1912red · 6 years
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“A Thread of Tips” by Shelby
• #16 is missing but to find out more tips, follow her on twitter; be sure to thank her! 😁
disclaimer: check sites and tips before using at your own discretion.
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1912red · 7 years
seventeen as college students i know
seungcheol: always on time for class, drives his friends to school, always has water on him to share, permanently in a school sweatshirt and slides, professors love him, his ig + snapchat are just workout progress pictures and videos and blurry pics of dogs he spots on campus, drinks way too much boba 
jeonghan: the one that comes to class either one minute before class or fifteen minutes after class with not a hair out of place, will find a quizlet link with the test answers in it and share it only with friends, works part-time in the mall, professors can’t decide whether they hate him or love him
joshua: most matches on tinder but also horrible at talking to any of them, notorious for accidentally leading people on, will leave the minute class is over so nobody can ever talk to him, does his homework on time, part of a christian organization on campus and frequently invites people to come to events where he’ll play the guitar, studies last minute for everything because of his 1000 extracurriculars
jun: the handsome kid in the back, professor has to call on him for people to know what he sounds like, accidentally laughs out loud when professor fucks up with technology, easily asks for classmates numbers (for hw ofc) and given his number as well, how has he not had a heart attack from all the bread he eats
soonyoung: comes to class looking half dead, will walk in with a whole subway sandwhich in his hand, only wears sweats, has to drop the fact that he’s in a dance club whenever he forgets to do the assignments (which is often), makes great jokes in the back for jun to laugh at
wonwoo: surprisingly not good with turning in hw on time, a litle intimidating, everybody thinks they’re gonna get an A if they work with him, he rly just manages a group project but doesn’t do a whole lot, people in class can’t help but stare at him, always has his phone on his desk 
jihoon: diligent, has folders for each course he’s taking, more intimidating than wonwoo, hates letting people (soonyoung) cheat off his work, still takes notes on paper rather than a laptop, writes in his planner, has to sit in the front because he can’t see otherwise, surprisingly gets along well with jun 
seokmin: always happy, even when he has three discussions and a paper due at midnight he’s smiling, always eating something, bites his nails sometimes, he lives in the department building, actually really good about turning in work on time, always greets his professors, hums out loud when walking through the halls  
mingyu: a study guide extraordinaire, stresses when he gets below an A in anything, fashion is always straight fire even in a 7:30 AM class, the only person who willingly takes 7:30 AM classes, his life is all in order, chaotic good, drops his pencils, notebooks, and basically anything on his desk at least twice in class, also gets a cold like every two weeks, also works a research job when not busy being perfection
minghao: also a diligent student, only splits time between dance and school, bboys in front of the library with his other friends, heavy instagram user, his hair changes as frequently as his clothes, very shy but is always friendly and polite to everyone
hansol: the reason why people show up to class, always shows interest in what the prof is saying and laughs at their jokes, terrible handwriting, forgets writing utensils frequently, phone goes off at least once every class, wears earbuds all the time so he misses ppl saying hi to him
seungkwan: another person who professors can’t decide whether they hate or love, accidentally jokes about the professor a little too loud, but always comes to class ready to learn, always hungry, shares his tangerines with others so the whole class smells like tangerines, becomes friends with the whole class, has big dreams, in the theater club on campus
chan: the student who competes for everything, good at sticking to a routine, also on the dance team, too many commitments so he barely sees his friends, only eats salads and energy bars cause he doesn’t want freshman fifteen (even when he’s a junior), very disciplined, the cute kid people want to be friends with
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1912red · 7 years
french adverbs
actuellement- currently déja- already d’habitude- usually encore- again ici- here immédiatement- immediately là-bas- over there longtemps- (for a) long time malheureusement- unfortunately peut-être- maybe plutôt- rather pourtant- however presque- almost rarement- rarely récemment- recently souvent- often surtout- above all, especially toujours- always, still tout de suite- right away trop- too, too much vite- quickly vraiment- really, truly
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1912red · 7 years
Other ways to say said 😍👏🏼
Shouted, bellowed, yelled, snapped, cautioned, rebuked, accused, cursed, exploded, raged, seethed, snarled, taunted, bickered, fumed, asserted, chastised, quipped Hollered, Howled, Ranted, Reprimanded, scoffed, scolded, Taunted, Swore, Thundered. 
Consoled, comforted, reassured, admired, soothed, Affirmed, cooed. 
Whispered, stuttered, stammered, gasped, urged, hissed, babbled, blurted, implored, Croaked.
grimaced, winced, cringed.
Declared, insisted, maintained, commanded.
Sighed, murmured, gushed, laughed, Shouted, yelled, babbled, gushed, exclaimed, chattered, effused, simpered, chirped, trilled, cooed, Beamed, Cheered, Grinned, Rejoiced.
Cried, mumbled, sobbed, sighed, lamented, wept, glumly, sniffled, wailed, bleated, whimpered, Cried out, Croaked
Jabbed, sneered, rebuked, hissed, scolded, demanded, threatened, insinuated, spat, glowered. 
Making up:
Apologised, relented, agreed, reassured, placated, agreed, assented.
Teased, joked, laughed, chuckled, chortled, sniggered, tittered, guffawed, giggled, roared Laughed,.
Related, recounted, continued, emphasized, remembered, recalled, resumed, concluded.
Marveled, perplexed, bleated. 
cautioned, conceded, doubtfully, guessed, hesitated, vacillated, Asked 
Other words In alphabetic order
Acknowledged, Admitted, Agonized, Announced, Answered, Appealed. 
Beamed, Beckoned, Began, Begged, Bellowed, Beseeched, Blubbered, Bossed, Bragged, Breathed, Broadcasted, Burst
Cajoled, Called, Carped, Cautioned, Censured,  Chimed in, Choked,  Chuckled, Claimed, Commented, Conceded, Concurred, Condemned, Confided, Confirmed,  Criticizd.,
Decided, Defended, Denoted, Dictated, Disclosed, Disposed, Disseminated.
Echoed, Emitted, Entreated, Exclaimed, Explained, Exposed
Gawped, Giggled, Glowered, Groaned, Growled, Grumbled, Grunted, Guessed
Held, Hinted,  
Inclined, Indicated, Informed, Inquired, Insisted, Interjected, Invited  Leered, Lied, Lilted
Maintained, Made known, Made public, Marked, Moaned, Mocked, Mourned,  Mused
Observed, Offered, Ordered
Panted, Passed on, Pleaded, Pointed out, Pondered, Postulated, Praised, Preached, Premised, Presented, Presupposed, Probed, Proclaimed, Prodded, Professed, Proffered, Promised, Promulgated, Proposed, Protested, Provoked, Publicized, Published, Puled, Put forth, Put out
 Queried, Questioned, 
Reckoned that, Rejoined, Released, Remarked, Remonstrated, Repeated, Replied, Reported, Requested, Required, Requisitioned, Retorted, Revealed, Roared
 Sent on, Settled, Shared,  Shuddered, Solicited, Sought, Specified, Speculated, Stated, Stuttered, Stressed, Suggested, Supposed.
Teased, Testified, Thundered, Told, Told off, Touted, Trailed off, Transferred, Transmitted, Trembled,  Trumpeted.
Understood, Undertook, Upbraided, Urged, Uttered
Verified, Vociferated, Voiced, Volunteered, Vouched for
Wailed, Wanted, Warned, Wept, Went on, Wheedled, Whimpered, Whined, Whispered, Wondered
Yawped, Yelled, Yelped, Yowled
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1912red · 7 years
How to Impersonate the Types
Based on behaviors that everyone of these types do 100%(yes that’s sarcasm).
INTP: Stay awake until you no longer have the willpower to control your train of thought. Search up various advanced theories, preferably science or psychology, on wikipedia until you’re convinced that time is a dependent variable and you are a sociopath. Compensate with hot drinks.
INTJ: Spend all of your money on technology, video games, and music. Stress out internally over every situation. Be extremely competent when it counts but oblivious when it doesn’t. Hide all of your emotions from everyone, save for maybe 1 person if they’re lucky.
INFP: Always look on the bright side and try to uplift others, with bonus points for being very physically affectionate towards your friends. Pick up some assorted hobbies or interests and select a few topics at random to be unnecessarily stubborn about. Harbor immense pain and wait for someone to ask you what’s wrong.
INFJ: Develop obsessions with multiple TV shows on Hulu and Netflix. Find a way to both be successfully productive and procrastinate. Listen to everyone’s problems. Flock to people you admire and absorb everything you like about them into your personality.
ISTP: Refuse to let anything properly anger you and take everything in stride. Be honest and forthcoming about what you think. Express your opinions loudly and definitively. Feed off of success and knowing exactly what you’re good at.
ISTJ: Claim to have no feelings. Climb a tree and sit there to write poetry, paint, feel sorry for yourself, and cry. Deliver perfectly timed comebacks and one-liners with ease. Become obsessed with honesty. Start thinking in patterns. Plan a murder.
ISFP: Say everything on your mind regardless of how others might perceive it. Have good, pure intentions. Avoid focusing on anything for longer than 15 minutes. Travel a lot, for the experience, for the aesthetic, and for the ability to bring it up every 5 minutes when you get back.
ISFJ: Help anyone and everyone who needs it. Always look put-together and calm, even if you’re stressed out. Make witty/judgemental comments under your breath that no one hears. Stay out of drama. Keep most of your feelings from people.
ENTP: Refuse to commit to anything for longer than your attention span. Always have a comeback or witty response. Develop excessive confidence and ambition to mask any inner turmoil or insecurities. If someone asks you what’s wrong, avoid answering by quoting memes.
ENTJ: Attempt to control everything around you. Take the lead in organizing group plans. Aggressively take care of everyone. Push yourself to the point of having lowkey breakdowns and zero free time. Create your own sets of standards for things, and your own exceptions.
ENFP: Become overwhelmed by life. Identify as a partial introvert. Have a love-hate relationship with parties because you want to socialize but not all of the time. In fact, be conflicted by most things. Avoid hurting people’s feelings whenever possible. Somehow always look perfect, even when you’re not trying.
ENFJ: Write an entire story, but without any regard for conventional grammar. Master the “sour grapes” mentality. Always have energy, even when you’re tired. Make friends with everyone. Start listening to country music.
ESTP: Stop reading this post. Go skydive.
ESTJ: Erase any impure thoughts from your brain. Get a job that pays well and is traditionally acceptable. Go out of your way to help people and expect nothing in return. Take control of any projects that people aren’t doing perfectly. Have only perfectly explainable and rational feelings.
ESFP: Attend a party. Socialize with everyone and relish being the center of attention. Judge people, especially fake and self-centered people that make drama out of everything. Love observing the drama those people create. Planning and facebook are your new drugs.
ESFJ: Wear only light and pastel colors. Invite everyone to your parties because you don’t want to leave anyone out. If you aren’t in a relationship, desperately long for one. Become extremely salty. Try not to let people know how much you want their approval. Also, you’re now a mom.
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1912red · 7 years
loud laugh
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1912red · 7 years
apply for jobs you’re not qualified for! audit upper-level classes! get drunk with your TAs! see that poster advertising that lecture series? go there take notes and ask questions! thank the presenter for talking about this topic you love! if the class is full before you register, email the professor and ask if they can squeeze you in! RAISE YOUR HAND! tell the disability accomodation office to do their goddamn job! ask for help! file complaints! go to class in your pajamas and destroy the reading! you got this! you KNOW you got this! be arrogant enough to learn EVERYTHING! take your meds! punch a velociraptor in the dick! fear is useless and temporary! glory is forever! shed your skin and erupt angel wings! help out! spread your sun!
i had a really good morning! you deserve a really good morning! kill anyone who says you don’t and build a throne from their bones!
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1912red · 7 years
push yourself to get up before the rest of the world - start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. go to the nearest hill with a big coat and a scarf and watch the sun rise.
push yourself to fall asleep earlier - start with 11pm, then 10pm, then 9pm. wake up in the morning feeling re-energized and comfortable.
get into the habit of cooking yourself a beautiful breakfast. fry tomatoes and mushrooms in real butter and garlic, fry an egg, slice up a fresh avocado and squirt way too much lemon on it. sit and eat it and do nothing else.
stretch. start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then trying to touch your toes. roll your head. stretch your fingers. stretch everything.
buy a 1L water bottle. start with pushing yourself to drink the whole thing in a day, then try drinking it twice.
buy a beautiful diary and a beautiful black pen. write down everything you do, including dinner dates, appointments, assignments, coffees, what you need to do that day. no detail is too small.
strip your bed of your sheets and empty your underwear draw into the washing machine. put a massive scoop of scented fabric softener in there and wash. make your bed in full.
organise your room. fold all your clothes (and bag what you don’t want), clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor. light a beautiful candle.
have a luxurious shower with your favourite music playing. wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. lather your whole body in moisturiser, get familiar with the part between your toes, your inner thighs, the back of your neck.
push yourself to go for a walk. take your headphones, go to the beach and walk. smile at strangers walking the other way and be surprised how many smile back. bring your dog and observe the dog’s behaviour. realise you can learn from your dog.
message old friends with personal jokes. reminisce. suggest a catch up soon, even if you don’t follow through. push yourself to follow through.
think long and hard about what interests you. crime? sex? boarding school? long-forgotten romance etiquette? find a book about it and read it. there is a book about literally everything.
become the person you would ideally fall in love with. let cars merge into your lane when driving. pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine. stick your tongue out at babies. compliment people on their cute clothes. challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. then two. then a week. walk with a straight posture. look people in the eye. ask people about their story. talk to acquaintances so they become friends.
lie in the sunshine. daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing. open your eyes. take small steps to make it happen for you.
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1912red · 7 years
perfect resume for someone with no experience
how to get a job fast as hell
resume writing tips
jobs and careers masterpost
how to answer interview questions
career and employment masterpost
resume template
strong words to use on a resume
23 crucial tips for your next job interview 
how to write a cv
resume cheat sheet
how to write a cover letter
job hunting resources
other cheat sheets
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1912red · 7 years
OH MY GOD whyyyy did no one tell me you’re supposed to send thank-yous after interviews?? Why would I do that???
“Thank you for this incredibly stressful 30 minutes that I have had to re-structure my entire day around and which will give me anxiety poos for the next 24 hours.”
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1912red · 7 years
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I really like Vernon and Woozi as a pair. They are both fairly silent and have some type of mutual respect for one-another. 
Woozi said he wants a mind like Vernon because of the meaningful and deep lyrics he can create while Vernon praises Woozi’s compositions and natural talent. I feel like these 2 can have a serious conversation and enjoy each others calm energy, apart from wild Seventeen.
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1912red · 7 years
50 Simple Charms
Basil at the door, windows, or scattered in the home will increase money.
Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling.
Eat a pinch of Thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.
Place chips of Cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.
Carry an Anemone Flower with you to ward against illness.
Hang a bit of Seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.
Keep a jar of Alfalfa in your cupboards to ensure the prosperity of your house.
Burn Allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well as speed healing.
Cut an Apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a prosperous relationship.
Carry an Avocado pit with you to let your inner beauty shine outwardly. Avocado is also an aphrodisiac.
Strawberries are an aphrodisiac.
Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to your house.
Celery is an aphrodisiac.
Place Almonds in your pocket when you need to find something.
Scatter Chili Peppers around your house to break a curse.
Carrying a packet of strawberry leaves will help ease the pains of pregnancy.
Scatter some sugar to purify a room.
Throw rice into the air to make rain.
Carry a potato in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against colds.
Eat five almonds before consuming alcohol, to lighten the effects of intoxication.
Place a pine branch above your bed to keep illness away.
Chew celery seeds to help you concentrate.
Carry of chunk of dry pineapple in a bag to draw luck to you.
Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count the seeds: if the seeds are an even number, the answer is no. If an odd number, yes.
Eat olives to ensure fertility.
Toss Oats out your back door to ensure that your garden or crop will be bountiful.
Eat mustard seed to ensure fertility.
Place Lilacs around your house to rid yourself of unwanted spirits.
Eat Lettuce to drive lustful thoughts from your mind.
Rub a Lettuce leaf over your forehead to help you sleep.
Add Lemon juice to your bathwater for purification.
Eat grapes to increase psychic powers.
Carry a blade of grass to increase your psychic powers.
Smell Dill to get rid of hiccups.
If you place a Dill sachet over your door, those who wish you ill can not enter your home.
Place cotton on an aching tooth, and the pain will ease.
Burn cotton to cause rain.
Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and sew it shut to make a charm to bring back a lost love.
Carry a small onion to protect against venomous animals.
Eat grapes to increase fertility.
Place a sliced onion in the room of an ill person do draw out the sickness.
Place an onion underneath your pillow to have prophetic dreams.
Place morning glory seeds under your bed to cure nightmares.
Walk through the branches of a maple tree to ensure that you will have a long life.
Mix salt and pepper together and scatter it around your house to dispel evil.
Smell Lavender to help you sleep.  (Lavender makes me fall asleep so fast).
Hang a pea pod containing nine peas above the door to draw your future mate to you.
Eat a peach to assist in making a tough decision.
Carry peach wood to lengthen your lifespan.
Carry a walnut to strengthen your heart muscle.
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1912red · 7 years
Oils I reccomend and how to use them
Rosehip oil: It absorbs quickly, brightens and evens out skintone overtime. Can help heal (acne) scars and PIH. A source of trans-retinoic acid, vitamin A. -Use: Fading undereye darkness, fading acne scarring, brightening the skin, evening out skintone, moisturising, fading the appearance of strech marks. Suitable for all skintypes.
Argan oil: High vitamin E and fatty acid conten. Smoothes out the skin, seriously you get baby soft skin and its noticeable after one use. A good source of oleic acid that wont clog your pores. -Use: Moisturiser for dehydrated skin, as well as dry skin which is also acne prone. Also good for oily and combo skin as a moisturiser. Reducing the appearacne of strech marks. Light undereye moisturiser.
Hempseed oil: Its high in linoleic acid and its a drying oil, which means it absorbs quickly and hydrates the skin well. The linoleic and Alpha-linoleic acid percentages make it suitable for oily skins which are short in linoleic acids. -Use: moisturiser for oily/combo and acne prone skin. (seriously this is the best oil for oily skin, i sometimes apply 2 layers of this)
Safflower oil: contains about 78% linoleic acid (which is very high), which makes it great for the oiliest of skins. Absorbs very well (drying oil). -Use: oil cleanser, moisturiser for oily acne prone skin (you might need another oil to really moisturise)
Perilla oil: contains very high levels of n-3 linolenic acid (over 50%) an essential fatty acid that plays a major role in regulating inflammation in the body as well as the skin. contains high amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Is considered an antioxidant and great for acne prone skin. Again, a drying oil, you will need another moisturising layer. -Use: a moisturising layer for acne prone skins, oil cleanser.
Neem oil: helps reduce redness and inflammation. Has antibacterial properties. The high fatty-acid content in Is said to prevent and treat scars. High in vitamin E (improves the elasticity of the skin) Be aware that this oil smells HORRIBLE. -Use: Spot treatment for acne, reducing stretch marks.
Evening Primrose oil: It’s rich in omega-6 which helps produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins (fatty acid compounds that have hormone-like effects).When used topically it can relieve cystic hormonal acne. Most people see immediate results. EPO supplements are used to treat the cause of hormonal acne and PMS. -Use: Cystic acne treatment, PMS relief, oils cleansing.
Emu oil: Very thick and high in oleic acids. Does not Absorb fully, shouldnt be used on acne prone skin. Used to treat scabby, very dry, inflamed skin. Reduces the appearance of fine lines. -Use: Undereye moisturiser, Moisturiser for very very dry skin, moisturiser on dry patches.
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1912red · 7 years
small habits to adopt
wake up early
drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up
meditate or concentrate on your breathing for at least 2 mins
visualize your goals for the day and for the future
make your bed 
do calf raises or squats while brushing your teeth
dry brush
take a cold shower (or end a hot shower with cold water right after for about 3 mins)
put on lotion while your skin is still damp
cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face
apply sunscreen
drink a glass of water before and after every meal
listen to a podcast/ted talk instead of music while walking or driving
park far away from where you’re going
stand up straight
look at people in the eye when talking to them
look straight ahead when walking, not at the ground
smile at strangers
stop complaining (it’s bad for your health)
bring cash instead of credit card
track your expenses
turn off notifications on your phone when doing work
resist the urge to go on your phone and observe your surroundings more
set a timer for 5 mins when scrolling through social media and stop when the time is up
learn at least 5 new vocab words from your target language every day
exercise while watching shows/videos
read at least 10 pages every day
do tasks that can be done in 2 mins right away
drink tea
prepare workout gear the night before
jot down tasks for the next day before sleeping
write down quotes/lyrics that strike a chord
spend 30 mins on a hobby
journal and write down things you are grateful for
aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
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1912red · 7 years
NCT at Hogwarts
inspired by the ivy club photoshoot they did a couple weeks back, here if how the boys will be like once they received their Hogwarts letter on September 1 
been a prefect and head boy since 5ever
altho he’s Gryffindor he takes care of everyone
practically Mark’s dad
he gives the boy study tips and helps with homework, advises him on which professors are good and who to avoid 
doesnt sleep sleep is for the weak
ok but seriously he is patrolling the corridors 24/7 for wandering souls and directing them back to bed safely (he’d prob tuck them in and give a goodnight kiss if he could) 
the house elves are always telling him to rest
“Mister Lee, you’ve been patrolling for 3 nights straight, please take a rest, everything is fine”
“im not sleepy at all, but thank you for your concern” *he smiles to stifle the upcoming yawn*
Madame Pomfrey dotes on him and makes it a routine to check in with him every night 
team captain of Gryffindor’s Quidditch team
perfect record except for one loss against Slytherin, costing him the cup
still salty about it to this day tbh
best subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts
an Auror in the making
Mcgonagall has edited her recommendation letter like 20 times now bc there’s always something to add ok LTY is that awesome 
at first glance you think he’s Ravenclaw but that underlying smirks tells you otherwise
prefect and head boy like LTY
Slughorn adores him
his picture is placed dead center in the wall of fame, polished daily
gets along surprisingly well w/ ppl outside of Slytherin
enjoys going out to the lake on warm days to tickle the giant squid
Moaning Myrtle has a crush on him
he accidentally walked into her bathroom once and couldnt find it in his heart to reject her offer for a conversation and they started talking
constant wailings for Jung Jaehyun can be heard every Tuesday and Thursday
for the sake of keeping everyone sane he was “requested” by the headmaster to spend every Wed. evening with Myrtle
tbh its not that bad 
he gets 10 House Points for every session spent with her
the best chaser on Slytherin’s Quidditch team
nails the Quaffle in every time
the only reason Slytherin loses to their biggest competition Gryffindor is bc Taeyong catches the Snitch first
Honeydukes is his paradise
he even sneaks out sometimes to get the newest samples of fudge and other sugary delicacies despite being a prefect/head boy
has a secret box filled with candy under his bed for late night snacking
Professor Sprout’s TA
he’s great at teaching the first and second years about magical plants
a bit hard on hearing tho after experiencing a live Mandrake scream session
usually needs to tell him the same thing 3 times before he gets it
have you heard this boy sing bc Flitwick has and Taeil is the only student member of the school’s frog choir
his singing has even captivated the mermaids by the lake and they always harmonize in response
lowkey a prankster tho
he cast a full body bind on Mrs. Norris once and blamed it on Yuta, who was walking by w/ Haechan
they were given detention and Moon Taeil got away scot-free
the type to always have a chocolate frog on him to give to others bc he’s a sweetheart like that
mark: “i bombed mcgonagall’s essay exam” 
*hands over a chocolate frog*
winwin: taeyong took off 10 points from me for sneaking out to feed the unicorns 
*hands over a chocolate frog*
haechan: got anything to eat im starving 
*hands over a chocolate frog*
#1 on Madame Pince’s hit list bc he checks out library books and doesnt remember to return them until they pile up on his nightstand
super scared of the ghosts even his 7th year
the baby of Gryffindor House tbh
Mcgonagall adores him and sometimes turns a blind eye on his essays when theyre three/four inches short on the required length
constantly trolled by the moving staircases
always running late
Taeyong constantly helps him study and checks over his hw my OG son and his father :’))) 
best friends w/ Haechan despite being in rival houses
always has his back even tho Haechan is the one who always messes up
a hidden rap god 
makes mixtapes and has Haechan review them before packing them to send home via owl
his friends from back home help him post it on the Internet and he’s a global sensation
best known as the guy who did “that’s a long ass ride” 
very interested in magical creatures
always asking Hagrid or the Care for Magical Creatures professor for more info after class or just to stay after to watch them 
the centaurs adore him and love making divinations to predict his future
the second-coming of the Weasley twins
dungbombs, ambushed with random charms while you’re walking down the hall? 
99% of the time its Haechan
Filch and Mrs. Norris are like his homies 
they know him well after getting him sent in at least twice per week
against all expectations his best friend is Mark Lee from Gryffindor
they met when Haechan pulled him back from falling head-first off the carriage through the Forbidden Forest in second year
since then they’ve hit it off really well always looking out for each other in class and stuff
excellent in Charms
Flitwick praises him all the time for learning new ones in literally two tries
the only student Peeves is ok with 
the poltergeist has never met such a kindred spirit until Haechan came along
getting on Filch’s nerves is their life goal and theyre really good at doing just that
on point w/ his schoolwork you never need to worry about him falling behind at all
commentator during Qudditch games VROOM VROOM AT ITS FINEST
his voice is a charmer ppl love hearing him talk
“and Taeyong captures the snitch again what a steal!”
“i know we’re friends but can you just let us win once like we’re not that bad but you’re such an over-achiever that–”
mcgonagall usually has to intervene at least twice while he’s on the job
“Kim Doyoung if you can’t give proper commentary then I’m giving the mic to Haechan”
usually shuts up after that but finds ways to throw in shade without causing too much trouble
lowkey wants to become an Animagus
succeeded in 5th year but isnt registered 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i mean how do u think he gets such accurate administrative info to share with you all 
guess what his Animagus form is no hes not a bunny
jk hes totally a bunny 
loves History of Magic of all subjects what a nerd
each day in the Ravenclaw common room begins with “A Cool Thing about Hogwarts” courtesy of Kim Doyoung
there’s no better house for hot stuff him
a savage and also the deadliest manipulator in the entire school
how does he do it? 
that stupid healing smile of his o m g 
one flash of those pearly-whites and you’ll be melting into a puddle in 2 seconds
doesnt intentionally stir up drama tho
unless its Quidditch
that’s when his competitive streak as Slytherin’s team captain comes out
really tough on his teammates but they dont mind bc they know theyre the shit and they all want to win the cup for Slytherin a second time
his biggest competition + best friend is Lee Taeyong from Gryffindor House
their friendship started after Yuta won over LTY in 4th year and LTY kept bugging him for a personal rematch
if Myrtle cries for Jaehyun on Tuesdays and Thursdays then she literally floods her bathroom on Mondays and Fridays in order to attract Yuta after receiving a healing smile when he came to pick up Jaehyun one Wednesday evening
catching on that she likes him, he pops in every so often to praise Myrtle for doing such a good job at making ol’ Filch’s life miserable, causing her to blush silver and maintain high-quality floods and sink leakages each week
gets along with everyone, even those not in Slytherin
the one most likely to drift to another house’s table once dinner starts
favorite table to go to is Gryffindor’s to hang out with LTY
leader of the Dueling Club this boy can D U E L 
two seconds in and you’ll be expelliarmused OUT
also really good at Stunning like how he stunned me this sdlkjflsf
the first years admire him and want to be just like him
a transfer student from a wizarding school in China
despite not knowing a thing about Hogwarts, everyone took it upon themselves to show him the ropes so that hes in good hands
rooms w/ Taeil and the two of them hit it off really well
adored by all the professors, even grumpy Snape
they cut him some slack since 
1) he’s a transfer 
2) he’s a precious bean
favorite subject is Muggle Studies
fascinated w/ traffic lights and smartphones
he now knows a lot about proper ways to cross the road and how to download music to a small device called an iPod
loves unicorns
look i know unicorns usually like girls more but Sicheng is one of those rare chosen ones
one of the foals directly approached him first and he felt so honored
since then hes been approached by other unicorns too, from babies to full grown adult unicorns
nickname: unicorn whisperer
never alone
you will literally see him with at least one person E V E R Y W H E R E 
these shouldve been posted a long time ago my bad pls enjoy ^^ (i know ten was in the ivy club shoot too but i literally had no inspiration im sorry. pls let me know if u want more nct at hogwarts and i’ll see what i can do) 
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1912red · 7 years
NCT as Types of Boys
[ Late Valentine’s Day post ]
Taeyong - 6:30 a.m.
wakes up before you do, brushes your hair out of your face, wants to wake you up but is too scared to do it, messy hair, raspy morning voice, wakes up early but takes hours to get out of bed
Winwin - 7:02 a.m.
plans to make you a nice breakfast, slept through his alarm so he pours you a bowl of cereal instead, eats cereal sleepily, sweatpants, comments on how cute you look in the morning
Haechan - 8:46 a.m.
copies your homework 10 mins before class starts, promises he won’t do it again, breaks that promise, gives you gum to suppress his guilt, texts you during class to make you laugh
Jeno - 8:50 a.m.
races you to school, lets you win on special occasions, offers to carry your bag, lets you under his umbrella when it rains, teases you if you wake up late, always asks you to say hi to your mom for him
Ten - 10:00 a.m.
checks time every twenty seconds until it’s ten, shows you the time excitedly, is enthralled for the next thirty minutes, asks you to help him choose his earrings for the day, picks out his outfits according to what you like
Taeil - 11:38 a.m.
takes you on a picnic, serenades you after every few bites of food, throws grapes in your mouth, gives left over food to children passing by, picks flowers to put in your hair
Renjun - 12:40 p.m.
sits next to you at lunch, switches certain foods with yours, talks with his mouth full, takes the occasional selfie with you, doesn’t care about the stares and teasing from classmates and teachers
Chenle - 1:27 p.m.
says hi to you whenever he sees you in the halls, asks you to help him remember his locker combo as an excuse to talk to you, volunteers to pass out papers so he can pass you, blushes when attention is drawn toward him
Kun - 2:19 p.m.
brings home goodies after work, takes note of your favorite things, king of unexpected presents, gets embarrassed when you praise him, bites lip shyly when giving you surprises
Mark - 3:11 p.m.
makes bets anywhere and everywhere, doesn’t care if you’re in public, “if I win you have to kiss me”, you end up kissing him, laughs when you get frustrated, buys you food as an apology
Jisung - 5:32 p.m.
shares instant ramen with you on the couch, eats all the noodles, makes another cup to make you happy, accidentally burns himself, asks for a kiss to make him feel better
Johnny - 7:26 p.m.
makes you a warm bath, ends up joining you, laughs at funny bubble hairstyles, water fight, literally makes the biggest mess, eventually cleans it up, leaves bathroom with pruned fingers
Yuta - 8:01 p.m.
late night walks, never lets go of your hand, asks you to take 10,000 pics of him, forces you to retake the picture if it’s not perfect, reads every store sign out loud, begs you to buy him street food, never ending pda
Jungwoo - 9:41 p.m.
slow steady breathing, sometimes talks in his sleep, steals all the blanket, apologizes the next morning, can’t sleep unless music is playing, soft snores, literally the most gentle sleeper
Lucas - 10:57 p.m.
sneaks into your bedroom window, almost wakes up your parents because of crashing into your bedside table, quiet giggles, chaste and playful kisses, night full of whispered conversations
Jaehyun - 11:20 p.m.
cuddles and watches netflix movies with you, smells soooo good, chews popcorn loudly, blushes at romance scenes, starts talking to you and completely forgets about the movie
Jaemin - 12:48 a.m.
phone is hot because of three hour facetime call, talks about everything, puts mouth too close to the mic, whines when you want to go to sleep, googles would you rather questions to keep you awake 
Doyoung - 3:17 a.m.
shows up at your doorstep drenched and panting, pulls you into the biggest embrace, sings while wiping away your tears, warm plush lips against your face, makes sure you fall asleep safely in his arms
based on this post :)
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1912red · 7 years
nct / hogwarts headcanons?
oh man
long post warning but imagine
slytherin captain and ace chaser yuta
donghyuck commentating during matches but being totally biased towards slytherin
gryffindor chenle trying to steal the microphone back and being equally biased towards his own house
basically there’s a lot of yelling whenever it’s gryffindor vs slytherin
hufflepuff keeper mark is just really stressed
gryffindors ten and johnny taking illegal bets and being found out and sent to detention for two weeks
prefects taeyong (h), doyoung (s), jaehyun (g) and ravenclaw taeil
muggleborn hufflepuff sicheng being best friends with gryffindor jaehyun cos sicheng was a bit lost and wasn’t quite sure how to get to platform 9¾ in first year so jaehyun helped him and they sat together on the train and have been best friends since
they were disappointed they weren’t sorted into the same house but it never stopped them from being bffs anyway
sometimes sicheng sleeps in the gryffindor dorms and forgets that while he has early morning double potions, jaehyun has a free period, so he’s rushing to get dressed and get to class and he puts on jaehyun’s red tie instead of his yellow one
ten and johnny are also taking bets on how long it’s going to take for them to stop being oblivious and get together
(taeil ends up winning 20 galleons, doyoung is depressed because he was so sure it would happen after jaehyun’s quidditch match, not before)
yuta being paired up with taeyong in divination and not taking the class seriously at all, and instead, putting like 500% effort into making taeyong laugh
“what do you see in your teacup”
“i see the words ‘taeyong’s hair is very soft’, that sounds right to me”
(the jokes just get worse every time but taeyong laughs cos he feels sorry for yuta)
doyoung and taeil competing over the best table in the library
one day they enter the library at the same time and doyoung starts to power walking to The Table (in a cosy, undisturbed corner behind the Arithmancy section) and taeil really doesn’t want to lose his spot so he breaks out into a run and PUSHES DOYOUNG and doyoung is like about to go OFF when little jisung is just like
“um there are two seats why don’t you just share”
and yeah then there’s the time i swear jeno and renjun try to sneak into hogsmeade to buy jaemin a birthday present
donghyuck and doyoung starting a slytherin acapella group
mark sneaking hot chocolate out of the kitchen after lights out and sharing with donghyuck who always complains that the slytherin dorms are too cold
idk there are probably like a ton more i could go on forever
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