2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
Conspiracy Theory Video Titles
Simplest Irrefutable Flat Earth Proof
The ONLY Flat Earth proof you will ever need! 2016
this is real proof; shocking footage of flat earth
BEST 9/11 Documentary: If You Seek TRUTH, WATCH THIS
9/11 Truth In Under 5 Minutes
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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 Common themes in conspiracy theory videos on YouTube. -Presented as innocent unbiased information for mere consideration
-’Experts’ with an over-emphasis on the person’s qualification and background.
-Quotes without context, from University professors
-Still images of subjects over live audio
-silent scenes with a question e.g. ‘WHY WOULD BUSH TELL SUCH A BLATANT LIE?’ (re: 9/11 attack)
-As many different type of media as possible- articles, quotes, voice excerpts 
-Compiled supportive news clips
-Repetition of the same singular ‘empirical’ evidence as rebuttal
-Different narration voices
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
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While watching old videos of Asian players scoring goals, I started to notice strong bonds between Asian and Black players playing for European clubs. This was noticeable especially after a goal scored by an Asian player (which is rare for many reasons) where the players showing the most support are the Black players. I initially thought this could be seen as a display of POC celebrating in solidarity as minorities and began to collect footage of Asian players scoring and celebrating with other POC (Players of Colour). 
During this process, I came to realise that this could be the case purely because these are players playing in neighbouring positions on the field, thus bringing the most emotion out of the Black players as they happen to be closest to the goal scorer at the time of it being scored. Whilst not entirely discounting the subconscious effect that being coloured may be having in these videos, as a critique of my own critique, I liken my disillusion to conspiracy theorist videos on YouTube. 
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2017honoursblog · 7 years
‘Sports Compilation’ style intro of POC responding to racism. Builds up to Dani Alves famously eating the banana thrown at him, as the song drops. Song is ‘Core’ by RL Grime. After a short blackout vide begins to decay, with images and sound becoming distorted. 
I see this video in two halves, talking about race vs not talking about race. The first half explicitly addressing racism, which comes across candidly. The second half hardly references race, besides the fact that there are non-white bodies as subjects. I would argue that that in itself still racialises the work. 
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