Caring for YOU
Recently my life has been full of twists and turns. Lately I have been neglecting to put aside ME time. Time that I NEED, to spend having honest conversations with myself and allowing myself to change for the better.   I was reading a blog called “50 things you can do alone” and it struck me that I have never really been comfortable being alone. I have always wanted to have a friend with me. In…
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PLANTS that even I can't kill.
PLANTS that even I can’t kill.
Okay. So Confession time. I really like plants.  A lot. As much as I love them I should probably stop buying them. Because lets face it, I have the ULTIMATE black thumb… You think you can’t grow anything. Let me tell you. I have killed bamboo. Yes! Bamboo. You know, the one plant people throw out because it won’t die.  Yep, two days with me and it was dead. Now you know. If you want someone to…
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Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s has always been my least favorite holiday. This holiday just seems very superficial. Now of course now that I have a beau of my own it does bring some excitement thinking about a day dedicated to the celebration of love I feel in my heart. That aside. I can’t stand the commercialized side of this holiday. I like chocolate hearts just as much as the next girl. But the rest is very…
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Valentines day Ideas
For the LOVER Tell them you are going on an adventure and take them to all the places you have felt closest to them during your relationship. Create a scavenger hunt of all the things you love about them. Make dinner and just talk. Make a memory book together Find out their love language so you can learn how to help your partner feel more loved in the future. http://www.5lovelanguages.com I have…
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Ouch, but thank you
Ouch, but thank you
Sunday. I woke up to a horrible pain in my left shoulder. It felt like someone was stabbing my left shoulder from my elbow all the way up to my neck. Moving hurt, laying down hurt. Everything hurt. In case you don’t know me very well you know I don’t often like to take pain medicine of any kind. That being said, I wanted pain medicine. BAD. Nothing strong just ibuprofen. It didn’t help. I lay in…
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The ‘Good’ in Goodbye Today I go back up to Indiana (Where I attend school). It is a weird feeling, leaving home to go back to somewhere you also call a home.
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So it's Friday the 13th
So it’s Friday the 13th
Today is supposed the unluckiest day of the year. If you would like to believe that, then so be it. But I believe in Karma. Be kind and you will receive kindness back, from people and the universe alike. You create your own luck by being courageous and kind. . I always try to have short-term goals. I type them up and put them on my wall where I see them each morning as I wake. Truth be told, I…
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“It only takes 10 seconds of insane courage to do something incredible.”
“It only takes 10 seconds of insane courage to do something incredible.”
If I had to choose a quote to live by. It would be this one. I have lived it, I have given it as advice. This quote is how I met the man I would fall in love with. This is how I met my best friends and the friends that were in my life as lessons. It makes 10 seconds to pull yourself together and just do something. Once your doing it you can’t stop. If you have the courage to do something it…
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“It only takes 10 seconds of insane courage to do something incredible.”
If I had to choose a quote to live by. It would be this one. I have lived it, I have given it as advice. This quote is how I met the man I would fall in love with. This is how I met my best friends and the friends that were in my life as lessons. 
It makes 10 seconds to pull yourself together and just do something. Once your doing it you can’t stop. If you have the courage to do something it doesn't matter if it doesn’t turn out as planned you did it. And you can be proud of that, Unless you killed someone or robbed a bank. You shouldn’t be super proud of that. There may be an issue. 
This logic can work in so many ways. I have used it to talk to really cute guys that I defiantly didn’t think would talk to me. I have used it to do activities that scare the living crap out of me. Or when you are absolutely livid and you need to calm down. Believe me, not getting mad takes courage. 
This doesn’t mean I don’t get scared or nervous. I just use this quote as a reminder than I can do anything. I just have to do it. Even if I am scared out of my mind, I know I have the ability. Get out of your beautiful turtle shell. See the world. Meet new people. Make memories you will NEVER forget. Be true to who you are, but make sure to get out of your shell. Life isn’t something you should live not watch as it leaves. 
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I don’t know where to begin.
Have you ever thought about something? I mean really thought about it. So much that you thought that what you were thinking about was going to come true. In the exact way you thought about it. 
Confused? Me too. 
I have thought about starting a blog for some time now. To tell average girls, and guys my experience as a person. 
The thought being, another person could learn from me or just simply relate. Some days I feel like I am the only person in the world that thinks or does random shit that I end up doing. 
In theory, I am the only person that thinks the way I do. Doesn’t mean others lack similar thought process. 
Anyway. I want to be a guide, a friend or I may end up being that single writer you think is a complete idiot.  I don't want to get famous I just need to tell the world how I feel. 
Basically rant to the world about pretty much anything. Even if no now else is reading. I am going to say something. My first blog is going to be about courage. 
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She's a badass with a big heart
r.h. Sin
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