1dksjourney · 1 year
[1dk was just walking around the neighbourhood when he noticed the stand. thon really hadnt been up to much since leaving xyr last... place of residence, and thought that a wee walk would be a nice change of pace.]
free hugs..?
[a hug, eh? 1dk cant seem remember the last time they had one of those. its sure itd be cool if qi just walked on over and asked for one...]
no, what am i thinking!...
[he cant just go up to someone and ask for a hug, even if theyre being offered! its not like it was directly asked, clearly the person at the stand is just trying to be nice but in actuality doesnt really want to be disturbed!]
[1dk hadnt had much interaction since going out into the world, and sitting around panicking over nothing probably wasnt going to help xem...]
[they were gonna do it! 1dk was going to go up to the free hugs stand and ask for a hug! and if vi actually gets one? bonus!]
oh, ᵘʰᵐ, hi! i- i was just wondering i-if this was still open, and ifff so, if i could take y- take you up o-on that, ᵉʳ, offer..? ^^;
So, I've been hangin out around rtumblr for... oh god a couple years now- and I've realized that i need to take a stand and help you all out with your problems.
Now, a therapist would be ideal, but i am not qualified to do that. So i think a good temporary patterned bandaid fix is a free hug stand!!
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Step right up!
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1dksjourney · 1 year
can you run doom. i need to know
im not sure actually, ill need to try it out!
just hang on a sec...
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[1dk mumbles to himself for a bit, trying to figure out how he can run doom on his head]
okay, so if i just .... aha!
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there we go!
ill be honest though, i dont know if anyone else would be able to play; im not sure if youd be able to connect any sort of controller for it...
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1dksjourney · 1 year
hi again ^^ if ive marked my calendar right this time around, then i believe its been roughly four weeks! though ill be honest, im not really sure; i lost track after february...
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if it isnt too much of a bother for you then i think im due my next meal, if its alright with you ofcourse! ^^;
anyways, i hear that you now have full custody of the kids!! so glad to hear that everything went well for yous :]
ooohhhh, myyy bad. heeere’s your fooood!
[bread x2 acquired!]
[eggs x3 acquired!]
[rare item: basement key acquired!]
youuuuu have passsssed the tesssst. commmme visit againnn sssssometime, the kiiiiiids would lovvvvve it :). ohhhh, and thhhhhanks for the wellll wisssshessss!!
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1dksjourney · 1 year
so i have an actual c!1dk design now lol
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+ character notes
tries to stay positive no matter what, often to his detriment
sees the good in everyone, which makes them quite the people-pleaser as it thinks it should be likeable to any decent person and yk. sees just about everyone as decent people
struggles with memory and telling time
has eczema
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1dksjourney · 1 year
are there kids in your basement
doesssss 1dk counnnt
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1dksjourney · 1 year
hey i know this may not be the best time considering youre. in court and all that but erm. im still locked in your basement and its been 4 weeks since i last ate
i dont mind that much but also im not sure how much longer ill be able to last without anything to. keep me going. if its not a bother to you
(speaking of, i hope the court case is going in your favour!! :] )
ohhhhhhh, ssssorry about thaaat! I was aaaactually waitinnng for the exxxxact four week maaaark. In faaact, I had sssscheduuuled it alllll for the eighth. Buuuuut, you knnnow what? Have it eaaaaarly. :).
[fish acquired!]
[cheese x2 acquired!]
[bread x3 acquired!]
(annnnnd yes, courrrt is goinnnng wellll. Got a laaawyer this tiiiime, couldnnnn’t affoooord one befoooore. case is aaaactually almosssst closed, I thinnnnk.)
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1dksjourney · 1 year
magical john i dont mind being in the basement that much but a meal might be nice. i havent eaten in four weeks
you’reeee lassssting longer thaaan the othersss! here is youuuur rewaaaard. :). *hands you a fish*
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1dksjourney · 1 year
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what now?
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