#adhd brain
beardedmrbean · 3 days
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cabbihugger · 2 days
Getting told I have adhd was interesting bc one part of me is like “no I can sit still” and the other is like “want to know about the one time the newsies cast messed up on a line on exactly September 25th 2016?” . Take your meds kiddos.
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letsventstuff · 22 hours
Things would've been so great if you'd have chosen to stay just once, instead of leaving.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
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Neurodivergent Things
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turns-out-its-adhd · 1 year
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living with ADHD is being stuck in a Matrix of your own making, and forgetting you made it
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accidentalslayer · 10 months
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cookthepenguin · 10 months
The adhd urge to use parenthesis in every sentence (because every thought comes with additional bonus content)
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neurodivergent-brain · 3 months
It shocks me how many people don’t realise that the autism spectrum isn’t this:
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That is in fact a very outdated and in many ways insulting…
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And it is actually incorrect to say “well everyone is somewhere on the spectrum”
Someone may show traits that are associated with autism but that doesn’t mean they are on the spectrum but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are autistic,
Just like someone who is autistic may show traits of people who are neurotypical.
When I am speaking to friends who may use incorrect language or may have outdated information of what the spectrum is, I explain to them why it is important to change how we view and talk about being neurotypical. None of them are intentionally being offensive and are often happy to get a better understanding. It’s always important to be open to changing how we view something so that everyone is able to feel accepted and understood; therefore if there is any information or something I’ve said that is offensive, incorrect or even if you have a different perspective than me, please let me know as I only want to be respectful of others and am always willing to see other people reasons for their views.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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allie-leth · 26 days
One of the most frustrating things about ADHD is just the way that you absolutely cannot trust future you.
Like, I look at something and think "Oh, I'll deal with that later" like, no I won't. I absolutely won't. I should just do it now while I'm there. I should make plans to do something... Oh wait, will I have the energy to do that??? I was talking with a friend who told me I should come over for tea sometime, which I absolutely would love to do, but I said I was too tired. "Too tired for tea?" she asks. Like, no, I would love tea, but I'm too tired to know that I'll have the energy to get to the place and the only thing I hate worse than not doing things is being flaky on my friends.
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cringecat9 · 28 days
I had a dream that I signed up for a kids version of American idiot the musical on ice and I was really excited because I know all the lyrics to Jesus of Suburbia but I didn’t know it was supposed to be on ice cuz I don’t know how to skate and the teacher didn’t like me much so my friends and I snuck out and went out to lunch. After that we went to like a combo of a drugstore and a Michael’s. Then we went home and I told mom I wanna quit because idk how to skate so we did
   And then my childhood mailman challenged us to a cookoff where we had to use RAO’s branded sauce but we declined and he got pissed
   We also passed this really weird hibachi restaurant where I got a glass of water but I think I might’ve stole it because it was like $30 and I didn’t pay????
what the fuck is up with my brain
edit: I made a visual
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venlo · 2 years
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you can't tell me I'm wrong
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frailscholar · 9 months
Adhd is having 1000 hobbies and doing none of them in your free time 😎
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beinganautismgirl · 1 year
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This all the damn time!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
What Does ADHD Look Like?
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The Mini ADHD Coach
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new-twitter-memes · 1 year
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Teen me pre adhd diagnosis just casually disassociating from stress & anxiety👌💯
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