10k-mino-blog · 6 years
More pictures of my 10k cosplay!
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10k // Z Nation + Flaco
I really wanted a picture with my dog while wearing this cosplay because I knew he’d look so cool next to me haha.
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10k-mino-blog · 6 years
Reblogged from my main, which I don’t really use so if you want to see more it’s best to check out my fb page, but yEAH, I’M SO HAPPY WITH THIS PICTURE. MORE TO COME. and if you can’t wait, either peep my instagram or my cosplay fb page!
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I am all there is to know, I am all that you’ve forgotten. I am enigmatic now, you never even knew my name. I am dressed in tragedy, I am by design immortal. I am just the last one left, but I am always here.
10k // Z Nation
Cosplayer is me ‘aka’ Virus cosplay on fb Rifle was also made by me Photo and editing by - bymarije on fb
I now I’ve been gone from Tumblr for a while but I’m back to share with you some KICK ASS photos of my season 3, 10k cosplay. 
I was approached on instagram by a company called MAMA and they asked if I wanted to be part of a project called ‘Character Building’. They provided me with the funds to get the necessary materials, made their showroom available to me and booked an amazingly talented photographer to take our photos. It was my first time making a prop and I am INCREDIBLY proud of how it turned out, I honestly didn’t know I could do that lmao. 
The cosplay is now installed inside of their showroom, along with a big ass picture of my face on the wall and the exhibition has officially started. I’m just incredibly grateful for this opportunity and frankly, I really needed that kick in the butt to start cosplaying again lmao.
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10k-mino-blog · 6 years
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10k-mino-blog · 6 years
Yes hello I am still very much alive alright.
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10k-mino-blog · 6 years
Yooo, my laptop died and I moved on Christmas Eve so things have been hella stressful. However, I get a new laptop soon and will be back! My apologies to whoever I disappeared out on but if you're still willing to continue our rp then please shoot me a message!
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
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Some more random Z Nation tumblr text posts because there can never be enough
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
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Z Nation co-stars Gracie Gillam and Nat Zang on a NYC subway
Photo credit: Daniel Schaefer @outlierimagery
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
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I know I've been incredibly inactive but I've simply had so much stuff going on for the last couple of weeks that I didn't have time to roleplay. However, I did manage to finish my Addy cosplay which I then put on for Dutch Comic Con! So have some pics 🤘💕
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
I'll get to replies next week! I'm currently in Belgium to shoot for a movie with the amazing Jonathan Banks! I'm absolutely thrilled and the guy is such a sweetheart! What a charismatic, down to earth guy. He's great!
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
Is anybody ok with my muse mentioning your muse in a thread they have with somebody else?
       this is a pretty big issue for me actually. 
        and not just because it’s really amazing to see what other muses         say, think and feel about your muse when they’re not around but         because I WANT SOME CONTINUITY. i am trying to create a          continuity for my character where everything that isn’t an AU          has feelings and actions making sense depending on a timeline         and people they know and love. actions have consequences.          relationships and events change people. 
        roleplay without that is… well, repetitive… & not very fulfilling to me. 
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
please use the tag 10kmino instead of 10k-mino when tagging me! The latter doesn’t show up in my tracked tags and it’s a lil annoying lol.
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
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I had to gif this
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
I created a blog for Kai Parker from TVD, but it’s still heavily under construction. Follow me @geminikai1972 and hopefully I can get it up and running within the next week.
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
If this was season 2, the entire group would leave Red’s ass behind.
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
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His head THUMPED back against the door once, FRUSTRATION clear on his face as he pursed his lips. If there was one way he planned to die, it definitely wasn’t like THIS. He wouldn’t let himself be EATEN. And even if THAT happened? He definitely didn’t want to turn into one of those hollow things… A shot through the head would ensure that didn’t happen. But let’s be real, it also assured he would be dead so. Yeah. No. No go.  He wasn’t going to go ahead and pull the trigger on himself if there was still an INKLING of hope. His fucking HOPE would end up killing him someday… Eyes flitted to the side, teeth gnashed. His back was KILLING him… How much longer until– Fuck… Stormy hues moved up to the ceiling, lips pursed tightly and then–
He nearly BOLTED when something landed near him, eyes snapping wide open, near BULGING before they darted up. A stranger, a human thank fuck. A voice called out to him, told him to use the metal bar. Buy himself some time. The back of the building to his right. A staircase. Wrecked. Meet you there. And just as soon as the words were HOLLERED at him, the other youth was gone, leaving him perplexed. A blink of the eyes, THEN the realization that he got a CHANCE to get the fuck away from here ALIVE. Lips curled upward into a smirk, eyes glistening up before he finally managed to grasp at the metal bar. “ NOT today. ” he grunted out, pressing his full weight to the door for a second and WORKING with pressing it against it. Buy him some time. It was LONG… LONGER than him. It would keep the door closed for a certain amount of time.
And when finally he MANAGED to get the damn thing in place, he MOVED. He practically BOLTED from the place. He ignored the ache in his back, there was no time to think about that. Instead he set his whole mind to one SIMPLE thing, escape. SURVIVE. L I V E . Something that had been granted to him thanks to the stranger. The instructions he managed to remember were clear in his mind. Around the building, to the right.  Wrecked staircase. Meet you there. He didn’t know whether it was an enemy or a potential ally. Nowadays one was NEVER sure about that… But it was a SHOT he needed to take.  It was better than being eaten alive. Or having to kill yourself to ensure you didn’t end up a Z.
Feet thudded on the ground, a weapon held FIRMLY in his hand, ready to be used at the smallest sign of danger. Ready to plunge the damn thing in one of those if it was needed. But for ONCE it seemed he was in luck ( or so he hoped ). His heart hammered almost painfully so in his chest as he arrived at the ‘rendezvous’ the stranger had hollered about. Now able to see the other more clearly. He wasn’t that old. Perhaps his age? Younger? He was unsure… Catching his breath, he studied the other for a while longer before finally taking in a deep breath.
“ Thanks. ” he uttered out, hands pressed to his knees, head tilting to the side for a second.  " Man… I honestly thought… That–“ he cut himself short with a scoff. That it was going to be the END of him. But it hadn’t been. Thank whatever deity was out there for the miracles in life, right? Taking another sharp breath, he finally straightened himself, rubbing a hand past his nose and shooting the other a quick grin. ” You lost in the city? Finding a way out? “
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His heart was beating so fast that if it would beat any faster - it could probably jump through his rib cage, right out of his chest. As if he hadn't seen enough spilled guts for a lifetime already. The raven kept pacing from one side to another, tapping his fingertips up against his chin as he moved around. His elbow rested on top of his other arm which was folded over his stomach. Nails digging into his side. He wasn't the type to get nervous, but he genuinely feared for the guy's life. perhaps he reacted the way he did because it was the first person he had seen in a long time, - and being deprived of all social contacts tends to seriously mess with your mental.
His worries however were easily put aside when someone entered his vision, someone who was alive, someone who looked exactly like the male he tried so hard to keep among the living. "Thank God." he said through a gasp. What an odd thing to say in a world that obviously does not have any of the sort. He greeted the stranger with an expression of utter relief written all over his face. "You're welc-" He was about to  finish his sentence when all of a sudden his eyes widened, and the reassuring look from before had been replaced by one of complete terror.
Without a second thought he quickly reached into his pockets, grabbed his slingshot and aimed it a rapidly approaching z, - He wasn't about to let another human being die on his watch. Not this time. With that thought in mind, he pulled back the rubber band and released it. A metal gear shot straight at the z's head, and penetrated it's skull before it had the chance to sink it's teeth into the other’s neck.
10K watched the corpse drop to the ground with a dull thud, and wondered what in the hell a blaster was doing in the city? That's when he figured out it must have followed someone here from the country side. It could have been either of them, or someone else. All he knew is that if there was one, there were more. He had to act FAST. He quickly dropped down on his chest, metal from the staircase pressed against his frame as he reached out his arm to the stranger, wanting to pull him up to safety.
"Come one! Quick!"
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10k-mino-blog · 7 years
it’s 3 am and i’m covered in somebody else’s blood again, and my only thought is  : why does this keep happening. 
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