#humanformers au
artsy-hobbitses · 10 hours
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In honor of Pride and also the upcoming Olympics, I've also worked on a special print for @allsparkzines's Represent: Humanformers of color 2nd edition!
Beauregard 'Blurr' Laorou takes centrestage this time as the most flamboyant peacock enby this side of the Autobots!
Keep an eye out for the announcement as this print will be unlockable and do consider getting a copy for a good cause!
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bruhwhyyyyy · 27 days
how the 1st episode should have started
ratchet: - what in the actual fuck?
optimus: - ratchet. be careful what you say, there are children here.
ratchet: - well that's the point! what in the actual fuck do the children do on the military base?
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cayenneexe · 9 months
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saw that trend with the elevator scene from 500 Days of Summer and i instantly thought of them (never watched the movie tho, is it good?)
i can’t draw Bee’s voltzwagen form yet so here’s some humanformers
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mivyprismatic · 6 months
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On the left we have standard humanformers (my version anyways) Rung, but on the right he's a little scruffier, as a treat :3 Concepts for a Western au I have with my partner and his bestie.
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Concocting a Humanformers × Red vs. Blue AU, here's everyone I have so far
Tucker: Hot Rod
Caboose: Energon Mirage maybe idk this yet either
Doc:Ratchet Maybe
Donut:I was thinking Knockout but now I'm not sure
And the others are all up in the air.
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
I think my favorite part is trying to make tattoos for the bots.
If you couldn't tell the Prime characters have way more detail and alot more lines on their tats while the more cartoon/comic versions have bigger chunks and less details because their body is more of bigger chunks than smaller pieces!
I take alot of inspo for the tattoos from Blackout Tattoos. I always found them to amazing works of art and I've been trying to use negative space to give the illusion of space and objects!
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Some examples! Making it look like their armor. This also give me free range for their Outfits , while alot of ppl translate their bodies with clothes. I'd like to think their bodies go hand and hand. They ARE their armor. Clothes can be taken off but their skin is who they are. They can't take it off.
I also just suck at making outfits SO. Lol
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scraps-n-starters · 4 months
Reading a bunch of Thunderrod (ala Lush_Specimen), Delight in Domestic Tasks, and listening to Can't Sleep Love (Spencer Kane cover) has landed me
Humanformers au (I'm leaning towards "the Lost Light is some kind of apartment block") where upon entering the Communal Laundry Room at fuck you in the morning Rodimus comes across Thunderclash singing/dancing with all the pizzazz of someone completely alone and vibing while in the midst of swapping loads around
Cue adorable shenanigans over domestic tasks
amount of clothing (or lack thereof) currently being worn (Personally partial to sweatpants+Zip up hoodie+no shirt, big sweater+tiny shorts+thigh highs, just underoos while holding clothing suject to post party contamination, or the most god awful combination of patterns and colors for fun and flavor)
(If Thunder is shirtless I need him to have surgery scars that's non negotiable)
tiny shorts or ridiculous boxer prints
an internal or external dialogue on the upkeep of dyed hair (non optional is that Rod occasionally rocks pink bc that is Simply How Fashion Red Fades ur honor I don't make the rules)
"Hold on that looks like it needs to be hand washed!" ". . . . . . And?" *throws in the washer anyway*
if everything is top load there is absolutely ogling and/or deliberate butt wiggles
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2-eeillustration · 4 months
Is it possible to know a bit more about your human transformers au? Like about Starscream and the seeker juice? (How tf do you call that? Orange juice for flight?) For example, does he depend on that or can he take it out and stop using it? Also his design is just so pretty 😭
No worries! Here's an answer I provided to similar question recently. Unfortunately for Screamer and his twins, they've been active pilots too long to stop using the fly juice -- their withdrawal symptoms are not fun at all ;;
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mainenorth · 5 months
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crankcase venom au
+ close ups
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spacecassette84 · 8 months
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Best boi Swerve
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serenaluna15 · 24 days
Ties That Bind: Techno Sapiens
(Belongs to @artsy-hobbitses)
From the records of the Academy of Sciences - Military Division (Info meant for select personnel only)
Techno Sapiens appear to be a new Clade of humanity. Very little is known as only one member appears to exist, but some unique and astonishing characteristics have been noted:
1. Completely black sclera with minimal iris and large pupils. TS (Techno Sapiens) have an unusual iris shape. It appears to be in the shape of the power symbol with the line being capable of moving across the eye to discern direction of sight.
2. Heightened strength and speed. TS specimen has been recorded lifting items comparable to 10x their own mass and moving at speeds not capable of being tracked with modern technology.
3. Unkillable and augmented self-healing factor: The specimen has been documented being maimed and killed on multiple occasions, and yet continues to returns to fights and heal from egregious wounds.
4. Unable to consume solid matter: An odd trait the specimen has been documented having us the inability to digest solid matter. It is assumed that this is an energy saving methodology used to cut costs and resource consumption.
5. Hyper-aging: The specimen is noted to age at an alarming rate. First appearing as that of a 4-year old child to current documentation stating the specimen to appear as that of a teenager.
The specimen is not of Earth. Hence its designation as a new clade. From what little could be gathered, the specimen arrived on Earth in the form of a space ship. This ship was designed as a one-way transportation unit with built-in fertilization and incubation systems. The specimen was conceived in space and literally born on Earth. With its first actions being to kill or maim anyone that agitated it. The information gathered on the specimen points to a harrowing theory. With its arrival and creation from space, the lack of any reference or knowledge of the creature from the outer colonies, and the garbled language it has been documented speaking, the specimen has been theorized to be of Quitesson descent and creation. With the Quintessons being a far memory for many, the thought of their return was deemed unlikely. But this specimen shows that that unlikelyness was a naive misgiving. Further documentation and research is needed to fully know. Request to have military personnel capture and hold specimen for further examination.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
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Asides the main IDW piece, I was also entrusted with creating the cover for the IDW section of @allsparkzines ‘s Represent Zine, and went right into the thick of TTB’s action with this one!
Featuring First Aid in her full field outfit for the first time, Ratchet and a downed Optimus Prime in need of immediate medical care, the focus is on the team’s Yin and Yang, OP’s left and right hand man Prowl and Jazz coming to the rescue in the midst of a skirmish gone bad in Decepticon territory. 
Today is the LAST DAY to get you own copy of Represent, so hop on over to @allsparkzines and check out their BigCartel! 
(As usual, please full view on desktop for fun--and not so fun--details!)
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bruhwhyyyyy · 9 months
smokescreen: - what's your biggest fear?
optimus: - being forgotten.
smokescreen: - damn, that's.. deep..
smokescreen: - mine is the kool-aid man but i feel kinda stupid about it now.
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cayenneexe · 8 months
Little Red Corvette (Ft. The Beatles) Part One
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Benjamin O’Brien lives in Brighton Falls, California, trying to escape the trauma from a protest that caused him to lose his voice.
When an old friend visits and signs him up for a street race for his 18th birthday, he buys a beautiful Chevrolet Corvette unaware that under all its pain lies a stubborn but gentle Autobot from outer space with no memory and shared love for 80’s music.
Reverse Roles of AU of Bee and Charlie meeting and giving each other their named through the magic of music and insect posters.
(And yes, Bee is a fan of the Beatles bc I said so)
Next (Coming Soon)
Ao3 Sneak Peek and Link Below
Benjamin O’Brien has a normal life, or at least tries to.
Every morning he wakes up, eats his breakfast, takes painkillers for his damaged vocal cords, goes to community college for his auto shop classes, and goes to work at the beach boardwalk. It gets boring after a few months doing the same thing over and over again but it’s not the worst. He’s finally getting a proper education and now lives near the beaches of California, something younger Ben could only dream of doing.
It’s not the racing life but better than dying on the frontlines.
Tomorrow is his birthday and Ben wanted to treat himself. Days and weeks of a domestic life, he deserved for a bit of an adventure. A while back, he saw posters for a movie marathon at the local drive-in and Ben is a sucker for 80’s movies (His copy of the Breakfast Club is worn out from his 50th rewatch). He would go but the poor guy doesn’t have a car except a yellow Volkswagen Beetle that doesn’t even work. Who in their right mind goes to drive in without a car? Only the insane in his opinion.
Not too far from his host home is the local junkyard. Ben sometimes works there for extra cash or when he just wants to get his hands dirty working on cars again. For the past few days, he has been getting parts to repair the Beetle, using half of his wages to buy the parts he needed but so far his work has been in vain. Maybe on the day before his birthday, he’ll get some luck.
His head buried under pillows and blankets, the tired 17-year-old slams his fist onto his alarm clock, silently cursing in annoyance at the dreaded box yet forces himself to sit up, blinking his blurry vision to adjust to the sunlight. Hoping to wake himself up, Ben leans over to his bedside table, puts on his black bluetooth headphones and presses play on his phone.
“Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace, Molly is the singer in a band. Desmond says to Molly, “Girl, I like your face” and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on! Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on!”
Ben mouths the upbeat lyrics as he changes out of his pajamas, slipping on a white tank top and slightly-used navy jeans from the carpet. He goes to brush his teeth and his head naturally begins to beat, the tiredness and annoyance from before already fading away. The teen cleans himself up and goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast, turning up the music on his headphones to dance on his way to the cabinets. Thank god no one is home. He opens the cabinet door to grab the last box of cereal but a knock in the door interrupts.
Ben slides his phones down to his neck. Who could possibly be up this early? The teen turns off his music and makes his way to the door, putting down the cereal box to turn the handle. The door swings open and his eyes immediately catch the hot pink color of hair.
“Hey, I-“
The house nearly shakes at how fast Bee slammed the door on his old friend. Ben doesn’t let her answer, grumbling angrily at his visitor and ignoring the desperate knocks from the other side.
It’s too fucking early for this.
“Bee, please.” She begs between her knocks, “I just want to talk!”
The blonde teen freezes. Bee? Geez, I haven't heard that nickname in years.
Arcee, the hot-pink-haired biker outside his door, keeps knocking, her requests to let her inside fading into white noise in Ben’s ears. Hearing her voice again, just as panicked as he last heard her, hurts more than he thought it would.
Ben stays silent, which is all he can ever do. His hand trails up to his neck where a faded scar across his Adam's apple, his fingertips tracing the indents of the jagged shape. He wanted to put his old life in New York behind him, a life of fighting and protesting against a corrupt system. It wasn't supposed to be violent. Optimus promised that they wouldn't try to resort to force but the Decepticon mafia attacked first and that protest became a riot, one that cost him his voice.
Don't do it Ben. Don’t do it. It’s been almost a year. You can’t get hurt anymore.
Arcee was there at the protest but wasn’t there when Sergent Blitzwing ripped out his vocal cords. She doesn’t know his pain and the trauma that riot caused. Yet, his heart longed for a friend. Living alone has taken a toll that Ben isn’t willing to accept.
Maybe for a moment, just a moment. Then she can leave and never come back.
Ben shaking hands goes to unlock the door. The wooden barrier swings open and he stares blue to brown eyes at Arcee, who’s relieved at the open door. She smiles awkwardly but tries to put up a comforting face.
“Hey Bee,” she mumbles. A beat passes and the two just stand there. Bee looks at the clock and sees the minute hand inching closer to the 9.
Gah! I’m late!
The teen quickly types into his phone, “Do. You. Know. Sign. Language. ”
The biker perks up, surprised by his form of communication but doesn’t make a show of it. “Yes, I do.”
Bee tucks his phone into his pocket and steps aside, giving Arcee the permission to enter his home before he rushes to the kitchen to eat his unmade breakfast. Arcee nodded in appreciation and walked in, shuffling her feet onto the black floor mat before taking off her boots. She looks around, in awe of where his old crewmate has been staying for the past year. It’s surprisingly big for a teenager living alone and not to mention so close to the beach.
“A nice place you got here,” Arcee compliments, earning a humble buzz as Bee pours out his breakfast, briskly walking back and forth from his bowl and the fridge, “How’d you get it?”
“Host family.” Ben signed after putting away his milk, “Currently on vacation.”
As far as Bee remembers, the raceway in New York has always been his family. He was homeschooled in the pits and learned to drive before he could hit puberty. His origins are a complete mystery and for a while, he didn’t mind until he left. It was at that moment that Bee realized that he had no one. No one on the team was biologically related to him and there are no records of his birth. Bee might as well be non-existent.
The O’Briens are nice. Their son Dylan warmed up to him very quickly and his parents treated him like any other decent person would, even indulging in his odd taste for 80’s pop culture and music. Staying with them was a great idea but Ben knows he’ll never be part of their family and that’s okay. He wasn’t even offended when the family didn’t bring him along to their pre-paid vacation. He’s only living with them and that’s a fact that Ben is willing to accept.
Seeing his true family again and standing under the same roof as someone he considered as an older sister is odd. Arcee looked different since he last saw her. Her hair is shaved and cut up to her chin, her outfit consists of way more leather and black, and her wedding ring is missing.
Did something happen to her and Cliffjumper? Hopefully they didn’t end on bad terms.
Arcee remains quiet, looking around the O’Brien’s house with curiosity. It has only been a year but Bee has changed a lot. Bee has definitely taken the time to relax and act like an actual teen. He looks a bit more round and chubby, especially around the face, but his muscles remained firm, emphasized by his tank top while not too obvious. The biker laughs to herself remembering how much a skinny stick Bee was. The headphones are a new addition and so is his attire. Arcee realized that he had never seen Bee in jeans before, always found running around without the restriction of the denim.
Bee grows annoyed at the silence and stops eating to knock on the table, grabbing Arcee’s attention. “What are you doing here?” He signs as milk and crumbs drip from the corners of his lips.
Arcee leans back on her seat and smiles warmly, “Is it bad for an old friend to visit?” She joked, walking towards the dinner table where Bee is sitting. Bee frowns, an annoyed buzz escaping his throat which annoyed him even further.
I hate it when it does that.
Her grin fades into concern, curious and worried about the lack of the upbeat voice she once remembered, “What happened to your voice?”
“None of your business.” Bee gulps down the last of his cereal and dumps his empty bowl into the sink. Bee walks in long strides, speeding his pace to get out of the house as quickly as possible but Arcee isn’t so keen to see her old friend leave so soon, not when she just got him back.
“Bee, can we just talk?” Arcee sighs, exasperated by her old friend’s stubbornness but there’s a hint of begging in her voice.
There’s no denying that the base hasn’t been the same since Bee disappeared. They all thought he died but Orion knew he wasn’t. The biker didn’t know how he knew or why her leader never pushed to find his surrogate son but Arcee isn’t the type to let go of someone close to her so quickly. Not after…
With a red and yellow plaid button-up in his hand, Bee pauses at the soft desperation. It hurts to hear but before he could open his mouth, any and all words that could comfort her, reassure his friend that he misses her just as much, die from his lips, even if he can talk. He doesn’t look at her and taps on the doorway in morse code, “I have to go to work.”
The pink-haired biker remained frozen in her seat as the door slammed shut.
The rest of the day went by like a blur filled with crowds on the boardwalk and bullies from his classes dumping lemonade or making his job not worth the $20 an hour. It’s almost pathetic. The blonde knows any and every way possible he could run star wrestler, Shelby “Shatter” Bassett, into the ground without breaking a sweat. Maybe a punch in the face or a scratch on her boyfriend’s (admittedly stunning) royal blue AMC Javelin could also get him to shut up.
But he’s not B-127 the Freedom Racer anymore.
He’s just Benjamin the Hot Dog on a Stick cashier.
After a thorough wash to get all the lemon pulp out of his hair, Bee made a pit stop at the junkyard. With his birthday coming up in a few hours, the young teen hoped that he could get the Beetle up and running. He grabs his red toolkit from the back of the motorized bike he rides on, voicelessly greets the owner and rushes into the piles of the cars in the lot, taking apart the pieces he wants. Grime and oil gets on his button-up and skin and the metallic stench of rust seeps into his nostrils but the blonde doesn’t mind, remembering the similar smell back in New York except missing the sound of race cars zooming in the background.
“Can’t catch me, Bee!”
“Fat chance!”
“Go faster, papa! Faster!”
“If you say so, little one!”
“Tell me where your friends are hiding!”
“I’ll never talk!”
“Is that right?”
Stop it!
“Then let’s make it official.”
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mivyprismatic · 8 months
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Quick sketch of Rung from an au im making with a friend. Look at that sweet, happy smile. Such a gentle old man. Totally not gonna break him ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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soundcrusher · 2 years
There's a doodle dump incoming.
You all have been warned.
Starting with some doodles for the humanformer versions of both Phoenixes, Tankcrusher and Thrillchaser.
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For the humanformers au, Tankcrusher and Thrillchaser are still together (There's no reason for them to break up.) and sg/Phoenix and reg/Phoenix are twins.
(The guy singing is Thrillchaser. He got a growth spurt, but Tankcrusher is still taller than him. And, this time around, Tankcrusher was the one asking Thrillchaser out. They started dating in school.)
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Just some nice looking Tankcrusher. Boy, do I love her.
It's a pity she had to die...
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I was working with expressions. If it's sg/Phoenix or reg/Phoenix is up for interpretation. (Used a picture from the internet as a reference.)
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Alright, @cuppajj , I hope this is your avatar. If not, I'm gonna change it.
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