191004 · 5 months
season 3 of legend of korra is my favorite season because it’s the season that focuses the least on the love triangle/romance. their friendship is sooo much more entertaining to watch than the romance.
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191004 · 5 months
what’s wrong with katara being a world renowned water bending master and healer? what’s anti-feminist and misogynistic about having kids and choosing to live the rest of your life in peace in your home country after your spouse passes away?
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191004 · 1 year
hope you have a blessed day. ♡︎
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191004 · 1 year
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191004 · 1 year
Katara and Zuko having to live alone without their greatest love: Aang
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191004 · 1 year
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This made me want to die like imagine being Tenzin knowing that this is one of the last places your father's culture is preserved and you were there as it got destroyed. His whole life has been about saving the Air Nation and carrying on his father's legacy and now because he lost in a fight with another airbender (and his crew), one of the only FOUR temples in the world is now melting in a pool of lava.
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191004 · 1 year
i just can't get over zuko and aang's dynamic. these two tragic foils, these boys who both wear their history on their faces, who both lost their homes to the fire, these born enemies, both bound by big, grand, lonely destinies, the prince and the avatar,,,,,,,, and who, the moment they're able to interact with each other for more than two seconds, both immediately devolve into the pettiest assholes alive
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191004 · 2 years
suki’s a fan favorite because she doesn’t step on anyone’s toes and make people uncomfortable. katara does, and that’s why we’ve got fans that dislike katara. she makes them uncomfortable because she’s not accepting of zuko (someone who’s tried to hunt them down for months and aided azula in taking over ba-sing se) right away and says some mean things to him. because in this fandom, zuko’s feefees and how people treat him is what’s most important.
Suki is not the most beloved Atla girl because she's the most feminist one or the most well-written one
Katara is an indigenous girl who is adored and respected by her male love interest who is also a poc like her and shows the trauma that irl brown girls go through while also having a fleshed out personality outside of it(but undoubtedly influenced by it,which is excellent work),Yue is also a native girl who is presented as a beautiful,kind and elegant princess,Toph is disabled and does have a few 'not like other girls' tendencies but is actually gnc unlike a lot of examples of this trope,Mai is a victim of parental abuse that was too subtle for her to notice she was being abused and is never demonized for her trauma responses,Azula is both an amazing villain who is shown to be as just as capable as her male counterparts and a tragic victim of abuse who could've healed and become good in the right hands and Ty Lee is a skilled fighter who dosen't get put down for being a 'girly girl' unless the person doing it is meant to be seen as in the wrong for it
All of that is infinitely better representation for girls and women than Sokka's first love being killed off so he could have a lightskinned gf that barely has a personality outside of being headstrong and 'a girl too' and who's in love with a guy who she had to teach how to not be a misogynist
Suki gets the least hate out of all the girls because she's the easiest to digest for general audiences.She's not a #girlboss for being cookie cutter
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191004 · 2 years
idk who’s worse really. atla fans on reddit, tik tok, twitter or tumblr. tumblr at least has some users who try (they’re always fighting for their lives on here) to make people understand azula’s character and why she isn’t the devil reincarnate for saying some mean things as a child.
I tell myself "don't enter on discussions with tiktok users" but then they will call a five year old insane, and then I'll enter a discussion with a tiktok user. The points made by a ZUKO stan
1. She's (a five year old) insane
2. She murderes thousands of people
3. Ursa was scared of her own child
4(this one is the worst one). SHE KNEW THE FIRE NATION WAS EVIL, ZUKO DIDNT
A 14 year old that never really had any contact with other people besides those from the fire nation, born and raised by the fire lord, knew that the fire nation was evil but *checks notes* the Prince that was banished and had time to meet other people from other places and backgrounds took his sweet little time to understand how wrong he was
It just doesn't make any SENSEEEEEE
HOW would azula know abut the FN being evil but zuko wouldn't? Besides that, they were raised the SAME, there are literally scenes where URSA (their mother) is happily reading a letter about their loser uncle talking about trying to break into ba sing se. But azula knew the fire nation was evil, Zuko didn't
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191004 · 2 years
i’m surprised that katara didn’t go off on zuko for that because she’s always been shown to respect the air nomads and their culture. poor girl was going through it this episode so i don’t exactly fault her or the writers for it either. katara deserved better than to have her trauma be used as a tool to forgive zuko.
I really wanted to slap Zuko when he said this to Aang. Like dude, you do realize that the dead nation that you are making fun of is dead thanks to your family, right? The very same family who has profited from the deaths of the air nomads and countless others for a 100 years since the war started? Kindly shut the fuck up. He's lucky Aang didn't get pissed with him and decide to kick him out of the group. He would have been completely justified.
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191004 · 2 years
they’re really out here girlboss-ifying an oppressive, imperial nation.
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Just saw an AtLA take on tiktok that left me speechless, "despite the Fire nation being an evil empire, they were the only ones to accept women into their armies"... as if that means anything? They let women do some war crimes too-how WOKE!
Neolibs will never cease to amaze me with their stupidity...
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191004 · 2 years
yet that “eViL pOwEr” (🙄🙄) is what helped hama escape that fire nation prison.
How can Bloodbending NOT be evil? It hurts whoever it’s used on and It takes away free will.
See this is why I'm of the opinion the Fire Nation had too much empathy written for them at the cost of the other nations.
I've never seen anyone in the fandom say how evil firebending is. It's fire. It's so easy to hurt yourself or others. And thousands of firebenders used it for war. Firebending was used for 100 years to cause pain and chaos.
Yet there are episodes dedicated to teaching that it is not only just a tool and not inherently evil, it is life.
Ignoring the war for a moment, can you imagine how easy it would be to hurt others for a firebender? One temper tantrum, one accidental burst of emotion, one nightmare, one abusive parent---you don't need war. It's dangerous by itself.
Bloodbending, unlike firebending, is rare to use. It's also not something that you can do on accident to someone. It requires a lot of skill and concentration. And a full moon.
And similar to firebending, its uses don't only end in pain. Think of medical procedures, of blood circulation, of stiff muscles.
Earthbending is also extremely dangerous. You could feasibly kill someone much more easily than fire, water, and airbending. All you do is chuck a large rock at someone.
So the idea of banning it as a whole because of how dangerous it would be doesn't track for me because every bending can be used in horrible ways and firebending HAS, yet no one in the fandom jumps at banning it (except with Azua).
Funny how the bending developed by a victim of war and genocide was made into a symbol of evil and cruelty yet the bending of the colonizers was redeemed and beautified.
I do understand the fear of losing control of your body. But also being suffocated by airbending is also terrifying. As is being drowned. As is being burned. As is being buried alive. Which Katara was by the way. Should earthbending then be banned?
You can hate the bending, but to deem it evil alone doesn't make sense to me when someone can straight up bury you underground without warning or suffocate you or burn half your face.
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191004 · 2 years
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if you put an atla fan in a room with ozai, pre-redemption (dragon of the west) iroh and jet and gave them a gun with three bullets in it, i guarantee you they’d shoot jet with all three bullets.
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191004 · 2 years
if you put an atla fan in a room with ozai, pre-redemption (dragon of the west) iroh and jet and gave them a gun with three bullets in it, i guarantee you they’d shoot jet with all three bullets.
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191004 · 2 years
i can’t imagine any other atla character (whether it’s the gaang or the dangerous ladies) get away with some of the stuff that toph or zuko say. sokka could (he’s another fan favorite) but people still drag him for his sexism but it’s also very mild and tired so yeah….
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191004 · 2 years
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191004 · 2 years
the show showed more respect to the earth kingdom and the fire nation (the imperialist empire btw) than they ever did the southern water tribe.
Please comment what you wish you got to see!
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