210725 · 2 years
c!ranboo nonbinary 👍🏽
RANBOO: (reading) "i hope someone asks if character ranboo is nonbinary" ah, man.
RANBOO: i mean.. when you think about it, yeah. y'know? like, right? when you think about it, like, everything that i have, like, made him out to be. like, when you think about it, yeah.
RANBOO: (reading) "canon nonbinary" i mean, yeah. when you think about it, right, when you think about it, it's like.. i don't know. i'd say when you think about, like, just- when i think about it, i'm just like "yeah, it makes sense" y'know? it's one of those things.
RANBOO: but i also like to leave everything, like, really just vague and open ended in regards to that. in regards to, like, my character and everything just so that people can interpret it anyway they want cause it's like.. yeah. it's just kind of how it is.
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210725 · 2 years
the videos with the "vertical glitch" or whatever on mobile have been fixed 🙂👍🏽
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210725 · 2 years
ranboo's rejection story: now fully unveiled
RANBOO: like there was this one- there was this one person, that like, i texted and everything just like all the time because he was the only other person that i knew, like, was gay.
RANBOO: so i, like, met him, and for like two days i would text him almost nonstop.
RANBOO: and then i got a text, like one morning, just saying- or- one night- saying "hey! not really looking for a relationship right now."
RANBOO: and this is when i didn't even- i didn't even say anything! i didn't even say anything.
BILLZO: no! that's terrible!
RANBOO: it was awful.
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210725 · 2 years
BILLZO: were you going to join a fraternity?
RANBOO: no. absolutely not.
BILLZO: you seem like the guy who would.
RANBOO: no. no actually, i would've just.. y'know-
BILLZO: i forgot that you're gay, sorry, nevermind. yeah, no, i agree. yeah. but i mean, it was like-
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210725 · 2 years
the room is filled with people that love you
RANBOO: and another thing that made me realize that was like, i was driving- what made me want to do a longer meet and greet, like the main thing that made me want to do a longer meet and greet, was-
RANBOO: i was driving away from wilbur and i's panel that we did, and i saw someone that was cosplaying me on the side of the road, right. and then so i was like- as we were pulling away because i didn't want them to like.. accidentally get run over about like going into the street, right. i rolled down my window and i went like "where's that from?" and they were like [shocked noise] and then started coming towards the car and i was like "yo, be careful! be careful!" and then they gave me a note and everything.
RANBOO: and i was like.. that was the main thing that, like, made me want to do a longer meet and greet was i was just like "if this one random person has, like, an entire written note for me, how many other people have something that they want to give me?" so i was just like "i gotta do a longer meet and greet for this."
RANBOO: um.. so thats what made me extend the meet and greet by like, three hours. [laughs] because i was just like "dude! if that one person had something that was so, like, heartfelt and taken care of and everything-" i wanted to see more of it. i wanted to see, like, everything.
RANBOO: and i was able to! there are three boxes. i have to go and get a new suitcase. i have to get a new suitcase so that i can take it back with me. i might have to reschedule my flight but that's okay.
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210725 · 2 years
RANBOO: which is- this entire thing, right, this entire thing has really put a lot into perspective that it's like.. it's a little somber.
RANBOO: i'll talk about this more tomorrow but it's just like... i realized, like, in that moment where i was just, like, on stage, right, on the dsmp panel, i was just like.. this is only a small fraction. right, like this is only a small fraction of everyone that does actually watch me, that does actually support me.
RANBOO: and it's just, like, it was really sad to me because i could never, like- during the meet and greet and everything when i realized its only such a small fraction. it made me so sad because i realized that i can never.. like.. try to, like, give someone something that they have given to me.
RANBOO: right, if that makes sense? or like, i can't give someone, like, a really quick one-on-one meeting and everything. right. and i just can't do that.
RANBOO: and that's what made me really, really sad! like, i was like really, really sad after that panel because i realized, like, because of how many people there are, i can never, like, give back what everyone has collectively has given to me.
RANBOO: so it's like.. it's really odd. i remember that markiplier on his interview said a similar thing.
RANBOO: and i'm like "oh- oh, man!" like.. it was, like, almost sad when i realized that it's such a small fraction.
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210725 · 2 years
big shot
RANBOO: -but, um.
[Ranboo enlarges a screenshot of a Game Theory video that reads "Game Theory: Your Memories are Corrupted...", the thumbnail has an image of Ranboo on an old tv screen to the right, a board that has polaroids and a sticky note with the Generation Loss logo on it, and green text that reads "KILL the FOUNDER!" on bottom left corner.]
[Ranboo then hits his chair repeatedly out of excitement.]
RANBOO: WOO! oh my god! [laughs]
RANBOO: that's why i went live right now! because that just came out and i had no idea! my.. [laughs] oh my god! i'm like.. [laughing]
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210725 · 2 years
c!ranboo nonbinary 👍🏽
RANBOO: (reading) "i hope someone asks if character ranboo is nonbinary" ah, man.
RANBOO: i mean.. when you think about it, yeah. y'know? like, right? when you think about it, like, everything that i have, like, made him out to be. like, when you think about it, yeah.
RANBOO: (reading) "canon nonbinary" i mean, yeah. when you think about it, right, when you think about it, it's like.. i don't know. i'd say when you think about, like, just- when i think about it, i'm just like "yeah, it makes sense" y'know? it's one of those things.
RANBOO: but i also like to leave everything, like, really just vague and open ended in regards to that. in regards to, like, my character and everything just so that people can interpret it anyway they want cause it's like.. yeah. it's just kind of how it is.
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210725 · 2 years
taking a tumble
[Ranboo is playing the game "Tell Me Why". Two characters named Tyler and Michael are conversing.]
TYLER: so, is this a typical work day for you?
RANBOO: (overlapping) -come on!
MICHAEL: nah. i usually don't have such good looking company back here.
[Ranboo pauses the game and falls out of his chair.]
RANBOO: i'm on the floor! i'm on the floor! sorry! that took me by surprise! i'm on the fl-
[Ranboo is playing the sequel to the game "Monster Prom" called "Monster Camp". His character is talking to another character named Milo.]
RANBOO: (reading) "they show you a short suggestive glance"..
[As soon as the game switches to the next scene of Milo, which is them naked in a lake with their cloak barely on, Ranboo falls out of his chair.]
RANBOO: oh my god, i fell down!
RANBOO: give me a second, my headphones unplugged, jesus christ!
RANBOO: (closer to the mic, stammering) excuse..
RANBOO: bill, i'm sorry but i'm doing grea-
[Ranboo laughs, very out of breath.]
RANBOO: i hit my shoulder so incredibly hard on the floor!
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210725 · 2 years
on the big screen
RANBOO: (reading) "how did your parents react to the miku cosplay?" i want to tell this story on stream, but i'll tell you guys here as well.
RANBOO: basically, right, apparently there was other family over during the time of MCC. and instead of my parents, y'know, like, being normal and not putting on MCC in front of some of my extended family, but they put ON MCC in front of some of my extended family.
RANBOO: ... so it was great to see a picture of my cousin smiling and doing a thumbs up next to a TV screen of me dressed as hatsune miku. that was fun. that was fun. that was fun to see.
RANBOO: don't worry, i haven't been to a family reunion in like.. since i started. so. i've been able to dodge them. [laughs]
RANBOO: oh man.. it was certainly a day, i'll tell you that. that- that was certainly a day. i checked my phone and it was just like.. oh boy. i really just wished that didn't happen.. [laughing] oh my god!
RANBOO: oh man. but that's always- yeah, that's always fun! it happens! it just happens!
RANBOO: "does he have a girlfriend yet?" "no, there's this minecraft tournament and he's in a skirt."
RANBOO: yeah.. yeah..
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210725 · 2 years
misdelievered letter
JACK: (reading) to my..
BILLZO: louder.
[Jack laughs.]
BILLZO: louder!
JACK: (reading) "to my.. darling husband. on our anniversary. I've always wanted what's best for you, which is obviously me."
JACK: (reading) "x-kiss, the riddler."
BILLZO: (overlapping, reading) "x-kiss, the riddler"?
BILLZO: that's a bit seductive. that's-
[Ranboo runs into frame, grabbing the card out of Jack's hands.]
RANBOO: [unintelligible] bye!
[Ranboo then slips on the rocks, causing him to fall over. He rolls around for a bit before fully getting up. Jack laughs and walks out of frame to the right as Ranboo jogs away, closer to the shore.]
BILLZO: i just- i don't know what it could mean!
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210725 · 2 years
roommate disputes
BILLZO: –we got rhythm! we got rhythm, baby!
RANBOO: they call me the "rhythm-ler" .. that one was bad, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.
BILLZO: i'm going to ubereats.
RANBOO: no, don't go to ubereats.
BILLZO: i'm going!
RANBOO: don't go to ubereats.
BILLZO: i'm gonna go to ubereats.
RANBOO: no, don't go to ubereats. i know that was bad- i know that was bad, okay, i'm sorry! is that what you want from me?!
BILLZO: it's too far this time! [unintelligible]
RANBOO: what do you want from me? what do you want from me! i have tried so hard. and yet this is all i get in return. you just leave, every single time it starts to get bad, you just leave.
BILLZO: "the rhythm-ler." the rhythm-ler.
RANBOO: i know it was bad! okay, i know it was bad. i know it wasn't the best. i'm sorry! i never said it was always gonna be the best.
BILLZO: apologies aren't things anymore.
BILLZO: i'm going to ubereats' house for the night.
RANBOO: you wouldn't dare.
BILLZO: i've been seeing ubereats.
BILLZO: quite frank, it's probably 'the best.
RANBOO: how long?
BILLZO: [unintelligible]
[Ranboo and Billzo both start laughing.]
RANBOO: that took a turn!
BILLZO: oh, i want uber- i want diet coke!
RANBOO: [stammering] okay, uh, oh! it's a wrap, all right, thanks guys thats our first episode of our ARG.
[Ranboo and Billzo both start laughing again.]
RANBOO: –no? oh- jesus- hey.
[Billzo starts laughing.]
BILLZO: uh, here's dinner.
RANBOO: there we are- thank you.
BILLZO: i cooked it myself.
RANBOO: no you didn't.
BILLZO: that one's a quesadilla.
RANBOO: yeah, i know.
BILLZO: and i made fresh guacamole.
RANBOO: you did not do either of that. you- i ordered it.
BILLZO: no you didn't i-
RANBOO: i ordered it.
BILLZO: i even put it in a-
RANBOO: i ordered it.
BILLZO: no, i made it–
RANBOO: you didn't do any of this. i'm trying to listen to the game?
BILLZO: i'm just trying to connect with you, son!
RANBOO: [laughs] you- why were you just standing there? that was awful!
BILLZO: i'm just trying to give you the food! i do so much for this family!
RANBOO: we're not doing this again.
BILLZO: why not!
RANBOO: because we did it yesterday!
BILLZO: okay, i'm gonna move it. um. i don't know.
RANBOO: okay, there's a game going on! i'm just trying to watch the game! leave me alone.
BILLZO: i hear you, brother!
[Ranboo laughs.]
RANBOO: guys, bill can get a towel! i don't- i don't care! he can get a towel. there are towels, i'm sure. why didn't he check to see if there was a towel?—
BILLZO: there's no fucking towels!
RANBOO: why didn't you check?!
BILLZO: what do you mean!
RANBOO: why didn't you check!
BILLZO: i just assumed that they'd be in the towel–
RANBOO: you should check!
BILLZO: i look like a wet dog! where are the towels!–
RANBOO: you always look like a wet dog!
BILLZO: take that back!
BILLZO: take that back!
RANBOO: leave! leave! i'm in the middle of a minecraft championship wearing a dress!
BILLZO: i'm soaking fucking wet!
RANBOO: oh, boo hoo!
BILLZO: i'm- i'm using the twitch partner blanket.
RANBOO: no, don't use the twitch partner blanket.
BILLZO: i'm using the twitch partner–
[Beat of silence.]
BILLZO: okay, well, i'll stand outside.
RANBOO: yeah, just stand outside and just rotate slowly.
[A door slam is heard.]
RANBOO: i have a towel. i don't know what he's talking about. i actually, like, don't know why he doesn't think that there's a towel. it is there. it is genuinely there. i don't know what he is doing.
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210725 · 2 years
RANBOO: –shoot, what have i been doing? uhh.. i've been- trying? y'know, a little bit..
RANBOO: (reading chat) "this isn't the gay-straight alliance club." [starts laughing]
RANBOO: okay, that's fair. that's fair. yeah, no, that's.. that's.. okay, that's fair.
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210725 · 2 years
"makes more sense now"
RANBOO: how many more stories do i have now that i have like unlocked because of this?
RANBOO: um.. oh, shoot! yeah, no! you know the person that, uh, the person that rejected me before i even asked? you know the person that rejected me before i even asked? that was a guy.
RANBOO: yeah, that's why whenever i told the story i'd always be like "and then the person" [laughs] yeah.. so that was great. that was a real big ego booster there.
RANBOO: [laughs until he eventually coughs] oh god, sorry!
RANBOO: it was really funny, though. it's a really funny story that i tell now.
RANBOO: (reading chat) "i don't know whether not to laugh or cry" i cried for like, a couple of days after that. i don't even know why i did. 'right? i didn't even know why i did.
RANBOO: [laughs a bit until he eventually coughs again] oh god! i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i am just straight up dying.
RANBOO: oh boy.. (reading chat) "makes more sense now" what's that supposed- no, what's that supposed to mean? what do you mean "it makes more sense"? i don't know what that means. what do you mean that it makes more sense?
[Ranboo then makes a gesture towards his camera, which is just an attempt at the sticking up the middle finger without putting his entire middle finger up.]
RANBOO: i don't know- i don't know what that means. i don't- i just don't know what that means.
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210725 · 2 years
gay joke opportunities
RANBOO: –uh, yeah, so, wh- [laughs] what's happened while i've been gone.. [laughs] oh man.
RANBOO: yeah, yeah, okay, okay, okay. we'll- [laughs] see, it's- it's funny because i was gonna do an entire bit for like, the first like, 30 minutes where i just completely ignored it, y'know like i did for the first 12 years of my life-
RANBOO: SORRY! that was bad, that was a really bad one. i'm- i'm sorry, but i can do so many more joke opportunities, i'm so incredibly excited.
RANBOO: um! [laughing] that one was just bad.. i- [laughing] i'm sorry. okay—
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210725 · 2 years
what a guy
RANBOO: -yeah, yeah, it is a shame. yeah.
BILLZO: i mean, look, we were on about, like, what we want to do here.
RANBOO: mhm. mhm.
BILLZO: before we- before we- y'know, can get out of here, what's the short term plan? what do you think of everybody, by the way? i mean, i'll love to hear your thought process.
RANBOO: i mean.. honestly, like, from the people that, like, i would be stranded with on an island during the zombie apocalypse, i think, y'know, and i'm saying this y'know from the most just joy and love in my heart that we got some of the worst people possible for this situation.
RANBOO: ..and i'm just so grateful because all it is is a test. y'know, that'll make me a better person in the end. because each adversity is just a chance to prove my strength.
BILLZO: …yeah- yeah. yeah, man.
RANBOO: yeah.. yeah, no, i'm doing great so this is good. this is just.. fantastic!
BILLZO: i'm gonna.. you got any food on you, buddy?
RANBOO: no, no i don't!
BILLZO: you got that potato, though?
[Ranboo's character is visibly eating a slice of melon.]
RANBOO: yeah, no.. i don't- yeah.. i mean- yeah..
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210725 · 3 years
RANBOO: (reading) "god, i love you-" [gasps] what'd he say- what'd he say! oh my god!
RANBOO: what'd he just say? what'd he- what just- he just- he just- guys? guys?
[Ranboo repeats "guys?" several times over.]
RANBOO: i need a second, i need a second
[Ranboo yells "yes" in victory.]
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