127princesskorra · 3 years
[Air Temple island] - On a night exactly like this one. With the cool breeze flowing from one direction to the opposite. Along with the full moon shining a pure, glowing light, and the bountiful stars appearing slowly behind. A night like this  made your perspective of the world more brighter, because you had love to thank for that. Turning the your focus from where you admired the sky’s beauty to slightly the other side. Still looking up to see Korra, also copying your movements before as she keeps her eyes on the horizon above admiring it, she gently leans back and crosses her arms behind her head, relaxing. You wouldn’t trade this moment, laying the upper part of your body starting from your shoulders, on her lap. You felt the most safe, loved and supported when you were with her. You would never trade this moment at all. 
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127princesskorra · 3 years
— The continuing of chatter coming from Moblit since, innocently, he was guiding you on how to take care of and store things correctly within Hange’s small room. Had only been a couple of days when you met Moblit and gotten to know eachother better each time. And you were listening of course, but in these moments it was hard to bringing yourself back to his attention easily. Not when they were around. Your eyes couldn’t help not starring at the section commander every other minute. Heating suddenly warming your body and heart pouding a little more harder the longer you see them. The gripped focus Hange had in that moment, didn’t allow for any notice of your admiration for them. You didn’t know what to do with these feelings or how to control them appropriately. Could say you were in love, or crushing a little too hard now, but either way. Wanting to stay near them. Hear all the good and bad that their heart and mind holds. To make sure, they too are safe and take care of themselves. a goal and silent promise blooming blindly from it all.
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127princesskorra · 3 years
How’s y’all’s doing today?
Mine's been okay, how about yours anon? and everyone else's? <333
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127princesskorra · 3 years
is this blog still active?
Hello....so i've just 100% left this blog and bearly posted anything, especially the requests i've gotten in. And i apologize so much for that. I have no excuse, it's been real tough, but i shouldn't have left all together like that. So i will still be doing the requests i've received, it's only fair that way! i'm sorry again yall.
Although now i'd like to add that, i will be writing for AOT characters as well(i started watching the anime and i am obsessed), So atm i'm going to close up my inbox a little bit so i can finish what i have. Literally though thank you so much for even sending those in! i'm sorry about all this but i'm back! slowly... but yeah!
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127princesskorra · 3 years
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127princesskorra · 3 years
happy valentine’s day my little whores <33
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127princesskorra · 3 years
If Only
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— Korra x Fem!Reader x Asami
— genre: mainly angst, minor fluff
— Warnings: mentions of Death, describing blood, injuries and gore(in a way)
*comments: heyy so i’m sorry i’m posting this before any of the requests i got😭 but i had the urge to write this so forgive me but they’ll be out!! also if i missed any warnings in this please let me know i apologize if this bothered anyone or anything. One more thing if i could get some feedback please! and sorry if this is cringe too bc it’s 4am when i wrote this but i hope you all enjoy anyways!!!💙💙**
— Sumarry: When a Spirit that took human form recently has been taking humans and trapping them in a cycle of sadness of their life, into their own mind with no breaking from it. Even though Avatar Korra was saddened of not being able to save the rest of the poor people that got caught in this. Loosing Y/n wasn’t worth it either
“Oh? you’re here for this one, and that one?” The ‘and’ being dragged as the human-form of a Spirit pointed at Asami with their right hand, and harshly tilting Y/n’s head up with their left. “Let go of my friends, what did you do to them?” Korra yelled.
She was the only one in the room from her separated team on the other side of this maze of a house. Thankfully she had reached this room without any harm done to Asami and Y/n.
But the look on both of her friends face’s clenched at Korra’s heart. For she feared what the Spirit had done to them. All these people could think of right now is sadness the Spirit displayed for them.
Korra tried to run to them and check on them but was stopped
“Uh uh uh... Avatar” the Spirit grew a small wall of thorny stems, very similar to that of what holds a Rose.
���Don’t you know it’s rude to just barge in with out any announcement?” the Spirit pouted as they sat on what could be their “throne”. When Korra wanted to fire back verbally the Spirt had raised their hand and continued “listen, before you started.” “i know what you want.” the Spirit said.
Korra slightly raising an eyebrow, confused as to what the Spirit had in mind.
“But here’s the deal.” the Spirit stood back up. “You can have back these children of mine, but only... one.” the Spirit suggested and it only built Korra’s anger. “What do you mean one?” “These people aren’t yours to keep!” the Spirit let out a laugh and repeated
“Oh Avatar, i said you can only take one” the Spirit said and leaning their upper body forward with their hands on their hips. “W-what are you on about?!” Korra spit out. “i’m taking my friends and the rest of these people back to the physical world. where they belong” Korra continued as she whiped her arm around to show the Spirit, she meant all the people within the room
The Spirit sighed and faked a sad express. “You’re no fun Avatar.” they said as they turned only half way until they looked back to Korra “Fine! you can have both of girls” and swiftly the Spirit turned around and slowly went back to their chair but not sitting.
Korra being in the valid confusion she was, after what she had just saw. She took the opportunity to run to Asami to help her first, And she succeeded. But when she pull Asami into her arms to carry her, she suddenly heard a gushying sound and the world became all slow paced at what had just happened
The Spirit has clearly seen who Korra had chosen by who she went to first. That’s when the Spirit roated it’s fore arm into a quick circle and pointed their wrist upwards to show the back of their palm. The Garden Tentacles grew out quickly like thick hair, with the ends curlying, right before it stuck it’s target
but it was too late. the damage had already been one. When Korra looked back with fear spilling over her face, only yo see thorn tentacles that had already pierced Y/n and, in result letting her body slight tilt back from the pressure and impact of the stab. They were thick and most likely were going to leave lots... and lots of damage
“I told you.” The Spirit setting the arm down next to it’s side, and turning to the Avatar with their girlfriend in their arms tightly. “You only can take one.” Was the last thing Korra heard fromthe Spirit during the unbelievable moment she’s witnessing.
Y/n let out gasps of small cries as she could use only much of what is left of her life to look down her wound.
“Y/N!!!” Korra screamed, while holding her girlfriend close in her arms.
By the time, the tentacles had ripped back out of her, rocking her body the opposite way. It felt slow but painful, the fall backwards as she hit the cold dirt ground.
The spirit laughs, taking pleasure in seeing the Avatar’s face at the scene across from her. Korra takes Asami into her arms closer and picks her up with her other arm under her bent knees and, carries her to where Y/n is. Setting Asami next to her side. Korra picks now a Y/n that had blood all over her, the crimson color only kept growing and falling.
Holding Y/n close. “k-.. rra” the last syllable quickly turned into a gasp, and Y/n not being able to use anything within her to hold a complete sound.
As Korra clearly sees Y/n being in between the gates of the living and afterlife, she whimpers in her chest hoping to feel a stronger rise coming from it. Holding her even tighter to her. “I’m sorry”..the first becoming a whisper ”i-i’m so sorry”.
Y/n’s eyes almost the entire time weren’t always open but she could feel and hear everything around her still. Unknowingly to Korra, she smiles because she knows she may lose her life but at least it’s in the arms of who she loves. Y/n tries one last time. She tries, and she leans her head up along with her arm to reach for Korra.
“Korra...” a gentle voice let Korra’s head spring up to look at Y/n. “Yes.. what is it”, She says as she holds the hand that Y/n reached for. “...i’m here” Korra says, showing she’s in full attention with Y/n and holds her hand close to her heart.
Y/n and Korra had still only recently meet during the fight against the Northern invaders. Y/n was strong and didn’t allow for any wrong to be justified. Even if she was from the North herself. Y/n witnessed a lot of traditions with in the North that she could never just abide by.
She looked beautiful to Korra for how brave she was and didn’t mind getting her hands dirty, if it meant setting things straight. Y/n was smart and could quickly come up with a plan. For the way she was quick and clever, bending the element of Air was perfect for her.
Ever since then they’ve become close friends, and Y/n being add to Team Avatar, it all just felt whole and calming, like everything was okay.
And it could’ve been okay...if only Y/n wasn’t slowing slipping away.
The Spirt’s buisness here was clearly done. They needed to see some suffering from her “Children” but who knew one would die. With a giggle, in a foggy gas-like blob, it took the Spirit and the rest of the people it traped and got away, along with any trace about them. Korra looked up to witness them leaving and not being able to do anything about it. Her anger was all over the place, she didn’t know where to start.
Y/n had attempted to reach for Korra’s face but struggled, untill Korra’s attention was brought back to Y/n and helped her, held it close to her cheek. Y/n’s intented to wipe the water droplets coming from her glossy blue eyes. She didn’t want to see her like this for the last time.
Korra wanted to sob and cry and scream at the heart-warming gesture, but the whole moment went in silence. Asami still being unconscious from the Spirit’s spell.
Y/n knew it was either now, or literally never. So the young waterbender closed her eyes has tears slowly streamed down her cheeks. Took a deep breathe and let the whole world know.
“I love you...Korra.” was all Y/n could achieve to say, before slowly her head falling back and, being completely titled to the other side and closing her eyes for the last time.
Korra went into shock the whole time. Her eyes only widening even more as she watched in horror. From the confession to the sudden lifeless body she’s holding. Slowly it all came back to her and she cracked from one chocked sob to another.
Untill it all spilled out of her. Really soon the rest of the team including, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Lin and Opal and more. They all slowly take their own position as they watch the whole scene infront of them.
Mako and Bolin walk closer. One squating to be of comfort to Korra while the others expression was similar to Korra.
Korra’s cries only got louder with regret for not being able to save you.
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127princesskorra · 3 years
If you don’t mind me asking but what requests have you received? I sent an ask around the time my WiFi went down and I’m not sure if it went through or not
Hello!! so i’ve recieved request for the following characters:
The Krew(Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin in one)
Baatar Jr.
Zuko and
As far as i can remember that should be it, i don’t remember all the exact senarios for each but i hope this helps!💙
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127princesskorra · 3 years
Do you have a masterlist?
Currently, i don’t right now, since i haven’t really published anything but i’ll try to get one set up as soon as i can!
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127princesskorra · 3 years
sokka has a trillion brain cells but has elected to use none of them
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127princesskorra · 3 years
— Hiii! i just wanted to come on here and say first of all, thank you to all those to have followed me and sent in requests! I’m working on them, and multiple at a time so forgive me if yours takes a little longer. Honestly i love all the cute ideas for your requests and i can’t wait to get started and finish them! 💗💗
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127princesskorra · 3 years
How many characters per ask?
Tbh, as many as you want! especially if you’re asking for a reaction, i understand!
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127princesskorra · 3 years
We simpin tonight
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127princesskorra · 3 years
I wanted to say even though i had requests closed, it was only because i wanted to further brainstorm this reader x LOK characters story, but i’m really stuck at the moment on the plot. So i wanted to say if you wanna send an ask/comment/request in my inbox, please go ahead! it’ll help me get more practice in writing since i’ve never actually done this before lol. But yes, if you want to request something go ahead!
Legend of Korra:
Lin Beifong
Wing and Wei
Iroh ||
Avatar The Last Airbender:
Ty Lee
- For now those are all who i write for! I will wanna expand who i write for later on in the future, but for now this is who i’ll mainly write for!
- Small DISCLAIMER: I won’t write for smut, especially right now. i’m not good at it and i’m sort of not comfortable enough to write so, i am sorry for that but idk things might change later on? who knows lol.
- anyways i hope everyone has an amazing day filled with love and positivity💕😗
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127princesskorra · 3 years
𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗲 @ 𝟭𝟮𝟳𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗸𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗮
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💛 some info about me!
-/- nickname: you can call me Zae :)
-/- pronouns: She/They
-/- age: 19
-/- zodiac sign: Libra
-/- interests/passions: Music, singing, graphic design/art, editing, embroidering, story making(?)
-/- besides rewatching the Avatar series a million times, i also love Sh-Ra, and watching anime, kdramas, chinese dramas and Bollywood flilms(still have not seen a lot but i’m try to watch more!)
-/- i’m still only a beginner writer😭 so WARNING LMAO.
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