1thinkimfallinforyou · 6 months
If our love is the work of the devil then let me burn my tongue on the holiness of your water cause Sweetheart damnation has never tasted so sweet.
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1thinkimfallinforyou · 10 months
The tragedy of being an older sibling is knowing that one day you won’t be able to protect your younger siblings from the world and that there’s nothing you can do about that.
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1thinkimfallinforyou · 10 months
I hate you. Let me peel that orange for you. I’ll even pick the pith off, I know you hate it.
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1thinkimfallinforyou · 11 months
Mama I’m bursting at the seams. Stitch me back together with the pretty embroidery thread you used to buy, use daisy chains to sew the fractured parts of me back together until I am whole again, skin littered with red pinprick freckles.
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How do you love?
When my cats wake up after a long nap on my bed I like to lay where the did so that I can feel their warmth a little longer.
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I’m sorry we’re not friends anymore. I really did mean it when I told you I loved you hun I promise.
I wish we still talked, you were a good friend and I miss your company. When you asked me out I said no even though I wanted to say yes because I was scared it was a joke. I really, really liked you and I should’ve said yes when I had the chance, we might’ve lived the life I imagined we would.
Thank you for always being there. You were like brothers to me and I wish we were still close. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you the way you wanted me to R, it was just never in the cards for us.
I used to think of you everyday we were apart. I’ve always thought of you as my better half and I think that if soulmates really do exist then you are mine.
I’m proud of you. You will go far in life and I can’t wait to see it.
Dear everyone I have ever loved even if just for a second,
Know that my love for you has not disappeared. It cannot, for you have carved yourself a place in my heart by simply existing and I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to bask in your light.
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There is a little girl that lives inside me. She lives tucked away in between my fourth and fifth rib on the left side. Her house is number 13, the one over the bump with big hedges, a white door with pink walls, a red gate and a rusty mailbox covered in spiderwebs. When I see her, she’s siting on the front steps waiting and when she sees me, her grin lights up the sky. She jumps into my arms and presses too-hard kisses to my cheeks. When she’s done she flings herself to the ground and darts off, my hand clutched tightly in her own tiny one. She guides me through the broken fence to the backyard, then to her special place poorly hidden under the lemon tree. There is dirt underneath her chewed up fingernails and grass stains on her dress that hangs just above her scraped knees. Her hazel eyes sparkle and stare into my soul. Her hair is falling out of it’s hair tie and is stuck sticking up in every direction. Her shoulders are unburdened and her eyes only know the exhaustion felt by those who spend too many hours outside chasing bugs and making daisy chains. She introduces me to all of her teddies and spends hours telling me about her best friend, shared with me all of their adventures with a loud, laughter filled voice and big swooping gestures, mouth going a mile a minute. She is irrevocably and unabashedly happy.
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Life is slipping through my fingers like sand in a hour glass.
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My hand remembers the feeling of your hair and my lap remembers the weight of your head.
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*: i want a new brain.
**: why?
*: the one I have doesn’t like me very much.
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something I find amazing is the fact that, regardless of how technologically advanced we become the average person is still unable to take a clear picture of the moon with the camera on their phone. it is something that they must pause and admire before the sun chases it away, as they will never see the moon in that light ever again.
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if the amount of time we spent together could be measured in an hourglass i’d tip it on its side and bury it so that if there every come a day where we were no longer together i’d know that it took the very earth to move to keep us apart
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