1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
don't forget that june is Indigenous History Month and Pride Month!
- here is a thread with some gofundmes for Indigenous people/LGBT who haven't met their goal yet!
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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Please Help Me, I’m Desperate. - Dental Emergency Extended
Post Made: 05/29/2021
Hey everyone. My name’s Jack, I’m a 22 year old transman living with my disabled wife, her family and our baby animals. I don’t want to have to ask for help from anyone, but I don’t have any family that can help me and I’ve received the most help and care from my family on tumblr than anywhere else.
I’m updating this post with the finished care plan and amount that I need, as well as the date so no one thinks the post is old. I’m desperate and don’t have any other means to save myself from the pain me and my family are going through right now because of this. I have insurance, but they only cover 1000 dollars of emergency and has already been used.
I am in severe pain from all of the problems I have in my mouth. I just was treated for a tooth infection, but after examination they let me know I’m bordering on another severe infection in two of my teeth. I need TWO root canals still and have no way to pay for that, but they’re warning me that I don’t have a lot of time and need to be seen as soon as possible to avoid further infections. [In the pictures above, one of the plans is for the two root canals, and the other plan is to treat the amount of severe decay I have.] I also have IMPACTED wisdom teeth that need to come out soon, but I can’t focus on that when there are other problems
I can’t and don’t expect the full cost from tumblr, because its a little under 6000 dollars in total and thats a lot. I need around 2000 to get what I need done, and that would prevent me from having another emergency extraction needed. I’m doing everything I can to earn the money on my own, I had been looking for a job but I can’t even interview when I’m in this much pain and so for now we live off of a very fixed income.
My wife has been terrified since I’ve gotten the infection, she’s unable to ever relax because of fear that I’m not going to be okay, and it’s flaring up her epilepsy. It’s affecting everyone around me, and I’m really just desperate for things to be okay. I’ve been taking care of my teeth, and they say that if I get these fixed I shouldn’t run into any more problems. Please, I really am begging at this point, my entire body hurts. I can post receipts if needed, and anything I get WILL go to fixing these emergencies. I hope to be giving back as soon as I can, because anything helps. Even 1 dollar, it all adds up when someone decides to help. Spreading the word also helps more than I can say. Thank you so much.
My moms PAYPAL is paypal.me/tcmazzi or the email is [email protected] if that works better
Her cashapp account is $tcmazzi
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
Help Your Your Friendly Black Lesbian tumblr friend Pay her car off and get some food.
Due to all my bills for the month of june i find myself struggling to pay my car payment once again and put food on the table for myself. to pay my car full its 800 dollars im so close to paying it off. i know tumblr makes miracle’s happen and i really need this one to happen for me so i don’t lose my job because i don’t have a car . I’m asking for 800 dollars for my car and 70 dollars for food. please help a black lesbian girl meet her goal!!! 
Venmo: Coffee1994xx 
PayPal : princesscoffee1994
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1ipgloss · 3 years
some things that have happened since you stopped hearing about p/alestine after the “ceasefire” was declared
1,000+ palestinians were arrested in a mass-arrest campaign designed to, and i quote, “instill fear” - including children
al-aqsa mosque and worshippers were attacked and beaten
literal children, not even teens, children, were arrested and tried in a military court (this is not new, thousands of children have faced this terrorization over the years. Isr@el is the only country in the world that tries children in military courts. 500-700 children are prosecuted each year.)
a soldier deliberately ran over a child on a bike for having a pales/tinian flag on his bike. an adult man ran over a child with his car. on purpose. the child is 12. read that again.
sheikh jarrah was blockaded, illegally
whatsapp blocked the accounts of over 100 pal/estinian journalists
silwan, another pal/estinian neighborhood like sheikh j/arrah, is being violently ethnically cleansed to make way for more settlers
Isr@el has forced social media sites to censor the hashtags “free pal/estine” and “save sheikh ja/rrah” many posts and accounts have been deleted
25 pales/tinians have been murdered by the ID/F and settlers
in Jaffa, 300 arab families are under force expulsion orders to make way for more settlers. 300 families.
suicide rates in g/aza have risen to an all-time high due to PTSD and hopelessness
Pales/tinians in G/aza still do not have access to safe drinking water, electricity, medical care, and nutrition. families are still being displaced from their homes by settler colonialism. There is still an inability to mobilize freely, pursue a career, seek an education, or gain access to decent healthcare or mental health resources. The occupation, genocide, and ethnic cleansing continues whether you see on your feed or not.
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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1ipgloss · 3 years
just an fyi
israel has targeted communications and internet networks in gaza which effectively cuts of palestinians from the rest of the world
a significant drop in content across social media coming out of gaza in these last few days doesn’t mean the violence has stopped or that it’s over, it just means more voices are being silenced. it’s an active campaign by the israeli government to turn the world’s attention away. don’t let it fool you.
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1ipgloss · 3 years
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