanks,” you say skeptically, unsure of where he was going with this. 
“He told us you said you don’t want to go to prom. I know that’s bullshit. So,” he says, bringing his hand back and extending it to you again, “I am asking you if I may take you to the prom.”
Your eyes immediately well with tears as you look up at the boy in front of you. Dustin was always one of the sweetest people you knew, but this was taking it to a whole other level. 
“Oh, Dustin,” you say. You take his hand and tug his arm until he’s sitting on the bleacher next to you. “That is the sweetest offer I’ve gotten in my entire life. But I can’t go to prom.”
Dustin sighs and nods his head.
“Can’t see them together?” he asks.
He wraps his arm around you, and you rest your head on his shoulder.
“So, everyone knows, huh?” you ask. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you stare at Eddie a lot.”
The laughter that bubbles out of you is so unexpected that you bring your hand up to cover your mouth. 
“I know,” you admit. “I do.”
“And you look at him differently than you look at anyone else,” he says. 
“Like he’s an idiot?” you ask and Dustin chuckles. 
“No, I think we all look at him that way.”
You sigh and pick your head up from Dustin’s shoulder. You pat his arm and give him a grateful smile.
“Dustin Henderson, you are the best. And if I were going to go to the prom with anybody at all, it would be you.” 
“Well, when I go to my senior prom, I hope I go with someone half as awesome as you.”
That makes the tears spill over and you hastily wipe them off your cheeks. 
“God, I love you.” You throw your arms around his neck and give him the tightest hug you’ve given anyone in a while. He chuckles as he hugs you back.
“Who doesn’t?”
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The night of prom comes, and you stand in your kitchen, alone in the house and in your comfiest sweats, making cookie dough. Screw warnings of not eating raw eggs, you were making this dough to eat, not cook. The last few days at school you went back to eat lunch with the guys but used a fake sore throat as an excuse for staying quiet and distant. You really only needed to fool Eddie though, since the other guys knew what was really going on with you. 
You take the bowl of cookie dough into the living room and set it down as you flip through the VHS tapes you’d rented earlier in the day. Steve had known about you not going to prom because, of course he did, Dustin tells him everything. You assured him it wasn’t a big deal, just wanting to get out with your movies. 
Settling on The Outsiders because you could stare at Rob Lowe all day, you pop the tape in and settle on the couch with your favorite blankets and your bowl of cookie dough. You can only eat about a quarter of the dough before your stomach has had enough. It sits on the table in front of you as you watch the rest of the movie. It’s not even eleven by the time the movie’s over but you don’t feel up to sitting through another one. You take the bowl of cookie dough back into the kitchen and stick it in the refrigerator. Thoughts of what’s happening at the prom have been trying to jam their way into your brain all night, but without the movie to distract you, those thoughts finally break in. Is there a slow song playing right now? Are Eddie’s hands on her hips or is one wrapped around her back while the other holds her hand? Is he having a good time? Are they playing any music that he likes? What did he end up wearing? You know you’ll end up seeing pictures but you’re not looking forward to seeing how pristine Chrissy is all dolled up when she’s naturally so beautiful on her own. Right now, you can imagine she’s wearing a garbage bag and her hair is all rolled up in curlers and her makeup looks like a clown’s. But once you see pictures, that illusion you’ve clung to will burst like a bubble in your heart. 
You press the heels of your palms to your eyes to try and stop the impending tears from falling. A few deep breaths and you get it under control. This heartbreak shit sucks. 
Before heading up to your room, you grab a water bottle from the fridge and your blanket off the couch. On your nightstand is a small radio and you click it on so you won’t be alone in silence with just your thoughts for company. The sheets feel cold and crisp as you slide into them. Putting your blanket back on top of you, you curl up on your side and nuzzle your face into your pillow. The light’s still on in your room, but you didn’t feel like getting up to turn it off.
The dial on your radio must’ve gotten knocked at some point - which happened often as you fumbled with things on your nightstand constantly - because smooth jazz starts playing and you huff a laugh into your pillow. You weren’t moving to fix that, either. When your parents come home, if you’ve already fallen asleep, your mom will turn both the radio and light off for you. 
But the jazz is actually more soothing the longer it plays. It calms your frayed nerves and helps you start to doze off, body finally giving in to the exhaustion you’ve been feeling from all the stress lately. 
In your half-asleep state, you hear your parents come home. They’re not exactly quiet walking around downstairs, but they also probably didn’t expect you to be sleeping this early. The thudding of your mom’s heels coming up the stairs echoes in the quiet hallway, drifting into you even over the radio. The footsteps keep coming towards your room and you’re looking forward to the sweet darkness you’ve craved when your mom gets to your room. But the lights don’t turn off. Instead, the bed dips next to you and you feel someone lay down beside you. 
She means well, you know, because she knew that you were bummed to miss prom, even if she didn’t know why. But the last thing you wanted right now was to have her try and talk to you about how you’re feeling. You know you’ll lose it and end up crying yet again. She stays quiet beside you though and you’re thankful for it. 
“I know you’re not asleep.”
The deep voice startles you and your eyes snap open. Eddie’s laying down on his side, facing you, head propped up on his arm. He’s smiling at you. It’s the first thing you notice before your eyes travel down, taking in the suit he’s wearing. Partially a suit, anyway. He’s wearing nice black slacks, which you didn’t even know he owned, with a maroon button up shirt. No jacket, but you’re not sure if he had one on earlier or not. He’s still your Eddie though, because he has his pick necklace on and his many rings adorning his fingers. 
“Look at you.” Your voice sounds a bit froggy between almost being asleep and all the crying you’ve done. “Not a stitch of denim in sight.”
Eddie chuckles. It sounds so nice. He leans over and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask.
“Came by to see my best girl,” he says. Maybe he still says it out of habit, but you’re pretty sure you’ll be losing that title shortly. 
“But prom,” you say, whinier than you intended to. 
“It’s over,” he says.
You frown and crane your neck to see the clock on your dresser. The neon green tells you that it’s just after one in the morning. You must’ve dozed longer than you thought.
“How was it?” you ask, bracing yourself for the answer. 
“Pretty much how I expected it to be.”
“Oh yeah?” The fake smile on your face is starting to feel second nature, and you hate it. “Everything you’d hoped?”
“No,” he says with a laugh. He shakes his head and twirls the ring on one of his middle fingers with his thumb. “I was right the first time. Shitty music. Horrible punch - which Principal Higgins was guarding like he was trying to keep the Huns from invading China. People at our school can’t dance for shit, myself included. And to top it all off, my favorite person wasn’t there.”
Your brow scrunches together and you sit up in bed.
“She stood you up?” 
“What?” Eddie asks. When he realizes what you mean, he closes his eyes and smiles. “No, you dork. I meant you. You weren’t there.”
“Me?” you ask. The skepticism in your voice cuts right to Eddie’s heart. He frowns and scoots forward on the bed so he can rest his hand on your hip. 
“Yes, you. You’re doubting that you’re my favorite person?”
“Well, kind of,” you say quietly. 
“Why?” he asks, and his frown makes your heart plummet into your stomach. 
“It’s just, you were so excited to go with Chrissy.”
“I was,” he admits. “But just because I had a crush on a girl doesn’t mean that you’re not still my number one.”
Had. The one word sticks in your mind and you know there are other things you should say, better things, but the question is burning your tongue so it has to come out.
“Had a crush?” you ask. 
Eddie nods and rubs his thumb over your hip bone.
“Turns out a lot of crushes can go away quickly if you actually spend time with the person.”
“Did she say something? Do something?” you ask.
“No,” he says simply. “She’s great. There was just nothing to talk about after the first twenty minutes or so. She knows nothing about my interests, and I know nothing about hers.”
“Just didn’t click?” you ask.
“Yeah, exactly,” he says. He’s silent for a moment, mouth pursed in thought. “This is a horrible analogy, but it’s what came to mind. It’s like when a present is sitting there in front of you, and it’s wrapped beautifully. Ribbons and bows and all that jazz. You just stare at it and want it, imagining what kind of fun thing could be inside. Then, you finally get it, you can hold it in your hands. You open it and it’s a new shirt. It’s nice, but not what you were expecting. You don’t dislike the shirt, it’s just not the present you wanted.” 
“Look at you with the metaphors,” you say with a smirk. “Senior English three times and you’re a full-on scholar now.”
He rolls his eyes at you and playfully squeezes the skin at your hip.
“I was being serious,” he says.
“I know. And I get it. You kissed a frog who didn’t turn into a princess.”
“And you thought I had an odd way of putting it,” Eddie says with a laugh. “But I didn’t even kiss her before I knew there was nothing there. Once the excitement wore off it was pretty boring, actually.” 
“I’m sorry it wasn’t what you wanted,” you tell him honestly. 
“I’ve always known the prom itself would suck. Just thought it might be fun with the right date. And it might’ve been, but I didn’t have that.” He takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes. “I should’ve brought you.”
The tears are coming but you force them to hold their position. It’s hard not to yell at him that that’s what you’ve wanted all along. But there’s no point. Any begging or pleading before the prom wouldn’t have gotten him to agree to take you. So, instead of living in the ‘if you realized this sooner I could have gotten to go to my prom’, you let it go by and just appreciate the fact that he wishes he had gone with you instead of Chrissy. 
“But I’ve had an idea,” Eddie says as he pushes himself off your bed. 
“And what’s that?”
“Well,” he says as he walks over to your closet. “First things first, I’ve got to see what we’re working with here.” 
“Why?” You scoot down to the foot of the bed to see what he’s doing more clearly. He’s going through your clothes, inspecting every piece, and deeming them unfit for whatever scheme he’s cooked up in his brain. 
“You’ll see. Wait. Are you kidding me?” He reaches into the back of your closet and pulls out the gold dress that you had bought for prom. “You told me you didn’t get a dress!”
“How do you know I haven’t had that dress for a while?” But your blush won’t let you get away with the lie.
“Well for starters, the tag is still on it.” He brandishes it to you and you huff.
“Okay, yeah, yeah, I had a dress. But I didn’t want to go, and I didn’t think you’d end up riling through my closet anyway.” 
“Put it on,” he says, tossing its hanger into your lap.
“I’m sorry, what?” The dress tries to slide from your lap to the floor, so you pull it up and lay it down on the bed next to you.”
“Put it on,” he says slower this time, as if that should clear up everything. 
“Because I want to dance with you,” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I mean, I’d dance with you in your sweats, but I thought you might want to get all dolled up like me.” He smirks and runs his hands down the buttons of his maroon shirt. 
“You want to dance with me?” Maybe you’re still asleep and this is all a dream. 
“Yeah.” Again, he says it as if it’s something you do every day. His casual tone is making you think you’re the one who’s not making sense. 
“Okay,” you say as you stand. “I guess I’ll go change.”
“This is your room,” Eddie says, heading to the door. “Change here, I’ll wait out here.” He walks into the hallway, closing your bedroom door behind him. 
You slip the sweatpants down your legs and tug the sweatshirt off over your head. The single strapless bra you own is at the bottom of the drawer and you have to dig your way down to find it. The gold dress has a halter neckline so there’s no way you could wear a regular bra underneath. You squeeze the bra on, and even change your panties from blue ones with butterflies on it, to one of the few lace ones you own. 
The dress unzips easily and glides down your body as you get situated. You can’t zip it yourself, but Eddie can do that for you. Most of the makeup you own is in the bathroom, but you can make do with the little bit sitting over on your dresser. Looking in the mirror, you do a soft layer of makeup and then inspect your hair. It strikes you as funny when you see yourself in a golden dress with makeup on, but total bedhead up on top. You yank the scrunchie out of your hair and shake your head to toss your hair around. It looks better but not great. Your eyes land on a silver hair clip dotted with pearls and you reach up to tuck some of your hair back and secure it with the pin. There. The look is done. 
When you open your bedroom door you expect Eddie to be waiting there but you don’t see him. You stick your head into the hall and look both ways but see no metal head. 
“Eddie?” you call.
He jogs out of your dad’s office a few doors down, carrying a few sheets of paper. Eddie comes to a halt as he takes in your appearance. Heat blooms in your face as you watch Eddie scan every last detail of this ensemble. 
“You look gorgeous,” he says. It’s enough to make you pass out, but you somehow stay standing firm.
“Thank you,” you say. “You look very handsome. Did I tell you that when you first got here?”
“No,” he says with a chuckle. “Just a remark about me not wearing any denim.”
“Which is truly a miracle. But you do look handsome. Very handsome.”
He smiles and takes steps towards you, paper still in his hands.
“What’s this?” you ask.
“I’m not very good at origami, but I did my best to turn this sheet of paper into a corsage.”
Your heart leaps at his words and it’s another battle of wills with your tears when Eddie slips his improvised flower on your wrist. Some tears win the battle, and they trail down your face. Luckily, you were smart enough to apply waterproof makeup. 
“Eddie, this is…” you trail off, not having the words to express how you’re feeling. 
“You wanted prom, so I’m giving you prom.” He takes both of your hands in his and guides you back into your bedroom. He closes the door behind him with his foot, his eyes never leaving your face. 
“Can you zip me up?” you ask. He nods and you turn around. His hands against your back sends a shiver up your spine and goosebumps break out over your arms. You hear him chuckle and he trails the tips of his fingers over your shoulders as you turn back around.
“What’s with the smooth jazz?” Eddie can’t help but laugh at the saxophone solo coming in over the speakers. 
“I hit the dial again.”
“Well, let’s fix that.” He bends down and turns the dial to find a good station. The static goes in and out, some songs coming through in pieces, or sounding like they’re underwater. It finally lands on a clear station and Eddie grins in triumph. “Perfect. Love Comes Walking In.”
“You know I love Van Halen.”
Eddie stands up straight and takes the few steps over to you. He bows in classic dramatic Eddie fashion, and he comes back up with a frown on his face.
“You’re not wearing heels. Or shoes at all.”
“Eddie, I would’ve kicked them off the moment I got there anyway,” you tell him with a laugh. “Barefoot is fine.”
“Just checking. Want this to be an authentic impromptu prom for you.”
You giggle and Eddie reaches his hand out to you. You take it and he instantly pulls you in and holds you against his body. It would be a miracle if he couldn’t feel or hear your heart beating so fast it’s like someone is dribbling a basketball beneath your ribs. His right hand takes your left and he twines your fingers together. His other hand snakes around your waist until it settles warmly on your back. You place your other hand on his shoulder and smile up at him.
“This is already better than actual prom,” he says. “Good music. Perfect date.”
Red rises to your cheeks and you duck your head shyly. 
The pair of you sway to the beat of the song, bodies moving along with the rhythm. Eddie spins you and it makes you let out a giddy peal of laughter. He pulls you back into him and you wrap both arms around his neck. He places his hands firmly on your waist as you start to sway again. 
“Thank you,” you say.
“For what?”
“You brought all the best parts of prom to me. I didn’t have to suffer through the shitty parts. I’ve got my dress, my music, my favorite person. It’s perfect, Eddie.” 
“I’ll dance like this with you anytime,” he says. “All you have to do is ask.”
The way he’s looking at you stirs some butterflies up that have been dormant until this point. He’s never looked at you this way and you’re not sure what it is. You know every Eddie facial expression and what they mean, but this one is new. His face is soft, and his eyes are wide, as usual. The brown irises are twinkling and there’s the barest smile on the left side of his mouth. 
“What are you thinking about?” you ask. 
“You,” he says. No further explanation, which leads your mind to grasping for answers as usual. 
“What about me?”
“Okay, I take back what I said about being a scholar now. You’ve lost the ability to words,” you say and wrinkle up your nose playfully at him. He catches you by surprise, though, when he leans forward and presses a kiss to the very tip of your nose. 
The blush you had before was nothing to the one now gracing your features. Eddie chuckles when he sees it and leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. 
“Do you want to have another prom tomorrow?” he asks.
“What’s that entail? Dancing with you?”
“Good music?”
“Of course.”
“Can I wear comfy clothes?”
“I’ll be wearing mine.”
“Hmm,” you hum, pretending to consider it. “Can we get food too?”
“Whatever you want.”
“I like the sound of that,” you say with a smirk.
“Is that a yes?” Eddie asks.
“Eddie, I’d have this kind of prom with you every single day.”
“Don’t tempt me, sweetheart.”
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shares-a-vest · 11 months
Prompt: Tall (Discord Drabble) I don't think I've written Steddie-height difference discourse/banter so here we go...
As Dustin huffs another frustrated breath beside her, Robin rolls her eyes. She can feel the kid folding his arms beside her as they watch Steve and Eddie flap about, arguing about their non-existent height difference near the front door.
Steve promised he would do all the restocks today while Robin showed Dustin the ropes, prepping their friend for a potential summer job – one that only Keith could officially grant.
But she didn't expect her best friend to immediately become distracted by Eddie's nonsense. He's become kind of a (total) pest, coming in on one too many breaks from the mechanic down the street to tease, taunt and sickly flirt with Steve at every possible opportunity.
Robin grips her notebook, her Bible of Family Video work processes she wants to impart on Henderson in order to impress his potential employer.
She thinks she'll just about break its goddamn spine if the scene before her carries on any longer.
"You are not taller!" Steve complains, holding his arms tight against his sides and puffing out his chest for maximum height.
Eddie snorts, "Oh pish-posh, Steve."
He mirrors Steve's stance and honestly, as she eyeballs it, Robin is sure Munson looks to be an inch taller.
... At least in his work boots.
Steve must read her mind because he quickly points to said height-assisting footwear and clicks his fingers.
"Boots, off!" he commands and Eddie grins.
"Yes, sir!" he enthuses.
"Yuck," Dustin grimaces.
Robin thinks her eyes might roll back into her skull, never to return.
Shoes off now, Steve and Eddie square up again. Steve smirks.
"See?" he teases, "Taller."
Eddie practically hisses as he looks him up and down, fists clenched tight. He murmurs something to himself before he attacks Steve's hair, patting his quaff down and smoothing it out with flat palms. Steve screams, batting him away.
His resistance creates a chaotic (and more than a little pathetic) slap-fight.
"What-cha-fu – "
"You're a no-good cheat with that hair!"
"Don't touch it!"
"Don't worry, Stevie, you're still bigger where it counts."
Dustin claps his hands over his ears.
Steve manages to shirk away from Eddie's hold around his waist, jumping back far enough that he almost falls straight into the shiny new cardboard cutout of Tom Cruise in Top Gun.
"Henderson!" he pants, clutching at his lower back. He takes a moment to gather himself before fishing in his back pocket and retrieves his wallet.
He hurls the thing across the store. It goes flying as Robin and Dustin both fail to catch it. The wallet hits a candy display, knocking a box of 3 Musketeers and scattering them all over the floor inside the counter space.
"Oops," Steve says, bringing his hand to cover his mouth.
Robin catches his eye and scowls.
"Dustin..." Eddie huffs, winded, "Go buy a tape measure."
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Day 2 Highlanders 7 con 20 July 2024 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham
Fan Meet with Richard:
If he's a betting man there will be Rebus 2 (with a wink)
Hasn't read more than 4.5 books (of OL) couldn't get through the Gathering in Fiery Cross
Everyone's really sad about it ending
Doesn't like the stickers chosen for the Rebus books but the author did so he was outvoted
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Charles & David Q&A
As part of training for the roles, they were taught them how to stand and sit using the "Alexander Technique" Demonstrating the "Alexander Technique" of how to stand up straight 18th-century style 👇
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Question: if you could play another character who would it be: David - BJR; Charles - didn't know - fusion of LJG and Jamie
What won't you miss after OL ends - David travel; Charles didn't answer the question but said he'll miss his friends in Glasgow
Who would you go to a convention to see - Charles Eddie Vedder & Robin Kimmerer (author); David couldn't name anyone
Richard, Charles and Jamie Roy play Magic the Gathering (red: a card game) together almost every day when not working
When asked about a LJG series, David said if people want it he'd be up for it and people need to speak up about it
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David and Charles singing O Canada 👍
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Charles can walk on his hands - went back and forth 3x
Richard & Sophie Q&A
What song would describe your relationship on the show: Sophie - Lover (Richard joked Tolerater)
What role would you like to play: Sophie - Black Swan; Richard - Wolverine or Iron Man
Richard & Sam made different animal noises each take during the birthing scene
Hardest scene they had to film: Sophie - physically the ones with the horses; Richard - one where Brianna tells Roger Jemmy might not be his
If you could take a character ahead in time to see something - Sophie BJR to see Frank; Richard Jamie Fraser into the modern world - Richard loves Sam's reactions to modern things
What are you binge watching? Sophie - The Bear; Richard - Queen of the South and BBT
Sophie spoiler: Joey and I were in a tent (Richard adds "in the 80s")
Who would you go to a convention to see? Richard - BBT, Peaky Blinders: Sophie - Friends
They don't really get recognized in the UK but yes in the US "people in England don't really watch Outlander" (Sophie) - when they started in S2/3 it wasn't really "present", especially in Scotland.
Taken anything from set? Sophie very tempted to take the pearls but hasn't taken anything yet; Richard not yet either (made a joke about the musket balls and Lallybroch in the 80s trying not to spoil anything)
What song represents your character - Sophie "Girl on Fire" because she powers through things
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Ed Speleers & Steven Cree
Favourite role so far - Jack Crusher (Ed)
Cree - best part of Outlander is the conventions
Favourite scene was when Bonnet kidnaps Brianna and they explain how he became what he is
Ed read for LJG and they came back to him the next year with Bonnett
Cree auditioned for Dougal (who's the guy who raised $250K for a film then never made the film? - ouch!!). Then they cast Sam and had to make Dougal age appropriate
What era would you time travel to: Ed - 60s: Steven - his early 20s
Sam created MPC and whisky "unlike the guy who embezzled $250K" (ouch again!! Cree used the word "embezzled")
Cree to Sean - how does it feel to be a millionaire? Sean - pass me your phone I'll call Sam and ask him
Cree was offered roles in Bridgerton 1 & 2 and said no after he read the scripts
Cree went on for 5 minutes about how Claire brought Jamie back to life in Monsters & Heroes - it was hilarious
Seems that the 2 of them (Cree and Ed) go way back and are good friends (Ed said Cree was the most excited when he landed the star trek role. They wouldn't ever have crossed paths on OL. They know each other's families too.)
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Funniest lines she couldn't get through - where she asks BPC if the bite was from a monkey and when Ian offers to go looking for Jamie and Claire says "but you don't have a leg"
Prefers to be called Caitriona
They talked about the ending of the books and someone yelled "Sam knows" then she said Sam THINKS he knows
Will be odd knowing they're not going back to Scotland when they finish filming. Couldn't say if they're staying but her husband is from Scotland and her in-laws live there so they will be there in some capacity
Costumes in S8 are her favourite since S2 Paris
Thanked everyone and said how much doing the show has meant to her
Asked if she and Tony share the same musical taste. She thought they said Sam and Steve said "no, your real husband" (she does with Tony, "definitely not" with Sam)
To prepare for Claire & Frank since they had a history, she and Tobias wrote each other letters. Tobias would redact his because he was in MI6. They didn't do anything to prepare for Claire & BJR because she didn't know him
During the rapid-fire someone asked "Sam's whisky or Graham's bourbon". She said Sam's whisky but hasn't tried the bourbon (she doesn't really like bourbon it's too sweet)
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All credits to my reporter at the con (who chose to remain anonymous), including the pics.
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mingispelvis · 9 months
As I Do (As I Say pt 2)
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Genre: SMUT dom!Yunho x sub!reader, sub!Mingi x dom!reader, Mingi x y/n x Yunho, afab reader TWO LINES OF ANGST but it quickly gets happy again
Length: 5.9k
NSFW warnings under cut 18+ don't try me
Warnings: use of nicknames (good boy, baby boy, ma’am, baby, baby girl, good girl), SUBMISSION, DOMINATION, unprotected sex (don’t u dare!), finishing inside (YOU BETTER NOT!!!!)., oral male receiving, use of daddy (i KNOW AND I’M NOT SORRY ABOUT IT)
Summary: yunho dominates you while mingi watches 
Yunho was stressed. Practices were getting harder, nights were getting longer, and he was getting angrier. Every night he came home, drenched in sweat, begging for the sweet release into dreamland, only to be interrupted by sultry moans, a light buzzing, and muffled praises. Yunho thought sharing a wall with you wouldn’t be a problem. You were always quiet, considerate, and in bed at a normal hour. Lately, though, whatever was going on on the other side of the wall was keeping Yunho awake. If he was lucky enough to fall asleep despite the noise, the sounds of your ecstasy would seep into his dreams. Yunho has woken up painfully hard for two weeks straight. He was able to shake off the inappropriate thoughts towards you until the incident.
Y/N: Tell me how bad you miss me (3:15pm)
Mingi: I miss you so much. I’d do anything to be between your legs right now.(3:16pm)
Y/N: You want a picture? (3:16pm)
Minigi: Yes ma’am. Please. May I please have a picture? (3:17pm)
Y/N: Of course, baby boy. Top or bottom? (3:17pm)
Mingi: Top please! I love your boobs so much ma’am. (3:17pm)
Yunho finally grabbed his phone to see why it was buzzing so voraciously. Uh oh. This is the 3 Musketeers group chat the three of you made. Yunho tried to quickly type out a message before he saw something he shouldn’t.
Y/N: Here you go baby boy. (3:19pm)
Me: Uhhh this is the group chat Y/N! Don’t send! (3:19pm)
Y/N: PIC.JPG (3:19pm)
Yunho’s message sent through a millisecond too late. Your round, perky breasts popped up on his screen right as he pressed send. 
Yunho didn’t move a muscle. He perused the picture like it was the last thing he’d ever see. Before he could stop himself, he had his hand on his growing bulge.
Y/N: fuck Yunho i’m so so sorry (3:22pm)
I saw Mingi’s name first i thought it was just our chat I’m so sorry (3:22pm)
Me: No problem. (3:22pm)
Mingi’s lucky 👍🏻(3:22pm) ______________________________________________________________
You weren’t sure why Yunho had been so weird around you. From bristling when you accidentally touched him in the car back from the party, not wanting to be alone in a room with you, to stuttering incomprehensibly when the two of you bumped into each other on midnight bathroom runs, Yunho was acting odd. Now of course your friendship with Mingi had changed since that fateful day that you saw his kinks, but you and Yunho? 
Maybe it was because you weren’t paying close attention, maybe it was because you were thinking about Yunho, but instead of opening the text thread of just you and Mingi, you chose the group chat that included Yunho. And now, Yunho has seen your tits in all their glory. 
Yunho: No problem. (3:22pm)
Mingi’s lucky 👍🏻(3:22pm)
Mingi’s lucky? Oh my..oh my God. Yunho thinks you’re hot. The dodging of alone time. The pillows over the crotch. The shuffling positions. He was hiding boners and avoiding being turned on by you. The dirtiest, nastiest, most cruel idea popped into your head. You knew you’d have to wait until the boys came home, so you had plenty of time to build up the nerve for what you were about to do. 
The boys burst into the house, complaints and groans filling the foyer and spilling over into the living room and kitchen. You came out of your room to greet the boys, blow Mingi a kiss, and catch Yunho before he disappeared into his room for the evening. 
“Hey, Yunho?” you tapped him on his shoulder. Yunho spun around quickly, the red at the tip of his ears quickly spreading to the rest of his face.
“Yeah? What’s up?” He responded cooly, despite his body language betraying him.
“Can I talk to you in your room for a bit? It’s nothing bad, I promise.” you tried to soften the blow in hopes he wouldn’t think you were going to bring up the titty text.
“Oh. Um. Sure. Let’s go.” Yunho looked mortified, quietly running over every possible conversation you could be bringing to him as he walked to his room. You locked eyes with Mingi, who had been staring quizzically as you spoke to Yunho. You weren’t going to even speak to him but the puppy dog eyes and quivering lip melted your cold, dominant heart.  
“I’m just going to apologize about the texting mishap from this afternoon,” you lied. “Why don’t you go to your room and rest tonight.” 
Mingi practically burst into tears. “No! Why?” He cried quietly, begging and pleading with his eyes wide and sparkling. 
“I didn't say we wouldn’t play. Calm down, baby boy.” You stroked his cheek and pushed some of his hair behind his ear. At this, he perked up, smiling from ear to ear. You rolled your eyes and turned to follow Yunho.
Shutting the door behind you, you walked into Yunho’s room and sat gingerly at the edge of his bed. Yunho’s room was always so crisp and clean. No clothes on the floor, bed always made, desk always organized- a stark difference from Mingi’s room which looked like a small tornado had run through it. You took in the scenery to calm your nerves. Taking a deep breath, you turned to look at Yunho. Yunho was chewing his bottom lip and picking at his fingernails, clearly as nervous as you were. 
“Hey.” you started. “I wanted to ask you something a little embarrassing for me. Well, not as embarrassing as sending you a nude by accident.” You chuckled out of anxiety. Yunho raised an eyebrow in anticipation, but said nothing.
“So…” you continued “based on your response to my…nudes…and how you’ve been acting lately, I kinda guess you think I’m cute? Like I think you might wanna…have…sex with me? If not that’s ok I can leave and we can just forget this happened, but I have this idea because you know Mingi and I have been-” the words kept rolling out of you and Yunho had to blink to reset his brain. Did he hear correctly? You knew how he felt this whole time?
“Y/N!” Yunho interrupted. “Start from the beginning. What’s going on?”
You sighed.
“Do you wanna have sex with me? Yes or no?”
Yunho squeezed his eyes shut and nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah I do.” he responded finally.
“Cool. Would you mind dominating me while Mingi watches?” 
At this, Yunho’s jaw dropped. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.
“What? Why? What!?” Yunho was confused.
“Here. While you think about it I’ll start from the beginning. Remember the SM party? Mingi lost his phone? I found it in here sitting on top of his laptop. His computer was open to some type of BDSM kink test and I found out that he’s a sub, but he’s also super into voyeurism, which is watching other people have sex. And since he’s also a switch I think he’d like watching me be dominated by you and I think you’d be perfect for it because I know you want to fuck me.” You took a deep breath in after rambling all the information out in one breath. The silence hung heavily between the two of you as Yunho blinked and looked off into space. He was clearly processing everything that had happened in the short span of time from you talking to him in the kitchen to now. 
After a good few seconds of nothing, Yunho finally spoke.
“Should I take the BDSM thing too?” he asked in almost a whisper.
You guffawed loudly, and the ringing of your laughter throughout the room dispelled the tension anxiety in Yunho’s body.
“Not if you already know what you’re into.” you responded with a wink. 
It was Yunho’s turn to laugh. 
“Ok. I think I can do this. When are we gonna…do it? And what exactly do you want me to do to you?” Yunho bit his lip again, nervousness creeping back up his body.
The two of you began discussing dates, times, and plans. What toys to bring, boundaries, whether to tell Mingi, everything. Time slipped away from you, and you didn’t realize you’d been in Yunho’s room for almost an hour until three heavy raps at Yunho’s door pulled the two of you out of the solace you’d created together. Yunho got up and opened the door, then stepped to the side so you could see who it was.
Mingi was fuming. The cute little pout and scrunched eyebrows were nowhere to be seen- replaced with a fully furrowed brow, flared nostrils, and a snarled lip.
“I KNEW IT.” Mingi growled, pointing his finger at you as he burst past Yunho to approach you. 
“Knew what?” Your facial expression mirrored the confusion in your voice.
“You two are fucking aren’t you?” Mingi spat the accusation at you like a curse.
Yunho answered first, as you were stunned into silence, “Mingi, calm down, it’s not like that.”
“YOU STAY OUT OF THIS.” Mingi whipped around to point another accusatory finger at Yunho, but his demeanor softened as Yunho’s face became stern. To avoid whatever Yunho had in store for him, Mingi turned his attention back to you.
“Mingi. I told you I was just apologizing for the incident this afternoon, and we got to talking since we haven’t had much time to see each other lately. Yunho’s my friend.” As you emphasized the word “friend”, you realized what was really going on. You cocked your head to the side, pouted, and asked, “What? Is my baby boy jealous?” Your voice dripping with mockery.
Mingi’s ears turned red and you could feel him shrinking from that angry, jealous man he was when he entered, to an embarrassed submissive.
“Don’t call me that.” He stated lowly, his eyes shifting away from your gaze. 
You got up, brushing past him, and walked to the door.
“Thanks for the convo, Yunho. I’ll text you. It was really good talking to you.” You gave Yunho a long hug to punctuate your message to both him and Mingi. Yunho hugged you back, purposely making eye contact with Mingi as his hands traveled to the small of your back. He spread one of his hands so his pinky would lightly graze the beginning curve of your ass. 
You pulled your torso back, still holding onto Yunho’s waist, and gave him a sweet, sincere smile. He returned the smile and said, “have a good night. I’m gonna hit the shower.” 
You left to go to your room, not sparing Mingi another glance. If you had, you would have seen him, mouth agape, eyebrows up in disbelief, shoulders slumped in defeat, and you would have broken. You would have run to him and told him it was just a set up to give him the best gift in the world for being your best baby boy. But you didn’t. You left. And Mingi’s heart shattered. ______________________________________________________________
Mingi was exhausted. Ever since you’d crushed his heart by choosing Yunho over him, he’d thrown himself into practice- working out twice a day, dancing harder than he ever had before, writing some of the most gut wrenching lyrics his fans would never hear. Even though it had only been a week, Mingi looked different. He was tan, toned, and always in a terrible mood. 
This was perfect. You knew anger would fuel the jealousy even more when Mingi saw you with your lips wrapped around Yunho’s cock. You and Yunho had decided the best time to surprise Mingi would be the night before his birthday. That way, he could actually celebrate his birthday with everyone he loved, including Yunho, without seething and ignoring Yunho’s presence like he’d been doing the past week. Since Mingi had been ignoring you as well, despite you catching him staring longingly at you multiple times, you and Yunho had had plenty of time to craft the perfect pre-birthday present for Mingi. 
The night after you’d spoken with Yunho, and Mingi’s heart was crushed, you and Yunho met again. You decided it would be good to get used to each other so nothing awkward would happen when you fucked in front of Mingi.
“So I have an idea of what we should do,” you pulled out your phone and opened the notes app, where you’d written down how you wanted the night with Yunho and Mingi to go. As you scrolled through, reading your thoughts to Yunho, he interjected with ideas of his own- ways to make Mingi jealous, but not overstep and upset him. Yunho was also tasked with buying the BDSM items you would need to truly fulfill Mingi’s fantasy. 
“Silk can get a little sweaty. Why don’t we use crushed velvet instead?” Yunho suggested, lounging on his bed.
“Perfect!” You typed in the final notes, and locked your phone. “One last thing, though.” You crept closer to Yunho as he raised an eyebrow at you. “We should do a practice run.”
Before Yunho could speak, you leaned down to kiss him. He immediately cupped your face in his hands and pulled you in close. You straddled him and deepend the kiss. It had been a while since you’d gotten any, and you were used to being pleased every night for months. Your panties were drenched instantly and, despite meaning to take it slow, you’d already begun grinding on Yunho. It didn’t take long for you to feel Yunho getting hard beneath you. You broke the kiss to take off your shirt and bra.
“Woah,” Yunho breathed lightly. “Slow down, baby!” He groaned while biting his lip. 
You shook your head no, informing him that this was going to be hot, heavy, and fast, and leaned back down to kiss him. Tugging his shirt up as a suggestion, you leaned back so he could remove his shirt. You planted kisses on his neck and collar bone and tugged your shorts and panties off. Yunho started to pull down his sweats, and before they could get down to his ankles, you were stroking his dick. He tried to stifle a moan, but when you positioned yourself on top of him and started to slide back and forth, your slick glistening on his cock, he couldn’t hold it in. He moaned deeply and pulled you back down into a kiss. Wasting no time, you lined him up with your entrance and sank down. You were invigorated, feeling Yunho stretch you in ways you’d never felt. He was huge. Not just big, huge. You began to bounce up and down, steadying yourself on Yunho’s chest. Your eyes were squeezed shut, attempting to let the pain of Yunho being so large be overcome by how euphoric it felt for him to reach that spongy spot inside you with no problem at all. Up and down, back and forth, you rode Yunho until your thighs burned and your toes cramped. As that familiar feeling crept towards your core, you threw your head back and began grinding, chasing your high. You squeezed and pulled your nipple with one hand, and rubbed your clit with the other. The orgasm built up slowly, then exploded, causing you to scream out in ecstasy. 
Yunho hadn’t moved an inch. He watched you with eyes wide, filled with awe and reverence, and let you use him to your heart’s content. When you’d finally come down, slowing your grind to a halt, and looked at Yunho, you began to laugh. Yunho knew why you were laughing- he was supposed to do the work and you were supposed to submit. He began laughing too.
“Sorry. I guess I got carried away.” You laughed, breathless from all the work you’d done.
“That’s ok,” Yunho responded, rubbing his hands up and down your sides “I just hope you’re ready for round two.” 
Before you could move, Yunho grabbed you and flipped you onto your back, never letting himself slip out of your warm, drenched pussy. He made quick work of putting you in the position he desired- ankles by your ears, hands around his neck. “What I’m about to do, I don’t usually do. I like to go slow, but you’ve got me so worked up, so…” he shifted so he was as deep inside you as he could possibly be, “Hold on.” With that warning, he got to work. His strokes were long, deep, and rhythmic. He started at a medium pace and kept it the entire time, never faltering. Yunho stuffed his hands under your butt to lift you up just enough to where every time he slammed inside of you, it hit an angle that made you see stars, planets, hell all of space was spinning around in your vision. Your mouth hung open despite no sound coming out. You were being fucked into oblivion. Yunho’s deep, steady breathing and the sensual slap of skin on skin were the only sounds in the room until you felt another orgasm bubbling up. Your eyes fluttered, your jaw slacked, and you pussy tightened, squeezing the life out of Yunho. When you came, you cursed. Loudly. Fifteen glorious seconds of you throbbing around Yunho’s cock was all he could take. You’d already gone into post-orgasm limp, and your fucked out look pushed him over the edge.
“Inside or out, baby I’m about to come.” Yunho gritted his teeth and gripped your ass with a strength you knew would leave bruises. 
“Out.” You were able to muster up enough breath to answer before it was too late. Yunho’s hips faltered once, twice, and he let out a long, deep groan as he finished across your stomach. He milked himself completely dry before flopping over on his side. After a few steadying breaths, Yunho got up and cleaned himself off before returning to your side and providing you with exceptional aftercare. You were spent, but you knew you couldn’t stay in his bed, so you began to get up.
“Shhh it’s ok.” Yunho pulled you back down and held you in his arms. “You can stay here for a bit until you regain your energy.” 
You woke up under the blankets, confused, in the dark. You heard a light snore next to you and whipped your head around as it all came back. You’d fallen asleep in Yunho’s arms by accident. Shit. Reaching for the bedside lamp you realized you were clothed. As the dim light cast a warm light over the side table, you saw a glass of water and a note. 
Take this with you when you leave and drink it before you go to sleep. Don’t be stubborn. 
It wasn’t signed, but you knew Yunho. What you didn’t know was how perfect of a soft dom he was. You were going to have to be very careful not to fall for him. Despite wanting to be disobedient and bratty as your nature screamed for you to do, you grabbed the water and crept out of the room. 
Today was the day. August 8th. The day you were going to rock Mingi’s world. You’d planned everything down to the minute so that Mingi would have an amazing night. You even paid for the boys to have a mini vacation so the three of you would have the house to yourselves. The most difficult part would be getting Mingi to talk to you, so you put him in a position where he couldn’t escape. The boys were coming home from practice soon- Yunho would beat Mingi to the shower, then quickly set everything up in your bedroom. You would be waiting for Mingi in his room, hiding behind the door.
When Mingi walked in his room, you shut the door, and he jumped. 
“Mingi, I need t-” you began, but Mingi interrupted you.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing hiding in my room? Get out of here, y/n.” Mingi turned to walk to his bed. You followed him.
“Mingi. Listen for just a second. I need to tell you something, and it’s important.” You followed him and stood in front of him as he sat at the edge of his bed. You took a deep breath to settle your nerves. If he didn’t accept what you were about to say, the whole night was a bust.
“I lied to you, but for a good reason.” You started cautiously. Mingi raised an eyebrow at you, already looking pretty pissed.
“I wanted to do something really special for my favorite baby boy for his birthday, and in order to do it, I had to make you super jealous.” You paused to test where Mingi’s attitude was at. At the term “baby boy”, his breath caught. You had his rapt attention.
“I would never choose anyone other than you, Mingi.” You reached up and placed your hand on his cheek. He instinctively leaned into your touch.
“I need you to trust me, baby boy. Do you trust me?” You looked deep into Mingi’s eyes, and he looked up at you, eyes shining like you just told him he won the lottery. Placing his large hand over yours, he nodded.
“Good.” You smiled a genuine, toothy grin. “Then go take a shower and come back to your room. I’ll come get you when you’re ready.” You leaned down and gave him a soft kiss, barely grazing his lips. Turning to walk away, you realized your heart was beating out of your chest. You were really about to do this. 
“Oh gosh Yunho, was this a bad idea? Is he gonna hate it? What if he hates it. Oh no. What have I done? Maybe we should call it off…” You were spiraling, pacing back and forth in your bedroom. You’d put on a brand new lacy lingerie set with matching knee-high socks- sure to make Mingi drool. Yunho grabbed you by both of your shoulders and looked directly into your eyes.
“You know him. You love him. He loves you. And he’s gonna love this.” stern and correct as always, Yunho calmed you down.
You love Mingi. Mingi loves you. Holy shit. Do you love Mingi? You thought about it for a millisecond before your heart started its incessant thumping in your chest again. You didn’t have time to mull it over, though, because Yunho knocked you out of your thoughts.
“He’s out of the shower. You ready, baby?” Yunho bit his lip and looked you up and down. Baby. You weren’t sure why, but hearing that term come out of Yunho’s mouth made you tingly.
“I’m ready. I’ll go get him.” You nodded, put a robe on to cover your lingerie (don’t want to spoil the surprise, do you?), and headed to Mingi.
Mingi was sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone, when you barged in without knocking. Looking up, Mingi started- “Hey, what’s-”
“Quiet, baby boy. This is important. You remember the color system, right? I need you to be extra sure to use it tonight, ok? Do you trust me?” You stood with your hands on your hips, addressing Mingi like he really was your property.
He nodded quickly, “Yes ma’am. I trust you. I’ll use the colors.” He was practically jumping up and down at the thought of getting to possibly taste you, or maybe even fuck you, tonight. Little did he know what was in store.
“Good." You pulled off your robe, and Mingi's jaw dropped. "Close your eyes.” You instructed, approaching him. He did what he was told and you wrapped a strip of velvet around his eyes. Mingi couldn’t contain his joy or confusion, but stayed quiet. He knew the rules.
“Strip.” you demanded. Mingi did as he was told. 
You were glad Mingi couldn’t see you hype yourself up for what you were gonna tell him next.
“Yunho’s gonna be in the room with us. Color?” You asked, biting your lip, eyebrows raised expectantly.
The silence was excruciating as Mingi thought. He thought and thought. Why’s Yunho in the room? Is he gonna watch? Am I gonna watch? I’m blindfolded, I can’t watch. Am I…what!?
“Yellow…Green. No. What?” Mingi needed a little more information, but you couldn’t ruin the surprise.
“I’ll take that as a yellow, and we’ll go slow. You grabbed his hand and guided him up. 
“Wait where-” Mingi was about to talk out of turn, but he stopped himself. 
“Only you, Yunho, and I are home. We’re going to my bedroom. Happy Birthday, Mingi.” You lead Mingi across the hall into your bedroom and sat him down in a comfy chair. The blanket you usually had him kneel on was covering the chair so he didn’t have to place his bare ass on a piece of furniture everyone used. 
Yunho sat on the bed and watched as you used more soft, velvet strips to tie Mingi’s arms to the arms of the chair so he couldn’t move them. You spread Mingi’s knees as far apart as you could without hurting him, but far enough that he couldn’t squeeze his thighs together for the friction he would so desperately want later. You tied his ankles and thighs down as well.
“Color?” You asked after you were finished with your beautiful bondage art.
“Bright green.” Mingi smiled, already breathing heavy and squirming in his seat.
“Good boy.” you leaned to whisper in Mingi’s ear.
“Tonight, you’re going to get to hear just how sexy I sound when I sub.” your words lightly tickled Mingi’s earlobe, went through his body, and straight to his dick. Mingi gripped at the chair and braced himself.
“Come here baby.” Yunho had waited long enough. “Why don’t you start by getting on your knees and letting Mingi hear just how well you can choke on my cock?”
Obediently, you dropped to your knees and waited patiently for Yunho to place his cock gingerly on your expecting tongue. You really put on a show for Mingi, gathering as much spit and slobber you could as you worked Yunho. You moaned loud and deep as you went back and forth, looking up at Yunho occasionally to ensure you were doing a good job. Yunho stayed silent, knowing Mingi wasn’t there to hear him, but he struggled to stifle every sound. He knew he had to pick it up on the Soft Dom-ing or he would lose himself in how warm and wet your throat was.
“Open, baby. Let me use you. You can take it.” He pulled your hair back and gripped tight. You heard Mingi suck air through his teeth behind you. Yunho slowly began moving back and forth against your tongue, then picked up the pace when he saw you really could take it. You hollowed out your mouth and throat, purposely humming so Mingi could hear Yunho’s cock filling your mouth. 
“Oh baby that’s fucking perfect.” Yunho used you like a sex toy, fucking your face seemingly with little regard, but when you started to actually choke, he pulled out immediately. He eyed you carefully with a look that silently asked did I go too far? but you used this opportunity to ramp up the dynamic.
“May I please take Mingi’s blindfold off, daddy?” You fluttered your lashes and bit your swollen lip, looking up at Yunho with big round eyes. Yunho’s stomach flipped. “Not right now baby, you don’t want him to see you cry when I ruin you do you?” Yunho responded, playing right into his role. “Why don’t you stand up and let me see that pretty pussy?” Yunho asked, but mouthed something right after. "Sit on Mingi." You tilted your head, confused, but when the lightbulb went off, you grinned.
“Of course daddy, anything for you.” You answered walking over to Mingi. Grabbing one of his hands, you straightened out his fingers that were still balled up from gripping the armchair. You used one of his fingers to hook into your panties, and carefully stepped out of them. Then, you picked up your panties, balled them up, and pushed them into Mingi’s mouth. He took them gratefully, moaning lightly. Mingi’s legs were spread apart, so you sat gingerly in the area of the chair between them leaning back into Mingi’s chest for support. You spread your legs and placed them on top of Mingi’s hands. 
“Perfect. Look how perfect you are.” Yunho praised you sincerely, kneeling down to place kisses on your thighs. He rubbed lightly on your clit and kissed lightly around the area, teasing you until you said what he wanted to hear.
“Please.” you whispered, barely audible.
“Hmm?” Yunho didn’t spare you a glance.
“Please. Don’t tease me.” You stated a little louder.
“Use your words, baby girl.” Yunho responded lazily, struggling to not dive right into the meal right in front of him.
“Please eat me, daddy. I can’t wait. Please. I need it.” desperate for Yunho to relieve the need built up between your legs.
“Good girl.” Yunho mumbled as he locked his lips around your clit. You’d been putting on a show before, but the way your head lolled back, eyes fluttering when Yunho began to eat you out, was real. 
“Oh my God,” you moaned, head thrown back in the crook of Mingi’s neck. You could hear his uneven, shuddering breaths, feel his cock hard against your lower back, and you’d never been more turned on. Yunho ate you sloppily. He never let up suction around your clit, he never stopped his tongue from moving, and his fingers never let up. He kept a slow, steady, sultry pace, moaning occasionally, and even reaching up to pinch one of your nipples. You cursed loudly, and started to grind your hips into Yunho’s face and, subsequently, your ass into Mingi’s cock. Mingi’s uneven breaths turned into deep, panting breaths. You could feel him squirming, his hands flexing into their restraints. Before you could stop yourself, you turned and kissed his neck. At that moment, you realized what was really happening. Two incredibly attractive men were pleasuring you, Mingi your sub, Yunho your dom. It catapulted you over the edge, your orgasm sneaking up on you like a thief in the night. You’d made another gushing mess on your chair, but most of it landed on Yunho’s fingers. When Yunho pulled his fingers out of you, he hesitated. He looked at you, then at Mingi, and made a reckless decision. He pulled the panties out of Mingi’s mouth, and placed his fingers, dripping with your cum, directly into Mingi’s mouth. Mingi closed his mouth and sucked on them immediately. You could feel Mingi’s cock throbbing and leaking against you and knew it was time for the grand finale.
Yunho would never admit to anyone, not even on his deathbed, the small surge of electricity that sparked through him as he watched Mingi suck your cum off his fingers. He pulled his fingers out quickly and turned back to you. 
“Bend over baby. I’m gonna fuck you until you’re full of my cum.” Yunho grabbed one final strip of velvet and wrapped it around your neck. He crossed it in the back and pulled it just tight enough to make your eyes flutter. You pulled Mingi’s blindfold down, placed your hands on his thighs, and arched your back, ready for Yunho. 
Mingi looked fucked out even though no one had even really touched him. You looked deep in his eyes and he looked in yours. You couldn’t stop yourself from kissing him deeply. He returned the kiss like a starved man receiving food for the first time in weeks- he was receiving you for the first time in weeks. As the kiss disconnected, you felt Yunho’s strong hands grip your hips, felt him line himself up, and push deep inside you. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned deep. Mingi mirrored your moan, his heart beating faster, his cock throbbing harder. Just a few weeks ago he was incensed and disgusted by the thought of his best friend fucking you, and now he was immensely aroused by it. 
Yunho saw the way you and Mingi were looking at each other and had to remind you who was in charge at the moment. He slammed into you, making you lurch forward into Mingi. He pulled the make-shift velvet collar around your throat tight, forcing your back to arch even more and your mouth to hang open. He set a brutal pace, refusing to let up for even a moment. You knew Yunho’s stamina was incredible, and you’d have to really work to make him come fast, or you’d have bruises on bruises the next day. You ramped up the porn star vocals again.
“Oh yes baby just like that. Fuck me just like that.” You used the lightest, sexiest voice you could, but stared directly at Mingi while saying it- two birds, one stone. You slowly moved your hands up Mingi’s thigh until you reached his cock. You lightly wrapped your thumb and forefinger around the base, the pace Yunho was fucking you causing your body to rock and your hand to partially jerk Mingi off. 
“Fuck baby girl your pussy is so fucking tight.” Yunho spat through gritted teeth, releasing the hold on your neck to use both hands to steady your hips. You immediately began kissing Mingi again, reaching your other hand up to pinch one of his nipples. Mingi moaned into your mouth and throbbed in your hand. He was so overstimulated by the sound of you being fucked, the personality you assumed as a sub, the taste of your lips. He was close. You were close. Yunho was close. You came first, throbbing around Yunho, breaking the kiss with Mingi and losing your grip on his cock. Mingi had experienced your orgasms many times before, but they never failed to push him over the edge. He came hard, bucking into the air, spurting onto your hands and his chest. You’d gone limp against Mingi’s body, and the only thing holding you up was Yunho’s death grip on your hips. He kept up his brutal pace, hips only faltering after a few more strokes. Once he stilled inside you, he shuddered out a moan, and you could feel him throbbing inside you. Yunho pulled out of you slowly, all three of you breathing heavily. You kissed Mingi while Yunho went to grab a towel to start the clean-up process.
That night, for the first time, you fell asleep in Mingi’s arms. Yunho offered, graciously, to allow Mingi to have you all to himself since it was his birthday. Despite being exhausted from the night’s activities, you woke up in the middle of the night. You listened to his steady breathing, watched his lip twitch as he snored lightly, and you realized just how much you really loved this man. You curled up closer and kissed him on the chest. Then higher, to the crook of his neck, planting tiny kisses everywhere you could reach. Unable to resist any longer, you straddled him, kissing him more and more until you felt him shift beneath you. Mingi’s eyes fluttered open and he mumbled to you, “what are you doing?” with a smile creeping up at the corners of his mouth. You lightly kissed his lips, and he kissed you back. 
“Baby, I’m spent from my birthday gift!” Mingi giggled into your mouth as he ran his hands up and down your waist. 
“Mmmm I know,” you whined, “but I want you again. Just you.” You leaned down and began kissing him again. The kiss turned deeper, sexier, hotter. 
Mingi growled a deep, guttural growl, and flipped you over.
“I hope you’re ready for round two.”
Pt. 3 gonna be juicy yall. 
Tagged tinys: @pearltinyy @voicesinmyhead-rc
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Oooh for Roach Verse, what about:
-Holiday funtime antics?
-Jinx has a school bully and those chuckleheads create the most over the top plots to help her out, lol
-Jinx brings home a stray
-The gang gives Roach the day off from cooking/ healing/general caretaking and it goes about as well as you'd imagine
-Jinx has a crush on some kid, and Silco/Sevika are not coping well
That's off the top of my head, I gotta go reread the Roach series now! lol
these are so fucking fantastic, i might revisit this a few times to do some of the other prompts too omg. but the one with jinx bringing home a stray??? chaos i love it.
men and minors dni
lock's been avoiding you all day.
it's strange. usually, you, lock and ran are like the three musketeers-- always getting into and back out of trouble together.
but today... lock's been avoiding you like the plague.
it's a little funny. the man's three hundred pounds of pure muscle, tattooed and pierced on nearly every inch of his skin, but each time he walks in a room with you there, he turns on his heel and runs away like a scared little girl.
mostly, though, you're just worried that you've pissed off your friend.
"he really hasn't said anything to you?" you ask ran. they're 'helping' you make sandwiches for lunch-- eating more than they are assembling, but still. you appreciate the company.
"nah, he's been jumpy around me too." they mumble around a mouthful of turkey. you cringe in disgust as you watch them squirt a dollop of mustard directly into their mouth, on top of the mush of turkey on their tongue. "don' worry. we'll get 'im drunk and interrogate him tonight." ran promises, patting your shoulder. you giggle, smacking your friend's hand away from the cold cuts.
twenty minutes later, you're making your rounds across the bar and delivering sandwiches to the crew.
singed and deckard barely notice you, both of them searching the lab for something when you drop off their sandwiches. singed shouts a distracted "thank you roach!" before the basement door slams behind you.
thieram's still asleep-- preparing to stay up all night tonight for work. you put his sandwich on his desk and gently nudge him. "'s almost two." you whisper. he grunts.
"thamk y' r'ch." he mumbles.
your next stop is silco's office, since lock is still hiding from you. you gently knock on the door. "lunch!" you call.
"come in!" silco shouts.
silco's laying back in his office chair, his feet propped up on his desk, a cigar between his lips as he scrubs at his temples. you raise an eyebrow at his haggard appearance, gently placing his sandwich beside the papers littering his desk.
"rough day?" you guess. silco groans. from the sound of his groan alone, you know he needs a bitch-session. you happily plop down on the couch next to his desk, tearing into your sandwich and nodding at silco. "spill. but make it quick, i still gotta feed the kid."
silco groans again at the mention of his foster daughter, and you burst into laughter. of course it's about jinx. silco's never this angsty about business. "she's been avoiding me all day." he sighs, dropping his hands to look at you. you furrow your brows.
"it's only one." you say. he huffs.
"she was acting cagey last night too. has she said anything to you?" he asks. you shake your head no.
you're usually the first person jinx goes to bitch about silco to. you or sevika. so the fact that you haven't heard anything only makes her behavior stranger. silco groans again.
"i don't even know what i did! we were perfectly fine at lunch yesterday, and now she won't even let me in her room!"
"she's probably just hormonal. puberty, silco, it's different for girls man." you try to explain. he just shakes his head.
"no it's not that."
you take another bite of your sandwich, gesturing at silco to do the same. he huffs and rolls his yes, but he at least takes a bite, so you're happy. "lock's been acting jumpy around me too. maybe it's just somethin' in the air." you suggest.
silco's eyes sharpen at your words. the second you hear yourself say it, you figure it out too.
"oh, shit." you mumble, jumping off the couch. "what did those shits get themselves into now?" you ask, scooping up the last few sandwiches you have left to deliver and running toward the office door. silco starts to chuckle behind you-- a defeated laugh, one that means he knows he's about to have an even bigger headache that he did when he just thought jinx was upset with him.
"don't let them drag you into it, roach. i need you as my informant." he begs. you laugh.
"i'll let you know what i find out." you call over your shoulder as you stumble into the hallway and slam silco's office door shut behind him.
you take off toward jinx's room, not bothering to knock, knowing it would only give them time to hide whatever shit they're up to.
you slam the door open, and your eyebrows fly up your forehead when not just jinx and lock; but jinx, lock and sevika all turn to look at you with big guilty eyes.
you groan. "what did you do?"
"now, hold on, why do you assume we--"
"babe, i promise i had nothing to do with it until just this morn--"
"i am so sorry roach, i told her not to--"
they all start to speak at the same time, flailing wildly as their voices overlap. and then, from a pile of blankets and plushies on jinx's bed, a raspy 'meow' floats above all the rambling voices.
they all cringe simultaneously, their heads snapping over to the bed. you burst into defeated laughter.
"a cat!?" you ask, walking over to the bed. jinx's eyes grow a little wider at the smile on your face, and she's the first to run up to your side. "oh, janna." you groan through your smile as you look down at the mangy thing. "fuck, jinx, it's probably getting fleas and lice all over your covers."
she blinks up at you with wide eyes. "but she's so cute, roach!" she squeals. you giggle at the girl, then look up at your friends.
lock's cooing down at the cat, gently patting its forehead as it purrs into his hand. sevika's watching it with a smile she's trying and failing to bite back.
"you're all suckers!" you cry. they both look up at you guiltily.
"jinx is gonna name 'er shitstorm." sevika supplies. you laugh despite yourself, reaching out to ruffle jinx's bangs. it's the perfect name for the poor little cat.
"where did you even find this thing?" you ask. jinx shrugs.
"i heard meowing in the lab last night. found her hiding in a corner, all scared and alone." jinx pouts, reaching down to pet the cat. it seems to know jinx is it's savior-- licking at her hand and closing its eyes as she pets it.
it occurs to you that this is probably what deckard and singed were looking for earlier. you have to bite back a laugh-- this cat is one lucky fucker, narrowly avoiding a brutal death of shimmer experimentation to become a little girl's fur-baby.
"roach..." jinx whispers. you look up from the little cat, rolling your eyes at the wet puppy eyes jinx is blinking at you. "please can we keep her?" she whines.
you huff, throw each of your friends their sandwich, then lean forward and pick the cat up, holding it to your chest. it's a docile little thing, cuddling against you the second you got it in your arms. jinx is wiggling with glee before you, already knowing what your answer's going to be. you flip her off, and she grins.
"fine." you grunt. jinx and lock burst into happy squeals, jumping up and down as they hold each other's hands. sevika's grinning behind the pair. "but you three gotta help me take care of this mess understand?" you ask. they all nod.
"whatever you need, roach." lock promises, grining. you giggle.
"okay. lock, take jinx's bedding out back and burn it-- it's easier than trying to wash out all the bugs and diseases." jinx pouts a bit at the thought of losing her star-themed sheets, and you nudge her with your foot. "you still got your dinosaur sheets in the closet. and i'll buy you a new set next time we're at the markets, okay?" you ask. she nods up at you. lock gets to work stripping her bed.
"jinx, go talk to silco. he thinks you're mad at him."
"you think he's gonna let me keep 'er?" she asks, worried. you snort.
"jinx, you could ask silco for the moon and he'd find a way to bring it to you." you say. jinx smiles shyly at this, and you ruffle her bangs again. "tell 'im i say that pets are good for kids' social development, or some bullshit like that. she'll be good for pest control in the bar. get him to take you shopping for some food and a litter box for little shitstorm, okay?" you ask.
jinx grins and nods up at you, wrapping your legs in a quick hug before taking off down the hall to talk to silco. you laugh as you watch her go.
sevika's the only one left, blinking at you guiltily from across jinx's room. you snort at the sight of her. "come help me clean this little shit." you mumble, nodding toward jinx's bathroom.
sevika follows with a smile.
"you're the sucker." she teases as you pass her the cat, plugging the sink and filling it with warm soapy water. you snort.
"you know she was supposed to be one of singed's test subjects?" you ask. sevika bursts into laughter, scratching the cat under her chin. she purrs so loud it's like a little motor. "i went down there today, he and deckard were tearing the lab apart looking for the cat." you laugh.
sevika snorts. "after her bath i'll go break the news to 'em."
down the hall, silco's shocked voice rings out. "a cat!?"
you and sevika burst into giggles.
you take the cat from her hands, firmly holding it as you start to scrub it's skin free of bugs. she yowls at the water, but settles down once you start to scrub her, seemingly liking her bath. sevika wraps an arm around your waist, kissing your head as you work.
"she is a cute little thing. makes me feel bad for all the creatures jinx didn't rescue from singed." you whisper. sevika chuckles.
"honestly, babe, we're just lucky singed hasn't started experimenting on humans yet." she jokes.
thumping footsteps come running toward jinx's room. you both look up in time to see ran round the corner, a manic grin on their face. "a cat!" they squeal, pushing into the bathroom to coo down at the sweet little thing. "awe, hello sweet girl!" they cry, taking the cat out of your hands and into their arms.
you giggle at sevika's shocked expression-- ran's just a ball of sunshine under their bangs and eyeliner-- and pass ran a clean towel to wrap the cat in.
"you got it from here?" you ask your friend, trusting that they know how to care for the creature better than you. they grin, pressing kisses to the wet cat's head.
"jinx already named me godparent. suck it, bitches." ran says, sticking their tongue out at you and sevika, hugging the cat closer to their chest.
sevika snorts and you roll your eyes fondly.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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smytherines · 5 months
I love One Step Ahead for all the obvious reasons (gay angst), but also because it is so packed with little storytelling moments. Also it just seems exhausting. So much happens in that song:
1. Motorcycle chase (with office chairs)
2. Boat chase
3. Staff fight
4. Sword fight
5. Vigorous musket loading
6. Run up the staircase
7. Hang glider chase
8. Fistfight
9. Run halfway down the stairs again
And the entire time they are doing all of this, they're belting out a vocally demanding song. I mean, no wonder Curt Mega had to take a breath during that final note. That's a feat of endurance. I simply would've passed out and died.
One Step Ahead is one of my favorite setpieces of all time. In anything. Ever. It is so impressive, and it is even more impressive when you realize this was done by a tiny little independent company with the theatre budget equivalent of $1.50. Unreal. It should not be possible.
And the thing is, One Step Ahead is the perfect narrative counterweight to A1P1 (Spies Are Forever). The amount of thought they put into this is just stunning. Because here's the thing: A1P1 is also incredibly physical. For most of the song Curt and Owen are on the move, they're going up the ladder, they're fighting goons, they're going down the staircase, they're running.
But more importantly, Curt and Owen are touching a lot in A1P1. And yeah, that's fun in a swoony curtwen vibes way, but its also incredibly important to the narrative. They are touching a lot, and when they aren't touching they are standing just a little bit too close together. Its subtle enough that you initially dismiss it as a stylistic choice, but once you have the full context it is remarkably intimate.
Those are important details- like the way Owen has his arm around Curt and is literally holding his hand when they're talking to Cynthia. Its meant to tell us that they are together. In the romantic way, yes, but also they're just aligned, working together, on the same page. They are partners here. They literally have each other's backs.
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And that's down to Curt Mega and Joey Richter selling the absolute shit out of these roles, and genius choreography by Lauren Lopez, and Corey Lubowich being the director of all time.
The digital download BTS has a part with Joey and Curt rehearsing the bit where they do the hug, and right after that they're trying to figure out what cool action poses to move into and Corey says that he wants to see something with them "connected," which is just... yeah, that's the perfect word to describe what is going on in A1P1. These two are connected.
So then we get to One Step Ahead. At the very beginning, Curt does the arm clasp with Tatiana. The first time they did this, Curt had a flashback of Owen. Owen was still his partner in his heart. But this time that bond is severed. Curt thinks of Tatiana as his partner now.
We get into the action of the song, and Curt and Owen do not touch. Even when they are very physically close together, there are weapons between them. In A1P1 they had lots of moments with their backs turned to each other, trusting each other, working perfectly in sync. In One Step Ahead they are facing each other head on. They are literally and figuratively fighting. They are breaking up.
The only moment during this sequence where they are actually touching each other is when Owen slaps Curt, Curt punches Owen twice, and they do that lock up move. They're only touching to hurt each other now.
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And its so subtle and well executed that you don't really think about the parallels between these two scenes the first time you watch them. But you feel it on an emotional level. They had about ten minutes to establish the relationship between these two, and they used that ten minutes so effectively that the staircase scene ends up hitting like a ton of bricks.
Just. I love this show. I love how much TCB and Curt Mega and the rest of the cast care about this show. I'm so grateful they keep coming back to it. I cannot wait to see what they do with these scenes for Spy Another Day.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Whatever It Takes
A/N: It was longer than I thought it would be because I tried to squeeze everyone in and still call it a one-shot. I didn't get Will in as much as I would have liked to. It was a challenge, especially since it was supposed to be much shorter than this. I let my fingers do the walking.
Dustin and Jonathan were trapped. They were separated from the others, and a hoard of demodogs surrounded them. They were also separated from Steve, but there was a way out for him.
"RUN, STEVE! YOU HAVE TO RUN!" Dustin screamed.
"STEEEEVE, RUN!" Jonathan yelled.
"NO, NOT WITHOUT YOU!" Steve yelled.
He raised his bat and swung, but not before a demogorgon took a swipe at his leg. Steve landed on his back, the demogorgon taking the opportunity to crawl on top of him. Jonathan and Dustin froze, unable to get to them. Suddenly, another demogorgon came charging through to pull the other demogorgon off of Steve. Someone was riding on top of it, clinging on to its neck.
"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" A feminine voice screamed.
Dustin, Jonathan, and Steve rolled away as she threw a grenade amongst the hoard. There was a loud explosion as the grenade went off. The woman threw another, lighting the hoard on fire. The demogorgons howled in pain, and what was left of them ran off to lick their wounds. Dustin and Jonathan ran to Steve’s side as the woman slid off the demogorgon's back.
"Vickie?" Steve asked in surprise.
"Hey, Steve! Are you okay?" Vickie asked.
"Well, I could be better. Did you make friends with a demogorgon? I'm not surprised. You could make friends with anyone," Steve said.
"Aw, thanks, Steve. . .wait, demogorgons. . . Like from D&D?" Vickie asked.
"That's just what we've been calling them. . .Do you know D&D?" Dustin asked.
"My cousins play," Vickie said, and then she stroked the demogorgon under its chin. "I found this guy early on. I threw him what I had in my pocket because I panicked. It was a Three Musketeers bar. When another demogorgon tried to attack me, this guy saved my life. I've been trying to get to the hospital to get to my dad, I crashed my car, and that's when the whole thing happened. I couldn't have gotten this far without him."
"Oh my god!" Steve exclaimed.
"Dart?" Dustin gasped.
The demogorgon turned toward Dustin before leaping at him, knocking him to the ground. He opened his mouth and unrolled its long tongue. Dart began to lick Dustin's face like he was a dog, and Dustin started giggling madly.
"He has a name?" Vickie asked.
"I thought he was dead! Dart, buddy!" Dustin squealed and hugged him.
"Is it like D'Artagnan from the Three Musketeers?" Vickie asked.
"Yes! I fed the candy to him when he was a baby," Dustin smiled.
"So, I'm guessing you've all been through something like this before. . .except on a much smaller scale?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, it's a long story, and I would tell you, but I'm kind of bleeding out here," Steve said.
"Shit, sorry, baby," Jonathan said.
He he took off his outer shirt and wrapped it around Steve’s leg.
"How are we going to carry him?" Dustin asked.
"Oh! Watch this!" Vickie exclaimed and pulled out the remains of a chocolate bar. "Dart! Sit!"
Dart sat, and Vickie threw it. He caught it easily and swallowed it. Dustin gaped at her.
"I don't know, he's pretty smart. Picked it up pretty quickly. It's easier now that I know his name," she said. "Anyway, put Steve on his back."
Jonathan and Dustin helped Steve onto Dart's back.
"All fours, Dart," Vickie said. "All fours."
Dart went down to all four limbs so that way Steve was riding him like a horse.
"Okay, well, I think we lost the others somewhere up ahead. Let's go find them," Jonathan said.
He kept a hand on Steve’s lower back as they walked. Dustin talked with Vickie for a while before walking around to walk by Jonathan. Every so often, Dustin would look at him, open his mouth, and then close it again.
"You've got something you want to say, Henderson?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, are we going to talk about the fact that Jonathan called you baby?" Dustin asked.
Steve and Jonathan shared a look before opening their mouths to say something.
"JONATHAN!" Will's voice called out.
Jonathan's head snapped up. His brother and sister were running towards him. He let go of Steve and met his siblings halfway. They were soon joined by Hopper and Joyce. Argyle, Nancy, Robin, and Mike followed after them.
"Jonathan, why is Steve on a demogorgon?" Will asked.
"His leg got hurt," Jonathan said.
"That really didn't explain anything, honey," Joyce said.
"Vickie?" Robin asked.
"Robin?!" Vickie exclaimed.
They ran towards each other before skidding to a stop. They clearly wanted to hug each other but they were still pretty awkward. Finally, Vickie just threw her arms around her neck, hugging Robin tightly. She pulled back but still held onto her and began to ramble on about what happened.
". . .and can you believe it? They know Dart, which is incredible," Vickie said with a grin as Robin stared at her in amazement.
"Oh, I wish I could have seen you ride in on a fucking demogorgon," Robin said.
"Where did you get the grenades?" Hopper asked.
"They were just lying around in the police station. I was on my way to the hospital because my dad works there, and the station was right there - oh my God, am I going to get arrested for stealing them and setting them off?" Vickie asked.
"Relax, kid, you did good," Hopper laughed.
"Holy shit, weren't you dead?" Vickie asked. "I really thought it was a rumor that you were alive. People kept saying they saw you around town but honest to God, I thought they were just shitting me."
"Oh my God, stop being cute!" Robin exclaimed and slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Only if you stop first," Vickie replied, flashing her dimples at her.
"Well, let's get Steve to the hospital," Joyce said, smiling.
"We lost track of Creel anyway," Hopper said.
"Besides, we need to check in on Lucas and Max," Dustin said.
"Does El - sorry, Jane, have a pet demobat on her shoulder?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, apparently, she found it. It was a lone one who tore itself free from the pack," Will said.
"Cool, I have a demogorgon, and you have a demobat. Maybe after this, we set up a little playdate," Dustin said.
Jane grinned as she cooed at the demobat on her shoulder.
"He would like that," Jane said.
"Maybe after this, we trade them in for normal pets," Hopper replied.
"I am not normal. You and Joyce kept me," Jane said.
"You're not a pet, Jane, you're our daughter!" Hopper exclaimed. "It's different!"
"How?" She asked as she inflated her big brown eyes.
Hopper stared her down, his jaw clenching. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Fine! Fine! I am not cleaning up after them and Dustin, you're explaining it to your mother," Hopper said.
"Dart, buddy, we're going to have to keep the whole killing Mews things to ourselves," Dustin said, and Dart tilted his head to the side. "Yeah, I think he understands. I'm afraid you're also going to have to be an outside demogorgon. You're a little bit too big for the house now. Also, no eating anymore cats."
Nancy rushed to Steve’s side as they started walking towards the hospital. Meanwhile, Jonathan moved to hug Argyle and started to talk with him. Every so often, he would look back at Steve and Nancy. Vickie and Robin walked together, their hands brushing against each other's slightly.
"Are you okay?" Nancy asked.
"I'm fine. I can still move my leg, so I guess that's something. It hurts like hell, though," Steve said.
"You have to stop getting hurt," Nancy demanded.
"Okay," Steve said with a goofy grin.
"What am I going to do with you?" Nancy asked with a smile.
"Protect me?" He asked softly, batting his eyelashes at her.
"Done," Nancy said, smirking. "That's a tough job, though."
"Hey, Nancy," Dustin spoke up. "Do you know why Jonathan would call Steve - "
"We can talk about that later," Steve said, his cheeks red.
"What?" Nancy asked in confusion. "Did Jonathan call you something? I thought you guys were getting along."
"We are. . .it's nothing bad, I promise. At least I don't think it is," Steve said and sighed. "Starting to get a little woozy."
He nearly fell backward until Nancy climbed up on the demogorgon behind Steve. The monster was pretty fucking sturdy and didn't flinch at all when another person climbed on. She wrapped her arms around Steve’s waist, holding him up. Jonathan and Argyle moved to walk beside Dart. Vickie and Robin moved to the other side with Dustin. The others continued walking in front of them. Mike, Jane, and Will seemed to be in the middle of a rather serious discussion. Every so often, the demobat squawked as though it were trying to join in.
"I like your friend, Robin," Dustin spoke up. "And Dart seems to like her. You could come over to visit whenever you like."
"That would be great!" Vickie grinned.
"Ooh, we could share custody!" Dustin exclaimed.
"That's even better!" Vickie squealed. "My dad and I have been wanting to get a pet. It hasn't been the same since mom left. Robin, Dustin is so sweet!"
"Yeah, he's like the little brother I never wanted, and somehow he convinced me otherwise," Robin said, smiling fondly at the both of them.
"Thank you, by the way, for saving them," Nancy said. "The three of them mean a lot to me. . .to all of us. You're officially my new best friend."
"Really?" Vickie asked. "I don't really have a whole lot of friends. They think it's annoying that I talk a lot."
"Well, stick with us, my dude! We love that shit around here!" Argyle grinned. "Welcome to the club! I'm kind of hoping the parties are better than this."
Vickie giggled.
"You're definitely going to fit right in, Vickie," Nancy said in agreement.
"You're not the only new one here, though. I joined only months ago," Argyle said softly. "I think if we team up, we can get through this together."
Vickie laughed again as Argyle raised his hand for a high five. She slapped his hand with hers, letting him pull her into a hug. They all fell into silence, though, as they walked towards the hospital. Dart had found a dead deer on the way there, so they all had to stop and wait for him to eat it. It was disgusting, but at least Dart wasn't trying to eat any of them. The demogorgon burped loudly, and they continued moving. When they finally made it, a man who looked a lot like Vickie was helping another doctor bring a patient inside while cops and soldiers guarded the hospital. There was no doubt that this man was Vickie's father with his red hair, his long face, and his dimples. When he spotted Vickie, he glanced at the other doctor who motioned for him to go.
"Vickie?!" He sobbed.
She ran towards him and threw her arms around his neck tightly, letting him lift her off the ground.
"Oh, baby, thank God, you're safe. I was a complete mess. I had no idea if you were okay or if you were lying somewhere bleeding out," he cried.
"It's okay, Dart saved me!" She exclaimed cheerfully.
Vickie pointed at Dart, and Steve waved awkwardly at him.
"Remember how you said we could get a pet?" Vickie asked.
"I meant like a german shepherd or something," he said as the blood faded from his cheeks, his eyes wide.
"All these guys got me here, too," Vickie said.
"Chief Hopper? I don't know if you remember me, but I'm - "
"Matthew Fisher, the only doctor I like," he replied. "Anyway, Steve here needs help."
Matthew immediately got Steve off the demogorgon with Hopper's help, and they carried him inside. Nancy slid off the demogorgon and followed them inside. Dart continued walking down on all fours through the hospital doors and crawled into the waiting room with the remaining members. Joyce and Hopper went with Mike, Jane, and Will to see Max. Nancy and Jonathan followed the doctors, leading Steve away. Meanwhile, Robin looked torn between staying with Vickie or going with Steve.
"It's okay if you want to go with your best friend. I'll be okay with Dustin and Argyle," Vickie said.
"Thank you!" Robin said, kissing her before taking off.
"Oh!" Dustin said.
A moment later, Robin came skidding back into the living room, her eyes wide.
"Oh, God, I just kissed you in front of everyone for the first time!" Robin exclaimed.
"Well, not everyone," Dustin said. "By the way, totally cool with it."
"It's okay, I liked it. Thank you! We should definitely do it again," Vickie smiled.
"You're more than welcome!" Robin exclaimed as she ran out again. "Steve! I'm coming, babe!"
Steve pulled through his surgery while everyone talked about their next plan of attack. Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin were the first ones in his room when the doctors brought him out.
"Thank God, you're alright," Nancy said.
"You have to stop getting hurt, man," Jonathan said, looking relieved at sight of him.
"Yeah, Nancy told me that, too," Steve said sleepily. "But you do know what we're in the middle of, right? Plus, I think it is just attracted to me like a goddamn magnet."
"Well, you are very attractive," Jonathan said with a sigh, and Robin raised an eyebrow.
"Very magnetic," Nancy agreed.
Steve gave them a goofy grin.
"Good enough to eat?" He asked.
"Definitely," Nancy said.
"You know what? I'm going to leave you three alone. See what Vickie is up to," Robin said. "By the way, I accidentally kissed her, if you care. Toodles!"
"Wait, no, I want to hear about that!" Steve exclaimed.
"You've got two people you really need to talk to!" She yelled back.
"I want details!"
"Right back at ya!"
"Great, I've been dying to know what Jonathan called you," Nancy said. "He hasn't told me a damn thing."
"I called him baby," Jonathan said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I liked it," Steve said softly.
"You did?" Jonathan asked.
"When you guys were in California, I told Nancy that we all should hang out. . .you, me, Nancy. . .and then I added Robin in because I panicked a little because I've been afraid to say it out loud. . .how much you mean to me," Steve said softly.
"You were asking if Jonathan and I wanted to go on a date with you?" Nancy asked, somehow making her eyes bigger.
"Yeah," Steve said, swallowing loudly.
"Um, well, you know the last few months back when we were in California, and you started calling to check on Will, and we've been talking. . ."
"Okay, that's brand new information," Nancy said.
"Shit, sorry, Nancy, I just didn't tell you because I thought it would be weird that your current boyfriend was developing feelings for your ex-boyfriend," Jonathan said. "And we have been talking since we came back months ago. I just didn't know what to make of it, especially since we were trying to deal with all of this."
"I mean, it's a little weird but a good kind of weird," Nancy said. "It makes things so much easier now. I want to be with both of you. So, yeah, I think we should definitely all hang out after this. . . Minus Robin."
"That work for you too, baby?" Steve asked Jonathan, a teasing glint in his eye.
"Definitely, baby."
When Jane managed to find Henry again, they decided that the kids should stay here this time except for Jane. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will hadn't been too pleased about that. Dustin hadn't been too pleased about them bringing Dart along with them either, but Vickie promised to look out for him. Nancy wasn't going to stay behind while they tried to bring her sister home without her. Robin would be staying behind with Argyle to look after the others. Vickie kissed her, not caring that everyone had been watching. It had soothed some of Robin's worries. . . Briefly. The sight of it caused Nancy and Jonathan to slip back into Steve’s room again.
"Try not to get hurt again," Nancy said softly and kissed him.
She moved aside for Jonathan. He cupped Steve’s face and kissed him deeply.
"Good luck," Steve said softly.
Jane, Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, Nancy, Vickie, and Dart all set off toward Hawkins lab before Matthew could find out that his daughter had volunteered for a dangerous mission. They all set out in a borrowed vehicle this time, a military vehicle that could easily drive over the vines. Vickie road beside them on Dart, with Nancy and her gun behind her. More exposure to the demogorgon helped a lot, Nancy had said. Plus, they looked completely badass, and Dart was really fast. They made it to the lab, and everyone stared at it for a minute. Jane stared at it the longest. . .this was where it started for her. . .where it ended for the other kids and Bob. Nancy slipped off Dart and walked beside them as they entered the building. Hopefully, it would be the last time anyone entered here. After this, it was going to be burned to the ground.
The group followed Jane as she used her senses. Maybe this was a trap, but they had to try, right? Especially if it saved little Holly Wheeler and the entire town. The world, actually. They followed Jane to the first place the gate had been opened and found Henry waiting for them. Vines were everywhere and up on the wall with a vine down her throat was Holly Wheeler. He had plans for her to raise her as his own, to mold her into his sidekick like he wanted Jane to be. Messing with her boyfriend's family was his own sweet revenge and also a way to lure Jane out to convince her to join him still. The fight broke out, Jane not even waiting for him to finish his villain monologue.
Demogorgons and demobat came out to defend Henry. Dart threw himself into the action immediately while everyone else joined in with their guns and their homemade flamethrowers. The fight was quickly over, though, when Henry brought out his puppets. Chrissy sauntered out first, her eyes a bright red. Fred and Patrick also came in, their eyes just as red. He had faked their deaths and their bodies. The proof was right there before them all. He used their grief and their trauma to make himself more powerful. He had used Nancy's grief for Fred, Eddie's trauma over Chrissy, and Jason's need to be the hero. . .no matter what. He played them all like they were puppets.
With his power, he slammed everyone into a wall, letting the vines wrap around them. Dart lay unconscious on the ground. Henry squeezed their throats with vines as they struggled against them. Suddenly, a black figure flew into the room like a bullet and knocked into Henry, causing the veins to loosen. It stood in front of him, its wings spread wide. The wings lowered, revealing the furious gray face of Eddie Munson.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the hospital," Henry growled.
"I'm no longer your puppet, Henry. You can't control me anymore," Eddie said. "My whole life, people have been trying to put into a fucking box and there have been many times where I almost gave in but no, I'm not going let you pull my fucking strings. Let them go!"
"Pretty words, but that's all they are," Henry said.
"Chrissy? Chrissy, wake up!" Eddie yelled.
"She can't hear you," Henry said.
"You rely too much on your powers, Henry. Can you even take me in a physical fight?" Eddie asked as he released his claws. "Your biggest mistake was trying to send me to kill Dustin. That kid keeps me fighting."
Eddie threw himself at Henry and stabbed him in the side with his claws. Henry howled in pain. He stabbed Eddie in the side in retaliation. This time, it was Eddie who was yelling pain. While Henry and Eddie were rolling around the ground, Jane managed to free herself from the vines and approached Henry from behind. He roared, whirled around, and slammed his claws into Jane's stomach. Hopper and Joyce yelled as they fought against their bindings. They were both crying, as was Nancy and Jonathan. He was fighting furiously like his parents as the monster cradled his sister in his arms. Vickie was crying, too, and fighting against the vines.
"NO!" Henry yelled.
Eddie growled as he clutched his bleeding sides. He moved to stand up, but he froze when someone else walked into the room. A short young woman with wild dark and purple hair. She was dressed all in black, and her eyes were smeared with black eyeshadow. Kali Prasad, Jane's sister.
"I wasn't sure if I could get into your head, but it turns out it was quite easy. I just had to get through to your victims. Chrissy helped. She was already awake and fighting to break through. She held the door open for me," Kali said.
"I'm wide awake," Chrissy's voice broke through. "And pissed as hell."
She held out her hand and raised it at Henry. He started to rise in the air. Fred and Patrick turned on him to help Chrissy, raising their hands in the air.
"What is this?" Henry growled.
"They're using you just like you used them. Now, you're their puppet, Henry," Kali said.
Jane's body disappeared, shimmering out of existence. It had been an illusion. The real Jane removed herself from the vines as well as the others, and she raised her hand up at Henry. She screamed as she used all of her power against, welcoming the others' help. They tore him apart, shredding him completely until there was nothing left. . .absolutely nothing. There was no gate that opened up. There was no way he could disappear into another dimension. Henry Creel was dead. Fred, Chrissy, and Patrick plopped on the ground, their noses bleeding heavily.
"I wasn't sure you got my message," Jane grinned.
"My sister needed my help," Kali said. "Of course, I got it."
"Holly!" Nancy shrieked.
Jonathan and Vickie rushed over to help Nancy pull Holly from the wall. Nancy pulled the tube like thing out of her throat and started doing chest compressions. Holly woke up with a gasp, and Nancy burst into tears.
"Nancy?" Holly asked.
"I'm here," Nancy sobbed.
Holly hugged her as tightly as she could, and Nancy picked her up in her arms, squeezing her back.
"Do we get to keep these powers?" Fred asked.
"Yes, but we need to close the gates and send the others back through it. It might take all of it," Jane said.
"Whatever it takes," Patrick said.
They drove the others back to the hospital with Nancy riding in the car this time with Holly secured in her arms. Chrissy had jumped into Eddie's arms immediately when he offered her a ride, so he flew above them with Chrissy hanging on tightly. Kali used her van to bring the others. When they pulled up to the hospital, Dustin had run out immediately and threw his arms around Eddie, sobbing. Ted and Karen had arrived at the hospital shortly before them. They had been waiting rather impatiently inside. When Nancy carried her inside, they swarmed her immediately and hugged both Nancy and Holly.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Holly exclaimed.
Ted and Karen were both crying as they hugged their daughters tightly. Ted had to take his glasses off he was crying so hard. Mike had skidded down the hall, running at break neck speed as he flew into them. They stumbled, chuckling, as Karen hugged their son.
"VICTORIA!" Matthew yelled.
"Oh, shit, he full named me," Vickie whispered. "Daddy, I can explain - "
Matthew didn't say anything, just sighed and hugged her tightly again. Jane, Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, Eddie, Kali, and Hopper didn't stay there long. They left as soon as everyone else was dropped off and secured. They were going to close the gate once and for all. They also had to make sure that everyone was prepared for another earthquake. Joyce hugged her daughter tightly before sending her off with her father, promising her that she would look over Max and the others. Will and Jonathan had hugged her tightly before she had left as well. Dart waited with Dustin and El's demobat. She had named it Michael, much to Mike's displeasure, but Will had agreed that it was a lovely name. Meanwhile, Argyle had to be stopped by Jonathan from following Kali out the door. He had been mesmerized, and judging by the blush on Kali's cheeks, she didn't hate the attention.
Steve had requested a room next to Max's, so now when people weren't in Max's room, they were in his or filtering out in the hallway. Lucas hadn't left Max's side, and his parents hadn't left his. Erica was guarding Max just as much as Lucas was. Mostly, from the demogorgons but Jason's goons were on the loose and out for their blood. They weren't stupid enough to attack them in the hospital. According to Erica, that was a disappointment now that they had a demogorgon and a demobat on their side.
"So, Eddie's really alive, huh?" Steve asked as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Yeah!" Dustin grinned, his head tilted back.
They were watching Michael the demobat fly around the room. Dart was moving his head like he was watching, too. Finally, Michael landed on top of Steve’s head, curled up in his hair, and went to sleep.
"Seriously?!" Steve asked.
"Steve, buddy, Michael's sleeping," Dustin cackled. "Shh."
"Dart," Steve sighed. "Do you want my salisbury steak? At least, I think that's what this is."
He picked up the mysterious meat and tossed it to Dart. He caught it, chewed on it for a moment before spitting it out.
"Not even Dart would eat that shit," Robin said from her spot on the floor.
Vickie was curled up against her, her head on Robin's chest as she slept. Robin had placed her jacket over her and nestled her chin on top of her head, rubbing Vickie's back as she did so. They were all tired but Vickie just couldn't fight it anymore. Suddenly, the ground began to shake.
"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Vickie screamed as she sat up, reaching for her bag of grenades.
"Babe, babe, leave the grenades," Robin said.
"They did it. They fucking did it," Vickie whispered.
She leaned forward and kissed Robin on the mouth. Robin laughed and returned it eagerly. Nancy and Jonathan rushed into the room once the shaking finally ended. Vickie and Robin were still attached at the lips.
"Is everyone okay?" Nancy asked.
"Some more than others," Steve grinned at Robin. "How's Holly?"
"She's being examined by Dr. Fisher. I don't think she's planning on leaving mom and dad's side any time soon. I don't think mom and dad are planning on it either," Nancy said. "She was asleep the entire time, so I think for her it was the worst nightmare in the world."
"I'm glad you guys got her back," Steve said. "I'm glad you're here. . .judging by the earthquake, I think they did it. Maybe we should take take a leaf out of Robin and Vickie's book."
"Maybe we should," Jonathan grinned.
Nancy moved over to him and kissed him deeply before her lips down to his neck so Jonathan could have access to Steve’s.
"Okay, I think everyone's forgotten there's a goddamn child in the room. . .my girlfriend isn't here to kiss me," Dustin pouted, and Dart moved closer to him so he could lick his face. "Dart, buddy, I wasn't talking about you!"
Dustin couldn't stop the giggle that escaped him and hugged Dart's neck. Suddenly, Jonathan pulled away from Steve.
"Jesus, how did I not see the fucking demobat in your hair, man?" Jonathan asked and Steve laughed.
"Distracted by my pretty face, I guess," Steve winked.
Suddenly, the door burst open, and Erica came running in.
"Max is awake!" She yelled.
They others hurried as fast as they could into Max's room. Nancy and Jonathan were last as they wheeled Steve in.
"Lucas?" Max asked.
"I'm here, I'm here," Lucas said.
"You look like shit," Max said and then she grinned.
"A blind joke? Seriously?" Lucas asked, half sobbing, half laughing.
"Well, I see that I didn't die," Max said.
"Yeah, but you're still a sight for sore eyes," Lucas said, and Max burst into laughter.
"I can't exactly do it myself. Get down here and kiss me, stalker," Max said.
Lucas kissed her, sobbing in delight. He pulled back, resting his forehead against hers.
"Mad Max," he whispered.
"I'm alive," she whispered.
"Yeah, you are. . . Jane is on her way back from closing the gate for good. She killed Henry. . .with help from the others," Lucas said.
"Jane?" Max asked.
"She insisted on it after she got word a few months ago that her mother passed away. It's the name Terry had given her," Lucas said.
"Months? How long have I been asleep?" Max asked.
"Almost a year," Lucas said. "At first, nothing happened for a while. . . Just the particles appearing then came the vines. We weren't sure when Henry would make his next attack. We spent the last year preparing ourselves, and then Holly disappeared. We got her back, though. Eddie, Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick came back from the dead. Well, Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick weren't really dead. They were Henry's puppets."
"Eddie died?" Max asked.
"Yeah, but he's like a vampire bat now so it's okay," Lucas said.
"Okay, I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm still in the coma," Max said and paused. "Okay, I know your tongue isn't that long, Lucas. What the fuck's licking me?"
Dart had wedged himself into the room and was now licking Max's face.
"Oh, that's Dart," Lucas said.
"Dart?! I thought he was dead," Max said.
"Yeah, we did, too. He's been a huge help now. Vickie, uh, Robin's - " Lucas trailed off.
"Girlfriend!" Vickie exclaimed and turned to Robin. "Right? A whole lot of people saw us make out, I just thought - "
"Definitely girlfriend," Robin giggled.
"She rode in on Dart, saving Dustin, Jonathan, and Steve," Lucas said.
"Holy shit!"
Dustin was about to say something when someone announced over the loudspeaker that his mother was at the front desk. Nancy and Jonathan wheeled Steve after him while Dart walked on all fours beside them.
"Everyone's giving us weird looks," Steve smirked.
"It's just the demobat sleeping in your hair, Steve," Dustin said.
"Knew it."
Claudia threw her arms around her son the minute she saw him, hugging him tightly. She immediately fussed over him and then Steve. She screamed at the creature sleeping in his hair and then at Dart.
"Mom, it's okay, that's Dart. I told you about him. Turns out he's alive," Dustin said. "Go ahead and pet him on the head."
Timidly, Claudia reached out and stroked the top of his head. Dart started purring.
"Oh, he purrs! He's kind of ugly but also kind of cute," Claudia cooed.
"You purr? Why didn't you tell me?" Dustin asked Dart, putting his hands on his hips.
Just as Jonathan was about to say something, the others came through the open door. Eddie came through first, holding hands with Chrissy.
"Eddie! Shit, you're really alive!" Steve grinned.
"And you're hurt again," Eddie cackled.
"Yeah, everyone keeps stating the obvious, but I don't know why," Steve rolled his eyes. "Get over here, man!"
Eddie laughed and leaned down to hug Steve.
"Good to see you too, big boy," Eddie said.
Jonathan cleared his throat loudly and gave Eddie a pointed look as he pulled back.
"Jonathan, I think Eddie's pretty but nowhere near as pretty as you and Nancy," Steve said. "There's no need to be jealous, baby."
Michael woke up and took off towards her when Jane walked into the hospital. Jonathan pulled Steve’s hair back and leaned down to kiss him. Steve grinned against his lips, winking at him when he pulled back.
"Noted," Eddie giggled as he wrapped his arm around Chrissy. "I'm taken now anyway."
"It's so cute when you get possessive of our Steve," Nancy laughed at Jonathan.
"We should have a double date, though. . .or would it be called a triple and a double?" Eddie asked.
"Don't think too hard about it, man," Steve said. "Let's just call it a double date."
"I'm definitely looking forward to that though and having sex with Eddie," Chrissy said cheerfully, and he nearly choked on his own saliva.
"Well, he's a vampire, so you already know he's a biter," Nancy giggled.
"That's true!"
Soon after that, the skies started to clear, and dark clouds took their place as heavy rain came to wash it all away. Everyone separated into three hospital rooms and the waiting room. Their bodies relaxed where they sat, and they all fell asleep into a deep slumber when they realized that Henry Creel was officially gone for good. The clean-up wasn't going to be easy, and the healing after was going to be a struggle, but for now, as they all slept close to the ones they loved, knowing that there was nothing that they couldn't face if they faced it together as a family. . . All was well.
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thomatri · 23 days
Dear Diary
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Synopsis- diary entries featuring your crush on Hinata
Paring - Hinata x fem reader
Dairy entree 3 Tuesday
There’s this cute boy in my class I know it’s only the second week of school but can’t a girl crush on a cute ginger in peace 😔
My friend says I should talk to him
Obviously I didn’t I mean what would I say “hey I think your cute” I don’t even know his name
Diary entree 4 Wensday
I ended up complimenting him after overthinking it for like 5 minutes
I compliment his hair and my friend helped us continue the conversation. It was nice to actually talk to him I think I feel for him more<3
Diary entree 10 Tuesdays
to write I’m excited is an understatement
Diary entree 10 (continued)
Bro practice was fun! I ended up helping there beautiful manger Kiyoko. You know when you see someone pretty who goes to your school and your like “how have I never seen you before?!” That’s exactly how I felt about her
I told her she should become a model randomly and we ended up chatting she’s super nice and sweet!
These two boys are weird about her though I feel bad
I hope Hinata invited me to more practices in the future
Diary entree 11 Wednesday
Bro there was a group project in math and he picked me as his partner ME
Thankfully I only had like 1 friend in that class so she just chose someone else
Diary entriee 11 (continued)
I ended up seeing Kiyoko at lunch and we literally talked the entire time. She asked if I was crushing on Hinata and I told her cause I mean what else would I say
She told me to just go for it
Idk if I’m taking that advice tbh I’m too nervous
Diary entree 11 (continued)
ok ok let me back up
His friend said he didn’t wanna watch it cause it’s a romance but it has volleyball in it so he wants to see it
BUT his second choice was me and he’s popular so that gotta count for something?!
Diary entree 11 (continued)
Diary entree 14 Saturday
Diary entree 14 (continued)
So the movie was okay but he really liked it so I loved it
And Omg you won’t believe it
And he walked me home bro like he brought his bike then rode home
My mom said he’s a keeper <3
Diary entree 16 Monday
Listen I love my besties but bro
So I ask “ do y’all think it’s too early to ask Hinata out” cause I’m actually feeling confident
Kiyo said word for word “hell no” ik she meant but it still stung
Rin said “ it’s up to me” which is hella unhelpful I asked your ass so I could decide 😭
And of course my most loyal Sayaka said “of course”
I mean we’ve known each other for two weeks and I feel like we’ve gotten close over that timeframe
Though I want it to be special
I decided to ask the three musketeers where I should ask Hinata out
Kiyo said the gym💀
Rin said the movies which I would had gone with but nothing good is out right now
So I went with Sayaka again which was the park
Diary entree 21 Saturday
Bro I asked him out
Well let me back track
Basically we walked to the park which was conveniently in walking distance
We talked the entire time and just went on the swings and had fun
And as the sun was setting I was all like
“Hey Hinata can I admit something?”
And he was all like
“What is it Y/n?”
And I was all like
“I have a crush on you, be my boyfriend”
And then he legit jumped out of the swing fell and when I tried to help him up
Can’t believe I got a boyfriend in 21 days :)
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lee-aveyourmark · 2 years
besties with chenji!
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∘.∙°. masterlist Pairing: Zhong Chenle x reader x Park Jisung; chenji x bestie!reader Genre: sickening fluff, so much crack Warnings: insecurity of having a large head, mentions of food Wordcount: 646
you know those dance challenges where three people dance at 1%, 100% and 1000%?
yeah, you're 100% - the middle ground between jisung (1%) and chenle (1000%)
if provoked, you can definitely get chenle to use his inside voice
more often than not, those provocations arise from jisung's persistent complaints of his ears ringing at chenle's astronomically loud shouting
at other times, you're inspired by chenle's energy to hype jisung up to dance to snsd's 'gee' in the middle of the living room
you and chenle are harsh critics when it comes to jisung's dancing
"i don't remember there being any popping in the choreo!" "your line needs to be more curved, stick your hip further out"
there is just s o much joy when you guys are together, y'all naturally get abs and free therapy when meeting up, with the laughter so obscene that everyone is crying, breathless and clutching their stomachs
and you guys laugh over the weirdest things that would never be funny if the joke was explained to someone else
90% of playdates are just gaming, sorry i don't make the rules
but gaming with them would be so cute, especially if you're not that familiar with the game
it means that you can reduce chenle's competitiveness by often being the reason why your team doesn't win
and can you imagine jisung teaching you different plays and just,, praising you for being able to do all of them while surviving? his praises may be backhanded sometimes but still jisung best boy
the other 10% of time spent together is cooking in the kitchen (read: chenle cooking while jisung sits and watches after cutting up 2 mushrooms)
if you can cook, there will be challenges to see whose dish jisung likes more where chenle's competitiveness rises again
the prizes are literally bragging rights and jisung's approval, something that means a lot to the two of you
if you can't cook, it's okay! chef chenle is more than happy to become a single dad and cook for all three by himself
on another note, if you've been self-conscious about having a large head like me, be worried no more because these two will turn your insecurities into your charms
you three will also make your large heads your personalities, and change the group chat name to "the 3 large-headed musketeers" from time to time (not mark finding out about the chat one day and feeling left out)
yes, chenji are very good hype men indeed
whatever you choose to do, they will support you wholeheartedly
thinking of buying a new sweater? jisung will find 10 different compliments about how it fits you, while chenle will offer to buy it for you and even add on an accessory
at the same time, chenle will be very critical towards whoever becomes your potential someone, incessantly warning you of "bad men" out there
he also says that he's the model male, but rejects you before you even fall for him
"you want me right?? weLL, you can't have me :D"
back to the group chat, it's 300% memes and scandalous photos of each other used as blackmail material
there's also many voice messages consisting of nothing but chenle's laugh followed by a selfie from jisung with a concerned look on his face
but also, you three like to use voice messages to talk about tea and avoid getting caught by others
that tea is how each of you lost or broke something of another member's, but have yet to be caught for the crime
if you're a well-behaved child, you'll receive preferential treatment and will be patted on the head in understanding
if you're anything like chenle, prepare to get an earful from renjun
but, as the youngest, you three are babied so much by the other dreamies and y'all take full advantage of your youth <3
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scattered-winter · 2 months
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marierg · 8 months
Of Light and Darkness: The Rising Darkness pt.4
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: (IF YOU ARE NOT IN A GOOD PLACE MENTALLY DO NOT READ THIS PART!!!!!!!!) ANGST!!! Depictions of induced (reference Sith induced horror and mind shards) PTSD flashbacks, death, injury, near death, threatened death, battle scenes, blood, pain, regret, longing, anger, self loathing, foul language, SNAKES!.... Yeah if I missed anything let me know. Needless to say not light reading.... (Why'd it have to be snakes!)
note: if Italic indicates mental telepathy etc.
A/N: I take no credit for the movie dialogue that is all the work of the wonderful Mr. Lucas!!!! THIS IS A LOVING WORK OF FANFICTION!!! With that said I did take more than a few liberties but I tried to pull from the film and meld it into a cohesive piece. Much love to all the prequels and the folks there in!
Ok folks I will fully admit this one has been taking quite a while to cook because well... It took a hell of a lot out of me to do this one. I wanted it done just so and I didn't want to let it out to the tumblr verse otherwise. AGAIN please heed the warnings!!!!
Yes our reader is a badass (Her master is Mace frickin' Windu!) but even she ain't enough to take on a Sith. I also will reiterate that I believe that there are limitations to all force abilities.
If you have never seen Sir Christopher Lee fence in other films (actual swordsman really!) go watch some of his other works, they are amazing! I referenced the 1970's four musketeers specifically for the fight here, lot of fencing terms are used.
Picture/ GIF Credit: @92-guy, @supererick911, Lucasfilm & Pinterest
Words: 8456... (Holy moly!)
Masterlist Next
Dooku had always favored games of strategy as a child. Dejarik, Nexu and Hounds, Weiduk were all child's play compared to his game board now. It had been a long strategy, years of moving all of his pieces into play and now... now was the time to finally begin his endgame. Every forfeit and feign leading to this point.
“Senator Amidala won't you have a seat.”
Dooku observed as the Geonosian guards brought the young Senator and her companion roughly to the table. He restrained his annoyance at their... crude method of capture. Fortunately Fett had stepped in and salvaged the situation. Viceroy Gunray may want the woman dead, but she still held value. Killing was often the simplest answer to a problem, but it may not yet be the correct one. Patience often yielding the better option in any given situation. Given the difficulty of her capture he could see why she was a useful thorn in his Master's side.
Padme stared dispassionately at the Count, “I am here to discuss the Jedi Knights in your custody. If they are released immediately I am willing to overlook the assault of myself and Jedi Skywalker.”
“I'm not.” Anakin muttered under his breath.
“I'm afraid that I cannot allow that. You see Masters Kenobi and L/n have been convicted of espionage and sentenced to execution.” Dooku watched the young woman's face turn pale, her young protector closing rank behind her. The boy held his temper, but Dooku could feel it simmer just below the surface.
How very interesting...
“They're representatives of the Republic on an investigatory mission. You of all people should recognize that.” Padme gripped into the arms of the chair to ground her emotions. The Count pursed his lips and tilted his head sympathetically, but there was no honesty to the gesture.
“We do not recognize the Republic here, but if Naboo were to join our alliance,” Dooku's lips turned up in a kind façade, “I would gladly hear your petition for clemency.”
“And sacrifice my peoples rights to your charlatan council, I think not.” Padme's voice dripped venom, well remembering the causalities of the Trade Federation Blockade. “This anarchy must end Count, release the Jedi and I will see to it that you have appropriate representation when you are brought to trial.”
“A very kind offer Senator Amidala, but not one I think that you will be able to deliver on,” Dooku laughed in his chest. The girl still thought she could win, how quaint. Ah to have that youth and the ideals that once came with it. Dooku knew the true power and way of the galaxy that only came with age, it was a shame that this young woman would not live long enough to see for herself. “I'm afraid that given your own activities here, you and your Jedi compatriot have been found guilty of the same charges. I'm so very sorry my dear.”
Jango watched as the prisoners were led away, a dark feeling settling over him. The Jedi welp wouldn't have come on his own and that meant that there would be more on the way. Starting a war was a messy business, fighting one was not in the contract. Keeping a casual air he moved to speak with Tyranus. “I've been contacted about a bounty near Concord Dawn. I should leave within the hour, if I'm finished here that is.”
Dooku glanced at the hunter, feeling the unease in him though he hid it quite well. Fett would never be foolish enough to defy him, but he was just smart enough to see the likely trouble coming. Smiling at the man he rose, walking towards the hallway. It would be easy enough to let the hunter go about his business, but if Fett was uneasy then it was all the more reason to keep him close. “Of course my friend, I would never want to interfere in your dealings. I had hoped that you would join us for the execution, after all Boba seemed very excited when the entertainment was being brought in earlier. But if you must go...”
“It would be rude not to accept,” Jango kept his tone light, uncaring. He could see the man was testing him. He was a cagey one Tyranus, but not the first that Jango had delt with. Raising an amused brow at the older man he gave a half smirk, “Wouldn't want to disappoint the boy.”
Dooku smiled back, “Of course not.”
Of all the ways that you thought that you would die a gladiator arena hadn't even made the top ten. Your personal hope had been a clean death, nice and quick. Or maybe in your sleep. But as the chariot carrying you and Obi Wan approached the columns, seeing the deep tooth and claw gashes, cold dread washed over you. Dying wasn't frightening to you, but the thought of seeing Obi Wan suffer because of your failure... it was your very worst nightmare. Grasping at straws you fell back to dark humor, “Well at least the sun's shining.”
“A better show for our hosts I imagine,” Obi Wan gazed at you, sarcastic smile quirking up.
You snorted, “Glad to see you're optimistic at least.”
Obi Wan knew that tone, the resigned look. He had long prayed to not see it again, yet he too knew the grim reality of their situation. If by some miracle Anakin had sent the message on, a rescue may not reach the two of you in time. If escape were to happen it would be on their own skill to do so. “Just remember the plan and stay close, together or not at all wee one.”
“First round at Maffa's is on me.” Shaking your head and taking a deep breath you tried to smile.
“This day is not our end Y/n, I promise.”
As the guards finished securing your hands to the post you couldn't help the bitter tone of your reply, “Don't make promises you can't keep.”
The ship had dropped the rescue team as close as possible without being detected. It had taken considerable patience and negotiation to keep the civilian crew from joining the Jedi, one in particular had tested Mace's will. He had finally pulled Yalvaberg to the side, explaining that if the situation turned truly south that he was relying on her and the others to get them out quickly.
The girl had argued, yelled, begged to go. In the end Mace had asked her what you would do. It was a testament really, the loyalty and care of the gathered rag tag group. Glitch had handed him a comm and then squeezed his hand around it tightly, bidding her gods to guide them. Her last words to him and the others echoed in his ears even in the catacomb halls.
“Victory or Valhalla.”
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Anakin's emotions swirled about him like a raging torrent. Despair, anger, hopelessness, and disappointment kept barely contained. He had failed his mother, he had failed his Masters, and now he was about to fail the woman he loved. It wouldn't even matter that she could not love him back, but that they would die together because he couldn't follow a simple order.
He felt so kriffing useless.
Anakin tried to find the calm within as you had taught him, to make peace with himself on the walk to the staging area. As Master Obi Wan often reminded him, in failure there is opportunity and from opportunity victory can yet be achieved.
“I'm sorry Anakin, I should have listened to you.” Padme swallowed as the guilt rose. Her hubris had led to this, thinking that these demagogues could be reasoned with.
“You have nothing to be sorry for Padme.”
“Yes I do,” She pursed her lips desperately trying to find the words.
Anakin glanced at her drawn face, finding the focus that he so needed. He would get Padme to safety even if it killed him. Putting on a confident face he tried to give her a reassuring look. “Don't be afraid.”
“Oh Anakin... I'm not afraid to die.” Padme shook her head with a somber grimace. “I've been dying a little every day since you came back into my life.”
Anakin winced, “What are you saying?”
She couldn't lie any longer, not to him and not to herself. If one could not be truthful in the face of death then how could they hope to see the other side of creation. Padme looked into those blue eyes, begging forgiveness for the deceit. “I love you.”
“You love me?” It was as if the whole of the Force had calmed his turmoil at her words. Anakin wanted to whoop and crush her to himself, but the shackles not withstanding he was still hesitant. He could feel the roll of her emotions within and as badly as he wished to believe Padme, Anakin remembered the bitter sting of her words from a few nights before. “I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie... That it would destroy us.”
“Our lives are about to be destroyed anyway.” Turning as best the restrains would allow, Padme let go of her control. Tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as her voice trembled, “I know how I feel for you. As much as my mind begs me to stop, my heart won't obey. The moment that I saw you again I felt whole, not knowing that I was incomplete.”
“Padme I...” Anakin tried to reach for her, to reassure and comfort. He cursed and struggled against the chains.
“Ani please,” pressing her shoulder to his, Padme huffed a breath out, “I cannot control this love for you and I don't wish to anymore. I truly, deeply love you Anakin Skywalker.”
Anakin moved, desperately stretching to finally kiss her. Unable to do more than give the lightest pressure, he tried to put every bit of what he felt into the gentle melding. For once he dropped his own walls, wanting to feel more than just this sweet affection. The dazzling way her signature flickered as they kissed, the heat that rose in her cheeks. If Anakin could freeze time he would have this moment last forever.
It was a bittersweet kiss of love and regret, of time squandered. Maker he wished that she had simply told him the truth before now. He wanted to be upset with her, but the salt of her tears easily swept that away. Anakin would move the orbits of the stars to never see Padme cry again. Feeling the stutter in her breathing he tried to find the words to say. “My heart has always been yours my angel. When we get out of this...”
“WHEN we get out of this I will show you just how much I love you.” He kissed her again before she could speak. He wished he could stop the wheels of the chariot, to beg the galaxy a few moments more. Their lips parting as the vehicle exited the portal, Anakin's resolve was firm. The two of them would survive this. Padme loved him and he would not lose her now.
Not today nor any other.
Obi Wan shouldn't have been surprised to see his wayward Padawan, he shouldn't be surprised to see the Senator with him. None of that kept his temper from flaring the minute the two were transferred from the chariot and chained to the posts with the two of you. “I was beginning to wonder if you gotten our message.”
“We re transmitted it just like you asked,” Anakin replied with a forced an easy tone, “Then we came to rescue you two.”
Obi Wan glanced at the shackles on all four posts then back to Anakin, “Good job.”
“Padme, what happened?” Glancing to the younger woman you saw her face fall and felt a coldness within Anakin. “She's gone isn't she.”
“Now's not the time wee one, focus.” He narrowed his eyes at the far portal. “I do believe that the executioners have arrived.”
“I have a very bad feeling about this,” Anakin's stomach dropped.
The karks had chosen well. You watched as the Acklay, Nexu and Reek started stalking towards the posts. There was also movement below the sand, something causing a wavy movement in the grains. Whatever it was headed towards your post, hidden below the surface. “Yeah no kidding.”
“Just relax, concentrate.” Obi Wan bit out, surveying the area, “Try to get yourself free.”
Closing your eyes to focus on the shackle lock the danger crept ever near. The cuffs loosened finally, just enough that you could squeeze one hand out. Glancing at Padme you saw her already climbing the post. Copying the strategy you began your ascent when the pillar shook, almost knocking you to the ground.
Glancing down you saw as the triangular head of the creature emerged from the sands. Green and orange scales shimmering as the fans and spines on its back sprang out, serpentine figure rising to a staggering height. Using the Force you pulled yourself up the pole glancing down at the beast. “What in the ever loving kark?!”
“Stay away from it!” Padme screamed as she hit the pouncing Nexu with the chain again. “A Rawl, very dangerous.”
“No kidding,” you snarked back. Free of the last cuff you searched through your robes. The dagger wasn't very large but it was better than nothing. If you made it out of this you would owe the Hunter a great favor. Taking a swing you cut at the serpents nose as it came close to strike. Laughable attempt really, the creature could have used it as a toothpick after consuming you.
Gunray and the others were distracted by the spectacle as was Boba, who practically leaned over the parapet of the box for a better view. Jango had told the boy to be on the alert, his sense of unease was building. Dooku was chatting with his council as though this were a speeder race and not four beings fighting for their lives. The prisoners were doing well actually, Jango had to give credit to them. Sparing a glance in your direction he saw the concentrated look and then a faint smile.
Obi Wan was still trying to deal with the Acklay, his attempt at spearing the creature only resulted in angering it further. Anakin was having better luck with the Reek and the Nexu was now neutralized. Two down but where were you? Then he heard it, the joyous cheering in the crowd and Anakin's pain ripping through the Force. Glancing up he saw just as your boot disappeared down the serpent's maw. “No!”
Anakin charged with the reek crushing the Acklay and retrieving Obi Wan. Then the Rawl slithered towards all of them. Padme held onto him tightly as the creature reared up readying to strike again. Anakin squeezed her arm, “Don't look angel.”
But the creature stopped. Pausing mid slither, beginning to writhe.
Hacking and sputtering unable to draw breath the beast let out a series of angry hisses. Shaking its head and straightening up before a large wound began bursting from just below it's neck. It fell dead to the ground as the wound got larger, blood and viscera spilling on the sand. Then a hand poked out.
“Uh, Obi Boy if you aren't too busy out there... A LITTLE HELP!”
“Wee One!” Jumping down, Obi Wan reached through the mess to pull you up. Hugging you to his chest in relief he wanted to yell at you for scaring five years off his life. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today, because you are absolutely resplendent.”
Glancing at the approaching destroyer droids you gave him a quick hug back. “Later sweet man, escape first.”
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Dooku felt the stirring in the Force before he heard the lightsaber ignite. Turning he was not at all surprised to see the glaring Head of the Jedi Counci. “Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us.”
Jango glowered at the Jetii. He knew he should have left when he had the chance. Waiving at his son, Jango didn't want him getting mix in this. “Udesii Boba, Pare!”
Mace narrowed his eyes at the former Jedi. An enemy who had tried to kill his Padawan and grand Padawan. The righteous need to see the man brought to justice nearly clouding his better judgment. Still the disdain rolled through him and took hold in his voice, “This party's over.”
Multiple Jedi began to emerge around the arena, moving quickly to the four prisoners aid. Dooku grinned, how very noble... and predictable. Subtle amusement showed in his tone, “Brave, but futile my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered.”
Mace heard the clanking of the droids coming. Glaring at his former college, pure venom in his words, “We'll see about that.”
Jango set loose his flamethrower just as the droids had the Knight distracted. He fell over the parapet but landed on his feet. Another appeared trying to cut down Tyranus, a few shots took care of that one well enough. His boss nodded thanks as Jango reholstered his blaster. Turning to his son he pulled the boy into the vom, “Boba get down to the ship and get ready for take off. Stay hidden and stay away from the fight.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts son, now go.” The boy ran down the corridor, pausing to look back at him. “Go on Boba, I'll be there shortly.”
The arena blurred as the Jedi charged to meet the droid army. You lose sight of Obi Wan and Anakin. The Geonosians bring in sonic cannons blasting indiscriminately, bodies and debris flying everywhere. All around there was pain and death rippling in the Force. No time to think, only to act. Your temper rose unbridled at the suffering surrounding you. Anger boiling over for the Knights and Padawans dying and injured.
Anger at Dooku for his betrayal.
Most of all anger at yourself.
For being too weak, for getting caught...
Reaching out to lift the crumbled column pieces and you began to fling them at the droids. No where to run, no where to hide for either side. Over and over, block after block you crush your opponents. “Come on you pieces of mechanical crap!”
You loosing the rocks across the floor of the arena, bringing others up to help deflect bolts meant for you and your comrades. Shots whiz past your head and you know at some point you will be hit. But there's just no time to be afraid and you are well acquainted with pain already. A steady presence in the Force draws near, like a warm blanket in the cold of a storm, calm and anchoring.
“Young Y/n.” The familiar modulated voice of Master Plo Koon floats through the air. The old Kel Doran stood beside you, surveying at the battle and he starts to direct your shots. “Aim for those cannons.”
Giving a nod you close your eyes in concentration, willing the Force to raise the largest of the pieces to the air. You channel everything you have into rocketing the marble chunk into the weapon. It explodes in fantastic fashion and you raise another to careen into one of the portal entries, blocking it so more droids cannot enter there.
“Well done,” Plo continues to deflect bolts as you work at the stone. The older Jedi knows though that their small group is being herded to a kill zone. He has fought many wars, knows that their position is untenable. “We need to evacuate.”
“Wounded to the middle, form up!” You cried out above the din. Looking around you feel your heart clench. So many dead Jedi, so many wounded, and for what? You had all fallen into Dooku's trap.
You looked to the senior Jedi around you, “What do we do?”
The booming voice of the Count echoed through the arena, “You have fought valiantly Masters, worthy of recognition in the Historical Archives...”
This was all your fault... this was all your fault... if you hadn't been caught!
The guilt races through you like a raging river to swallow you whole. But a hand gently grips your shoulder, one that has never really left you. Glancing up to Master Windu you can see that even in the face of disaster he will never yield. No, even if it were only him left, Master Windu would never cede the field of battle to the enemy. He squeezed and a calm settled over you once more and that very first lesson ran through your mind, “Not Today.”
“...But now it is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared.” Dooku looked down imperiously upon the rabble below. They were foolish and idealistic as he had once been, never seeing the true power at work. Still they would serve their purpose in the grander plan, for the future his Master so desired. An offered sacrifice for the grander glory of the galaxy.
Order from chaos.
“We will not be hostages for you to barter Dooku!” Mace kept his temper and emotions barely in check. Glancing to the sky he prayed that the signal had worked. Just a few minutes more.
“Then I'm sorry old friend.” Dooku raised his hand ready to give the order to fire.
“I love you Obi Wan.” Closing your eyes you reached your signature to his, holding tight. You glanced at your apprentice, “Anakin it has been my honor to be your Master.”
Obi Wan glanced to you, readying for the fight. “I love you Y/n.”
Just as you were sure that the droids would start to fire there was a rumble through the air.
Padme glanced up, “LOOK!”
“Listen you armored pain in the ass, I don't give a Kark! Just get us down there and stay outta my way!” Glitch's temper reigned. She would not lose you or the other two space wizards that had become as close as family. She'd fight and die if it was called for. “And give me that thing, you'll hurt yourself.”
Deek saw the girl take hold of the Z-6 as if it weren't twice her size and could knock her square to the ground. “Damn it Glitch our objective is the wounded! Stick to the Maker damned plan!”
“Fine!” Glitch held fast to the cannon, “Oiy bucket brigade, make sure we got all the wounded on board before we lift.”
“Maker Kriffing Damn it to Hell Glitch!” If Deek wasn't flying the bird he'd kick her ass.
The troopers were also less than pleased by the woman's antics, “Ma'am it would be better...”
“Kark better!” The ship made a sharp descent and the mad woman gave a sheik. “The gods smile and fly with us today. Now get those wounded aboard and let a Valkar fight.”
The gunships began to circle around the Jedi as the droids began their assault again. You could hear a faint familiar tune and saw the nose art on the little bird as it came around. Looking over at Master Windu your face was incredulous, “You didn't?!”
He shrugged, “They insisted.”
Shaking your head you could hear the high pitched cackle above the din, “Glitch?!”
Mace shook his head as the two of you worked in tandem to block more shots from the droids. “She was quite insistent.”
On another transport Master Yoda directed the inbound craft. He had seen many battles but this, this was murder most cruel. His own apprentice, a boy he had taught and mentored, had caused such destruction. And now it fell to this weary Master to set things to right. First by recovering his knights. “Around the survivors a perimeter create.”
The old Jedi would give these clones credit, they were fine soldiers. The gunners coordinating their fire to take out whole swathes of battle droids. Upon landing the troopers instantly took up positions so that the Jedi could quickly evacuate. Yoda's heart broke at the sight of so few left.
The troopers started to grab the wounded from the arena floor, able bodied Jedi also moving to cover them. A cry familiar and haunting rose through the air sending a chill down your spine. Glitch had let loose such cry on one other occasion, on Norte. She gave it now as you watched her blast into the droids with her rifle. A bone chilling and ancient sound, the cry to war for her people. You shook yourself and organized the wounded onto the craft. “Deek get the wounded out of here!”
“Not without you and Glitch!” The old pilot's face was anguished at the thought of not taking you back. He had made that mistake once and dank ferrik he would not do it again! His heart couldn't bear the thought.
You felt the fear within him. You'd had this conversation many many times. At the end of the day, the needs of the many outweighed anything else. Looking at him softly, knowing that you needed to be strong for your friend, you gave the slightest push with the Force. “We'll get another one. I'll meet you on the flight deck old man.”
“Good Hunting.” There were tears in the old pilot's eyes as he lifted off. He knew you were right, that the troopers and the wounded Jedi on this craft needed him to fly. Deek prayed to whoever was listening, “Please not again, please bring them back.”
There was little time left and none for hesitation. Running across the sand you grabbed Glitch by the scruff of the neck, “MOVE IT YALVABEG! ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS, WE ARE LEAVING!”
Glitch turned to you with a smirk even as she surveyed the area one last time. “Boss you never let me have any fun!”
“Kid I swear I'm gonna refer you to psych again!” Both of you dove into the last transport with Masters' Yoda and Windu. The LA-AT was no little bird, rising so quickly you could feel the fillings in your teeth being pulled by the G forces.
Glitch did a double take looking a the small green being next to her. “Oh, hello again little boss!”
You chuckled to the unamused, bewildered looks from Masters Mundi and Plo. “Glitch focus, need you on the door gun.”
"Yeah yeah yeah. So bossy!" The young woman stuck her tongue out at you even as she took up the position, “You know you're getting boring in your old age.”
“Smartass!” You gave her a playful kick as the ship made another sharp turn and began taking fire. “Shit, hold on!”
“If Dooku escapes, rally more systems to his cause he will.” Master Yoda accidentally clacked his staff on Glitch's foot startling her. “Apologies young one.”
“Not at all Sir.” Glitch couldn't help to like this little fellow, he was calm and confident in command. Wise and not arrogant, reminded her of someone very dear. “You have a mighty heart little Master, Gods be at your side.”
“My ally is the Force, but all assistance will we accept.”
“Where will Dooku go?” Glancing to your own master, “How do we hunt him to ground?”
“I have a feeling that our adversary will make his presence known in time.” Mace gazed upon the battle in progress around them, control of the ground needed to be reestablished if there was to be any hope of victory. “Pilot land at that forward assembly area. Y/n, stay with Master Yoda and track down Dooku.”
Ships were being blasted out of the sky around you and though you could feel Obi Wan and Anakin you weren't sure where they had gone. Looking at your Master, you gave a quick nod. “Yes Sir.”
“Holy Shit! The boss lady listens to somebody?” Glitch winked at Master Yoda, who gave a restrained laugh of his own.
“Pot and Kettle,” Rolling your eyes the LA-AT as it took off for the forward observation post. Upon arrival there was a static transmission from one of the other ships, Dooku had been spotted and they were in pursuit. Commandeering a speeder, you prayed the Force you were fast enough. “Glitch, stay with Master Yoda.”
“No, I'm going with you! We just saved your ass no way are you...”
“Damn it Glitch,” Glaring at the girl you clutched her shoulders in frustration, “I cannot lose any more of them or you.”
Glitch had tears in her eyes silently begging you to take her too.
“Protect them for me, please.” Pleading with the young woman, you needed her safe.
“Y/n, don't.” Glitch so rarely called you by name, always Boss. Some part of her wanted to keep you all at a distance, didn't want that pain again if she lost another friend. But that would be a disrespect to all you had done and how close you'd grown. “I can help, please!”
“You are Tyra,” tucking a stray hair behind her ear, you climbed on the speeder bike. “Listen to Master Yoda as you would me. It'll be alright.”
Yoda watched as you departed, coming to take Glitches hand, “Come my young friend, your wisdom and strength do I require.”
“I doubt there's anything that I have to offer you sir.” Glitch laughed bitterly.
Yoda hummed, “A different foe have I for you, one of greater importance. Come.”
“I don't care, land the ship!” Anakin's mind screamed at the sight of Padme laying motionless on the sand.
“Anakin I need you, come to your senses!” Obi Wan pleaded with the boy. Stars knew he understood better than anyone, seeing the woman he loved injured and thought killed. He knew the gut churning pain, but he also knew his duty. That as badly as it hurt there was a job to do. “What would Padme do were she in your place? What would Y/n do if it were us?”
Anakin searched the Force for his angel, she was alive. Maker he wanted nothing more than to go to her but as Obi Wan's questions sank in he also knew that answer. As hard as the truth was, as harsh as the situation was he would not make the same mistake twice in a day. Scrunching his face in frustration and anguish he looked to Master Obi Wan.
“They would do their duty,” Taking a deep breath Anakin tried to focus, “I'm sorry Master...”
“It's alright, calm yourself.” Obi Wan reached over to squeeze the boy's shoulder. “When this is over I owe you a long talk and a strong cup of tea.”
The craft dropped them on the landing platform, exploding almost immediately as it pulled away. Anakin's eyes went wide as yet three more lives flickered and faded into the greater Force. Why must death be so cruel, why? But there was no time to contemplate such things as he and Master Obi Wan ran into the cavern.
Malevolence enveloped them almost immediately, the air growing thicker the closer they drew. Dooku stood at the controller with his back turned, uncaring that he was trapped with the two Jedi. Anger and grief rolled through Anakin once more, his tone graveled and angry, “You're going to pay for all the Jedi you killed to day.”
Dooku turned slowly to regard the welp, scrawny and overconfident. All the arrogance to befit the grand Padawan of Windu and Dalincort. He gave the two a sickening smile, “And I presume that you have claimed the honor of bringing me to justice... youngling.”
“We'll take him together,” Obi Wan could see that Dooku was attempting to draw Anakin into the fight alone, “You go around...”
Anakin saw the sneer on the old man's face, remembered how he watched as the Jedi were slaughtered in the arena. Then the bastard started to laugh, LAUGH!
Anakin was done being patient. “I'll take him NOW!”
You could hear fighting the minute the speeder landed on the pad. The very air hung heavy; darkness, pain, anger... Hate. Running as though the hounds of perdition were upon you, stomach dropping to your boots. Obi Wan was sprawled on the floor in pain, Dooku had wounded him. Anakin was battling the old saber master, but it was obvious that the Count was toying with the young man. Blocking and parrying several over powered strikes Dooku made his move, turning and efficiently amputated Anakin's arm.
“NO!!!” you screamed.
Dooku grinned, extending his hand to fling the foolish boy across the room. The boy landed at Kenobi's feet with a pained whimper. He would have relished in the sight of his victory more if it weren't for several rocks that came flying at him. Deflecting them away with a brush of his hand, Dooku finally acknowledged your presence. “I see that Windu send his little pet after me.”
“Get. Away. From. My. FAMILY!” Biting out the words you couldn't care to cover the fury in your voice. Extending your arm you pulled the injured men closer to the entrance. The air practically crackled around you, pebbles floated and clattered from your rage.
He had injured Obi Wan....
he had cut off Anakin's arm...
he had killed so many good Jedi today...
“Young y/n, perhaps it's time for another lesson?” Dooku taunted you, tutting under his breath with a sly grin. “Then again you always were a poor student.”
There was a moment where Anakin looked up and he didn't recognize the woman striding across the room. Logically he could see that it was you, but it was as though your body had been possessed by a foreign spirit. A cold dead look of fury... it was terrifying. “Master?”
“Y/n,” Obi Wan tried to reach out to you but your walls were firmly in place. A shot of dread ran through him, bile rising. He had not been present when you had killed the Neimoidian, but he well remembered the fight against the cartel on Talenza. That same detached look, clinical almost if not for the anger in your eyes. Merciful light protect you, “Wee one...”
“I will not let you kill another Jedi today Dooku.” Without turning, moving only to raise your hand catching the saber hilt as it rocketed into your grip from the floor, you glared down the former Master. These feelings within were beyond anger or disgust or sorrow. When you looked at the man you felt nothing, seeing only the shadow of evil that was trying to destroy all around you. A cancer that needed to be excised. Raising your blade you coolly addressed the debauched soul, “Surrender old man.”
“We both know that I won't come willingly.” Dooku threw your own words at you. He couldn't help to admire the tenacity, foolish as it was, “You're outmatched girl.”
Your feet shifted to a starting position, “I have all that I require.”
“So very naïve,” Dooku gazed haughtily at you. “It appears then that this lesson is over due.”
You didn't reply, twirling the blade raising it to ready. There was no urgency in your step, nor stiffness to your body. Slowly entering the enemy's domain, closing space and circling. The air crackled around the room as Dooku extended his blade, red as the blood that stained his hands.
He feigned, beating the edge of his blade against yours trying to provoke you to action.
Tilting your head you slid the edge of the beam along causing sparks, giving a beat in return.
Force for force, blade on blade.
Dooku made the first move sweeping up then countering low. You didn't try for anything fancy simply deflecting and redirecting the move. Again, he thrust the edge of his saber, only for you to twist and block the move. He kept baiting and prodding, yet you would not do more than defend and take more ground. “Come now girl, certainly you can do better. Surely you wish to destroy me for what I've done. You'd like that wouldn't you?”
Another hard blow coming down from above as you felt him probing your mental barriers. Your walls were beginning to fray, and you could feel the cold clutches trying to wreak havoc on your mind. Blocking his saber again you gave a great push with the Force to throw the man across the floor.
“Would you not like to see me humbled before the Council for the harm done to your Padawan?” Dooku landed on his feet, less than gracefully but still in form. He watched to see if his words would add to the storm. He continued to project the most awful of things to your mind trying to break your will. Mental images of your Master dying, of Kenobi dying, of your apprentice crying for help as he too died. All of that which you feared most. A little further he thought, only a little more and the girl will crumble. Dooku shot lightning at you, laughing as he reveled in your cries of pain. “Or have you finally found that you are not what you believe yourself to be?”
“Aaaaahhhh!!!” You screamed in pain and frustration and the barrage continued.
Smirking he set the bolts loose again. Oh yes this did brighten his day to see you suffer. “You are no Knight, you are nothing but a weak little foundling! A cur allowed among the ranks of better beings because of one Council head's attachment.”
“Don't listen to him Y/n!” Obi Wan screamed from across the room, the lightning was so bright that he could barely discern your outline.
“Obi Boy...”
He took in a sharp breath feeling your signature wrap tightly to his. “Wee One?”
“Hey Slemo!”
Dooku paused the electric charge hearing your words. There you stood looking at him defiantly through the pain. How was this possible? Then he realized you hadn't fully taken the shock, channeling it to the ground through your body. Anger rose within him, not the least of which was directed at his own hubris. “So you HAVE learned something...”
“And you have forgotten,” Raising your saber again at the old man, charging forward with a swift low swing at his knees. One two three times blocked to come up for a high cross body strike. You glared over the light of the blades, “You've forgotten who you were! Whom you were supposed to defend! You were a Jedi, you were Qui Gon's Master.”
“You are not worthy to utter his name!” The old man matched your venom at the mere mention of his former apprentice.
So the old man still grieved. Good you thought, two could play at this! “Would he recognize you now? To see what you have become?”
Dooku charged and swung harder this time aiming for your shoulder and neck to silence you. “Qui Gon should still be alive, but instead you two unworthy children...”
“Qui Gon died defending the galaxy from the evil that you embraced!” You parried and kept backing him towards the edge of the cavern space. The old Sith continued to bash at your mental shields continuing his two front assault. You could feel him clawing in, feel yourself weakening with each minute and blow. The dark thoughts that you kept at bey so long rising at his bidding. You would not yield this battle though, giving a scream. “If Qui Gon had lived he would stand against you now! Since he cannot then we will!”
“You and Kenobi are nothing! That boy is nothing!” Dooku had to pivot quickly to avoid the quick footwork and precision of your thrusts and swings. Damn you using his momentary lapse to begin taking ground. Dooku wasn't out of the fight yet, using the Force to hurtle crates at rapid speed while blocking and advancing back at you. “The power of the dark side shall rise to bring order to the Galaxy.”
“Not so long as there is one Jedi left to defend her still!”
Slicing through the crates you continued to fight your way to the corner. Just a bit closer to the power conduit on the wall. Keeping your eyes on the Sith as you got within range. Tipping over a chemical container near the wall, then yanking out the high voltage cables.
“Anakin look away!” Obi Wan tried to cover his eyes as the pool of chemicals sparked off.
There was a flash and a wave of heat as the fumes ignited around the Count, driving you back. Please let this work, sweet merciful Force...
But then the world crumbled around you, nothing but swirling darkness.
You felt as though transported, floating through the coldest void of space until suddenly your body dropped to the ground.
No... this couldn't be?
You were back on Talenza... back to that day. Swirling ash and fire surrounding you, the stench of burnt flesh and death. The bodies of all the Jedi you had ever know strewn about your feet, blood raining from the sky.
Sightless eyes staring at you, mouths moving in tandem....
Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us?
Closest to you was Obi Wan and Anakin, again the same words.
Why didn't you save us?
“NOOOOOOO!!!!!” This wasn't real, this couldn't be real, DEAR SWEET MAKER STOP THIS PLEASE!
Pain erupted in your back and head momentarily breaking the hold Dooku had on your mind. The briefest of pauses from the horror. Thrown into the cavern wall to fall to the floor, flung into the rocky surface again and again like a ragdoll.
“Foolish child,” the Sith tutted as he strode closer, untouched by the flame. Raising his hand to continue the scourge. “Did you really think that would work? That you could defeat me so easily...”
The images kept flashing over and over in your mind, until all at once they stopped. As though the light had reached through and pulled you from the depths of the dark. Warmth slowly creeping back into you along with the pain. A familiar voice rang in the cavern as surely as a meditation bell in the Temple, steady and calm.
“Release her.” The paced clacking of a walking staff came to a pause, voice raising again. “Release my Knight!”
Dooku sneered, “Master Yoda...”
Your body crumpled to the floor, blood pounding in your head. The wise old Master looked to you, raising a hand that would stay you from acting further. Not that there was much convincing needed. You reached your signature out to Anakin and Obi Wan, injured but alive. “Obi Boy...”
“I'm here Wee One.”
“I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...” You succumbed to the pain, vision blanking into unconsciousness.
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Yoda looked upon the man before him, twisted in mind and spirit.
No longer the boy he had taught...
No longer the Knight and defender...
“Count Dooku.”
“You have interfered with our affairs for the last time,” The Sith pried and flung multiple conduits from the wall to crush his foe. When that did not prove enough he brought the ceiling of the cave upon the small Jedi's head.
With an nonplussed waive of his hand Yoda deflected the debris. “Our affairs is it? Then truly fallen you have.”
“The dark side has shown me the truth of the galaxy. And my Master has taught me so much more than you ever could.” Dooku glowered at the small being that he had once held in such esteem. One who had held him back and treated him like a child, well no more. He would end his former Master once and for all, “I have become more powerful than any mere Jedi... Even you!”
Lightning arced through the air at the small Jedi but to no effect. Dooku tried again, but with each attempt Yoda deflected or absorbed the volts, appearing unimpressed by the attempt. Similar to when an initiate threw a tantrum in the creche, the old Master kept his countenance calm. Dooku knew better though, that the still waters ran deeper than the ocean worlds.
“Powerful you have become Dooku,” Yoda straightened his posture to more squarely look the man down. "but not wiser."
“How is this possible?” Dooku glared at the small being. Sidious had trained him well, Dooku should be able to defeat the old man easily. He was more powerful, smarter! Anger and fear flashed within him as Dooku continued to reassess his strategy.
“Your ambitions and plans, like leaves in the wind they are,” Yoda's ears turned up as he glared down at his opponent, “Much to learn you still have. Clouded is your mind, to your senses return.”
“It is obvious that this contest will not be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with a saber.” He raised his blade, cool anger flashing in his eyes, “Unless you feel unequal to the challenge.”
Parting his robes Yoda drew his saber, “Do you?”
Across the floor Obi Wan was unable do much while injured, Anakin was semi conscious on his leg. They needed to get out of the cavern, there was no hope of lending assistance to Master Yoda in their condition. Concentrating on you signature Obi Wan tried to wake you, “Wee one?”
You face twitched in pain, but still not rousing to consciousness.
“Wee One I need you,” He focused harder, “Please wake up love, please.”
“Obi...” One eye blinked painfully open as you took in a deeper breath. You could hear the clash of sabers beating, glancing over you witnessed something not seen in a very long time. Master Yoda had drawn his lightsaber and was fighting the Count. The normally peaceful and patient Grand Master was beating the fallen Jedi, giving no quarter. Glancing at where Anakin and Obi Boy were you also saw the bleak look in his eyes. “Are you alright?”
“We need to get the boy out of here, can you help pull us over.” Reaching out with the Force Obi Wan moved to where you lay. You were shaking and unfocused, you were scared. Raising a hand to your battered face, Obi Wan's voice shook, "I'm sorry love, I'm sorry for all of it."
"Me too," Leaning into the touch you wrapped your signature to his, at least you were together.
The tears in your eyes begged to set loose, but you refused. For all their sakes you had to hold back, as much as you wanted otherwise. Fortunately the saber had cauterized the wound, but you doubted there was any way of reattaching the arm successfully. The boy was in shock and you did your best to try to ease his pain. What little strength you had would not allow you to do much. Placing your hand to his head you tried to give him peace, projecting that day at the beach on Dantooine, a good memory instead of the fear of now. “It'll be alright Ani-man, just hold on... just hold on.”
Yoda clashed his saber with Dooku's again and again, each blow and move made to disarm his foe. Dooku was strong, but his emotions clouded his judgment. It had been one of the many reasons that he had been denied a seat on the Council. His arrogance and air of superiority over his fellow knights had also been a thorn in many of the Jedi's side. Warning signs seen too late or ignored due to rank? Blocking yet another crippling blow Yoda struggled to hold his guard, “fought well you have my old Padawan.”
“Kind of you to notice, but I think that this contest is soon to end.” Forcing the smaller Jedi away the Count raised his hand to rip the largest of the ducts on the wall away. With all of his might Dooku tried to bring it down on the injured Jedi.
“Y/n!” Obi Wan grabbed your head trying to shield both you and Anakin with his body.
Bounding back from Dooku, Yoda raised his arms in concentration. Even as the Sith laughed and ran to his ship Yoda held the large metal beam fast and with great effort flung it away. Turning just as the portal to the ship closed the old Master glowered. “Finished, this is not!”
“No,” Dooku's voice boomed, “it is just the beginning!”
Udesii, Pare- Easy, Wait
Taglist: @meshlasolus @the-rain-on-kamino @a-rose-of-amber @aquaamethyst96 @stanny-uwu @just-dreaming-marvel @nurseytypechick @in-a-mellow-tone @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @iambored24601 @songoficecreamandfireworks @misscamptl @purplepandora666 @obiknights @moostresskenobi @the-going-merry @ginger-swag-rapunzel @iabrokengirl @lovelyxlily @annasun13 @foxperifoto @supernaturallover2002
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Idk why I'm back here, but I do want to say that I think we should talk more about gems in the magical girl genre such as Petite Princess Yucie, Jewelpet Twinkle, and Fairy Musketeers rather than niche 2010's titles we've (the fans, idc about them much) all agreed on aren't good. Besides beloved 90's-2000's titles (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Ojamajo Doremi, Tokyo Mew Mew, Shugo Chara to name a few) and the rare retro fan who is into Minky Momo or Creamy Mami... I see a lot of, "Well, [×] was a bad show and the genre is ruined!", but it always comes off as someone who doesn't really watch the genre. There's a lot of good shows out there if you check them out, but if you aren't actively looking for recommendations or looking for titles then you can't really expect to find much.
As harsh as it may come off, in my experience the average American magical girl fan isn't going to watch or even know of obscure titles much to look for mhch more. Most people's introduction to the genre here was through Sailor Moon, and that expectation of those action oriented media sticked. Therefore, the majokko (魔女っ子, witch girl) and magical girl idol titles are pushed into the background. Some would point the finger at licensing, but it also misses how a lot of these titles aren't commonly talked about as is. It was worse before Retrocrush on Discotek, but at the least you can find people who are into stuff like Magical Emi or Pastel Yumi. Still, it's hard for me to grasp how a lot of the genre is ignored in bigger magical girl spaces, especially on sites such as Twitter. I get highly confused when I only see people talking about Precure or Sailor Moon, yet make a lot of assumptions pushed to places that aren't really responsible for that.
Sure, licensing could be better, but that's a complex issue I've seen people go into. A friend of mines posts about how deals were set up for shows like Shugo Chara, but companies weren't interested. There's a massive problem overall with getting girls media off the ground as well. However, it is also on fans to check out more than what many would call the "cream of the crop" if they want other experiences. The optimizing of "dark themes" from newer fans also does not help, as it relegates the genre into a very odd competition between which is more mature or serious, yet forgetting at the end of the day many of these titles are for kids and cam stand on their own without vague comparisons. If you're not even going to look into say, titles beyond Princess Tutu, then I can't really take demands of wanting the genre to explore other themes seriously when several already have done that...
Yes, I'm saying this because most people in the online spaces I frequent at most will just watch Precure, Madoka Magica, and Sailor Moon, yet refuse to look at anything else and commonly put themselves into discussions to make generalizations about media they know they will never watch. It's especially weird to see as a fan of adv games/visual novels and mecha anime, where I see people do the exact opposite - dig up old titles and openly talk about them. I'm not expecting fans to automatically know what stuff like Galaxy Fraulein Yuna is, or games like Silky Lip and Valis, but I do think with media critique and common complaints your scope of criticism should be beyond a popular 90's titles and a few from the 2000's. I also find so many conversations dull cause I've been in the fandom for a hot minute and recommendations I rarely see, but moreso complaints about the same 6-8 shows instead of uh, idk, watching something else entirely.
Again, enjoy your shows, just don't jump into convos "educating people" (telling me or others stuff like majokko don't count, too many other examples to list here), or claiming all of the genre was boring/good/bad/kiddy before [×]. I also promise you it's actually rare to find a magical girl title that doesn't address "serious themes", cause even the ones about fairy tales and cutesy magical schools have child abandonment and trauma rampant through them. :/
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plagues02 · 27 days
Summary:  A conversation between Pedro and a young Carrot Characters: Pedro and Carrot Word Count: 491 Note: This was written for @lorelarkin A good friend of mine that y'all should check out
She was young. While yes, all minks could fight from birth; it was their nature. He could see she was pushing herself harder and harder with swordplay. She was too young and inexperienced to join the Musketeers.
The Guardians and the Musketeers got along well enough despite the feud between their commanders. Well enough that they would train with each other often, and they knew each other’s weaknesses and strengths.
Carrot was the newest member of the Musketeers, and Pedro watched her often as she trained. Sometimes he would join in, and he could tell how much she was lagging behind.
The rabbit mink was obviously frustrated by this. She was supposed to be one of the best as a Musketeer, but as time went on, she could still barely keep with the others.
The rabbit looked up at the sound of her name. “Huh?” She saw the older mink walking over to her.
“Oh, Pedro!” She smiled.
The jaguar mink sat down beside the other mink without another word. The two sat together in silence as they looked out at the sky. The sun was beginning to set; Pedro could hear the sounds of the night minks beginning to wake up as the day minks headed to bed.
He looked over out of the corner of his eyes and couldn’t help but chuckle as he noticed the younger mink was beginning to nod off. While she was now able to stay awake whenever she wanted, she was still getting used to staying up during the night.
The feline leaned back and began to speak, “How has your training been going?”
Carrot didn’t reply straight away before she sighed. “I’m,, not too far behind, at least. I don’t feel like I’m getting any better,” she admits.
Pedro nodded as they fell into silence again. He waited a few moments before grabbing the bag on his belt and removing it. He placed it down beside Carrot. The other looked over at him then at the bag and tilted her head.
The jaguar nodded at her, confirming that the bag was for her. Carrot picked the bag up and opened it. She tilted her head again, raising an eyebrow. She pulled out a pair of,, gauntlets that were in the bag and looked up at the older man.
“You struggle with swords,” Pedro spoke. “I don’t see why you need to continue to struggle when there’s other options.”
“What are these?”
“Weapons,” he explained. “You can wear them, and the fingers have little blades on them. So when you slash, it’ll cut.”
Carrot stared at him with wide eyes before moving to split on one of the gauntlets. She flexed her hands and noted how easy it was to move her hands still.
Pedro stood up, stretching. Before looking down at the rabbit. He flashed a grin. “Want to try them out?”
Carrot hesitated for a second before grinning back. “Of course!”
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queenofmistresses · 1 year
The Three Musketeers
Chapter 7
a/n sorry it took so long! Been a busy summer! Hope you enjoy this! Disclaimer it has not been proof read (much like most of my work). Please leave feedback, reblog, tell me what you enjoyed and what you want in future chapters! (Do i sound like a youtube channel yet?)
“Grab something!” Scott yells out as we all hold the doors shut. 
“Like what?” Stiles yells back in frustration. 
“Anything!” Stiles seems annoyed still for a split second then seems to think of something, pulling himself up and looking at something outside. I look up through the window and see what he’s looking at. 
“Stiles no you’re not going out there, it’s too dangerous.” I turn to him and say with as much determination as I can. He looks between me and Scott but I can already see his mind is made up and without a word, he turns and opens the door, sliding through quietly. 
Scott shuts the door and we both watch him tensely as he takes a second to look around before moving to grab it. Then, we see it. It crawled out from behind Stiles’ jeep, looking terrifying and snarling at seemingly nothing in particular. 
Scott starts banging on the window and yelling, “Come back! Come back!” Trying to get his attention. When Stiles looks up he realises what we’ve seen just as the alpha seems to notice him and the snarling gets worse.
He runs back in, closing the door and slamming what he picked up into the door to stop it opening. They look out the window as they pant and start asking out loud where it’s gone. Stiles grabs his touch and shines it out, trying to find it.
We all step away from the door and realise that that probably won’t hold the door for long. I cling on to Stiles’ arm, not wanting to let him go again. 
We hear the howling next, and Stiles grabs onto my hand before we all run into the closest classroom. We all go to move the desk but Stiles stops us quickly. 
“The door’s not going to hold it.” He says, I nod in agreement and Scott agrees too. “It’s your boss. Deaton? The alpha? Your boss.” Stiles goes onto to sag, directly his frustration and probably fear onto Scott.
“No.” Scott says, providing no reasoning whatsoever.
“Yes, murdering psycho werewolf.” Stiles leans forward to emphasise his point. 
“That can’t be!” Scott is obviously distressed and doesn’t want to believe it but it’s the only lead we have right now. Stiles points this out to Scott with no hesitation. 
“He killed Derek.” Ouch, did he have to say it so brutally?
“No, Derek’s not dead. He can’t be dead.” 
“Blood spurted out of his mouth okay? That doesn’t exactly qualify as a minor injury. He’s dead and we’re next.” Stiles replies. This is getting ridiculous and my head’s gotten pretty clear now.
“Both of you shut up. Scott, even Derek will have struggled to survive that. And Stiles? Try to have a little compassion please, yelling about it is getting us nowhere.” Both boys blink at me, apparently surprised at how level headed I am right now. “We need to get to Stiles’ jeep now and get out of here before anything happens.” They keep staring at me. “Now!” A whisper-yell, not wanting to attract the attention of a certain alpha. 
They glance at each before nodding and we all rush towards the window to try and work out a way out. Scott tries to open it before Stiles points out that it’s climate controlled so won’t open. Then Scott stupidly suggests we break it, which again Stiles points out will make a lot of noise. 
Scott then says something very worrying, “Stiles what’s wrong with your jeep?”
“What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong?”
“It’s bent!” I look over and see what Scott’s talking about. Shit. 
“Like, dented?”
“No Stiles, bent.” I turn to him and say. He leans over to look through the window properly. 
“What the hell-“ Stiles starts before something is thrown through the window at us. We all duck down and Stiles grabs onto me, bringing me closer to him. We realise it’s the car battery. Well now we’re really screwed.
Stiles tries to move but Scott stops him reminding us how close he is, not that Stiles is claiming to have forgotten. “Just let me take a look.” Scott tries. He slowly pulls himself up, looking out the window at all angles and tells us that he can’t see anything. We all agree to move while we have the chance.
We slowly creep out of the classroom. Me and Stiles are clinging tightly onto each other, and it feels like we’ve mutually decided not to let the other go. 
Stiles suggests we find somewhere with the least amount of windows possible and we decide on the locker room, quickly rushing towards it. 
“Call your dad.” Scott suggests when we get into the locker room.
“And tell him what?”
“I don’t know anything. There’s a gas lean, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it’ll take off.”
“What if it doesn’t? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every 
cop in sight? Including my dad?”
“They have guns!” I roll my eyes at that.
“Yeah and Derek had to he shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, remember that?” 
Scott agrees and we discuss more options for a moment before we come to a slightly disturbing but good option. Derek’s car. We’ll have to take the keys from his body though, which is just… ew. 
We start to leave the locker room but Scott hears something coming towards us. We all quickly hide in a locker each, though it’s a bit of a tight squeeze. 
Next thing I know I hear what sounds like a middle aged man yelling out and being shushed, so I quickly step out and try and help Stiles make him listen to us.
He pushes us out the locker room while Stiles is still desperately trying to reason with him. Suddenly he gets dragged back into the locker room and pressed against the now closed door with blood covering him. Oh my god. 
Scott tries to open the door to help but me and Stiles quickly grab onto him and drag him away, he has no chance now. We run away fast, Stiles gripping my hand again. 
We run back to the fire exit and try to get out, but when we push it we can’t move it, it’s like something’s blocking it suddenly. Scott peers through the gap and we realise that the alpha pushed the dumpsters into the way so we can’t get out. 
Stiles keeps trying to push it, the panic setting in but I pull him away, he’s making too much noise. We start walking away, trying to find another exit. “I’m not dying here, I’m not going to die in school!” Stiles emphasise, and I squeeze his hand lightly trying to reassure him but I doubt anything I say will help. “What does it want?!” He asks frustrated.
“Me!” Scott nearly yells back, “Derek says he needs a pack.”
“Great a psychotic werewolf who’s into teamwork.” As usual Stiles jumps to sarcasm. “That’s… that’s beautiful.” 
Scott looks like he’s about to respond but freezes as he looks out the window. We both turn to look where he is and realise the alpha is on the roof on the other side of the building. And it’s seen us. And it’s running toward us. Shit. 
We started running just as it jumps through the window, chasing after us immediately. I’ve never been a good runner but if we manage to get out of this alive, I might start practicing.
Eventually we come to a dark area and we don’t know where the alpha is. “We need to do something or we’re going to die.” I say as firmly as I can. 
“Like what?” Scott asks incredulously.
“Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it, something Scott!” Stiles defends me. We all think for a moment, not sure where the alpha is.
Stiles starts taking his keys out of his pocket and Scott quickly shushes him as it makes a noise. But because Stiles isn’t an idiot he does have a plan. He throws his keys in the opposite direction to us and we quickly leave through the door behind us as we hear the alpha growl and move in the direction of the keys. 
We block the door with the desk and hear growing and pounding at the door. Where we’ve pressed each end of the desk against the door and the wall he can’t seem to get out. We might actually make it out alive if we act fast. 
Scott quickly climbs across to the side of the desk that me and Stiles are, and I see Stiles inching closer to the door. I tug him back as Scott asks what he’s doing. “I just want to get a better look at it!” He defends.
“Are you crazy?” Scott yells.
“We need to leave, now!” I yell as well, holding his hand tight hoping he listens to me. 
“It’s trapped okay? It’s not going to get out.” Stiles keeps trying to convince us. 
Still holding my hand, Stiles climbs onto the desk and shines the torch into the small window on the door. Stupidly Stiles starts teasing it and making it angrier. It growls and Stiles jumps away from the desk but keeps teasing it. Then we hear a crash. And then creaking over us. It’s gotten into the ceiling. We all started running in the opposite direction. 
Then something weird happens. We hear a phone ring. Allison’s phone. I quickly call her and sure enough we hear a phone ring. Scott grabs the phone out of my hand before I have a chance to say anything and he starts talking to her. 
He tells her to meet us in the lobby and we try to get to her as soon as possible. Why is she here? That’s the first thing Scott asks her when we find her, turns out she got a text from someone claiming to be Scott asking her to meet at the school. This is so wrong and creepy. 
Then Allison reveals that Jackson and Lydia are here too, this is an absolute disaster. Luckily Lydia and Jackson quickly appear so we don’t have to spend ages finding them. Then we hear the creaking over our heads and Stiles slowly grabs my hand again before Scott tells everyone to run. 
I hear it behind us as it falls through the ceiling and chases us up the stairs. We barge through a door and I hear someone lock it behind us. Me and Stiles both seem to have the same thought as we stare at the windows. This is not a good place to hide.
Everyone but us starts barricading the doors with chairs, desks, anything, while Stiles tries to get their attention before we trap ourselves in. They don’t seem to hear us through all the moving about and their own fear. Eventually Stiles just shouts at them, getting their attention.
“Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job everyone.” I roll my eyes, this is not the time for sarcasm. “Now, what should we do about the 20-foot wall of windows?” He points out. 
Allison is freaking out and grabs onto Scott’s arm. This is going to get complicated, “Can someone please explain what is going on, because I am freaking out. And I would like to know why.” Scott pulls away from her, clearly not knowing what to say. 
Stiles decides to take the lead. “Someone killed the janitor.” He says, sounding incredibly sure of himself. 
“What are you talking about is this some kind of joke?” Allison is clearly directing her question to Scott.
“Who killed him?” Jackson asks, scared too by the looks of it. 
“No no no no no.” Lydia starts, I feel very sorry for her. “This was supposed to be over, the mountain lion-“ Jackson interrupts her. 
“Don’t you get it? There was never any mountain lion.”
“Who was it? What does he want?” Allison asks and Scott still doesn’t seem to know what to say. After some more back and forth, Scott finally saying something even if it’s unhelpful, Scott says something incredibly stupid. “Derek Hale did it, he killed the janitor.” Not only that but after being questioned further he claims that *all* of the recent deaths were Derek. This is going to backfire quickly. 
“Call the cops.” Jackson says.
“No.” Stiles replies, we’ve already had this conversation. 
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No.” I squeeze his hand. “Look Derek killed 3 people okay? We don’t know what he’s armed with.” He tries to reason. 
“Your dad is armed with an entire sheriff’s department.” If it really was just Derek then yeah this would be a good idea, there’s no way to reason this without telling the truth. 
Then Lydia decides to call them. She doesn’t get far into the conversation before the call ends. “She hung up on me.” Turns out the got an anonymous tip that there would be prank calls about a break in at the school. Allison insists that she call again so they trace the call but Stiles says they’d go to her house before they trace the call. 
Allison starts questioning things again, which isn’t helpful. They start questioning Scott further which really isn’t a good idea because this is a stressful situation. Scott snaps at Allison a bit which upsets her, causing her to turn away from him.
Stiles drags us away from the others and talks as quietly as he can. “Okay first off, throwing Derek under the bus, nicely done.” I roll my eyes, I have a bad feeling about that. 
“I had to say something! And if he’s dead it doesn’t matter right? Except if he’s not.” He glances over to Allison for a moment. “God I totally just bit her head off.”
“Not important, we need to get out of here, she’ll get over it.” I try to reason, that small thing really is the least of our worries right now. 
“But we are alive. It could have killed us by now but it hasn’t.” Scott points out, good point. “It’s like it’s cornering us or something.”
“So what? It’s wants to eat us all at once?” Stiles asks. 
“No. Derek says it wants revenge. Against Allison’s family?” 
“Maybe that’s what the text was about?” Stiles suggests. 
“Okay! Assheads.” Jackson interrupts. “New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to bring someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?” For some reason Scott agrees with Jackson quite aggressively.
“I’m not watching my dad get eaten alive.” He mutters back. He moves away from Scott, turning his back to everyone. Jackson quickly approaches him and tries to turn him to grab his phone but Stiles turns quicker and punches him in the face. Oh shit. 
“Stiles I’m sorry but I really don’t see an alternative.” He looks down at me and I hold his hand again. “It’s your decision.” I say. He nods and pulls out his phone. I rest my forehead on his arm as he calls his dad. But when he does call it goes straight to voicemail. He starts talking, telling him he needs to call back when we hear this banging against the door. Oh god it’s back. We all move back away from the door as Stiles tells him we’re at the school and hangs up.
“The kitchen.” I quickly suggest and Stiles agrees, defending me when Scott questions it and we all run towards the door. We all run upstairs to the next floor and keep going, we run into a lab room and block the door. We all stay quiet and wait until we see the shadow go past.
“How many people can fit in your car?” Scott whispers. 
“5, if someone squeezes on someone’s lap.” He says but Allison quickly interrupts and disagrees. 
“It doesn’t matter, we can’t get out without drawing attention.”
Scott suggests the stairwell that leads to the fire exit and down to the parking lot, which would work if it wasn’t deadlocked. “The janitor has a key.” He then suggests. “I can get it, I can find him by scent.”
“Gee that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea, what else you got?” Stiles argues back.
“I’m getting the key.” Scott decides after a moment, walking away from us. 
“Scott no, you’re not going out there just to die!” I try to get his attention as he moves towards Allison. He blanks me. Great. I move away from Stiles and sit on a desk. Amazing, now my brother is going to die getting a key after all of that. And then, I’ll really be alone, and he’ll be gone. What do I tell mum? Am I going to have to live with the truth and never tell her? I’m meant to look after him! I’ve done a crap job of that. 
I zone out for a moment but tune back in when I hear Lydia say something about a self-igniting molotov cocktail. Oh thank god she’s a genius. “Lydia you genius.” I say, looking over at the chemicals cupboard. She tries to play it off as usual but I don’t listen, moving over to the cupboard. Jackson quickly smashes it and Lydia gets to work. 
When she finishes she passes it over to Scott and Allison starts questioning things again. “Do you remember when you told me you knew when I was lying? That I had a tell. So do you.” Allison worked that out quicker than I expected. “You’re a horrible liar, and you’ve been lying all night. Just please… please don’t go. Please don’t leave us, please.” He seems to think for a moment before looking over at Stiles.
“Lock it behind me.” He says and tries to leave but Allison pulls him back and kisses him. I can’t tell whether she’s saying goodbye or hoping it will make him stay, maybe it’s both. 
I can feel myself getting upset too, he really could die. I feel Stiles approach me after he locks the door. He places a hand on my shoulder and I look up at him. He doesn’t say anything and just brings me into a tight hug, holding the back of my head and wrapping his other arm around my waist. I bring both my arms up to wrap around the back of his neck. I rest my head on his shoulder and let some of the tears fall quietly. Somehow being in his arms makes me feel safer. 
I hear Jackson reassuring Allison from near us, but I can’t bring myself to care what they’re feeling right now. Stiles seems to think the same as he hugs me impossibly tighter, not letting me go. 
“Jackson you handed me the sulphuric acid right? It has to be sulphuric acid. It won’t ignite if it’s not.” Oh shit don’t say that. I pull away from Stiles slightly as he does the same to me and we face Lydia. 
“I gave you exactly what you asked for, didn’t I?” Jackson snaps back, I don’t trust him. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m sure you did.” Lydia replies but even she doesn’t seem sure. I cling onto Stiles’ arm tightly, praying that he did. 
Suddenly we hear some kind of groaning noise and Jackson falls down in pain and starts screaming. Lydia and Allison grab onto him and pull him up and he insists he’s fine. 
“What’s on the back of your neck?” Stiles asks. Jackson doesn’t seem to want to answer and slaps Stiles’ hand away, but Lydia quickly steps in. 
“It’s been there for days, he won’t tell me what happened.”
“As if you actually care!” Jackson snaps back and honestly I decide I’ve had enough of him treating Lydia like crap. 
“Okay acting like a douche is not going to help anyone so just stop or I might consider getting Stiles to punch you again.” I roll my eyes. Stiles holds my arm gently before speaking.
“We all need to stop arguing for half a second or we’re never going to survive.” I nod in agreement and lean into Stiles’ touch. Allison voices her worries about Scott again but I decide not to answer again, I don’t think I’d help.
Then we hear a clicking noise coming from the other side of the door, making us all turn around. Allison comes to the conclusion that it’s Scott and starts trying to open the door, unsuccessfully, and yelling his name over and over. I don’t say anything but I desperately try to think why he seems to have locked us in here. The only one I can think of, is that he’s ‘wolfing out’, and if he is then we could be in even more danger. 
Lydia yells at her to stop, telling us to listen to something, at first I don’t hear anything but then I realise what she’s heard. Sirens. Getting louder and closer. 
We all rush to the window, and I beg to the universe that they’re coming to us. We quickly see 2 police cars pulling up outside the school and I feel my knees almost give way in relief and I grip Stiles harder. He holds me tight, letting me lean on him. 
Stiles’ dad and a few other officers come into the building and find us, me, Scott and Stiles walk with the Sheriff out of the building while the others are looked after by other officers.
He asks us questions about what happened, the boys stick with their story of it being Derek Hale and while I don’t say much, I agree and confirm their story. Scott reveals that he found the janitors body under the bleachers but when the officers look they don’t find anything, much to his frustration.
The sheriff promises that they’ll find the body and tries to reassure Scott that he believes him, but Scott doesn’t believe it. 
Eventually once the sheriff is satisfied he walks off leaving us alone, Stiles tries to lighten the mood by pointing out that we all survived. I haven’t let go of his arm, even in front of Scott. 
Scott doesn’t seem to notice though, he’s clearly occupied with his own thoughts, which he quickly voices. He tells us that the alpha knew where we were when we were in the chemistry room, and that the alpha must want him in the pack. 
“But I think first, I have to get rid of my old pack.” 
“What do you mean? What old pack?” Stiles asks, though I’m scared I might already know the answer to that. 
“Allison, Jackson, Lydia. You both.” He seems almost defeated, like he’s giving up hope. 
“The alpha doesn’t want to kill us.” Stiles realises out loud, making Scott sigh and look away before muttering.
“It wants me to do it.” I lean my head against Stiles’ arm, hoping I provide some kind of comfort for him like he does for me. “And that’s not even the worse part.” 
“How the fuck is that not the worst part?” I ask, standing up straight again waiting for an answer. 
“Because, when he made me shift, I wanted to do it.” He looks at me, really looks at me for the first time since this all started. “I wanted to kill you.” I feel Stiles grip my hand tighter and shift slightly closer to me. Scott looks away from me and up at Stiles. “I wanted to kill all of you.” 
I move forwards, letting go of Stiles’ hand, and pull Scott into a hug. He hugs me back but still seems tense, there’s still a huge weight on his shoulders. But I decide to be selfish and hug my big brother, hoping it reassures him for even a small moment. 
It’s not long until he pulls away and I almost say something but I see he’s focused on something behind me. Stiles seems to have noticed too and when I turn around I realise what they’re looking at. Deaton. We all walk over and ask how he got out. He seems, calm almost. Eerily calm even, he makes a joke about Scott deserving a raise for saving his life. 
Stiles’ dad comes over and tells us to leave him with the EMT and we all follow behind him, confused. Then Scott spots Allison and quickly runs over to him.
Me and Stiles stand by his dad’s car and watch them talk. “What do you think she’ll say?” He asks, quietly. 
“I think she’ll break up with him.” I say bluntly and sigh, looking up at him from the side. He seems surprised. 
“Really? Why? He risked his life for her!” I give him a pitying smile. 
“It’s what I would do if i was in her position.” He turns to face me fully, his mouth hanging open in surprise. 
“Think about it,” I start, “from her perspective she just almost got murdered. Potentially by someone that claims to know Scott quite well. She knows that Scott was lying all night, which means that she knows that he lied about what was really happening. Then he left for way longer that he should have for what he was claiming to do, and then he came back just to trap us in the room. Oh and don’t forget that the only reason she was there is because she got a fake text from someone claiming to be Scott. If I was her, I’d be scared. I’d think that he could have been involved. I wouldn’t trust him. Honestly I would stay very, very far away for as long as possible.” I look at them talking. “He’d be lucky if she gave him another shot at a relationship.” 
Stiles still seems surprised but looks like he can understand it better now. “I guess it is weird for her.” I snort at that.
“That’s the understatement of the century.” 
We stand quietly for a minute watching them, until I feel Stiles wrap his arms around my shoulders and pulling me in. He rests his head on mine and holds me tight. I hold him tight too, letting that do the talking for me. He pulls away slightly and leans down, resting out foreheads together. “I thought I was going to lose you.” He whispers. I shake my head slightly looking at him. 
“We’re okay, we’re both alive.” I whisper back, reminding myself as well as him. He nods and breathes in deeply. 
“I never want you to be that close to death again.” I pull him back in close, holding him as tight as I can manage. 
“As long as we’ve got each other we can survive anything, right?”
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