122de2f3f · 1 year
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Google Releases March 2023 Broad Core Update
what is Google Releases March 2023 Broad Core Update
As an AI language model, I do not have access to future information. However, as of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, there was no information available about a Google Releases March 2023 Broad Core Update. Google releases several broad core updates every year that are designed to improve the relevance and quality of search results for users.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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New Link Attributes
New Link Attributes are HTML attributes that can be added to the anchor tag (also known as the hyperlink tag) to provide additional information about the link. These attributes were introduced in HTML5 and are designed to provide more context and clarity to the links on a webpage.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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What Is Structured Data for SEO
What Is Structured Data for SEO? Structured data for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a type of markup language that provides additional information about the content of a webpage to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This additional information can help search engines better understand the content on the page, and display more relevant and useful information in search results.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Best Practices for Internal Linking
By following best practices for internal linking, you can improve the user experience of your website, help search engines understand the content on your website, and ultimately increase the visibility and ranking of your website in search results.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Benefits of SEO for Website
Benefits of SEO for Website include all sizes reaching their target audience, increasing website traffic, improving user experience, and ultimately driving more sales and revenue. SEO can help improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages, which can drive more traffic to your website.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Structured Data for Ecommerce
Structured Data for Ecommerce refers to a type of markup language that is used to provide additional information about products and services on ecommerce websites. This markup is added to the HTML code of a webpage and helps search engines to better understand the content of the page and display relevant information in search results.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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HTTP Response Code List
An HTTP response code list is a list of status codes that are returned by servers in response to HTTP requests made by clients such as web browsers or web crawlers. These codes indicate the status of the request and provide information about the outcome of the request.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Google Sitelink Search Box Markup
Google Sitelink Search Box Markup is a type of structured data markup that allows website owners to add a search box directly to Google search results for their website. When implemented, this feature provides users with a more convenient way to search for content on a specific website.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Why Your Business Needs SEO
Why Your Business Needs SEO? SEO involves optimizing your website's structure, content, and navigation to make it more user-friendly and easier to navigate, which can improve the user experience and increase engagement.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Screaming Frog Release SEO Spider
Screaming Frog Release SEO Spider is a website crawler tool that can be used for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes. It is developed by a UK-based software company called Screaming Frog Ltd. The tool is designed to crawl websites and analyze various SEO elements such as page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, broken links, and other technical SEO issues.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Best Ecommerce SEO
The Best Ecommerce SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves a combination of strategies and techniques aimed at improving the visibility and ranking of an Ecommerce website in search engine results pages (SERPs).
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Keyword Density
Keyword Density refers to the percentage of times a particular keyword or phrase appears on a webpage compared to the total number of words on that page. It is an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) metric that is used to determine the relevance of a webpage to a specific keyword or topic.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Mobile First Indexing
Mobile-First Indexing is a term used by Google to describe a shift in how the search engine indexes and ranks websites. With Mobile-First Indexing, Google primarily uses the mobile version of a website's content for indexing and ranking, rather than the desktop version.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Types of Digital Marketing
Different types of digital marketing are important because they can help you achieve different goals, such as improving visibility, increasing traffic, building brand awareness, engaging with customers, establishing thought leadership, and driving conversions and revenue.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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Off Page SEO
 Off Page SEO is important because it can improve your website's search engine rankings, increase its visibility and traffic, build your brand's reputation and authority, earn high-quality backlinks, and improve user engagement and conversions.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
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What Is Slug
What Is Slug? URL slug is a part of the URL that identifies a specific page or content on a website. It is the last part of the URL and is typically created from the title of the page or content. A URL slug usually consists of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, and it is used to create a human-readable and search engine-friendly URL.
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122de2f3f · 1 year
SEO Audit Plans
SEO Audit Plans involves a comprehensive look into your website. This is done in order to find out each and every single element of your website that can improve its ranking on search engines in an organic way. The main focus usually is to boost the product listing on the catalog in search results.
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