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Chapter 7 - Show Me the Way You nearly carry Paul to Josh's car, and get in and drive him to a hotel close to Josh's apartment. "Hey, look at me. You can't go in this hotel like that." You sigh as you pour some water from a warm water bottle onto your flannel that you had removed and clean the blood off of his face. He moans at the pain, and you can't help but get emotional seeing him like this. "He took the ring, Destinee..." he mumbles. His voice starts to rise, indicating that he's starting to cry. "No, don't do that. Come on. Let's get you taken care of." You try to smile at him before you climb out of the car and go around to the other side to help him out. "Do you think he broke anything?" You ask as you walk him to the lobby of the hotel. "No. I'm okay. He just busted up my nose a little." He breathes as you reach the lobby. You pay for his room, check him in and walk him up to the room. You enter the room with him on your heels. He closes the door behind you guys, and sits down slowly on the bed. "Let me see." You demand as you point to him, silently insisting on him to take his shirt off. He follows the command and removes his shirt, exposing his lanky body. "Oh, well.. it's going to take a couple of days, but I think you'll heal up fast." You smile. You get a plastic bag that the hotel provided, and toss some ice in there. You hold it to his nose, in order to relieve the pain. He removes your hand and applies the bag to himself. You sigh and stand up, opting to leave. "Can you... just stay. Please." He begs. "Josh will kill me, Paul." You insist. "No, he won't." He states as if he knew Josh better than you. "You know, you were a real jerk to him. You need to apologize." "I need to apologize? Are you kidding me?" He stands up and tosses the bag on the bed, and walks closer to you. "Well, you said some hurtful things to him. And you treated me like a piece of property. I'm not your property, Paul." You say matter-of-factly. "Destinee, you know me better than that. You know you belong with me, not Josh." He says calmly as he approaches you closer. "Can't I make a decision of my own for once?!" You shout, getting angry. "Hey! Watch it!" He says as he grabs your arm in fury. "Let me go." You demand. "I'm not letting you go. I'll NEVER let you go." He says as he tosses you down on the bed. "Don't. Don't do this." You beg as tears begin to swell in your eyes. "Listen to me, and listen closely." He says as he crawls over top of you. He grabs your arms and pins you down, making sure you don't move. "I'm taking this to the press. I'll ruin your little fling before it even starts." He says, spitting in your face. "No, no please, don't do that to him. Please!" You beg as you shake your head. "The only way you can get him out of this, is to do what I want." He smirks darkly. "You mean..." you say through a shaky breath. "Take off your clothes." He says as he stands up, freeing your arms. "What?" You ask, not clearly understanding his nasty tone. "Take. Off. Your. Fucking. Clothes." He spits. "Um... no. I'm going home." You demand as you stand up, but just as soon as you're on your feet, he's pinning you against the wall. "Paul, stop it. You're going to leave bruises." You bark at him. "Do you think I fucking care? Look at me, baby girl. Bruises are nothing." He says as he looks down at his bruised torso and back up at you. "Now just stay still and do as I say and I promise I won't go to the cops or the press, okay?" He says as he forcefully presses his lips against yours. He nearly rips your t-shirt off, along with yanking your pants down and demanding you to step out of them. "Now for one of my favorite parts..." he smirks darkly as he removes your bra and panties. "Please stop..." you whimper as you feel your eyes begin to cloud with tears. "Oh now you want to start crying?" He chuckles. He grabs you by your arms again and throws you on the bed. He tosses you on your stomach as he removes the remainder of his clothes. You look away and cry while he completes his action. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain pushing through you. He was the only one you'd had sex with, but it had been a while since it had happened. So you whimper and persevere through that as he thrusts mercilessly in and out of you. You beg him to stop but he doesn't listen. After what feels like an eternity of "shut ups" and "stops", he finally comes to a sloppy finish. You feel him eject himself inside of you, causing you to panic because you're not on any form of birth control. "Did you..." you mumble before you sit up. "I fucking did. Now, have fun telling Josh how you got pregnant when he's too fucking scared to have sex with you anyways." He spits in your ear. You hear him pulling up his pants before you finally sit up. "I can't believe you." You whimper as you begin to bawl and cry. You clothe yourself as quickly as possible, feeling dirty from his touch. "Get out of my fucking room." He commands. You don't hesitate to run to the door and burst out of the room, running to Josh's car, all while your vision is blurry from the tears. You jump in his car and head straight for Josh. You arrive at his apartment, park his Land Rover and nearly run and unlock the door. "Josh?" You call as you stumble into the kitchen. "In here." He yells from his bedroom. He's mad at you for leaving him to take care of Paul, but at that moment you didn't care. You just needed him. You walk down the hall and open the door to his room, finding him scrolling through his phone as he's stretched out on the bed. Immediately he notices how shaken up you are, realizing that's out of your character. He stands up, not even thinking twice about how he's angry with you. "Destinee, what's wrong?" He says as he walks towards you. You try to speak but no words will come out. "Is... is he okay? Did I.. did I kill him?!" He nearly shouts as he grabs you by your arms gently. You swat his arms off as you shake your head no. "Then what is it sweetheart?" He asks as he tries to look into your eyes. You can't look at him. You feel dirty. "Don't touch me. I feel so gross." You say as tears begin to collect in your eyes. "Hey, hey. Baby, tell me what happened." He says calmly as he gets onto eye level with you. "He.." you whimper before letting out another cry. "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here. Just tell me what happened." He soothes as he wraps you up in a gentle hug, declining your demand. "He- He raped me." You say through a few loud sobs. "He what?!" He shouts as he pulls away. You shake at his voice, sounding like Paul when he yelled. "I'm sorry. Let me call the cops. We'll press charges." He states as he runs his fingers through your tangled hair. "No, no. Leave him alone. I don't want my family to know. Just... just leave him alone, please." You sigh as you look up into his soft eyes. At first he looks as if he's going to argue with you, but he softens his face and nods his head in agreement. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He keeps apologizing. "Come on, sweetheart." He coos as he grabs your hand and leads you to the bathroom. He steps in front of you and let's go of your hand in order to turn the water on in the bathtub. "I'll let you have some privacy." He smiles as he turns around and looks at you. The light beaming from the small window above the tub only made Josh glow more, and at that moment, you knew you were so in love with him and everything about him. "No, no... don't." You say as you shake your head. "You want me to stay with you?" He says as he walks closer towards you. "Yeah. Please." You plead as you glance back into his darling eyes. "Okay." He smiles as he kisses the top of your forehead. "Are you sure you want me to.. um-" he says awkwardly. "It's okay, Josh." You smile as you take off your top and gently place it on the ground. "Um.. okay." He says through a breath. You unbutton your jeans and step out of them, along with your panties. His breathing hitches as you both see Paul's residue stuck inside your underwear. "Destinee, did he-" he begins to ask before you cut him off. "I'm sorry..." you sigh as you begin to cry again. "Don't say that." He demands as he lifts your face by your chin. "Don't worry about it. We'll fix it." He smiles as he gestures towards the tub full of water and bubbles. You lean forward and kiss his exposed collar bone, nearly forgetting that you're both shirtless. He clears his throat a little, giving a small signal that he needs you in the bathtub or he needs his hands on you. You back away quickly and climb into the warm water. He sits down on the side of the tub to keep you company. "Josh, I hope I'm not pregnant." You say, breaking the gentle silence between the two of you. He stays silent for a moment, contemplating what to say. "It's okay. We'll figure something out. But for now, I want to take care of you. Will you let me do that?" He smiles. "I guess." You tease. "I'm going to go start dinner. You get dressed, okay? I'll bring you some clothes." He smiles as he darts off into his bedroom. He shuffles for his most comfortable clothes. He grabs a pair of grey Nike sweatpants, and grabs his favorite white t-shirt. Then, he goes up to your room and grabs your matching bra and panties set, probably hoping he'd get to see you in it later. He comes back to the bathroom and sets the clothes down on the sink and hands you a towel. "Thanks, sweetheart." You smile as you take the towel from him. "I'll see you in the kitchen." He returns the smile as he walks out of the bathroom. You climb out of the bathtub and dry yourself off, and in the process you notice your arms are covered in tiny bruises the size of finger prints. You sigh as you begin to put the clothes on that Josh prepared for you, smiling at the fact that he gave you his clothes. They even smelled like him. You breathe in the troubled air and walk out of the bathroom, your hair a tangled mess but at least you're clean. You walk into the kitchen, seeing Josh humming to one of your favorite bands, Flor. "In your skin and your hair I'm tangled up-" you giggle as he sings. "Oh, hey." He smiles as he makes eye contact. "Come here." He gestures you towards him. You walk towards him not knowing what to expect, but fully trusting him. He pulls you to him by your waist and you begin to sway to your favorite song. "How'd you know I love this song?" You smile as you lock fingers with him and continue to sway. "I didn't. But I know your taste in music. So, I figured if you liked us, you liked Flor." He grins from ear to ear. "I love Flor. It's always been a dream to open for them." You smile and look down at your feet. "I can help you with that." He scrunched his nose. You smile and push the hair that had fallen in your face behind your ear. "We'll talk about it later, okay?" You smile as you connect your eyes with his again. "Okay." He smiles again and kisses your lips gently, as if you were fragile. After a while of swaying and conversing over sweet nothings, you both stop just before the water from the noodles he was making began to boil over. "Oh crap." He jumps as he hears the water sizzling on the stove. "It's okay. I got it." You smile as you glide over to the stove and turn the stove eye off and push the pot to the back of the stove. "You put too much water, hm?" You tease as you connect your eyes to his once again. "I mean, I guess." He blushes as he scratches the back of his neck. "It's okay. We'll fix it." You smile as you begin to combine everything together and give it the final touches. You put everything onto two plates and sit them down at the dining table. You converse as if you had been together for years and years. You knew everything about Josh, but he didn't know much about you. So you spent the entire time talking about yourself as he just listened. Finally, you both finish your spaghetti that Josh so kindly prepared, and he stands up and takes your plates to the sink. As he walks towards the sink, you begin to think about the previous events. "Maybe I should tell Shealan now..." you mumble. "You think so?" He asks, allowing the decision to remain in your hands. "You should tell Tyler too. He loves you like his own sister." He states. You blush because you knew you were all close, but thinking about having Tyler Joseph as a protective big brother seemed safe to you. "I'm gonna have them come over." You say as you grab your phone and text Shea. Sent 8:53 p.m. Hey. I need to talk to you and Tyler. Can you come over? Received 8:56 p.m Yeah. We'll be there in five minutes. "They're coming. I'll help you clean up before they get here." You both clean up the kitchen before you hear them knock on the door. You walk over and unlock the door and you can already sense Shea's concerned look. "You're not leaving again are you? Are you guys already getting married?! Are you.... pregnant?" She questions as her mind runs a thousand miles per second. "None of those." You giggle as you follow them to the couch. They sit down on one couch, you and Josh sit on the other. He grabs your hand and locks fingers with you as a support system. "So... Paul and Josh got in a fight." You say as you look up at Josh's scratched face. "I was wondering why Josh looks so beat up." Tyler states as he observes Josh's face from across the room. "He hurt Paul pretty bad, and I couldn't just leave him there..." you say. "D..." Shealan says, sounding disappointed. "Just hear me out." You beg. "I took him to a hotel room. And there...." you speak as you feel tears swell in your eyes, clouding your vision. Josh notices and pushes your hair behind your ear. "It's okay." He whispers as he kisses the side of your head. His gentleness gives you the courage to carry on. "He threatened to tell the press about Josh beating him up. I begged him not to, and he said, 'the only way you can get him out of this is give me what I want.'" And you pause hoping they'd figure out the rest. They remained silent, waiting on you to continue. Shea tenses up and Tyler places his hand gently on her knee, reassuring her she needs to be strong. "So... he got what he wanted. Regardless of whether or not I gave it to him." You mumble. "D... did he... did he rape you?" Shea asks. She moves to the edge of the couch, becoming more and more intense. "Yeah." You sigh as you nod your head and fight of the tears. "Hey hey... it's okay." Josh whispers sweetly as he wraps you up in his gentle arms. "Why didn't you tell me?! I should've been the first person you told." Shea almost shouts, angry that you didn't come to her first. "I-I didn't want to scare you." You stutter. "That doesn't matter! I used to be the one you ran to about everything. But you're so consumed by Josh now that you don't give two cents about me." She says as she stands up and storms out the front door. "Shealan!" You plead as you stand up to follow her, but Josh grabs your wrist before you take off. "Let her calm down. You too, honey." He soothes. "I... I didn't mean to offend her.." you whimper, nearly feeling sorry for yourself. "Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out, okay?" Tyler states as he stands up. "Thanks, Ty." You crack a smile at him, pulling him to hug you. "Although, I would love to kill him. Nobody touches this family." He says aggressively. He coughs, trying to clear the intensity of everything he'd just said. "I'll be back." He nods as he takes off to find Shea. "I'm sorry." You apologize again habitually. "New rule. Every time you say that and you don't need to, you owe me a dollar. And that will add up fast." He giggles. You giggle back, not thinking too much about anything besides Josh and how he's nothing like you've ever had before. "Destinee, I... I love-" and before he can finish his sentence, he's interrupted by Tyler and Shea booming through the house once again. He sighs, sad that he didn't get to say it while he had the courage. You stay still through a few moments of silence and exchanges before Shea finally speaks up. "Look. I'm sorry. I just know you've been through a lot, and that was the last thing you needed. I'm not mad at you, I'm so pissed at him. He never deserved you. I just get scared that our relationships will interfere with our friendship. And I don't want to lose you, D." And at her words you crumble all to pieces again. "I love you, Shea. You're never going to lose me." You vow as you get up to hug her. You hug her as if you knew you were never going to get to hug her again, and you loved it. She was always there. There was absolutely nothing you were going to do to lose that. "Well, Josh made some killer spaghetti. There's some left on the stove. Do you want any?" You offer. "No, but I do have a suggestion." Tyler says. "Yeah man?" Josh speaks back. "Let's go back to my house and go hang out at the pool, hm?" Tyler suggest, never letting his eyes leave Shea. "Okay. Let me grab my bathing suit." You smile. "We'll be on in a little bit. You guys can go ahead and go." Josh talks, but tries to connect with Tyler through eye contact. Tyler picked up on the vibe he was giving, so he nods and leads Shea out of the house. Josh awkwardly looks at you for a moment, but finally speaks up. "Babe....." he sighs. You look up at him, connecting your deep blue eyes to his dark brown ones. "You okay?" You question. "I'm as good as I can be. I don't ever want you to feel like you're not good enough. I know you struggle with that after everything that's happened. And I absolutely do not want you to blame this situation on yourself. You're so lovely, Destinee. Don't ever think you're anything less than that." When he finishes his statement, you try to speak, but you're speechless. That's the most he's ever spoke, and the deepest he's ever thought. "I... I um.... okay." You stutter. You stay silent for a few moments, wondering what the hell you were still doing standing there. "I'm going up to change really quick." You finally speak. "Hey. Wait." He says, grabbing your wrist and pulling him to you. "Destinee, I'm so... gosh. I don't know how to say this." He breathes, leaving you wondering if he's already about to break up with you. Anxiety kicks in and you immediately retract. "It's okay. I understand." You say. "Wait... what?" He questions. "Just let me finish." He states, cutting you off from your next statement. "You're my sunshine. Every day, you're unwavering care for me is proving relentless." He declares, making you swoon over his carefully chosen words. "I love you." He finally finishes. "You-you... you what?" You stumble on your words, trying to believe what he'd just said. "I love you, Destinee. I love you." He repeats. You struggle to find words, no truly comprehending the sweet moment. "Joshua... I.." you continue to stutter. You hate yourself for it. "It's okay. I'll give you time." He smiles warmly, pulling you into a hug. "I want you to be ready. On your own time." He says gently before kissing the top of your head. "Now, go get dressed." He smiles.
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Chapter 6 - I'm Where You Left Me "I don't need help." You tease as you reach the guest bedroom upstairs before he does. He quickly catches up to you and runs into you and pins you down to the bed and starts to tickle your sides. "No, stoooooppp!" You laugh as he tickles you even more. "Joshua! Stoppp! It feels like pain, this isn't fun!" But you continue to laugh. "Okay, okay." He smiles as he kisses your forehead and stands up. You sit up, catching your breath from laughing so hard. You finally stand up and walk past him, his eyes never leaving you. "Um... a little privacy?" You beg as you gesture towards the door. "Oh... sorry, right." He awkwardly smiles, walking out of the door and closing it behind him. You change into some athletic shorts and a Twenty One Pilots t-shirt, and slipped into your Birks. You open up the door to find him in a white tank top and red sweatpants, waiting for you to go spend some time with your best friends. "Ugh! You're so cute!" He squeals like a child as you walk down the stairs. "Oh, hush. You're a thousand times cuter." You scrunch your nose at him. You guys walk out the door, him locking the door behind you and you get inside the car, and head to Tyler's house. "I hope we're not interrupting anything." He says as you both walk up to the door. He knocks, and it takes them a few minutes to answer, but Ty finally swings the door open, greeting you guys. "Hey! Welcome home, D." He smiles. You smile back but you immediately run to Shea and hug her, and whisper, "I have so much to tell you." To her. "Let's go out on the deck?" She suggests. "Yeah. Hey, Josh?" You summon him, getting his attention. "Yeah, babe?" He calls back, as if he'd been dating you for years. "Shea and I are going out on the deck to talk about girl stuff. You know, like periods and stuff." You giggle. "Gross." He scoffs. You grab Shea's arm and walk out of the sliding glass door leading to the deck. "What's so important?" She asks. "I didn't get to tell you about what happened... I wanted to tell you in person." You hint. Her eyes grow wide. "I lost my virginity." You sigh. "You what?! No, no, no, D, seriously?!" She says shocked. "Yeah... I did." You look down at your hands waiting for her reaction. "Oh my gosh, finally!" She giggles as she hugs you. "Okay, I guess I have to give you the whole lowdown right?" You chuckle as you both get yourselves comfortable on the couch by the pool. "Um, duh!" But you didn't know that Josh and Tyler were eavesdropping on you. "Dude, she lost her virginity to someone who wasn't you?" Tyler questions. "Yeah... but she didn't tell me anything about it. Which, I didn't expect her to." He sighs, trying to comfort himself. "It's okay, buddy." Tyler pasts Josh on the back as they continue to listen to you guys. "Well, he basically came onto me in the elevator and I was kind of iffy about it all, but he was so gentle. He made me feel super comfortable." You grin. "Okay, but was the sex good? That's the important part." She chuckles. "Good? More like amazing. It was SO good." "What the hell, dude?! 'Amazing'?!" Josh whispers to Tyler as he clenches his jaw. "Don't get mad at her..." Tyler pleads. "But she just told me she'd move in with me and be my girlfriend, but yet she's here still dreaming about Paul." He breathes. "But, I think it'd be safe to say sex with Josh will be better." She smiles. "But Paul said that was the first time he'd ever made love. How am I supposed to feel about that?" You question as you fight off getting angry at him. "He made love to her?! That's it. I'm going down there. Destinee, let's go." He steps around the corner, making you realize he was listening the entire time. "Josh, it's not-" you stutter. "Get in the car. We're going home and leaving for Tennessee in the morning." He demands as he points to the door. "Don't be so hard on her." Shea barks. "I'll call you tomorrow, Tyler." He says, completely ignoring Shealan. You march to the car, already pissed that he was eavesdropping on you. He finally gets in, slamming the door. "What gives you any right to eavesdrop on us?!" You yell. "There shouldn't be any secrets kept between us! You're already starting this relationship out on the wrong foot. I want you and I want you bad. But for some reason, you don't want me. You want Paul. And there's no point in you trying to deny it. Either we go home and get your stuff, or I'll take you there personally and leave you there." He demands as he grips the wheel tighter. "Maybe I was just excited because it was my first time, and I spent months trying to get him, and when I finally did, something better came along?! Did you ever stop to think that?!" You shout at him. He stays silent for the rest of the car ride to his apartment. The ride to Tyler's house was much different from the ride back. "Talk to me, Josh." You command as you both walk in the house. He stays silent as he makes his way towards his bedroom. He goes in and slams the door behind him, not even saying goodnight. Anxiety rushes over you. You don't know what to do but you have to fix it. Should you just leave Josh and stay with Paul? Should you cut off all ties with Paul to make Josh happy? You keep questioning yourself until the anxiety becomes too much and the voices become too loud. You collapse on the kitchen floor, yelling at the voices. Begging them to stop. You cover your ears trying to make it all go away. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" You kept shouting as your sobs take over. "I'm s-so sorry-" you plead. You hear Josh open his door, and then you hear his feet padding on the wooden floor. "Destinee?" He gasps as he rushes towards you, still collapsed on the floor. "I'm sorry!" You shout again, still anxious. "No, no stop that." He says calmly as he sits down on the floor and pulls you into his lap. You rest your head on his chest, still sobbing. "I'm sorry-" you whimper again. "Stop saying that. You don't have to be sorry, sweetheart." He begins to stroke your hair, pulling it out of your face. "It's okay. It's okay, honey." He reassures you. "Josh, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm-" and you stop speaking before you habitually apologize again. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay!" He promises again. "I don't want to hurt you. I've spent all of my life hurting people and you're the last person I want to hurt. I want you to be the last guy I date. I don't want to hurt-" you ramble before he cuts you off. "Ssssh... baby, everyone hurts people. That's only human. We go through stuff, and I know one day, I'm gonna hurt you. Unintentionally, of course." He giggles. "But you just have to find those people that are worth suffering for. And you, my darling, you're worth it." He kisses the top of your head and begins to rock you, humming lightly the song you had danced to earlier. "Josh, you just met me. And here I am, living with you. This is all so crazy." You sigh, climbing out of his lap and sitting directly in front of him. "I know. But there's something different about you." He smiles as he grabs your hand. "You're too good for me." You look down at his hand caressing yours. "Weird. Because I think the same thing about you." He chuckles. "You know, my bed is always open. I don't want you sleeping alone tonight." He suggests as he tries to hide the smile that's creeping on his face. "Are you sure?" You ask. "Of course! Come on. Let's go to bed." He smiles as he stands up, reaching for your hands to help you up. He pulls you up, but he doesn't let go of your hands. He pulls you to him so he can hug you tightly. You breathe in his scent, never wanting to forget the familiar smell of expensive cologne and coffee. He kisses the top of your head and then grabs your hand and leads you to his room. You crawl into his bed and wait for him as he turns all the lights off. He crawls beside of you and cuddles up next to you, fitting into you as if he was made for you. "This is so awesome." He whispers. "What? Sleeping with someone?" You chuckle lightly. "Yes! It's like having a sleepover with your best friend all the time." He giggles innocently. After drifting off to sleep for a few hours, you hear his phone buzzing. He groans as he climbs out of bed, shifting you causing you to wake up. You turn over and moan, letting him know you're awake. "Hey, sweetheart. You ready to go to Tennessee?" You sigh, realizing it's not even daylight yet. "Why do we have to go so early?" You moan. He climbs over top of you, straddling you as he hovers. "Because we have to beat the traffic. Now wake up, sleepy." He smiles before he kisses your forehead. You sigh as he climbs off of the bed, glowing as usual. You sit up, your head swimming. You go into the bathroom to get ready, and Josh gets ready around you. You both finally decide you're good to go, so you leave, lock the door behind you and hop in the car. The car ride consisted of discussion of drumsticks, how long you've been playing the piano, and a small discussion on what you're going to do now that you live in Ohio. Finally, after the routine drive of driving for hours on end, you pull into your driveway. You get out and unlock the door, Josh treading behind you. You turn around and look at him. You can tell he's really nervous and anxious. "It's okay, Josh. Just be yourself." You smile at him. "I just want them to trust me with you." He sighs as you continue to unlock the door. "They will. Just be absolutely transparent, okay?" You say as you unlock and open the door. You hear your mother call from upstairs. "Destinee?" She asks. "Yeah, it's me. I have someone I want you to meet, mom." You smile at Josh, noticing he's still really nervous. You grab his hand and lock fingers with him to calm his nerves a little. She comes down the stairs and around the corner to see Josh standing there, hand in hand with you. "Hi there!" She smiles as she starts to realize who he is. This is the guy you'd talked about since your junior year of high school non-stop. She looks amazed that all of your dreaming came true. "Hey, I'm Josh." He smiles as he holds out his hand for her to shake. "I know exactly who you are." She chuckles as she walks into the kitchen. "Do you want some coffee?" She offers. "Sure. Josh and I like ours the same way. A ton of cream and sugar please." You suggest as you both take a seat at the dining room table. Meanwhile, while you guys were in Tennessee, you had a visitor in Ohio. Paul pulls up to Josh's apartment building. You're not sure how he got the address, but he did. He takes the elevator to his apartment and knocks on the door a few times. After 5 minutes of knocking and no answer, he calls Shea. "Paul, hey!" She greets. "Hey, Shea. Any idea where Destinee is? I came up here to surprise her and she's not answering the door." "Um.... just come over to Tyler's. I'll text you the address. There's some stuff that you need to know." Then she hangs up. Paul receives the address then heads to his destination. He knocks on the door a couple of times before Shealan answers. "Hey! Come in." She smiles as she offers him into her new home. "Hey. What's going on? I've been trying to get a hold of her all day and she hasn't answered." He pleads, trying to get information on your whereabouts. "Um... yeah. Have a seat?" She says as she leads him to the couch. She sits down beside of him while Tyler is in another room on a phone call. "Yeah. About her... she's um... she's staying here. She is officially Josh's girlfriend. She's not coming back, Paul. I'm sorry." She frowns as she apologizes. "She what?" He asks, saying to himself that he didn't just hear that. "She's dating Josh Dun. They're dating, and she's moving up here. I'm sorry." She repeats. "They're in Tennessee right now getting her stuff. She's starting a new life here. Her music career is going places, but it's going nowhere at home. So this is her new home. Ohio." She lectures as he sits and looks at his hands, avoiding eye contact. "Oh, she's in Tennessee? Okay. Well, I better get going. Thanks!" He seems chipper as he stands up. "Don't chase her, Paul. Just let her go." She suggests. "How the hell am I supposed to let her go, Shea?!" He shouts, but continues. "How am I supposed to let the girl I have prayed for go? The one that brings me coffee every morning I open. The one that never ever fails to look cuter than I do in my own flannels. The one who showed nothing but love and respect for me, even when I couldn't respect myself?! How in the FUCK am I supposed to let her go?!" He emphasized his curse word. He continues to ramble on and shout at Shea before Tyler comes out of the room he was in and into the living room. "Hey, hey, hey. Who are you?" He questions as he puffs up his chest, already setting up his defense. "I'm Paul. I'm sure you've heard plenty about me." He calms down. "Yeah. I have. I also heard you yelling at Shealan? Hm?" He says, gritting his teeth. "I'm sorry. I just... I can't believe Destinee. Who does that? Lead one guy on to think she's going to date him, then moves to another state and completely abandons him for another guy. She's just using him for his money and to boost her career." He scoffs as his anger continues to boil. "Woah, man! Stop right there! There's no point in you making yourself look like a total jackass. She's not in it 'for the money.' She's in this family because Josh has something to offer her that you could never do. He has a pure heart, Paul." He says his name in a mocking tone. "So get the fuck out of my house, leave D AND Josh alone, and NEVER yell at a woman. Understand me?" He spits as he pushes Paul out of the door. Paul does say anything, but continues to walk in his car and gets in. "I'm sorry, baby." Tyler apologizes as he closes the door behind Paul. While all of this was happening in Ohio, you were busy loading up the U-Haul with everything from your room. "Okay. That's the last of it." You smile as you put the last box into the trailer. "When do you get to take my last name?" He giggles as he pulls you into a hug. You don't say anything. You just let your mind roam what life would be like being married to him. "Alright, you lovebirds. Do you have everything?" Your mom smiles as she stands out on the porch. "Yeah. We're going to head back now. Thanks mom for letting me do this." You smile as you walk towards her. "I don't want to, but you would've done it anyways." She chuckles, knowing how determined you were. You and Josh hug her and you dad goodbye, promise you'll be back soon and get inside the car, trucking back to Ohio. The car was once again filled with sweet silence, a small nap and waking up to Josh tickling you, and finally you arrive back home. But when you pull into the parking lot and head up to his cozy condo, you are greeted by an all too familiar face sitting beside the door. "Paul?" You gasp. "Destinee?" He mocks as he stands up, once again making you feel small. Josh walks up the stairs to find the man he'd been wanting to see this entire time. "Oh, I cannot believe this. You're Josh Dun! Huge fan." He mocks once again. "Yeah. You must be Paul..." he says giving him an intimidating stare. "I just came to get Destinee. We'll be going now." He commands as he grabs you by the arm and leads you to the elevator before Josh stops him. Josh nearly knocks you down trying to save you from his grasp by pushing Paul against the wall of the hallway. "What the hell?" Josh spits. "Josh, I know you hate to hear this. But she was mine before you ever came along." He teases, which was not smart. It only made Josh more angry. He locks his jaw, pushing Paul up against the wall more. "Josh, honey. Let him go." You insist, seeing Paul is hurting. He hears your words and obeys your request, but not without saying something first. "She is NOT a piece of property, so stop treating her like she is." He spits as he lets go of him. "Gosh, you're a fucking prick." Paul says as he dusts off his clothes. "Hey, don't say that." You bark at him. "Don't tell me what to do. I don't know what this jackass has taught you, but you know how I expect to be treated. Now let's go, Destinee and I'm not repeating myself." Paul commands, once again grabbing you by the arm and pulling you into the elevator. Josh runs into the elevator after you, once again attempting to pin Paul up against the wall, but this time he is quick to react. "She isn't yours! Leave us alone!" Josh shouts as the continue to fight one another. "Guys stop it!" You yell as you try to break them apart. The elevator reaches the parking lot and they continue their brawl there. Josh pins Paul to the ground and starts pounding on him, getting more and more angry with each punch. "Josh, stop it. This isn't worth it!" You yell as you begin to cry. "Destinee, he's worthless! He's going to hurt you!" He continues his punches. "Joshua, STOP!" You shout again as you plow him down off of Paul. Paul is weak laying on the ground, rolling over to ease the pain from Josh kneeing him in the stomach earlier. "Don't do this!" You beg as you crawl off of Josh, but he is relentless. "Touch him again and I'll leave. This isn't like you, Josh. I don't like this part of you. You're better than this." You whimper as you glare at him from the pavement. He seems to ignore everything your saying as he walks over to Paul and sees your purity ring on his pinky. "No... don't take it..." Paul pleads as Josh stoops down to ground level. "Her virginity should've been mine to take." He scoffs as he rips the ring off of Paul's finger. "Go upstairs, Destinee." He commands as he walks towards the elevator. "And what? Leave him here?!" You continue to cry at the sight. "Someone will find him. Come on, Destinee!" He yells as he steps into the elevator. "No, I don't care who he is. I'm not leaving him here. That's not how you treat people." You bark as the elevator door closes. You rush to Paul who is laying on the cold cement all bloodied from Josh. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." You whimper as you search for some sort of rag or something through your purse but no success. You finally get the idea to just take off your shirt and hold it to his face where it's bleeding the most, which is his nose. "I'm so sorry." You continue your weeping as you stop the bleeding. "This isn't your fault. Don't apologize." He mumbles. "I'm getting you a hotel room. I promise I'll fix this." You sigh as you lead him to Josh's car, making sure you've cleaned up all of the blood.
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Chapter 5 - The Sun Opens Up "You slept with him, didn't you?" He breathes through a shaky breath. He looks back down at your chest where the marks were left from your time with Paul. "Um... w-wh-what do you mean?" You stutter. "Wait, did he hurt you?!" He shouts as he grabs your arm and pulls you to the couch. "No, no, no he didn't hurt me." You insist as you shake your head. "You said he was just a friend... Shealan told me you'd want to wait till marriage." He whimpers as tears begin to swell in his eyes. You had no idea he cared about you that much. "Josh, I didn't know I mattered to you that much." You sigh, trying to hold back your own tears. 'Be strong. Don't cry.' You tell yourself. He stands up quickly, making fists and holding them down to his sides. "You didn't think you mattered that much?! I nearly begged you to move in with me, Destinee! Now I look like a fool to everyone! I looked desperate. And I should've known better. No girl just has a guy 'friend'." He sits back down and runs his fingers through his hair. "No girl just has a guy friend? What the hell is that supposed to mean, Josh?! Explain Halsey? Hm? Explain Hayley and your damn ex for God's sake." You shout at him. He sinks slightly in his seat. You can tell he's intimidated a little, but he bucks up against you. He stands up again to where you are both on eye level. "They're different." He breathes. "No, they're not. You fucking slept with Debby and you know it. And probably whenever you were vacationing together in Austin literally a month ago." A look of offense grows on his face. "No, she's crazy. She caught word of me leaving for Austin, so she went too." He says calmly. "I don't believe that, Joshua." You run your fingers through your hair as he sighs at the fact that you just called him Joshua. "So, that must be what you're going to call me when you're mad at me, mother?" He scoffs. "Shut up, Josh. Yes, I slept with Paul. Yes, he took my virginity. I waited a long time to give that up, and he earned that. He's pursued me for almost a year and I've yet to commit to him because I know he can't handle the lifestyle I'm about to embark on. I don't deserve him, in all honesty. He's just been waiting and I can't give him an answer." You feel a familiar knot growing in your throat, trying to choke back the tears. "So, you were a virgin?" He says gently as he approaches you, close enough you can feel his body warmth. "I was, yes." You breathe as you bury your head in your hands. "So, that's what that band was that you wore all the time on your ring finger?" He grabs your hand and examines it, knowing that your ring is gone. "Yeah. It was a purity ring, and I gave up my purity so he got to keep the ring." You look at his hand gently caressing yours and then up to his soft eyes. "I'm sorry." You whimper, noticing how broken he looks. "Don't be." He mumbles as he pulls you into a hug. "Let me take you to dinner. We'll talk about some more stuff, okay?" He says so gently as he kisses the top of your head in reassurance. "Go upstairs and get ready. I'm taking you somewhere nice." He smiles as he pulls away from the hug. "But first, I bought you something because I knew you'd come back. I just didn't know when." He grabs your hand and pulls you down the hall to a room that appeared to be his. He leads you to his closet, and he searches until he finds what he's looking for. He pulls out a beige pencil dress that zips in the back. "I thought you'd look really pretty in this." He snickers innocently. "You didn't have to-" he cuts you off. "I wanted to. Now go get ready. We need to leave in an hour." He smiles. You walk out of the room and go upstairs to the guest bathroom to prep yourself for your sweet date with Josh. After a long hour of curling your hair and talking on the phone with Shealan about everything that had happened, you're finally ready. "Josh, are you ready?" You call. "Yeah, I'm in the living room." He beckons back. You open the door and walk down the stairs, and he stands up from the couch and walks towards you, his eyes never leaving you. "Fuck me..." he mumbles under his breath. "What was that?" You ask, not knowing what he'd said. "Um... you just look... damn." He breathes as he chuckles awkwardly. You glance at him, noticing his eyes were grazing every part of your body. "Can you zip up the dress for me? I can't reach it." You say as you pull your hair to the side and turn around so your back is facing him. "Um.." he coughs. "Sure." He reaches right in the small of your back for the zipper, gazing at your back that is exposed. He intentionally touches your back with his hand. "That's not the zipper." You giggle when he finishes. "Sorry." He apologizes as you turn back around, fluffing your hair. You guys walk out to the car, and he never fails to open the door for you and make you feel absolutely royal, which was something Paul never did. You guys arrive at the restaurant, and you get out of the car and go inside. "Why is if so empty?" You questioned. "I reserved it. I don't want you to have to live the same life as me. I don't want people giving you death threats because you were spotted with me or anything. I don't want that for you." He says as you both take your seats across from one another at a table. He orders you both some champagne, and you can't help but think how you shouldn't be drinking. You have to tell him. He pours you a glass, and you know you have to speak up. "Um... I can't." You mumble. "Why not?" He smiles as he asks. "Well.. I... I'm 18, Josh." You sigh and look down. "18?" He coughs as he sits back in his chair. He locks his jaw as he sits back. "I get it if you don't want to try to work on this. I understa-" you stutter before he cuts you off. "That's fucking hot, Destinee." He whispers as he leans across the table and grabs your hand. "But don't tell anyone I said that..." he winks and leans back again. "So, you're okay with that?" You whisper back, not wanting the waiter to hear you. "More than okay." He smiles as his gently squeezes your hand. He clears his throat before he speaks again. "So.. um... you said something about Paul couldn't handle the life you're about to live... what did you mean by that?" He says as he sips his drink. "Well, I want to be a musician. I always have. So, I'm working with a producer and he's helping me get an album dropped." You smile just thinking about living life as a musician. "And he wasn't supportive of that?" He frowns. "Yeah, he was. But I know he doesn't think it will go anywhere. And he didn't think about where our lives would be if it did go somewhere. And I'm not forcing him into that lifestyle." You pout as you look down. "You know I'm a musician right?" He chuckles sarcastically. "Yeah, I thought so!" You giggle at him. "I can help you. I want to live that lifestyle with you." He gives you a reassuring smile as he strokes your hand with his thumb. "Are you sure? Life would be chaos with two musicians." You insist. "D, I want you. I want you to move in with me. I don't want you to go back to Tennessee. I'll give you everything you want. I'll help you make it as a musician. Just please, promise me you'll be mine." He whimpers. "Okay. If I leave Tennessee, you have to promise me that you'll never ever leave me home alone during storms. Also, promise you'll always tell me how you feel and never hide anything. Regardless of whether or not you think it'll hurt me." You glare into his eyes to find how he was feeling. "I promise." He smiles. The waiter sets down your food and you guys converse a little more over dinner, before you finally finish. "I'm so stuffed. Thank you, sweetie." You smile and scrunch your nose at him. "This isn't all." He sweetly smiles as he stands up from his seat. He pays the waiter, and holds out his hand for you to grab. You grab onto his hand, and he leads you out to the car. "Where to now?" You look over at him, soaking in how lovely he is. "It's a surprise, silly." He giggles so innocently. After a few minutes in the car, you pull into the parking lot of a park. It's glowing with white lights strung through the trees, leading to a gazebo that's lit up with white candles, some in mason jars. "Josh, why?" You gasp as you climb out of the car. You meet him at the front of the car and he grabs your hand and locks fingers with you to lead you to the dimly lit gazebo. "Because you're worth it." He smiles. As you approach, you see a few familiar faces before you realize who they are. It's NEEDTOBREATHE. "Josh, is that... is that Bear and Seth.. and Bo... and Josh Lovelace?" You whimper, trying not to cry. "The whole band, baby. They're here to sing to us." He smiles as he kisses the side of your head as you walk up the stairs to the gazebo. "Dance with me?" He breathes as he turns to face you. "Of course." You reply enthusiastically as he places his hands on your waist, nearly on your ass, but you didn't mind. You place your hands on his broad shoulders, and you sway as they start to sing 'Clear.' Your breathing hitches as you realize what song they're starting to sing. "What's going on in that pretty kind of yours?" He smiles, making you look up at him. "This is the song I want to walk down the isle to." You smile as you glance over to see Bear smiling at you as he sings. "I have to see that." He smirks. You thought Paul was the one you were supposed to marry, but Josh was making it easier and easier to forget about him. You continue to sway and dance with him for what feels like an eternity. "What do you say we go back home, hm?" He says as he pulls away. "Thank you, guys. You mean the world to Destinee. Give me your phone and I'll take a picture of you with them." He suggests. You dig your phone out of your purse and hand it to him, not even paying attention to the lock screen. You pose with the boys you grew up loving, as Josh takes the picture. "Let's pick her up!" Bear suggests. They all pick you up as you pose in the funniest way possible with the darling southerners. They set you down and Josh hands you back your phone, smiles at the guys and thanks them again. "Paul called you." He scoffs. "I'm sure it's not important-" and before you finish, your phone starts to buzz again. Paul's name and picture glares from your phone. "I guess I better take this." You excuse yourself as you walk towards the empty part of the parking lot and he gets in his car. "Paul, what is it?" "Gosh. Hello to you too?" "Well, you just call me all the damn time. I'm fine, thanks." You start to get angry. "I'm sorry for trying to care? What are you doing anyways that's so important?" "Since you must know, I'm with Josh." You can hear Josh close the car door and walk towards you. "Is everything okay here?" He tenses up. "Yeah, just give me a second." You insist but Josh is relentless. He stands right there as you continue your conversation with Paul. "You're with Josh? I fucking told you not to hang out with him." "Hey, do NOT cuss me-" and then Josh grabs the phone out of your hand and holds it up to his ear. "Hey there. This is Josh, is this Paul?" He says casually. "Yeah, it is, actually. Why the hell are you trying to take my girl, Josh?" "She never said she would be your girl. You just assumed that shit. She's moving in with me, and that's final. Leave her alone. You obviously can't just be friends without absolutely harassing her, bastard." Josh spits. "I can't believe I'm actually having this argument with you. She's not moving in with you. I'm coming up there to get her. Expect me at your doorstep soon. Tell her I said goodnight." Paul scoffs as he hangs up. "Get in the car." Josh demands as he puts your phone in his pocket. You obey him, not wanting to cause any more trouble. The car ride home was tense and silent. You take the elevator up to his apartment and that was awkward too. He walks in front of you and unlocks the door and allows you to step in the house before he does. "Destinee, I'm tired of this." He stands with both of his palms on the counter. "I'm sorry." You give him puppy dog eyes as you stand with your hands crossed in front of you. "Stop all contact with him. Or this isn't going to work. You pick me, or you pick him." He commands. You don't think much about what to say before you speak up. "Okay." You agree. "What?" He acts as if he couldn't hear what you'd just said. "Okay. I'll stay with you." You sigh. "Are you being serious?" He stands up straight and walks up to you. "Don't play with me like that..." he moans. "I'm serious. I'll move in with you, I'll be there for you while you're on tour, I'll go with you and support you at all of your shows with Tyler. I'll do it. I'll be your girlfriend." You finally finish your intimate ramble. "You'll... you'll be my girlfriend? Like... you'll date me? And do like... couple stuff with me? You sure you want to be known as Josh Dun's girlfriend?" He stutters as he pulls your closer to him by the waist. "Yes, I'm sure. But one day, you'll be known as Destinee's boyfriend." You giggle. "Well, we have to go to Tennessee and get your stuff and get you moved in." He says excitedly. "We'll worry about that another time." You smile as you peck his lips quickly. "I'm excited for you to be a part of the Dun family." He smiles. You can't help but kiss him again, your lips crashing into his. He dominates the kiss by slipping in his tongue, making your knees weak. He continues to kiss you gently as if you were fragile porcelain. He reaches his hand back to unzip your dress, but you grab his wrist, stopping him. "Not so fast, Mr. Dun." You smirk. "I'm not easy. You'll have to earn it, I guess." You wink. "I'm gonna go get changed. I want to go see Shea. Can we?" You beg. "Sure. We'll go in a few minutes. Now let me help you change out of those clothes." He giggles as he chases you up the stairs.
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Chapter 4 - Home Sweet Home You sleep rather peacefully on the couch downstairs, just knowing Josh was there. You wake up to hearing gentle footsteps padding around the kitchen. You slowly open your eyes and stretch your stiff limbs and let out a gentle whimper when you hear your bones crack. "Oh, did I wake you? I'm so sorry." You hear Tyler's soft voice coming from the kitchen. "No, you didn't bother me." You smile as you sit up. "Good. I wanted to make breakfast for everyone this morning. Do you want to go wake up Josh while I go get Shea?" He suggests. "Sure." You stand up from the couch, your head swimming from sleeping so hard last night. You creep up the stairs and slowly open the door to Josh's room. "Hey, wake up, sleepy. Tyler made us breakfast." You smile as you run your fingers through his soft hair. He moans as he stretches, smiling at you. Once he's done stretching, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you onto the bed, laying you down and he crawls over top of you. "Why don't you just stay? You can live here. I have an apartment and you can just... you know, be there with me. All the time. You don't have to worry about finding work or anything. I'll take care of that. I don't want you to leave today." He looks at you with puppy dog eyes, making you weak underneath him. You put your hand on his jawline, glancing into his deep mocha eyes. "I made a promise and I'm going to keep it. But believe me, I'll be back to visit." You smile. He gives you a quick peck on the lips and crawls off of you and into the floor. You get up too and you both make your way downstairs. "Ugh. You guys are so adorable." Shealan compliments as you guys make your way into the kitchen. "Yeah? Well, it's been tough standing next to the hottest couple alive, which would be you two." You tease as you sit down at the kitchen table. You guys talk and giggle over breakfast before you announce it's time to go. "Well, I hate this part. But Shea and I have to go back to Tennessee." But before you can even think, Shea is speaking up. "No, I'm not going. I think I'm going to stay here. I love it here. I hate Tennessee." She breathes. "Thank you, God." Tyler mumbles under his breath. "Are you guys okay with that?" You suggest as you stand up, walking in the kitchen and putting your plate in the sink. "I'm more than okay." Tyler smiles as he grabs Shea's hand from across the table. "You can stay too, you know." Josh scoffs, getting jealous that Tyler gets his way and he doesn't. "Josh, I told you. I made a promise." You scold him. "I'm leaving. I love you guys. Thanks for an amazing trip. I'll be back to visit really soon." You hug every single one of them as long as you can before your phone starts ringing. "I have to go. Bye!" You smile as you walk out the door. "Why is that Paul guy so important?" He mumbles. "They've been extra close for a while. Paul is just as mad as you are about YOU." Shea informs as she points her finger at him. He sinks in his chair slightly, thinking about what you were about to actually do with Paul. You take an uber and go back to the hotel. You unlock the door and get ready to go. You pack everything, then head out to your car to go back home. The car ride home was filled with jamming out to NEEDTOBREATHE and a couple of phone calls from your mom and Paul. You finally pull into your driveway. You climb out of your car, get the luggage out and unlock the door. Nobody was downstairs, so you announced that you were home. No one answers. So you climb up the stairs to find your mom napping in her room. So, you know her naps last a while, so you go downstairs and write her a note, telling her you're going to visit Paul for a while, but you'll be home before dinner. You get into your car and make your way to Paul's house. You stand in front of the door for a moment and collect your thoughts before knocking. You knock a couple times before he finally answers the door. "Hey!" He nearly shouts as he wraps you up in his arms. The smell of stale smoke and cologne smother you, but it's okay because you love it. "Come on in." He smiles and grabs your hand as he pulls away and escorts you into his home. Normally, you'd go to the basement where he stayed. But his parents weren't home, so he lead you to the living room. "How was your trip?" He smiles innocently, not knowing anything that happened while you were there. "You'll never believe this. But Shea and I met Josh and Tyler!" You squeal. "You did?" He tries to hide his slight jealousy as he sits back on the couch. "Yeah. Needless to say, I didn't spend one night at the hotel." You smirk at the thought of Josh. You feel him shift on the couch and you look up at his soft brown eyes. "You stayed with them the entire week, Destinee?" He scoffs arrogantly. "Yeah? And?" You question him. It's not like you were dating or anything. "Um... I've been waiting for you to be my damn girlfriend and you can't commit to that, but you'll go spend an entire week with Josh Dun as if you have no morals?" He nearly yells. You've never seen him angry like this. "Hey, calm down. I didn't have sex with him. I just stayed there. I didn't even sleep in the same room as him, okay? Just calm down." You suggest as you grab his hand. He glances down at your hand on top of yours, letting out a deep breath before speaking. "I'm sorry. I just get really protective over you. I know you're a virgin and all and I don't want that to be wasted." He mumbles as he relaxes his tense body. "Trust me. I've kept it this long. I won't waste it." You smile as your stroke your thumb across his hand. "Why don't you just stay the night since we have to leave so early in the morning?" He suggests as he moves closer to you. "Or you can come home with me and sleep on my couch." You hint, keeping your morals in check. "Fine. But you do realize we have to stay in a hotel together tomorrow night, right?" He smirks. "Yeah. I figured that much." You giggle as you put your feet in his lap. He turns on the TV and you watch Dazed and Confused until you fall asleep. You feel him shift off of the couch, slightly waking you up. "Hey, pretty. Wake up. We have to go to your house before your mom loses her crap. She's already called me because you didn't answer." He says softly, jolting you out of your sleep. "Okay." You moan as you stretch your limbs, making your shirt rise up completely exposing your stomach. "Don't do that now." Paul smirks darkly as you crawl off of the couch. He wraps you up in one of his flannels and you guys head out to the car, telling his parents bye before getting in. The peaceful silence wraps you up in the car, along with his soft flannel. The ride didn't seem to last long before you're pulling into your driveway. You hop out of the car and go unlock the door, beating Paul there. "Well, hey there. You look sleepy." Your mom smiles. "I fell asleep. But is it okay if Paul sleeps on the couch tonight since we're leaving for Nashville so early tomorrow?" You beg. "Sure." She smiles as she continues to chop up the potatoes she's preparing for dinner. Paul creeps up behind you, placing one hand on your waist to move you out of the way. "Mrs. Lawson! Yes, I get to eat dinner too." He chuckles as he walks over to your mom and hugs her. "You're always welcome for dinner." She smiles and continues to cut the potatoes. You and Paul sit side by side at the dinner table and discuss your plans for the next few days with your parents. You both help clean the kitchen while Paul kisses up to your mom. The night creeps up rather quickly, so you decide to get some sleep while you can. "Goodnight guys. I love you." You kisses your parents goodnight, then you hug Paul. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He whispers as you pull away from the hug. You go to your room and crawl in the bed, immediately taken over by sleep. Your phone blares "I Am Mountain" by Gungor, waking you up. "Ugh. Why do we have to get up so early..." you mumble to yourself as you crawl out of bed. You walk into the living room where Paul was sleeping, noticing how peaceful he looks. "Hey. Wake up, dork. It's time to go." You smile as you shake him. "That's not very nice. I don't need all of that spice." He giggles at you. You run your fingers through his long black hair, making him even more sleepy. "You keep that up, we're not going anywhere." You retract your hand as he stretches and stands up, making you feel small. You go get ready rather quickly, and you walk back out to the living room where he was waiting on you. "You ready?" He smiles. "Yeah. I just want to go back to sleep honestly." You chuckle. You guys get in the car and make your way to the hotel in Nashville where you were staying. You finally arrive, and he handles all of the checking in part while you wait on him. "Wow. I can't believe you're actually going to sleep in the same room as me." He smiles as he sets his bags down in front of his bed. "Yeah, if you're lucky, I may sleep in with you. Only if I get scared or something." You tease as you lay down on your own bed on the other side of the room. He walks over to you and crawls over top of you, hovering. "What can I do to get you in that bed with me?" He nearly moans. His long hair draping over his shoulders tickles your nose. You scratch at it before you sneeze on him. "Oops... sorry..." you smile innocently at him, hoping he's not too mad at your for sneezing on him. "You're so cute." He giggles as he pecks your nose with a kiss. He gets up and makes his way to his own bed. "Let's try to get some rest before the concert, okay?" He suggests as he crawls underneath the covers. "You don't have to tell me twice." You giggle. You guys sleep in your own beds for hours before your alarm goes off again, waking the both of you. You sigh, knowing you have to get up and take a shower. You both get ready around each other. If you're being honest with yourself, you two are like an old married couple. You finish up the final touches of your makeup as he dries his hair. You slip into a cute short t-shirt dress while he's looking away. "Destinee..." he gasps. "What?" You turn around to face him, a confused look plastered on your face. "You're so gorgeous. It just gets me every time." He smiles as he walks towards you, pulling you by the waist towards him. You smile and look down as you blush. "Thank you for letting me bring you here." He says as he pushes your hair behind your ear. "Thank you for bringing me. You're the sweetest." You smile as you grip the sleeves of his shirt. "Now, let's go. We can't be late." He suggests as he kisses you quickly, then turning around and leading you out the door and to the car. You arrive to the venue and take your seats. You know every single song that they play, and so does Paul. When the concert is over, you make your way to the car. You and Paul discuss every detail of the concert and you couldn't express enough how much you loved that band. Finally, you pull back into the hotel parking lot. You make your way to the lobby when Paul grabs your hand and locks fingers with you. You were okay with that. You race his to press the elevator button, and when it opens you both step into the empty elevator together. When the door closes, he pins you against the wall and kisses you passionately. "Paul, are you sure you want to do this?" You breathe between the sloppy kisses. "More than ever." He nearly moans. The door opens and he breaks the kiss. He smirks and grabs your hand as you walk down the hall together. You grab his arm with your other hand, as if you were already a couple. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were a couple." He chuckles as he pulls the room key out of his pocket. You let go of his hand for him to get the key out and open the door. You both walk inside, Paul on your heels. He grabs you by your waist from behind, and whispers in your ear. "Can I please..." he breathes needy. "Just let me touch you." He finishes. His breath on your neck gave you goosebumps. You wanted him. And you wanted him BAD. You loved him, but you couldn't help but think of Josh's sad face with every mood Paul made. You turn around and face him, putting your hands on his shoulders. You look deep into his eyes as you speak. "Go ahead." You bite your lip. Before you realize what's happening, his lips are crashing into yours. He slips his tongue in, dominating the kiss. He reaches for the bottom of your dress and breaks the kiss long enough to pull it off of you. "Damn." He breathes as his hands roam your body, grabbing your ass gently as he continues to kiss you. You start to unbutton his shirt without breaking the kiss. He smiles when you get to the last button, pushing the collared dress shirt off of him, exposing his lanky body. "Are you sure you want me to be the one?" He asks, pulling away to look into your eyes. You nod your head at him as you unbutton his jeans. You get down on your knees as you nearly rip down his pants and his boxers, allowing his erection free. You gasp at his size and he steps out of the pants and tosses them to the side. You pump him a couple of times before you take the tip in your mouth. He moans at your touch. "God. I need you." He moans as you take him deeper into your mouth. "You sure you've never done this before? Because you seem to know what you're doing." He chuckles as he runs his fingers through your hair. You hollow your cheeks around him and continue to bob until you feel him twitch in your mouth. You pull away and stand up, kissing him again breathlessly. "I need inside of you. Now." He demands, unclasping your bra and tossing it to the ground. Then he grabs you by the waist and lays you down gently on the bed. He nips at your neck, knowing he's going to leave a mark. He continues to make his way down, leaving tiny marks on your breast, and eventually kissing softly around your thighs and above where you need him the most. "Hey, I've waited years for this. Don't tease me." You command. "Yes ma'am." He giggles as he pulls down your underwear. He rolls his tongue around your clit, making you moan at the contact. It's even better than what you'd imagined. He sucks around you for a while then comes back up to kiss you again. He rubs your clit with his cock while he breathily kisses you. "Are you okay with this?" He looks deep into your eyes as if he was trying to find the answer. "Yes, baby." You smile as you run your fingers through his long dark hair. "Okay. Just tell me if it hurts and I'll stop. I'll go slow. It'll hurt a little and it'll be a little uncomfortable, so just grab onto my shoulders okay? But don't be afraid to tell me to stop." He promises before kissing you again. You nod as he lines himself up with you, and he slowly begins to press into you. His size hurts, making you whimper. "You okay, sweetheart?" He stops. "Just keep going." You bite your lip hard enough to draw blood as the pressure inside of you increases. Once he's finally inside of you, he doesn't move so that you can adjust to him. He kisses your neck sloppily as your hands roam his body. "It's okay. You can move now." You breathe into his moans as you kiss him again. His slips his hand down to your clit and rubs it in circles as he gently thrusts inside of you. You never thought you'd be able to have an orgasm on your first time but he was making it seem possible. He keeps thrusting and rubbing until you both feel your climax approaching. "Baby, I'm gonna cum." He moans. You feel your stomach twist in knots and tighten at his words. A wave of euphoria rushes over you, causing your legs to quiver. He helps you ride out your orgasm with a few helpful thrusts. He then pulls out of you just in time to spill on the bed. He glows as he finishes, making your heart skip a beat. He then crawls back over top of you and kisses you gently. "You might want to get cleaned up. You bled." He says sympathetically before kissing your forehead. "What the fuck did you do to me?" You tease as you stand up from the bed, completely naked. "You're the first person I've ever made love to. That wasn't just sex, sweetheart." He smiles as he lays down on the bed, looking as if he was still dreaming about what just happened. "You better get cleaned up yourself." You smile. "Shower?" He sits up. "Meet me there." You wink as you make your way to the bathroom. You grab your phone to pick some music to listen to, and you see a text flash across the screen. Received 11:35 p.m. How was the concert? It was Shea. She seemed genuine but you knew she had something else to ask you too. Sent 12:13 a.m. It was great! I got to meet the lead singer. He's even more southern than I had imagined. Received 12:15 a.m. Awe. Well I'm glad you had fun. Just don't do anything stupid. Josh is waiting for you to come back. Sent 12:16 a.m. Got it. I'll be there to visit soon. You send the last message as you hear Paul knocking on the bathroom door. You open the door and let him in before turning around and turning on the shower to get it warm. "So, Mumford & Sons or Judah & The Lion?" You smile as you pick your phone back up to select whatever album he wanted. "Definitely Mumford & Sons." He smiles as you click play and Sigh No More comes on. You lay the phone on the sink and climb into the shower with Paul behind you. The shower didn't consist of much besides a steamy make out session and a few touching here and there. You both climb out and dry off, and you both put on some pajamas. He goes to climb in his bed, and he looks back at you with puppy dog eyes. "Sleep with me?" He pouts. "I guess I don't have much of a choice. You made a mess in my bed." You giggle as you walk over to his bed and crawl underneath the covers. You remain sitting up while he's laying down. "Here. You get to keep this forever." You sigh as you hand him the silver band you've been wearing on your ring finger since you were 13. You give him your purity ring which reads, "True Love Waits." He smiles as you hand it to him, and he places it on his pinky. "Awe. I feel special." He says as he continues to stare at the ring. "You are special." You smile as you lean down and kiss his forehead. You lay down beside of him and he wraps you up in his arms, making you drift off into a deep sleep. The next morning you're awakened by your alarm. "Why do we have to leave so early?" Paul groans as he shields his face from the light that's glaring through the window. "Because we have to go back home, silly. We can't stay here forever." You smile as you poke his stomach, nearly feeling his bones. "You have GOT to start eating more. You make me feel bad about myself." You pout as you push the covers back off of his body, soaking in his cute lanky body. "Destinee, you're perfect. Trust me." He smiles as he grabs your hand and pulls it up to your lips and kisses your hand. "Look, I literally took your virginity. Can we please just make it official? I want to call you mine. I want to date you for a while, and then when the time is right, I want to marry you. I'd love to call you my wife, even though your name won't be changing." You giggle at the fact that you've fantasized your entire life about changing your last name to Dun, and now this guy with the same last name as you is offering you his hand in marriage. "You're everything I've ever wanted. And I won't stop until you're mine." He insists as he attempts to stare deep into your eyes. "Well, I just have to keep praying about it. You know how I am. Who knows, I may get to marry Josh Dun." You tease him. He doesn't know the true extent of what happened while at Josh's, and for that you feel absolutely torn. "You make things really hard on me, you know. I'm just an old man." He chuckles sweetly. "Yeah. I know. You're the oldest twenty-four year old I've ever met." You giggle as you climb out of bed. You both get ready and pack your stuff all while chitchatting about what your plans for the next week were. You finally pack up everything and Paul checks you guys out, and head to his car. "I have to go back to Ohio and check on Shealan." You mumble as you both travel down the road. "She didn't come home?" He asks, sounding shocked. "No. She stayed with..." you cut yourself off before revealing enough to break his gentle heart. "With? With Josh and Tyler?" He grows tense. "With Tyler, yeah." You say casually, not wanting him to get worked up. "So, you could've stayed too?" He sighs with disappointment. "I mean, I guess if I wanted to." You say under your breath. "You know I don't like this whole 'Josh' thing. I don't want you going back up there unless you absolutely have to, and it has to be regarding Shea." He commands as if you were his servant. "Um... excuse me?" You scoff at his demands. "I don't like it, Destinee. Call me jealous, but you know I don't want you with him. For obvious reasons." He tightens his jaw once he's finished ranting. "Look, if I can't spend time with the guys that have encouraged me as a musician and have helped mold me into the person I am today, then I don't want to do this. If you cannot be supportive of me and my decisions, then I think you should move on." You get more and more angry as you speak. "Destinee, I didn't mean it-" before he finishes you cut him off. "Save it." You scoff. The rest of the car ride home was awkward and silence. Most of it was filled with you checking Facebook or texting Shea to check on Josh. Leaving Paul was getting easier by the minute at this point. He wanted a quiet life in a suburb, while he continued to teach theatre in high schools and work in the local shows. He wanted to come home to you everyday, kiss you and tell you how his day was. And every weekend he would have his friends over to hang out and listen to his earthy music while they discuss the meanings of life while passing around cannabis. That life just didn't seem like the life for you. And that's why you couldn't commit. Josh, on the other hand, was looking so much more fun and freeing. Traveling with him on tour, getting to watch him do everything he loves to do with the people he loves. And whenever he comes home to take a break from tour, you guys cram it with fun stuff to do, never failing to make you feel like you're the only girl in the entire world. Eventually getting married and having the privilege of actually changing your last name, and having kids at the same time as Shealan and Tyler. Yeah, that was what you wanted. You finally arrive home and he drops you off. You don't say much, just a nice goodbye. Things were really awkward right now, but you'd fix it later. You just wanted to go see Shea, Ty and Josh. You spend the next week at your house because you don't want to raise suspicion to your family. Finally, you tell them you're going back to Ohio to see Shea for a week. They reluctantly agreed, surprisingly. You had made up with Paul in the week that you were home, in a certain sort of way. So your body had a few of his marks on there. You finally worked up the courage to tell him you were going, but he swore the next time you went, he'd have to go with you, to which you agreed. So it was the same old routine of packing and driving, and finally, you arrive at Tyler's house. You sit in your car for a second and call Shea. "Hello?" "Hey! Is Josh with you guys at Ty's house?" "No. He went to his place for a while. You should probably go see him." "Okay. I'll be back to see you guys soon." You hang up and head to Josh's house. You pull into the parking lot of his apartment complex and take the elevator to his floor. This was the first time you'd been to his apartments, and boy were they something you could get used to living in. You walk up to his door and knock. You feel butterflies in your stomach, hoping he will be overjoyed that you'd surprised him. After a few moments, the door swings open. His reaction wasn't what you wanted it to be. He looks at you up and down, grazing your body with his soft brown eyes. He looks so tired, as if he'd been waiting up for you for weeks. "Hey?" You wave awkwardly. "Hey." He speaks back. "Um... I thought I might come by and surprise you." You say. "That's sweet of you. Come in." He walks into the living room for you to follow him. "You okay?" You ask, concerned for his health really. The next question he asks you absolutely floored you. When he looks at you again, you realize the faint marks that were left on your chest. He won't stop staring at them until he finally speaks up. "You slept with him, didn't you?"
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Chapter 3 - The Pool Encounter You slumber so peacefully wrapped up in Josh's arms. He stays so still, as if he had waited forever for you. You turn over, facing him. You bury your face into his chest, and the blanket falls a little off of you. Josh wakes up as you shift, quickly grabbing the blanket and pulling it back over you. He smiles gently over the top of your head, before you both dose back off to sleep. You wake up to hearing the soft whispers of your best friend. “Psstt..“ the sound made you shutter. “What do you want?” You say completely monotone. “We need to leave before they wake up.” You crack open your eyes only a little to see her crouching down on the floor in front of the couch you were sleeping on. You're still facing Josh, so you're trying to be as quiet as you can. Her words made you doubtful, but you trusted her decision. Between the two of you, she was always better at making choices. “I want to stay.” You say in a whiny tone. “It’ll be okay. We’ll see them soon.” She says comfortingly. Willing to subside, you get up trying not to disturb Josh, who you just fell asleep with. It tears you both apart to leave them, they look so peaceful. As if they had never felt love. When you slip out from under him, you cover him up to his ear. He's absolutely precious laying there, sleeping so peacefully. You give Shea and reassuring nod as she stands up and waits for you. Before you creep out the door, you both look back at them. “Something about this just seems right.” Shea speaks in such a tone that it almost sends you into a trance, causing you to know without a doubt she’s right. You hop into the car. As you drive, your hands grip the wheel intensely. "D, are you okay?" Shea shows concern for your uneasiness, glancing at you with a worried look plastered on her face. "Um... yeah. I'm fine." You mumble, trying to convince her that you're telling the truth. "Destinee, I know you better than that. What's going on?" You sigh, giving into her. After a few silent moments, you speak. "It's Paul. Shea, you know how bad I wanted him. You know how much I've prayed for him. And now that he feels the same, it seems impossible for me to commit to him. I love him, but Josh is-" she stops you in your words. "I know you love Paul. And he has taught you a lot about yourself. But this is something we've always dreamed of. Just let it happen, okay? Whatever happens, let it be." She smiles warmly as you pull into the parking garage of the hotel. You smile back at her sleepily, then you both climb out of the car. You both make your way up to the room, taking the elevator and giggling about how your night went. Your phone buzzes as Shea searches for the key to the room through her purse. Received 6:47 a.m. Call me whenever you wake up. You choose to ignore the message because you didn't want to raise concern to Shea, and honestly, you just wanted to go back to sleep. 
Shea unlocks the door to your hotel room and runs to her bed as if it were her only refuge. You giggle because almost everything she does is hilarious to you. Once she's settled on her bed, you pull down the sheets to yours as well. She finally sits up, positioning herself comfortably. "So... did Ty and I... you know..." she says awkwardly. "Nope. Not even a kiss." You scrunch your nose at her. You could tell she was a little disappointed, but she was just glad he didn’t take advantage of her. “Well, I'm still exhausted. Goodnight." She yawns as she turns off the lamp, leaving you alone in the dark. You sit in silence until you know Shea is asleep. You creep out of bed and into the bathroom in order to call Paul, like he'd requested a few hours earlier. You close the door gently, trying not to disturb Shealan. You find Paul's name in your phone and call him. His adorable picture glares into your blurry vision, but your heart never failed to skip a beat when you saw his face. "Hello?" He answers, sounding sleepy. "Good morning. Are you opening today?" You ask, trying not to distract him from his job. "Yeah. I'm on my way to the bank now. I get off at five." He informs you. "Great. So, what's the big deal? Why'd you want him to call you?" "Well... you know how NEEDTOBREATHE is coming to Nashville and you couldn't get any tickets?" He starts to get more enthusiastic in his tone. "Paul... you didn't..." you squeal. "I did! Front row seats, baby!" He giggles. "You're freaking amazing. I'll be home tomorrow." You are grinning from ear to ear at this point. "Great. I'll see you then. Call me later okay?" You can hear his car door shut, meaning he's back at work. "Okay. Have a good day at work." You say sweetly and hang up. You squeal to yourself before you walk out of the bathroom and crawl back in your bed. You hadn't closed your eyes for five minutes before you hear pounding on the door. The sound jolts you up, and wakes Shea up too. She looks at you, kind of frazzled. “Are you gonna get that or do you want me to?” You say, concerned for both of you and your safety. She agrees to get the door. She opens it, peeking her head through. You stand up, feeling alarmed. “Hey, sweetheart.” Tyler says through a smile as she opens the door. Josh pushes his way past Shea to get to you. He looks so scared. Next thing you know, his arms are wrapped around you, hugging you as if he didn’t know if he’d ever get to see you again. While he’s hugging you, you notice Tyler pull Shea outside in a rather possessive way. 
“Destinee, I thought I did something wrong. I feel horrible. Please tell me I didn’t hurt you in any way.” You smile at his genuine innocence. “I’m fine, Josh. I promise.” You say smiling at him with your eyes. He smiles back, and through that smile he says, “Swear it?" He glares into your eyes deeply. "Swear." You smile with your teeth as you return the glare. "So, how did you find us?" You bite your lip innocently waiting for his response. "Shea must've dropped a flyer from this hotel or something out of her bag when you left. We found it on the living room floor, so we tracked you here." He smiles, not realizing how creepy he sounds. "Right." You nod your head not knowing what else to say. You sit down on the bed, patting the seat next to you and offering it to Josh. "Come on. You're not a stranger at this point." You giggle to yourself. "No. Definitely not." He smiles as he crawls in the bed. He sits with his back against the headboard, and you lean on his chest. He begins to play with your hair, nearly sending you off to sleep. You're yet again jolted out of your sleep when Ty and Shea walk into the room. "So, there's a pool at my house you know.." Tyler smirks at Shea. "Oh? That sounds like a fun thing to have." You say awkwardly, running your fingers through your hair. "Um... well.... we want you guys to come swim with us today. Just spend the day off at Tyler's house. Hm?" Josh smiles at you kindly. Shea announces, "we didn't bring any swimming suits." Josh sighs, thinking his plan has gone to shreds. Then, Tyler attempts to solve the problem. "Well, Josh and I would love to take you ladies to get the proper swimming attire! Right Josh?” He says smiling. Josh speaks in agreement while smiling at you. 
"Okay. I guess so..." you tease as you roll your eyes at Josh. "Well let's go. We're in my car, so be looking for it." Josh smiles as he grabs your hand gently. His touch sends shivers down your spine and causes your knees to grow weak. Nobody has ever made you feel that way besides Paul, and that alarms you. You all four make your way out to the car. Josh offers the front seat to Shea, which she takes. Josh sits in the back with you, never letting go of your hand. You make it to the store that they brought you to, specifically an Aerie store. When you walk inside, you notice the place is nearly empty. You and Shealan searched and looked together, trying to find something decent to wear. You found a few bathing suits you liked, but one you absolutely loved. "Wanna try it on?" Josh smiles, hoping you'd say yes. "Um... sure." You say awkwardly. You and Josh go to the fitting room while Shea and Tyler continue to look around. You put on the bathing suit, judging it for yourself. "Can I see?" Josh beckons from outside of the fitting room door. "Do you have to?" You persuade. "Yes. You do. Now come on, cutie..." your face immediately turns into a huge grin at the fact that Josh Dun called you 'cutie.' You can hear Josh smiling too as you opened the door. You modeled a two piece, consisting of black high rise bottoms, showing your sides due to the cut outs, as well as a maroon top that ties in the back into a cute little bow. "Well..." you speak up as Josh traces every inch of your body with his eyes. He runs his hands through his yellow hair, "yeah... you look gorgeous." He blushes as his eyes continue to wander. "Hey, earth to Josh?" You snap your fingers at his face. You didn't mind him looking at you like that though, if you were being honest with yourself. You giggle and close the door back, changing back into your clothes. You meet Shea and approve of one another's swimming suits, then you check out. The boys gladly pay for your suits, then you head out the door and crawl back into their car, and then back to Tyler's house. You and Shea immediately change into your swimsuits as Tyler and Josh do the same. When you and Shea come out of the bathroom where you were changing, you saw the boys already splashing around in the pool like children. 
You played a crap ton of pool games, including chicken, where you and Josh failed miserably. Once you looked like shriveled up prunes, Josh get out of the pool to go get your towels. As he climbs out of the pool, you can almost hear your ovaries screaming out of agony. He’s so gorgeous to you. It felt like your heart was about to explode from the love you already had growing for him. You’re snapped out of your trance by Tyler splashing you and Shea. "I'm going to start up the fire, okay?" He smiles. You climb out of the pool, quickly being greeted by Josh wrapping you up in a towel and hugging you from behind. Once you’re all dried off, you sit by the fire. All cozied up to Shealan and as drunk as he can be, Ty offers us a game of Truth or Dare. You all have a fair share of alcohol in you, causing everything to be ten times funnier. You giggle and offer to go first. “Josh, truth or dare?” He smiles in the cutest way humanly possible. “Truth.” He says. “Who was the last person you slept with?” You say almost dying to know. “Uh.. um… can I switch to dare?” He says, kind of embarrassed. “Yeah. Sure.” You slur, not thinking much about it. “I dare you to kiss Tyler, like you mean it.” We all exchanged a couple looks, and Tyler looks at Shealan as if he’d been expecting that question. Before you know it, Josh is leaning in to kiss Tyler. He cups Tyler’s face, putting his thumb on the side of his face. You look at Shea, knowing that this was an absolute dream come true. Josh kisses Tyler deeper and deeper, and Tyler is so into it. Tyler reaches to put his hand on Josh’s back, causing Tyler to scratch Josh’s back, which only makes Josh go harder. Josh moves to kiss Ty’s jawline, causing your own jaws to clinch. Josh moves down as he kisses Ty’s neck causing Tyler to let out a slight moan. You glance at Shea, and you can tell she’s soaking up every single second of it. Josh pulls away, leaving Tyler breathless. Josh sits beside of you, criss crossing his legs. Tyler pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. He sits up, sending a cold chill down your spine. “New game.” He says, giggling. As he stares at the fire, he says, “Let’s make this night a little more fun.” You look at Josh, wondering if he has that mind reading connection with Tyler. Ya know, the connection you and Shea have. Evidently, he knew exactly what he was talking about. 
Tyler stands up and grabs Shealan’s hand. “We’ll let you two have some privacy. Let’s go Shea.” As he walks away, he winks at Josh. 
“Well, and then there were two.” Josh giggles innocently. You can’t help but melt into a giant puddle because he’s everything you ever asked for. “So, I mean… I think I know, but I still want to ask. You skateboard right?” You ask curiously. “Yeah. I’ve been skating for a while. Do you skate?” He asks through a smile. “Yeah, but I’m not skilled. I can’t do tricks. I’m pretty lame.” You say laughing at what you said. He throws his head back in laughter, revealing his gorgeous teeth. “You’re not lame. I can promise you that.” You blush at the words coming out of Josh Dun’s mouth. You’re both still pretty intoxicated, not thinking straight. Josh puts his cold hand on your jawline, sending chills down your spine. Rubbing his thumb on your cheek, he stares into both of your eye simultaneously, as if he were looking for something. Before you know it, he’s leaning in rather quickly to kiss you. His soft full lips press against yours, causing your legs to feel as if they’re on fire. He sends you into almost a daze by his gentleness. His tongue slowly begins to press in, as you put your hand on his thigh, applying pressure, letting him know you need more. He begins to kiss your jawline as if he’d waited his entire life to kiss you. You grasp his side, digging your nails into him. He takes his callused fingers and stokes your soaked hair to your back, exposing your collarbone. He makes his way down to kissing your neck, and eventually your collarbone. He’s so gentle, as if you were priceless porcelain. He starts to leave a mark on you, but you don’t mind. All of a sudden, your phone blares “Car Radio.” It’s your ringtone. Someone is calling you. Josh pulls away as he sighs. You drop your head just before standing up. “Hello?” It’s your mom. “Hey, honey. I was just calling to check up on you and see how you guys were doing." You sigh as you turn to look at Josh. He seems upset that your passion was interrupted. "We're fine. We're about to go to bed." You lie. "Okay. Well, call me before you head home. Goodnight! I love you." She says gently. "Goodnight. I love you too." And with that, you hang up. You sympathetically smile back at Josh, knowing the mood is gone. "I'm sorry." You sigh as you sit back down next to him. "Don't apologize. So when are you going back home?" He asks, staring deep into the fire. "Um... tomorrow." You mumble, not knowing what he'd say. "Tomorrow? Why?" He shrugs. "Well, my b... um... my best friend, he got us tickets to go see my favorite band NEEDTOBREATHE, and the concert is in three days so we have to leave soon in order to make it. It's in Nashville, so it's quite a drive from our hometown." You speak rather informatively. "Oh, I like them. They're great." He smiles awkwardly. "Yeah. I'm so excited. Paul got us front row seats and I'm pretty pumped to be that close to Bear and Seth to be honest." You giggle as you blush. "Paul?" He looks at you with concern. "Yeah. If we get to spend more time together, you'll hear about him a lot. We work together, but we've gotten really close over the past few months." You smile at the thought of him. "Hm." Josh seems totally uninterested about what you had to say. "Um... yeah. His mom treats me like one of her own. They're an amazing fam-" but before you can finish that last word, he cuts you off. "Are you like... dating him or sleeping with him or what?" He questions you in the rudest way possible. "Excuse me?" You reply in a shocked tone. "You heard me." He spits. "Josh... do I seem like that kind of girl?" You mutter as you feel the tears swell in your eyes. You take great offense when someone accuses you of sleeping with someone or straight up being a slut. You stand up and brush yourself off, and just as you begin to walk to the sliding glass doors, Shealan and Tyler come out onto the deck. "Excuse me." You push past Tyler, trying to hide the fact that you're crying. Josh sighs when he realizes he was overreacting. "Destinee, wait-" but before he can speak much, you're completely out of sight. "Maybe you should leave her alone." Tyler suggests, acting as if he's a girl expert. Shealan leaves Tyler's side to come find you. You took refuge in the bathroom in the hallway. "D, it's me." Shea knocks on the door. "I'm okay. Give me time." You sniffle. "Are you sure?" She asks. "Yeah. Just give me a while." You insist. "Okay, but if you need something, let me know." She comforts before she walks away. She leaves you alone and your thoughts start to flood in. 'Do I seem like a slut?' 'Am I just a tease?' All these questions consume your mind until you hear another knock on the door. "Shea, I said give me some ti-" but your cut off by Josh's gentle voice. "It's me, sweetheart. Can we just talk?" His words make you want to give in, but that stubborn side of you won't let you. "No. Go away." You demand. "I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me, even if I have to wait right here." He bluffs. You don't believe he will, but you remain silent. Minutes turn to hours rather quickly. You check your phone and it's already three in the morning. 'They're all probably asleep. I'm going to get an uber and go to the room.' You think. You stand up after hours of sitting down and wipe your face off. You open the door, and you so happened to look around and notice Josh was sitting against the wall, asleep, never breaking his promise to never leave. You gasp at his perseverance, knowing you don't deserve him. You walk over to him and curl up next to him, your body warmth well received by his body. "Josh, I'm sorry. I want you to go to bed. Okay?" You whisper faintly. "No, I'm sorry." He mumbles, half asleep. "We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay, sweetheart?" You kiss the side of his head, knowing he's too pure for this world. You help him stand up and lead him to his bedroom. He crawls into the bed and you cover him up like a little child. "Will you sleep with me tonight?" He asks as if he was a child asking an adult. "I'm going to sleep on the couch. But I'll see you tomorrow." You smile as you push his hair back and kiss him gently on the forehead. You creep downstairs and take up residency on the couch until morning.
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Chapter 2 - Wanna Stay A While? "Can you believe that just happened?!" You nearly shout as you start shaking Shealan by the arm. "Oh my God. Tyler Joseph is-" she can't finish her sentence before she's interrupted. "Ladies, show time. You gotta go." The security guard says as he ushers you out of Tyler's dressing room. You grab Shea's hand and nearly skip off to your spot in front of the stage. You notice Shea's eyes never leave Tyler, and yours doesn't leave Josh. You were both completely infatuated by them and their seriousness on stage. You and Shea are rocking out to your favorite band, Twenty One Pilots. You could see Blurryface and Spooky Jim rocking out on stage, but towards the end of the set, they became more real. More like the guys you had just talked to backstage. They spoke personally about their anxieties and struggles, and never fail to make you feel like you're not the only one. "Stay alive, for me." Tyler mumbles, continuing the rest of the concert. After about two hours, the concert ends and the boys bow and walk off stage. You and Shea have probably cried 6 times, knowing that not only did you just attend the concert of your life, but you practically had a date with the men you fantasize about at night. After everyone is cleared out, you make your way backstage. You’re scared out of your mind because regardless of who they are, it’s a little shady that they wanted to see you after the show. So, you grab onto Shealan’s hand, and make your way through the dark halls that seem to stretch for miles. “Shea, this is incredible. Thanks for always supporting these spontaneous choices like this.” Her smile is warm and genuine, almost as if she carries sunshine wherever she went. Walking into the room where you first met the boys, their cologne remains in the air. Even after two hours, you just want to see Josh again. “Don’t be so tense, D. They smell fear.” Shea giggles at her own joke, as she feels an arm wrap around her waist. She panics and looks at you, but she trusts the smile on your face. “I mean, you don’t have to be scared of me.” Tyler says so gently, saying it in a tone where the words wrapped around your waist and hugged you. If Shealan could, she’d melt into a puddle at the sight of Tyler Joseph’s arm wrapped around her waist, as if he’s known her for years. “Long time, no see.” You hear in the most familiar voice, causing your knees to go weak and your skin to warm. You turn around to follow the voice, as you see the yellow haired man with mocha squinty eyes. You smile at him, trying to stay cool. He smiles back as he walks towards you. You tense up, not knowing what to expect from him. He holds out his hand for you to take. You stretch out your hand, trying to hide the fact that you’re shaking. His gentle smile sends a rush of comfort over you, realizing that he’s human too. “So how about that tour?” He laughs as he begins to lead you out the door. Tyler grabs Shea’s hand rather boldly and they follow along. Josh goes before you to open the door for all three of you. He’s sweet like that. He bites at Tyler as he walks by, only to tease him, causing you girls to die a little inside. “Welcome to our frenship.” Tyler says as he giggles in the most innocent way possible, gently placing a hand on Shealan’s lower back. You watch Tyler make the move while you’re screeching inside for your best friend. There was nothing in this world that either of you wanted more than this moment, and for that, you could never be any happier for her. They show you around the tour bus, showing you the kitchen, their sick coffee bar, an endless supply of Reese’s Puffs, their bunks, the bathroom, and finally the back bedroom that’s sectioned off. “This is my favorite part of the entire bus.” Tyler mumbles almost under his breath. “Oh, well it’d be mine too. I mean, only because I can sleep without hearing other people sleep. That’s weird. Oh Geez.” Shea says, stumbling over her own words. “I can’t comprehend how one person can be so cute.” Tyler says, smiling in the sweetest way at Shealan. “Hey, let’s just go back to Ty's place and hang out for a while. If you guys are down. No pressure.” Josh laughs awkwardly at the words he just spoke. “How do I know you’re not going to hurt us?” You say in a sassy way. “Well, I consider us to be nice dudes. But it’s totally up to you.” Josh smiles. “Come on, Shea. It will be fun.” Tyler says so needy. “D, if they were going to hurt us, they would’ve done it by now. It will be okay.” She smiles, giving you the confidence you need to say yes. “Okay. Fine.” Fighting off your smile, Josh gently runs his fingers across your stomach, making you almost melt into the floor. “Yes!” Both of the boys say at the same time. “Everybody to the Josh-mobile!” You all four bust out laughing, because everyone knew he was referring to Drake and Josh. This only made you fall even harder for him. You all get into Josh’s car, practically silent the entire way there with the occasional "oh you need to go here" and "you need to eat there" suggestions. Josh and Tyler are up front, you and Shealan are in the back. You and Shea exchange some puzzled looks, wondering why they were so silent. Maybe they were thinking of how to get away with our murders… you almost giggle at the thought. It seems impossible for these two kind boys to be the kind to hurt you. You arrive, nervous as hell. Shea gives you this look, causing you to read her mind, knowing she’s thinking that you look straight up retarded. Josh comes around and opens the door for you. Tyler does the same for Shea. You follow them to the door and once again, Josh holds the door open for you, yet again. Tyler smiles at Shea as he glides his hand across the small of her back, insinuating that she follow him to the couch. You follow Shea as Josh grabs you guys a few drinks. “Sorry ladies. We’re simple around here. No martinis or anything cute like that.” Josh giggles lightly as he hands you all a beer. You sit down on the couch in front of Tyler and Shea, and Josh sits beside of you as close as he can. Tyler has his hand on Shea’s thigh, and you know without a doubt she’s screaming inside. But so are you. After a few beers are down, Tyler gets the idea to play board games. Minutes turn to hours, and the hours creep into the morning. Tyler and Shealan are passed out, snuggled up on the couch with one of Ty’s arms around her waist, his hand propped on her hip. “I haven’t seen Tyler this happy in a while.” Josh says in a content sort of way. “I hope she’s somebody for him. He needs that.” He smiles at you, and you can’t help but smile back at him. You glance down at your phone, seeing that you have a message from Paul. Received 2:34 a.m. Hey. I can't sleep. I hope you're having a great time in Ohio. I can't wait for you to come back home though. Goodnight, darling! You try to hide that your blushing, but Josh notices. "Your boyfriend won't mind you being here, will he?" He asks, backing away from you. "Oh.. uh... I don't have a boyfriend." You chuckle awkwardly as you run your fingers through your hair, pushing it out of your face. "Oh. Good!" He smiles innocently, letting himself go. You smile back at him, trying to think of how Paul would've felt if he knew you'd said that. You weren't together, but then again, he was waiting on you back in Tennessee. You felt horrible, but there's something about Josh that you loved. Something that you've never felt before. Sent 2:36 a.m. Goodnight. See you soon. :) Your eyelids are getting so heavy, so are Josh’s. You lean against the arm of the couch and get comfy because you know you can’t make it back to your room. “Will you lay with me?" Josh giggles. You can’t help but to give in to his persuading words along with his sparkling eyes. After a few strange stutters, you finally get the words out. "Yeah. Totally." You smile. He's already in a comfortable position, nearly laying down completely on the long couch. You crawl up next to him, pressing your body into his in order to fit. It's like you were molded out for him. You fit with him perfectly. He pulls the blanket off of the back of the couch over you, making sure you weren't cold. He places his arm across your stomach, drawing patterns on your skin. His touch sends you off into a deeper trance, and quickly making you fall asleep. Without a doubt, you knew this wouldn’t be the last night like this.
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Chapter 1 - Welcome To Your Life "No way. Bob Ross' son is a legend too." You insist as you straighten up the shoes on display at your job. "But he's not as important as Bob. There's no denying that." You have this argument quite often with your co-worker, Paul. "I can't help but disagree." He approaches you, his body coming in contact with yours. "Oh, dear. We're at work." You blush as you place your hand on his chest. "Sometimes, it's hard not to think about you. I wish you'd let me call you mine." He sighs and walks away from you. "Tell you what. I'll come over to your house tonight and I'll think about it. Okay?" You smile, knowing what your intentions were. You loved him, but for some reason, could never commit to him. Six o' clock rolls around and you clock out. "See you tonight, lovely." He smiles as you walk out of the small shoe store. You go home and basically wait around until Paul texts you and lets you know he's home. "Mom, I'm going to Paul's for a while. I'll be home by 1." You yell up the stairs. "Okay honey. Be safe." She mumbles quietly. You grab your keys and head out the door. You hop in your car, put on some Mumford & Sons and make your way to Paul's home. You walk up to the door and knock a few times. His sweet mother answers the door. "Hi there, sweetie! Paul's in the basement." She greets as she allows you inside. "Thanks, Mom. Goodnight!" You say sweetly as you open the door to go to the basement. She tells you goodnight back, knowing that she really wants you to be with Paul. "Hey there, cutie." You speak up, surprising him. "Hey!" He stands up from the couch he was sitting on and walks towards you. He holds out his hand to help you down the steps. He's a theater major, so he's naturally always theatrical. "Thank you, kind sir." You speak in a British accent, followed by a giggle. "Anything for you, m'lady." He smiles, not letting go of your hand but pulling you to him, causing your body to press up against his. He places one hand on your waist and begins to sway, making you swoon over him. "So, have you thought about it?" He smiles, looking deeply into your eyes. You sigh, pulling away and freeing yourself from his grasp. You grab his hand again and lead him to the couch. "Paul, you are such a sweetheart. I know that you can give me the world. But I still need more time to think...." you pause and look at him, noticing he's shaking his head in agreement with you. You grab both of his hands, holding him by his gentle fingers. "Um... I have something to tell you." You mumble, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'm leaving for Ohio for a week tomorrow." You glance back up at him to see his reaction. His deep brown hooded eyes glare back into yours, making your stomach churn. Say something. Anything. "Mmm okay. Ohio, hm? Isn't that where that band is from that you listen to all the time?" Finally, he said something, and he seems kind of bitter. "Yes. Maybe I'll run into the love of my life there." You smirk, wanting to get a rile out of him. "Josh?" He chuckles, letting go of your hands. He grabs a cigarette and lights it, unconsciously blowing smoke in your face. "Yes, Josh. It'd mean everything to me if I got to meet him." You stars off into the lamp across the room, imagining living life with Josh Dun. "Hey. Earth to Destinee." He snaps his fingers in front of your face, interrupting your trance. "Sorry." You apologize. "Look, I'll think about it while I'm up there, okay?" You try to convince him. "Okay. But please, don't keep me waiting." He pleads, which is reasonable. He just wanted you, and you couldn't give that to him. Not yet. "I really love you though." He insists as his eyes dart from your eyes to your lips. "A lot. I've never wanted someone so bad in my life." He mumbles as he gets closer to you, putting one hand on your jaw line and the other on your thigh. He leans in and kisses you gently, almost as if he'd waited his whole life to kiss you. You give into him, melting under his touch. Suddenly, he pulls away. "I can't..." he breathes, breaking eye contact with you. "I can't get anymore attached to you than I already am. Promise me you'll call me on your trip?" He pushes your hair behind your ear. "Promise." You smile. - the next day - It's 5:45 a.m. Your alarm sounds fifteen minutes before you're supposed to get up because you hit the snooze button three times before you actually feel the rush to get out of the bed. You and your best friend, Shealan, are leaving to go on a week long road trip. Starting from your home state and traveling to Ohio. You've always wanted to go there because your favorite band resides there. So, you jump out of bed fifteen minutes before it's time to leave, throw your hair up into a bun, put on your favorite t-shirt, grab your luggage, but not without leaving to tell your doubting mother goodbye, after a fifteen minute conversation of how you don't need to talk to strangers, you head to your best friend's house. You creep into Shea's driveway, hoping not to wake her mom on her day off. You text her and tell her you're there, and while you're waiting, you go through your Instagram feed. You discover that Twenty One Pilots is having a pop-up show in the town that you're visiting! You're a die hard fan of them, seriously. You'd give up anything for them. Then, your best friend walks out of her front door, gently closing it and locks the door. She walks over to the car, luggage being wheeled behind her. She tosses her luggage into the trunk and plops into the car, and in the highest pitch voice you can, you announce the Twenty One Pilots will be in Ohio for a pop-up concert! You both begin to scream and shout. You know without a doubt you're going to see the man that you've determined you're going to eventually marry, which is the drummer, Josh Dun. You make your way out of the driveway, but little did you know, you're about to start your future. Arriving in Ohio was the farthest thing from what you'd expect. It was cold and rainy. But you guys didn't care, because you were about to see who you thought were your soulmates. You arrive at the hotel, check in, and make your way up to your room. "Hey, the concert is tonight, but I am NOT wearing any of these drab clothes to meet my future husband. Do you want to go shopping?" You suggest, laying on the best watching your best friend unpack. She looks at you and giggles as if she knew you were about to ask that. "Of course. Let's go to Forever21." She said in a tone of voice that made you confident that she was your best friend soulmate. After a long three hours of shopping in the chaos of Forever21, you get back to your room with only an hour to get ready for the concert. You picked out the girl version of what Josh would wear, and Shea did the same, but with Tyler. You have a NASA t-shirt dress, navy flannel, and skate-hi Vans. She has on a red beanie, black TØP shirt, a red and black flannel, and ripped jeans. She took her inspiration for her outfit from Blurryface since she had been just as obsessed with him and she was Tyler. Once you're done approving each other's outfits, you head to the venue, The Basement. Somehow, you managed to score VIP tickets, allowing you to roam wherever you please, increasing the chances of seeing the boys. You guys flash your badges at security and make your way to the back of the stage where you see the man you've dreamed about for years. In all of his glory, there stands Joshua. William. Dun. His sleeve popping with color, even more vivid than in the pictures. You look at your best friend, and you collect that's she's just as speechless as you are. He turns around and looks directly at the two of you, eyes bouncing from you to Shea, then back to you. "What? Am I scary? Do I have something in my teeth?..." he chuckles as he scrubs his perfect teeth with his finger. You both giggle as he approaches you closer and holds out his hand. "Hi. I'm Josh. You are?" You can feel your face on fire as you shake his hand and mumble your name. "I'm... I'm... um.. I'm Destinee." You try to keep it cool, but you fail miserably. "Hey, Destinee. You're the first girl I've met with that name." He smiles with an angelic glow in his eyes, causing a cold chill to run down your spine. "Well, I hope you haven't met any guys with that name." You chuckle awkwardly. He asks you how your life is going, much to your surprise. He seemed genuine. He cared. And that was something you had never experienced backstage before. You three chat and converse until Tyler walks into the room, causing everyone to go silent. He looks tired, but no one notices. Josh hugs him, causing every girl to weep inside. Josh suggest you all sit down on the couch near you. You take up the offer and he sits directly beside of you, his red shorts rubbing against your bare thigh. Tyler sits down next to Shea, and you can tell she's screaming internally just by looking at her, even though she seemed pretty cool about it on the exterior. "So... I can't help but notice your accent isn't really from here. Where are you actually from?" Josh smiles kindly at you, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes. "I'm from Tennessee." You're kind of embarrassed to say it, considering when you hear someone is from Tennessee you think of Billy Ray Cyrus and Larry the Cable Guy. "Oooo, a Southerner. Sweet." He scrunches his nose and smiles at you. "Tennessee isn't all bad." You tease. "Well, we'll have to go one day and you ladies can take Tyler and I on a tour. Okay?" He pats your thigh with his hand, nearly setting your legs on fire. "Okay." You agree. All four of you converse and laugh until it's time for them to go on stage. It's as if you guys had always known one another. Their manager walks into the room and tells the boys they have two minutes before they're on stage. Josh and Tyler stand up, and Josh speaks up and says, "you know, I love performing. But I kinda just want to stay here and do this the rest of the night...." he sighs in dread, making you feel slightly more important than all the other girls in the room, at least for now. You were already getting jealous stares all over the room, making you feel guilty. You collect all the stares before Josh speaks again. "I'll tell you what. Meet me and Tyler back here in thirty minutes after the show. We'll give you guys a tour of the bus!" He winks at you innocently, turns on his heel and walks away. At that moment, you knew you were in for trouble but you didn't mind because hey, it's Josh Dun. As they walk away in all of their glory, you and Shea attempt not to scream and cry as you make your way to the front of the venue to watch your boys perform. Who knows what's in store for you.
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