tummieaching · 7 days
My tummy hurts today...
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tummieaching · 7 days
I'm so nauseous right now I can't stop burping ... a little bit of spit up got on my shirt ...I feel so sick ...
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tummieaching · 26 days
I'd love to do private burping and puking audios if anyone is interested ♡ $ 20 for 5 minutes of burping and $ 40 for 5 minutes of puking ... I'm willing to talk in the audio and say what you'd like, what I ate, how my tummy is feeling, your name ... for you as long as it stays between us, but I reserve the right to decline any requests ♡ DM me if you're interested ♡
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tummieaching · 26 days
This was a few days after I was feeling so sick and burpy ...
I was craving the pizza that I ordered to try and make myself sick initially, but this time I really just wanted to eat it ... my belly wasn't ready for it at all, it was so greasy and I ate seven slices of it I couldn't help myself ... I was so queasy and nauseous for hours and hours, I thought I would end up like just a few days prior and not get any relief ... but a few of my wet burps brought up some of the digested pizza in my mouth, so sour and hot ... I laid in bed and rubbed my over bloated tummy, and tried to stuff myself up with water, hoping that having all of that with the pizza rolling around in my turbulent unhappy belly would force it back up, and I was right ...
I was laying with my belly on the bed, face over the side and barfing up mostly water at first, into a trash can I took from the bathroom ... it was so messy ... it got on the floor and the side of the cabinet that the trash bin was next to, I missed the bin two times ... at some points it was hard to get up, it felt like it was stuck, and I realized that the pizza was starting to come up, and then it started getting thick and really warm ... I love the sound of my puke hitting the trash bag ... my belly was so sick for hours after that, but that's all I could get up anymore ... I wish someone was there to help me puke up more ...
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tummieaching · 26 days
have you made pukes recently or will you
I have ... ♡ I'll post it tonight for you all
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tummieaching · 26 days
I want to hear more pukes you sound so sexy and sound like you are almost comin as you splash it out. It sounds like it feels good. I want to rub and feel your tummy as you barf up all the food in your belly. Oh I had the hurl flu yesterday and the day before and I came as I barfed up to your stomach sick sounds
I have another audio I'll post tonight ♡ It certainly gets very arousing, puking sometimes gives the same feeling as coming ... I'm very flattered thank you ♡
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tummieaching · 26 days
your audios are so hot, thank you for posting them… nothing gets me off faster than going to your irl vomit tag and hitting play on a bunch of audios at once <3
Oh wow, I didn't even know you could do that ... sounds fun, thank you very much ♡
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tummieaching · 26 days
hellooo! I lurk a lot on your blog, and I just want to send an ask saying that I appreciate your stuff 🩷 I don’t actually listen to your audios since I’m severely emetophobic in real life and listening to things like audios and videos makes me really anxious, but I love love love love love reading the descriptions you write. Reading through your blog every Saturday is one of my fav parts of the week 🩷🩷🩷
Thank you love, I appreciate this message ♡ I used to be very emetophobic as well, I understand ♡
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tummieaching · 1 month
Your burps are seriously the cutest thing ever I love how you get so burpy when your nauseous
Have a wonderful day 🤍
Thank you this is such a lovely compliment ♡
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tummieaching · 1 month
Hi! How're you doing now? I saw before that you ate some pizza that upset your tummy :3
Hi ... ♡ Unfortunately it didn't work last night so I tried again tonight with my leftovers... I can't stop burping I'm so nauseous I just want to get it up and be over with it ... I wish someone was here to help me vomit ... I'm laying on my belly and spitting up all the saliva in my mouth over the side of my bed into a trash can ... sometimes I sneak my hand down to rub myself but I think I'd be fun to really finger myself and puke sometime ... but I'm too nauseous right now ... ohh .... my belly hurts so much
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tummieaching · 1 month
What are you gonna eat knowing you'll possibly puke it back up?
I had some pizza earlier this evening ... it's a greasy to-go pizza that I've puked up before ... I thought it would help faster but now I'm painfully nauseous ... a little bit came up when I burped a few minutes ago ..
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tummieaching · 1 month
Do you enjoy having a belly ache or upset belly? Or is it mainly the nausea and puking that you like?
I love both ... having an upset belly always makes me a little aroused ♡ I love the way it feels sloshing around my belly, even if it hurts ....
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tummieaching · 1 month
any news from your belly recently in regards to it making pukes hurkurrrp
Not yet, but maybe soon ... I've done a lot of traveling today and my belly is unhappy with me ... I almost puked in the train bathroom this morning, but I haven't eaten anything yet, so I might puke once I eat ... I can't stop burping ...
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tummieaching · 2 months
My belly finally decided it was truly too full and that I needed to get some of these heavy noodles up ... it was churning so much that I had to arch my back ... it felt good but I was so, so nauseous and my belly was so full and heavy ... earlier today I almost puked up on the car but the feeling went away until I laid in bed tonight and started watching some puke videos ... I sat in front of the toilet for a while and just spit and burped, quiet ... I fell asleep on the toilet lid for a little while and woke up with gagging and almost puked ... until I finally burped up some of the soft digested noodles ... I'm so tired ... I almost wished I barfed over my bare belly and got to rub it in, it looked so soft and slimey ...
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tummieaching · 2 months
hey it's ✉️, sorry about the delay, this is the second part of what happened the day I had to go to the post office 🤭
(Two). [cw for brief p1ss mention] Home now. Oh my god. I could barely function when I got to the front of the queue, my mind was just racing with "I think I'm going to puke, I'm going to be sick etc.", then I actually gagged when I was talking to the cashier and she asked if I was ok and did the signature for me so I could get out of there. I was so embarrassed.
It's hot and I started feeling so dizzy walking home so I drank a little water, and as soon as I swallowed it came straight back up, with a little of the milky stuff mixed in, I didn't even have time to move and it came out all over my t shirt and some on my leg. I don't think anyone saw. I sat on the grass for a few minutes because I was sure it was all coming up then, but I think maybe the shock and embarrassment kept it in because I just kept salivating and getting waves of dizziness (didn't dare drink more water), so eventually I got up and slowly managed to get home.
The smell of the puke on my t shirt was making me want to just bend over and heave but I made it. I was shaking when I finally closed the door behind me and went straight to the bathroom with a towel, my water bottle and the second glass of green tea which had steeped to a very dark colour. I was still feeling awful but turned on about all of this.
Since I already threw up on myself I left my clothes on and sat in the shower. I started reading stories on here that other people wrote about themselves being sick and hoped it would help me release my own stomach. It turned me on more and I rolled up a second towel and sat with it between my legs, rocking and starting to salivate as the motion irritated my stomach. I let the saliva run out of my open mouth down my chin and started to say things out loud about how sick I felt and how I needed to get it all up. Then the dizziness hit me hard and I had to lean against the wall to stay upright. I moaned a little and told myself I just needed to let it come and be sick and then I would feel better.
I grabbed the tea and drank it, it was cold so I could drink it very fast. It was incredibly bitter and as soon as I finished the cup I could feel it coming back up. I always get a bit scared right before I throw up so I told myself, let it come, get it up and before I could even finish a stream of sick gushed up out of me and splashed in the shower. I couldn't move because I was trying not to faint so it got in the cup, all over my legs and socks and part of the towel. I burped and retched and gasped for breath and then got sick again, this time it was soft, milky sludge that felt foamy in my throat and landed quietly on my chest. It moved really slowly in my throat and made me gag hard again.
The towel felt warm and I realised I had pissed a little as I gagged. The waves of retching came again and again and I got desperately, loudly, uncontrollably sick all over myself, this time it was like a thick soup with berry pieces. The chunkier stuff was sitting a slimy pool in my lap. I told myself I was doing a good job to calm me down because I didn't have anyone there to help me.
Next time I heaved so hard I had to grip the shower rail, it was gurgly and sounded much deeper than my usual voice and I brought up a big puddle of thick slightly darker coloured vomit that felt heavy as it settled in the pool on my top. It was sour and had pieces of pastry which, when I felt them sticking to the roof of my mouth, made my eyes roll back and I threw up again and soaked the towel. One memorable moment was when I tried to soothingly call myself a good girl but as I was saying "girl" I was violently sick so it came out as "good blbleeeuuuurghle" lol.
This carried on for about 40 mins and towards the end I was just burping and burping and every few burps I'd bring up a blob of rice pudding into my mouth and have to spit it out. It was a bit more intense than I planned but really hot.
The only issue is that now I've puked so much, my stomach is very sensitive and will be for hours - I vomited a bit of water while writing this just from my own descriptions and then when I was cleaning it up, another glob of rice pudding sick came up out of nowhere (I just managed to lean over the edge of the sofa in time to let it up onto the floorboards). I have a bowl with me now because I'll probably keep having these small sudden vomits for another few hours but I'm going to try to settle my stomach with mint tea.
Thank you very much for telling us your story here ... it's very arousing to read, I'm proud of you for getting it all up like that, I bet you felt so much better afterward ... the puddle in your lap oh goodness, it must have been warm for a little while ... and wow, you peed yourself too ♡ I would have loved to help you get it up ... your poor sensitive belly, I hope that bowl serves you well ♡
I'm rubbing myself reading this, sitting in front of the toilet myself, I hope it will help me puke soon ... I'm going to read it again after I post this ♡
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tummieaching · 2 months
Burping is making me nauseous ... I can feel it churning around in my belly and it feels so hard and full ... I ate to much ohhh I feel so sick
I think I'm about to be sick
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tummieaching · 2 months
All I ate today was noodles ... my belly is so full and heavy and I know it's about to come up I can feel it
I think I'm about to be sick
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