#damien wayne
starsand · 3 days
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“today is going to be a great day,” you think to yourself sarcastically as you find out your flight got delayed. 
because of the flight delay, your airline compensated you by upgrading you to first class. that doesn’t seem that bad anymore. 
walking into the lounge, there is no way you see….
the wayne family
here they are, all perfect. bruce, dick, jason, tim, and damian. you secretly take a picture of damian. you and your friend always joke about the wayne boys. it’s like your “when pigs fly,” idiom. you replace it like, “when i marry a wayne.” 
your friend’s respective opinion is that bruce wayne is a total “dilf” and is the most attractive of all of the wayne’s.
however, the correct opinion is that damian wayne is the best looking of all of them. look at him, with his suit and tie, perfect posture. 
damian catches you looking and looks up from his phone and shoots you a wink. 
hell yeah the kid is arrogant, but you could fix him. 
damian gets up and walks over to you, “hey.”
you couldn’t believe what was happening and falter a bit before replying, “oh hi.”
“number?” he asks, holding his phone out with a smile. 
“today is going to be a great day.” you think to yourself. 
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kaysdenofchaos · 1 day
Finally got around to making some Batman merch :)
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snow-bees · 4 months
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Worst case of youngest child privilege I have ever seen
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angel-bitch-boy · 5 months
Dick pushing thirty is forever funny to me. I imagine he pouts in the corner anytime Damien or Jason jokingly call him "old man"
Once during a particularly stressful mission he came back and took a shower only to notice a single grey hair amongst the black. He was basically that scene in howls moving castle where he threw himself on the nearest surface and wallowed until Kori had to reassure him he was still young.
He works on a mission with Bruce and is beaming when an officer comes up to him and he's expecting a "thanks kid" like the old days or maybe a "hey bro" in solidarity but the officer just shakes his hand and says "thank you sir"
Dick cries for a week.
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paintedimagery · 25 days
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some Jason doodles a did at like 3am
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
joining the bat fandom is so fun, you pick a robin and hold onto that thing for dear life
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dick pretending he doesn’t know stuff just so people can explain it to him because it makes them happy
like for example he lets tim explain coding stuff to him even though he already knows what tim’s talking about. regardless instead of telling him he just lets tim talk and engages with him.
jason wants to talk about guns while cleaning them? we’ll dick is already standing right next to him and asks if he can watch. jason, who is trying to hide his excitement that finally someone in this family is showing interest in his guns rather than ridiculing him, ofc says yes. so dick listens while jason tells him how to clean a gun properly. (dick knows how from his time in spyral, with deathstroke and as a cop)
conclusion dick plays down his knowledge of stuff because he’s 10% human and 90% people pleaser.
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cobbleztone · 4 months
I have seen too many posts of Bruce being a tired old man who understands nothing his kids talk about, but im tired of that crap, Bruce is definitely autistic and he learns everything there is to know about what his kids enjoy so he can bond with them
Dick is into dinosaurs? Bruce now knows more than any paleontologist on earth.
Jay is really into a specific book series? Bruce has now read all the books, watched all film adaptations, and he has spent countless nights theorizing about it.
Tim is into skateboarding? Bruce is now a professional skateboarder and knows how to make a board at home.
Damien is into animals? Well, Bruce just got himself a PhD in zoology
Duke is into chess? Well Bruce is now an expert in chess
Cass is into dancing? Bruce has learned every form of dance in existence
And if you thought he only does this for his legal children, then you thought wrong
Bruce learns that Barbara is into fantasy rpgs? Well, Bruce just learned all about fantasy games
Stephanie is into cooking? Bruce now knows every recipe in existence
They all find it odd but weirdly endearing that he knows so much about what they all enjoy
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movisual · 1 year
shoutout to bruce wayne bc despite him having two very clear rules for his kids, “1) don’t kill, 2) don’t die” his kids are incredibly skilled at breaking both of those rules
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I like to imagine there's one random stats teacher in gotham who looked at when bruce wayne goes on vacation vs when batman gets injured, and when the wayne kids are at galas vs when the bats miss a night of patrol. . . and just thought "hm. not my problem."
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yk it’s bad when even jason is trying to stop the fight
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frulleboi · 1 year
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Robin meeting
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wil-fae · 12 days
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i think im hilarious
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youcalledsworld · 10 months
DP x DC prompt
The Bat family and Talia was on a mission. Ra's had captured a ghost and was using them to steal information and carry out assassinations.
Before Bruce could call in Zatanna or Constantine, Talia told him she has a contact who is more specialised in ghosts. So Bruce, Damien, Jason and Talia all went to Amity Park.
Danny wasn't expecting his ex-girlfriend (who he hasn't seen in years) knocking at his door along with her family. But he didn't mind the break up was amicable. So when she told him she needed help dealing with a ghost he was happy to help.
While he was getting the gear ready for her, her two sons Jason and Damien was standing around asking him questions (interrogating him). Of course the question of how he knew their mother came up. So he told them the truth. They were both surprised and Damien seemed to be angry at him for it. Then Jason asked why he would help her out if they hadn't seen each other for years.
It was simple really she was his favourite ex. When he saw how confused they were he told them she has that title because she was the only one of his ex to have never tried to kill him before during or after their relationship.
That got Jason wheezing on the ground laughing while Damien looked utterly perplexed.
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Honestly I think Tim Drake deserves way more recognition as Robin not only for figuring out Bruce and Dick's indetities at age 9 or for being canonically the best bo staff user in the dcu, but for giving Robin fucking pants. Can you imagine demon spawn Damian running around Gotham with a katana in his hand, murder in his eyes and fucking booty shorts.
Everyone say thank you Tim Drake.
edit: edited again to stop people from sending me death threats and calling me a liar for getting a fact wrong and apologizing for it like four times. Ra's al Ghul has called everyone detective, young detective or similar. Ok. I get it. Please forgive me for this outrageous offense /s
also deleted all the detective-related comments.
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vixfern · 3 months
Dick: *grumbling*
Jason: what’s got your panties in a twist?
Dick: *glare* taxes…
Jason: Oh yeah, I’m glad I don’t have to do that shit.
Dick: Jason, everyone has to do their taxes.
Jason: I’m legally dead.
Damian: I’m not old enough to do my own taxes.
Tim: *cries in forever 17*
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