the-three-whumpeteers · 16 hours
It didn’t take long for the whumpee to figure out that they weren’t going to be rescued- they’d spent so much time pushing people away and hurting others for their own gain that the whumpee just knew nobody was looking. At first they’re angry- they shouldn’t be left to be tortured just for that- but then they’re just…sad, blaming themselves for what was happening, and a part of them felt like they deserved the torture.
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The whumper didn’t have to capture the whumpee to hurt them, after all they had enough dirt on them to threathen the whumpee to do anything for them. It was easy to keep the whumpee in line that way, any time they tried to fight back, the whumpee would taunt them with evidence that would destroy them.
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The whumper was tired of being looked down upon and mocked, they wanted to finally have power in their hands, and if they had to torture their way to power then so be it. Finally, the whumper felt strong, and finally, people looked at them with fear, and they didn’t feel guilty about hurting so many, after all, many of them had mocked them before- they deserved it all.
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The whumpee thought life with the whumper was normal, and they knew what to do to avoid punishment, and sometimes even earn rewards, so they’re confused when the people they’d been taught to hate show concern for them. The whumpee brushes it all off as a trick- the whumper had even told them their enemies were crueler than them.
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They used to be friends- they used to get along just fine, the whumper truly hated how the whumpee had forced their hand. If the whumpee had just listened and gotten out of the way, they wouldn’t be in their situation- stuck in a small cell, with little to eat and drink. The whumper blamed it all on the whumpee, And they wouldn’t even think twice about taking their anger on their former friend.
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The whumpee didn’t want to be treated as a pet, and they would try their best to fight back whenever the whumper got too close to them. Time slowly broke the whumpee down though, and as horrible as it made them feel, the whumpee would comply with the whumper some days, just to have more food or water for one night.
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The whumpee tried their best to keep track of how many days it had been, but it was hard, as their cell had no windows. The only constant was the bit of food the whumper would give them, so they’d count that way. The whumpee tried their best to keep the number days in their mind, but slowly, they’d lose count, and eventually, it had felt like an eternity since they last knew how long they’d been under the whumper.
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The whumpee knew that they’d lost all of the fight in them, they would follow every order given and wouldn’t fight back anymore. The fact that they’d become a completely different person didn’t hit them until they were rescued- their friends looked horrified at their new attitude, and the whumpee felt sick thinking about what their friends think of them now.
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The whumpee knew that they were the whumper’s most prized possession, and that with them in the whumper’s captivity, nobody else would be captured like they had been- the whumper didn’t like dividing their attention. The only comfort the whumpee is left with is that they’re preventing anyone else from suffering like they are.
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The whumpee served the whumper not because of admiration, but because of fear. The whumper had been merciless when training the whumpee, just to instill loyalty and make sure they wouldn’t ever dream of betraying them. Everyone around them sees the whumpee as weak willed- they didn’t know what the whumper had done, so they just believed the whumpee was the whumper’s fanatical servant.
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The whumper was known to be cruel and merciless, capable of breaking any captive regardless of how strong they are- and they got their hands on the whumpee, an incredibly quiet and timid person. The whumpee’s friends are in a panic, scrambling to get their friend back before the whumper hurts them irreversibly.
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The whumpee didn’t want to get attached to people anymore- the whumper would always hunt them down and hurt them after all. The whumper controlled every aspect of the whumpee’s life, and they loved reminding the whumpee that they could hurt others the same way they hurt the whumpee.
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The whumpee expected the caretaker to be like every previous owner they’d had- cruel, easy to anger, and uncaring. The comforts they got without asking made them feel uncomfortable, they felt like they should’ve earned them, but they’d done nothing at all. It takes a bit before the caretaker notices how stressed the whumpee is, they keep asking about rules and punishment, and the caretaker doesn’t know how to explain that they won’t hurt them like their old owners had done before- they don’t event want to be an owner, they just want the whumpee to get better.
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I’ve said this a couple of times but I’m gonna say it again🗣️ my favorite part of this blog is seeing a prompt I make fit a random show/media character’s story 1:1, like it’s so fun and I usually don’t know them at all lol
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The whumpee had been broken for so long, and they usually didn’t care as long as they stayed away from the whumper’s wrath- but it changed when someone new came in. A new whumpee, one that was as defiant as the old one used to be- the first whumpee doesn’t know what to feel, specially when they’re looked at with disgust by the new captive.
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The whumpee had spent their entire life with the whumper, so punishment and torture was something they expected out of everyone- but their enemies, the people the whumper had raised them to hate- were so kind. The whumpee would be given blankets and food without anything being expected in return. At first it all felt like a trick, but eventually the whumpee didn’t care- lie or not, they preferred their new life.
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The whumpee thought they and the whumper were best friends, they thought that they had each other’s backs no matter what. The whumper was so cold now, like they weren’t the person the whumpee had known at all- but they’d been friends for years, so to the whumpee, nothing made sense.
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