20sturnedmeemo-punk · 5 months
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@aqualianbird I appreciate your differentiation very much, thank you for taking the time to go through it in such detail
When I get to writing this (I haven’t written something this heavy on internal monologue/ introspection in ages), I’ll be sure to send you the link to the fic
But I also have to say, I know this premise alone is enough to get me some heat with the fandom and my plan for this scenario is genuinely evil, even beyond “Akai’s little sister died and there was nothing he could do”
My line of thinking is that while Masumi is his little sister, he has sworn his life to protect Shiho
Of course he loves Masumi but he also views her as “can handle herself” which she has proven several times
Shiho on the other hand? He has promised Akemi to protect her. Shiho is the last connection to Akemi Akai has/ knows of
I admittedly want to sus out which character death would break Akai and felt these two are the most likely
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 5 months
@celinesunflower I actually figured out how to rig this so it’s ambiguous which girl died
But the poll results so far surprise me, although I admit I haven’t been keeping up with DetCo recently and there might be Scarlet Family development I missed
Also, due to the whump nature of this whole short plot, I will post that thing anonymously, I do not want that blood on my account’s hands
My line of thinking is that while Masumi is his little sister, he has sworn his life to protect Shiho
Of course he loves Masumi but he also views her as “can handle herself” which she has proven several times
Shiho on the other hand? He has promised Akemi to protect her. Shiho is the last connection to Akemi Akai has/ knows of
I admittedly want to sus out which character death would break Akai and felt these two are the most likely
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 5 months
My line of thinking is that while Masumi is his little sister, he has sworn his life to protect Shiho
Of course he loves Masumi but he also views her as “can handle herself” which she has proven several times
Shiho on the other hand? He has promised Akemi to protect her. Shiho is the last connection to Akemi Akai has/ knows of
I admittedly want to sus out which character death would break Akai and felt these two are the most likely
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 6 months
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pete flirting with men in the audience oh ok
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 6 months
INFO, it genuinely matters whether the store is a mom-and-pop type corner store/ a locally owned private business or a big-name/ chain-owned thing
Don’t steal from independent small business owners, your theft can genuinely hurt those local stores
aita for stealing two rolls of gum
sooo yeah. theres a candy store near my house but I (14m) didn't have any money on me bc I was coming back from school. and I love hubba bubba bc it's so fucking good so I stole two rolls of it. one for me and one for the girl I have a crush on. but I know stealing isn't okay
What are these acronyms?
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 6 months
I’m asexual (and aromantic), I’m genderqueer, I’m disabled
I have dealt with exorsexism, being told my gender isn’t real
I have dealt with various flavours of aphobia (from “you haven’t had the right partner” to “you’re traumatised”)
And I’m not actually sure of all the ways I am physically disabled, bedsides chronic joint pains and orthostatic dysfunction
I am fully aware House MD is more “medical Sherlock Holmes” and that’s why he does indeed get all the “zebra cases” - I know that’s a skewed perspective but I’m just saying it always depends on your frame of reference and House is medical Sherlock Holmes and gets to be eclectic about picking his “investigantions”
I know and I’m still pissed about that the series medicalised asexuality to the point of saying it isn’t a thing; I’m aware of that case
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
Not this anon but since you want off-anon hate:
You are pathetic because you waste time by hating on a-spec people and gatekeeper the queer community instead of actually helping the community.
Being an ace/aro/apl exclusionist makes you a pathetic loser <3
of course you’re aphobic… AND you waste your time picking fights with people over a shitty cartoon? Christ, you are such a fucking loser it’s insane. 💀
I’m not the one sending anon hate to some loser on tumblr tho
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
Okay, so who’s word counts more?
Because as far as I’m concerned the bigger faction of the lgbtq+ community is willing to/ wants a-spec people to be included. The exclusionists are a loud (sometimes violent) minority
And what is your stance on people why are “legitimately queer” as well as a-spec in one way or another?
An aplatonic gay man? Is he part of the community?
A biromantic asexual? A pansexual aromantic? Do they count?
Or does their aspec identity revoke their “queer card”?
If you identify as asexual, you’re part of the LGBT+ community.
If you identify as aromantic, you’re part of the LGBT+ community.
Full fucking stop.
No other label overrides this and nay sayers can contend with my fucking fists.
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
You misunderstand, I think
I’m a genderqueer transmasc person who’s nblm/ nblnb, I’m literally trans and “same-gender” oriented
And I say aro ace apl people belong with the queer community, hope that helps
Many other people ‘like me’ also say the a-spec belongs with the queer community, hope that helps
If you identify as asexual, you’re part of the LGBT+ community.
If you identify as aromantic, you’re part of the LGBT+ community.
Full fucking stop.
No other label overrides this and nay sayers can contend with my fucking fists.
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
Admittedly, yes, a lot of men suck.
But I hear that just comes with being into oral sex, so, genuinely, I feel like they should suck to keep things fair and equal.
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
i cannot possibly overstate the psychological damage of growing up being abused in a way that is considered so disgusting as to be literally unspeakable and treated as such.
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
Oh thank fuck, THANK YOU
This is the first useful reblog-commentary (no offence to the “makes me feel powerful” person, your comment was awesome too!)
I just felt physical relaxation/ relief when I read your commentary, so thank you
I have been swinging the ban-hammer left right and center, I feel like I blocked 80% of the notes on this particular post but I just couldn’t find the energy or words to argue back
Thank you 💙
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
I have been blocking each and every radfem and the many many TERFs who have reblogged this post, that’s why their reblog-comments don’t show up
There have been A LOT before I made the comment
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
i guess it's scary to me when white leftists say that the punk scene is the scene where you wanna go if you're trans or a person of color or a drug addict or someone else who's been kicked down in life. cuz like, if you've lived in this scene, is it really where you wanna send people?
i got involved in my local punk scene and the problem is that people aren't actually focused on looking out for each other. punk is heavily white. punk is heavily abled. punk is heavily cis. i know everyone says "real" punk is this and that, but the problem is: i live in a punk house venue. i live in a house where punks throw punk rock shows weekly and invite other punks into our home to throw music and art shows. the DIY scene is a mess. it's full of abusers. it's full of enablers. it's full of queerphobes and tranny chasers. it's full of people who collect vulnerable traumatized people. it's full of people who will hand beers to recovering alcoholics and pass lines to recovering addicts.
this scene is full of people who scribble "this machine kills fascists" on every object they own and turn around and cower and say "I'm scared, can you come pick me up, there's some scary guys outside." because some black dudes listening to some rap posted up outside of the punk show. this scene is full of virtue signaling assholes who put antisemitic symbols on their "battle vests". this scene is full of half-assed "communists" who just want to brag about the big scary words they learned like "praxis" and "proletariat" and "bourgeoisie".
this scene is full of fake socialists who won't lift a finger to help each other, but will drag each other into hell instead.
the problem with punk as we know it is that it's whitewashed to hell and back, and the spaces created by these individuals are not centered around safety, but violence. yeah, you kill fascists, but do you provide meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and harm reduction for the addicted? do you pass out extra blankets and clothes? do you help people get to the hospital? do you pat someone on the back when they turn down that beer? do you remember to not offer a baggie to the person who just got out of recovery?
no? then you aren't a safe person to be around, and you ain't punk. you are the reason this scene is unsafe.
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
Hey I mean no hate when asking this but are u proshipper/anti-anti ?
Why would that question imply hate? Don’t worry, Anon. /genuine
Yes, I - the person who created and runs this blog - am a pro-shipper.
Pro-ship is the stance of ship and let ship; shipping doesn’t reflect real-life morality; taste in fiction does not inherently reflect real-life moral stances
Which, I think, is also in my pinned “about” post.
Sadly, due to tumblr’s search function being a mess, I couldn’t find the posts re: shipping I reblogged, except this one. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. You need to scroll to the reblog-additions in this one.
And yes, I admit to having been slacking in the past regarding DNI banners/notes on post. I have recently been catching up on that and blocked a whole bunch of people for having “proshipper/anti anti DNI” so I don’t accidentally end up in a reblog-chain with them. I am trying but occasionally posts with DNIs referring to me slip by me.
Plus this. as to why AO3 is important and good actually. Yes, that includes their hosting “problematic content”.
Why AO3 matters. AO3 under attack. AO3 - a safe haven for creatives. AO3 is that site made for freaks. Addendum, AO3 has lawyers dedicated to protect the creatives.
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
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20sturnedmeemo-punk · 8 months
Do NOT. Do not. DO NOT buy fake leather
Pirate everything. Burn cds. Fight the cloud
Tip food service workers crazy style
Smile at yr bus driver
Wear more eyeliner
Read superhero comic books
Paint more blood and gore
See saw xi in theaters
Draw messy
remember that old panic at the disco is good truly
Tell people you love them
Stompy boots
My Chemical Romance
Assault a customer at your retail job
Write that weird fanfic
Watch every vampire movie ever made
Wear that crop top
Start a fire
Listen to music made by angry women
Remember that you are fucking alive and do whatever you want
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