1goattalk · 10 months
Week #8 Blog
After I watched the video about implementation, I understood that my client would have to use social media. We have structured a plan for long-term posting but I do see challenges that will arouse from it. I understand outside of social media my client has a family and it would take time away from his family trying to post consistently could interfere. If we were to consostely post we would make steadliy ready content for the platform that we are using. Honestly i feel to avoid most of are problems would to be making tons of content to store in the vault for future posting purposes.
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1goattalk · 10 months
Week #7 Blog
Effective content is developed in multiple ways. When making effective content you need to know what your target audience is and establishing roles within your business will help get everybody's voice involved to make the best content. Content can be shared in a multitude of ways, from within the company itself to the consumer on the platform that it is shared on.
A social organization makes the standards and principles of effective content development because they have to consistently make content that is proactive and engages its consumers.
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1goattalk · 11 months
Week #6 Blog
Chapter 4 and 5 is about goals that support the community. When teams are very close and understand one another it makes them more powerful. The chapters also shared that that teams need roles. Roles help build a more inclusive environment to help build and grow the community.
The Hootsuite modules taught me that using resources are beneficial to growing your brand. Most important having a calender of content ready be post is needed to build the brand.
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1goattalk · 11 months
Week #5 Blog
After watching "The Legal Side of Big Data" business should be aware of the information that they are given is most likely going to be sold to other companies for their algorithm. All information that is considered protected is at risk of being stolen. Consumers of these big data companies should be aware that using there personal information isn't a good thing because that is at risk of being stolen and sold to other big data companies. The best way to balance these issues beat would be to not puting very key and important information on the web. After reading the "The Internet's Original Sin" It made me understand that advertisements are profitable, if they are done correctly they need data to work efficiently.
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1goattalk · 11 months
Week 4 Blog 2
The article was fairly interesting to me. It talked about algorithms, advertising, and exposure being the main catapult for junk news is getting around quickly. As I was reading the article, I totally understood and agree with what point they were trying to get across. These three main points are most definitely the reason junk news is spreading rapidly. The repetitive action of sharing these junk news it helps grow the amount views that it has been seen. I usually get my junk news from Tik Tok, Twitter, and Instagram. Businesses and individuals should be aware checking the credibility of the source that is distributing the news. Businesses should be proactively ready for false claims made against their business in a attempt to strain their business.
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1goattalk · 11 months
Week 4 Blog Post 1
I think that the most important qualities for a social media consultant have are public speaking skills, sales skills, project management, able to build great client relationships, content creation skills.
If I was a social media consultant for myself, I would plan post board that helps me keep up on posting, while adding ideas for future ideas. I would strategize what help me increase my social media following which help my presence on all platforms. I have so far paid for boost on all my platforms to reach the maximum following and have a ig presences. In the near future, I could collab with bigger names in the content creation world.
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1goattalk · 1 year
The Social Dilemma
After I watched "The Social Dilemma" it was really a eye opener because it bluntly showed that social medias are taking over are world. This new age of social media is very detrimental to the fundamentals of society. These social media companies use big data and algorithms to reel people into using their apps and micro drill into a spot in your mind that wants to always check these apps. These are many dangers to the use and abuse of social media. Those dangers are cyberbullying, privacy problems, identity theft, but the man concern is the explicit and inappropriate for children. These problems can be dealt with when these companies become transparent with their numbers and actually try to censor these apps based upon age group. For example something that is deemed appropriate for adult aged people should be censored for school aged kids. Personal has to be censored based upon age groups, professional should be censored if its not actually teaching kids about financial literacy,and societal should be censored based upon if it's ethically or morally right or wrong for said age group.
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1goattalk · 1 year
Week 2 Pt 2 Blog Post
I used a 24hr plan to help limit my social media and overall phone usage.
I normally wake up around this time. Instead of my usual of sit in bed and scroll TikTok and Instagram, I woke up and immediately started my day. I brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. Then, I made my bed.
Then after I got ready for my day I made breakfast and got a slight lift and cardio session. After I would make my daily call to my mom to check on her. Then after that I took a shower and put on my outfit for the day.
After I put my clothes on I filled my tank up and did a errand running and grocery shopping.
After I got ready for the day, I then checked my phone to see what route I got today with Amazon. Then I headed towards te pickup destination.
I got lunch and checked my phone for any important text or calls.
I worked on my papers that are due for my other classes.
I cooked dinner, and I did a self reflect period for the day
I winded down checked my phone one last time and watch tv until i fell asleep
I really enjoyed this experience. It showed me that I can be very productive and useful with my time If i just limit my use of technology. I got out the house today and I handle business and felt very productive. The only thing I didn't like about the whole experience was just being away from my daily routine, which I know is ideal under the circumstances that was the point of the plan.
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1goattalk · 1 year
BIS315 Blog #2
After watching We've Been Sneaking Into Your Brains and reading Before the Internet it made understand that maybe life is affected daily by social media. You can do almost anything from these apps in the palm of your hands. Social media's influence in my life is moderate, and I don't post often but i do use it to connected with urban life, my generation, and current world news. The internet be readily available is a problem because it also to get entertainment instead of going out in the world and actually finding things to do. One time that I didn't have a active internet connection was when I went camping in utah, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be because I was surrounded by family and my favorite cousin. I would like to limit my hours of social media use by setting certain downtimes away from it.
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1goattalk · 1 year
Hi! My name is Omari a.k.a Boogie. I am a 2018 Lake Shore High School graduate in St. Clair Shores, MI, and I am currently headed into my final year at CMU. I am majoring in Business Administration. I founded a urban podcast called GoatTalk and I would like to expand the brand outside of podcasting. I would expand GoatTalk into a multimedia company that will include music production, videography,photography, etc. I would like to expand my brands following with this blog to a broad range of people.
I love the way Lyrical Lemonade uses social media to expand their brand to a national level. They react with their the users that reply with comments under there post on Instagram,Twitter,etc. They also on their website have a blog that they interact with their following. They use community engagement, social media, and mass collaboration to attract their consumers.
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