1upm · 2 years
I could have been anybody Any body  writhing in its billion forms to be signed and stamped  under a lone star --
Instead I’m a vibrating string inside my mind and a surging wave before the rocks exploding I’ve felt these things rush through my body Breathing odd souls and other worlds Eyes tearing at the sharp corners I’ve been looking around Still searching Sweeping the inner orbit of soul and the outer edges of time Breathing heavy into fate’s burning embers Lighting me up in the shadows where I’m glowing up A dreamer of dreams Waking them up To be somebody
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1upm · 3 years
When I tell people I love cities that have magic in them, this is what I’m talking about.
Soul-moments, popping up like miracles within an intricate, hypnotic chaos.
A poetry of circumstance.
On a platform. On a street corner. In an unsuspecting hole-in-the-wall joint. Anywhere.
Like the universe steeped this place in serendipity, conspiring.
Sacred flowers growing out of a concrete jungle. Getting lost and being found
In New York City.
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1upm · 4 years
If we weren’t so busy moving Spreading ourselves a thousand miles wide Our feet would hit the ground different Toes sinking in like majestic tree roots And we’d grow into far away galaxies Instead We would stand right into the sky! Like you're on thirty thousand foot stilts Like a beacon living in rolling clouds Swaying like a giant lost in prayer, seeing all Making shadows under which precious things grow just by being grounded We could be golden beings really being golden Seeing things we can’t see when they’re blurred Feeling things we can’t feel when we don’t hold on long enough Because of how fast and low and untethered We move Instead Know what’s it like To stand with your soul And see into infinite distances Washed over in sunlight and thunder Breathing it like you are godly And eternal instead
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1upm · 4 years
Transcendence is Feeling like universes are smashing Under your skin and sacred senses Inside of a single second Echoing infinity When cold shivers made of wonder overflow from warmth that’s flooding out of a black hole borne out of your hypnotized soul Into itself When electric waves are rising inside Shooting up your spine like velvet current Flowing into small smiles and closed eyes Swaying and nodding Like praying masses and thunderstorms rolling Time lapsed into flawlessly fluid motion Expanding and disappearing into each other Into you Like Godly secrets Roughshod running through you And stretching you from earth to sky Feeling it all
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1upm · 4 years
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Bookend. A fear submitted by Aidan to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
You can pick up signed copies of my DDF books in my Etsy store, they make neat gifts!
#comics #deepdarkfears
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1upm · 4 years
Let it flow Like you’re a vanilla breeze Like there’s jello in your knees Like you’re a warm wave rolling slow Kaleidoscoping the sun as you go So Move like a caramel flood Slip soothe like dead sea mud Eyes closed like sea grass swaying Like an infinite crowd gently praying Go Breathe like your soul is a thousand years old Deep and precious like ancient gold Like your heartbeat is coming from the earth’s core Radiating magma ready for eons more. Let it flow Like you are art in motion The deepest shade of blue Infinite and weightless Just like that.
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1upm · 4 years
Running like a morning star To protect who you are Glowing up the heavy dawn Leaving your light before you’re gone For a world that roars life And eats up the night Engine hearts wake up their cars Body weights swing hard Falling out of bed with open eyes Locked on you like fireflies And we’re all crackling Like fireworks at sunrise Dancing heavy against a blinding wall Shivering to outshine a fireball So you’ll find us simmering Coughing up dreams Moving parts shackled whole Whole bodies shaking out soul From spirit furnaces we shout Loudly burning out And in our eyes find us A universe on fire
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1upm · 5 years
My dear,
In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.
Truly yours,
Albert Camus
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1upm · 6 years
How old were you when The world exploded into colour and potential? when your blood first pumped fire and unrealized passion. through a heart burning up for people and places like forever was happening in each instant. That age when you Explored the texture of life, Like Atlas, trying to look effortless. And dreamed in the day and every night like an addiction to your infinite self. What did it feel like To believe without anchors? to feel fury and love for the first time like fascinating wounds proudly earned recklessly explored with wide eyes for every detail. Where did the time go Like a river washing over sharp rocks making them refined yet undefined diluting memories with a generic flood and dulling senses with every cold wave. Washed up on the shore,  we forget to swim, drowning in depths,  we forget to breathe. So will you remember? to respect old fires reaching deep to pull at strings before the heart seizes up in an old world and you turn to stone in broad daylight. Instead of lava burning on riverbeds reshaping and expanding; shooting up to meet the blue sky and glowing every dark night.
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1upm · 7 years
“What is your definition of happiness?”
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1upm · 7 years
Shattering infinity and putting it together.  --
Playing with toys evolved into playing with ideas. Reflection became imagination. Ejected from the the mold, we were dropped into systems and structures, like finely forged insects suddenly trapped in resin. Bureaucracy, rules, definitions. Our destiny is to break them. Smashing everything we’ve ever known into millions of infinitesimal fragments that recombine into the unknown. We take what is, to make what isn’t. We begin to see the vastness of negative space. We begin to dream. -- The world’s greatest choose to drop from the sky to leap into space. The eternal pursuit of abandoning perfection. Completion as irrelevance. The phoenix burns alive so that it may be reborn forever. Self-cannibalization as existentialism. Business has never been better, but we must be true to what we pursue, for that is what made us great. Steve Jobs. Christoph Niemann. Grant Achatz. Relentless. --
Seeking. Thinking around corners. Juxtaposition. Perpendicular thoughts. Squinting at the light, clutching in the shadows. Hunting invisible game. Inspiration. A vague idea that becomes real, a curtain pulled away from the world, a stunning sliver of thought forking reality madly and beautifully in two, the old and the jarring new. Uncontrollably wide eyes, heart shivers and mind smiles. Realization. A thirst to change the world with an alchemist’s knowledge. --
It’s 2:30am and I’m in the upstairs bedroom of a cottage in the Romanian countryside. It started as a single-room slant-roofed tin shack 30 years ago. Persistence. Outside, thunderstorms are sending rolling thunder claps over the hills, lighting their silhouettes into perfect violet waves born violently in the pitch black darkness. Electric impulses pump Vivaldi into my mind, launching a swan dive into the shadowy possibilities. All the shattered infinities are coming together, new ideas like dust settling in the rattling night.
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1upm · 7 years
“Jazz Kissa is a form of culture unique to Japan. They refer to coffee shops where people sit and listen to jazz played on vinyl.”
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1upm · 7 years
I remember coasting on summer night roads that hummed in darkness. with windows down and warm air rushing into our eyes, whipping through our hair and brushing our faces. I remember cruising over empty highways under infinite lights passing.  Like metronome rhythms for the chevrons flashing, with that smooth feeling of flying in the dark. I remember feeling like we were taking a deep breath for the whole world. Like the rhythm pulsing through speakers was a heartbeat for our minds drifting and thoughtful in the shifting night. I remember the warm silence, woven into music that was loud, I remember floating in blue-dark space, cut fast and precise, while our eyes flickered like dreamers in motion.
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1upm · 8 years
where is your mind - is it lost over flickering cities in the blue-dark night? Is it caged in ideas about wrong or too right? Is it real foolish or brilliant or beyond its prime? is it caught on ideas or just lost in time? How is your mind - So reckless in dreams and careful in life, So petrified in love yet sharp as a knife? So still in your eyes and racing in mine, So eager to act yet standing in line? My mind - Is on your mind when you look about. I wonder about your mind, and finding it out. And if we dance, and you breathe slow, Your mind is all my mind, really wants to know. Your mind - I think it becomes my heart, that silly thing, standing apart. It swallows me up, turns me to stone with a burning core, deep in my bones. And then my heart - it beats, like a candle in the night flickering fierce, yet soft in your sight - throwing shadows on desire and doubt shivering with passion while burning it out. So Where is your mind - where is my heart - and are the answers just questions if they’re too far apart And searching between will we get lost in what’s true  wandering and wondering - Where are - you?
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1upm · 9 years
we stared into silence    we tested the night    we dared it to breathe it cut like a knife. - deep into minds sinking into dreams smooth swords breaking down immaculate kings swaying sleepless with unfolded wings. 
-- we awoke in the noise we drowned in the sight of soaking dreams glowing high in the night . vision spinning webs in the dark quiet cacophony an invisible spark . swaying our beds with infinite sound trapped in our heads and looking around. . . . and quiet 
and deaf the night became us. - so we ran. - we stormed into the rhythm hypnotized and head-on we shattered to pieces against a song and fragments flew like a sun in the night violently sudden beautiful flight. and in this rumble like a rough hand we trembled like infants covered in rust shrapnel hearts shaken to dust -    we were beautiful strangers lost in a dream shivering and senseless bursting at the seams . but strung together in an abyss in an undercurrent of tones our heads spinning and life brimming out of bare bones. -   so we became light we became sound alone and together kaleidoscope beings lost inside found.
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1upm · 9 years
Pack up, pack your bags,
it's time to go
let's catch a plane
it's time to know
the way of the sun,
life on the wind
let's get going
let's begin
Follow, follow the sun, and which way the wind blows 🎶 // Last summer vibes, ice cap n' all :)
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1upm · 9 years
Under a dim light, I think. I reflect. I am glowing in a memory. Sometimes we find ourselves in a moment where a song accidentally comes on, and you’re far away and lost in familiar surroundings, when the night is quiet and the morning is soon, and we seem to be in a waking dream. It feels like floating along a river. The room is a gentle journey. And you are going, going, gone, over hills and flashing nighttime cities and electricity through a charged dark sky. It’s all positive, not because it’s good, but because it just is. because it moves and we believe. Because if it’s alive it can be explored.  Somewhere far away, now at 4: 57am, some dance floor feels like a dream too. Smiling eyes closed sway under alternating lights and warm energies. Probably. Hopefully. Somewhere, a cab door slams, and a body sinks into old polyester cushions and an old car lurches into the sporadic night, while in that back seat bleary eyes gaze upward from a heavy head resting against a window that kaleidoscope glows with colour and people, foggy and thoughtful. And a warm soul feels cozy and lost. Somewhere a smile arises from a dream, somewhere a dream rises over an idea in the night. And here in the deep countryside I sit under a dim light. I reflect. I am glowing in a memory. 
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