0nyxblue · 3 years
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(I haven't watch c!Sam lore stream btw. It's kinda just a "what if" scenario)
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0nyxblue · 3 years
My first video on YouTube! I’d really appreciate any support and constructive criticism in the comments on things that I can do better considering I’m new to this ^^ <3
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0nyxblue · 3 years
hey guys its indigenous peoples day so it'd be really cool if you guys donated or signed petitions pertaining to native hawaiians and other polynesian indigenous peoples! i feel like we tend to get overlooked on days like this, but we should be lifting each other up! we're allies! so heres a link for hawaiipeoplesfund.org, a list of links for aboriginal lives matter, and the hawaii land trust website where you can donate and read more about how we've lost our land! and if you own an ukulele, try to learn more about it and support some local artists! mahalo!
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0nyxblue · 3 years
In honor of national coming out day, here's a reminder that:
you are valid regardless of whether or not you are out
you are under no obligation to come out
only you can decide when and if you want to come out - but you should make sure that you are safe if you want to come out
there is no "deadline" to come out
if someone comes out to you, support them even if you don't understand yet!
I am proud of you if you are closeted. I am proud of you if you are out. I am proud of you if you are somewhere in between. And no matter where you are, you should be proud too <3
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0nyxblue · 3 years
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Vote for your favourite hermit mob to be added to the game :)c
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0nyxblue · 3 years
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fanart for the only minecraft streamer ever @0nyxblue go follow him right now
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0nyxblue · 3 years
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fanart for the only minecraft streamer ever @0nyxblue go follow him right now
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0nyxblue · 3 years
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girl help i got transported to a modded minecraft server 
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0nyxblue · 3 years
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0nyxblue · 3 years
My favorite Minecraft culture is scrolling from whatever is in your hand to your sword as a silent threat
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0nyxblue · 3 years
Las Nevadas Inspired Build: Drink Stand (and it actually works!)
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I didn’t do much to the back of the build because I imagine it would be connected to a larger building, like a casino or the strip club, so that the workers could go in through the back door to resupply the drinks (potions that match the color of the stained glass and such) in the machine.
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This is the little stairwell down to the storage area; the droppers are facing out toward the front of the stand, and the floor in front of them is open/made of half slabs, so whenever a button is pressed, the dispenser directly below will give the player said drink.
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Barrels for storing drinks :D
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Aaaand here’s a picture of the drink machine after a button is pressed so y’all can kinda see the drink machine work, although not in real time obviously since it isn’t a video ^^
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0nyxblue · 3 years
how to win buildmart by nearly 1000 points: listen to grian.
pete: i dont think anyone is gonna say or argue that you’re not the best buildmart player. i do not wanna hear it.  if not best, then top 3.
grian: *laughs* the thing is though, like, when i started taking charge of buildmart, i started winning.  so i was like: right, let me handle this.  but the thing is, everyone is going to be onto my tactics now pete, what do i do?
pete: adapt and overcome. while they’re learning your tactics, you’re inventing new ones.
grian: exactly.
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0nyxblue · 3 years
Hello!! I don't have any followers so i hope this reaches at least one person.
I'm a disabled latinx trans person who needs help paying for top surgery. I lost my mother last month and am struggling to pay all the bills. My surgery should be exciting but I'm deeply stressed about paying for it. I'm a graduate student studying Gender Studies - my thesis is centered around trans kids! I'm in 12 credit hours and an unpaid internship. I'm also trying very hard to find a part time job on top of it all.
I can't do much in terms of art or crafts but I am making free twitch scenes/overlays/emotes and all tips will go towards the surgery fund!!!
Please please share if you see this and donate if you can. Check out my twitter for more info!!
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Gofundme: https://gofund.me/f994710e
Venmo & Cashapp: $Lselvera
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0nyxblue · 3 years
A bit about me? Will add to as needed ^^
I’d like to be referred to as Onyx. It isn’t my real name, simply an online alias
18 years old
Bisexual and transgender
My pronouns are he/him
I love art, writing, music, video games, psychology, and crystals!
I’ve recently discovered I really like building and playing hardcore in Minecraft! I fell out of the game for a few years, but went back to the game sometime this year; it definitely stuck!
I’d like to try to see if I can do something with streaming on twitch! It’d be a massive help if you’d consider checking my channel out ^^ (seriously, it means a lot <3)
Twitch link is here!
Twitter link is here!
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0nyxblue · 3 years
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minecraft axolotl
once again, i was the one who originally made this drawing. i created it as soon as minecraft axolotls were revealed and i initially posted it only to twitter and newgrounds. if you saw the drawing posted elsewhere, it wasn't me who posted it.
the four variations aside from the pink one were made a few months later when axolotls actually got added in a snapshot.
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0nyxblue · 3 years
for anyone who missed tubbos alt stream, this thread has a great recap of something he talked about earlier on that i think is important for lots of people to see
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(transcript under cut)
[a thread of tweets from twitter user @/_berriiyy]
basically he was scrolling through just chatting and he asked a question whether girls being a bit sexual or something would be considered nsfw and inappropriate for twitch since kids are on it and he was talking about it and chat started spamming for him to move on
he then proceeded to snap a bit at chat and said (quote): "move on? really? have we gotten to the point where i cant even talk about thing without getting cancelled?? like my opinion is open to be changed if somebody presents a good point? i cant even have a conversation +
wihout possibly having that end my entire career? really?".
he then talked about how his take on all of this twitter stud us that hes really upset he cant even talk about things without the possibility of there being a twitter there's that could just end his career
he also said then that he isnt too educated in everything that goes on and so sometimes he needs conversations to talk and he feels on edge all of the time because he can't do that without people getting mad and telling him to move on and being weird about it
whilst talking about the original topic he also said that hes very confused about it because he gets paranoid about showing like knees elbows, etc and so he ends up wearing long sleeve tops, no skin showing.
he also said that hes constantly on edge and gets scared to say even try to say or pronounce words he doesn't know in chat. since he has dyslexia, his vocab is very limited, and so he gets terrified of even trying to find out what words mean bc of the possibility of getting cancelled
he also said something about how he gets upset that twitter doesnt like people who have different opinions, cant have another opinion or you'll get cancelled. hes always very open to get his opinions changed and get educated but he thinks that twitter is very strict about it
said something about how twitter has a lot of control over him and its sad really
he said he doesnt like drama on his tl because it just upsets him (doesnt mean roger he doesnt want to be educated, he just has other ways of going about it)
he says the majority of times he gets upset its because of twitter. he also says that twitter has shit phases/sides and good phases/sides
said that he thinks that just twitter in general is very very toxic and he doesnt like it but it dictates his life a lot anyways
he responded to somebody by saying it isnt necessarily about stans, he says he gets pissed off by everybody. he gets upset by stans, but he also gets upset by people naming fun of stans, and also gets mad at creators, etc
btw just making it increasingly clear this thread is for oeople ti catch up on ehats going on in case that they may be at school LMAO its not loke a cancel thread or anything, its the opposite actually
somebody said "twitter bad" and he said "eh. its not just twitter thats bad"
he also went to check twitter because he was worried that just talking about it would get him in trouble and then noted how ironic that was
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0nyxblue · 3 years
Minecraft Build: Tree house & Tree swing!
It has a really tranquil atmosphere ^^
(Front view)
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(Up close of the tree swing)
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(Back view)
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(Couldn’t get as good of screenshots from inside the tree house, but it’s cozy! :D)
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It has a really tranquil atmosphere ^^
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