starsonmarsy · 7 months
hey bestieeee ummmmmm would you wanna brainwash me and condition me to go absolutely brainless and drooly at the sight of your cock, ready to be your little cocksleeve? as friends of course
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thekinkymadscientist · 2 months
Giving you arousal triggers which pop off randomly a few times a day.
You're reading a book, and you feel yourself getting horny for no reason.
You're waiting in line at a store and you suddenly get a powerful urge to serve.
You're just sitting down on a train and lewd fantasies spring to your mind unbidden.
How long would it take before you realize you're meant to be nothing but a brainwashed pet, eager and obedient at your owner's side?
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maj77777 · 4 months
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whumpster-dumpster · 6 months
Love it when a whumpee who's known to be especially emotive just goes blank. Dead quiet, glassy eyes, no thoughts head empty, especially if the change is super abrupt and unnerving
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emptyrubbishbin · 5 months
"You'll never hurt anyone again."
Caretaker captures Whumper and conditions them to associate the sight of blood, wounds or sounds indicating any kind of hurt (screaming, yelping, whimpering, begging, etc) with pain. This also means they’re not just scared of hurting others, but they hate looking at their own wounds and avoid making noise when they are hurt because the sounds upset them.
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tokei-sama · 2 months
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whumpshaped · 5 months
Could you make a pet whumpee that was trained to act, to obey, when they hear a *click*. And a Caretaker always and -by accident-, clicking a pen when he's stressed, making Whumpee comfused and scared.
tw pet whump, accidental bad caretaker, conditioning, past trauma
Whumpee perked up more and more each time, looking around for the source of the sound. It was Caretaker, but... they didn't seem to be paying any attention to them at all.
What did they want?
Whumpee was starting to tremble a little.
They didn't know what to do.
They whimpered despite themself, out of fear and frustration. They wished Caretaker had established what the clicks meant before they started clicking, like Whumper had done. Then they would've been able to just obey.
They froze when Caretaker stopped and looked up, realising their stupid voice had disturbed them. "I'm so sorry," they breathed. "I– I just don't know– I didn't know what it meant–"
"The c-clicking, I didn't know, I couldn't figure out–"
Caretaker looked at the pen in their hand like it was a snake, and promptly threw it on the desk. "Fuck. Whumpee, I'm sorry. It doesn't mean anything. I'm so sorry, I keep clicking every pen I touch. Are you okay?"
"I, I am, I just need to know, I need to know for next time– Please, I just need to know–"
Caretaker pushed their chair back and rushed over, kneeling by Whumpee to give them a hug. "Shh, it's alright. It's alright. It doesn't mean anything. You don't have to do anything. I'm so sorry it stressed you out so much."
The tension slowly drained from Whumpee's body, and they allowed themself to melt into the embrace. "Does it... does it really not mean anything?" they choked out.
"It really doesn't. I promise. You're not a dog, Whumpee. You're not being trained."
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violent-ultraviolet · 7 months
Okay guard dog whumpees or attack dog whumpees who are human but the little things about the way they interact with their environment gives them away.
They sit unnaturally on chairs, limbs tangled
They stalk rather than simply follow or walk
They tend to have little ticks like snapping at the air quietly when they're frustrated. Whumper knows it's harmless.
Whumpees who have that distinct human "etiquette" trained out of them :)
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painsandconfusion · 21 days
Whumpy Moments #45
Whumper raised a brow, glancing over their book at to their kneeling captive. "..feeling submissive today?" They'd never seen Whumpee calm. Unless they were dazed from a blow or asleep, it was always snarls and glares and hurled insults.
Whumpee's forehead pressed against Whumper's leg. "I'm j- 'm tired. 'm so tired."
Whumper clicked their tongue in a pitying tsk, book drifting to the side so they could reach to run a hand through Whumpee's hair. "Finally learned your place, then?"
There was a distant moment of bliss as Whumpee pressed into the gentle touch, skin tingling and sparking under the warm affection. Then their head shook minutely. "N-no, just.. I... I c-an be bad again t-morrow." So tired. They were so tired..
Whumper cooed, reaching down to guide Whumpee up, leading the stumbling, bruised form into their lap. Whumpee surprised themself by leaning into it, curling up against Whumper's chest and letting their eyes close. They almost expected pain in retaliation of the disobedience, but evidently Whumper didn't count tomorrow's sin against them. Not yet, anyway.
"Tomorrow," Whumper murmured in agreement, lips against Whumpee's hair. They rubbed a hand slowly up and down Whumpee's spine, soothing aching flesh into easing limp. "For tonight, you just rest."
Tears stung at their eyes, but Whumpee nodded into their chest, curling up tighter. They'd let themself enjoy this. Let themself soak in the warmth.
They'd fight again tomorrow.
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starsonmarsy · 9 months
okay but using hypno to condition titles is the hottest thing ever. getting waves of submission and pleasure when referring to your tist as their chosen title. especially when agreeing with them, it's pure bliss to just say "yes _____"
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Fractionation is so fun.
Wake up your hypnosub only to drop them. Then do it again. Soon they're all drifty and suggestible: it hardly matters if you tell them something when they're "up" or "down", they'll accept it regardless.
Bring them up and down over and over again, and it hardly matters if you use triggers. You don't even need to use ordinary hypnotic language. Just a quick "Go back down" is all you need to have them out like a light.
Oh, and the look in their eyes when they wake up confused, only to drop once more? Priceless.
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maj77777 · 3 months
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The whumpee had grown up under the whumper, and had never experienced anything other than the harsh training and punishments. It was only when the heroes- the people the whumpee had been trained to hate, treat them kindly during the time the whumpee is captured. It feels new and warm- and the whumpee doesn’t want to leave.
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
Whumper trained Whumpee to respond to hand signals. A snap means they fight whatever enemy they assign. Tapping three fingers together means they kneel. A raised hand means to go silent. If they don't respond, they get severely punished. Caretaker has a tendency to talk with their hands and accidently triggers Whumpee. They don't know the signal to return them to normal.
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balerathon · 5 months
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whumpshaped · 8 months
whumpee with a device embedded in their body that has the ability to produce a certain drug. it releases a dose of it whenever whumper presses a button on the remote connected to it, then fills right back up again. whumpee has zero control over it. whenever they act out, they get hit with a dose of sedatives. they grow to fear the click of the button itself...
and then. and then. what if it malfunctions. what if it starts leaking and releasing drugs Constantly. what if it has to be taken out and reinserted. what if.. what if..
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