200 · 7 years
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Hamburg, 2017.
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200 · 8 years
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200 · 9 years
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Early fall morning.
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200 · 9 years
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Night time.
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200 · 9 years
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Lion’s Head, 2014.
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200 · 9 years
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Good evening Kassel.
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200 · 10 years
Ich habe viel darüber gelesen, jetzt erlebe ich es selbst: ihr Geschick, alles in ihrem Sinne zu drehen. Sie dürften genug Material haben. Seit vier Jahren hören sie mich ab, am Telefon und in der Wohnung, sie lesen meine E-Mails und kontrollieren, was ich in Sozialen Netzwerken poste. Wenn sie mein Haus durchsuchen, lassen sie mich das manchmal wissen. […] Es ist eine hässliche Vorstellung, doch meist machte ich mir nicht allzu viele Gedanken darüber, wie hätte ich sonst hier leben können? Jetzt, wo ich weiß, dass sie nicht nur sammeln, sondern es auch verwenden, sieht alles anders aus.
Angela Köckritz from the German Zeit newspaper about surveillance and information gathering
"I have read a lot about it, now I experience it myself: their skill to twist everything in their favor. They should have enough material. They bug me since four years, at the phone and at my home, they read my mails and check what I post in social networks. When they search my home, sometimes there let me know. […] It has a hideous notion, but mostly I try not to think about it. How else could I have lived here? Now that I know that they are not only collecting, but also using it, it is something different entirely.
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200 · 10 years
Fix stuck Smart Mailboxes in Mail.app
Sometimes Smart Mailboxes in Mail.app get stuck, especially if they should show unread messages. Read messages then stay in the mailbox even between restarts of Mail.app.
While deleting Envelope files fixes this, they take very long to rebuild if you have sizable collection of mails. But for broken smart mailboxes running
mdimport ~/Library/Mail
is just enough to fix the problem. It's much faster and you maybe able to keep running Mail.app.
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200 · 10 years
SSL in nginx with Forward Secrecy on Gentoo
This enables a secure SSL configuration with support for Forward Secrecy. Note that it doesn't support some combinations of Internet Explorer and Windows XP.
Gentoo disables elliptic curve base algorithms by default. To enable these add the following use flags:
# include Elliptic Curve algorithms in OpenSSH dev-libs/openssl -bindist net-misc/openssh -bindist
Rebuild openssl and nginx. Now you can use this configuration for nginx:
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers "EECDH+ECDSA+AESGCM EECDH+aRSA+AESGCM EECDH+ECDSA+SHA384 EECDH+ECDSA+SHA256 EECDH+aRSA+SHA384 EECDH+aRSA+SHA256 EECDH EDH+aRSA !aNULL !eNULL !DES !3DES"; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
To supply a stronger (4096 bit) DHE parameter generate one and add
ssl_dhparam /etc/certificates/dhparam.pem;
More about DHE parameters and their generation. You may also want to use a sha256 signature for your certificate (depends on issuer).
If you've done everything right you should get an A+ from SSL labs. If TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA is not in the list, check your OpenSSL build.
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200 · 10 years
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Vintage Fireworks Labels (via cabel)
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200 · 10 years
Denkt auch daran, daß die Techniker es sind, die erst wahre Demokratie möglich machen. Denn sie erleichtern nicht nur des Menschen Tagewerk, sondern machen auch die Werke der feinsten Denker und Künstler, deren Genuß noch vor kurzem ein Privileg bevorzugter Klassen war, jedem zugänglich.
Albert Einstein (Don't forget that engineers are the ones who enable real democracy. They not only disburden peoples stew, they also allow access to work of the finest thinkers and artists for everybody, something that was a privilege for the favored classes until recently).
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200 · 10 years
Why capture one photo, from one angle, with one perspective, when we could capture everything? When I can explore a photo, zooming and panning and focusing and shifting, why would I ever want to just look at it?
Litro Illum – Isn't it still about the picture, the point of focus and the composition? I see myself getting bored quickly with their example shots.
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200 · 11 years
Some German things are great.
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200 · 11 years
I cannot deal with priorities, my time is limited.
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200 · 11 years
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Happy new year!
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200 · 11 years
"Mind. Blown."
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200 · 11 years
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