cardboard-writer · 3 days
WonderBat by Bobafiish:
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Batman and his harem
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junespriince · 2 days
Hal: weird, you're not afraid of bats, I mean Barry wasn't as afraid but you know he had the manners to not say it out loud what he's thinking about.
Wally: wow, speedsters being different from other speedster, it almost like we're different people with different personalities and such.
Hal: rude... Barry never act like this.
Wally: hold on, *looks through his lunch bag* oh, would you look at that, out of fucks to give.
Oliver: well, Mr. Sass, can I ask you a question.
Wally: I don't know, can you?
Oliver: damn, really shouldn't have let you get corrupted by Roy.
Wally: wrong, I always been this way. Just aged, like a fine wine.
Oliver: ... I mean Barry was horrible, but you're worse than him.
Wally: yeah, because he's not my blood dad, I take after my momma.
Oliver: Mary?
Wally: Iris.
Oliver: yeah I see it, anything that's not my question, my question is why ain't you scared of him or creeped out at least.
Wally: easy, I saw his ditsy civilian persona, how the hell am I supposed to be scared of that? Hm? I can't be, all I see is a emo furry ditz with a punching problem.
Oliver: well, how do you feel about this Diana? Someone bullying your mans
Diana: well, let's see, my love how do you feel getting bullied by your son-in-law in front of your teammates?
Bruce, grumbling: horrible.
Diana, smiles and cheerful: I love it then.
Clark, sighing: dia, give Bruce a break, he has gremlin children he needs a break.
Wally: he doesn't deserve a break, not after he took one of his child's own mantle away from him, but we don't have to unpack that small rock in your fucky wucky quarry now.
Arthur: I thought this meeting was about the rate of high level crimes spiking...
Martian: Aquaman, shut up I'm enjoying our new flash bullying Batman.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 3 months
Bruce: Jaylad, I need you to be at the Wayne gala this weekend.
Jason: But why me, B? Why not pretty boy, Dickie? I'm sure the ladies miss him.
Bruce: Your brother has a double shift this weekend.
Jason: How about the brat? He needs the socialization.
Bruce: Will be at the Kents' for a sleepover.
Jason: How about -
Bruce: The rest of your siblings will be busy, lad.
Jason: But Bruce, I'll be busy too. And even though I wasn't, I don't want to be around those pretentious fuck - people.
Bruce: Diana will be there.
Jason: Why didn't you start with that? Absolutely! I'll be there, old man. And I'll need a new suit.
at the gala
Diana: Aw, you look really handsome, little prince.
Jason blushes and smiles like the little boy who saw Wonder Woman for the first time.
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soupinaboot · 3 months
In my opinion, Bruce should be above average height or at least average. But since he surrounds himself with demi-gods, aliens, meta humans, etc, he's just dwarfed next to them. Like maybe about 6'1 or 6'2, but that's NOTHING compared to Diana '7'3 feet tall' Prince. Or Clark '6'9' Kent.
All the tabloids claim he has to be at least 5 feet tall because the only photos they can get of him are when he's next to his giant ass friends.
It is also my personal headcannon that all the robins stay shorter than him, except Jason, who should be at least 4 inches taller.
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atomicowboy · 1 month
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redraw based off this post :) i love them
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dimaiv-nov · 9 months
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averagely sized vigilante man from gotham/averagely sized themyscirian warrior princess mwah
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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The moment he takes off the cowl he’s a normal guy, but until then…
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Bruce's google search history later that night: "What do you do when you realize all your coworkers are demi-gods and gorgeous?"
I headcanon that Bruce doesn't think about romantic relationships on his own so when he's called out, he's frightfully underprepared and has NO idea how to respond. This is in contrast to him being prepared with 18 contingency plans for an uprising of unconfirmed mole people.
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yeesa · 3 months
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Am I blue?
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brucediana · 2 years
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Wonderbat by Artcraawl
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dailydccomics · 3 months
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this was a very sweet issue with Diana and Clark figuring out what to get Bruce for his birthday oh my ♡ Wonder Woman #7 by Tom King and Guillem March
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morgangalaxy43 · 9 months
Bruce Wayne’s type of man is someone who can make him worse and his type of woman is someone who could easily top him, there is no in between
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wondersinwaynemanor · 2 months
like father, like kids. and make it with Bruce and the Wayne kids with cheesy pick up lines for their partners.
imagine Bruce searching through the internet on what to say and he stumbles on cheesy pick up lines, thinking they work with his flirtation skills. he already has that playboy persona he puts on, but what if he wants to expand his skills?
his kids are just like him. their partners talking about how cheesy they sound, but does it really matter? the lines work on them anyways.
just imagine some scenerios:
Wally, calling Babs: Hey, Babs. Did Dick ever do cheesy pick up lines to you?
Babs, laughs: He tried. Is he getting any better?
Wally, blushing hard: I mean...
Babs: I shouldn't even be asking you, Walls. No matter what he does, you adore him.
Roy, who hears Wally's question to Babs, grins: Jaybird does the same.
Wally: Probably a brother thing?
Jon: Kon, should I be worried that Damian is starting to talk... Like....
Kon: Like what?
Jon, cheeks turning red: He's telling me pick up lines from Tumblr that I found last week!
Kon, baffled: Hold up! I swear Tim just recently told me also-
Steph: So, does Duke's pick up lines work on you?
Izzy, smiles: He doesn't need to, but I appreciate the effort.
Steph, shrugs with a knowing smile: I know the feeling.
somewhere at the Watchtower:
Batman: You're just like the Bat signal because you light up the darkness.
Wonder Woman blinks before smiling lovingly at Batman.
somehow Roy and Wally hears the gossip between Batman and Wonder Woman.
Red Arrow: So it must be a family thing.
Flash: Yuppp, not just a brother thing.
Superman, smirks: A hundred percent.
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sweet-prroncito · 1 month
Who else here is a biggie fan of Damsel in Distress Batman being saved by one (or all) of his girl boss lovers?
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He’s lucky
I just enjoyed drawing them a lot so thanks for that anon~
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wixenburr · 1 month
Clark gets hit with a love spell and is cursed to be loved by everyone (more than usual). Except you can't effect what's already there. ...Oh, and love spells don't affect kids.
or, Billy Batson's Unwilling Observation of his Adult™️ Coworkers Love Lives
Bruce and Diana do not change at all, and they notice this of each other. You know who else isn't affected though? That's right. Billy Captain Marvel Batson himself.
See, Bruce and Diana are pretty smart, so they realize that the only reason they both aren't reacting is because they are both in love with Clark, obviously.... which means their coworker Captain Marvel must be in love with him too.
Bruce: I've gathered you all here today because I've noticed that all three of us are acting normal around Superman. Diana: It appears so. Billy: ?!?!?! Are we supposed to be acting weird? Diana: we will fight to the death for superman's affection Bruce: agreed Billy: WHAT IS GOING ON?! Diana: ???? He was hit with a love spell. Specifically, a spell that makes everyone else love him. Billy: HE WAS?!?!?!?! Diana: Bruce: [Bruce & Diana, exchanging looks] Bruce: You wouldn't happen to be... immune to some spells, would you? Billy, taking the out: YES. YES I AM. Diana: Oh Bruce: Oh Billy, vibrating with secondhand embarrassment: I'm. I'm just gonna leave. Diana: ...ok Bruce: (internally screaming)
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