01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
——  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
——  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
——  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
——  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
——  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
——  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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as   you   all   have   noticed ,    i’m    not    here    much.    i’m   usually   not   one   to   jump   between    muses   ,    but    nicolas    really    didn’t    click    with    me    like    i    thought    he    would.    i    hate    to    abandon    muses ,    too.    if    you’re   still    interested    in    writing    /     talking    with   me   ,    find    me     @cicatrite    ;     soldier   76    really    resonated    with    me    right    away     &    i    don’t    see    myself    leaving    any    time    soon.    regardless  ,     thanks    for     the    fun    i    had    here !    if    i    see    you   or   not  ,    i   hope    you    have    a    good    day   !     thank    you  !     see     you    on    the    flipside !
------  -     cee
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01939100284 · 7 years
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what the fuck nicki
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sorry  i   don’t   speak   bitch
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01939100284 · 7 years
hello everyone !! i deeply apologize for not being here but my life has been rough the last couple of weeks + my muse for nicky dwindled a little. but summer is here and i'm ready to come back!!
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01939100284 · 7 years
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breathe   if   u   hate   lestat.
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01939100284 · 7 years
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 ‘   you  speak  as  if  you’re  acquainted  with  it .  are  you  familiar ? –  &  how  would  you  explain  ME ?  stranger ,  do  you  think  you’re  more  acquainted  to  death  than  i  am ? ’      here  he  wipes  the  blot  of  red  against  the  scruff  of  his  sleeve .  a  chime  of  laughter ,  a  voice  amidst  almond  blossom  &  the  quiet , (  —- listen ,  visitor , …  there’s  a  story  here ,  and  it’s  not  about  the  either  of  us .  it’s  of  the  girl  who  had  the  mind  of  a  carnival ,  the  child  wrapped  in  fettered  sweater  with  blued  lips . )  &  he  tears  the  honey  daisies  in  his  hand , to  the  bed  of  earth ,  weeds  wringing  to  the  teeth  of  gravestones .     ‘  sorry  – what  an  odd question !  i’m  only  here  to  say  goodbye —  bye - bye  to  my  darling , donna . ’       let  her  kiss  him ,  with  her  lips  stained  in  soil , dirt , the  dirt —  her  body  a  patch  of  overgrown  grass &  wildflowers ,  o  love ,  my  love .   ‘  what  a  difficult  idea ,  don’t  you  think ?  things  are  so  very  fragile . . &  quick to  disappear . ’
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           familiar ?    he’s   death  -  besmirched.      lifetimes    sericate   as   morning   mist   &    extinguished   just   as   quickly ---- - - a    hushed   zephyr   ,    summer   psithurism   ,   &    the   limbs   of   eburnean   dandelions   are  bestrewn   to   the   throat   of   the   earth   ,    soil    imbrued    with    graveyard    ash   &   halcyon   memory.     (   hands   crossed   over   memories’   hearts ,   a   tangled   &   chasing   game   of   desinence   &   renascence.  )      “i’ve    had    my    waltz    with   death  ,   yes  ;   i   let   him   in   for   tea  ,   we   talk   white   noise.”     we   travel   hand   in   hand   upon   forsaken   &   thorned   iters ,   then   he   ,   mantled   in   sable   ,   returns   to    my   moonlit   penumbra   &    slenders    beneath    the    bloodshed   &    bloodstream   ambrosia.     “be   grateful   you   have   an   ending   to   this   madness   game.   some   are   not   as  lucky  ,   &    they   bend   to   fate’s   caprice  ,   wrapped   around  her   finger.   fragility   is   a   kindness.”
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01939100284 · 7 years
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 MAY  MELTS  FROM  A  CROWN  OF  GOLD ,  the  city  threatens  to  crumble ,  &  he  becomes  an  orphan  of  past  running  parallel  ‘gainst  the  present  &  future .  him , a  smudge  amidst  the  error  of  existence ,  (  i  am  alone  by  choice . )  stands  upon  the  summer  grass ,  the  green  young  &  tender ,  life  unmarred  by  the  sharp  fragrance  of  winter .    ‘  —- the  place  of  loss ,  do  you  find  it  somber ?  perhaps  terrible ,  in  a  way . ’     boredom ,  perhaps  is  the  culprit .  to  tread  upon  funeral  grounds ,  graves  with  sharp  edges  &  raven  birds  yawning .  morbid  boy , a  paradox  against  his  existence ,  (  in  another  city , a  man  thinks  him  to  be  a  poem . )  he  presses  a  finger  to  the  crumbled  edge  of  the  gravestones ,  blood  harvesting  on  his  fingertips .    ‘  i  come  here  quite  often ,  &  each  week ,  there’s  always  a  new  name . ’ 
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        -------- - -  “SHOULD   I?”       a   fanged   winter    moves    within    his   mouth   like   a   cloud ,   gleaned   from   the    frore    of    alamort   asterisms.    [    dreams   incarnate  ,    tragedy’s   harbinger ,   noctivagant   fantassin .    what   is   this   hallowed   ground   to    me   but   another    charnel    for    the    dead    fragments    of    stellate    destinies   &    crestfallen    worlds?    instead   i   mourn   for   every   yesteryear   &    the   moments   i   cannot   steal.   ]     in   another   blighted   century  ,   the   moon   rises   on   its   back  ,   &   he   is   more   than   the   blood   thirst   :   the   heart    weeps    for    the    might - have - beens    while    vacive    midnights   burn   in   his   throat   like    saltwater   funerals.     “death   is   a   beast   we   cannot   escape ,   no?    it   looms ,   a   terrible   thing   indeed  ;   lurking    inside   every   tomorrow  ,   &   its   victims   are   arbitrary  ,   its   decisions   beyond   rational.”
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01939100284 · 7 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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01939100284 · 7 years
@faceofabotticelliangel​ :    “ we   die   so   easily. “   from   here  (  accepting.  )
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        sunrise   yields   to   sunset  ,   the   charred   war  -  ground   between   incarnadined   with    the    corpses   of   fallen   /   childish   promises.   (  the   forevers   &    the   eternal   dawns   within   the   uncertain   future  ,   &   the   shadow   of   my   doom  ,   &   the   mortal   mystery   of   all   that.  )     who   better   to   know   the   pain   of   a   cicatrized   tragedy   than    i  ,   i   who   have   endured   a    hundred    bruising   lifetimes   under   fragmented   &   frozen   commissures ?       “WE   DO.”     such   a   lightness   of    words’    tread  :   the   brush   of   a   crow’s   pinion  ,   the   crunch   of   nightly   footfalls    after   the   first   snowstorm  ,   a   memory   wandering   through   the   tapestry   of   melancholy’s   brume.     oddly   anodyne  ,   taut   like   archery  ,   yet   all   with   the   heaviness   of   a   rainstorm   daydream   &    the   ache   of   a   heartbeat   lost----- - -    (   he   looks   far   off  ,   vulnerose   &   cinched   in   ancient   joys   ,   webbed   &  weaved   through   a   history   that    seemed   to   fall   under   another   name  ,   yet   longing   for   it   all   the   same.   )      “even    immortal   beings ,   such   as   we  ,   who   humans   have   built   to   be   untouchable  ,   unobtainable  ,   divine   :     we   die   just   as   easily  ,   just   as   quickly  ,  perhaps   even   easier   than   the   mortals   we   jest   at.”      a   study   in   heartbreak  ,   in   darkness   &    light.    hearts   as   fragile   as   glass   butterflies   in   lacerated   palm   ,   tipped   over   by   the   softest   summer   sigh.      “we   are   no   more   immune   to   collapse   than   they   ,   perhaps   even   more   so.”
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01939100284 · 7 years
rare  footage  of   nicolas  and  armand  found  from  theatres  des  vampires  circa  1780  @cupidkilled  @faceofabotticelliangel
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01939100284 · 7 years
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01939100284 · 7 years
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SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL REPORTER !!    ( bc they need all the money they can get,  until they manage to land themselves a rich bf )                 k, anyway, please LIKE / REBLOG this if you’d be interested in roleplaying with a private DANIEL MOLLOY blog, from Anne Rice’s “Vampire Chronicles”.
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