0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
Raising an eyebrow at ‘Starlords’ abrupt reaction, Thor smiled at him. Shrugging, over exaggeratively he barked out laughter. “I apologise moron, I did not realise that you were intending to crush those poor civilians and damage New York city even more than the initial attack.” He sighed and looked at him with a sad frown. “Next time I will leave you to your carnage.” 
“You can keep your insults to yourself, buddy. All I’m saying is when I blow up a ship and save the whole day, which you’re welcome for by the way, I want to see it explode.”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
“Good, I didn’t really want the others coming.” Gamora cuddled up to Peter on the couch, resting her head on his shoulder and holding one of his hands. She would love to take Peter to her home world, but it didn’t exist anymore. She had so few memories of it anyways that it didn’t feel like it ever really was home. But Peter seemed to have enough memories of Missouri that it made sense for them to go.
“We could always borrow a ship from S.H.I.E.L.D, I’m sure if we asked nicely they would let us. Plus I don’t trust you to drive a car. I’ve seen the way you drive a ship. Ego came back when humans overlooked those things. Aliens have been coming to earth for centuries and no one cared back then.”
Peter kisses Gamora again, smiling against her lips. He snuggles up to her, letting her rest her weight on him until they’d formed a sort of blob of Zen-Whoberian and Terran. It’s been a while since he’s been this happy, especially after the brutality of the Infinity Wars and his longing for her company. Peter kisses the top of her head, turning the TV on to see if there’s any good movies from his childhood on.
“I have a ship, we don’t need to ask those dorks for anything. We’ll hide the ship well, I promise. You wanna leave in the morning?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
- Incoming transmission from Director Johnson -
Dear ally of S.H.I.E.L.D
In this time of need, we hereby request your service in the Avengers Prime Initiative. We are aware that some of you are retired or are currently active in other teams, and we are not asking you to change your lifestyle. We are simply requesting that when the time comes, you aid us in placing Avenger Prime missions above all else.
If one should wish the become an Avenger Prime permanently, there will be accommodation made for you in Prime Tower, an orbiting space hub.
We urge you to accept our invitation as we aim to help those in need beyond the borders of this Earth. Space is intimidating and some may even say fearful, but that is simply because it is unknown and we strive to change this fact.
Please respond to us by letting us know if you’d like to accept this position or decline it.
Many Kind Regards
Director Daisy Johnson
Dear S.H.I.E.L.D.
No. Sounds dumb. We already live in space, douchebags.
-Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
「✩ °  •┋Often, Wendell’s ability to carry on as if nothing bothered him appeared as clueless. People were more prone to behaving as they pleased around him, confident in the idea that he’d just let it wash over him. That, or they simply didn’t care about the weight of their actions. They were given no reason to, either. He was about the most agreeable person someone could meet and rarely made a fuss for the alternative. Before, that quality had come with searching within himself for calm. Now, it was a biological imperative. Even if he wanted to be angry for the way they treated him, he simply couldn’t risk letting his feelings of injustice on the matter turn sour unless he wanted to be a set of energy particles instead of a living, breathing person.
     “I’m thirty-one,” he said quickly, smile easy as he continued to look through his game files. “I get the younger thing a lot, though. It’s the face. Smooth chin, big eyes, round cheeks. Voice too.” He chose his words carefully, but few would hardly notice his decision to fixate on a single statement rather than acknowledge the overall tone of Peter’s words. “I’ll have to cross out video games from your options, then. Maybe something more physical? I wonder if we have any laser-tag places around here still. Those could be fun. Oh! Rocket would definitely like that!”
     Wendell had practically ignored the entire debacle with the trashcan and Peter’s noisy food containers. He could pick up the cup later. He had important research to do. Laser-tag, indoor trampoline parks, escape rooms…the possibilities were all very exciting. “There’s a saying…you catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” he replied while typing, brow pinched as he clicked on something. “But doesn’t really matter what you coat your words in since I’m not in charge of giving you guys clearance. I’ll have to bring it up with Director Johnson. I’m just your liaison.” Once again, he chose his words carefully to avoid tone. “I’m sure as long as you’re not gonna go out of your way to conquer a planet or invoke the wrath of some space eldritch abomination slash primordial deity, she’s not really gonna mind.”
Peter finishes cheeseburger, stuffing the wrapper back into his bag and then relaxing in his seat. He kind of drones out his conversations about- laser tag or whatever, now just disappointed that the reason he stopped in needed to be figured out by somebody else. Which was all but made completely insufferable but the frequently chipper man sitting in front of him, now he had to find a way out of the meeting- but if he agreed to go play tag or whatever he’d decide they’d need to do as a friendship building exercise. The Guardians did team building exercises by fighting monsters and then fighting eachother- typically verbally but Peter and Rocket could get carried away at times. 
“Okay. Cool. So you can’t give me permission- which I’m only asking for so you guys know I did, I’m leaving whenever I feel like leaving. Anyways, I don’t think I understand why you want me to, like, hang out with you? Do you want to be a Guardian... or....?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
America was portalling in and out of dimensions, walking into them at random and waltzing through whatever chaos lay in the other side only to open another portal back into her home dimension, back to New York City. Doing the “Doubke Door” technique was more strenuous of an action that some of her other key moves, but it’s usefulness made up for the extra energy needed. As she walked in on StarLord whooping and hollering for himself, she stopped and relinquished a coy smile. “Congratulations to us! We kicked Skrull ass! High-five, my dude!” She hadn’t seen him all through their fighting and battling, but a team was a team. And America was a team leader. It was in her blood.
Peter looks over to America, completely unsure who she was and definitely not keen on letting her share the glory of what he did. Giving her a confused look, he shoots her the bird. If she thought he was going to be having sense of camaraderie with someone who hadn’t fought against Ego or Ronan with him.
“Uh, bite me, dude. Who the hell are you?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
Teddy flapped his wings before dropping out the sky and making a ‘superman’ landing next to Peter. Teddy had been mia during the fight, but he had heard all about it, and whilst flying over the city, he couldn’t help but notice the dancing hero on top of the Skrull ship. “Hey! I’m half Skrull.” He protested, “not all Skrull are bad.” He added, memories of his mother and adopted Skrull mother playing through his mind. 
Teddy walked around the ship, his mind recalling how they worked and the internal structural layout of them. “Did you ask them why they were here before you blew them out the sky?” 
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Peter looked over to the weird kid who just landed next to him, thoroughly sucking away all the fun he had just had. This was the absolute last thing he needed, a new douchelord proclaiming their moral superiority over his insanely badass destruction. He definitely had no intentions of hearing about the plight of the Skrull, especially considering their first move on the planet Earth was to open fire on him and his friends. 
“Uh... No. I couldn’t, considering they were shooting at me, dickhead.”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
“Yes, indeed, these Skrull douchebags should most certainly suck it.” Peter Quill and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy had such an interesting vocabulary that Thor was finding himself learning more and more everyday. He would ensure that he added the last phrase to his dialect. After all, so few people spoke Asgardian to him anymore. Learning english had become a necessity.
Peter looks over to Thor, still not that big of a fan since the Infinity War ended and not particularly interested in changing that up. Rolling his eyes, he walked closer to Thor, trying to make himself look bigger.
“Yeah, they sure as hell can. You can, too, by the way, Fabio. Nice going not letting me see the ship I blew up with my own two hands. Smooth move, bro.”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
“The S.H.I.E.L.D people aren’t so bad. I made some friends. Adam and I spent lots of time together before you got here.” Gamora was joking about Adam. He seemed nice when he was herding her back into her but that was the limit of their interactions. She had met Wendell and he didn’t seem terrible, but then again being a bad person in Gamora’s eye was difficult.
Gamora hadn’t fully understood the extent losing her had had on Peter, but his inability to let her go showed that. She really didn’t mind it however. She missed the contact, and she wasn’t going to deny Peter the comfort. She wanted him to move in and start helping her decorate. They were going to be in the apartment for a while, they may as well make it feel like home.
“We as in you and me, or we as in everybody?” Going to Missouri sounded enjoyable. Every time she had heard of it, it sounded perfect. She would much rather it be just her and Peter, but if he wanted the team to come along she wouldn’t protest. They would probably end up sneaking off just the two of them. 
“You and me, not anybody else.” He smiles, giving her a long kiss before pulling her next to him on her- their- couch. As much as it saddened him to think about seeing his home again, he wanted Gamora to see where he was born, where he lived as a child. Besides, there was so many things he wanted to know. Was the restaurant his mother took him on Sundays still around? Would they recognize him if he went there? It sounded like fun either way, and the South would definitely be more comfortable than boring New York.
“We’ll probably have to drive, I don’t know how well folks would take to me landing a spaceship somewhere in Missouri. But I guess Ego would have had to do it, right?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
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Peter stands amongst the destruction of New York, cheering and jumping loudly in praise of himself. The Skrull were defeated, and he had just crashed the absolute shit out of their biggest ship. Sure, he accidently put a few holes in buildings and he definitely shouldn’t have used his misslles with reckless abandon while in the sky but he had just showed the Skrull exactly where to shove it.
“Boom bitch! Suck it, Skrull douchebags!”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
「✩ °  •┋The man who ended a fight with a dance off was about as difficult to deal with as Wendell had imagined. He fit into a type. Sarcastic yet supposedly charming, a little crass, as if waiting for the one big moment he’d need to decide whether or not he liked Agent Vaughn. The blond wagered that he was a lot like Mr. Stark or Dr. Strange, only where riches and a wealth of knowledge preceded them, Peter had raw ingenuity. His adaptability made him not only a viable asset, but a man with skills that warranted some emotional leeway. He was entitled to be as cocky as he happened to be.
     “Nope!” Wendell replied without missing a beat, turning back to his computer. “It’s a video game. I thought since you have star in your name and you’re listed as an expert tactician that you might wanna give it a spin.” His tone had an ease to it, letting the words being sent his way wash over him without any harm done to his demeanor. “You’re supposed to be here for a good time, not a long time. Drake, twenty-fifteen. Good quote.” His smile got bigger. “I’m supposed to make your stay comfortable. Can’t really do that if you’re all just sitting around waiting for the next mission briefing. Oh! You might like Fortnight as well. Do you like shooters?”
Peter stared off into space for a moment, drowning out Wendell’s video game crap as he played around on his Zune, making sure nothing too lame, too depressing or too... whatever made him dislike Fall Out Boy so much. He’d never heard of FourthNight or whatever he was talking about, and never really cared much for video games- especially not after Groot’s addiction to them nearly drove him to the brink of insanity.
“No I’ve never heard of Fuck Knife or whatever, and you should probably watch it with your language, kid. You’re what... 19, bro? And before you ask me about another one I don’t play video games- if you’re trying to make out go bother literally anyone besides me because I’m not buying what you’re selling, buddy.”
Peter scoffed, tossing his cup into a trash can and missing, which just makes him chortle. Following that, Peter reached into his bag and pulled out a cheeseburger, sitting down in front of Wendell and speaking through wads of cheeseburger in his mouth, “So, uh, I need your clearansh for shomeshing. Me an’ Gamora’re goin’ on a trip. That cool?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
Gamora could have stayed like this forever. Just her and Peter, forgetting about the rest of the Galaxy. At times she felt like they deserved to retire, but she knew it was never going to happen. She lent into the kiss, missing the way his lips felt against hers. She even missed the slight beard burn that came with it. It just felt like home.
“Groot and Rocket are alone? Please tell me someone goes out with them. The agents give me enough look just because I’m green.” A racoon and a tree walking around in public were bound to get in trouble. “Really, I am fine. I’ve just been stuck in this apartment for weeks. You should just stay here instead. They didn’t need to give us separate spaces, and the bed is far more comfortable here.”
Peter scoffs, “Nobody tells Rocket and Groot what to do, and it’s not like people don’t know aliens exist or anything. It’s a well known fact at this point. I bet the green thing’s just because they love being in control, bunch of dicks.”
Letting Gamora go was difficult, he’d spent so long away from her, but he didn’t want to get any stray looks form anyone else in the complex. Drawing attention was the last thing he wanted and he’s probably already in hot water with S.H.I.E.L.D. for one reason or another. 
Considering the offer, Peter nodded, “Yeah, Gamora. I’ll move in here, so long as I don’t get those S.H.I.E.L.D geeks on my ass.”
Giving her another kiss, he gently guided her into the apartment and expected it. Seemed like a nice enough place, and definitely big enough for two people. Taking her hand, he led her into the center of the room and kissed her again, unable to keep himself off of here.
“Hey, we should take a trip soon. To where I grew up, I want you to see it.”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
「✩ °  •┋It didn’t take very long for the songs to finish uploading to the Zune, though that was to be expected. Older software had little to boggle it down during its process because there wasn’t many files to rewrite. That and the wi-fi in the headquarters was almost supernaturally quick. Wendell was very guilty of using it to download games to his CPU from Steam. If he got caught, he wasn’t sure what they’d do, but he couldn’t imagine the punishment would be too severe. It’s not like it was being used for anything that was more important than the Steam Summer Sale anyway. He knew for a fact Agent Coulson had been playing games at work for years without being caught. If he could do that, Agent Vaughn could use the internet to avoid waiting seven hours for Resident Evil to download on his apartment’s wi-fi.
     Wendell turned his head to look at Peter again and offered the man a cheek-splitting smile. “Yeah. Thankfully, he forgave me because I called him mister. I’m trying to mark down acceptable things to call you all so I don’t offend anyone else,” he shared. They had participated in saving the Earth. The least he could do was call them whatever name they pleased, no matter how strange it might seem to him.
     The tone that came with the second topic was a little shocking, but if it offended Wendell, it wasn’t something that could be seen. His smile had gone away, but his features still held a softness to them. His brow lacked any tension and the look he gave Peter was described easiest as sympathy. “I can’t change what wasn’t told to you in the past, but I can ensure that you’ll be briefed on everything I am when it comes to your team.” He offered him a small smile and then turned to look at his computer screen again. “I wasn’t aware they hadn’t told you about Miss Gamora. I can’t begin to imagine how the implications of that makes you feel.” His brow finally creased at something in front of him. “That would explain why I haven’t seen you two in the same place at the same time, though. I should’ve known. I’m sorry.” Crystal blue eyes were gazing up at Peter then. The corners of his lips turned upward only slightly. “Have you heard of StarCraft?”
Peter stared blankly for a few moments at the man, completely unsure what the hell a StarCraft was. Shaking his head, he grabbed the iced coffee he’d bought in the S.H.I.E.L.D. lobby and sipped it, staring boredly at Wendell. As much as he wanted to leave his debrief, it probably wouldn’t be the best idea if he was going to work for these knuckleheads in the long run. They probably paid well, at least.
“Uh nope. Can’t say I know what a StarCraft is. But I’m just sure it’s something that fascinates me and is definitely important to my work with this bunch of knuckleheads. So go on, tell me all about Stair Crap or whatever,” Peter smirked, taking a long, loud drink of his coffee.
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
Gamora couldn’t put into words how much she had missed Peter. It felt like it had been an eternity since she had last saw him. Her whole time with Thanos she didn’t know if Peter had survived. She had missed all the of the Guardians, but her last thoughts had been on Peter. She had no clue what she would have done if Peter hadn’t made it through and she had.
When they were on the Benatar there was never any privacy. They couldn’t hug without being made fun of by the whole team. Gamora decided that had to be changed. A feeling of safety overcame her when she was in Peter’s arms. She lifted her head up and noticed the tears on his face. She could feel tears welling up in her own eyes. 
Gamora raised a hand to wipe the tears from his face and left her hand to cradle his face. “I love you too. I’m okay, really. How are you?” Her last memory of Peter was him trying to shoot her, and she knew that must have taken a toll on him.
Peter smiles, letting her wipe his tears. There were no words for how grateful he was to see her, and how much he had missed her. Leaning in, Peter kissed Gamora, smiling against her lips. After all that had happened, he couldn’t ask for a better reward than being able to see her again and to know that she was unharmed.
“I’m doing okay, the Guardians and I have all been doing our own thing in the city. Rocket and Groot have a place, the others live by themselves. I have an apartment by yours but I’ve mostly been staying in the Benatar. How about you? You feel okay?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
「✩ °  •┋From what he’d read about each one of the Guardians of the Galaxy in their files, each had a unique personality that needed to be handled with caution. Gamora was untrusting. Drax was volatile. Rocket was a kleptomaniac. Mantis was misguided. Groot was immature. These were all easy traits to understand and work around. Wendell’s naturally positive and generally radiant energy helped to soften people’s perceptions, make them more receptive to listening and more willing to seek him out when they needed things. For this, he was a perfect liaison for the Guardians. This was especially true for Peter. His file marked him as unstable. He was prone to outbursts and his sarcasm was said to rival the likes of Tony Stark and Stephen Strange. People like that were the direct opposite of Wendell. He never pushed people away or begged for them to come closer, merely loving where the distance that made the other party most comfortable. Whittling down his verbal adversaries was an inevitability.
     Wendell’s smile only grew when Peter brought his Zune toward his desk. He waited patiently for the device and plugged it up immediately, tilting his head a bit at the screen as he loaded up some compatible software. “Sorry, yeah. It’s still a habit I’m trying to kick. Rocket didn’t like being called Mr. Raccoon either…for good reason,” he said softly, humored as he typed away at something. He figured that if Peter had gone this long since his arrival on Earth without getting an iPod or any other newer-age device to listen to his music, there must have been a good reason for it. He was told to outfit them with things that were more up to date, but why ruin the man’s aesthetic? The goal was to tailor their stay to their liking. If downloading Zune compatible software was how one did that, he’d gladly do that before forcing something new down the man’s throat. 
     “Ah, there we are!” He perked up in his seat and started dragging files over to a place where they could be easily transferred to the Zune. “It’s mostly just some more variety of the stuff you like. I added some Marvin Gaye, The Runaways, David Bowie, The Black Keys, Bon Jovie, the Beastie Boys, the Sugarhill Gang…” he trailed off with a breath and let out a low chuckle. “The works, really. Thought I’d add a little spice to it though, you know? There’s nothing wrong with a classic, but some good stuff’s come from this century too.” Wendell reached over and held out a copy of one of his CDs. DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar. It was a personal favorite of his. “Kendrick and the Nineteen-Seventy-Five for when you’re in the mood for some hype. Some David Byrne and Metropolly if that mood isn’t as epic. I also sprinkled in some bands like Fall-out Boy because who doesn’t love F.O.B? They’re a national treasure—How are you, by the way? I don’t know if anyone asked…so I am.”
Peter groaned, looking over the new music. What was half of this? Admittedly some of it was pretty good, he’d heard about Kendrick Lamar from T’Challa and listened to it pretty frequently, and he also really liked David Byrne- though he was mostly just familiar with his work from the Talking Heads. Fall Out Boy was definitely not his style, and he quietly deleted it off the soon, along with most of the other stuff he put on there. He didn’t want to hurt the kid’s feelings, but he couldn’t help it.
“Uh thanks for the new music, I guess. Yeah definitely don’t want to call Rocket a raccoon, that’s a dick move for sure. So, uh, I’m fine. Met up with Gamora, finally. Thanks, by the way, for keeping that from me that she was alive. I mean, I only thought she was dead but fuck me, right? Listen, if you S.H.I.E.L.D. guys want to boss me around while I’m on Earth, whatever, but I don’t really deal well with secrets.”
Peter huffed, already frustrated as it was with the aftermath of the Infinity War, on top of the stress of being back on an Earth he was unfamiliar and having to deal with agents had stretched him very nearly to his breaking point. But, he didn’t want the kid to feel too bad about all of it. It’s not like it was his fault for any of that- but he needed a place to direct his anger and there was a lot of it pent up, he’ll buy him a beer when he’s old enough to apologize.
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
awesome mix vol.3
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01. backseat freestly by Kendrick Lamar
“all my life i want money and power/
respect my life or die from lead showers”
02. strange magic by Electric Light Orchestra
“you’re sailing softly through the sun/
in a broken stone age dawn”
03. running up that hill (a deal with god) by Kate Bush
“and if I only could/
I’d make a deal with God”
04. boogie by BROCKHAMPTON
“what are the words I’m forbidden to say/ 
i need to let my hair down and grow up like a real ass bitch”
05. hustle bones by Death Grips
“hit and run/
hustle bones comin’ out my mouth”
06. flamingo by Kero Kero Bonito
“black white green or blue/
show off your natural hue, flamingo”
07. all along the watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
“there must be some kind of way out of here/
said the joke to the thief”
08. big yellow taxi by Joni Mitchell
“you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone/
they paved paradise, put up a parking lot”
09. a horse with no name by America
“in the desert you can remember your name/
‘cause there ain’t no one to give you no pain”
10. the man who sold the world by David Bowie
“who knows, not me, we never lost control/
you’re face to face with the man who sold the world”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
Gamora really hated hospitals. Sure, she died but it wasn’t like it hurt her. She was stuck inside the hospital for weeks, in some form of quarantine. They wouldn’t let anyone in except two nurses and a doctor. They wouldn’t tell her if everyone else was safe. It seemed like they were studying her more than anything else. They would ask her weird questions, like about her time in the soul stone. She told them she remembered nothing, but that was a lie. She didn’t trust them with the truth.
They only ended up letting her out because she kept threatening to break out. Gamora had gone stir crazy in that room. Being the the apartment wasn’t much better. From having lived with six other people in tight quarters to suddenly being all alone was a change she didn’t like. As far as she could tell she was alone in the building. The other guardians seemed to be somewhere else. She tried to break out, but they had a sensor on her door. Every time it opened a guard showed up and put her back into her room.
Honestly Gamora couldn’t blame them for not trusting her. They didn’t seem to believe that she wasn’t still on Thanos’ side. It seemed like someone had vouched for her one day, because a phone, her comm, and all of her weapons appeared back in front of her door. She was glad to see them, but more excited to finally be able to contact her team, to contact Peter. She should have known that the comm wouldn’t work based on her luck. She tried to get the phone to work, but without any other numbers there was nothing it could do.
Gamora was about to go and try and figure out where everyone was when there was a knock at the door. Upon hearing Peter’s voice, she ran across the apartment and threw the door open. She pulled Peter into a hug, not caring how wet he was. “You’re here.” She mumbled into his chest, refusing to let go.
Joy. That was only thing he felt in that moment, the joy of having Gamora back. After spending the last several years fearing that she was dead, she was there- still breathing, and safe. He had no plans of letting go any time soon, cradling her against his chest and running his hands through her inky hair was more than he could’ve asked for even an hour before that moment.
Part of him was sure he’d never see Gamora again, that Thanos had taken the only person he truly loved that hadn’t already died. Part of him was almost certain that was she gone forever, but here she was- right where she belonged. Peter kissed the top of her head and held her close to him. He’s supposed to be brave, a dashing rogue who serves no power but himself- but when he learned Thanos had killed Gamora all he felt was fear. Cradling her against, Peter’s tears became more and more difficult to stifle until they poured down his cheeks.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” he sniffs, “I love you so much. Are you feeling okay?”
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0utlaww-blog1 · 6 years
Peter was thankful beyond words when he saw Gamora okay, and frustrated beyond imagination when S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to meddle in the business of the Guardians- and the two came back to back so quickly that he couldn’t decide on a singular emotion to feel. His time on Earth was less a grand return and more an endless series of meetings and debriefings. After a while, Peter finally settled down in his temporary quarters- a large apartment generously financed by S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Peter fiddled with the new cell phone he was given, eventually managing to work it fine enough. He didn’t really care for it, and quickly abandoned it for his communicator and Zune combo. After awhile, he worried he’d never see Gamora again- that she was really gone. Eventually, she returned and was on Earth alongside him- but Peter had grown distant. During the Infinity War he had done everything right and still had managed to lose her, and he almost lost his entire family in the process. 
S.H.I.E.L.D. informed Peter of her location, and once she was recovered Peter immediately went to visit her New York apartment, a few blocks down from his. In heavy rain, Peter knocked on her door.
“Hey Gamora? It’s Peter.”
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