00001100x-blog · 7 years
A mischievous smile suddenly appeared on Tao’s face the moment his girlfriend left. They’re watching some really bloody action movie earlier (In which Tao didn’t really like and he was just staring at the screen with full disgust, as he was trying to stop himself from gagging and puking at her room.) but was paused because Daeun needed to answer an important phone call.
He quickly minimized the window and started opening and scanning folders to find interesting stuff that his girlfriend has in her laptop.
“Office stuff…”
“My Taozi…” Tao chuckled, seeing the folder full of his face and pictures of them together. “So cute.”
He found a few more folders inside this “written” folder and he found it a little intriguing as there were two folders that have “fiction” as a title. Well- The difference is the other one has an asterisk.
It wasn’t really new for Tao about the fact that his girlfriend can write fiction. In fact, He found her very talented and capable to do a lot of stuff by herself.
He opened the very first file he found and Tao can’t just believe that he’s seeing such contents in the file he just opened.
‘She wrote all these stuff?’ He thought, a little shocked but he finds it amusing.
As he was reading, the door creaked open.
“Oh my god, what are you reading? I clearly told you not to touch my laptop!” She screamed.
Tao could only just stare at her, his mouth gaping. He glanced at the monitor then back to her. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re writing smut. I-I’m impressed.” Whether it was sarcasm or not, Daeun didn’t know.  
Daeun felt a little nervous and embarrassed. For some reason, the girl has always thought that he might hate her for having this kind of hobby. Now, she just feels like getting mad at herself for not really being so careful.
“W-Why did you touch my laptop? I- I definitely told you to wait till I come back!” She stuttered, her cheeks turning pink due to embarrassment. “I- I didn’t write those, okay? That isn’t mine. A friend wrote it.” She tried lying but only to see her boyfriend give her a teasing smile, obviously not believing her. She hates it so much when he knows she’s lying.  “Tao. No. Stop giving me that smile, you creep!”
But Tao wouldn’t just stop smiling oh- so- creepily at her. Daeun didn’t really like it whenever her boyfriend smiles like that because she’s pretty sure he would end up teasing her all day by mentioning it or even reading bits of it loudly to her. (and she’s 100% sure he would pick the most embarrassing parts of it.)
He chuckled. “Look at our Daeun! So shy and cute. That’s very unlike you in the smut fiction you’ve written.” He teased. Tao stood up and started walking towards the girl.
The closer he gets, the more nervous she gets because he likes doing the most unpredictable things at these kinds of situation. He leaned towards her and whispered, “I like it. You should write more of this often and then show me, okay?”
The girl screeched and he laughed. “You should have seen your face! That was priceless!” She frowned at him and once again screeched, hitting her boyfriend with a pillow after. “Get out! And stay away from my laptop! I hate you!” Then, pushed him out of her room before he could say anything.
[[ “But Daeun! We’re not yet done with the movie! Hey!” He knocked on her door a few times. “Baby, I’m sorry!”
“Stop calling me that!” She yelled then threw something at her door, probably hoping that it would make her boyfriend shut up for once.
“But baby!”
//634 w
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 7 years
An investigatory report on Amber’s Manliness
By Eric Nam; 091114
People have always thought of Amber as a brave and manly girl but in this report, I’m pretty sure that your insights about her will be completely changed. I have been observing her for a month already and these are what I found out in the past month I spent on this research.
Amber is a 23 year old graphic designer who lives in an apartment complex at least two blocks away from our studio. She just moved in a few weeks ago and Amy lives on the apartment in front of hers. They both were childhood friends that haven’t met in years.
On day one, I was introduced to this girl named Amber by Amy, who has given me this task. I never really expected her to look like that. I never really expected her to look like a guy. I guess that this task would be hard. She looks like a guy; it might not be different with her actions she might definitely act as a guy too. Maybe she’s a lesbian or something along the lines of that. Maybe.
It was easy to get along with her though, she’s friendly and nice. I guess I wouldn’t have problems in getting to know her. The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon in the coffee shop we decided to meet at and shared stories and laughter. I have learned that she’s pretty shy around strangers so I guess she felt shy around me too.
She was pretty comfortable to be with too and I think that she’s really cute when she smiles. It somehow reminds me of a llama. I never really had an interest on llamas but I think that in the future, whenever I see one, it’ll remind me of her and her smiling face. Did I just say cute? Yes, she’s really cute and I guess if I put on a wig on her, she’d definitely look much cuter (and girlier).
When we were done chatting, Amy instructed me to drive Amber home as she needs to take care of something at her studio—Her wedding studio.
And so, I did.
As I drove her to her house, I found out that Amber likes rock so much. Rock is really not my thing but based on the way she tells me how she found interesting, I felt as if rock was interesting too. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t try to research about rock and listened to a few songs on youtube when I got home.
She seems to like those cute(-ly annoying) love songs too and even sang along to the lyrics. She’s got a beautiful voice. I guess she could be a singer if she’s not a graphic designer. I’m sure a lot of people would want to listen to her sing.
We exchanged numbers before going on our separate ways. I wanted so badly to stay for a while in her house before I go but then Henry called me and told me to come to the studio quick.
We’ve been constantly meeting and bumping into each other a few days after that. I guess we became close friends in an instant.
On day six, I got to enter her house this time. I found out that she really likes dogs. Actually, she has Chihuahuas named Jackjack and Gongzhu and calls them her “babies”.
No— she doesn’t just like dogs but animals in general because the moment she opened her TV, I’m pretty sure that it was on animal planet.
She blushed a little when I asked her if she likes watching animal documentaries. She did admit that she loves them and that she watches them frequently. After a while, she forgot all about how shy she was when I asked her about the animal documentaries and talked about the lemurs that she was watching last night and how cute they were.
I swear I saw her eyes sparkle as she spoke. Her usually low tone changed a pitch higher. That moment, I’m sure she was the purest person on earth.
God, This girl is really cute.
We both met with Amy again on day ten. This time, to talk about how this research is going. I didn’t really know what to say because I’m pretty sure that most of what I have observed wasn’t in any ways related to this matter.
When I was asked on what I have found out, I gave Amy a nervous laugh and most likely lied that I haven’t really seen anything feminine about her childhood friend in which earned a loud “liar” from Amy and said that there must be at least one thing feminine about her.
There are a lot, though. Like how she holds her mug with her pinky lifted up and that she immediately runs and screams at the mention of bugs. I was a little scared to tell her that because I might sound either like a stalker or an obsessed guy.
Amy bought my excuses though, so everything went out well. But by the way Amy gives those teasing smiles and glances at me was quite bothering. It was like there is something else on her mind. Maybe something else that she has in store for this research. Whatever it is, I don’t know if ever I’d be pleased or not. I didn’t bother to ask her on what it is.
All I know is that right now, I need to have more focus in this report and on my music—which reminds me that I have a meeting with the guys at 7 tonight. We need to finish the song before the deadline or we’re dead meat.
I haven’t met Amber the next few days and I realized it was already day 15. Fifteen more days and this research would be over and I guess I won’t be meeting Amber as much after this thing.
It felt a little different that I haven’t met her and it bothered me a lot. I wondered on what happened to her but I have concluded that she might be busy and that I should not worry about it since Amy’s with her and I’m sure that she’d be able to take care of herself. After all, She’s a “manly man” as she tells me when she gets into an accident because of her clumsiness.
I shouldn’t think too much.
But damn. I think I really miss her right now and that’s definitely not right.
Is Amy sure that this is a research on how un- manly her childhood friend is or is this one of her new tricks to see me get embarrassed?
It’s already day Sixteen. I saw Amber going out of this specific van early in the morning and realized she went out on an outing somewhere in jeju with Amy with their friends named Min and Krystal whom I assume lives in the same apartment complex as theirs.
I really think she looks really good right now. Seeing her wear something this shirt that’s not as baggy as what she usually wears and those shorts that aren’t too long nor too short was new. I never saw Amber wear something like this.
Amy joked that I should take a picture ‘cause it would last much longer but I didn’t. I knew I would see her wearing something like this again. I know I will. I believe I will.
I have realized I haven’t really been typing what I have observed in this thing but instead, I think I have been writing something else.
I think I have been writing how I’m slowly starting to like her.
I pretty much have been off the whole afternoon in the studio. Henry and Gen must’ve noticed as well and sat down beside me with those teasing (and very annoying) looks as they asked me what was wrong.
So, I was forced to tell them about this experiment and how Amy is slowly torturing me with her cute childhood friend and how much I wanted to stop this experiment because I don’t really think it is something important (Even though I admit I’m enjoying seeing Amber all the time).
Now, I admit these two gives out pretty shitty (and sometimes really perverted) advices. This is why I never really told them any of my problems but this time they actually told me something decent.
To confess.
But I never really wanted to do it since I’m not even sure of my feelings for her.
I’m not even sure on whether this feeling is because I see her as a little sister and I worry for her or this is because she’s simply just overflowing with cuteness and because of her overflwing cuteness, I have completely been smitten by her.
Day twenty. Ailee met up with us again. This time, she brought this tall guy named James over. I was pretty sure Amber was starting at him the whole time.
James and Amber seems to be in their own world the whole time and I badly wanted to tear them apart.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me but every chance I could have, I would try to butt in between them and try keeping Amber away by trying to catch their attention and getting James into a conversation (which is full nonsense).
Ailee just gave me a knowing, irritating look every single time I do something to stop them both from talking to each other and my failed attempt of trying to have Amber notice me.
I didn’t really get to talk to Amber since we entered because she was just too busy talking to that James guy and it frustrated me so much because I guess I secretly want all her attention just for me.
Wow. What am I even typing in here? I’m pretty sure Ailee would laugh at me if she reads all of this.
But yes, eventually, I got irritated seeing them both and left suddenly.
I actually think it’s really childish of me that I did that thing. I mean- She’s not even mine and i’m wanting all her attention on me.
What if the James guy is her boyfriend?
What if she’s in love with someone?
I haven’t really thought of those things. I haven’t thought even once about those things.
I pretty much stayed in my pad from that moment on and I don’t even plan to go out.
It has been three days already. For some reasons, I just don’t feel like doing anything (standing up included). Lots of people kept on calling me since that day, Especially Ailee and Amber. But I just want to be alone.
I just want to clear myself from all these thoughts and make sure that when I get back, I won’t be thinking about Amber anymore.
I don’t want to think about Amber anymore.
But I’ve got six more days left ‘till I finish all this and avoid her.
Or I can just leave these papers on Ailee’s studio and get a flight to somewhere isolated and live there forever.
So maybe I’ll just end it here.
The subject, Amber Liu, might look manly as you think but she’s just like any other woman. Behind her manly looks she’s got really feminine and adorable traits that would make men fall for her. Like any other woman, Amber has feelings and even has a boyfriend too.
I know that I wrote only a really, really embarrassing story of how I liked her and I guess You’ll be telling everyone in the whole world about it, Ailee. Your friends, your friends’ friends, your neighbors, your future boyfriends, future husband and children even grandchildren.
But I learned one thing in this research. It’s not to judge a book by it’s cover. Because you will never find out how much of an awesome and amazing a person is if you don’t get to know about them.
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 7 years
7:07; 150702
To my dearest baobei, my one and only Senpai #0,
Hi. If ever you’re wondering on why this started at July second, it’s because I kind of failed trying to type down what I wanted to say back in July first.
Actually, I’m not a fan of sending letters repeatedly because I have a tendency to write down the same things I wrote from the previous one and of course, it is boring just reading  the same stuff over and over again. But right now, I’m going to write something new. Some things I have never told you back on my previous letter.I don’t really know what I’ll be putting in here because as I told you in my previous letter, my ideas vanishes whenever I try to write you something. I don’t know why but they seem to hate me. ene
How many twelves has it been? Why does it feel like an eternity? Actually, I don’t really like celebrating this kind of things because I don’t want to measure how long we’ve been together but I just counted with a loud voice right now. February, March, April, May, June, July. From March, there were five twelves. (I actually panicked bcs I forgot March and April and I kept on counting February, May, June, July. /shot/)
I don’t know if I have told you that I actually planned on asking you on exactly Valentine’s Day and for some reasons, I was two days earlier. (But it was a good thing bcs became busy two days later) Idek why I’m telling you this but I’m really embarrassed right at this moment. Why did you do this to me I used to be nonchalant about being honest why am I so embarrassed right now this is not fair.
I don’t really know how this letter will go because I’m pretty sure this will be even more fucked up and gay unlike last time because this time, I promised to be as honest as I could and I don’t break my man words. I never break my man words. #mnalymannam
So yes, you have plastic surgeried into a J—Lee Taegyun and what the heck. Why do you look so much cuter for some reason? (I still haven’t forgiven that person who sent me a ton of your pictures okay. ene) What do you think would have happened if nanay Taeng didn’t expose your profile? Would we be reprimanded/ reported for yaoi-ing? /shot again/ Well, actually we were yaoi since the start so I don’t think it’s going to be a big issue. (I need my meds right now I think i’m getting mentally unstable again otl /shot)
I actually still am adjusting to your character change tbqh so I’m sorry if ever I don’t mention any names or misspell your name and mix it with Ambo. It takes me days (and even weeks) to adjust and I think I’m slowly getting into it though so I guess it wouldn’t be so hard anymore. unu
-8:13 -
If you have realized, there’s a reaaaaally huge gap on the time where I started and when I continued but you have been talking to me in between those hours. I don’t know why but I can’t really focus on writing this while I’m talking to you lately ‘cause I have been treating our time when we’re together so precious ‘cause we can’t talk as often as before unlike a few weeks ago where we had all the time for ourselves.
I kind of miss it.
You know, just… talking to you the whole day and acting so cute to “disturb” you. (I still think that I look so werd and that it’s stupid whenever I pretend to be a kitty/ puppy but I’m actually enjoying it whenever you’re all “omg u cute let me hug you ily eric” on me. /shot bcs why does this sound so weird)
Honestly, now that we’re a little more occupied, I just want to…
I don’t know with myself a hahahah a goodbye why do I sound like a child this is unfair i wanted to sound manly. D8
You have been posting links on my wall and I know I tend to ignore some of them but I only ignore them bcs I’m on mobile and I wanted to see/ watch them first before giving my reactions on it. So yes, don’t feel so bad if I do so, Okay? unu
I know I tend to joke around and tell you I’d do really weird things (Like spilling your pictures to the whole sbliss community) but I don’t really mean all of them, okay? Just a few. I also don’t mean harm, okay. I only do that because… um… because I want attention. ouo
How am I saying this without getting so embarrassed though, I—
I’m going to get some air and cry at myself as I ponder on what I just typed and why I am typing this-
-9:04; 150703-
Okay, so as I said earlier, I have been bullying you a lot lately and I know at times I juust go overboard and do weird things. If you don’t like it though, just tell me to stop, ok? Because I don’t want you mad at me or anything unu. At times, I just don’t get the situation so easily. I’m just too dumb to handle at times. I’m sorry. Tbh, I don’t know how you deal with me whever I act like a kid and just annoy you the whole time. /shot/ I’m really sorry for being like this. Really.
I also know that whenever I play around and pretend as Tao and just blurt out really weird and cheesy crap like last time gets you in trouble (Like hurting yourself bcs I’m pretty sure you almost jumped off your seat while trying not to scream and squeal and contain all the feels last night). Tbh idk but I pretty much got a lil jealous when I found out you did bcs tao mentioned and Idk. I just… yeah. That.
And speaking of jealous, Forgive me if ever I suddenly say that I would “burn this /insert name/ guy right here”. It’s just that I really gET EASILY JEALOUS IDEK WHY BRB SOBBING AT MYSELF THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING WHERE IS MY MANLY NOW. But it’s true that I would gladly want to burn them men (and girls included at times tbqh) without any second thought.
Edit: I will seriously rip wonho’s head tho. ouo
But I’m a good boy so I won’t actually do it. ouo
-10:52 -
-9:09; 150704-
Okay. So yesterday, I just made the bravest decision in my life.
I have been the forbidden peach named Huang Zitao. Actually, I was really going to change even if I can’t change my name but that will be on the sixth.
Yes, on your birthday. Wow. Why am I even telling you this oh my gA
I don’t really plan on bullying you to be honest. I just want to legalize my AB puns. /shot so hard rn there’s blood everywhere/ And to be younger and not labelled a grandpa- /shot again- hEAD SHOT DOUBLE KILL/
I just realized that it has been days and it still hasn’t been as long as my last letter. For some reasons, I actually wanted it to be longer than the last one so hopefully it’ll be but I’m pretty sure you’ll get so bored in the middle of this and fall asleep at me since you’re a bear and all you do is sleep. /shot/ jkjk ily baobei
But really though. This letter is typed on microsoft word, Arial, size 8 and it’s only been two pages with 1,300+ words. It’s so short. And I was planning to add a thousand more to my word count goal. (So at least 3,000 words. Wow. I can make a novel with the letters I’m sending you xD)
So to make it longer, I will just tell you the cheesiest and most cringe- worthy puns and pickup lines I will hear and watch over on the next few days. I wanted to sound a little romantic but I just can’t. For some reasons, I just sound so lame whenever I do that.
And by lame, I meant so lame that people will just stare at me with a poker face and say “u kidding me bro?”
But it isn’t as cheesy as the things I send you, alright. I’m just trying to sound like I’m gonna spoil you so much one day.
I don’t know if I should send you the whole thing but then I re-read it and laughed because there was a line that said: “I’ll make sure to time travel back to the Jurassic era to get you a dinosaur or ten”. I might have missed taking meds that day because time travelling sounds im—Wait- It’s not impossible for me now I just have to activate Tao pow—I think I’ve lost it- ouo
-10:47; 150707-
I haven’t been writing in this document for two/ three days because I was busy and I had to do a lot of other stuff but hERE I AM YAY AFTER A MILLION YEARS—
Alright, what else should I say?
So yes, I know I have rEALLY lacked a lot. I know at times I am a lil wimpy and I only know how to be logical and I really don’t fight back to people (Because if I do I’ll get back the worse way possible and I admit that I’m a nerd that’s why I don’t fight back) and you kind of saved my butt when the bs fight happened. unu (Truth is that I’m tired talking to her tbh and I’m not good at insulting others in front of their faces. /shot/ Also, I act like a kid a lot of times- Tell me if I’m getting annoying okay I just— idk why i’m doing it when I get really embarrassed doing aegyo on other people-
Warning: You’ll find the word sorry a lot from this point on.
If you don’t know, I’ve been trying to write something during my free time that’s why some are cliff- hanger-ed and some are just damn short. (Like your height. jkjk ily baobei) tbh, I feel bad about that- Not being able to write you something as long as my previous letter. You know that I get mad at myself if I fuck up or if I didn’t get things right. I actually am a little upset at myself for not being able to write paragraphs and paragraphs of cheese that I have promised myself to write in this letter.
I guess I failed again.
I’m sorry for always being like this okay? I just think I should do better the next time and surpass what I have done the last time. This is why I wanted to write at least 3,000 words because 2,700 is not enough. I just need to do much more for some reason. Honestly, I don’t even know why I have the need to do that when I barely challenged myself into something. Maybe it’s just not enough?
I still am wondering on why I still remember most of the things you tell me. Useless or not. (Yes, I still remember it. It’s red. You told me to forget but it just crossed my mind again.) I really am so sorry if I use it against you at times and teasing you about them. I just—you’re just so cute whenever I tease you and I can’t help but tease you more because you’re so cute. So much kawaii pls u kawaii. You’re a living kawaii god. /whispers/ jesus.
I actually wanted to put the word “my” before “kawaii god” but it just doesn’t sound so right. Not in a dirty way, though- But it kind of sounds as if I’m actually worshipping you and that’s just too extreme and it sounds a lil obsessed. (I wouldn’t mind worshipping you tho if you want to eue /shot/) It’s not that I don’t love you, okay. I just don’t want to sound so obsessed and weird though I’m pretty sure I would end up planking in the middle of the road and scream your name out in agony as the cars beep at me because I’m causing a traffic jam when you’re not around.
I think I’m a little overreacting right now and I should stop doing that.
-17:02; 150709-
I blabber a lot of nonsesnse sometimes ok and it doesn’t mean that I do them on purpose. I really don’t want to make you mad or anything. You shouldn’t mind me if I do that ok. unu
Also, please do tell me when you’re upset ok. It makes me feel a lil bit uneasy and want to go back to my man words and wanting to leave because I start to have thoughts that it would be better if I disappear. I’m sorry. At times I just get to be really depressed and i do things that are beyond stupid.
Shoot. My head is aching even more. Hahahaha
Anyways, so, yes, I don’t know what in the fuck is wrong with me that I keep on fucking things up and stuff. I also don’t know why I keep on saying sorry but I am really, really sorry. I’m so sorry no words can describe how sorry I am.
Isn’t this a creative letter? Hahaha Sorries are most likely 95% of my letter.
… And I said it would be really cheesy this time. /shot/
-15:39; 150711-
I should be really honest right now and say that I really was supposed to do a few paragraphs each day but I failed. It’s not because I was abandoning it, okay. It was because I prefer to Talk to you and hug you and stuff than write something here. I also wasn’t really planning on making you a letter this time but then I thought I couldn’t really do anything more than that because I pretty much suck at things that I’m supposed to be good at.
Like making good puns.
… In which I was never good at.
But my AB puns are still unbeatable okay, b AB. eue /sHOT RIGHT AT THE SPOT/
I really think you don’t need to read this whole letter tbqh because It’s just full of nonsense crap anyways. The main point here (again) is that I love you so much. Very muuuuch. Like this -> o <-Because circles doesn’t end and I just love you that much okay. unu
But I guess I should end this letter reaaaal soon.
What else should I say?
Yeah. I’m a little short of my own word limit and this is dumb because I said I’d write 3,000 words and get you so bored reading this but I guess I failed. unu
Whatever, though. I already feel accomplished as I have finished another letter once again.
I love you so much.
Even if you’re so mean and you bully me a lot and you like taking advantage of things especially when it comes to aegyo. /shot bcs semi- describing myself/
-13:46; 150712-
But I guess I shouldn’t end this just yet.
I really don’t want to say thank you and stuff because I’m pretty sure that I’m trying my best to show you how thankful I am that you existed in my life ok. You always make me feel that I’m important even if I’m a really annoying weirdo sometimes.
About that one we had a fight, by the way, I only said it wasn’t a big deal but to be honest there was one time I really begged people so I can get one ok. tHIS IS EMBARRASSING OH MY gOD. And of course I’m sure you know all about that because Sica tells you all the embarrassing things I tell her and do in front of her.
But really though, I deleted most of what I got except for yours pls.
Wow. I’m so out of words now.
Actually, I already had this letter done last night but then the urge of dragging it longer is just so biG.
All I really want to say is that I love you even if you’re mean and you like calling me cute even if I’m trying to be manly in front of you.
I love you even if you’re a really big klutz and you’re confused all of the time.
I love you even if you’re the most imperfect creature in this world bcs pls there is no flawless creature in this world.
I love you because you’re you so no matter how dumb you get jUST REMEMBER THAT I LOVE YOU OK.
And never forget that bcs if you do I will seriously just… sulk in a corner there because I’m unmanly enough to do something manly about that.
Yes. And no matter what happens, you’ll be my small, fragile and kawaii oppa. (Even though you’re really not an oppa. Stop confusing ppl pls they’re starting to think we’re gay tho it’s kind of true that we’re gay.)
And seriously, okay. I will try my best to protect you even though the truth is that you’re the one who saves my butt.
But yes, I want to tell you that I love you so much. Very much. So much that words can’t explain it anymore. It’s unfathomable. (what the fuck am I saying. Hahahaha /shot/)
Let me say it again,
I love you, Jung Daeun.
So much.
By Huang Zitao, 71215
Total words: 3,021(Time and emoticons included)
Pages: 5 (portrait) 6 (landscape)
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 7 years
“Eric!” Amber screamed in frustration upon entering the house. Everything was a mess. Clothes thrown off everywhere, food packagings, boxes (and probably even uneaten food by the center table), books scattered on the floor, piled up dishes on the sink. She only left for two days and this is what she’ll see when she gets back? Not cool.
“Eric!” She yelled once again, there’s still no reply. “Eric, I swear to god. I will kick you out of this house if you don’t clean this place up.” A frown was visible on her forehead now.
“Where the hell are you?” She peeked inside his room and found him peacefully sleeping on his bed.
How could he sleep peacefully when the house is at this state?
She kneeled beside his bed and leaned in. Seeing Eric this peaceful made her forget that she’s really angry at him for not even trying to clean the house up.
You’re stupid. Her index finger found their way to Eric’s forehead and slowly glides them down to his eyebrows and nose. Were you always this peaceful when you sleep?
You’re crazy. Then to his lips. Does your lips always look so kissable like this?
She was about to lean in closer and kiss him but she stopped and instead, pushed him off the bed. “Wake up! Clean the mess you did you little piece of—!”
He quickly stood up before she could cuss at him again and started cleaning up even if he was a little confused and doesn’t know where to start.
“You little piece of adorable and kawaii shit.” Amber mumbled to herself, sitting down on the edge of Eric’s bed and laid down with a giggle.
((“How about a kiss every time I clean my mess up?” Eric suggested, picking up a piece of clothing that was near his bedroom door.
Amber threw a pillow at him. “Or maybe we could have the PS4 sold, your PS Vita confiscated and the wifi removed.”
“I still get kisses from you either ways, right?”))
//341 w
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 7 years
One Day
A poem I made centuries ago. It’s full of crap. I suggest you don’t read it. u n u
I have mentioned this in my second letter, I think? but yeah it’s embarrassing.
One day I will create a place with all the stuff you like
I’ll make sure to time travel back to the Jurassic era to get you a dinosaur or ten,
Chase bunnies down ‘till I get tired,
Fly to China and use bamboos as bait to get the pandas,
Make sure the kittens and puppies don’t fight,
Have the dingos tamed,
Get a whole herd of lions,
Probably even a pack of wolves
And hope I won’t get eaten by them.
I will make sure to get
Every. Single. Cute. Thing.
And have a room full of Rilakumma
And Molang
And um… Mickey Mouse?
Probably have a whole collection of books of all genres you like
And things that screams murder and sadism.
I will bring you to that place.
One day, One day.
By Eric Nam. 61715.
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 7 years
52815 // 10:00 AM
Ew. I can’t believe I wrote these—Things. I tried my best to sound as cheesy and as gross as I can be.  If you’re wondering why I even made this, it’s because I feel really bad that I wasn’t able to give you at least two finished letters. Maybe it’s to make up for it? 555
I don’t know what to write anymore so… yeah. Read it and tell me how cringe- worthy and cheesy it is. I haven’t written in months so yes, whatever I write will most definitely suck.
Warning: Contains really weird AU drabbles so forgive me.
Contains eight drabbles. Started on May 26, 2015 (‏‎9:41PM) and ended on May 28, 2015(10:53 AM)
Sadist. 143
“Amber, please. I’m sorry.” Amber just glanced at him for a while and continued talking with Luna who can’t do anything but give him pitiful looks everytime she looks towards his direction— Downstairs.
He knew he was in the wrong. It was his fault for making her feel like this. What kind of boyfriend in the right mind would talk about his ex and how beautiful she’s become after a few years? That was really dumb and insensitive of him.
“Ber. Just forgive the poor guy! He’s been standing there for almost an hour!” Luna tried persuading Amber but the older just chuckled. “Let him be. Let him learn this lesson. I’m not mad at him, you know. Besides. He looks so cute like that. Like a poor, lost puppy.”
Luna could only shake her head from what the older said. “You sadist.”
Troublemaker. 335
Amber has never gone to detention in her entire life. It was until she was caught forging a teacher’s signature for Stupid Chorong.
Great. She thought. Chorong will surely get it when I see her tomorrow.
She didn’t forget to recite a silent prayer before she opened the door as she heard horrible rumours about detention especially about the regulars.
A tall, tanned guy came towards her. “Ohhh! Look who we’ve got here! A new face! What’s your name um…” He eyes her from head to toe. “Are you a girl or a guy?”
She felt a little embarrassed as hearing his question. “Erm… It’s Amber. Amber Josephine.” A faint color of pink crept up her cheeks. The guy didn’t seem to notice, though. “I’m Jongin.” The tanned guy led her in the room. “Welcome to detention, Amber.”
There are two more guys in the room. A girly looking guy and one with round glasses like harry potter. Both were sitting on the third row. One near the widow, the other on the third seat on the left side.
“Oh by the way. That guy,” Jongin points at the girly guy. “His name is Ren.”
The girly guy waved at her and gave her a smile.
“Don’t go near him if you don’t want to get kissed.” Jongin warned, earning a loud ‘Hey’ from Ren. “The other one’s Eric. He doesn’t talk much. Feel free to choose your seat, kid.” He went and sat on his seat which is in front of Ren’s.
It took Amber a while to decide on where to sit and decided that she should sit beside Eric since he looked the most normal one out of the three.
… Or at least that was what she thought.
She peeked on what this Eric guy has been doing and she was very surprised with what she saw him watching on his phone.
“Oh! Senpai! There! Hnng—Ungg~”
“Do you want to watch with me?” He asked, giving her a creepy smile.
Kiss. 246
(This is originally written in the male’s point of view. I just thought it looks better on the female’s POV)
I was talking with somebody when he arrived. He was obviously a lot taller than me and probably even younger. He came towards me and greeted me. He said a few more other things to me but I don’t remember what they were anymore. After a while, I was hugging him and trying to give him kisses on the cheek. The next thing I knew was that we were already kissing as if there was no one around us. Since he was a bit taller than me, I stepped up this center table that was only a few inches tall since I was a lot shorter than him, still kissing him. Of course, I just had to kiss back whenever he kisses me.
He sat down the sofa behind him, pulling me along with him. I was on top of him. The kiss was broken and I stared at him for a while, cupping his cheeks and smiling at him. He said a few more other things before we kissed again. Probably even french-kissed that time. I didn’t really care whether that person I was talking with earlier watches us or takes a video or whatever. I just kiss him back whenever he kisses me.
His kisses were going south. To my jaw, to my neck then near my chest. I didn’t know what he was planning to do. His hands roamed around my body. My back, my stomach, my legs—everywhere. Is he? Will he?
Eric Oppa. 254
(Based on a prompt given to me by a friend. Never had time to wrote it but I suddenly just remembered about it.)
I’m just a normal guy. A guy who has average looks, average academic capability, average everything. There’s nothing special about me.
There’s something that has been bothering me, though. There’s this girl that has been following my every single step and listening to my every single word.
“Eric oppa! Good morning!” I facepalmed the moment I saw her. My friends, Kevin and James just exchanged glances and laughed. These two are gonna get it later on.
“O-Oh. Amber…” I glared at my friends and signaled them to help me but neither did. The two just watched like how they usually do.
“Oppa.” She started seriously. I turned to her, thinking that maybe, this time she’s thinking of stopping for once. “I was just wondering…  When are you going to be my boyfriend?” Kevin and James laughed even harder, making the situation harder for me.
“Probably when the pigs fly, Amber.” I answered.
“When the pigs fly? Hmmmmm… Is that even possible? How do pigs grow wings? Wait- Do they levitate?” She frowned. Of course it isn’t possible for pigs to grow wings and fly nor have levitation powers.
“How about when you marry me?” She asked again, totally forgetting about the pigs in an instant.
“When you’re not Amber anymore.” I replied; she frowned again.
��B-but how do I do that?” I just ignored her question and walked away. “Oppa, how do I do that?” I facepalmed once again. Doesn’t she understand? I obviously—Ugh. It’ll be a long way till Amber realizes that.
Crush. 432
(Based on an old draft I had. Sulli’s POV)
“Eric Nam!” Amber turned around as if she was the one being called by the certain person. I laughed hard, ocassionally clapping my hands and hitting the table as seeing her priceless reaction as the name was being called. It was honestly stupid, I could say. I mean- It’s not even her name and she turned around. It was adorable, though.
“Stop laughing, Sulli.” She told me, pokerface yet the pinkish red color creeping up her cheeks is very obvious. I can’t determine whether it’s because she’s embarrassed of what she did or because she heard Eric’s name but I’m very much sure that either one of those, it still will come back to Eric in the end.
In case no one of you knows, Eric Nam is one of the worst guys here in school. He barely passed the subjects and is very lazy. We would often catch him outside carrying buckets of water as punishment for not doing assignments and stuff. I think he even barely goes to school! Honestly, I don’t even know what’s gotten into Amber’s mind. How come did she like him? Maybe it’s true. Opposites do attract.
Amber is one of the nicest, neatest girls I’ve ever known. Of course, my expectations on her interest was quite high- Maybe Minseok from the soccer team or Henry, the music genius would have been her type but I never expected that she would actually like someone like Eric.
It has been a few months already since she liked him and honestly, it isn’t cool to have Amber like somebody. She undergoes a really big change phase.
“You like Eric, Do you?” Victoria once asked, earning a loud ‘No’ and a playful but hard smack from Amber. Laughing, I watched the two fool around, hitting each other playfully and squealing.
“Watch out!” I heard someone yell. Everyone stopped on their tracks. It’s Eric riding a skateboard. The next thing I knew was that Eric bumped into Amber and fell. It took them a few seconds to realize that they’re in a really awkward position. Eric’s face turned red and so did Amber’s. The two of them pushed each other away and walked off to different directions. Cute.
“Fate’s a really good trickster, isn’t it?” Victoria said loud enough for Amber to hear.
“Yeah. It made me fall down with that idiot on top of me.”
“But admit it, Amber. Eric looked cute riding that skateboard.” I teased, earning a playful smack from her.
“He does.” Amber said as softly as she could and dashed off to the next class.
Under the Rain. 173
“I wanna know why girls like these under the rain kisses. Why do they?” Amber gave Eric that same look whenever he asks her random, weird questions. Eric has a habit of asking people random questions at a really unreasonable time. Amber found it annoying at first but eventually got used to it and thought that even if he asks weird questions, he’s a really interesting guy. Maybe even more than interesting.
Amber took a bite on her ham sandwich and spoke with her mouth full- “Why did you suddenly thought about that? It’s very hot right now and isn’t even raining a bit. ” Eric just shrugged at her question.
“Just. I remember Sulli and Krystal talk about it before. They say it’s romantic.” Hearing Sulli and Krystal’s name made Amber choke a little on her sandwich. So even Eric likes the school belles.
“Oh.”Amber nodded. “But I don’t know. It sounds interesting though.”
“Actually, it was said in the news that it might rain tonight. Wanna try and find out why?”
Wet Slippers. 116
I was in a bathroom that time; there was this pair of green slippers inside the bathroom. It was a little dark in there and the only light was the one coming from outside. There is this big hole on top of the door.
Henry called me, saying “Amber is searching for you. She just left a while ago.” I immediately jolted up and ran out, taking the wet slippers with me but when I went out, she was about to leave, hopping up on the cargo truck that I assume was the one she rode on going here.
I handed her the pair of slippers, giving her a smile. “I’m sorry I got it wet.”
Reply. 282
Eric kept on typing to remove his attention from his phone because the more he looks at it, the more paranoid he gets and the more paranoid he gets, more bad ideas comes to him.
“Amber took a bite on her… Ham sandwich….” He spoke as he typed and suddenly paused, eyes starting to wander around and eventually stares at his phone again and with a pout this time. God. What happened to her? Why won’t she reply?
Eric went back to typing again after two minutes of pouting and waiting. Probably she won’t reply. Maybe she’s busy? Yes, Eric. Maybe she’s just busy. Let’s… Not think about it. Inhale, Exhale.
He’s already reached his next one and has typed halfway but still, no replies were received. He’s starting to get even more worried but he tries is best to shake the thought off and continue writing.
“… Only light… cooooming… from outs—Yes!” He stopped typing and grabbed his phone as soon as it beeped.
“One text message from A…ilee.”
His smile faded as soon as he saw who the sender was. Not her. Goddammit. When will she reply?
Another thirty minutes has passed and he’s already on his last one. Still, no replies from her.
“… His phone again… wiiiiiiith a… Pout!… Thiiiiiiis… Ti—me.”  His phone beeped again but this time, he ignored it. It must be someone else. She’d definitely not reply.
The beeping just won’t stop so Eric picked his phone up. As seeing the sender, a really big smile crept up his face. It was as if he won a big contest or something.
“Thirty-six text messages from Amber.”
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 7 years
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00001100x-blog · 7 years
8:05 AM; 6915
To my senPAI # 0, My one and only.
Before you start reading this, I would like to tell you that my head is 99.9% full of you so this thing probably won’t go as sane as I planned it to be (Okay, fine. I didn’t really have a plan buT I PLANNED IT TO BE SANE OKAY-). The other 0.1% is probably about me not being able to finish it since you know—I never really did finish a letter. (Okay maybe I did but that wasn’t counted okay. unu)
If you don’t notice, I’m a little bit of a neat freak. I want everything organized. From the font size to how it will be bolded or whatever. Please don’t mind it. I just—I just am reaaallly organized when it comes to details. Heh. (And for some reason I feel so gay doing it.)
This letter is going to be soooo fucked up. I just write whatever I think about so most likely, the thoughts would be mixed and messed up. I’ll try to fix it up and make it look as decent as I can, okay? ouo
I’m sure I would feel a little regret sending this because 1- #manlinessgoneonceagain and 2- I really think I shouldn’t let you die down in a pool of embarrassment and cringey-ness because you may not be able to breathe or something. Actually, even if I find your embarrassment cute, I just end up worrying a lot because who knows if you suddenly do a weird thing because of it and get yourself hurt (Please don’t fall on whatever or wherever you’re rolling at, okay-). /shot just bcs/
But yeah. For now, I’m gonna accept my unmanliness and write you something again just because I had the need to. I don’t really think I would like to hand this to you as soon as I finish it because after writing it, I’m sure I would ask myself this: “Why the hell did I write this gay again?” and sob + laugh at myself after thinking about it for quite some time.
Since you told me what happens when you get embarrassed, I think I should tell you my little um… habit whenever I think of something. Something most likely evil to you, that is. I actually tend to laugh at my own idea. I once laughed so hard I choked on my own spit and end up coughing for quite a time. You can laugh at me—I’m not stopping you because actually, thinking about it, it’s really a pretty funny sight.
It wasn’t entirely Soojung that persuaded me to go here. As far as I could remember, Jessica did too—and actually, I really didn’t plan on joining Sbliss. I wasn’t really convinced with their promotion /sHOT TWICE/, okay- I was actually really busy with daebak that moment, being admin and all + I was also busy with sch—Not really.
Soojung once even had to show me your selcas and stuff because she really thinks I breathe Amber + Maybe it would make me join sbliss for once. (Which in fact was that I live Sullism that time.) I admit though, I did say I wanted to marry you twice. Oh my god- Why am I even telling you this? skjdfhaksdf
But there was a point where I really wanted to take a break from daebak so yes, that’s how I ended up joining Sbliss.
I actually don’t know what came into me when I started liking your stuff. It just felt so right. I was like… “Oh wow, this person looks easy to bully let me spam her then later on I’ll spam the others too but that’s later on hehehehe. /lIKES EVERYTHING” That time, I didn’t notice I was liking your stuff hours straight already and wow, I did forget to eat because I found spamming you so fun. Truth be said though, I do spam when I don’t have anything important to do.
Okay- I’ll tell you a secret, though.
I really didn’t want to have a relationship with anyone nor did I want to enter SBliss because of you from the start. I mean- No. I really didn’t have such thoughts because I just wanted to be friends with people and talk and socialize and you know—
That was when I entered SBliss, at least.
And by totally, I mean totally. A really huge avalanche of “wrong”.
That thought was a huge mistake because slowly,
Slowly I start thinking more and more about you.
And goddammit, I didn’t know if that was right or wrong.
I really just wanted to bully and squish you that time. Wha- What happened?
It actually felt like the world was fLIPPED UPSIDE DOWN.
But yes, of course I told nobody because I’m the secretive person I am—Not even Jessica knew about it.
Though it was a given that they reALLY think I came here for you.
You know, there would be times that I really wanted to think of something else but then you just come up my mind and won’t get off of it. I don’t know how I survived that time trying to deny whatever things I feel for you because I really saw you as one of my first friends in here even if you’re quite evil and won’t believe my innocence. (It still does exist but I think it just never appeared before you. unu)
bUT DAMN, You were so fun to be with and I just really forget the time when I’m with you. The cuteness is a bonus, though.
Now I kind of regret typing that out- Ew I’m so embarrassed of myself.
What else should I say—
Hm. I don’t know hehehe. /shot/
I know some of what I say and did might have scared you a lot. I’m really sorry about that, okay? I know I could be one hell of a jerk and I really didn’t mean to be like that. It’s just that… I just—I just say and do these things without even thinking about it first. That was very immature of me. Don’t get too mad at me for that, hmm?
I try very hard not to upset you or piss you off or anything but I still end up doing it. But really- I try my best(est) not to okay- rEALLYYYY. I promise. I really try my best not to upset you in anyways. Actually, I am really very careful of my words. (ok, not all the time, though.)
Also, it doesn’t mean that I kind of bully you and compliment you a lot means that I’m actually going against you, okay? Actually, when I do it, it just means that I really think you’re cute or maybe that I really appreciate your cuteness. eue
Serious, though. Even if you’re scary, you’re still the cutest to me.
You’re never a handful to me, okay? Don’t think that you are. Though you may get really angry, jealous or pissed off for some reason, I never thought of you being a handful. Wow. Why am I so understanding? I’m so nice. Ew. I shall get mad one day. /nods/
If ever I decide on not being to nice. Hahaha
I wasn’t really this nice before-
… Half of the time, that is- eue
10:36 AM
11:39 AM
So because I don’t really have anything in mind, I thought I should stop for a while and just—roll around and keep talking to you while watching a drama I never paid attention to. (I basically just skip on the cringe-y parts and send you messages as it plays. /sHOT HARD/)
Actually, I tend to really look down at myself and tell everyone that I’m the worse.
I mean—I really think that I am bad at mostly everything.
Actually there was this time where I think I really can’t catch up to your standards and that I forget everything easily and that I fail.
I feel that even my typos are really unacceptable tbqh
But yeah,
I’m starting to think it’s okay because you don’t mind it.
Because you don’t mind my weirdness and fails even though most of the time I’m pretty much the definition for weird and failure.
You still do make fun of them but yeah-
At times I don’t think I’m actually boyfriend-y enough. (If ever that term exists.) I actually don’t think I treat you the best I could so everyday, I try my best to be better (But most likely, I still end up being the weirdo I am). I try my best to be a little more oppa- like to but yeah. I guess being an oppa type of guy isn’t my style. Maybe I’m really created to be a little kid forever and ever and eveRRRRRRR. I feel bad about that because I think that maybe you think that you should look after me, not the other way around.
I’m sorry I have some weird insecurities—I know you never heard about them at all. eW. I feel like a gay saying this all to you right now but meh.
Wow. This letter is getting long. I haven’t even gone to the best part yet—
So yes.
What else should I say-
Yes, so I don’t think I have told you this but I really appreciate each and everything you do to/for me. I know you try your best to endure all the praising and the bullying I’ve done. All your efforts, every little thing you tell me. I appreciate it, okay? Okay.
Wow I don’t know what to say now-
Oh yes-
So I am really pretty disturbed whenever I wake up at a weird hour in the morning and want to badly talk to you. I mean- I wouldn’t want to wake up and disturb you since you’re a really light sleeper and I don’t really want to ruin your sleep much more.
(The thunder’s pretty much distracting me. It’s getting louder and louder and yeah- It’s distracting. Followed by heavy rains- Wow this reminds me of you so much I–)
There are actually times where I badly wanted to tell you nonsense at 2AM and there are also times where I really don’t wanna go and leave you even if I badly needed to—this is why I don’t wanna sleep even if I really am so sleepy. Wow what even why am I telling you this—
1:12 PM
3:06 PM
I actually wonder why I keep on telling myself “Oh. Here’s the romantic part, Here’s the romantic part.” When I actually haven’t even written something romantic- This is the fourth page already and I still don’t get to write you the romantic part. I’m trying my very best of thinking something romantic right now-
So for now, let me repeat the things I keep on telling you.
Again, please forgive me for my endless praises and compliments okay? I just do really think you’re cute.
You’re beautiful. As you said, it’s what the inside that counts. It’s your words okay- I don’t think you will doubt your doctor- ness, right? eue
And though it doesn’t look like it, you are really so innocent. Just like a little kid. A little girl, to be exact. I don’t think I could see someone else as pure and cute and innocent as you are when you talk about the things you like. When you talk about animals, candies, stuffed toys and really cute stuff.
I don’t think I would find someone as cute as you when you suddenly do those ridiculously cute random things when you can’t say anything anymore.
But yes ok- No matter how much of a mental torture you are because of your cuteness, I still love you.
I wanted to write every single thing I adore about you but I’m afraid that you’re going to either be weirded out or get too embarrassed so I guess I shall not enumerate each one of them. Besides, I think you would get too lazy reading in the middle of it and fall asleep. Four pages is already quite long, What else if it becomes ten, right?
I don’t want to be the next John Green alright so I’d just stop right here and carry on with this letter. My goal right now is not to end up writing you a novel- like letter even though I’m sure it already is one.
What to say again—
Actually I have a lot of things I wanted to tell you right now but wow, now I’m writing it, it went: “Poof. All gone hehehe good luck Eric, try to remember us all. eue”
Wow so my brain is pretty much going against me- I actually an trying to remember whatever I wanted to tell you but i don’t remember them anymore I’m wtf at myself ene.
I guess my brain really gives me a hard time whenever I try making you a letter because this just keeps on happening to me. I guess I’m lucky enough to reach the fourth page without any hardships. My mind being a bitch plus you being super cute though—I don’t think that this will really result well. My mind is starting to create chaos and I don’t think I would be able to remember what I wanted to tell you since earlier-
5:15 PM
7:30 PM
I’m sure I won’t be able to keep the fact that I wrote something for you as I showed you a peek already—A peek of how much of a long and boring letter I made you. This time, I hope that I will end up with a big smile and an accomplishment. An accomplishment that I, Eric the PeaNam, wrote my one and only legit senpai, Amber Liu a more than 2,000 word letter. Awesome.
I think if I wait till the twelfth, this will be long enough as a chapter or two. I guess I shall send this to you as soon as I finish.
And I shall finish it immediately- As fast as I could so I wouldn’t be able to drag it any longer because the longer it stays with me, the more chances I’d be adding a lot of unnecessary things. – Like what I’m saying right now.
I wanted to end this letter with really, really sweet words- God. I don’t think this letter is romantic eveN ONE BIT. Dammit, I wanted it to be sweeter than sugar.
But anyways, I think it didn’t get to the pont. It is a little off. I’m sorry about that. As I said, I really haven’t really written anything legit in a long time. I actually think that more than half of what I wrote is pure crap. I think I keep on repeating my words as well. I do this to most of my letter for some reason- I just keep on going round and round till I think I’ve said enough.
Okay, All I really wanted to say here is that I love you, okay?
I love you, I love you, I love you so much. Very much.
And I’ll do my best to be more and more better each day and make sure I never step off of my spot and continue holding your heart. I’ll make sure to get arrested as well. Because I know and I am sure I have at least to pay back for stealing your heart, right? Heh.
Just make sure to stay by my side because without you I feel so cold. (Geddit, geddit? ouo)
I guess I’d have to end my letter this way- I’m sure I haven’t told you everything in my mind right now but I’m sure that each and every one of my thoughts screams I love you on max volume—Probably even louder than that if possible.
9:09 PM.
By Eric Nam. 6915.
Total words: 2,699 (Time and emoticons included)
Pages: 5(portrait)/ 4 (landsacpe)
0 notes