10kyootnails · 3 years
I took the potter more test twice and first time I was a Slytherin and Second time I was a Ravenclaw Ahhhh...I’m Lit a Slytherclaw
tbh my biggest beef with high school aus and college aus is that a lot of them tend to give the characters same-y personalities and attitudes towards things based on what whoever writing it seems to think is 'in', i think some modern / school aus can be enjoyable but the frustration is a lot of writers tend to use it as a shorthand excuse for not taking into account the canon setting or the culture the characters originally come from rather than because it's a setting they can make interesting or a story they can make engaging beyond 80s high school flick stereotypes and it ads a layer of separation in their mind that it's okay to not depict a culture outside their own with any accuracy because it's an au so you can't get mad at them
Yeah, I think "original setting hard" is part of it. And I agree with you about the sameiness. I've enjoyed plenty of fairly bland modern AUs, school and otherwise, but they've tended to be ones that at least found 80s teen movie stock characters that matched up well (or hilariously incongruously) with canon/common fanon/etc.
Like... BTS Hogwarts AUs clearly put some thought into their house sorting. Even if like half of them are "Jimin with snake tattoos and/or shapeshifting powers is hot", the rest of the fic will be like "Oh, you thought so-and-so would be a Hufflepuff, but actually..." Or it's kind of canned, but in a way I totally get (i.e. big dumb jock who wants to hold hands/tiny mean dom who's pretending this isn't about feelings gryffindor/slytherin porn).
The mundane equivalent would be... like... picking which of The Breakfast Club stereotypes is most relevant to enforcing or disrupting BTS fanon for your ship. Or something. But pretty often, I find fic where all of the main characters are generic stoners who share the same opinions on stoner things. It's boring.
(And, okay, out of all the generic school AU things, this one probably throws me the most in a way that a junkie AU wouldn't. There's something about taking famous people from a place where it's a career-ending ~it's a gateway drug~ scandal to get caught with weed and making them that type of modern stoner who is high 24/7 in public and thinks nothing of it that just sparks this massive cognitive dissonance in me. IDK if it's entirely reasonable, but it's the thing where my brain balks.)
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10kyootnails · 3 years
I vividly remember back when I was super into BTS making a Hogwarts Au, Where I put Yoongi in Hufflepuff, Jungkook was the Gryffindor quidditch team and Jimin on the Slytherin team.
House distribution went like this Hufflepuff: Yoongi,, Hoseok and Taehyung
Slytherin Jimin
Gryffindor: Jungkook and Jin
Ravenclaw: Namjoon
I find Hoseok to pretty vesicle he could fit in to Slytherin or Gryffindor
Jimin in Ravenclaw could be fun since Slytherin and Ravenclaw traits have pretty heavy overlap
Jin was tossed into Gryffindor because i didn’t know what to do with him and I still don’t
I’m too stubborn about Namjoon being the perfect fucking attribute list for Ravenclaw to let him placing himself in Gryffindor slide.
fun fact about my interpretations though
Namjoon owned pygmy puffs, rather than a practical owl because he likes cute things. Jimin had a hawk rather than an owl for speed’s sake, Jungkook had a cat,
Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were on their houses respective quidditch teams, Jungkook as a chaser, Jimin the Seeker and Taehyung a Beater.
Where they were from
Jungkook, Dunfanaghy
Namjoon, Bath
Jin, Inverness
Hoseok, Bristol
Taehyung, Swansea
Yoongi, from Glasgow
Jimin, London
This is off the top of my head I twhat i can remember from I think around the time DNA came out
tbh my biggest beef with high school aus and college aus is that a lot of them tend to give the characters same-y personalities and attitudes towards things based on what whoever writing it seems to think is 'in', i think some modern / school aus can be enjoyable but the frustration is a lot of writers tend to use it as a shorthand excuse for not taking into account the canon setting or the culture the characters originally come from rather than because it's a setting they can make interesting or a story they can make engaging beyond 80s high school flick stereotypes and it ads a layer of separation in their mind that it's okay to not depict a culture outside their own with any accuracy because it's an au so you can't get mad at them
Yeah, I think "original setting hard" is part of it. And I agree with you about the sameiness. I've enjoyed plenty of fairly bland modern AUs, school and otherwise, but they've tended to be ones that at least found 80s teen movie stock characters that matched up well (or hilariously incongruously) with canon/common fanon/etc.
Like... BTS Hogwarts AUs clearly put some thought into their house sorting. Even if like half of them are "Jimin with snake tattoos and/or shapeshifting powers is hot", the rest of the fic will be like "Oh, you thought so-and-so would be a Hufflepuff, but actually..." Or it's kind of canned, but in a way I totally get (i.e. big dumb jock who wants to hold hands/tiny mean dom who's pretending this isn't about feelings gryffindor/slytherin porn).
The mundane equivalent would be... like... picking which of The Breakfast Club stereotypes is most relevant to enforcing or disrupting BTS fanon for your ship. Or something. But pretty often, I find fic where all of the main characters are generic stoners who share the same opinions on stoner things. It's boring.
(And, okay, out of all the generic school AU things, this one probably throws me the most in a way that a junkie AU wouldn't. There's something about taking famous people from a place where it's a career-ending ~it's a gateway drug~ scandal to get caught with weed and making them that type of modern stoner who is high 24/7 in public and thinks nothing of it that just sparks this massive cognitive dissonance in me. IDK if it's entirely reasonable, but it's the thing where my brain balks.)
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10kyootnails · 3 years
Then people like you say that. and their reply is that “Well that’s you, *celebrity name here* still might not like it”
While RPF isn't my cup of tea, I always thought the "what if someone wrote about you???" argument was pretty funny. Maybe it's cause back in college a mutual friend included me and the guy I was dating at the time as semi-important background characters in a Banana Fish fic and told us about it. All three of us still get a kick out of it years later.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
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10kyootnails · 3 years
It’s Thighs and Ass for me~
Do you prefer left legs or right legs?
I prefer... boobs lmao
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10kyootnails · 3 years
Very Aesthetic there Bunny.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
I’ve seen people say similar things about fetishizing and sterotypes. However I for the life of me can’t remember seeing any of that at all.
I’m gonna need people to stop pretending like it changes anything when they put “not krp!” or “don’t associate with krp!” on their blogs/groups when the majority of their muses, if not all of them, are Korean.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
HEAR HEAR Anon YEEEEES. Also single boosting overly sensitive protect accounts that don’t know how to take jokes that’s another cancer of kpop twitter.
What's worse than a bunch of misguided kids dogpiling on idol "fetishizers" and nsfw authors on kpop twitter? When major nsfw writers with 20K followings signalboost report accounts obviously run by purity-obsessed teens when it's their competitors being targeted. I've seen this in the BTS fandom and i hope this one a-hole finally sees the tide turn against them
Also, any dickhead who needs to chase readers in BTS fandom is either trying to build their patreon or is the most insecure asshole in the world. You can get more kudos in the first hour for an incoherent mess than the most popular fic in my usual fandoms will ever get. There's plenty of attention to go round, people!
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10kyootnails · 3 years
Hmmm, I see your point. I don’t know why krp has become a dirty term, because to me it meant it was set in Korea, where a majority of the characters would be Korean with a few Chinese and/or Japanese muses thrown in. it was usually an music industry type rp where you’d expect certain types of muses.
could you explain to me why people are trying to distance themselves from krp?
I’m gonna need people to stop pretending like it changes anything when they put “not krp!” or “don’t associate with krp!” on their blogs/groups when the majority of their muses, if not all of them, are Korean.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
Those pouty lips~, those sharp fox eyes, CEEK BONES. You 4 gen Stans got a winner winner chicken dinner.
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4th generation it boy.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
I love Aus I’m having been working on reincarnation soulmates au and then Shifter/Gumiho love story fic and then Shrine guardian/human fic I’m fascinated by Chinese and Japanese mythologic but yeah sadly it doesn’t seem many kpop stands actually care about the culture of Korea/Japan/China and stick to writing the culture they are familiar with (Just one high school/University Au where the school year actually starts in March would be nice bro)
I've used writingwithcolor as a resources because I'm a member of the majority race in my nation (I'm from the UK) but since I write in kpop fandoms I haven't found a lot of their advice useful, because that have no resources of dealing with Japanese-Korean or Chinese-Korean tensions, how that would affect a Japanese or Chinese person living in any place in Korea. or even that I have specific character that is Russo-Korean but her father is a North Korean defector, so when she speaks Korean she speaks a noticeably North Korean dialect.
Like I don't know how they'd talk Asian on Asian Ethnocentrism and Ethnicity based racism verses skin colour based racism. Or how South Koreans do actually discriminate against North Korean defectors that have been repatriated and made South Korean citizens.
I sometimes find writingwithcolor useful and sometimes extremely offputting. (I was posting it more as "Hey, fandom, people already do the work to make this kind of resource" than "I 100% endorse every single thing they post". There's an annoying tendency for people to wring their hands about how ~someone~ should do that work without bothering to see who has already tried.) They definitely have a specific range of topics they're more focused on. I find them most useful for general background reading ("Hey, you were raised thinking media trope X was fine, but a lot of people think it's very much not fine!") rather than inspiration before writing a specific work.
I don't know of any really solid resources on Korea that cover the kind of thing you describe. If it were me, I'd probably just ask my friends for advice. In the absence of a suitable friend, I think I'd look to interviews with musicians working in Korea who are mixed or not Korean. Those are more likely to be in English or to have been translated than other types of writing on the topic are. Most of the good shit is probably only in Korean, especially if it's not about famous people.
Frankly, I'd settle for English language kpop fic not being like 95% AUs set in the US or using exclusively Western mythology and folklore. Argh.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
PLS Team giving Cat vibes.
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“how am I supposed to carry you to bed?”
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10kyootnails · 3 years
WayV Girl names
List starts with My Bias
Ten, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Lee) -  Toy, Chintana Leechaiyapornkul. (李钦塔纳) Toy means Tiny (rough translation)  Chintana means dream, like a dream
Qian Kun - Qian Chengmin ( 钱诚 敏) Chengmin meaning: One who is honest and cleaver
Dong Sicheng -  Dong Shuchun (董淑淳) from what I’ve managed to find Shuchun means Charming and Kind
Xiao Dejun - Xiao JianFen (肖健芬) Strong perfume
Wong Kunheng - Wong  Kunhuan  (黃坤欢) Happy girl
Liu Yangyang -  Liu Yuxiang (劉 愉祥) Good omen
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10kyootnails · 3 years
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stayc: stereotype
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10kyootnails · 3 years
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hey i made this fanfic writer meme. drop in my ask which one u think i am!!!!
(okay to rb!)
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10kyootnails · 3 years
Ah, a fellow yuta lover. What great taste you have.
Yes, ever since he had orange hair or that comeback years ago. I miss it so much but the red works for him too~ there's just something about Orange though, the way it fades out and it just looks so natural on him.
HIs cover of white who when I truly feel in love with his voice though, it's just so nice~ I'd love him to cover Shut Up but D-Lite next. it'd suit his voice so well it's criminal how Yuta hasn't has rock/alt rock/soft rock solo yet.
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10kyootnails · 3 years
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Resisting inner school marm and urge to say “tuck In your Shirt”
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