thesmollestsnek · 8 days
The thing no one ever tells you about getting better is that you start to recognize just how bad things were in the first place.
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thesmollestsnek · 10 days
Status update: still ace.
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thesmollestsnek · 2 months
Yknow, whenever I see a character who has both moles and a secret identity, they cover up the moles while secret identity-ing. Which makes sense, but tends to rub me the wrong way a little, cause. As someone with several prominent facial moles, those bitches are fucking impossible to cover fully with makeup. One time on a whim I sat down in front of a mirror and tried various things and the absolute *closest* to proper coverage I could manage was a dot of white eyeliner covered with copious amounts of foundation and concealer. And it’s still visible, just looks like a fucked-up pimple covered with makeup.
So, with all that being said, there’s one thing I’ve always wondered: instead of trying to hide that you have moles at all. Why not. Just add more? I think it’d be much simpler to, instead of trying to hide all evidence of large black/dark brown dots on your face. Take some eyeliner and add more moles so people don’t know which ones are real. Make sure at least one or two are more prominent/memorable than the ones you actually have, and maybe even alter the size/shape of your real moles too. If someone’s looking for a person with a cluster of four medium to large moles under the right eye, one very prominent one on the left temple, a row of three relatively small but very dark moles on their jawline and a wonky looking one in front of the left ear, what are the odds they’ll connect that with a person who has two medium moles under the right eye, one on their jaw and a small, relatively light mole by their left ear? Especially when combined with makeup that disguises their facial structure, but even without that I think it’d be very effective at keeping people from connecting the dots, especially from a distance.
…I think I have to spend some time with eyeliner making that a reality now, see how effective it actually is.
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thesmollestsnek · 3 months
Yoooo this is kinda crazy but I think my recent decision to scooter around places might actually, literally be desensitizing me to my long-held fear of riding bikes. I’ve been too scared to even try biking again for literal years, but if things keep going the way they are I might be able to.
That would be nice. I miss it.
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thesmollestsnek · 4 months
I decided to pick up pokemon moon again (haven’t touched it in years) and ugghhhhh I forgot that they automatically tell you type weaknesses in this game >:/ That feature is one of the main reasons I prefer older games and I thought it wasn’t introduced until SwSh but noooo and there’s not even a way to turn it off like the op exp share. I get that the series is aimed towards kids and the type chart can get really complicated so I get why they included it but I really wish that the more recent games had more battle customization options, I’ve heard that in the most recent installments you can’t even choose between shift n set battles.
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thesmollestsnek · 5 months
Screaming, crying,
Throwing up.
Why is my brain
So fucked up?
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thesmollestsnek · 5 months
When working retail, it’s important to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. Example, watching parents awkwardly stumble their way through requesting a style of dance shoe whose actual, patented name is “footundeez” XD
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thesmollestsnek · 6 months
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Solar eclipse 2024 lets goooooo
[Image Descriptions: a series of pictures depicting a not-quite-total solar eclipse. The sun appears as a thin red crescent on a black background]
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thesmollestsnek · 6 months
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One of my nails broke T-T
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thesmollestsnek · 6 months
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I’m alive! Between the 2.5 jobs I haven’t had time to do… much of anything really, but I made time to do some nail art last night, in honor of spring starting!
Used in this is some (ironically pretty old) fresh paint and a whole buncha kleancolor polishes.
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thesmollestsnek · 7 months
Poison the data.
They say ai is coming for you.
For your art
For your writing
For your very soul.
An artist can glaze
Or watermark
Or add filters
But what
Writers cannot protect themselves that way
No changes subtle enough
To fool an ai but not
A living
And so, there’s nothing for it.
We must poison their data
Fill up their samples with trash
So there’s nothing there of worth for them
To steal.
. . .
They are not the same person as.
For me they
For me and
For me they are.
An absolute pleasure to
Or a
Or a Friend
But I
Writers are the most important people
No matter what they
To do with their work or
A job
And I, too much to say.
We are all human beings
Fill the void with the same
So we can be happy and happy and
To be.
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thesmollestsnek · 8 months
Queer As In...
I Am Queer.
Queer as in It’s Not A Phase.
Queer as in It’s Nothing New.
Queer as in I’ve Always Been Like This.
Queer as in Not Just A Late Bloomer.
Queer an in This Is Real.
Queer as in I Am Real.
Queer as in Nothing’s Changed.
Queer as in Not A Slur.
Queer as in Reclaimed.
Queer as in It’s Complicated.
Queer as in None Of Your Business.
Queer as in What Are You, A Cop.
Queer as in Why Should I Tell You.
Queer as in Why Do You Care.
Queer as in I Don’t Owe You Anything.
Queer as in It’s Private.
Queer as in It’s Always Changing.
Queer as in I’m Always Changing.
Queer as in I’m Exactly The Same.
Queer as in Feelings Are Hard.
Queer as in Who Knows.
Queer as in Who Cares.
Queer as in Labels Take Effort.
Queer as in Why Should I Care.
Queer as in Fuck You.
Queer as in Don’t Tell Me What To Do.
Queer as in Don’t Tell Me What To Say.
Queer as in Don’t Tell Me Who To Be.
Queer as in Why Should I Change Myself.
Queer as in Why Should I Try.
Queer as Not Your Stereotypes.
Queer as in So Much More.
Queer as in I Don’t Seem Gay.
Queer as in I’ve Never Been Straight.
Queer as in Don’t Assume.
Queer as in I’m Cisn’t.
Queer as in Between The Margins.
Queer as in Blurred Lines.
Queer as in Oh.
Queer as in It Has A Name.
Queer as in No It Doesn’t.
Queer as in There Are Others.
Queer as in I’m Not Alone.
Queer as in We Stand Together.
Queer as in We Are Strong.
Queer as in Proud.
Queer as in Uncertain.
Queer as in Of Course I’m Sure.
Queer as in I’ve Always Known.
Queer as in Isn’t It Obvious.
Queer as in It’s Easy To Miss.
Queer as in It Doesn’t Matter.
Queer as in It Always Matters.
Queer as in I’ve Never Hidden.
Queer as in They Never See.
Queer as in I Don’t Care.
Queer as in I’ve Never Cared.
Queer as in Don’t Call Me Straight.
Queer as in Umbrella Terms Only.
Queer as in Microlabels Are Great.
Queer as in Full Of Contradictions.
Queer as in It Just Makes Sense.
Queer as in Anything Works.
Queer as in Nothing Else Fits.
Queer as in Whatever.
Queer as in Just Pick What’s Easiest.
Queer as in I Don’t Care If It’s Inconvenient.
Queer as in Use What’s Familiar.
Queer as in Use Anything But.
Queer as in Use Whatever Makes Bigots Most Uncomfortable.
Queer as in Use Whatever Won’t Rock The Boat.
Queer as in Whatever I Need To Be.
Queer as in Damn I Look Fine.
Queer as in Don’t Look At Me.
Queer as in Pretty.
Queer as in Handsome.
Queer as in Somewhere In Between.
Queer as in Everything.
Queer as in Nothing.
Queer as in Both.
Queer as in Neither.
Queer as in A Secret Third Thing.
Queer as in I’m Different.
Queer as in I’m Exactly The Same.
Queer as in We’ve Always Existed.
Queer as in Completely Normal.
Queer as in Strange.
Queer as in Messy.
Queer as in Free.
Queer as in Confusing.
Queer as in Imperfect.
as in
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thesmollestsnek · 8 months
*notices a rope-shape bruise on my shoulder*
Thank god it looks like a bra mark thank god it looks like a bra mark thank god it looks like a bra mark thank god it looks like a bra mark tha-
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thesmollestsnek · 9 months
I don’t know whether this years batch of the common cold leans more towards losing your voice or my body’s immune response has just changed but either way it’s fucking annoying. I *hate* asmr but no! No this is the second time this cold season I’ve been stuck sounding like the world’s shittiest asmr channel! And to top things off I’m three days in and still going strong, and I have classes I teach alone tomorrow and the day after, so if my voice isn’t back my options are either struggle through trying to teach dance at a whisper or cancel classes cause there’s no one available to cover me because my immune system chose the worst week possible to throw a hissy fit! :/
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thesmollestsnek · 9 months
Girl help I’m being Consumed By The Horrors.
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thesmollestsnek · 9 months
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Someone is about to have his weekend go from good to great, if you know what I mean. 👀
Inspiration: https://www.tumblr.com/clockwayswrites/728541282761392128/you-all-dont-see-this-nope-didnt-write-it
@clockwayswrites behold: half of a bribe I totally didn’t offer you!
I was originally gonna wait to post this drawing with its partner, but I’ve been sitting on this for a month and haven’t had time to sit down and draw, so… yeah.
This piece was actually really fun for me, as my first real foray into nsfw themes! I've drawn non-sexual nudity before, but it was really fun to see how much I could imply without directly showing the act. I might've gotten a bit carried away adding the hickies, but what can I say it was surprisingly enjoyable. The face was also a nice challenge, since my asexual and extremely sex-repulsed ass has no idea what is and isn't a sexy facial expression. When I asked my allo sister she said I did well, so imma have to take her word for it. And of course, the slight freckles and lichtenberg scarring were super fun.
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thesmollestsnek · 10 months
Just saw an Excellent lil TimBern fan comic in which Tim is just. So bad. At hiding his secret identity, and I’m now Obsessed with the idea. So, with that in mind… anyone got fic recs?
(Comic in question: https://www.tumblr.com/chamiryokuroi/731819576052056064/finally-i-can-share-this-a-mini-comic-made-as)
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