1800-patria · 10 years
is there any chance you guys would be willing to hand over the blog to another person that is passionate about les mis so that the blog would stay alive and could still be updated for everyone's enjoyment? I mean, I know I'd be really interested in keeping it alive and investing the time into it!
Hi! First of all, thanks for the offer—it is extremely flattering and both me and Nat really appreciate it. However, we’re going to have to say no.  From the start, this thing only made sense because it was the both of us working on it and in a very real way, this was sort of our baby. I was extremely uncomfortable by the idea of writing it without Nat (even though I’m still very much in the fandom and love this verse dearly).  Passing it on to someone else—regardless of who that person is— is just completely unthinkable to either of us,
We are, of course, totally okay with you writing fic set in this verse or continuing it as an AU of this AU sort of thing—as long as it is clearly marked as such. However, we both really want the only “canon” things set in this verse to be the chapters written by the both of us.
ETA: Right okay, totally forgot to add but if you do end up writing fic of our fic please link us to it so we can see and squee at you a lot.
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1800-patria · 10 years
Are you going to delete the blog?
nah, we're keeping it up because we do appreciate all the comments and love from people so you can always find it here. we also have no plans to delete the story on ao3.
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1800-patria · 10 years
A (sad) word from your sponsors
Hey, guys! So, unfortunately all good things must come to an end and we are sad to announce that this blog will no longer be getting updated.
I suppose many of you saw this coming with I (Nat) left the Les Mis fandom back in December, but essentially, I am not invested in Les Mis or the characters anymore, and therefore it’s not fair to you (or me) or Marta to hold onto something as great as this blog. Cause it’s pretty damn great, I have to say, and comedic gold, and I had a blast writing on it and making you all laugh at our terrible jokes and puns. (I will now take the time to say that the fandom that eclipsed les mis in my heart is the one direction fandom and IF THIS HAS HAPPENED TO YOU AS WELL HIT ME UP ON TUMBLR WE CAN CRY TOGETHER.) (Marta would like to say that she, however, is still in the Les Mis fandom and you can always come cry to her about dead french revolutionaries. She also adds that speaking in the third person is hella fun and everyone should do it.)
Incidentally, this does not mean Marta and I have broken up. (Terrible asks she sent me aside.) (She deserved to be spammed with My Heart Will Go On, I don’t care what she says.—Marta) I’ve basically been saying from the beginning that the moment Marta tries to go her separate way and gets on a raft or boat or whatever leaving me on land in a very dickish and Pirates of the Caribbean way (I can totally pull off the Elizabeth Swan dramatic showing of leg and then taking her heart thing by the way), she’ll get about a few feet and I’ll pop up from where I’ve stowed away like , “so where are we going?”
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1800-patria · 10 years
A (sad) word from your sponsors
Hey, guys! So, unfortunately all good things must come to an end and we are sad to announce that this blog will no longer be getting updated.
I suppose many of you saw this coming with I (Nat) left the Les Mis fandom back in December, but essentially, I am not invested in Les Mis or the characters anymore, and therefore it’s not fair to you (or me) or Marta to hold onto something as great as this blog. Cause it’s pretty damn great, I have to say, and comedic gold, and I had a blast writing on it and making you all laugh at our terrible jokes and puns. (I will now take the time to say that the fandom that eclipsed les mis in my heart is the one direction fandom and IF THIS HAS HAPPENED TO YOU AS WELL HIT ME UP ON TUMBLR WE CAN CRY TOGETHER.) (Marta would like to say that she, however, is still in the Les Mis fandom and you can always come cry to her about dead french revolutionaries. She also adds that speaking in the third person is hella fun and everyone should do it.)
Incidentally, this does not mean Marta and I have broken up. (Terrible asks she sent me aside.) (She deserved to be spammed with My Heart Will Go On, I don’t care what she says.--Marta) I’ve basically been saying from the beginning that the moment Marta tries to go her separate way and gets on a raft or boat or whatever leaving me on land in a very dickish and Pirates of the Caribbean way (I can totally pull off the Elizabeth Swan dramatic showing of leg and then taking her heart thing by the way), she’ll get about a few feet and I’ll pop up from where I’ve stowed away like , “so where are we going?”
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1800-patria · 11 years
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A Les Mis texting blog.
Expect plenty of college shenanigans, drunken hijinks, shameless fluff and idiots in love.
Run by Nat and Marta, Queen and Khaleesi of fluff.
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four
Warning: Unfortunately we ran into some technical problems, so this part is only available in PNG format (as well as text format, in AO3).
From Jehan to Courfeyrac, Courfeyrac’s phone.
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From Marius to Courfeyrac, Marius’ phone.
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From Marius to Cosette, Cosette’s phone. 
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From Courfeyrac to Cosette, Courfeyrac’s phone.
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From Courfeyrac to Bahorel, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Courfeyrac to Cosette, Cosette’s phone. 
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From Grantaire to Éponine, Éponine’s phone.
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From Éponine to Enjolras, Éponine’s phone.
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From Éponine to Grantaire, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Éponine to Enjolras, Enjolras’ phone. 
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From Éponine to Courfeyrac, Courfeyrac’s phone. 
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From Enjolras to Courfeyrac, Courfeyrac’s phone.
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From Courfeyrac to Grantaire, Courfeyrac’s phone. 
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From Courfeyrac to Combeferre, Combeferre’s phone. 
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1800-patria · 11 years
Hey guys! Aren't we super busy tonight XD.
We've decided to move a text only version of the blog onto AO3, to make for easier reading. We'll still be updating mainly from this blog with gifs/graphics, however, seeing as some people said gifs were sometimes too hard to read, we decided to upload a text version to AO3. 
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1800-patria · 11 years
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...but we finally finished part 5! Yay! Sorry it took so long; real life sort of swallowed us up for a bit. But we're back! Thank you so much for being patient, and for all the lovely asks you've sent us. We appreciate them a lot!
We're currently waiting on betas, but while we do so, do you guys have any strong feelings on the gif format? Would you prefer we just have static pictures, or the moving gifs?
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1800-patria · 11 years
hey guys!
so, quick update--marta and nat are both alive and well and still regularly fangirl at each other and both still really want to do 1800-patria.
we're very sorry for the wait, but right now this blog is on hiatus because of nanowrimo, so you can probably expect an update by the beginning of december <3
xoxo, gossip marta and nat
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1800-patria · 11 years
I'm laughing because everyone ships e/R on their contacts!
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1800-patria · 11 years
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1800-patria · 11 years
I have a couple of questions: at this point in the "story", are Marius and Cosette in a relationship? I apologise if this was already addressed and I just didn't notice, by the way. Also, will there be an update soon? I'm tremendously excited for the next instalment. :)
Hey, Anon, thanks for asking, and sorry it took us so long to answer this! For your first question, ‘not yet. ;)’ For your second one, ‘we try to keep updates within a week but sometimes we’re lazy terrible people.’
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1800-patria · 11 years
Will you guys ever make a page that has what everyone is named in everyone else's phones? I mean, Enjolras is easy right now.
That can now be found here!
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1800-patria · 11 years
Tumblr media
A Les Mis texting blog.
Expect plenty of college shenanigans, drunken hijinks, shameless fluff and idiots in love.
Run by Nat and Marta, Queen and Khaleesi of fluff.
Part One || Part Two || Part Three
Warning: Spoilers for season 3 of Game of Thrones.
From Éponine to Grantaire, Éponine’s phone.
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From Bahorel to Feuilly, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Bahorel to Éponine, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Grantaire to Feuilly, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Éponine to Grantaire, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Enjolras to Grantaire, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Grantaire to Éponine, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Éponine to Bahorel, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Bahorel to Feuilly, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Bahorel to Feuilly, Feuilly’s phone.
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From Feuilly to Grantaire, Feuilly’s phone.
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From Feuilly to Enjolras, Feuilly’s phone.
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From Feuilly to Éponine, Feuilly’s phone.
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From Enjolras to Combeferre, Enjolras’ phone.
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From Combeferre to Éponine, Feuilly and Bahorel, Combeferre’s phone.
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From Feuilly to Combeferre, Feuilly’s phone.
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From Combeferre to Grantaire, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Grantaire to Courfeyrac, Courfeyrac’s phone.
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From Enjolras to Bahorel, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Bahorel to Cosette, Bahorel’s phone.
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From Enjolras to Éponine, Enjolras’ phone.
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From Enjolras to Grantaire, Grantaire’s phone.
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From Éponine to Bahorel, Bahorel’s phone.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
From Grantaire to Éponine, Éponine’s phone.
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From Grantaire to Enjolras, Enjolras’ phone.
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From Courfeyrac to Grantaire, Courfeyrac’s phone.
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From Courfeyrac to All (except Enjolras and Grantaire), Courfeyrac’s phone.
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From Combeferre to Courfeyrac, Combeferre’s phone.
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1800-patria · 11 years
I just wanted to let you two know that I adore this blog and the Abaisse characterisation is almost perfect. I perpetually look forward to your updates and I'm quite hopeful that E and R will work things out because OHMYGOODNESS they're too perfect. Yup. Also, I loved everyone's nicknames for each other. Yup.
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1800-patria · 11 years
This blog is quite possibly the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me.
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1800-patria · 11 years
oh my god you made me ship combeferre and courfeyrac...
Marta says:
Nat says:
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1800-patria · 11 years
Is there a reason why Enjolras is "Bubbles"? :)
Courfeyrac wanted Combeferre and Enjolras to dress as Powerpuff Girls with him for Halloween and Enjolras was supposed to be Bubbles. Grantaire thought it was hilarious. 
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