22flo8 · 1 month
Apakah benar-benar karena kita peduli, atau sebatas ego?
Udah lama pengen nulis tentang ini dan akhirnya ada momen yang bikin aku tergerak buat nulis..
Jadi beberapa waktu lalu, ada anak dari seorang tokoh publik yang memutuskan untuk melepas hijabnya. Kejadian kayak gini, kalau di Indo kayaknya hampir engga pernah lepas dari huru hara, karena ada aja yang goreng isunya, apalagi kalau datang dari sosok yang banyak dikenal.
Banyak yang berkomentar intinya menyayangkan keputusan itu, seharusnya begini, begitu, bahkan sampai bawa2 dosa jariyah, dsb.
Yang aku pikirkan setiap kali ada komentar yang menghakimi dengan dalih mengingatkan adalah, 'what's your point?'
Apa dengan kita menghakimi, memaksa, mengata-ngatai, itu adalah cara yang baik untuk mengingatkan sesama? Apakah kita akan merasa 'lebih baik' ketika mereka yang kita ingatkan akhirnya melakukan sesuai yang kita 'harapkan'? Apa tujuan sebenarnya? Apakah benar untuk mengingatkan sesama karna cinta dan Allah, atau memenuhi ego kita yang memiliki ekspektasi pada orang lain?
"Tapi kan namanya syariat, ya enggak bisa dinego dong. Hukumnya wajib"
Ada satu kajian dari ustadz Nouman yang aku masih inget tentang Islam (aku lupa persisnya dari khutbah beliau yangmana). Intinya, Al-Qur'an (Islam) itu bukan 'sekedar' serangkaian aturan melainkan pendidikan. Kayak gimana kita selama ini belajar secara bertahap, Islam juga. Kita belajar matematika juga ga langsung belajar calculus kan pas esde. Bayangin aja habis belajar penjumlahan pengurangan, tiba-tiba disuruh itung turunan. Ya pasti mikirnya, 'ini apaan coba?'. sama halnya dengan pembelajaran agama (Islam), semua ada tahapnya dan masing-masing orang punya 'tahapan belajar' yang beda-beda. Ada orang yang fondasinya udah kuat banget, pengetahuan tentang kewajiban&larangannya udah khatam, ada juga yang baru meraba-raba, mempertanyakan tentang tauhid, iman, islam, dan lain-lain. Tapi itu semua bagian dari pembelajaran, kan :')
Bayangin lagi coba. Dulu Islam pertama kali turun butuh waktu bertahun-tahun di Mekkah-nya aja buat nyebarin pemahaman tentang keimanan. Kenapa juga Allah nurunin Al-Qur'an bertahap, ayat demi ayat sampe butuh waktu hampir 23 tahun? Kenapa engga sekalian aja diturunin semua sekaligus?
Dan pada akhirnya, yang bisa 'menilai' keimanan seseorang itu cuma Allah aja. Mau tampilan kita kayak gimana, mau sehari-harinya kita gimana, mau 'ibadah' kita sebanyak apapun juga, jangan pernah merasa 'aman' seolah kita sudah baik pun sebaliknya. Karena yang tau cuma hati kita dan Allah aja.
Agama itu bukan paksaan. Kita sebagai sesama manusia terlebih muslim, hanya berkewajiban untuk saling mengingatkan kebenaran dengan sabar. Perkara mau dia lakukan ato engga, itu kembali ke keputusannya. Juga sebaliknya. Ketika ada orang lain memaksakan ekspektasi ato idealisme-nya ke kita, apakah kita mau dengan senang hati, tulus ikhlas menjalani? Pun ketika kita mengingatkan seseorang kemudian orang itu berubah, itu bukan serta merta karna kitanya yang ngasih tau, tapi Allah lah yang menggerakkan hatinya.
Allah aja Maha Pemaaf dan Penyayang, padahal hanya Ia yang punya prerogatif untuk memutuskan dosa/engga seseorang, beriman ato engganya seseorang, kenapa kitanya yang pusing dan marah-marah?
Sebenernya w ngetik kayak gini jadi reminder buat diri sendiri. Semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan-Nya, dijaga lisan dan ketikan kita, dikuatkan iman dan diberikan petunjuk terbaik dari-Nya.
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22flo8 · 1 month
I say I can't, but is actually an excuse.
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22flo8 · 1 month
Kazehaya Shota, why he's one of the greenest flag male character
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Recently, I start to reread 'Kimi ni Todoke' again because I just watched the anime, and realized how a great of character Kazehaya is (i mean all of the characters in the manga are soo nice).
He's already a nice guy to start with, and many think of him as someone perfect because of his considerate and outgoing personality. but ever since dating Sawako-chan, he shows more vulnerable sides and is actually pretty nice to see especially in those panels before.
So for the context, the panels talk about right after their fight to decide their future (choosing steps after graduation). Previously, Kazehaya was kinda pushy and just told Sawako to pursue her dream even if it means they have to break up. He pushed his 'idea' to her as if he already know everything about her while Sawako herself not yet to decide and told him about her final decision. From Sawako' pov, it feels like he takes their relationship lightly and didn't discuss further together, that's why Sawako was disappointed and lead to them having a fight.
But later, Kazehaya realized that up to that moment, he's been pushing his own assumption to her before they actually talk about it. He directly run toward Sawako and more likely say the dialogue in the panels before.
The way that he isn't hesitate to show his true feelings and instead of denying that he somehow feel 'less capable' than Sawako, he directly said that he admires her. Most of the time, man tends to have high pride and our society is also used to the patriarchy culture. But the way that here in this manga, the characters show equality, and that they rely on each other is a fresh breath of air.
He acknowledge Sawako' value and quality, and later doesn't push his ideals toward her. He also told his true feeling that he actually don't want to let her go (to another city to pursue different college) but decide to hold back because he knows well, one of the reason why he likes her is her strong will/determination. He doesn't want to hold her back because of his own selfishness and thought that it's better for her to think of her choice solely based on her own desire. He doesn't want to become the reason why she should hold back her dream and it's really great. Such a support is relieving from the girl' pov (i'm literally screaming while reading because, DAMN kazehaya you whole green forest man).
Throughout the manga, they have such a cute and healthy relationship despite of them still working so hard on their communication (but i mean, communication is one of the all couple problems). It's a good choice to reread again because now I feel more relate to the characters compared to back then when I was still reading purposely for fun. There are so many lesson learned and wish you guys feel the same while reading this!
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22flo8 · 1 month
There's an extent to empathy, and we would never 'understand' until we experience it ourselves.
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22flo8 · 3 years
I Stan The Prince Review
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Artist : Bamboo Folding Fan (?)
Genre : Fantasy, Comedy, Mystery, Romance
Rate : 9/10
I really enjoy reading this manhwa, eventho it took place in palace setting, but the story is quite refreshing as it brought up fan-idol thing like modern times. I could say that so far the overall about this manhwa is full package. The art style is really pretty, the plot is nice neither too fast nor too slow, slow burn romance, great characters, big comedy energy, focused more on political affairs. The dynamic among the characters is on top as well, especially the FL, Angela, with everyone.
The story is unique, not the typical historical or isekai plot, but just like the title, it told a story about writer, Angela, who’s a hardcore fan of the prince, Rayburn, got her fanfiction story published by a stranger and turn out that the story she made became really famous among the civilians.The story she made back then was the story about the prince, Rayburn Espelindo and the imperial. As the opposite of the rumor going around the prince, the fanfiction she made giving the good impression of the prince, and that’s the reason why so many people become the prince’ fans despite the past bad rumor that he killed the second empress.
The interesting thing is, the nobles, in this case Espelindo, seeing ‘book’ as an effective way to draw people opinions and make it the chance to fix the prince reputation, so they asked Angela to do the sequel of the book and make more good impression of the prince. And that’s where all these story began. 
In fact, Angela and Rayburn have met when they were young. So she did write the story about the prince as how she felt back then and didn;t get swayed by the rumors. He helped her that time in the past when she was about to be brought up to another dealer (she was planned to be sold as a slave). Despite how tragic her background is, she become such really amazing woman and really portray the heroine feelings here. She’s such a clumsy but straightforward and rather observant. Now that she finally hired in the Espelindo family, she was able to meet Rayburn again (so sweet haha. usually i would be cringe over at these typical romance stories, but this one felt like some theatrical romance i dig in!!!!).
That was a bit spoiler i guess, but it’s indeed a masterpiece! I don’t get lost with the plot like how i usually feel whenever i read isekai or historical theme stories. Sometimes i ended up confusing my own as i have no idea what the conflict was about. The dynamics of the characters are insanely on top haha i smiled a lot while reading this one. Good works authornim for making many comedy here and memeable contents. It’s still ongoing by the way, i hope i still remember the story until the next updated chapter.
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22flo8 · 3 years
Raise wa Tanin Ga Ii
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Author : Asuka Konishi
Genre : drama, action, a bit of romance
Theme : Yakuza
As for the story, it's really interesting and refreshing plot. I already read it twice because i don't quite follow the story at first and have to recall back on the actual plot. For the second read, i finally understand to where this story is going to.
So basically, Yoshino Soumei, a daughter of kirigaya yakuza from Osaka is arranged to have marriage with Miyama Kirishima, a son of yakuza from Tokyo (i forgot his family name). For the few first chapters, it seems like usual political marriage trope where they have to be united by the contract but later deepen their feeling to each other, BUT NO. Well i'm quite surprised by a chapter where the actual story started to be unveiled.
Kirishima is the strangest character i ever read in the whole experience i read comic. He's a masochist, unreadable, impulsive, lack of common sense, obsessive, stalker, and all. But yeah, that's what make it interesting. He's really mysterious and his childhood story is still unknown. While Yoshino is really the most surprising character here. At first, she seems to be a normal country girl with manner, but turn out to be the totally opposite. Her being polite and collected is all because she doesn't want to reveal her image of yakuza related anyway. She's truly baddass. And i like how she's so dense and carefree. I like how Kirishima described her as someone who will just build her own shelter when she's cornered in such dangerous situation instead of trying to find a way out. She's so calm and dense, that's what he thinks of her.
So the main conflict of this story i guess is the reason behind of this arranged marriage. Like the reason behind why Yoshino has to marry Kirishima above all and why Kirishima willing to agree it at first place. In the chapter where Kirishima met Shouma (a family member of Yoshino), he stated that he's not ordered by anyone to treat Yoshino that way, but he genuinely behave because of the sake of his love, like he's really in love with Yoshino. What interesting me is that he said it's actually win win condition, Reiji, Yoshino' gramp and also the head of Kirigaya organization who arranged the marriage has his own personal reason on why he decided to put Yoshino under Kirishima's care and Kirishima himself that has his own personal reason. So as for the two, their reason is still be a big question mark of the story and i assume it's gonna resolve the story' conflict.
But then, the incident in Osaka, Yoshino and Kirishima met another strong and mysterious person called Azuma (or Aizuma i forgot his name). He's told to be the mastermind behind the attack that come to Kirishima and his purpose is to meet Yoshino.
Sooo as for now, my theory is actually there's a big accident happened back then when they were child. Kirishima turned out already looked for Yoshino since he's 12. He came all the way to Osaka back then but couldnt meet her. And this is still a bih secret, but i guess, she involved herself in Kirishima's matter when they were child. And the same reason to why he would like to marry her now. And then there's gang war that would happen soon between some Yakuza organization that include kirigaya family. Yoshino, being the only granddaughter of the house has the biggest possibility to be the target or bait to attack kirigaya, so Reiji should find 'safe place' for Yoshino to live on and smh he acknowledge Kirishima so that arranged marriage happen. Aizuma, still unknown he's a part of which yakuza family but seems like he looked for Yoshino to make some negotiation or maybe took her(?) as later be a bait for the war. But few chapters that already exist forshadowing that gang war is indeed gonna happen. First, from the Shouma words to Yoshino as per why she's married to Kirishima, second, the permed curly hair yakuza who also said to Shouma that there will be internal fights among yakuza family, and that Aizuma incident.
There are still a lot of mystery to where this story is going to, and this is really interesting. The art style is also really unique and pleasing, the character especially Yoshino's family is hilarious. My cinammon roll Shouma is too much to handle, he's precious boy (i really ship him with Yoshino tbh instead of Kirishima, but it's impossible since Yoshino really see him as a brother), Hotei is the most attractive one here haha he takes care of Yoshino really well and indeed become the parent role for her life.
Really worth the reading, can't wait for the next chapter :'(((
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22flo8 · 3 years
Unlucky Mansion
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Author : Yaggug (@bad_pharmacy)
Genre : drama, slice of life, romance, josei, comedy
10/10 for this webtoon.
I like everything about this webtoon (i can't help but giving 10/10 for this masterpiece). I become a big fan of the artist because how beautiful her drawings and how unique it is.
First thing first, the art style is soooo unique. I finally got to know the way she does the art line is pretty unique(?) it's not one solid line in one attempt but more like sketching. Smh it makes it rough and feel like unfinished drawings, but it's the main poin in her style i guess.
For the story, i really like the plot, the details, the conversations, the humour, the poetic narrations, the dynamics. Every characters are soo unique and i like them all, mostly the main characters, Eunjoo and Woojin.
Started from Eunjoo, who's been chased out from her apartment because she lost her job and finally applied to be house assistant for a mansion. Turn out the mansion is owned by some peculiar mannerless man, called Woojin. But then later she found out that Woojin is a writer under the name of Kwak Woojung and she's a big fan of his book. Once the truth be revealed, i think they started to get attached to each other by how 'take care' of each other. The way Eunjoo' words stabbed him in good way, the way she's perceptive and able to understand his problems, vice verca, they find their needs in each other and finally going out. The biggest conflict through this story is happened on Woojin family background as also the reason why he used pen name 'Woojung' instead of his own name. It's surprising and tragic and dark at the same time, but i'm really satisfied and happy like how Eunjoo were able to be one that help him resolve with his biggest problem there. Their relationship isn't as simple as only the rush caused by romantic feeling, but the urge to help each other develop, the need to fill the void that both of them have, and it's narrated beautifully in the last few chapters. It's just beautiful, short but enough, not dramatically dragged, realistic, and touching.
I learned so much from this story. Thank you, authornim. If the book really that woojin created exist, i would really be happy to have one huhu.
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22flo8 · 3 years
Yubisaki to Renren
another review again because there’s recent chapter updated, ch. 16.
again, i’m smitten by the story. so much fluff but ain’t gonna complain because it’s just perfect. the amount of fluffiness isn’t too cringe like any others (usually i skipped some parts of manga because they’re just too forced).
what i like the most is the main characters, both the FL and ML. they surely complement each other. The ML tho omg, he’s so smooth. like in everything. the way he acts, speaks, and his gazes that intensely pierced the FL hand sign movements. Up until now, actually i kinda feel uneasy because i can’t tell whether he’s just curious and wanna keep her for his own excitement, or indeed been in love and wanna protect her. Eventho his friend, the coffee manager (crap i forget his name) said that the ML (itsuomi) is in cloud 9 because how hard he’s falling for the FL (yuki) but man, i can’t read his happy expression at all. I admire author for making itsuomi such really really mysterious guy (and that’s another great point to make it more interesting i guess). I can’t predict what he’s feeling because his expression is kind of plain or rather i can say always stay calm. He doesn’t waver at everything around him. And it seems that it’s something that related to his past?? i mean.. his character somehow depicts his past memories because his background is still unknown and it feels like there’s secret behind this. What i noticed is that his friend (the manager, geez i hope i remember his namee, just gotta say ‘Sai’ for a moment) said that he’s afraid itsuomi’s feeling toward yuki is not love but possessiveness like wanna keep cute thing beside. but Sai also was in shocked when he saw itsuomi treated yuki like smth he never seen before?? and that’s also the reason why Sai said itsuomi is actually really happy and it shows on his face?? (like wut i can’t see the difference tho). but i hope so. aside of what his feelings might be like, he’s really mature and solid. like what i said before, he’s being rational and not panicked on his surroundings. he’s so collected, even when sudden visit by emma to his apartment at night in snowing time, he let her in but he asked to borrow his room instead of sleep over together. the reason was it’s already late night and snowy, so he didn’t want to make her go home alone and just troublesome to argue, so rather he’s out and just lend his room. That’s it! what a way of thinking. He’s not the typical to have small talks and avoided having unnecessary chats i guess. Plus, he really like to travel overseas, said that he’s into children and culture, and someday wanna be a teacher for children in rural areas, and wanna show them the world he’s been there before. The exact same reason on why he decided to date Yuki. He said that he sees Yuki as a transparent container that has no scratch on the outside, means Yuki never heard anything ‘bad’ in her live, she’s been so pure and not know what the real world is, so that he wants to affect her. man it’s sweet.
for yuki, i’m happy that since meeting itsuomi she becomes braver and manage to accomplish something out of her limitation like having job and become hand sign teacher (for itsuomi). it’s sad that till 19, her age now, she doesn’t get many chances to experience anything, she stayed that way maybe because nobody wanna pull her out of her small box. i know that it must be hard and people around her may think the same. to take care (i’m sorry) deaf people to go out of her shell, making her do everything like normal people do, it’s hard and the responsibility comes to those around her, and it weights people ofc. so i just realized that the moment itsuomi dare to ask her out and wanna show her the world, he’s ready for any consequences, being full responsibility about her conditions, it’s damn hard man but decided to. smh it shows that itsuomi character is really mature and solid. and thanks to him for bringing yuki to break the limits. eventho he’s pregressing fast romantically haha but he respect her and always ask for her consent. nice. 
I can’t wait for the time the both travel overseas, i want to know how Itsuomi would handle Yuki when they come to another country. I’m curious to how he’ll ‘introduced’ the outside world to her. And i really happy that he’s working hard to learn to communicate to Yuki. dang he’s totally my type
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22flo8 · 3 years
[ Tsubaki Chou Lonely Planet ]
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Title : 椿町ロンリープラネット
Alt Title : Tsubaki Chou Lonely Planet
Writer/Artist : Yamamori Mika
Another masterpiece from Author Yamamori Mika. Since 'Harunaka no Ryuusei', i've been a fan of her drawings. They all are sooo beautiful. The eyes, body portion, face, hair, even the clothes, all of them are pleasing to eyes.
Actually, the story plot is kinda cliche, but the way she delivers the story in such detailed way and pay much attention to subtle expression, makes a great execution overall.
It's about a girl, Fumi (16) who become a housekeeper because she and her father been kicked out from their rent house, and living separately. Fumi works in a house of novelist, Akatsuki (28) who has cold and emotionless characters but really passionate into writings and history. Fumi, despite still being a high schooler, she is so mature. Living alone with her father since her mom died, she gets used to do house chores include cooking.
The highlight of this story is about the two main characters who have similar tragic background, inexperience to love and express emotion, but smh they fall in love towards each other. There are so many conflicts and each of them teach a great life lesson.
Not only the MC, but the side characters are amazing as well. I've relieved cuz there are no trash characters like how usually exist just to make the story more well spicy but meh. i prefer this kind of trope, no third wheel. Eventho Gorou seems to become the second ML but he's wise enough to know his place. I like Gorou the most among others even the MC because of his manipulative characters but in a good way. He's observant and sensitive, and such a best supporter for the MC.
This series are wholesome, it manages to have dark, sad, fluff. I even had my heart beats faster lol when sensei akatsuki tried to approach fumi, well he's hot i admit it.
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22flo8 · 3 years
[ Yubisaki to Renren ]
title : ゆびさきと恋々
alt title : A Sign of Affection
Artist/Writer : Morishita Suu
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One of the most beautiful manga i've ever read. I consider this as josei demographically eventho it's in shouja tag.
The story is so pure plus the female lead is so innocent. The way i feel like purified while reading this, it's totally worth reading manga.
It's story about Yuki (19) a deaf girl who meet a guy, Itsu (22). He's her bestfriend' friend who is in the same university, international relation to be precise and often travelling abroad. He's fascinated at her the first time they met because he never met a deaf girl before. The way Yuki tried hard to say thanks to him with sign language in their first encounter left a deep impression to Itsu. Itsu feels like he already seen the world enough knowing he's able to speak various languages and travel across the world, yet just in close distance he met someone with language he doesn't understand at all.
I really like how the story bring two totally opposite character, yuki who's impaired and have no idea how wide world is while itsu who has a dream to become a child teacher in rural area (so he travels a lot, around the world), result in a tough but beatiful relationship.
I like Itsu character here. I feel like the result of him travelling around the world, meeting various kinds of people, having conversations, taught him a lot and build him into such a mature person in his 22 years old. The way he tries hard to understand, keep his pace to her, and make extra efforts to understand sign language. Aside of that, there's sense of protectiveness coming from his actions which make Yuki feels secure.
I really like the part where he tells the reason why he decided to date her and it's because he wants to influence her, showing how wide the world is. He realize the purity that's radiated from her, she's so careful and gentle. And also the part where his eyes intensly gaze her with high excitement like she's a rare living thing is soo cute. The amount of fluffiness haha i cant manage
Aside of the story with the poetic narrations (which i really like), his dream to become a child teacher in rural area is a rare thing i found in manga series. It gives me goosebumps as he's really my type (like children, interest in language and culture, like travelling)
Looking forward to where it goes. I get emotional reading this yet open my eyes again on certain levels. I imagine myself travelling many countries with a set in mind thay someday i would be able to become a volunteer in a refugee camp, what a dream. Thanks to this manga for bringing that nostalgic feelings again
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22flo8 · 3 years
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Title : Sesame Salt and Pudding
Alt title : ゴマ塩とぷりん
Artist & Writer : Suzuki Yufuko
This one sure become one of my top 10 josei manga. The dynamic, characters, healthy relationship. I crave for more middle age man because of the ML here. Maaaan he's just sooo attractive (i smiled the entire chapter watching him. how composed and wise. no wonder from ossan) *ossan : middle age man
This is a story abt women (haruhi) in her 22 meeting a middle age man (nagata) in his 42 (old but hella hot i'm not complaining), suddenly get married bcs haruhi proposed him, a stranger, out of nowhere while she's drunk. typical mistake bcs of drinking cliche. The conflict is ofc the age gap, like she's almost half age of the ossan.
Eventho the reason behind their marriage is meh and just forced (she's drunk and suddenly proposed a stranger in the bar and end up filling marriage registration??? and live together?) but later the story got better and better. the plot is not rushed but packed. no drama, proper talk and solutive actions. the best thing from this manga probably the characters. From ossan, haruhi, ryujin. They are really such great characters, especially ossan (gosh he's so coool). In the end, mature man wins my heart over the so called handsome prince boy in every shoujo that act like 'i'm cold but cool'
Ossan really is an incridible characters. He really can handle his emotion. The way he's so composed while facing troubles, the way he's slow but sure, doesn't bring violance to solve problems, always listen and understand her. Every words he said makes sense and realistic. He's that attractive (how many times i alrdy talk this). And i'm grateful he's end up together with the female lead who's also amazing woman who's hardworker and dependable. yass my lovely couple
Plus, it doesn't have smut scene that make it morr enjoyable. I can read it at easily without keeping my guard up.
*I enjoy reading josei these days because some of them taught me so much about how important trust and communication while having relationship. The deep talk about building family, maintaining healthy relarionship, thinking a way to have stable life, career, roles. It just feel right seeing my age rn haha so relatable.
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22flo8 · 4 years
About Kita Shinsuke
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( welp  oh man why r u so attractive you got me cryin )
If I could say, he’s animated version of Do Kyungsoo. Like almost ACCURATE. Karakter, aura, pembawaan, even his dream of being a farmer is just the same. Udah tu gara-gara itu, ngubek-ngubek lagi dan penasaran baca manga cuman yang chapter ada si Kita. Oh well, I’m falling in love. 
I always get weak by such man, who really considerate to his surroundings without showing his affection too much and blatant. He kind of reserved, really calm, would dare to say in cold ways, but all of his words are make sense. He manage to control his emotion, don’t make their feelings drive their actions, rather think deeply and just hit the strike like there’s no waste of actions. He seems to be really rational and always think logically (just wayy the opposite of me) 
He’s raised by his grandma in such beautiful environment, full of love, responsibility, perseverance. He built habits that I couldn’t understand, I mean, how come A MAN LIKE HIM EXIST, such a clean tidy freak, super diligent, just try to do the best without hoping to gain any acknowledgement by others. He’s really confident by what he’s doing not because he feels like the best, but he just do it like how he supposed to do in every training. He just think both training and competition (even NATIONALS) court the same. The thinking of ‘I just can’t messed things up. I’ve been used to this’.
And that’s the reason why his ROLE in the TEAM is the DAMN CAPTAIN catching up the lost rhythm. He’s not regular in the team eventho he’s the team captain, but the moment the coach let him in, means the team’s been under much pressure and annoyance, and he’s the figure to turn the table as how it should be.
i know it sounds cringe and i’m not the typical to write these things, but I’ve lost to his charms. Thank you mr. kita, wish to find a man like you if it’s ever existed TuT
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22flo8 · 4 years
thoughts on “Purple Hyacinth”
mau cerita sedikit tentang salah satu webtoon yang menurutku worth to read banget. khususnya buat yang suka baca webtoon
akhir-akhir ini lagi suka banget baca webtoon dan segala macem per-komik-an setelah sekian lama. awalnya gara-gara iseng baca komik yang genrenya misteri (webtoon ini), terus yang backgroundnya kerajaan (isekai), daaan seterusnya. aku sendiri prefer baca yang genrenya slice of life, romance, drama. menye menye gitu  plus KOMEDI sebenernya. entah kenapa nyangkut di misteri kali ini.
oke back to topic
sekilas liat profile webtoonnya menarik. awalnya mutusin buat baca gara-gara liat gambarnya. meskipun don’t judge books by their covers tapi kugabisa memungkiri kalo emang gambar yang pertama kali kuliat hhehe
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(shout out buat @sophism, sang creator)
jadi aku mau cerita kenapa aku ngrekomendasiin "Purple Hyacinth”! :
1. Gambar
gambar diatas cukup merepresentasikan kenapa ini jadi salah satu faktor aku rekomendasiin webtoon ini . PH (”Purple Hyacinth”) tipikal gambar barat yang cenderung realistis dari segi postur dll. cukup beda sama gambar tipe manga yang biasanya kubaca. kadang suka enggak ‘biasa’ liat gambar-gambar tipe barat yang sedikit mirip sama disney (sementara ku engga begitu seuka animasi disney). menurutku gambarnya bagus bet dan konsisten. aku cukup terganggu kalo sepanjang season tipe gambarnya berubah ato engga konsisten. it’s damn hardthing to do the consistency tho, so yap i feel it. 
trus, ngedukung banget sama genrenya yang misteri, gambarnya dark, tajem dan sorrowful. si kreator nya juga pinter banget mainin lighting di komiknya, bagus banget bikin nambah kesan dark dan kontrasnya enak diliat. lighting komiknya juga bikin komiknya makin keliatan realistis. the characters are hot as well so yeah, it’s pleasure!
2. Cerita
mungkin karena aku jarang baca genre misteri thriller, even novel, ga terbiasa dengan jalan cerita misteri. aku baca diskusi dan review orang tentang cerita PH ini dibilang klise. tipikal take on revenge, balas dendam masa lalu atas pembunuhan atau kejadian yang entah mengenai dirinya atau orang terdekatnya. pelakunya datang dari kelompok oposisi kerajaan yang berdalih bahwa tujuan kelompok mereka buat menghapuskan strata sosial di masyarakat. tapi in other side mereka melakukan kriminal, so.. hypocrite.
tapi eksekusi ceritanya menurutku sangat menarik. ditambah lagi dengan keunikan di pemeran utamanya yang punya kemampuan ‘deteksi kebohongan’. bukan dalam artian sihir ato semacemnya ya, penulis bikin ini jadi masuk akal dengan menjelaskan bahwa si pemeran utama aka Lauren ini bisa ngerasa ada kebohongan karena ada perbedaan nada bicara even sedikit yang enggak dinotice sama orang pada umumnya. trus dibilang lagi bahwa kalo seseorang bohong tapi dia yakin dengan kebohongan itu (so definitely this spoke person is sure with their own lies), ya si Lauren ini gabisa deteksi. tipikal lies detector juga sama. alat pendeteksi kebohongan tu ngedeteksi kebohongan berdasarkan perubahan fisiologis tubuh karena tubuh merespun kebohongan yang diskenario otak, tapi kalo dia bisa meyakinkan dirinya sendiri bahwa kebohongan itu bukan suatu kebohongan, enggak bisa kedeteksi. 
back to jalan cerita. spoiler warning
suka banget gimana si pembuat cerita bikin 2 pemeran utama dari dua ‘kubu’, Lauren yang jadi polisi di bawah kepolisian ardhalis (polisi setempat) sama Kieran yang jadi assasin di bawah purple scythe (oposisi). keduanya sama-sama pengen mengungkap siapa otak di balik kelompok purple scythe. bedanya, Lauren mengambil jalan melawan, Kieran mengambil jalan jadi bawahannya langsung.
hierarki di purple scynthe ini cukup menarik, karna identitas ketua disembunyikan even semua anggota dan ‘ketua bidang’ (ga tau bahasainnya gimana, nyomot istilah dari organisasi) gatau siapa ketua PS ini. jadi, semua komando, perintah, dibawa sama yang namanya messenger yang pake topeng burung (serem gila) dan jumlahnya enggak cuma 1. mereka dinamai dengan ‘nomor’ dan masing-masing identitasnya enggak diketahui. jadi singkatnya, yang menghubungkan anggota dan ketua PS ini adalah si messenger ini.
Kieran punya nama beken assasin Purple Hyacinth. yap, judul webtoon ini. dia punya signature sebagai assasin berupa bunga purple hyacinth yang dia tinggal di target setelah eksekusi. purple hyacinth disini diceritain sebagai bentuk ancaman ke kerajaan, bahwa assasin bernama PH (kieran) ini ga segan-segan bunuh siapapun. but in the other side, bunga ini sebenernya punya makna mendalam. Kieran aka PH sebenernya ga bisa bunuh siapapun kecuali diperintah ato memang ga ada opsi lain. selama karir membunuhnya (karirrrr), dia berusaha buat ‘membunuh’ rasa kemanusiaannya dan ngasi penghormatan terakhir ke korban dengan ngasi bunga purple hyacinth, yang berarti “permintaan maaf dan rasa menyesal”. coba cari makna dibalik bunga ini, mantab.
Lauren dan Kieran akhirnya mutusin buat jadi partner buat ngungkap siapa ketua PS. bukan tipikal, “oke, kita jadi ya” haha cringe. tapi tetep ada jarak, batas, dan kewaspadaan diantara keduanya. secara, Kieran aka PH ini buronan polisi. means, Lauren sebagai anggota kepolisian terpaksa boong dengan identitasnya PH. BACA AJALAH POKOKNYA, KELEWAT SPOILER
jadi secara cerita menarik. alur cerita engga tergesa-gesa, realistis, dan ngena. gada scene yang menurutku ga bermakna. even subtle details explain another. kalo udah episode jauh, kita bakal paham kenapa di awal dia bereaksi kayak gitu, kenapa gini, kenapa ditu. back-forward yang smooth. they throw pieces in the beginning and tease us to connect it to each other like puzzle. im not ready for the mind blowing plot twist yet
PLUS, interaksi tokoh. ini gila banget si. suka banget sama penulis ceritanya gimana dia ngebebanin dialog tiap tokoh ini. gimana caranya biar ga cuma dialog-dialog-an tapi ada makna tersembunyi. gimana kata-kata yang dikeluarin tokohnya juga menggambarkan state mental mereka, gimana pemilihan katanya tepat dalam menggambarkan kondisi seseorang yang lagi in despair, ato seneng, ato sedih. dan enggak terkesan berlebihan.
3. Tokoh
kalo di cerita (apapun) aku suka banget ketika female lead nya tipikal yang mandiri, tangguh, kuat, dependable, cerdas. ya begitulah. karena sering baca manga yang FL nya terkesan lemah dan enggak berdaya. 
Lauren really is another level. dia cewek tapi berani ambil resiko even mati, gangerti lagi, rare woman on cops. awalnya aku mikir, ceritanya terkesan terlalu berlebihan kalo motifnya dia buat balas dendam ke PS karena PS jadi dalang pembunuhan sahabatnya aja. oke, mungkin dia sahabat terbaik satu-satunya, tapi buat sampe determining her life path, jadi cops dan balas dendam ke PS menurutku cukup dangkal.
tapi ternyata setelah berjalan beberapa episode, penyesalan dan rasa balas dendam itu ga cuma karna dia kehilangan sahabatnya, tapi juga kematian kedua orang tuanya yang terlibat dalam insiden itu, belum lagi sama fakta bahwa dia punya kemampuan mendeteksi kebohongan yang sebenernya ketika ada kejanggalan dalam insiden massacre itu dia tau sebelum itu terjadi dan let it slip. dia menyesal, i see.
sexy brain? yes Lauren. Lanjut,
Kieran. keren banget. no doubt he is my main favorite of them all. pengendalian emosi yang keren menurutku, even buat seorang assasin yang bisa dibilang gapunya hati. dia bisa ngasi batas antara kieran dan PH. jelas status dia sebagai assasin aku gasuka haha siapa juga woi yang ngebela pembunuh keji massal ga berperasaan. aku belum bisa nge judge apakah pilihan dia gabung di PS ini bisa ditolerir karena sampe episode 59 belum nyeritain masa lalunya Kieran in detail. banyak orang berasumsi kalo Kieran ini adalah Dylan, sahabat Lauren yang ‘diduga’ mati di insiden itu. tapi klise bet sih haha dan kayaknya ga mungkin karena mereka punya perbedaan secara fisik.
tokoh sampingan, Kym, Will, dan lain-lain yang nambah bumbu manis di ceritanya, bagus. jadi banyak spekulasi di antara tokoh-tokoh ini punya hubungan kuat sama PS even leadernya. let just see.
Aku selalu suka sama cerita yang menyisipkan character development. Keliatan karakter Kieran sedikit berubah semenjak ketemu Lauren. dia mulai membuka diri karena emang sebelumnya dia gapunya siapapun buat ngomong. something bottled up inside will burst out later anyway. begitupun Lauren. sampe sekarang Lauren belum membuka diri soal masa lalunya.
4. OST
mastah banget si kreatornya. terbaik. super talented. 
dia juga bikin soundtrack buat webtoon ini dan aku suka banget. gimana mood lagunya bener-bener support scene ato bagian di webtoonnya dengan baik. gives much more chills than ever! 
udah kayak bikin esai aja ya. intinya, aku suka banget sama webtoon ini karena meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam dan sampe sekarang masih belum bisa move on. selalu kebawa emosi setiap baca ceritanya, dan thumbs up buat karakternya yang well written+drawn. 10/10
sincerely, appreciate the women behind, ephemerys (writer) dan sophism (art-creator). moga ga salah nulis nama. follow ig nya buat dapet konten kocak yang bikin ngilangin stress habis baca webtoonnya
note : bener-bener berdasarkan pendapat pribadi, pada akhirnya balik lagi semua tergantung selera !
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22flo8 · 5 years
pls be mindful and be kind today. pls don't forget to take care of yourselves and reach out to those u love if you're having a hard time. i love u so much, i hope you're all doing well 🌷
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22flo8 · 5 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/2IoIadp1vGA8h5saJdN3Xq?si=l1fwXOpmRlCAjjT_4pAMgw)
i’ve been listening to this and other instrumental soundtracks for 100dmp! it gives you the vibes of village with warm and calm sound. truly love it!
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22flo8 · 5 years
Ramadhan 1440H
Udah berapa abad ini blog enggak jadi ditulis-tulis #ehe
Memulai postingan lagi dengan cerita ramadan tahun ini, ada satu cerita yang mau aku bagi nih
Ramadan kali ini, aku memutuskan buat spare waktu di Bandung. Aku tinggal sampe puasa ke 19, berarti sekitar 2/3 bulan aku habiskan di sini. Sebenernya, kampus udah mulai libur tanggal belasan, cuma karna masih ada kegiatan yang aku terikat didalamnya, sekalian aku ambil tanggal 25 untuk balik ke kampung halaman.
Akhirnya, bisa ngerasain ramadan di Masjid terfavorit sepanjang idup, Masjid Salman ITB. Seneng banget ketika bisa ngerasain atmosfir ramadan yang anget disini. Kegiatan ramadan membludak dengan banyaknya agenda yang diselenggarain Masjid Salman.
Kalau di Masjid Salman, ada kepanitiaan khusus yang ngurusin agenda ramadan ini, yang disebut p3ri. Anggotanya berasal dari pelajar-pelajar kota Bandung, mulai dari SMA, SMK, sampe kuliah dari berbagai institusi.
Untuk mengisi kegabutan ramadan di Bandung, aku akhirnya milih buat ikutan p3ri divisi PPA (Para Pejuang Al-Qur’an). Divisi ini ngapain? Dia memfasilitasi jamaah atau siapapun yang mau ikut program hafalan Qur’an dan ada juga PPA cilik buat adik-adik untuk mengikuti kegiatan TPA. Berhubung aku suka banget sama yang namanya anak-anak (bukan pedofil ya), aku milih buat ikutan di PAC (PPA Cilik).
Selama keberjalanannya, banyak banget hal yang aku dapet, baik pembelajaran dari jadi panitianya, sampe pembelajaran yang dateng dari adik-adik kecilku ini. Kepanitiaan ini terdiri dari orang-orang yang beragam, pun beragam dari usia. Aku belajar buat koordinasi sama orang yang lebih tua (angkatan tua), dan koordinasi sama adik-adikku yang masih SMA ataupun kuliah tingkat 1. Mereka punya pandangan dan cara berpikir yang cukup berbeda. Disini, aku belajar untuk bisa melihat dari sudut pandang berbeda dan memosisikan diriku untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan mereka (berhubung enggak ada yang satu angkatan sama aku).
Adik-adik TPA-ku yang juga jadi guruku
Alasan kenapa aku suka banget sama anak-anak adalah karena mereka selalu menyampaikan ketulusan dan kepolosan. Apapun yang mereka lakuin terasa sangat jujur tanpa ada yang perlu ditutupi atau di-jaim-kan. #okejadibedatopik ini akibat aku yang suka merhatiin orang mungkin #hah?
Awal ketemu mereka, seneng banget rasanya ngeliat mereka semangat banget. Ketawa, cengar-cengir, ada yang kalem, ada juga yang hiperaktif banget. Nano-nano lah pokoknya. Tapi yang sama dari mereka semua adalah satu, langsung bisa terbuka sama kakak-kakaknya, jadi kita bisa gampang buat deketin mereka.
Sampe dateng suatu hari, ketika ada adekku yang cerita banyak hal ke aku. Dia cerita gimana dia diajarin hafalan surat, hadits, do’a selama sekolah.
“Oh itu hadits apa?”
“Ini hadits buat jangan suka marah kak”
“Kak, aku bisa nulis surat al-qariah”
“Kak, aku hafal surat An-Naba”
“Kak, aku mau hafalan An-Naba!”
dan lain-lain.
Adik-adikku ini beberapa dari mereka juga homeschooling karena harus belajar agama.
“Iya, aku sama Zainab homeschooling kak, belajar ngaji”
dan cerita-cerita lainnya.
Disini, bukan aku yang mengajari mereka sesuatu, tapi mereka yang mengajari aku banyak hal.
Sampai timbul dalam hati kecil ini, buat selalu menghadirkan diriku untuk mereka, untuk bikin mereka semangat lagi buat belajar ngaji. Bikin mereka seneng buat ngafalin Qur’an. Dengan begitu, aku pun mendapat rasa semangat itu.
Tepat tanggal 24 Mei kemarin, adik-adikku di’wisuda’. Hal ini menandai berakhirnya PAC. Sedih karena ngeliat mereka yang lagi antusiasnya belajar ngaji, harus disudahi karena keterbatasan waktu. Di hari wisuda ini, seneng banget karena bisa ngeliat mereka menampilkan apa yang mereka dapet selama belajar di PAC. Ada yang tampil tilawah beserta artinya, ada yang tampil hafalan Al-Fatihah beserta artinya, dan ada juga yang tampil pildacil. wkw dan semuanya lucu (lucu dalam arti baik ye).
Mereka baru diminta persiapan H-1 tapi semangatnya itu manteb bet, ga malu buat tampil (ya meskipun awal-awalnya suka gamau).
Ada juga yang lucu, adikku 1 ini yang namanya Ravi. Dia kebagian buat tampil Pildacil. Keren banget dia karena nyiapin teksnya sendiri. Kita nih, kakak-kakaknya udah ekspektasi gimana-gimana gitu. Keren banget kan ini adik satu mau bikin teks sendiri.
Akhirnya kemaren, pas tampil, dia bawa tuh catetannya dia. Udah macem ustad, dengan peci kebesarannya dan koko ijo royo-royonya, dia dengan percaya diri maju dan mengangkat mic. Dia baca tuh tulisannya dikertas satu per satu. Sampe akhirnya dia selesai menyampaikan dengan baca 5 kalimat yang dia bikin sendiri. Salute wkwk
Dia yang berusaha buat menatap audiens, meskipun ternyata dia berhenti sejenak bukan buat ngafalin, tapi akhirnya kembali tertuju pandangannya ke kertas. Salut atas keberanianmu dek!
Ada lagi satu anak yang bikin aku terharu. Dia yang bernama Gani. Ini adek kalem bet. Enggak neko-neko. Tapi giliran disuruh ngaji, semangat. Dia tilawah dengan lancar, dengan tatapan seriusnya. Adem aja liatnya #tresnoakudek. Sampe akhirnya, kemarin waktu disuruh tampil tilawah, dia mengiyakan buat maju dan melantunkan suara beningnya.
Intinya, akhir dari semua ini, yang hampir bikin aku nangis adalah ketika para orang tua dateng menghampiri dan menyalami kita, “Makasih ya kakak-kakak, sudah bimbing anak saya”, “Makasih ya Mbak, sudah bimbing Ravi”, “Mbak, kapan-kapan main ya Mbak ke luwi panjang”, “Mbak, kata Ilma sama Zaenab, mereka sedih PAC udah selesai, katanya lagi kangen-kangennya”.
itu rasanya merinding dan air mata udah di ujung tanduk. Berhubung aku orangnya amat sangat melankolis, jadi ya begini. wkwk
Pada akhirnya, aku bukan siapa-siapa. Pun justru dari adik-adikku inilah aku mendapatkan banyak hal. Memang bener kata orang,
“Ketika kita mengajarkan sesuatu, enggak ada satupun ilmu kita yang hilang. Justru ilmu kita akan bertambah.”
Indahnya berbagi #asek
Yak, jadi itulah secuil cerita ramadanku kali ini. Mungkin bakal ada part2?
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22flo8 · 5 years
Memulai Kembali.
Seneng banget akhirnya tumblr kembali available di Indonesia. Selama beberapa bulan, tumblr sempet diblok karena mengandung konten yang kurang sesuai dengan budaya kita. But actually tho, banyak juga yang ngajarin hal-hal positif!
Berniat buat bikin tumblr baru karna udah enggak sepassion sama tumblr yang lama (yang isinya editan foto-foto oppa korea wkwk), ternyata awal sma aku udah bikin tumblr pake email ini.
waktu mau daftar pake gmail keseharianku,
‘anda sudah terdaftar’
perasaan dulu ga pernah bikin tumblr pake ini akun.
taunya udah ada postingannya. ketawa si liat gimana aku berusaha buat pake bahasa inggris yang masih blepotan sana sini (re:pos sebelumnya). but seems like i was enjoying that time :)
Memulai kembali buat nulis sih lebih tepatnya. pengen bisa seenggaknya nyempetin diri sendiri buat nulis. apapun. terlebih banyak banget hal yang aku alamin di perkuliahan ini yang mungkin bisa kutuangin disini. dan semoga berfaedah.
udah itu aja sih, bismillah! let’s start the journey yuhu
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