1hellofashipper · 1 year
It sounds like Sebastian is flaunting about Ciel here lol
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‘ you can’t have the real one lol ‘
‘ he is mine lol ‘
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1hellofashipper · 1 year
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11. Love Sick
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@chaos-the-raven Thank you for loving my art!! 💞 At first, I was unsure of what to draw since I couldn't imagine Sebastian getting sick. I was thinking of him hurting like in the Campania, but somehow my mind thought getting hurt and getting sick are two different things??
I ended up drawing Sebastian catching a fever, that turns out to be a mysterious demonic illness (spoiler: in the title) and his confused young master trying his best to find out what's happening (to no avail, since the demon is also confused and acting strangely. He's feeling cold but also hot, he said?? Also why is his face so red—)
It's fun to draw Sebastian being the one flustered for once!!
Long story short, I ended up drawing two oblivious idiots 😔🤚
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1hellofashipper · 1 year
Idk if people here are still active or not but I am- also BLACK BUTLER SEASON 4 COMING SOON LETS GOOOOOO
DEFINITELY AWAKEN MY BB PHASE- not that I left the fandom or anything, just take a break that's all... For 1-2 years... 💀💀
Anyway, I'm glad BB is coming back! Not sure if people here that I used to know has came back or not but hopefully they are.
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LOOK AT MY BABIES- SEBBY LOOKS SO ADORABLE!!!! as well as the grumpy Earl, as usual Ciel lol.
Artstyle is amazing, the animation quality is great! Everything is going great so far, hopefully everyone can enjoy it without uh... Well, *ship wars*
ANYWAY, as a fan of Black Butler, I am proud to be in this fandom once more to rejoice our rise from the dead..
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1hellofashipper · 1 year
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ADHD Sans is NOT mine, it was made by gudulle_vinyls on tiktok!!!
Heyheyhey..... Yea I'm still alive, for those who only use Tumblr, I'm more active on instagram just that I haven't make anything about Anx until now so yeahh here it is
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1hellofashipper · 1 year
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Error by @/loverofpiggies
Ink by @/comyet
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1hellofashipper · 2 years
Been a while- again ig, me likes new stuff naw & I'm probably gonna be less active here. Hopefully will post new stuff if can lol.
Still into BB, but not as crazy as i used to be, I'm now more into Chinese dramas(cough* also novels cough*) and animes! Still waiting for lots of things and da future~ hoping everyone who looks at this and reads this are doing fine and understands ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Oh yes also, MY ART HAS IMPROVED! Tho i don't have da BB artstyle no more but I'm improving my art day by day, year by year~ while tryna be sane at the same time with these schools and works and stuff-
welp that's all from me, damn took me like almost a year and a half to get back here-
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
Our dynamic:
“How does the project work?”, maybe some people are wondering this and we will answer right away! We have bimonthly cycles, that is, every two months we release new prompts to be used. There are always 3 prompts and voting is open to the public, so everyone has the chance to vote a lot to see their favorite prompt win. But not only that! To further encourage your creativity, each prompt is accompanied by sub-prompts (which are chosen by the project administration) Starting in July 2021, at the encouragement of some people who have participated with us from the beginning, we have inserted Monthly Events and Biweekly Challenges into our cycles, but we will explain this later.
All fanfic or fanart created based on our prompts must be tagged as #Inuyashapjct so that we can find and share them. If you want to tag the project or send us a message, please feel free to do so. In addition to Twitter, we have an Instagram account, AO3 and Wattpad with the same username (InuYashaPjct) and the tagging rule applies in all these places, too. Writers and artists can post theirworks wherever they feel most comfortable. So, feelfree and let your imagination go wild! And you don’t need to stick to just one prompt per cycle, so feel free to mix them in the way you see fit and as your imagination guides you. If you want to do more than one fanfic/fanart per cycle, you can do it, too.
Now let’s talk about something else: deadline! As our cycles are bimonthly, all works (fanfic and fanart) must be posted within the stipulated date. If your fanfic has more than one chapter and you can’t finish it, or if your fanart has too many details and it slows you down, don’t worry! We’ll share your work nonetheless, but there’s a deadline and its purpose is to help you organize yourself! (And it’s for our organization as well). That way no one is left with several WIPs along the way.
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
Welp time to be active again in here-
Hello, everyone! Thank you for visiting SessRin Is Canon on Tumblr!
For those that are not familiar with us from Twitter, SessRin Is Canon is a non-profit, fan made fan site, dedicated to the canon ship, Sesshomaru x Rin. 
On our website, you can find Fan Art, Fan Fiction and Merch, created by members of the fandom, from all over the world! We even host/co-host events with members of the community, to celebrate ships, characters and just have fun!
We have also created a SessRin Wiki, with resources and translated materials, to educate, and help change the narrative surrounding SessRin. You can even find a helpful FAQ page of information (with sources!), regarding any urgent ship-related questions you may have.
Since SRIC is a community project, our blog is open for submissions! Send us any sort of SessRin content you would like to be shared on this blog. You do not have to have a Tumblr Account to submit posts.
Please feel free to ask us any questions as well!
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
I MISSED YOU TOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I missed Tumblr
I missed SebaCiel
I missed my friends here- or u could say followers i mostly interact with
And i decided to redraw my last year's SebaCiel art :'D i missed them so FRIKING much-
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My 2020 art
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My 2021 art ( this year )
( my artstyle has improved and changed :'D )
Also follow me on Twitter guys it's @FloofBlanket !! I'm mostly active there now- ;-; I'm addicted to that bird app oof.
Also still, please do forgive me for my disappearance- i feel bad for not being active here like always ;-;
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
Also i forgot to tag god damn it :')
I missed Tumblr
I missed SebaCiel
I missed my friends here- or u could say followers i mostly interact with
And i decided to redraw my last year's SebaCiel art :'D i missed them so FRIKING much-
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My 2020 art
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My 2021 art ( this year )
( my artstyle has improved and changed :'D )
Also follow me on Twitter guys it's @FloofBlanket !! I'm mostly active there now- ;-; I'm addicted to that bird app oof.
Also still, please do forgive me for my disappearance- i feel bad for not being active here like always ;-;
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
I missed Tumblr
I missed SebaCiel
I missed my friends here- or u could say followers i mostly interact with
And i decided to redraw my last year's SebaCiel art :'D i missed them so FRIKING much-
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My 2020 art
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My 2021 art ( this year )
( my artstyle has improved and changed :'D )
Also follow me on Twitter guys it's @FloofBlanket !! I'm mostly active there now- ;-; I'm addicted to that bird app oof.
Also still, please do forgive me for my disappearance- i feel bad for not being active here like always ;-;
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
God it's been a while since i posted here- ever since i got twitter and all- oof- but anyways hope u guys are still fine and okay even without me here for the past few months- 👀 sorry-
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
How likely do you think it is that GG/DD each would enter into a marriage? As GG slowly approaches his 30th year of life and they would need to maintain a certain image on the surface and represent the right appearance to the outside world as public figures.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
I don’t think anyone can guess this. There are just too many variables. GG has said that he doesn’t want to get married until he’s 35 so he’s bought himself some time, there, but beyond that it’s impossible to say for sure.
In some cultures there is enormous pressure to marry and have children, and with limited acceptance of LGBTQ in China, gay people will often marry someone of the opposite sex (including in some cases gay men marrying gay women as cover for both of them). There was a study a while back that showed that 80% of gay men in China marry women. That’s a staggering number.
At the same time there’s increasing awareness in China of this problem, and a backlash against this practice as some high profile cases of gay men marrying straight women have come to light. Straight women have (understandably) said, “Hey, I have nothing against gay people but I don’t want to marry one.”
The other angle on this issue is the fact that the Chinese entertainment world often trades on fantasies of romantic availability among stars, and so celebrities are expected to either remain single or to hide relationships in order to maintain those fantasies among fans. Even straight people will hide relationships for this reason (one of the more notable examples being Hong Kong celebrity Andy Lau, who hid his relationship for 24 years).
So really, there are two separate issues at play in the question you’ve asked, Anon.
As they get older, what expectations will be placed upon GG and DD  as entertainers?
What is the likelihood that they will be pressured to marry?
The answer to the first question is that due to their fame most people will expect them to maintain the appearance of being single for many years to come.
Yeah, there will be interviewers who will continue to ask them about relationships. That’s always going to be the case. What interviewer doesn’t want to get the big scoop on what’s happening in a star’s love life? But that’s not the same as actually being expected to date or marry. Single celebrities - or at least those who appear to be single - are more marketable than married ones, and in any case it’s incredibly difficult to maintain a relationship when you’re that famous and your schedule is so packed.
As for the second question, there will certainly be people in their personal lives who will pressure them to marry. This is probably already happening a lot to GG. That expectation is part of the culture they live in. But how serious of an issue it becomes depends entirely on whether they are out to people in their families, and if they are out, on how far any acceptance goes among family members.
It’s possible that they are out to all of the closest people in their lives and that their families fully accept and respect that, and don’t expect them to marry a woman and have kids. It’s also possible that their families only give them a certain degree of acceptance, but still want them to marry a woman and have kids in spite of their sexual orientation. It’s also possible that they are out to no one in their families and that they are constantly having to dodge these issues. with their parents.
Even if their parents accept them, there will likely be more distant family members - aunts, cousins, etc. - who wouldn’t be aware of the situation and would badger them about when they were going to get married and have kids.
I personally believe - and this is just my own CPN here - that they are both out to their parents. It just seems like an inevitability given the rumors about them and the popularity of their CP that they would be asked about this issue and that the truth would come out. They are also clearly very much in love, and that makes people much more inclined to come out.
But that’s just an assumption of mine. We will likely never know for sure.
My hope is that they are out to their families, and that their families fully support and accept their relationship. That’s what matters most. What the media thinks, what fans think - that’s not nearly as important. And if they ever do marry, I hope it’s for love and not to fulfill some heteronormative expectation.
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
[Artworks with English subs authorized for repo]
Title: Let the redness of this birth year clear up the regrets from last year~
🐷: I am wearing it!
🐰🐷: Happy Lunar New Year~ [爱心][Hugs]
Created by: Gongtengpipixia
Translated by: bjyxworkshop
CR: WB / 工藤皮皮虾
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
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Uhum...this DD is...💥👀👌😏🙊🙈🙉🎇🎉 sexy, but very tiny...
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
Ooooohh happy Chinese New Year to you!! Never would have guessed you celebrate it!!! Hahaha
Well though I'm not chinese myself but i love to celebrate all different unique cultures!! XD they're fun!!! Happy Chinese New Year to you too~
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1hellofashipper · 3 years
Happy V Day y'all!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞
Hope y'all are spending time with your loved ones and kissy sweetie time with your coupled life!! ( Or with your non existent hot character that u simp so much and don't worry, me too but im a third wheeler. I'm okay with seeing my ships together being lovey dovey with their honeymoon :'), it is enough to fill my empty single ass hearts ❤️)
Pov: you're a waiter/third wheeler to your fav coupled costumers/ friends and they r either gay or straight.
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(tho I've posted this on my twitter but meh, it still counts lol)
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